HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (E) Discussion/ Action re: Design Fee Proposal - Reclaimed Water Retrofit Project for Reserve and Reflections Subdivisions Agenda 6-15-99 II "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE." IMAYOR COMMISS[OrER S. SCOFF VANDERGRII t Ocoee COMMISSIONERS O� „r, , a CITY OF OCOEE DANNYIioWifl.l. ,t.1ij - 150 N-LAKESHORE DRIVE SCATf"1 ANDCRSON 1► a RUSTY 70HNSON OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY 1. PARKER n�, (407)656-2322 br e Ciro MANAGER ���f GOO N. ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: June 15, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Design Fee Proposal for Reclaimed Water Retrofit Project Attached for your review and action is a proposal from Ivey, Harris &Walls. Inc. for the design of a reclaimed water system in Reflections and The Reserve subdivisions. Both of these subdivisions would be supplied with reclaimed water from the line we will soon install along Clarke Road. As you are aware, the construction of the reclaimed system tanks, pumps and on-site piping has begun at the wastewater treatment plant. We have also begun work on converting part of the old sewage force main along Clarke Road into a reclaimed water transmission main. We will mechanically clean this line and chlorinate it for disinfection. This line will be combined with a new line to be built leading from the plant site, at which point we will have a complete reclaimed water transmission line from the plant to the mall. We will tap this transmission line at each point where we intend to provide service. The attached proposal from Ivey, Harris &Walls, Inc. provides for complete surveying, permitting, design and construction observation of a reclaimed system for both subdivisions. This project was part of the 1997 Utility Bond Issue, funded in the amount of$1,050,000.00. I recommend that the City Commission authorize Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. to proceed with design and associated services for a reclaimed water system in Reflections and The Reserve subdivisions in accordance with their revised fee proposal dated May 20, 1999 for a not-to- exceed fee of$53,989.80. Attachment . ' v4 i ►1 MAY 2 I 1999 � A4 IJ u❑. Hn RUC dr WA31t. II( P LANnla1 May 21, 1999 CIVIL f1161RrIRLY6 1A1101GPf ARCHITECTURE Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. UoLo6Iut SERVICES City Engineer/Utilities Director City of Ocoee TRAdfpORIATIOR o PkIUR 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 (ORIYRO(UIOO SrRVil11 RE: Revised Fee Proposal Reclaimed Water System Retrofit For Reflections and Reserve Subdivisions Dear Mr. Shin: Attached is our revised fee proposal for the above referenced project. Please do not hesitate to call if you should have any questions or comments. Sincerely, IVEY, HARRIS� &WALLS, INC. Y Robert J..RRutter, P.E. Senior Engineer RJR:slm Attachment: Revised Fee Proposal cc: Murry Bullion, P.E., IH&W 6)I Sou L60rlaodo Aver'of uih loo Winter Park, Florida 3178q TL1f1110X1. 407-019.8880 FAx. 4o7.6191883 F:IUSERSBOBRIPROPOSAUOLOEEWEUSERETUSLT141 WPO WLIIA61 WWW.IIIWnIa.IDM FEE PROPOSAL CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RETROFIT FOR THE REFLECTIONS AND RESERVE SUBDIVISIONS (Revised May 20, 1999) PART A. SCOPE OF SERVICES The following Scope of Services is for professional engineering services, to be provided by Ivey, Harris & Walls,Inc. (IH&W/Engineer), for the City of Ocoee, Florida (City/Client/Owner). L GENERAL The City of Ocoee has requested that Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. submit a proposal to provide engineering services for the design of reclaimed water systems to serve the existing Reflections and Reserve subdivisions. II. PREMISES/ASSUMPTIONS This Scope of Services, Man-Hour Estimate and Fee Estimate are based on the following premises/assumptions: a. The City will provide copies of the design and/or record drawings, as may be available, of the proposed reclaimed water transmission main along Clark Road, and record drawings of both the Reflections and Reserve developments. b. The City will provide the design hydraulic grade line at the point of connection to the Clark Road reclaimed water main to be used in the design of the reclaimed water distribution systems. c. The City will provide any geotechnical engineering services required through other contracts 1 with geotechnical engineering firms of its choice. The Engineer will , if desired by the City, provide to the City a proposed geotechnical engineering scope of services for the geotechnical engineering company selected by the City. d. The Engineer assumes that the project will be permitted under a General Permit from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation(FDEP). Therefore, the Engineer has not included permitting services within this Scope of Services. It is further assumed that no other types of permitting services will be required of the Engineer. e. Additional Services required as a result of substantial additions to the established Scope of Services will require additional compensation to the Engineer. The fees for Additional Services will be based on negotiations between the Owner and the Engineer. Authorization, by the Owner,to accomplish any additional services will be required prior to the performance of the additional service(s) by the Engineer. f. Attendance at meetings (with City staff or related public hearings/meetings), at the request of the City,not specified in the work task descriptions below shall be invoiced on a time and materials basis at the Engineer's approved rates.The accounting of times for these additional meetings shall include preparation for meeting(s), travel, attendance and preparation of minutes, as necessary and appropriate. g. Construction contract "front end" documents will be provided by the City. Engineer's technical specifications will be provided in CSI standard specifications format using MicroSoft Word Office 95. h. Engineer's drawings will be provided in plan view only. Separate details will be provided where significant utility conflicts are evident based on the record drawings, surveyor utilities location mapping and/or Engineer's site visits during design. Engineer's field visits during the design phase of the project will be solely for the purpose of becoming generally familiar with the site. The Engineer will not be responsible for any undiscovered deviations in underground utilities or conditions, or other deviations not discovered during the field visits by the Engineer's personnel. j. All reclaimed water system details to be used in the construction drawings shall be based on existing standard details from a source as determined and directed by the City. k. The City will provide full-time construction inspection services for the Project.The Engineer is not providing full-time inspection services or survey of as-built conditions following construction, and is providing only periodic observation of construction. Engineer will, therefore,base his Record Drawings and any required Certification(s)of Construction on the contractor's mark- up set of as-built drawings, and the City's construction inspector's confirmation that the construction of buried facilities was constructed as shown on the contractor's as-built drawings and in accordance with the Engineer's drawings and specifications. 2 1. For purposes of estimating the personnel time and design costs, the Engineer has assumed that the reclaimed water distribution systems for both the Reflections and Reserve development will be accomplished as a single project for bidding and construction. m. The Engineer assumes that any public awareness/participation activities/programs for or associated with the project will be the sole responsibility of the City and its staff. n. The work task descriptions and fee proposal below describe all of the work proposed in this Scope of Services to be accomplished by the Engineer for this Project. Therefore, work not described is not included in the Engineer's Scope of Services. All other services, if needed, shall be considered as Additional Services. III. WORK TASK DESCRIPTIONS Task a. Preliminary Design Memo Prior to commencing design, the Engineer will prepare and submit to the City for review four(4) copies of a Preliminary Design Memo (Memo) which describes the Engineer's proposed design criteria and general basis of design for the reclaimed water distribution systems to be designed for the Reflections and Reserve developments. The hydraulic grade line assumed for the connection to the Clark Road reclaimed water main will be as provided by the City. Following the City's review, Engineer will schedule and meet with the City to review City comments regarding the contents of the Memo. Engineer will revise/finalize the Memo, as appropriate, and begin the project design. Task b. Design of Reclaimed Water Systems Following the survey/aerial mapping work and receipt of copies of the design and/or record drawings described above, the Engineer will conduct limited field visits to the site. The purpose of these site visits will be to become generally familiar with the site, and as a general aid in design. The Engineer will prepare progress submittal design drawings and specifications for the project at the 75% and 90% completion stage of design. Engineer's 100% submittal will be used for project bidding documents.The drawings developed by the Engineer shall be plan view only drawing sheets with drawing scale of 1 inch= 30 feet for both developments. Engineer will provide details for areas where utility conflicts arc readily apparent based on the survey information,record drawings and the limited site visits discussed above. The Engineer will submit six (6) copies of progress status drawings and specifications to the City at the 75%design completion level.Following the City's review of the 75%submittal,Engineer will schedule and meet with the City to receive/review the City's comments on the 75% submittal. The Engineer will address all City comments, as appropriate, and prepare and forward six (6) copies of the 90%completion level drawings and specifications to the City for review. Following the City's review of the 90% submittal, Engineer will meet with the City to receive/review the City's comments on the 90% design submittal. Engineer will address all City comments, as appropriate, 3 and prepare the 100%design completion drawings and specifications. The 100% submittal will be provided to the City as documents for bidding. One original (for City printing bid sets) and six (6) copies of the 100%progress submittal will be provided to the City. Task c, Bidding Phase Services As stated above,the Engineer will provide the City with one set of original(reproducible)documents to be used for printing of bid sets to be used during the bidding process. (The reproducible drawings will be on 24 x 36 inch mylar, 3 mil single side matte finish, and all contract documents and specifications will be on 81rz x 11 inch white paper, 20/50 lb., single sided.) The City will be responsible for advertising and bidding the Project. Engineer will provide assistance to the City in responding to written questions received during the bidding process, evaluating acceptability of substitute materials and equipment, and in the preparation of addenda. The Engineer will review the bids submitted for the Project and provide a written recommendation regarding award of the Project based on the bids received. Task d. Construction Phase Services Engineer will provide limited services during the construction of the Project. These services will involve the following: 1. Attending and participating in the Pre-Construction Conference to be conducted by the City with the selected contractor and others. 2. Reviewing shop drawings and Requests For Information (RFIs) from the selected contractor. 3. Assisting the City in reviewing Requests for Proposed Changes in the design which will result in contract Change Orders. 4. Providing Construction Observations of the Project. Construction observations will be provided on an every other week basis. A written report of each construction observation will be provided to the City. 5. Assisting the City in the Substantial and Final Completion Inspections, including a certification of construction completion in accordance with the plans and specifications. Following construction completion, the Engineer will use the contractor's as-built mark-ups to develop Record Drawings for the project. The Engineer will provide the City with AutoCAD release 14 digital files of the Project Record Drawings and Contract Documents and Specifications using Microsoft Word Office 95. The contractor's "red line" markups will be provided to the City with the Engineer's Project Record Drawings submittal. 4 PART B. SUBCONSULTANT PROPOSALS The Engineer proposes to use Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corporation (SSMC) for site survey work. The Southeastern Surveying&Mapping Corporation (SSMC)proposal is attached as Exhibit B, and includes aerial photometric services by Aerial Cartographics of America, Inc. Under contract to SSMC. PART C. MAN-HOUR ESTIMATE See Table C (attached) for Engineer's detailed man-hour and salary cost estimate. PART D: FEE ESTIMATE Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc. proposes the following contract type and fee amount. Wage Cost Multiplier contract with a proposed fee of$53,989.80. The proposed fee includes $24,335.00 for SSMC/ACA survey services, $2,433.50 (10%) for subconsultant contract administration, an estimated$1,800.00 for reimbursable fees,and$25,421.30 for Ivey,Harris&Walls,Inc.professional services.Ivey,Harris&Walls,Inc.professional fees were determined as described below: IH&W WAGE COST MULTIPLIER LABOR COST ESTIMATE a. Direct Labor Costs for Bidding and Construction(see Table C) _ $ 8,989.50 b. Overhead Costs ($8,989.50 x 1.5249) =$13,708.09 c. Profit @ 12%of Labor& Overhead Cost ($22,697.59 x 0.12) = $ 2,723.71 Subtotal - Labor Cost (a+b +c) =$25.421.30 PART E: PRELIMINARY PROJECT SCHEDULE & COMPLETION DATE IH&W estimates that the total project period will extend approximately 43 weeks from notice-to- proceed to construction completion, as summarized below: ACTIVITY START FINISH DESCRIPTION (Days) (Days) Notice-to-Proceed 0 0 Requested Information Received From City 7 7 Prepare Initial Design Memo 7 21 Survey Work 7 42 5 City Review of Initial Design Memo 21 28 Finalize Design Memo 28 35 75% Progress Drawings and Specifications 35 49 City Review of 75% Submittal 49 56 90%Progress Drawings and Specifications 56 63 City Review of 90% Submittal 63 77 100% Progress Drawings and Specifications 77 91 Bidding 98 140 Construction (150 days) 150 300 6 EXHIBIT B SUBCONSULTANT FEE PROPOSALS Received: 5/18/99 4:55PM: 4070471607 -> IVCY HARAIS WALLS; Page 2 05/19/1999 16:42 4076471667 558MC PAGE 02 Daniel J.Henry,P.S.M. Gary B.Krick,P.S.M. UTILITY DIVISION Roger Lontway,G.S.M. PROVIDING SUBSURFACE Myron F.Lucas.P.S.M. LiTiLTVOESIONATION AND LOCATION Thomas K.Mead,P.S.M. p> USING OAAIAGE FREE James L.Peterson,P.S.M. z.. . � VACUUM EXCAVATION William a Rowe.P.S M. L Rickey J.Travis,P.S.M. SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING S.MAPPING CORP. SURVEYING FLORIDA SINCE 1972 May 18, 1999 • VIA FAX: (407) 629-7888 Bob Rutter Ivey, Harris & Walls 631 South Orlando Avenue, Suite 200 Winter Park, Florida 32789 RE: Reclaimed Water System Route Survey of the Reflections, Units 1 & 2, and Reserve, Units 1, 2, & 3, Subdivisions in the City of Ocoee,Located in Section 9, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Excluding Clarke Road Dear Mr. Rutter, We are pleased to submit our proposal for surveying services on the above referenced project. SCOPE OF WORK: Provide a Specific Purpose Design Topographic Survey in accordance with the Minimum Technical Standards for Professional Land Surveyors in the State of Florida and Chapter 61 G 17-6 F.A.C. to include the following only: 1. Coordinate the position and construction of 6 photo control points. 2. Coordinate the photogranm etric mapping work to be performed by A.C.A. 3. Coordinate with all utility owners having utilities within the proposed corridor and field-locate the existing utilities excluding the vertical location and excluding private irrigation systems, sanitary sewer and storm sewer. The final SSMC product will be as follows and as applicable to this specific project: AutoCAD Release 14 drawing files of the field survey. For A.C.A. scope and final product see the attached letter from A.C.A. I WI'MDATA\NRAI;MRIU n.nRIR4 W Ra.ra DJARMw3.yd OFFICE 324 North Odando Avenue.Maitland,Florida 32751-4702 407/547-8898 Fax 407/647-1667 email:ssmc960aol com .. . . eao een r eea.rrron Pa.nen/tnR-6069 e-mail:ssme96121wleca.nel Received: 5/1 H/99 4:55PM; 4070471667 -> IVEY HARRIS WALLS: Page a 05/10/1999 16: 42 4076471667 SS&MC PAGE 03 Page 2 Our fee for the above referenced work will be as follows: SSMC $ 17,850.00 A.C.A. $ 6.485.00 TOTAL $ 24,335.00 We anticipate completion of the above described work within thirty(30)working days after receipt of a written notice to proceed. Payment is expected within thirty days from date of invoice. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you on this project. Sincerely, Gary B. Krick, P.S.M. President/Project Manager (NK:bne If the above scope, period of service and method of compensation meets with your approval,please execute below and fax to Southeastern Surveying &Mapping Corp. as notice to proceed. ACCEPTED BY: Authorized Signature Printed Name Date ,stAst E\NT#DATA\hQpnaMSPU Reflection.d Kenna 6uMM1vbnv yd Received; 5/18/90 4:56PM: 4076471667 -> IVEY HARRIS WALLS; Page 4 05/18/1999 16: 42 4076471667 SS&MC PAGE 04 ci A��� lUt7,PdjY�i N1� �t.�'lc''> 'i' y6 ; �1 ):� Sr o� di el-: AERIAL-CA pNICS - • OF AMERICA, INC. • • A�Z�Ll er May 18, 1999 Mr. Gary B. Krick SOUTHEASTERN SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. 324 North Orlando Avenue Maitland, FL 32751 Subject: Reflections Unit 1 & 2, Reserve Unit 1, 2 &3 Subdivision Imagery/ Located In Section 9, Township 22S, Range 28 E - ACA Proposal #10173 Dear Mr. Krick: Thank you for your request for Aerial Cartographics of America to supply a quotation to secure aerial photography and to prepare raster Image flies of Reflections Unit 1 &2 and Reserve Unit 1, 2 & 3 subdivision in Ocoee, Florida. We understand the area is approximately 3000' x 3000'. We propose the following: Flight: ACA will accomplish the black end white aerial flight utilizing a precision aerial camera to obtain negatives suitable for the preparation of raster Imagery in accordance with the scales you require. Photo Lab: Process the aerial negatives and prepare one (1) complete set of black and white 9" x 9" contact prints and diapositives. Control Targets: We understand Southeastern Surveying &Mapping Corp. will provide targeting and ground control information. ACA will require four(4)targets or photo identified ground control points. Analvtical Triangulation: Upon receipt of sheet layout from Ivey, Harris & Walls ACA will • triangulate the aerial photography to expand the horizontal control to each corner of the image file. This process is a cost effective alternative to targeting each Image corner, Raster Imagery: ACA will scan the film diapositives at a scan rate suitable for Imagery at the scales you require. Intergraph 131-1 software will be used to geo-reference or ortho correct the raster imagery. Imagery wilt be supplied in AutoCAD REL,14 format on CD-ROM disks. • Accuracies: The raster image files will meet or exceed an accuracy of one half of one percent of the distance measured along the controlled alignment. Items to be Delivered: A. One (1) set of 9" x 9" stereoscopic photographs, Including flight, film and analytical 1722 W. Oak Ridge Road • Orlando, FL 32809 (407)851-7880 • Fax(407) 855-8250•E-mail aco2Dmindspring,corn Reeelvetl: 5/18/99 4:66PM: 4076471667 -a IVEY HARRIS WALLS; Page 5 05/18/1999 16:42 4076471667 59&MC PAGE 05 Page 2 Mr. Gary B. Krick Southeastern Surveying & Mapping Corp. ACA Proposal #10173 May 18, 1999 triangulation. B. One (1) set of 1" = 30'scale raster image files as specified above. Fee5chedule: Six thousand, four hundred and eighty-five dollars S6,485.00 Fees will be valid for a period of ninety (90) days from date of proposal. Item A will be invoiced upon completion of aerial photography and analytical triangulation. Item B will be invoiced upon completion of raster image files. Payment Terms: ACA will invoice monthly In accordance with percent complete. Payment terms are 30 days. It Is understood that this agreement Is between ACA and the addressee and payment is not contingent on payment from a third party unless other written agreements or guarantees are agreed to by both parties and attached hereto. We appreciate the opportunity of submitting this proposal and look forward to working with you on this project. If acceptable, a space is provided for an authorized signature. We will consider the return of the signed original letter as our legal contract and Notice to Proceed. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED: By: (Authorized Signature) Typed or Printed Name: I have read and agree to payment terms: (please Initial) Authorized Fee: Purchase Order No.: Date: Very truly yours, AERIAL CARTOORAPHICS OF AMERICA, INC. Steven Kuda, P.S.M. Vice President SK/pb e WnnA%0 9900173 • TABLE C IH&W MANHOUR AND SALARY COST ESTIMATE CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM RETROFIT FOR THE REFLECTIONS AND RESERVE SUBDIVISIONS 20-May-99 WORK TASK DFSCRIPTION. FSTIMATFO MANHOURS PERSONNEL CATFGORY S&.W Task a.Preliminary Design Memo QOM ENI Ell QQ11 WE ISEELIDTF 21 -Initial Design Memo 00 6.0 18.0 2.0 1.5 $518.50 -Draft Design Memo Review Meeting With City 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 00 $93.75 -Final Design Memo 0.5 3.0 00 1.0 0.5 $227.50 SUBTOTAL a, 0.5 12.0 24.0 3.0 2.0 $839.75 Task b.Design of Reclaimed Water System -Site Visit 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 00 $132.50 -75%Drawings 3.0 100 32.0 88.0 0.0 $2,653.00 -75%Specifications 1.0 4.0 12.0 0.0 6.0 $422.50 -75%Review Meeting 0.0 30 3.0 00 0.0 $138.75 -90%Drawings 2.0 6.0 10.0 40.0 0.0 $1,204.50 -90%Specifications 00 3.0 6.0 0.0 2.5 4 $215.75 -90%Review Meeting 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 $135.75 -100%Design Drawings 0.0 4.0 8.0 12.0 0.0 $485.00 -100%Design Specifications 0.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 2.0 $181.75 SI IRTOTAL b 6.0 38.0 80.0 142.0 10.5 $5,575.50 Task c. Bidding Phase Services -Response to Bidders Questions/Addenda 0.0 3.0 60 3.0 1.0 $257]5 -Bid Review and Recommendation 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 $107.00 SUBTOTAL c. 0.5 4.0 9.0 3.0 2.0 $364.75 Task d.Construction Phase Services -Pre-Construction Meeting 0.0 3.0 3.0 00 0.0 $138.75 -Review Shop Drawings 0.0 3.0 9.0 CO 3.0 $270.75 -Assist City in Responding to RFI's 0.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 1.5 $203.50 Assist City in Responding to Requests for Proposed Changes 0.0 3.0 60 0.0 00 $183.75 -Every Other Week Construction Observations(9 @ 3 Firs) 0.0 6.0 21.0 0.0 4.5 $565.50 -Substaintal and Final Completion Inspections 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 1.0 $152.75 -Assist City in Developing Record Drawings and Project Certification 0.5 3.0 50 24.0 1.0 5694.50 SUBTOTAL d. 0.5 23.0 52.0 27.0 11.0 $2,209.50 TOTAL 7.5 I 77.0 I 185.0 I 175.0 I 25.5 I $8,989.50 .PM Pmkauarvro.e-i-epveef n.Cwr-uD Tech II.Ws-Wad P'exscf