HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (D) Discussion/ Action re: Change Order No. 2 with Prime Construction Group for CIP Project No. 3, 17, and 29 (Spring Lake Basin Projects) Agenda 6-15-99 Ocoee Item VII D K.......,.. � AR •a Q o i g° 0,4r 440 JAMES W. SHIRA,P.E. CITY ENGINEER / UTILITIES DIRECTOR 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE•OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 PHONE(407)656-2322 EXT 142•FAX(407)656-7835 MEMORANDUM DATE: June 10, 1999 "10: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.E.SOe.✓ Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: CIP Phase 1 Group 2 Project Nos. 3, 17, & 29 (Spring Lake Basin Projects) Change Order Request No. 2 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. 2 on the CIP Phase 1 Group 2 Project Nos. 3,17, & 29 (Spring Lake Basin Projects) with Prime Construction Group, Inc. This change order request was initiated by City staff to allow for aesthetic enhancement on Oakwood Lane, the investigation of a potential stormwater collection problem, and the inclusion of required work that did not have pay items included in the original hid. The items included in this change order are: Item 2-A- Furnish and Install 8 Inch PVC Pipc on Project 3a: The plans detailed the installation of a total of approximately 120 linear feet of 8 inch pipe to be in six locations between the Infiltrator underdrain system and the catch basins along Flewelling Drive. The bid quantities did not include a pay item for this work under project 3a. There was 8 inch pipe installed on project no. 29,therefore the contractor installed the pipe at the same unit price. The cost to perform this additional work was $3,000.00, with an increase in contract time of seven days. Item 2-13 - Remove and Replace Miami Curb on Project 3a: The plans detailed the installation of approximately 25 linear feet of miami curb to be located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Flewelling Drive and Ocoee Hills Road. The bid quantities did not include a pay item for this work under project 3a. There was miami curb installed on project no. 17, therefore the contractor installed the miami curb at the same unit price. The cost to perform this additional work was $500.00, with an increase in contract time of two days. at THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE o Item 2-C - Rehab Existing Curb Inlet on Project 3b: The rehabilitation of the curb inlet on the north side of Flewelling Drive cast of Ridgefield Avenue was not included in this project but was identified to be rehabilitated under a future small miscellaneous projects program. Staff reviewed and accepted the contractor's price for similar work that was included in this project and since the curb inlet was within Prime's project limits; staff directed Prime to perform the required work. The bid quantities did not include a pay item for this work under project 3b. 'There was a curb inlet rehabilitation item on project no. 17, therefore the contractor performed the curb inlet rehabilitation at the same unit price. The cost to perform this additional work is $1,450.00, with an increase in contract time of two days. Item 2-D-Install Ribbon Curb and St. Augustine Sod on Project 17: The plans detailed the installation of approximately 19 linear feet of ribbon curb around the catch Basin at the northwest corner of Flewelling Drive and Pinewood Lane and to replace approximately 489 square yards of sod in this area. the bid quantities did not include pay items for this work under project 17. There was ribbon curb installed on project no. 29, therefore the contractor installed the ribbon curb at the same unit price. The cost for the St. Augustine sod was negotiated at the increased difference in cost between Bahia and St. Augustine sod with no increase of labor costs. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,977.50, with an increase in contract time of three days. Item 2-E - Driveway Replacement at 624 Ocoee Hills Road: This driveway is approximately thirty feet north of the manhole which was connected to with the stormwater additions on Ocoee hills Road. The existing stormwater collection system runs under this driveway. While the project was under construction a portion of the driveway collapsed. Staff directed the contractor to remove the concrete driveway to allow staff to investigate any problems with the pipe or may have been caused by the pipe. No problems were found and staff directed the contractor to replace the concrete driveway. The 54 square yard driveway replacement exceed the bid quantities under project 17. The concrete driveway was replaced at the same unit price under this project. The cost to perform this additional work was $2,268.00, with an increase in contract time of three days. Item 2-E - Asphalt Overlay of Oakwood Lane at Ocoee Hills Road: This section of roadway was to be repaved under the original design and was removed under change order no. I when the Infiltrator system was moved to the east side of the road. After completing the project and cleaning up the area, many residents expressed concern about this area of Oakwood Lane and could the area be repaired. 'Hie existing asphalt was missing in some areas and was only about Yz inch thick in most areas. Staff directed the contractor to overlay the existing roadway in this area. The cost to perform this additional work is $4,370.07, with an increase in contract time of four days. The total cost for this change order is $13,565.57 with a time extension of twenty-one days on the contract time. The dollars for this change order will come from the project's construction contingency. This change order amounts to approximately 3.20 percent of the original bid price of$424,570.00. The total cost for all change orders, to date, will transfer$34,060.57 from the construction contingency to Prime's contract. Sprint Telephone Company is reimbursing the City $7,848.00 of this total change order amount. To date approximately 6.17 percent of the 10.0 percent construction contingency has been committed to the project. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 2 with Prime Construction Group, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $13,565.57, with an extension in contract time of twenty-one days, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 2. Attachment oroeeZ CITY OF OCOEE �e Engineering/Utilities - 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 CHANGE ORDER NO. #2 CITY OF OCOEE CIP Phase 1 Group 2 Project Nos. 3, 17, & 29 (Spring Lake Basin Projects) PROJECT NO.: 2-31729 DATE: June 9,1999 CONTRACTOR: Prime Construction Group, Inc. AGREEMENT DATE: September 22, 1998 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $424,570.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $445,065,00 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $ 13,565,57 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CI IANGE ORDER $458,63057 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 150 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: November 19, 1998 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Dale: May 12, 1999 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: Twenty-One Days Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: June 2, 1999 00842-1 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION,SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article I, Definitions,of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES Item No.2-A: RFP#2-I: Furnish and install 120 linear feet of 8 inch PVC pipe as shown on plans in Project 3A. Item No.2-B: RFP#2-2: Remove and replace 25 linear feet of miami curb as shown on plans on SW corner of Flewelling Drive and Ocoee Hills Road in Project 3A Item No.2-C: RFP#2-3: Rehab existing curb inlet located on north side of Flewelling Drive cast of Ridgefield Avenue in Project 36 Item No. 2-D: RFP#2-4: Install 19 linear feet of ribbon curb around catch basin at NW corner of Ocoee Hills Road and I'inewood Lane and furnish and install 489 square yards of St. Augustine sod to match existing sod in yard. Item No.2-E: RFP#2-5: Remove and replace driveway at 624 Ocoee I fills Road(54 square yards). Item No.2-I:: RFP#2-6: Asphalt overlay approximately 30 linear feet, full width,of Oakwood Lane at Ocoee Hills Road ill. JUSTIFICATION Item No. 2-A: There was no pay item for this work on this project,but it was detailed on the drawings. Item No.2-6: There was no pay item for this work on this project,but it was detailed on the drawings. Item No.2-C: There was no pay item for this work on this project,but it was detailed on the drawings. Item No. 2-D: The curb inlet was to be rehabilitated at a future date, but it was included in this project. There was no pay item for this work on this project. Item No.2-E: This driveway is approximately thirty feet away from the manhole which we connected to with the stomtwater additions on Ocoee Hills Road. The existing stormwater collection system runs under this driveway. While the project was under construction a portion of the driveway collapsed. Staff directed the contractor to remove the concrete driveway to allow staff to investigate any problems with the pipe. No problems were found and staff directed the contractor to replace the concrete driveway. Item No.2-F: This roadway was to be repaved under the original design and was removed under change order no. I. After completing the project and cleaning up the area,many residents expressed concern about this area of Oakwood Lane and could the area be repaired. The existing asphalt was missing in some areas and was only about inch thick in most areas. Staff directed the contractor to overlay the existing roadway in this area. 00842-2 IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS Item No.2-A: Used the unit prices under project no. 29 to estimate the cost of this work. Contractor requested seven additional days to perform the work. Item No.2-B: Used the unit prices under project no. 17 to estimate the cost of this work. Contractor requested two additional days to perform the work. Item No.2-C: Used the unit prices under project no. 17 to estimate the cost of this work. Contractor requested two additional days to perform the work. Item No. 2-D: Used the unit prices under project no.29 to estimate the cost of the ribbon curb and negotiated a unit price for the St.Augustine sod. The difference in cost between the St. Augustine sod and the Bahia sod was the difference in material cost. Contractor requested three additional days to perform the work. Item No.2-E Used the unit prices under this project to estimate die cost of this work. Contractor requested three additional days to perform the work. Item No. 2-F: Negotiated a lump sum cast to perform the work. Contractor requested four additional days to perform the work. V. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Increase Unit Unit Price Net Increase Item No. (Decrease)Quantity (Decrease)Price 2-A REP d2-1: Furnish and install 8 inch PVC as shown on 120 LE $25.00/LE $3,000.00 plans in Project 3A 2-B REPd2-L Remove and replace Miami Curb as shown 2S I F $2000/I.1' $500.00 on plans on SW comer of Flewclling Drive and Ocoee I rills Road in Project IA 2-C REP 112-3 Rehab existing curb inlet located on north I IeA $I450.00/FA $ IA5000 side of Jewelling Drive cast of Ridgefield Avenue in Project 3B 2-I) REPd2-4: A) Install ribbon curb around catch basin 19 LE $14 D0/IF $266.00 at NW corner of Ocoee Hills Road and Pinewood Lane B) Furnish and install St.Augustine sod 489 SY 83 30/SY $1 71 I50 to match existing 2-II RIP 42-5: Driveway replacement at 624 Ocoee Hills 54 SY SALVO/SY 82.26N00 Road 2-F REPd2-6: Asphalt overlay Oakwood Lane at Ocoee I IiA S 4.370.07 I Fills Road Total Net Increase Change Order No.d2 S 13 565557 00842-3 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby,is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order;and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges,by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order,that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: By: Signature Signature Date: Date: Title: Title: APPROVED BY: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Owner By: S. Scott Vandergrift,Mayor Date Attest: Jean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY TILE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY TINS DAY OF , 199 UNDER , 199 AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY&LARDNER By: City Attorney 00842-4 Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL S Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) w�pd ,.. Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835-fax No. A PROJECT DATA:/� Ake NAME CI "/0Ao 'c / (A2 Of. .7._ . . NrGJ Gc.IS. 3 / 7— c- Ae1 _._.-.. PROJECT NO. LOCATION. A .1;G.[ 3 A _ _ DATE OTHER: F/4 rJ . I/in5 L r1 E--__- _ REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR)- /—ti'-ne n 4544c'/•4^ (,c„f. e rine: _.. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: Zn s/4 fie ye/ fri g t"ct✓L- s/creel f, f.e _Q.s SfiQs.„- s, 744-' n 44ris . 7hert- /{ nc . .icy rft.n__. Pr r%a__._1,t"rA- a ne/et %,s rrEJciL Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion -gf Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other:( Constraints of Change: A/p n. cr /7 un o/d' 3A/ /---• _ Cif e' U^ ' gc,i c,n0[lr' Initiated by: ❑ Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions -18 Others. ( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description)'. 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4 2. Plan Revisions: 5 3. 6. IA OWNER: Q4'✓.j Use tit/ . ( dy J e CONTRACTOR 1 m Na ref .Je... rrc�-^f- 10 ENGINEER:�1:S Ze:.J uG AF C /are,c p7 FIELD- rid morn- Crt�- ci Oced ' ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR'. ❑ OTHER.__ ❑ SUBCONSULTANT. Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: _ 00847-I PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing'. A. 77 Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. U Negotiated Unit Prce(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. C Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. ❑ Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. U A combination of A, B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL g " Pvt. Sicr.. �•f,c. (4130 - 1.) /.10Lf AL " }PPO. " Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 3 000- " EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of f p ypn additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: /Aerr. yzCJ no fCy !!>/e-M anfif 140 A$ Ct'j ti ! Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: N n"/r"' Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Ptoc'z..Cy rn CA 4n yt. Grp/v Signature: , wn✓/ N. /ham/""'-' Date: 'fir)), /9 9 9 of 4,1114 `aev;Re eer/AI L.eu P /.ic agree to the costs and terms of RFr ( ) (company) Qo) this A9 y day of /M14y , 199 `7 (dry) (month) (year) 00847-2 Ocoee, CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL • c Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) ` f` Hon da orida 34761-2258 (407)656-7835 -fax NO. 2. -.2. PROJECT DATA.(J /( NAME: Cd. - t-4GSe /- Groot - flrOfect's 3. /7 ¢ .2 ? _ PROJECT NO: LOCATION' Proje r 2 A DATE OTHER: F/c rect//Jefj /Jr'te _ _.. _ ... REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR): _ /w!/'nl— _CS.iS -F/KY 71/cO &•C.rO , re'C Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: .rnt...npdt, On/Jj_ 'l e s ir4 e. ,1/D _, ; Cwrb (%S 1•/ip..tL. 6n dfen/n15-f ( slicer °S) on Jl , Sr-/ rb-rn Li- c.{ F1cNe-//,,, breve, O c.r'ec /i,14 I(rC4�_.__s/s� rs nc) it4/ /'r/e For 7b/a L.Crk �/nr/✓' Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion %Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other:( Constraints of Change:f(e COy /{&n. de,- 34 - u3 e. Nm 1Y (.a Ld Nndrr /7 Initiated by: ❑ Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions "J Others: ( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description)'. 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 3. 6. OWNER: 60>/J LJ%ad,4'/ C/Ly o //Ocoee- ¢I CONTRACTOR /v/a r. 'cite fie- 6. �7� ' nC ISENGINEER:E/Lt 7edeylc. Poe Ln/:, qI FIELD. fr.el PILL//,. / C/fy e['- ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR. ❑ OTHER. ❑ SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor. Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing'. A. Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. E Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. ❑ Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. ❑ Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. ❑ A combination of A,B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor k 3 an ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL Re�r✓m Rz�/coe $cntreit. /hep,� . Cgrto 2' L.F_ 20 Sao- °` Attach additional pages if necessary. e_C NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL b. SOG. EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME'. As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of contract time in the amount of 'f✓C' additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: ' A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: TA it'- ✓CJ n[' pty /4rV a..c/et eel SA Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator. 06/'e-✓/ r• /S✓ d4 'Z__ Date: /r/CY V /%%9 ACCEPTANCE BYA OWNER: Comments: PIO LLS/S� /n CA cn3e, 0A0E/ r p Signature A-°- Date: "ley y // c / ,of ',e/ GC... agree to the costs and terms of RFP MM (company) (No) this `/ day of Mar , 199 t OW) (month) (w0 00847-2 O coee CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ri Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE � 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (REP) Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-7835 -fax NO. A �3 PROJECT DATA: /� A NAME r,d _ /'lilts!, / " L,/J.tiv I. - /-/p / 7 J 1 9 PROJECT NO LOCATION: DATE OTHER F�c ..yll nt �, ivi REFERENCE. TO(CONTRACTOR) f" 'n< (-L'nu ,r...t 1/t-1 6r"nt /777c' Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change�in work: /( 4A4 L+ e K'J' '/n/' / l6, etc, ri _dA. !^lot frn 1�e /tbr wl/ 5/L'ze- i'i Rif N4o/. ' iF, r,Ov7 r,f .T,Lac e, F/ta A.'in/aG j/l¢ Is n c__ '.G� t/i' ,.-r F r/ %liis ✓e•t L/r/' >6 /-3d . ,r 't-I_._ Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion 11 Addition LI Revision ❑ Other:( Constraints of Change:/VG pL/ t/t /n L1 ne/cr 1./3 —_At)_c. Lin /{ (t-.L7 4,, 4:1+'' l7 Initiated by: ❑ Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions )I Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description). 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 2. Plan Revisions. 5 3 6 }J OWNER:4-,, r 1—/Aet (.41, kr Ns-e YO CONTRACTOR) _ t(.tv Qn C. • ENGINEER: Cq Je,:que /2E( (L;c. FIELD: ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: _ ❑ OTHER. ❑ SUBCONSULTANT'. Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: _ Date Returned to City 00847-I PRICING INFORMATION. Method of Pricing: A. 7 Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. 0 Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. ❑ Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Proft) D. 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. ❑ A combination of A,B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor 21 ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL Re.-+a✓P IL- Rc1 /Prrt Cot (I �/t �o� 4A5_ ' 1 I vs C ' / N. f` Attach additional pages if necessary NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ Y52 (.� EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of fyop additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR'. // Comments' AGas /l nc FGy efL�r, inn C/ct i'A ec piC-far'-Y Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: no)-V/ 4. Date: e icy ACCEPTANCE B/YL OWNER p '. Comments: n -e..$ r .n Ch01, 0cth4 ' L q Signature: 0,41/ / '/ �✓�4.� _._ Date'. Pier tY l/ / I, r Cl ,of %* a svti..vv,.,••• GRr�r/c agree to the costs and terms of REP /// (company) Om) this 4/ day of MAY , 199 9 (dy) (month) (yup 00847-2 CITY OFOCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL �a`o Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) L,r j Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-7835 -fax NO. A - q PROJECT DATA. /f NAME Cl// "All‘q (aenf 2 e-/d•hC �J 3 /7 C". tl PROJECT NO LOCATION: Pt cf / 7 .___.. DATE _ OTHER: I/oc't e_ N, //J /I too - . . REFERENCE. _ TO(CONTRACTOR):�! ^'t e (-On 5157 n 4:)r/%.A C•:ytp- Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in workrjZr, }-1/41Z 11 6 vn (pre. GrGa not rny6/1 6&- ' (53 s Oi.✓n I. 622 c / !4c Nw er of. ©cae,e, hl./( 4Cead ,Mil ../eta .re lyre re, A: nc- icy e/er, Tr/ 4 /4.__44/44 Pr-tete t,(„ erase:+. z) fs.d At;r Lcs-zr,r� the // E.e Sr . .Aelu s d.e e, -o ane-10h Bxr i'rfnJ sno/, lbec, is no rr,r.y +tsar^ Fw IA as '—(c ,.ndr<c y�^ .ra� e.� i - . Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion ` r Addition ❑ Revision 11 Other:( )Constraints of Change:hC pa y /fprn kinder /7- — tin- N^ Jr Ldt' tinder A 9 9t y._//Cr as1-0 " 3,a kJ, t,ficr .-r...Y ` .riot-___ Initiated by. ❑ Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions 74 Others'( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Plan Revisions: 5. 6. ql OWNER:ay,/ Crfpy�n�f\ t'e,;te, -4] CONTRACTOR:.Z,� f�G ren r� 0r:6, ,?c, & ENGINEER: 6rcr fEL-J rd 1,.._/- v t�y41lE- is FIELD T d Macro- - C:� Ur Prks - O CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR. ❑ OTHER: ❑ SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing'. A. $Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. PI(Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. ❑ Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. 0 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. f) A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK. ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL l r-sk In>71o// /f/ F,^ C re, (52 CI-/) /r! L,F; /v c,0 I a66 rc Sa Ar.(Ju„s ,e; Sect 4! /aecn^e-/ YBS S. Y 3. 1° /l7 r/, 1'0 Attach additional pages if necessary. p NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ / rr 777.s EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: / As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of 1>lire.b additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time:_ A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: je re, ✓a> nn f<y lit M a..c%r' -/Ac> f /erJdr-f fr ,' e, rv(•6fn r .,f�' lhr re- N45 ne yry r/ernrn -7'4ec, ,e nn rt Cerl irac.i For f.Gs- S-!. Artr..Y.�[, p9+v/A Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: ' `r. 4✓/�r✓t.- Date: 1r7.7 y fir/r/ ri ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER'. Comments: �PAC4.er; - C) CAeit O/4fl zrQ - — Signature: /ter/tr / �^. /�+ -. _ Date: filly L( fr 9 Q ram,,,.— ,of /Cna Coos».,,a flan/ '/ ). . agree to the costs and terms of RFP IN(m) (Company) mot Phi day of nen . 199 Oar) (moms) burl 00847-2 Ocooge CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE \c (')ti\a 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) 'tc „ G Ocoee. Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835-fax NO. _ L - 3 PROJECT DATA q q / n NAME C .(Lf' NAc( (2'. / ' Li Z. r4,,I,f/s 317 JLj PROJECT NO. LOCATION. p /rJlr i /7 U _ DATE OTHER: Or -' e.. rL // 4'reci REFERENCE. TO(CONTRACTOR)' !'r I.—+c. CC nu it,nc.Yifn Oroe,/ f �n O. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. f7 4 /� DESCRIPTION of change in work. H47ifro,i f/f1✓C' W� cy 'e- aterneOl G f_C A 416)r a,EC- � la/ PO onc✓E /cr Alt A,- r/f/•C. Ni_. cle( f1^Fkreli rn YLi Y' 41/cn c.P IC>1s •-r [n1 . Change Order Type: //II ❑ Deletion 7Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other. ( ) Constraints of Change. 4r /b e) _ Cie) ly_ p NL of r•noet 9A r( Lig•r {cj _. Initiated by: tf Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions ❑ Others: ( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description). 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 2. Plan '.Revisions 3. PC6 /r,ito' . (n 40f kc_ 6. W OWNER-(icyn/ 1-.r(6Llcl Cry it orriCP_ s CONTRACTOR J.-+ iihre "Cf., g c fJ ENGINEER_ Pee: C r., ___... 10 FIELD. if r'fJ b t f� G<Yy a-! a[a ❑ CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR. ❑ OTHER. ❑ SUBCONSULTANT. Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments Date Returned to City: 00847-I PRICING INFORMATION. Method of Pricing'. A Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. ❑ Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. 0 Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. ❑ Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. ❑ A combination of A,B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL aMov[, eXrf dint/ !;lf/✓C r✓c� l //D- %) .SY Sy .2 . a.r /OX. r` 45,. yard LtncreScI tIr14,,Joy ( 'oD-z •if) 5Y sr yA ' 2 /60. Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $z 6b; EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME'. As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of /Are e, additional days. Provide thorough documentation to support of the request for additional time: ' A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: TJ(/s dr,ve, Nr/ slips[/Jedi u/i'/e ...r. fr..rre. Nr�/o,� on /he- rud in/may GI (ea /y F F / reed` r M ¢ v fLf S/ .✓t Se,C/a,' ci/�e /e✓.r a. tv/rr IJ L c/hr✓r. .J Cy/ Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: w a r, Avt, ✓L. Date: /flex. t iS _ ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Pr CC ♦4 en C A& t;e- D cJ/' Alt Signature: /] :��/ C, �✓ _ Date Cy t r ,of P<ru<H /e . agree to the costs and terms of RIM Mwp (Company) (No) Ni H day of MAY , 1997 (day) (month) (Mc) 00847-2 JLH.10.1999 9:13HM NO.735 P.10/22 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. 5528 Force Four Padlwey Telephone 407-855-8180 Post Onoe Box 590507 Fax 407-B56-B182 Orlando.FL 32859-0507 FL License#CGC 037504 April 14", 1999 CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 407-656-2322 Phone Attn: Mr. David Wheeler 407-656-7835 Fax RE: City of Ocoee Project#2-31729 Concrete Drive Expansions Dear David: Per our conversation, we will proceed with the removal and replacement of one additional driveway on CIP 17 at the unit price per our contract. The additional driveway will require approximately 54 SY of concrete. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ames Hargrove Project Manager JH/sks O<o CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL '®d ` Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE ' 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) eoY Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835 -fax NO. , 6 PROJECT G'1/� � DATA: NAME: _ PAL,}4 / " -[/Cy _Z 3 40 /3'. i ds 3 / % 'f2- in PROJECT NO' l y� _. _. LOCATION: tri py / 7 DATE' OTHER_ M/A tad _ REFERENCE: TO(CONTRACTOR). Fr i,n c. C+'el I'/ Nc,is.g_^ 6,e r Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade).subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for sub�contracts must be similarly supported. /'� DESCRIPTION of change in work. / f.sz, /9 0✓er/C/ ci / Oat- kd e.g1Lnc CY Or L"�4. /I GON. Change Order Type: ❑ Deletion in Addition ❑ Revision ❑ Other:( Constraints of Change: Initiated by: Changes in Owner Requirements ❑ Unforeseen Conditions ❑ Others. ( ) Proposal must be received by: _ ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. _ 2. Plan Revisions: 5 9. /'(- C _ 'FnC /L�Ct' 6. 16 OWNER:/if✓/41 4e-el; C.yy of Ocoee 74 CONTRACTORJ.t f/i,ft<yr 1066 Z. le ENGINEER: 6r,;o Teg�,t� /'EC, !Inc- ih nne Tt� /"have - Gr>y of Ort-ee. ❑ CONSTRUCTIONADMINISTRATOR. ❑ OTHER- D SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments' Date Returned to City: 00847-I PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing'. A. ❑ Established Contract Unit Price(s) 8. 'Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. fi Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. ❑ Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. ❑ A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ❑ By General Contractor ❑ By Subcontractor 4 ITEM OF WORK QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL 43/A414 Qtct /s/ N7 0.D4NCcal in( 33/-72-'LO 37G, c /r P✓fl y N1/4 S-1 /14'7/L/4/ Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ if 370. ' T EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of fG,./ additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: /? e O)/5•ney+ flpie c./ t✓4c.41 1EVG, 1e/14C-eel dui rs a(DAS/ /n Sits Ofl4 . tic' st ncy +nit ti'cj v✓y I444.//). it •n nios/l 4re.e1: Act— ...,ene' Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: /.r^-✓ x Q, �/-2/-/"''. _ _ Date: /n9/ //f l/9/ ACCEPTANCE BYBf OWNER: /Comments: /oCG3,s/ •n G s4cnny G/"/L^ ' Z _. Signature: ��/ C. /1i i"• '^ Date: file '/ /999 y r ,of Anne C5>n..cr•c., %c agree to the costs and terms of REP (eomv.nY) Mol 1hir: d( y o af Mn Y . 199 (d.r) (month) bur) 00847-2 • JUN.13J.19S 5: 14HM NO.735 H.21/22 Prime Construction Group, Inc. 5528 Force Four Parkway CGC 037604 Post Office Box 590507 Orlando,FL 32804 CUC 056650 Orlando, FL 32859-0507 April 14,1999 Mr. David Wheeler Phone 656-2322 City of Ocoee Fax 656-7835 150 North Lake Shore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Refererence: Reba& Pinewood Repairs & Ocoee Hills 8 Pinewood Overlay Dear Mr.Wheeler: Below is a unit cost list of the items required to perform the above referenced work: Materials Quantity Unit Cost Total Asp t for 1.5'Trench 57 SY 6 Tons $ 36.00 $ 21•.60 Asphal r Overlay 3l4" 169 SY 10 Tons 36.00 •0.00 Flowable ilI 8"57 SQYD 15 CUYD 55.00 825.00 15"RCP \ 64 0 10.50 672.00 Filter Fabric \ 1 L.S. 125.06 125.00 Barricade Rental \\ 4 Days 45.er 180.00 Misc Supplies \ 1 Lot 2 6.00 215.00 Sand for Wellpolnts 0 None 0.00 0 00 Sales Tax \ 155.58 Labor \ Labor w147%labor burden Superintendent \0.5 -ek 1100.00 550.00 Pipe Foreman&pickup 0, ' eek 750.00 375.00 4 man crew 0.5 Week 1600.00 800.00 2 man dress up crew 2.0 Days 220.00 440.00 47% Labor Burden I L.S. 1,017.55 Equipment Truck for Haul offs 5 Load 225.00 1,125.00 Mobilizabon/Demobilization 1 LS 500.00 500.00 Backhoe 220 Komatsu 0,5 Week 250.00 625.00 Loader Cat IT 18, Etc 0.5 Week 600.00 400.00 Fuel 50 gals . 0 60.00 Roller for Base Not Required Compaction Equip' ent 1 days 125.00 125.00 Barricade Re•41 4 Days 22.00 •+.00 Haul Er ailment- Lowboy 4 Moves 250.00 1,000.06 Page 1 ' ' 'JUN.10.1999 9:14RM NO.735 P.22/22 Subcontract halt Sub-Minimum Move-in 1 L.S. 3000.00 3 .00 Tesh - 1 L.S. 265,00 265.00 Saw cutting for Asalt Prep 1 L.S. 00 250.00 Sidewalk \`� 40 SQFT-03.50 140.00 Concrete Curb Subcontrac- 55 drift 23,50 1,292.50 Build new Top ----- Each 1450.00 1,450.00 Core Drill/Saw Manhole 2- Each $ 265.00 530.00 Subcontract Demo of Top 1 L.S. $ 245.00 245.00 Total _ 17,026.63 Total w/15% M-• -up 19.580.62 :.,. o. 234.97 T. , or Reba Portion S*flask Ocoee Hills and Pinewood Overlay: Purchase Asphalt 8 Tons 35.00 280.00 Asphalt Subcontract-Move-in 1 L.S. 2750.00 2,750.00 Prep Labor 1 L.S. 500.00 500.00 Sawcuting to Tie in Edges 1 L.S. 225,00 225.00 Total 3,755.00 Total w/15% Mark-up 4,318.25 Rf10t1 1 23L 51.82 Total for Ocoee Hills &Pinewood Overlay: S 4,370.07 Notes: Testing lab fees are included. Preconstruction photographs of the area will be taken by PCG. Deduct $1250.00 if both projects can be done at the same time. Flowable fill to be 8"over compacted base. Any quantities that vary more than 5%are to be adjusted for final payment. Please contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely, Reynolds Holiman Vice President Page 2