HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (C) Discussion/ Action re: Telecommunications Award Agendap 6-15-99 -CENTER OF GOOD LJ{7NG-PRIDE OF KEST ORANGE'. MAI�nUCo icssn,NER S. SCOT :VANDERGRIFT OCOGG owv] SION}RS CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWE_LL SCOTT ANDERSON r� 2 I51J N. LAA"P.SIIORE DRIVE RUSTY JOh NSON G ��W..il OCOEE,. FIua1DA34761-225R NANCY J.PARKER n�, p (407)656-2322 ta. CRY MANAGER 4.4.Of 0(100 El Ads SHAPIRO • TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Kevin Tartar, Information Systems Manager DATE: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 SUBJECT: City-wide Telecommunications Project Respectfully submitted for your review, please find the following attachments. I) City-wide Telecommunications Project Goal Statement / Overview 2) Analysis of the response to the"Request for Proposal #99-002" Staff is requesting approval of the Recommended Vendor at the June 15, 1999 Commission meeting and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all necessary documents. Teen Agenda Item.dx 6fr, CITY OF OCOEE City-wide Telecommunications System During the 1997-1998 Budget year, one of the projects assigned to the Information Systems division was to research and implement an Interactive Voice Response system (IVR) at City Hall. An Interactive Voice Response system is essentially a business class telephone menu system that can connect to a computer network database and provide information, such as a citizens utility bill balance, while a caller is online. The primary purpose at that time was to provide the public with a more efficient means to schedule an inspection from the Building department. Since the existing Octel VoiceMail system is a simple DOS based product without any network support, the search was on for a compatible software product. While there are several IVR systems on the market with the capabilities the City desired, none would work with our I W ATSU PBX in City Hall. Further research indicated the main telephone equipment in City Hall uses a proprietary language and does not provide any network capabilities. During the research phase of this project, we also discovered that our IWATSU PBX Model: ADIX 504X-CNIM is listed as a discontinued product and is not considered Year 2000 compliant by the manufacturer. Considering the critical nature of the telephone system in conducting business between City Hall and the Citizens of Ocoee, staff was directed to research a replacement system. An in-house audit of all City telephone equipment and lines revealed that as the City had grown over the years, telephone service was added as a new employee was hired or as a department acquired an office building in a remote location. Essentially the City currently has thirteen incompatible telephone systems, one for each building. The City has 160 telephone numbers and receives over 35 monthly statements from four different telecommunications vendors. The current telecommunications system is de-centralized and inefficient and does not provide features such as call transfer between buildings, centralized voicemail, a single point of contact for repair service or a single organized billing statement by department. In short, the City has no viable telecommunications master plan addressing the basic needs of management and future growth. At this point the original project goal of installing an Interactive Voice Response system had presented two distinct options. 1. The City can just replace equipment that is technically obsolete ( the City Hall IWATSU PBX and Octel Voicemail system ), to support the IVR system. 2. Staff can use this opportunity to develop an overall Telecommunications Master Plan for the City, similar in scope to the Computer Network Plan implemented over the last 2 9z years. Telco Overxicw2 doe During the last few months, through extensive user surveys, existing equipment inventory and meetings with telecommunication consultants, staff has recognized that voice and data technologies arc converging and that telecommunications,data, fax and video are rapidly becoming more integrated. A new telecommunications system that leverages this convergence of voice and data within a centralized framework will save money by eliminating duplicate lines and more importantly will ease administration and maintenance. The City of Ocoee's goal is to replace the existing telephone equipment with new multimedia technologies, applications, equipment and network services compatible with the City's existing computer network. This will enable its end users (staff) and customers (citizens) to meet the changing business requirements of today and tomorrow. It is the intent to Icase/purchase a new telecommunications system that offers centralized in-house management, productivity and affordability for the City and its citizens and meets the challenges of a distributed workplace. Of course, Year 2000 compliance on all systems is a must. This plan will provide a unique telecommunications solution that can increase the productivity of remote workers by connecting them to a central communications systems based in City Hall. Some equipment features that will be available to on-site and remote staff include the following: • Interactive Voice Response ( schedule Building inspections, check Utility bill balance, enroll in Recreation Center programs,etc ) • Leave and retrieve voice messages ( local and remote) • Access features such as Hold, Drop, Transfer and Conference • Cover multiple calls, including voice mail • Transfer calls anywhere within the system • Caller ID within the system • Administrative call tracking • Administrative moves, adds and changes On May 4, 1999 the City Commission approved the Mid-Year Budget Amendment with Telecommunications project funding and on May 9, 1999 the City advertised the City of Ocoee Request for Proposal #99-002 for a City-Wide Telecommunication System. Twenty-one telecommunication vendors picked up the RFP package but only three vendors provided proposals: • Fore Systems • Lucent Technologies • Sprint-Florida Exhibit A is a copy of the Telecommunications RFP. The RFP described the state of the current telecommunications system and the required list of capabilities and features that would best serve the City in the future. This project is to be a turn-key single vendor/point of contact project. Equipment AND Dialtone. rei«0vervicw2.dix Exhibit B, C and D are copies of the proposals submitted by each vendor. A Telecommunications RFP Committee consisting of live staff members reviewed all proposals and evaluated each based on eight main criteria: 1. Did the Vendor provide all features requested? ( Equipment and Dialtone ) • The telephone equipment proposed by all three vendors was state of the art, however one vendor (FORE) chose not to include dialtone. One of the main criteria was consolidation of the City's phone lines. Both Lucent and Sprint provided equipment and dialtone. 2. Vendor experience in similar projects • Both Lucent and Sprint listed multiple projects in Florida. Fore listed several interesting projects but none were located in Florida. 3. Client references • Staff verified references for Lucent and Sprint but received no call backs from FORE references 4. Warranty type and Response time • FORE provides Standard support 8am-5pm Monday through Friday with a 4 hour response time. 24hours a day/7 days a week support is optional • LUCENT provides Standard support 8am-5pm Monday through Friday with a 2 hour response time. 24hours a day/7 days a week support is optional • Sprint provides Full Service 24hours a day/7 days a week support for Police and Fire safety services and Standard support 8am-5pm Monday through Friday with a 2 hour response time for all other City sites. 5. Project timeline( Start July 1, 1999) • All vendors will follow the timeline in the RFP 6. On-site Project Manager • All vendors will assign an On-site Project Manager 7. Cost of project: Installation/Equipment and monthly charges • FORE Equipment/Installation: $1,008,622.80, Monthly: 0 ( no dialtone) • Lucent Equipment/Installation: $267,263.52, Monthly: $6591.00 • Sprint Equipment/Installation: $335,328.46, Monthly: $4995.00 8. Technical design • FORE provides equipment ONLY. Effectively worthless without dialtone. See attached Exhibit E. 'rdw o•.rvm.,2.doe • Lucent provides equipment and dialtonc, however only seven remote sites have direct connections to City Hall. 'three of these direct connections support five other sites: WWTP supports the Beech Center, Fire Station 4 supports Forest Oaks and Vignetti, and Fire Station 3 supports West Oaks Mall and SWP. While this design keeps the installation costs down there arc some inherent risks. If the WWTP connection to City Hall goes down then the Beech Center is down. If the Fire Station 4 connection to City Hall goes down then Forest Oaks and Vignetti also go down. If the Fire Station 3 connection to City Hall goes down then West Oaks Mall and South Water Plant also go down. A kind of domino effect. This design is not in the best interests of the City. See attached Exhibit F. • Sprint provides direct connections to each of the twelve remote sites. If a connection is lost, it ONLY affects one site. This design is similar to the City's Wide Area Network and is considered stable and very flexible. Very easy to add or move a connection to City Ilall. Best design of the three vendors. See attached Exhibit G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: After extensive review, staff respectfully recommends that the Telecommunication contract be awarded to Sprint-Florida for the following reasons: The technical design is by far the most straight forward. All new PBX equipment will be installed in the City Hall server room providing centralized management, voicemail, IVR and network connection. Any bandwidth not utilized by the telephones is available to be used as network connections. This will eliminate even more modem lines and provide better Wide Area Network services to sites like Public Works and Waste Water Treatment Plant. Sprint is the only vendor to recognize the need for 24/7 support for Police and Fire safety services and provide this as standard not an upgrade ($ ) service. The City currently spends $6200 per month on telephone service (dialtone). After the installation is paid over 36 or 48 or 60 months, the monthly dialtone charge from Sprint will be$4995, or $1200 less than the City currently pays. While Sprint is not the lowest bid, staff believes that, without negotiating change orders, the overall technical design, service and pricing scheme will serve the best interests of the City in the long term. Telco O enicw2.mc Exhibit E FORE SYSTEMS Proposed Telecommunication System Design Equipment only, No connections provided with proposal IRE ARMIN PUBLIC POUCE WORKS ADMEN / (3-EECH CAA4MUNfIYRt ATIONCENTERENTER ASTW \ WEST ATER CITY OAKS TREATMENT HALL MALL PLANT' / POLICE VIGNETII /- IRE RECREATION r CENTER STATION 3 STATION 4 FIRE WATER PI ANry // FOREST OAKS WATER PI ANT NAME, Telco RCPJwg GATE' JUN 01, 1999 TIME, 303 PM Exhibit F LUCENT Proposed Telecommunication System Design Dedicated connections to 7 sites with extensions to 5 other sites EFIRE1) /PUBLIC POLICE WORKS ADMIN BEECH RECREATION COMMUNITY CENTER CENTER CASTE)ATE CrN TTREATMHALL WESTMALL LAN POLICE / VIGNERI \ \ RECREATION LIRE rER STATION 3 FIRE / SOUTH STATION 4 WATER pEASfy FOREST OAKS WATER PLANT/ NAME! Telco MFPEw. DATE, JUN 01, 1999 TIME, 343 PM Exhibit G SPRINT Proposed Telecommunication System Design Dedicated connections to all remote sites (FIRe\\l ADwry / PUBUC POLICE // \WORKS ADMIN ,.) \ / /BEECH\ RECREATION COMMUNITY r�NTER CEfYI'ER /WASTEWATER CITY CST> KS TREATMENTHALL ' PLANT ICE VIGNETII \ RECREATION FUZE \ CENTE: / STATION 3/ FIRESOl7I'H STATION 4 WATER \\ l /^\ \` L //ANT / FOIST \ OAKS ' WATER \L NT NAME. Telco RPP.Ep DATE, JUN Or, 1999 TIME, 3,03 PM "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF NEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S. SCOFF VANDERGRII'I' Ocoee ti CITY OF OCOEE DANNY OWC COMMISSIONERS HOWE O` LL O I': - ISO N. LnKetiuola_Dlave SCOIT'ANDEILON RUSTYv a OCOIIH, FLORIIn 34761-2258 x)I INSON O NANCY J.PARKER — �R c (407)636-2322 �i IC3jJ�� CITY MANAGER Get �f G000�` FI LIS SHAPIRO CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL #99-002 FOR CITY- WIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM [ T LE 9F.9ONTE1stIt P#99 Q ITY`OFO i' "` ETELECOMM =A NS SYSTE f , BID DOCUMENTS ,. ADV-1 Legal Advertisement 1 thru 8 Request for Proposal #99-002 RFP ATTACHMENTS Attachment#1 City of Ocoee- Location Map Attachment#2 City of Ocoee -City Hall Campus Map Attachment#3 Pg. 1-4 Existing Telephone Numbers and Addresses Attachment#4 Station Equipment Listed by Type and Quantity a END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Ocoee City Commission Sealed proposals will be accepted for REP #99-002, CITY-WIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, no later than 10:00 AM, local time, on May 27, 1999. _ Proposals received after that time will not be accepted or considered. No exceptions will be made. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and waive informalities. Proposals will be received in the City of Ocoee, Attn: Joyce Tolbert, Buyer, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258. A Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at the Ocoee City Hall on May 20, 1999 at 10:00 AM, local time. Due to the time-line and complexity of this project all prospective proposers must attend. Prospective proposers may secure a copy of the RFP package from Joyce Tolbert at Ocoee City Hall Finance Department, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 for a non-refundable fee of$10.00. Partial sets of proposal documents will not be issued. All proposals shall be submitted as (1) one original and (9) nine copies in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside with the appropriate RFP number and opening date and time. No facsimile or Telegraphic submissions will be accepted. City Clerk May 9, 1999 a a ADV-I REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ("RFP') #99-002; FOR CITY OF OCOEE CITY- WIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM INTRODUCTION The City of Ocoee, Florida (the "City") shall receive proposals until May 27, 1999 at 10:00 A.M. EDT, from qualified firms or individuals for the purpose of purchasing a City-Wide Telecommunications System. A Mandatory Pre-Proposal conference will be held at Ocoee City Hall on May 20, .� 1999 at 10:00 AM, Local Time. Due to the time-line and complexity of this project all prospective proposers must attend. All proposals must he received by the City at the address below not later than 10:00 A.M. on May 27, 1999. Any proposal received after the above stated time and date shall not be considered. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Proposer to have the proposal delivered to the Ocoee City Hall by U.S. mail, hand delivery, or any other method available. No facsimile or telegraphic submissions will be accepted. Delay in delivery _ shall not be the responsibility of the City. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered and may be returned only at the Proposer's request and expense. Each Proposer shall examine all request for proposal documents and shall determine all matters relating to the interpretation of such documents. All contacts shall be made to Joyce Tolbert, Buyer, in writing, no later than (7) seven working days prior to proposal due date. Potential Proposers should not contact City staff, with the exception of Joyce Tolbert, Buyer, or other City consultants for information during this phase of the selection process. Any contact with any other member of the City Staff, Commission, or it Agents during this time period may be grounds for disqualification. One(1) original and nine (9) copies of the RFP must be submitted to the Ocoee City Hall in one sealed package, clearly marked on the outside with the appropriate RFP number and opening date and time and sent or delivered to: City of Ocoee Attn: Joyce Tolbert, Buyer 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 (407)656-2322 ext. 190 Tel I 05/07/99 Proposals shall dearly indicate the legal name, Federal taxpayer identification number, address, and telephone number of the Proposer (firm, corporation, partnership, individual). Proposals shall be submitted in portrait orientation, single-sided, 12 point font, 8 '/2" x 11" size paper. The person signing the REP on behalf of the Proposer shall have the legal authority to bind the Proposer to the submitted proposal. Each proposal submitted shall be prepared in the following format: • Letter of Transmittal Listing Primary Contact Person Other Information as Necessary Not to exceed (2) two pages • Statement of Qualification (Will address the major topics of review): 1. Company History a 2. Previous Project I Iistory 3. List of References and Contacts for Previous Projects 4. Proof of Required Insurance Not to exceed (25) twenty-five pages • Cost • Features of System • Technical Design of System Number of pages as determined by Proposer All expenses for making proposals to the City shall be borne by the Proposer. Action on proposals normally will be taken within forty-five (45) days of opening, however, no guarantee or representation is made herein as to the time between proposal opening and subsequent Commission action. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, to waive irregularities and technicalities, and to request resubmission or to readvertise for all or any part of the REP. The City shall be the sole judge of the proposal and the resulting negotiated agreement that is in the City's best interest. The City's decision shall be final. All applicable laws and regulations of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Ocoee will apply to any resulting agreement. TciccommunicationsRPP.doc 2 05/07/99 The successful Proposer shall be required to execute an agreement, in form and content acceptable to the City, indemnifying and holding harmless the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents from all claims. The successful Proposer shall be required to provide evidence of both General (Public & Property) Liability and Professional (Design Errors and Omissions) Liability Insurance in the form of a certificate of insurance issued on behalf of the City of Ocoee by companies acceptable to the City at the following minimum limits and coverages with deductible amounts acceptable to the city: Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: $500,000.00 (The City of Ocoee is to be named as an additional insured) Professional Liability Insurance: $1,000,000.00 (Design Errors and Omission) .� The contract shall also require that the Proposer provide Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees engaged in this project. OVERVIEW The City of Ocoee, Florida recognizes that voice and data technologies are converging and that telecommunications, data, fax and video are rapidly becoming more integrated. A new telecommunications system that leverages this convergence of voice/data within a centralized framework will save money by eliminating "orphaned" lines and more importantly will ease administration and maintenance. SCOPE OF WORK PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE ^� The City of Ocoee's goal is to replace the existing telephone equipment with new multimedia technologies, applications, equipment and network services that enables its end users (staff) and customers (citizens) to meet the changing business requirements of today and tomorrow. It is the intent to lease/purchase a new telecommunications system that offers productivity and affordability for the City and its citizens and meets the challenges of a distributed workplace. Year 2000 compliance on all systems is a must. a TelecommunicationsRFP.doe 3 05/07/99 - Definition: ( Year 2000 Comliant...means that the information technology accurately processes date/time data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing and sequencing) from, into and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations, to the extent that other information technology, used in combination with the information technology being acquired, properly exchanges date/time with it.) PHASE I Includes locations #1 through #8 listed below, which includes all emergency services and public services. Completion Date for Phase I is August 1, 1999. The completion date is imperative to ensure no interruption of emergency or public services, with City Hall (campus)to be installed first. Location Address Hours of Operation 1. City Hall (campus) 150 N Lakeshore Dr M-F 8:00 am-5:00 pm 2. Fire Administration (campus) 125 N Bluford Av M-F 8:00 am-5:00 pm 3. Police Administration (campus) 115 N Bluford Av 24 Hours 4. Fire/Police Station 3 2515 S Maguire Rd 24 Hours a 5. Fire/Police Station 4 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 24 Hours 6. Waste Water Plant 1800 AD Mims Rd 24 Hours 7. South Water Plant 581 Maguire Rd 24 Hours 8. Forest Oaks Water Plant 8590 Hackney Prairie Rd 24 Hours See Attachment#1: City of Ocoee - Location Map See Attachment 42: City of Ocoee - City Hall Campus Map PHASE II Includes locations #9 through #13 listed below. Completion Date for Phase II is �- October 1, 1999. Location Address Hours of Operation a 9. Public Works 370 Enterprise St M-F 7:00 am-4:00 pm 10. Community Center(campus) 125 N Lakeshore Dr M-F 8:00 am-5:00 pm 11. Beech Recreation Center 1800 AD Mims Rd ( under construction) 12. West Oaks Mall - Police 9401 W Colonial Dr 24 Hours 13. Vignetti Rec Center 1910 Adair St M-F 8:00 am-6:00 pm a Telecommun lcationsRFP.doc 4 05/07/99 Note: The City must be billed by physical location (phone numbers may be grouped by physical location). The Proposer will need to coordinate the billing with the local phone company. See Attachment ti3: City of Ocoee - Existing Telephone Numbers and Addresses GENERAL PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS The Proposer is requested to provide the option that will best provide the unified service that the City is seeking. Any exceptions should be listed and explained in detail. It is _ required that a single source vendor provide the installation. This is to include equipment, hardware, software, installation and project management, network voice and data transport, training and maintenance. The successful Proposer will appoint a single point of contact and escalation list in the organization. The contact person will be the single source of contact throughout the project to final acceptance. The proposals should detail precisely all charges and assume full responsibility for all work performed to make the system operational. The responsibility for complete system functionality lies solely on the selected vendor. This is a turn key project with 1'hase I completion date of August 1, 1999 and Phase II completion date of October 1, 1999. The Proposer should take into consideration that the existing system must remain fully functional with no break in service during normal hours of operation for each location for the City of Ocoee. PROVISIONS OF EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS The successful vendor must be able to support and provide the solutions to an ever- increasing need of integrated communications systems. These solutions should include voice and data network connectivity from the "hub" located at City Hall to all remote offices at bandwidth levels ranging from 64kbps to 1.544mbps (T-I) and provision for Internet Access from the data center located in City Hall. Primary emphasis will be placed on voice connectivity, however, any excess bandwidth will be utilized for LAN to LAN connectivity. All required hardware must be included in the successful vendor's solution. The successful vendor must provide local and long distance service and dedicated T1 access to the Internet. TelecommunicationsRPP.doc 5 05/07/99 Provide a schematic design for the proposed solutions including equipment location. System Architecture Common equipment Network equipment( Windows NT 4 Server compliant) Peripheral equipment Terminal equipment _ Power equipment/requirements ( UPS required) Separate circuits required? System Monitor/Administration Workstation( Windows NT network compatible) Maintenance Access (by Vendor) aSecurity Remote connections Voice Mail IVR ( Interactive Voice Response and Menu System ) Other equipment At a minimum, the features sought in a new system should include: • All new PBX/Voicemail/UPS will be located in the City of Ocoee server room , 2"d Floor, City Hall. ➢ Ability to receive calls when already on line. ➢ Ability to place someone on hold and pickup another line ➢ Distinctive rings S. Hands free operation ➢ Extensive menu option for automate attendant _ S. Department secretary features for identifying a caller online ➢ Flashing light for incoming call—show extension ➢ Caller ID (in house)—with display phone ➢ Speakerphones ➢ Conference call capability Si Speed dial Si Forward to cell phone ➢ Attendant console ➢ Voice Mail System (Citywide with extensible menu capabilities) ➢ Call forward to all departments ( located in separate buildings ) ➢ Intercom Si Page from computer ➢ Station Administration software ➢ Windows NT Network connection for interactive menu system Si Interactive Voice Response TciccommunicationsRI P.doc 6 05/07/99 Telephone styles to include: • Single-Line Digital Telephone. • Standard Business Digital Telephone. • Executive Business Digital Phone. See attachment #4: Station Equipment Listed by Type and Quantity TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Provide the following technical specifications: Proposed System Specifications System Power Consumption Commercial Power and Grounding Requirements Operating Environment Air Conditioning Requirements Floor Loading Estimates ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS Any incentive program to accomplish all or a portion of this proposal should be included. It is the desire to accomplish all available options. Any incentives, including the ability to purchase from State of Florida approved product contracts, will be considered. TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING [All deliveries shall be F.O.B. Destination] TRAINING The contracted vendor shall provide both technical and user oriented training to employees designated by the City, on all equipment and software being provided. A detailed lesson plan shall be provided to the City outlining number of sessions, number of persons per session, and length of each session. The number of telephone instruments being provided shall be used as a basis of the number of individuals being trained. WARRANTY Maintenance shall be included in the lease agreement/payment. TelecommunicationsRFfldoc 7 05/07/99 SELECTION CRITERIA The City desires to award the contract to the Proposer that demonstrates the ability to provide the highest quality of service at the best cost. To accomplish this goal, the City's criteria for selection shall include, but is not limited to: 1. The ability of the Proposer to provide all features requested. 2. The Proposer's experience in similar projects and size of the Proposer's firm. 3. Client references of the Proposer with particular emphasis on municipal/governmental clients and projects. 4. Type of warranty offered to the City by the Proposer. 5. Projected completion time. Include current and projected work under contract by the Proposer. 6. Project Manager. a 7. Cost. However cost will not be the sole deciding factor for award. 8. Schematic design. SELECTION AND RANKING The City Commission will appoint a Committee to review all proposals submitted. Based upon an evaluation of the proposals submitted, the Selection Committee will, if possible, short-list a minimum of three (3) Proposers. These Proposers will be required to prepare a technical proposal and make a formal presentation relative to their qualifications, approach to the project, and ability to provide services to best serve the needs of the City. CONTRACT AWARD After evaluations, discussions, and formal presentations are completed, the City Commission will award the contract to the Proposer that will best serve the needs of the City. City Commission decision shall be final. The successful Proposer shall be required to execute a formal contract, signed by both parties, providing that all plans, drawings, reports, and specifications that result from the Proposer's services shall become the property of the City. The City reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to require a Proposer to submit such evidence of its qualifications as it may deem necessary. The City shall be the sole judge of the competency of Proposers. a Tel 8 05/07/99 Attachment #1: City of Ocoee - Location Map Telecommunication RFP ( 8 ) FOREST OAKS - Eli 8590 HACKNEY PRAIRIE RD ( VIGNETTI PARK •( 5 ) FIRE / POLICE STATION 14 1500 RON STROSNIDER LN 1910 ADAIR ST C1 •I _ • ( 6 ) WASTE WATER PLANT VellI 1800 AD MIMS RD ( 11 )0 AD BEEMIMS RCH CENTER ( under construction ) *Pi • 180D L_ n: I L CITY HALL "' a 150 N LAKESIJORE � f...? ( SEE CAMPUS MAPDR) \ �t kr IIC F�M ���I _ ( 9 ) PUBLIC WORKS • •-_ I • ( 12 ) WEST OAKS MALL 310 ENTERPRISE RD •-1 POLICE SUBSTATION 94401 W COLONIAL DR • J� S I _ i, • ( 7 ) SOUTH WATER PLANT .. 581 MAGUIRE RD • ( 4 ) RRE / POLICE STATONI3 wig 2515 5 MAGUIRE RD sob ' CITY OF OCOEE - LOCATION MAP NT5 Attachment 42: City of Ocoee - Location Map Telecommunications RFP 1/ i — ( 3 ) POLJCE ADMINISTRATION 1 In IS N. SLUFORD AV ® sv I1JI DEPARTMENT \ \ a AIF A J ( 1 ) CITY HALL w L - 150 N. LAKESHORE DR _ I L FIRE DEPARTMENT L I i i1 1 ® ( 2 ) FIRE ADMINISTRATION 125 N. BLLFORD AV / L . oi 1 L. ( 10 ) COMMUNITY CENTER L j maeu r. \ � I'16 K LAKESHORE DR L ' , —, _ _- L ,,,, \._ _,\J,_ Y L // E. OAKLAND SI L CITY HALL CAMPUS MAP NTS Attachment #3 Existing Telephone Numbers and Addresses '— SORT By SORT By p71 Address PhoneNo _ 1 1030 Blackwood Av 407-522-4222 2 11025 Grovesmere Loop 407-656-7261 3 1108 Jamela Dr. 407-656-7853 4 1110 Nicole Blvd 407-656-2735 5 11115 W Colonial Dr 407-877-3833 6 1 140 Richmond Av 407-656-6162 7 125 N Bluford Av 407-654-8733 8 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-0218 9 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-1096 .,. 10 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-1313 11 125 N Bluford Ay 407-656-1518 12 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-2387 13 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-3575 14 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-3682 15 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-5270 — 16 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-5452 17 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-6331 18 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-6965 — 19 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-7157 20 125 N Bluford Ay 407-656-8275 21 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-8526 22 125 N Bluford Av 407-656-9269 23 125 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-2343 24 125 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-3103 25 125 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-5020 26 125 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6953 _ 27 131 Olympus Dr 407-295-2615 28 1347 1/2 Olympia Park Circle 407-656-8925 29 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-0195 30 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-0209 31 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-0253 32 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-0416 33 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-0917 34 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-1031 35 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-1569 — 36 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-1584 37 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-1840 38 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-1859 — 39 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-1861 40 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-1975 41 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-2218 42 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-2322 43 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-2531 44 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-3501 RIP phone numbers.xls Page 1 05/04/1999 Attachment #3 Existing Telephone Numbers and Addresses SORT By SORT By Address PhoneNo _ 45 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-3507 46 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-3861 47 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-4410 48 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-4947 49 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-5163 50 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-5649 51 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-5725 52 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6209 53 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6252 54 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6370 55 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6403 56 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6885 57 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-6944 58 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-7253 59 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-7304 60 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-7450 61 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-7489 62 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-7629 63 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-7835 64 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-8504 65 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-656-8650 66 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-877-3498 67 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-296-0218 _ 68 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-522-5607 69 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-0782 70 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-1107 71 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-2440 72 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-2721 73 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-2958 74 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-3264 75 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-5878 76 1500 Ron Strosnider Ln 407-523-6525 77 1500 Ron 5trosnider Ln to City Hall NET 407-M01-3480 78 16 E Oakland St 407-656-6773 79 1730 N Clarke Rd 407-654-0051 80 1730 Sparkling Waters 407-294-9665 81 1739 Rachel's Ridge 407-295-8669 82 175 N Bluford Av 407-095-8230 83 175 N Bluford Av 407-095-8233 84 175 N Bluford Av 407-095-8369 85 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-0597 86 175 N Bluford Ay 407-656-0880 87 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-1178 88 175 N Bluford Ay 407-656-1222 RFP phone numbers.xls Page 2 05/04/1999 Attachment #3 Existing Telephone Numbers and Addresses '— SORT By SORT By //// Address PhoneNo _ 89 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-3202 90 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-4417 91 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-4456 92 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-4619 93 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-5094 94 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-6451 95 175 N Bluford Av 407-656-7796 96 175 N Bluford Av - 5640 Claracona-Ocoee Rd 407-MO1-1 171 97 1800 AD Mims Rd 407-295-8450 98 1800 AD Minis Rd 407-656-1150 99 1800 AD Minis Rd 407-656-1754 100 1800 AD Mims Rd 407-656-7416 101 1800 AD Mims Rd 407-656-9519 102 1910 Adair 5t 407-656-1583 103 1910 Adair St 407-656-2763 104 1910 Adair St 407-656-4071 105 1910 Adair St 407-656-4562 106 1910 Adair St 407-656-8866 107 200 Adair St- 175 N Bluford 407-142-0274 108 200 Adair St- 175 N Bluford 407-142-0275 109 200 Adair St- 435 W. Story Rd 407-142-0272 110 2367 Cliffdale 407-654-0544 111 2500 S Maguire Rd 407-654-8734 _ 112 2502 Alcobe Cr 407-298-2673 113 2515 S Maguire Rd 407-654-0133 114 2515 S Maguire Rd 407-654-8240 115 2515 5 Maguire Rd 407-654-8241 116 2515 S Maguire Rd 407-654-8242 117 2515 S Maguire Rd 407-654-8243 118 2515 S Maguire Rd 407-654-8244 119 2515 S Maguire Rd 407-654-8800 120 2515 S Maguire Rd 407-654-8801 121 2515 S Maguire Rd to City Hall NET 407-142-0423 122 2550 [Jewelling- 150 N Lakeshore Dr 407-142-0285 123 2561 Wesmere Parkway 407-656-2654 124 2600 State Rd 50 - 435 Story Rd 407-142-0271 125 2851 Johio Shores Rd 407-295-2677 126 2911 Johio Bay Dr 407-293-6880 127 2990 Maguire Rd 407-877-0046 128 3100 Old Winter Garden Rd 407-293-9431 129 329 Little Spring Hill 407-656-2716 130 345 Enterprise St 407-656-6832 131 370 Enterprise 407-877-2933 132 370 Flewelling 407-656-5559 RFP phone numbers.xls Page 3 05/04/1999 Attachment #3 Existing Telephone Numbers and Addresses SORT By SORT By p# Address PhoneNo 133 370 Flewelling 407-656-6090 134 370 Flewelling 407-656-8096 135 370 Flewelling 407-877-0392 136 370 Flewelling 407-877-8400 137 370 Flewelling 407-877-8420 138 501 E Lakeshore 407-656-2718 139 560 Flewelling 407-656-0230 min 140 560 Flewelling 407-656-0237 141 560 Flewelling 407-877-2269 142 564 Flewelling Ave 407-656-2699 143 5640 Claracona-Ocoee Rd - 175 N Bluford Av 407-M01-2853 144 5640 Claracona-Ocoee Rd - 175 N Bluford Av 407-M01-9772 145 575 Mall Dr 407-298-2671 146 581 Maguire Rd 407-877-0242 147 581 Maguire Rd 407-877-2205 148 581 Maguire Rd 407-877-2252 149 602 Owltree Way 407-877-0840 150 621 Butterfly Creek Dr 407-654-2264 151 621 N Clarke Rd 407-294-1001 152 624 Gallego Av 407-656-2738 153 67 Sand Dollar Key 407-877-8871 154 8590 Hackney Praire Rd 407-291-7613 155 8590 Hackney Praire Rd 407-651-6186 156 8997 W Colonial Dr 407-522-6156 157 908 Chancey St 407-656-5492 158 9401 W Colonial Dr, Ste 721 407-299-1281 159 9401 W Colonial Dr, Ste 721 407-299-5221 .� 160 LS-W End Professional 407-654-2343 RFP phone numbers.xls Page 4 05/04/1999 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 i I I i i i 1 i 1 Attachment #4 Station Equipment Listed by Type and Quantity Executive Standard Single Business Business Line Digital Digital Digital Total Telephone Telephone Telephone Phones Department Notes City Clerk I 6 7 City Manager 2 2 Community Relations 1 1 2 Finance 2 7 2 11 Fire 14 w/display 12 w/o 26 26 Human Resources 1 3 4 Information Systems 2 2 1 5 Planning 6 6 Police 12 27 I 40 Protective Inspections 5 1 9 15 Public Works 3 6 2 11 Recreation 9 9 Utility Admin 2 3 5 10 Wastewater Plant I 3 9 13 Water Plants 2 2 4 Mayor/Commissioners 5 5 CH Conference Rooms 3 3 CH Copy Rooms 1 1 CH Break Room I 1 TOTAL 38 101 36 175 Station Equipment.xls 05/07/1999