HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (C) Y2K Preparation Agenda 6-15-99 Item II C "CENTER OP GOOD IDIMi-PRIDE OP 1.1'4ST 0/14A6E" MAYOR COMMISSIONER S.SC'O1'1 VANDLRG1211,1 Ocoee oy ,� t NY I IM.11 �. o CITY OF OCOEE uannt I1um.xs :,` �'�V — ISO N. tAKP.511(IIEIL DI21V1' SCLSF AADGRSON Q Rt II NDE SCIN V D °Oki.. PI ORIDA 3476 2258 6A1CY PARKER rE �� (407)656 2322 �l S ell NIvvwrR F4 OF GGG0 \ \ IIIIS SIIAPIRO TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ron Strosnider, Fire Chief Kevin Tartar, Information Systems Manager DATE: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 SUBJECT: Year 2000 Project Status Assistant City Attorney Walt Spiva of Foley & Lardner, will give a presentation to the City Commission on June 15. 1999, outlining the overall scope and current status of the City's Year 2000 Consequence Management Plan. Y2K Agenda Iranido: REPORT ON CITY OF OCOEE YEAR 2000 READINESS PROJECT The Year 2000 Date Problem. For many years, computer vendors and other software programmers utilized a variety of programming shortcuts to maximize the amount of data that could be stored on their products, to increase operating speed, and to reduce costs. One of these shortcuts, which was almost universally utilized, was to program and process dates by referring only to the last two digits of any year date. For example, an entry of 071574 or 740715 would be assumed to refer to July 15, 1974. This practice of using two digit date codes continued in later years when programmable microprocessors (embedded chips) were developed and introduced into a wide variety of products. Many computers, software products, and devices containing embedded chips with two digit date codes continued to be sold well into the 1990s, and a few are still available. These software programs and devices containing two digit date codes may treat the year 2000 as the year 1900 and, therefore, are considered unreliable and noncompliant with Year 2000 standards. A compliant program will correctly identify "2000" or "00" as the year 2000, and will continue to operate properly. II. Project Overview. Since January 1997, the City of Ocoee has taken steps to address the Year 2000 date problem. Under the executive sponsorship of the City Manager, the City's Year 2000 Readiness Project is being managed by a project team comprised of two co-managers (the Information Systems Manager and the Fire Chief) and the Directors of each of the City's various departments. An organizational chart for the Project Team is attached as Exhibit A. The Project Team has (i) promoted awareness of the potential problem among the City's staff and its vendors, (ii) inventoried the various systems used by the City, (iii) assessed the likelihood for Year 2000 problems within those systems and their associated risks to the City, (iv) sought manufacturer/vendor compliance information, (v) tested or arranged for upcoming tests of certain equipment or systems where feasible, (vi) developed remediation or replacement plans where appropriate, and (vii) developed contingency plans for important City systems. The Year 2000 Readiness Project also involves contacting vendors, suppliers, utilities, and other providers of products and services used by the City. Copies of our informational request letters and the responses received are available for review. The Project Team will continue to seek information from these sources about their compliance efforts in addition to our own on-going assessment, testing, and remediation efforts. In addition to Project personnel costs and capital expenditure costs funded from the annual budget, the Project Team requested the City Commission to approve additional funds during the mid-year budget review process. The City Commission approved $373,706 for a Year 2000 compliant telephone system and $9,400 for Year 2000 consulting and testing services.. Ill. Project Priorities. (1) The Project Team has identified City systems and services that merit the most attention. These systems and services are those that directly relate to the health and safety of the City's residents. Although all systems and services are important, the City's approach will 006.141584.1 be to give priority to the systems and services that directly promote and protect health and safety. Since the City, its Project Team, and other staff cannot control all variables, such as the uninterrupted supply of electric power or availability of replacement parts, the Project Team hopes to lessen potential Year 2000 impacts through the development of contingency plans for each department. Some aspects of these contingency plans, such as test running emergency backup generators and stockpiling fuel and essential replacement parts, will be carried out during the remaining months of 1999. PHASES OF THE YEAR 2000 READINESS PROJECT 1. Awareness Phase. The Project Team has promoted awareness of the Year 2000 problem throughout the various City departments and among the City's suppliers and vendors. City employees are requested to continually monitor the products and systems used by the City in an effort to identify all potential Year 2000 weaknesses. The Awareness Phase will be continuous throughout the year. The Project Team intends to commence distributing Year 2000 information to City residents by mid- year. The Project Team believes that public awareness can be enhanced by placing Year 2000 informational brochures within City water bills and by posting Year 2000 information on the City's web site. Additional means of disseminating Year 2000 information will be reviewed. It is anticipated that the State of Florida's Team Year 2000 Project will assist in providing an infrastructure for sharing information among Florida counties and municipalities, and to provide coordination among the various emergency management teams. 2. Inventory of Technology and Risk Assessment. (a) The Project Team has reviewed the operations and functions of the City, and has conducted an inventory of the various systems, equipment and devices that may use or rely on computer or embedded chip technology. In summary, this inventory includes hardware and software systems as noted below: O Computers and Computer-Related Network Equipment O Telecommunications Equipment and Systems O Water and Waste Water Utility Systems O Facilities Systems and Equipment (such as lighting, HVAC, security systems, and vehicles) O Other Important Systems (such as electronic funds transfers and emergency medical equipment) A detailed listing of the technology products and systems inventory is attached as Exhibit B. (b) In addition to defining the City's inventory of equipment and systems, an initial assessment was made concerning the likelihood that the equipment or systems would be susceptible to a Year 2000 problem and the potential adverse impact that would result from a failure of the equipment or systems. 006.141584.1 2 The Project Team has assigned four levels of priority to the City's equipment and systems with "1" being assigned the highest priority and "4" as the lowest. The priority rankings for the City's various equipment and systems are shown on the attached Exhibit C. 3. Compliance Assessment. The Project Team has taken a number of steps to investigate the Year 2000 status of equipment and systems listed on the City's inventory. Product vendors and manufacturers of several systems have been contacted and compliance information requested. The publicly accessible web sites of software, hardware, and telecommunications vendors and suppliers have been reviewed to compare items listed on the City's inventory against the items for which Year 2000 information has been posted. Product information, including user and maintenance manuals, have been reviewed for information that might indicate the presence of real time date data within embedded chips contained in various items. The Project Team plans to continue these efforts to obtain as much information as possible with respect to the items listed on the City's Year 2000 inventory. The current compliance status of each item on the inventory is included in the attached Exhibit D. 4. Systems Testing and Remediation. The testing and remediation stage is underway and will continue throughout the year. In January 1999, City staff successfully performed tests on the network servers. A basic date rollover test also has been completed on the computer controlling the wastewater system's primary functions. An independent consultant, InaCom, has been engaged to test 170 workstation computers and other network devices. InaCam's testing commenced on June 4 and is scheduled to be completed in approximately two weeks. These tests are being performed to document Year 2000 compliance of the hardware devices, their internal bios, and the operating software system. The City currently uses ADG Financials as its primary office suite of financial applications software. The applications programs provided by ADG Financials are used to process the City's base financial accounting activities, building permits, occupational licenses, inventory control, fleet maintenance, and utility billing and receipts. The City has received a Year 2000 compliance letter from ADG Financials; however, prior to August 1999 ADG will test an off-line version of their software products on the City's premises. All major functions of their software systems will be tested for Year 2000 compliance during the on-site tests. The hand-held meter readers used by the City are Year 2000 compliant, but the computer system used to download information from the hand-held readers is not compliant. This system will be corrected by installing the upgraded SENSUS AUTOREAD 99 program onto a free upgrade of Microsoft's DOS 5.0 product, and operating the upgraded software on a newer workstation computer already owned by the City. The older computer presently used for this system will not operate the new software and will therefore be disposed of as surplus property. On-site testing is not contemplated for systems not owned by the City (such as railroad crossing signalization or major highway signalization) or for items containing embedded chips, For non- " owned systems, the Project Team is seeking compliance information from the owner or operator of 006.141584.1 3 such systems, and has developed contingency plans for dealing with problems that might be encountered. Similarly, the vendors or manufacturers of equipment containing embedded chips have been contacted for compliance information. Ninety-one vendors/manufacturers have been contacted (via letter or web site) and, to date, 57 have provided a response of some type. The Project Team will continue its efforts to obtain information regarding these systems, and plans to address potential failures through workarounds or contingency plans. If items are determined to be noncompliant, the Project Team intends to fix or replace the item, or if not needed due to a reliable workaround or contingency plan, the item will simply be taken off line. For example, approximately 8 older-type personal computers may be determined in the upcoming testing to be noncompliant. If such is the case, then these noncompliant computers will be taken off the City's network and new computers will be purchased. The decision whether to replace such noncompliant computers during the current fiscal year or during a subsequent fiscal year will depend on staffs ability to consolidate certain activities within our networked environment and to reallocate computer resources to their highest and best use. The Project Team expects to make a compliance redetermination or reassessment of the City's systems and equipment following the testing and remediation efforts. 5. Contingency Planning. (a) General. The members of the Project Team have worked with their staff to develop written contingency plans for each critical system within their respective areas. The contingency plans will be reviewed in light of later-obtained information and adjusted accordingly. Some contingency plans will undergo "live" rehearsals or will otherwise contain a component that will actually be carried out prior to the end of the calendar year. For example, the City's emergency response staff have identified 19 special needs individuals living within the City. Staff have prepared a map identifying the physical residence of each such special need individual. The City's Utilities Department intends to identify any critical replacement parts needed for uninterrupted operation of the City's water and wastewater utilities, and will then create an inventory of these essential replacement parts. The Utilities Department staff has driven a wastewater truck along the entire wastewater system route to determine the elapsed times that could be encountered if primary systems fail and on-site storage facilities have to be assisted by truck pumping and removal of wastewater to the treatment plant. (b) Utilities. Action is presently underway to supplement certain contingency plans. The City's drinking water is supplied in approximately equal proportions by the Forest Oaks and South Water Plants. The newer, South Water Plant, has sufficient existing emergency backup electric power generator capacity to operate the entire plant. The City has recently awarded a contract for the purchase and installation of a new emergency backup electric power generator for the Forest Oaks (North) Water Plant. The new generator is scheduled to be on-line by December 1999 and will have sufficient capacity to operate the 3 high speed water pumps at the plant. Staff believes that the other water system equipment, such as chlorinators, flow meters, and monitoring systems can be replaced with manual systems if a failure occurs within one of those items. 006.141584.1 4 Five of the existing 35 wastewater lift stations have emergency backup electric power generators. Each of the lift stations has a holding area of 150 to 200 gallons capacity which can be allowed to fill if the electric lift pumps cease to operate. As mentioned earlier, if needed, the Utilities Department will operate a 4,000 gallon tank truck and a 1,500 gallon sludge truck to pump out the storage areas and transport the wastewater directly to the wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment plant has sufficient emergency backup electric power generation capacity to operate the entire treatment plant. The Public Works Department will maintain all fuel storage tanks as close to full as possible during December. (e) Telecommunications. The City presently utilizes Orange County's Motorola 800 MIIz radio system for emergency dispatching purposes. Although Orange County was present for successful laboratory testing of the 800 MHz system at Motorola's headquarters, the City of Ocoee has the ability to use the City of Apopka's radio system if needed. The City of Apopka operates an emergency dispatch radio system separate and apart from Orange County. City of Ocoee radios have the necessary radio crystals to use the City of Apopka's frequency, and the City has an agreement with the City of Apopka to use its emergency radio frequency if needed. The Year 2000 contingency plans developed by the City's departments are in many cases merely refinements of existing Emergency Operation Center plans. The Year 2000 contingency plans will not be discarded and forgotten after the threat of Year 2000 disruptions have passed, but for the most part will become additions to the City's Emergency Operations Center plans. In this way, the planning and expense incurred in refining and testing the contingency plans hopefully will benefit the City well beyond the end of the existing millenium. This Report and the attached Exhibits constitute a "Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure" pursuant to Public Law 105-271. 006.141584.1 5 ( ( ( City of Ocoee Year 2000 Team Organizational Chart City Manager I Information fire Chief Systems Manager a Building g ing _. Public Community En fin I Assistant ' H man I IS Tech Planning g Police Recreation City Clerk Relations /U[Iti s Resources Works Director Director I Fire Chef rt Director Chief Director Director Director Director LSuppo Director • Adm n Deputy PIO Ass t t Fin min RH Oman GIS Mapping i SeniorPolice I I St ets Recreation Secretary City Clerk Police Dept Engineer I Supervisor Secretry I es &Graphics 1 Planner Captain Superviser1' Supervisor, L _ 1 Specialist Police Leute nant C'\ALL_DATA\Year2000\Y2K Ofg.flo EXHIBIT A Wednesday, May 19, 1999 City of Ocoee: Technology Products and Inventory List Exhibit B Sort By „...- /4 MFG Description 1 3Com 3Com/USRobotics Modems 2 3Com Network: 3Com Hubs 3 3Com Network: 3Com Network Cards 4 3Com Network: 3Com Routers 5 3Com Network: 3Com Transcend ( Network management ) 6 3M Opticom emitter, Model: M592 7 ABRA ABRA Human Resources 8 AcuCorp AcuCOBOL-GT AcuBench 3.1 Development Software 9 ADG Financial, Bldg Permit, Occupational Lic, Utilities (Progress) 10 AID Electronic Survellance Device Model U-121 sn: 3991 11 Allen-Bradley Allen-Bradley Panel View 550 Chlorine Generator 12 APC APC UPS Powerchute software 13 ATT Telecommunication Infrastructure , _ 14 ATT Wireless Cell Phones ( various depts ) 15 Autodesk AutoCAD Release 14 16 Autodesk AutoCAD MAP Release 3 17 Bank of New York Bond Service Account 18 BellSouth Telephone service to 3 sites ( land lines ) 19 BellSouth Cell Phones ( various depts ) 20 Brother FAX - Model 1950MC sn:61800253 21 Canon Copier - Model NP6551 22 CISCO CAD (AcuCOBOL) (APP: July 19,20,21,22) 23 CISCO CAD (AcuCOBOL) (DATA: July 19,20,21,22) 24 Clone Computer: Various Clones ( Replace 9899 Budget ) 25 Compaq Network: Compaq DeskPro 4000 26 Compaq Network: Compaq Proliant 3000 27 Compaq Network: Compaq Proliant 6000 (qty 4) 28 Compaq Network: Compaq Insight Manager ( Server management ) 29 Compare Mako Air Compressor, Model M3 I 02-4HP 30 Compare Mako Breathing Air Module, Model BAMO7H 31 Consolidated Electric D6201 PLC Controller( SWP, Forest Oaks ) 32 CSX RailRoad Crossing Signals 33 DELL Computer: DELL Clients (qty 83) 34 DELL DELL PowerEdge Server 35 Dictaphone Emergency Telephone Call Recording 36 DOT State and County Traffic Signals 37 Eagleye In-Car Video Monitoring system 38 Emerson VCR - 755 sn: 203-8906428 39 ESRI ESRI ArcView v3.0a 40 ESRI ESRI ArcCAD v14 41 ESRI ESRI ArcView v3.1 42 FileNET Panagon IDM Document Mgt 43 FLGYT Lift Station Pumps: 150 gal (city 35 ) see Microtel 2000 44 Florida Power Corporation Electrical Service to City sites 45 Florida State Department of Revenue 46 FlowMaster Fuel Dist: Pumps 47 FlowMaster Phoenix 8000 Fuel System Vision32 Y2K status5.xls Page 1 06/14/1999 City of Ocoee: Technology Products and Inventory List Exhibit B Sort By ## MFG Description 48 Ford 1985 D-803 49 Ford 1992 B-I20 50 Ford 1992 Taurus 51 Ford 1994 Crown Victoria 52 Ford 1997 Escort 53 Ford 1998 Explorer 54 Ford 1999 Expedition 55 Gateway Network Client Computers 56 Generac Diesel Generator Model: 95A01358-W 57 GPS Television production equipment 58 GPS: Axcent Model 11, Remote Cont frame (see GPS) 59 GPS: Knox Matrix Switch/Router (see GPS) 60 GPS: Mitsubishi VCR HSU-100 (see GPS) - 61 GPS: Panasonic Color Monitor 10", CT-1030M (see GPS) 62 GPS: Pelco MP26DT (see GPS) 63 GPS: Telex AAT-2 (see GPS) 64 Hewlett Packard FAX - HP LaserJet 3100 65 Hewlett Packard HP DeskJet 400 C2642A 66 Honeywell Model T775 HVAC controller- City Hall 67 Horizon Security System: Cameras, Panic Buttons, VCR 68 115 CityCode 69 IMS Complaint Manager (Clarion Database by TopSpeed) `, 70 Intoximeters Breath Alcohol Testing RBT III-A (city 2) 71 IWATSU Telephone: IWATSU PBX (REPLACE) 72 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Computer (REPLACE) 73 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Computer DOS (REPLACE) 74 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Program OCTEL (REPLACE) 75 KME 1993 Renegade VIN: 1 K9AF428RN058948 76 KME 1994 Renegade vim 1 K9AF4288RN058037 77 Kruger WWTP: Kruger Program WONDERWARE 78 - Kruger WWTP: Kruger Computer DELL 79 Kruger WWTP: Kruger Computer OS ( NT 4 Wk) 80 Latham Time Clock Model LTT, sn: U-58100 81 Maryland Software Xenocode Weather Tracker 82 Microsoft BackOffice v1.2, SMS v1.2 83 Microsoft BackOffice v1.2, Exchange Server 4.0 84 Microsoft BackOffice v1.2, SQL Server 6.5 85 Microsoft Operating System: Windows 95 86 Microsoft Operating System: Windows NT 4 Server 87 Microsoft Operating System: Windows NT 4 Workstation 88 Microsoft ACCESS 95 89 Microsoft WORD 95 90 Microsoft EXCEL 95 91 Microsoft POWERPOINT 95 92 Microsoft INTERNET EXPLORER 4.01 93 Microsoft PUBLISHER 97 94 Microsoft Operating System: DOS xxxx Y2K_status5.xls Page 2 06/14/1999 City of Ocoee: Technology Products and Inventory List Exhibit B Sort By ## MFG Description 95 Microsoft Operating System: Windows 3.x 96 Microtel 200 Lift Station Controller/Dialer ( qty 35 ) see FLGYT 97 MobileComm Alphanumeric Pagers 98 MobileComm Alphanumeric Pagers 99 Motorola AIMI BLN-7023A41, sn:CA02J KS, sv:51-90022H24 100 Motorola TOMI BLN-7015B42, sn:CA0261M, sv:5I91038C01-4 101 Motorola TOMI BLN-70151342, sn:CA I LDT4, sv:v30 I 102 Motorola TOMI BLN-7015642, sn:CA02602, sv:5191038C01-4 103 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CAl0Y5C 104 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CAIOY53 105 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CA1JCHC 106 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAIOWNS, sv:51.91006L43 107 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA IOWML, svn5 I-91006L43 108 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAIOWMP, sv:51-91006L43 109 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WN7, sv:51-91006L43 110 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WMF, sv:51-91006L43 111 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WN6, sv:51-91006L43 112 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAJ WSLP, sv:51-91006N10 113 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA1 WSLW, sv:51-91006N10 114 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA1 W5M3, sv:51-91006N10 115 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAIOWM3, sv:51-91006L43 116 Motorola 16 I/O BLN-1165C48, sn:CAIOTJJ, sv:5I-9044C26 ,,,, 117 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-I 635A, sn:228CXR0206, sv:13.03.00 118 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-1635A, sn:228CXR0207, sv:13.03.00 119 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-1635A, sn:228CXR0208, sv:13.04.00 120 Motorola HP VECTRA VE3 TDN-9925 121 Motorola REMOTE ADAPTER L1652 122 Motorola MOBILES, SPECTRA D35ZXA5JE5AK 123 Motorola MOBILES, SPECTRA T35ZXA5JE9AK 124 Motorola MOBILES, MCS-2000 M01 UGM6PW6AN 125 Motorola PORTABLES, MTS-2000 HO1 UCF6PW 1 BN 126 Motorola ZETRON 25 DQ9019019 127 Motorola REMOTES, DGT-9000 L1651A 128 Motorola BOGEN AMPLIFIER TPU-100A 129 Motorola Model MTS2000 I ( radio ) 130 Motorola MTS portable radios 131 Motorola Vehicle chargers 132 Motorola Multiple chargers 133 Motorola Spectra Mobile radio 134 Motorola Spectra Control station 135 Motorola MCS mobile radios 136 Motorola Radio Equipment ( SEE INVENTORY LISTING ) 137 Motorola CONSOLETTE L53SUM7ODOB, sn:1545WA0039 138 Motorola CONSOLETTE L35ZXM5174AM, sn:5I8AWA0001 139 Mowrey Hydralic Elevator SN: 48041 ,.., 140 NexTel Cell Phones ( various dents ) 141 NORTEL Telephone equipment: various types Y2K status5.xls Page 3 06/14/1999 City of Ocoee: Technology Products and Inventory List Exhibit B Sort By ## MFG Description 142 Norte' Meridian 7000 MN# NT8B40AE93 143 Oce Wide Format copier- Model: Oce 7000 144 Okidata Okidata "911" printer ML 182 145 Orange County, FL Property Taxes, 800Mhr radio system, Traffic Lights 146 PageNet Motorola Flex Alphanumeric pagers 147 Paradyne Network: Paradyne CSU/DSU 148 Pentax IQZOOM EZY, 38-70 mm Compact Zoom Camera 149 Physio-Control Life Pak 500 150 Physio-Control Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) 151 Pierce 1996 Chassis: DA-S, Body: HL75PA, 75' Aerial 152 Pierce 1999 Heavy Rescue, Body: Encore, Freightliner chassis FL70 153 Pitney Bowes Model A500 - Scale 0 to 1 154 Pitney Bowes Model El 01 - Reset Meter for Paragon Mailing System 155 Pitney Bowes Model FD40 - Stand alone folder 156 Pitney Bowes Model F400 - Tabletop Inserter base unit, 072898 157 Pitney Bowes Model F401 - Folder for F400 158 Pitney Bowes Model F402 - Folder for F400 159 Pitney Bowes Model F413 - Sheet folder for F400 160 Pitney Bowes Model 1050 - I 5# platform 161 Pitney Bowes Model J083 - Report printer 162 Pitney Bowes Model UBGI - Integrated modul - phase 2 163 Pitney Bowes Model UF40 - MMP feeder/sealer module - phase 2 164 Pitney Bowes Model 1225 Mail opener 165 Positron E911 Telephone equipment 166 Progress Progress v8.2B (ADG Financial package) 167 Quala-tel Sigtronics Intercom Model: EAI-D6 168 Quala-tel Sigtronics Headsets Model: SE-2 169 Quikpager Page Emergency Services from Dispatch 170 Seagate Network: Seagate Tape Backup - Servers 171 SENSUS Meter reading units MODEL 3001 172 SENSUS Meter reading software AutoRead99 173 Spectrum Diesel Generators Model IOODS, sn 192601 174 SPRINT Dial tone and station equipment at various locations 175 Square D WWTP: Model SY / MAX 176 Stalker Radar 177 SunTrust SunTrust Payroll NACHA file ( January 28, 1999 ) 178 Symantec pcANYWHERE 8 179 Symantec ProComm Plus 32 180 TopSpeed Clarion Database Development (IMS) 181 Trane Varitrac HVAC controller- City Hall 182 Ultratec TDD Detector 183 Verio Internet Service Provider ( ocoee.org ) 184 Vivitar 35mm Cameras Vivitar 460PZ Model CR2025 185 Will-Burt Night Scan Light Mast, Model: NS-15-6000, 905388 186 ZETRON Model 25 - Programmable Encoder Y2K status5.xls Page 4 06/14/1999 City of Ocoee: Priority Ranking of Equipment and Systems Exhibit C Sort By Sort By 9# Critical MFG Description 1 1 3Com 3Com/USRobotics Moderns 2 1 3Com Network: 3Com Hubs 3 1 3Com Network: 3Com Network Cards 4 1 3Com Network: 3Com Routers 5 1 3Com Network: 3Com Transcend ( Network management ) 6 1 3M Opticom emitter, Model: M592 7 I AcuCorp AcuCOBOL-GT AcuBench 3.1 Development Software 8 1 APC APC UPS Powerchute software 9 I ATT Telecommunication Infrastructure 10 1 ATT Wireless Cell Phones ( various depts ) 11 I BellSouth Telephone service to 3 sites ( land lines ) 12 1 BellSouth Cell Phones ( various depts ) 13 1 CISCO CAD (AcuCOBOL) (APP: July 19,20,21,22) 14 1 CISCO CAD (AcuCOBOL) (DATA: July 19,20,21,22) 15 1 Compaq Network: Compaq DeskPro 4000 16 1 Compaq Network: Compaq Proliant 3000 17 1 Compaq Network: Compaq Proliant 6000 (city 4) 18 1 Compaq Network: Compaq Insight Manager ( Server management ) 19 1 Compare Mako Air Compressor, Model M3102-4HP 20 1 Compare Mako Breathing Air Module, Model BAMO7H 21 I Consolidated Electric D6201 PLC Controller( SWP, Forest Oaks ) 22 1 CSX RailRoad Crossing Signals _,23 I DELL Computer: DELL Clients (qty 83) 24 I DELL DELL PowerEdge Server 25 I Dictaphone Emergency Telephone Call Recording 26 1 DOT State and County Traffic Signals 27 1 Eagleye In-Car Video Monitoring system 28 1 FLGYT Lift Station Pumps: 150 gal (qty 35 ) see Microtel 2000 29 1 Florida Power Corporation Electrical Service to City sites 30 1 Florida State Department of Revenue 31 I FlowMaster Fuel Dist: Pumps 32 1 Ford 1985 D-803 33 I Ford 1992 B-I20 34 I Ford 1992 Taurus 35 1 Ford 1994 Crown Victoria 36 1 Ford 1997 Escort 37 1 Ford 1998 Explorer 38 I Ford 1999 Expedition 39 I Gateway Network Client Computers 40 1 Generac Diesel Generator Model: 95A01358-W 41 I Horizon Security System: Cameras, Panic Buttons, VCR 42 1 IWATSU Telephone: IWATSU PBX (REPLACE) 43 1 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Computer (REPLACE) 44 I IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Computer DOS (REPLACE) 45 1 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Program OCTEL (REPLACE) 46 1 KME 1993 Renegade VIN: 1K9AF428RN058948 47 1 KME 1994 Renegade yin: 1 K9AF4288RNO58037 Y2K status5.xls Page 1 06/14/1999 City of Ocoee: Priority Ranking of Equipment and Systems Exhibit C Sort By Sort By Wit# Critical MFG Description 48 1 Kruger WWTP: Kruger Program WONDERWARE 49 I Kruger WWTP: Kruger Computer DELL 50 1 Kruger WWTP: Kruger Computer OS ( NT 4 Wk) 51 I Maryland Software Xenocode Weather Tracker 52 1 Microsoft BackOffice v1.2, SMS v1.2 53 1 Microsoft BackOffice vl.2, Exchange Server 4.0 54 1 Microsoft BackOffice v1.2, SQL Server 6.5 55 1 Microsoft Operating System: Windows 95 56 1 Microsoft Operating System: Windows NT 4 Server 57 1 Microsoft Operating System: Windows NT 4 Workstation 58 1 Microtel 200 Lift Station Controller/Dialer ( city 35 ) see FLGYT 59 1 MobileComm Alphanumeric Pagers 60 1 MobileComm Alphanumeric Pagers , - 61 I Motorola AIMI BLN-7023A41, sn:CA02JKS, sv:51-90022H24 62 1 Motorola TOMI BLN-7015642, sn:CA0261 M, sv:5191038C01-4 63 1 Motorola TOMI BLN-7015642, sn:CA1 LDT4, sv:v301 64 1 Motorola TOMI BLN-7015B42, sn:CA02602, sv:5191038C01-4 65 1 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CA10Y5C 66 I Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CA10Y53 67 1 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CA1JCHC 68 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAIOWNS, sv:51-91006L43 69 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WML, sv:51-91006L43 „„70 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAIOWMP, sv:51-91006L43 71 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA1OWN7, sv:51-91006L43 72 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAIOWMF, sv:51-91006L43 73 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WN6, sv:51-91006L43 74 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAI WSLP, sv:51-91006N10 75 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAI WSLW, sv:51-91006N10 76 I Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA1 W5M3, sv:51-91006N10 77 1 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WM3, sv:51-91006L43 78 1 Motorola 16 I/O BLN-I 165C48, sn:CA10TJJ, sv:51-9044C26 79 I Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-1635A, sn:228CXR0206, sv:13.03.00 80 1 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-1635A, sn:228CXR0207, sv:13.03.00 81 1 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-1635A, sn:228CXR0208, sv:13.04.00 82 1 Motorola HP VECTRA VE3 TDN-9925 83 1 Motorola REMOTE ADAPTER L1652 84 1 Motorola MOBILES, SPECTRA D35ZXASJESAK 85 1 Motorola MOBILES, SPECTRA T3SZXASJE9AK 86 I Motorola MOBILES, MCS-2000 M01UGM6PW6AN 87 1 Motorola PORTABLES, MTS-2000 HOl UCF6PW 1 BN 88 1 Motorola ZETRON 25 DQ9019019 89 1 Motorola REMOTES, DGT-9000 LI65IA 90 1 Motorola BOGEN AMPLIFIER TPU-IOOA 9I 1 Motorola Model MTS2000 I ( radio ) 92 I Motorola MTS portable radios 93 I Motorola Vehicle chargers 94 1 Motorola Multiple chargers Y2K status5.xls Page 2 06/14/1999 City of Ocoee: Priority Ranking of Equipment and Systems Exhibit C Sort By Sort By `,t# Critical MFG Description 95 1 Motorola Spectra Mobile radio 96 1 Motorola Spectra Control station 97 1 Motorola MCS mobile radios 98 1 Motorola Radio Equipment ( SEE INVENTORY LISTING ) 99 1 Motorola CONSOLETTE L53SUM70DOB, sn:I545WA0039 100 1 Motorola CONSOLETTE L3SZXMS174AM, sn:518AWA000I 101 1 NexTel Cell Phones ( various depts ) 102 1 NORTEL Telephone equipment: various types 103 1 Nortel Meridian 7000 MN# NT8B40AE93 104 1 Okidata Okidata "911" printer ML 182 105 1 Orange County, FL Property Taxes, 800Mhr radio system, Traffic Lights 106 I PageNet Motorola Flex Alphanumeric pagers 107 1 Paradyne Network: Paradyne CSU/DSU - 108 1 Physio-Control Life Pak 500 109 1 Physio-Control Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) 110 1 Pierce 1996 Chassis: DA-S, Body: HL75PA, 75' Aerial III 1 Pierce 1999 Heavy Rescue, Body: Encore, Freightliner chassis FL70 112 1 Positron E911 Telephone equipment 113 1 Quala-tel Sigtronics Intercom Model: EAI-D6 114 I Quala-tel Sigtronics Headsets Model: SE-2 115 I Quikpager Page Emergency Services from Dispatch 116 I Seagate Network: Seagate Tape Backup - Servers "Ur Spectrum 1 Spectrum Diesel Generators Model I00D5, sn 192601 118 1 SPRINT Dial tone and station equipment at various locations 119 1 Square D WWTP: Model SY / MAX 120 I Stalker Radar 121 1 SunTrust SunTrust Payroll NACHA file ( January 28, 1999 ) 122 1 Ultratec TDD Detector 123 1 Will-Burt Night Scan Light Mast, Model: NS-15-6000, 905388 124 1 ZETRON Model 25 - Programmable Encoder 125 2 Allen-Bradley Allen-Bradley PanelView 550 Chlorine Generator 126 2 Honeywell Model T775 HVAC controller- City Hall 127 2 Intoximeters Breath Alcohol Testing RBT III-A (city 2) 128 2 Microsoft ACCESS 95 129 2 Microsoft WORD 95 130 2 Microsoft EXCEL 95 131 2 Trane Varitrac HVAC controller- City Hall 132 3 ADG Financial, Bldg Permit, Occupational Lic, Utilities (Progress) 133 3 AID Electronic Survellance Device Model U-121 sn: 3991 134 3 Bank of New York Bond Service Account 135 3 Hewlett Packard FAX - HP LaserJet 3100 136 3 Progress Progress v8.2B (ADG Financial package) 137 4 ABRA ABRA Human Resources 138 4 Autodesk AutoCAD Release 14 139 4 Autodesk AutoCAD MAP Release 3 • 140 4 Brother FAX - Model I950MC sn:61800253 '7141 4 Canon Copier- Model NP6551 Y2K status5.xls Page 3 06/14/1999 City of Ocoee: Priority Ranking of Equipment and Systems Exhibit C Sort By Sort By It/ Critical MFG Description 142 4 Clone Computer: Various Clones ( Replace 9899 Budget ) 143 4 Emerson VCR- 755 sn: 203-8906428 144 4 ESRI ESRI ArcView v3.0a 145 4 ESRI ESRI ArcCAD v14 146 4 ESRI ESRI ArcView v3.I 147 4 FileNET Panagon IDM Document Mgt 148 4 FlowMaster Phoenix 8000 Fuel System Vision32 149 4 GPS Television production equipment 150 4 GPS: Axcent Model 11, Remote Cont frame (see GPS) 151 4 GPS: Knox Matrix Switch/Router (see GPS) 152 4 GPS: Mitsubishi VCR HSU-100 (see GPS) 153 4 GPS: Panasonic Color Monitor 10", CT-1030M (see GPS) 154 4 GPS: Pelco MP26DT (see GPS) . 155 4 GPS: Telex AAT-2 (see GPS) 156 4 Hewlett Packard HP DeskJet 400 C2642A 157 4 IIS CityCode 158 4 IMS Complaint Manager (Clarion Database by TopSpeed) 159 4 Latham Time Clock Model LTT, sn: U-58100 160 4 Microsoft POWERPOINT 95 161 4 Microsoft INTERNET EXPLORER 4.01 162 4 Microsoft PUBLISHER 97 163 4 Microsoft Operating System: DOS xxxx ',W.64 4 Microsoft Operating System: Windows 3.x 165 4 Mowrey Hydralic Elevator SN: 48041 166 4 Oce Wide Format copier- Model: Oce 7000 167 4 Pentax IQZOOM EZY, 38-70 mm Compact Zoom Camera 168 4 Pitney Bowes Model A500 - Scale 0 to 1 169 4 Pitney Bowes Model E101 - Reset Meter for Paragon Mailing System 170 4 Pitney Bowes Model FD40 - Stand alone folder 171 4 Pitney Bowes Model F400 - Tabletop Inserter base unit, 072898 172 4 Pitney Bowes Model F401 - Folder for F400 173 4 Pitney Bowes Model F402 - Folder for F400 174 4 Pitney Bowes Model F4I 3 - Sheet folder for F400 175 4 Pitney Bowes Model J050 - 15# platform 176 4 Pitney Bowes Model J083 - Report printer 177 4 Pitney Bowes Model UBG1 - Integrated modul - phase 2 178 4 Pitney Bowes Model UF40 - MMP feeder/sealer module - phase 2 179 4 Pitney Bowes Model 1225 Mail opener 180 4 SENSUS Meter reading units MODEL 3001 181 4 SENSUS Meter reading software AutoRead99 182 4 Symantec pcANYWHERE 8 183 4 Symantec ProComm Plus 32 184 4 TopSpeed Clarion Database Development (IMS) 185 4 Verio Internet Service Provider ( ocoee.org ) 186 4 Vivitar 35mm Cameras Vivitar 460PZ Model CR2025 Y2K status5.xls Page 4 06/14/1999 ( ( ( City of Ocoee: Inventory Compliance Status ..xhibit D Sor By Sort By /en Cri cal MFG Description Status: Full 1 3Com 3Com/USRobotics Moderns Compliance Statement from Web Site 2 3Com Network: 3Com Hubs Compliance Statement from Web Site 3 3Com Network: 3Com Network Cards Compliance Statement from Web Site 4 3Com Network: 3Com Routers Compliance Statement from Web Site 5 3Com Network: 3Com Transcend ( Network management ) Compliance Statement from Web Site 6 3M Opticom emitter, Model: M592 Compliance Request Sent 7 AcuCorp AcuCOBOL-GT AcuBench 3.I Development Software Compliance Statement from Web Site 8 APC APC UPS Powerchute software Compliance Statement by Letter 9 ATT Telecommunication Infrastructure Vendor Awareness and Testing 0 ATT Wireless Cell Phones ( various depts ) Vendor Awareness and Testing I BellSouth Telephone service to 3 sites ( land lines ) Vendor Awareness and Testing 2 BellSouth Cell Phones ( various depts ) Vendor Awareness and Testing 3 CISCO CAD (AcuCOBOL) (APP: July 19,20,21,22) Compliant with Upgrade 4 CISCO CAD (AcuCOBOL) (DATA: July 19,20,21,22) Compliant with Upgrade 5 Compaq Network: Compaq DeskPro 4000 Compliance Statement from Web Site 6 Compaq Network: Compaq Proliant 3000 Compliance Statement from Web Site 7 Compaq Network: Compaq Proliant 6000 (qty 4) Compliance Statement from Web Site 8 Compaq Network: Compaq Insight Manager ( Server management) Compliance Statement from Web Site 9 Compare Mako Air Compressor, Model M3102-4HP Compliance Statement by Letter 20 Compare Mako Breathing Air Module, Model BAMO7H Compliance Statement by Letter 21 Consolidated Electric D6201 PLC Controller( SWP, Forest Oaks ) Compliance Request Sent 22 CSX RailRoad Crossing Signals Compliance Statement by Letter 23 DELL Computer: DELL Clients (qty 83) Compliance Statement from Web Site 24 DELL DELL PowerEdge Server Compliance Statement from Web Site 25 Dictaphone Emergency Telephone Call Recording Vendor Awareness and Testing 26 DOT State and County Traffic Signals Compliance Statement by Letter 27 Eagleye In-Car Video Monitoring system Compliance Statement by Letter 28 FLGYT Lift Station Pumps: 150 gal (qty 35 ) see Microtel 2000 Compliance Statement by Letter 29 Florida Power Corporation Electrical Service to City sites Vendor Awareness and Testing 30 Florida State Department of Revenue Compliance Statement by Letter 31 FlowMaster Fuel Dist: Pumps Not Compliant 32 Ford 1985 D-803 Compliance Statement by Letter 33 Ford 1992 B-120 Compliance Statement by Letter 34 Ford 1992 Taurus Compliance Statement by Letter 35 Ford 1994 Crown Victoria Compliance Statement by Letter 36 Ford 1997 Escort Compliance Statement by Letter 37 Ford 1998 Explorer Compliance Statement by Letter 38 Ford 1999 Expedition Compliance Statement by Letter 39 Gateway Network Client Computers Compliance Statement from Web Site Y2K status5.xls Page 1 06/14/1999 ' ( 1 exhibit D City of Ocoee: Inventory Compliance Status Sor By Sort By HU Cri ical MFG Description Status: Full 40 Generac Diesel Generator Model: 95A01358-W Compliance Statement by Letter 41 Horizon Security System: Cameras, Panic Buttons, VCR Compliance Request Sent 42 IWATSU Telephone: IWATSU PBX (REPLACE) Not Compliant 43 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Computer (REPLACE) Not Compliant 44 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Computer DOS (REPLACE) Not Compliant 45 IWATSU Telephone: Voicemail Program OCTEL (REPLACE) Not Compliant 46 KME 1993 Renegade VIN: I K9AF428RNO58948 Compliance Statement by Letter 47 KME 1994 Renegade yin: I K9AF4288RNO58037 Compliance Statement by Letter 48 Kruger WWTP: Kruger Program WONDERWARE Compliance Statement by Letter 49 Kruger WWTP: Kruger Computer DELL Compliance Statement from Web Site 50 Kruger WWTP: Kruger Computer OS ( NT 4 Wk) Compliance Statement from Web Site 51 Maryland Software Xenocode Weather Tracker Compliance Request Sent 52 Microsoft BackOffice v1.2, SMS v1.2 Compliance Statement from Web Site 53 Microsoft BackOflice v1.2, Exchange Server 4.0 Compliance Statement from Web Site 54 Microsoft BackOffice v1.2, SQL Server 6.5 Compliance Statement from Web Site 55 Microsoft Operating System: Windows 95 Compliance Statement from Web Site 56 Microsoft Operating System: Windows NT 4 Server Compliance Statement from Web Site 57 Microsoft Operating System: Windows NT 4 Workstation Compliance Statement from Web Site 58 Microtel 200 Lift Station Controller/Dialer ( qty 35 ) see FLGYT Compliance Statement from Web Site 59 MobileComm Alphanumeric Pagers Compliance Statement by Letter 60 MobileComm Alphanumeric Pagers Compliance Statement by Letter 61 Motorola AIMI BLN-7023A41, sn:CA02JKS, sv:51-90022H24 Compliance Statement from Web Site 62 Motorola TOMI BLN-70I5B42,sn:CA026 I M,sv:5191038C01-4 Compliance Statement from Web Site 63 Motorola TOMI BLN-70I5B42,sn:CAI LDT4, sv:v301 Compliance Statement from Web Site 64 Motorola TOMI BLN-7015B42,sn:CA02602, sv:5191038C01-4 Compliance Statement from Web Site 65 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CAI OY5C Compliance Statement from Web Site 66 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CA I0Y53 Compliance Statement from Web Site 67 Motorola AEI BLN-6845A49, sn:CA1 JCHC Compliance Statement from Web Site 68 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WN5, sv:51-91006L43 Compliance Statement from Web Site 69 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA10WML, sv:51-91006L43 Compliance Statement from Web Site 70 a Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAI OWMP, sv:51-91006L43 Compliance Statement from Web Site 71 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA I OWN7, sv:51-91006L43 Compliance Statement from Web Site 72 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49,sn:CA10WMF, sv:51-91006L43 Compliance Statement from Web Site 73 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49,sn:CAI OWN6, sv:5 I-91006L43 Compliance Statement from Web Site 74 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA1 WSLP, sv:51-91006N10 Compliance Statement from Web Site 75 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAI WSLW, sv:5 I-91006N10 Compliance Statement from Web Site 76 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CA I W5M3, sv:51-91006N10 Compliance Statement from Web Site 77 Motorola BIM BLN-6654D49, sn:CAIOWM3, sv:51-91006L43 Compliance Statement from Web Site 78 Motorola 16 I/O BLN-I I 65C48, sn:CA10TJJ, sv:51-9044C26 Compliance Statement from Web Site Y2K_status5.xls Page 2 06/14/1999 1 1 t .xhibit D City of Ocoee: Inventory Compliance Status Sor By Sort By ## Cri cal MFG Description Status: Full 79 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-1635A, sn:228CXR0206, sv:13.03.00 Compliance Statement from Web Site 80 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-I635A, sn:228CXR0207, sv:13.03.00 Compliance Statement from Web Site 81 Motorola SERIES 2+ CONSOLE B-1635A,sn:228CXR0208, sv:13.04.00 Compliance Statement from Web Site 82 Motorola HP VECTRA VE3 TDN-9925 Compliance Statement from Web Site 83 Motorola REMOTE ADAPTER L1652 Compliance Statement from Web Site 84 Motorola MOBILES, SPECTRA D35ZXASJE5AK Compliance Statement from Web Site 85 Motorola MOBILES, SPECTRA T35ZXA5JE9AK Compliance Statement from Web Site 86 Motorola MOBILES, MCS-2000 MOI UGM6PW6AN Compliance Statement from Web Site 87 Motorola PORTABLES, MTS-2000 H01 UCF6PW IBN Compliance Statement from Web Site 88 Motorola ZETRON 25 DQ9019019 Compliance Statement from Web Site 89 Motorola REMOTES, DGT-9000 LI651A Compliance Statement from Web Site 90 Motorola BOGEN AMPLIFIER TPU-100A Compliance Statement from Web Site 91 Motorola Model MTS2000 I ( radio ) Compliance Request Sent 92 Motorola MTS portable radios Compliance Request Sent 93 Motorola Vehicle chargers Compliance Request Sent 94 Motorola Multiple chargers Compliance Request Sent 95 Motorola Spectra Mobile radio Compliance Request Sent 96 Motorola Spectra Control station Compliance Request Sent 97 Motorola MCS mobile radios Compliance Request Sent 98 Motorola Radio Equipment ( SEE INVENTORY LISTING ) Vendor Awareness and Testing 99 Motorola CONSOLETTE L53SUM70DOB,sn:154SWA0039 Vendor Awareness and Testing 00 Motorola CONSOLETTE L35ZXM5174AM, sn:5 I8AWA000I Vendor Awareness and Testing 01 NexTel Cell Phones (various depts) Vendor Awareness and Testing 02 NORTEL Telephone equipment:various types Compliance Statement by Letter 03 Nortel Meridian 7000 MN#NT8B40AE93 Compliance Request Sent 04 Okidata Okidata "91 I" printer ML 182 Compliance Statement from Web Site 05 Orange County, FL Property Taxes, 800Mhr radio system, Traffic Lights Compliance Statement from Web Site 06 PageNet Motorola Flex Alphanumeric pagers Compliance Request Sent 07 Paradyne Network: Paradyne CSU/DSU Compliance Statement by Letter 08 Physio-Control Life Pak 500 Compliance Statement by Letter 09 Physio-Control Automatic External Defibrillator(AED) Compliance Statement by Letter 10 Pierce 1996 Chassis: DA-S, Body: HL75PA, 75' Aerial Compliance Request Sent 11 Pierce 1999 Heavy Rescue, Body: Encore, Freightliner chassis FL70 Compliance Request Sent 12 Positron E9 I 1 Telephone equipment Compliance Statement from Web Site 13 Quala-tel Sigtronics Intercom Model: EAI-D6 Compliance Statement by Letter 14 Quala-tel Sigtronics Headsets Model: SE-2 Compliance Statement by Letter 15 Quikpager Page Emergency Services from Dispatch Compliance Request Sent 16 Seagate Network: Seagate Tape Backup - Servers Compliance Statement by Letter 17 Spectrum Diesel Generators Model I OODS, sn 192601 Compliance Statement by Letter Y2K status5.xls Page 3 06/14/1999 4. ( ( City of Ocoee: Inventory Compliance Status exhibit D 5or By Sort By ## Cri ical MFG Description Status: Full 18 SPRINT Dial tone and station equipment at various locations Compliance Statement from Web Site 19 Square D WWTP: Model SY /MAX Compliance Statement by Letter 20 Stalker Radar Compliance Statement by Letter 21 SunTrust SunTrust Payroll NACHA file ( January 28, 1999 ) Compliance Statement by Letter 22 filtrate( TDD Detector Compliance Statement from Web Site 23 Will-Burt Night Scan Light Mast, Model: NS-15-6000, 905388 Compliance Statement by Letter 24 ZETRON Model 25 -Programmable Encoder Compliance Statement by Letter 25 2 Allen-Bradley Allen-Bradley PanelView 550 Chlorine Generator Compliance Request Sent 26 2 Honeywell Model T775 HVAC controller-City Hall Vendor Awareness and Testing 27 2 Intoximeters Breath Alcohol Testing RBT III-A (qty 2) Compliance Statement by Letter 28 2 Microsoft ACCESS 95 Compliance Statement from Web Site 29 2 Microsoft WORD 95 Compliance Statement from Web Site 30 2 Microsoft EXCEL 95 Compliance Statement from Web Site 31 2 Trane Varitrac HVAC controller-City Hall Compliance Statement from Web Site 32 3 ADG Financial, Bldg Permit, Occupational Lic, Utilities (Progress) Compliance Statement by Letter 33 3 AID Electronic Survellance Device Model U-121 sn: 3991 Compliance Request Sent 34 3 Bank of New York Bond Service Account Compliance Statement by Letter 35 3 Hewlett Packard FAX- HP Laserjet 3100 Compliance Statement from Web Site 36 3 Progress Progress v8.2B (ADG Financial package) Compliance Statement from Web Site 37 4 ABRA ABRA Human Resources Compliance Statement from Web Site 38 4 Autodesk AutoCAD Release 14 Compliance Statement from Web Site 39 4 Autodesk AutoCAD MAP Release 3 Compliance Statement from Web Site 40 4 Brother FAX - Model 1950MC sn:61800253 Vendor Awareness and Testing 41 4 Canon Copier- Model NP65SI Compliance Statement Iron, Web Site 42 4 Clone Computer: Various Clones ( Replace 9899 Budget ) Not Compliant 43 4 Emerson VCR- 755 sn: 203-8906428 Compliance Request Sent 44 4 ESRI ESRI ArcView v3.0a Compliance Statement Iron, Web Site 45 4 ESRI ESRI ArcCAD v14 Compliance Statement Iron, Web Site 46 4 ESRI ESRI ArcView v3.1 Compliance Statement from Web Site 47 4 FileNET Panagon IDM Document Mgt Compliance Statement from Web Site 48 4 FlowMaster Phoenix 8000 Fuel System Vision32 Compliance Request Sent 49 4 GPS Television production equipment Compliance Request Sent 50 4 GPS: Axcent Model 11, Remote Cont frame (see GPS) Compliance Request Sent 51 4 GPS: Knox Matrix Switch/Router (see GPS) Compliance Request Sent 52 4 GPS: Mitsubishi VCR HSU-100 (see GPS) Compliance Request Sent 53 4 GPS: Panasonic Color Monitor 10", CT-1030M (see GPS) Compliance Request Sent 54 4 GPS: Pelco MP26DT (see GPS) Compliance Request Sent 55 4 GPS: Telex AAT-2 (see GPS) Compliance Request Sent 56 4 Hewlett Packard HP Desklet 400 C2642A Compliance Statement from Web Site Y2K status5.xls Page 4 06/14/1999 4 City of Ocoee: Inventory Compliance Status txhibit D Sort By Sort By ## Critical MFG Description Status: Full 157 4 115 CityCode Compliance Statement by Letter 158 4 IMS Complaint Manager(Clarion Database by TopSpeed) Compliance Request Sent 159 4 Latham Time Clock Model LTT, sn: U-58100 Compliance Request Sent 160 4 Microsoft POWERPOINT 95 Compliance Statement from Web Site 161 4 Microsoft INTERNET EXPLORER 4.01 Compliance Statement from Web Site 162 4 Microsoft PUBLISHER 97 Compliance Statement from Web Site 163 4 Microsoft Operating System: DOS xxxx Not Compliant 164 4 Microsoft Operating System: Windows 3.x Not Compliant 165 4 Mowrey Hydrallc Elevator SN: 48041 Compliance Statement by Letter 166 4 Oce Wide Format copier-Model: Oce 7000 Compliance Statement from Web Site 167 4 Pentax IQZOOM EZY, 38-70 mm Compact Zoom Camera Compliance Statement by Letter 168 4 Pitney Bowes Model A500-Scale 0 to I Compliance Statement by Letter 169 4 Pitney Bowes Model El 01 -Reset Meter for Paragon Mailing System Compliance Statement by Letter 170 4 Pitney Bowes Model FD40- Stand alone folder Compliance Statement by Letter 171 4 Pitney Bowes Model F400-Tabletop Inserter base unit,072898 Compliance Statement by Letter 172 4 Pitney Bowes Model F401 -Folder For F400 Compliance Statement by Letter 173 4 Pitney Bowes Model F402 -Folder for F400 Compliance Statement by Letter 174 4 Pitney Bowes Model F41 3 -Sheet folder for F400 Compliance Statement by Letter 175 4 Pitney Bowes Model J050- 15#platform Compliance Statement by Letter 176 4 Pitney Bowes Model J083 - Report printer Compliance Statement by Letter 177 4 Pitney Bowes Model UBG I - Integrated modul-phase 2 Compliance Statement by Letter 178 4 Pitney Bowes Model UF40-MMP feeder/sealer module-phase 2 Compliance Statement by Letter 179 4 Pitney Bowes Model 1225 Mail opener Compliance Statement by Letter 180 4 SENSUS Meter reading units MODEL 3001 Compliance Statement by Letter 181 4 SENSUS Meter reading software AutoRead99 Compliant with Upgrade 182 4 Symantec pcANYWHERE 8 Compliance Statement from Web Site 183 4 Symantec ProComm Plus 32 Compliance Statement from Web Site 184 4 TopSpeed Clarion Database Development (IMS) Compliance Statement from Web Site 185 4 Verio Internet Service Provider( ocoee.org) Vendor Awareness and Testing 186 4 Vivitar 35mm Cameras Vivitar 460PZ Model CR2025 Compliance Statement by Letter Y2K status5.xis Page 5 06/14/1999