HomeMy WebLinkAboutII (A1) Presentation: Legislative Update by Representative Randy Johnson 0 SEPRES'.4) 1)41 e
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State Representative
Randy Johnson
1999 Legislative Update
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U Education
• Addressed needed education reform through the "Bush/Brogan A + Plan,"
which provides greater accountability for schools, enhances teacher quality,
and increases school safety
• 55.4% of General Revenue devoted to education, the largest percentage in
almost a decade
• Created a community college and university partnership that will provide
increased opportunity and access to post-secondary education
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Tax Relief ,,�-._
• Passed the largest tax cut package in Florida's history, providing over $1 7
billion in tax relief for families and small businesses ! i i 6.
• Passed the Taxpayer Fairness bill which reduces Florida's punitive tax S, ry ^`
system on businesses and families
• Enacted one week of "tax-free" shopping for clothes which will help Ie. .4 ,.
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parents prepare their kids for the school year
Public Safety
"+a • Adopted "10-20-Life,,, to target those who terrorize our communities by
r' committing violent crimes with a gun
AC 1'}r 4` s.'�i' • Through the "Three Strikes and You're Out" law, the House directed that
i°: , ' three-time violent felony offenders receive the maximum prison sentence
• Guard against guns in our schools, increase penalties for those who commit
- sexual crimes against children, and provide additional support for victims
of domestic violence
School Readiness
• One third of children who enter kindergarten are not ready to learn. This
;; „Z -_
legislation combines existing preschool programs for at-risk children into t
an integrated system with statewide performance and outcome measures to r ' -
ensure our children are ready to succeed in school
• Guarantees local input in decision making by child care providers, parents, I m
schools, health, and other school readiness stakeholders through the
establishment of local readiness coalitions
- • Established "Florida Forever" to protect and restore environmentally
,111 sensitive areas, granting authority for the issuance of bonds totaling S3
billion over the next 10 years
• Fully funded the final phase of Preservation 2000,which will end up
"`""'"'., preserving an estimated 1.7 million acres of environmentally sensitive lands
• Over $20 million for wildfire prevention and suppression efforts and
expanded authority for the Division of Forestry to coordinate statewide
prevention efforts
w., Elder Issues
• Created the Statewide Public Guardianship Office to provide guardianship
services, ensuring that those who arc unable to care for themselves receive
the care and protection they need
• Appropriated an additional $41.6 million for the hiring of new direct care
staff in nursing facilities
• Enacted a local option for additional property tax relief for low-income ; ='
elderly'co ._..
# g . Health Care
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ty `? • Created the Women & Heart Disease Task Force to review and inform
women of the dangers of heart disease
• Required that a physician who performs an abortion on a minor child notify
her parents or guardian at least 48 hours prior to performing the procedure
• Created the Lawton Chiles Endowment Fund to provide a dedicated
to- income stream for social services for children and the elderly
_ _..,
State Budget/Good Government
• S1.4 billion more spending power for education than last year .,. $,
•• $373 million in cost saving measures, cutting bureaucratic red tape - j I.,
• Provided $130 million for the Bright Futures Scholarship Program; S100
million for classroom construction to reduce class size from Kindergarten - ,„, :
through grade 3 #,
• $250 million for services to the developmentally disabled, as well as for
mental health and substance abuse
• Over $40 million for the construction of new juvenile offender facilities
• Continued efforts to establish a statewide building code, assuring added protections to protect
Floridians during hurricanes
• Creation of enhanced 911 network to quickly locate cellular callers in need of emergency assistance
• Establishment of the Office of Drug Control within the Executive Office of the Governor,
strengthening our efforts in the battle against drugs
1999-2000 Funding
$48, 859 .5 Million
(All Funds)
General Government,
Legislature & Transpoio
Administered Funds Economic Drtatevelopmentn &
$8,760.4 $8,692.6
(18%) (17.8%)
. ' $14,494.9
(29.7%) $13,554.5
Health &
r (6.8%)
Human Services
Children & Youth Issues
• The danger of a potential lawsuit is keeping many of Florida's communities from using their parks for
popular activities,such as rollerblading and freestyle bicycle riding.This bill gives these communities the
option of enjoying these activities by reducing the legal liability. (FIB 19)
• By revising and strengthening penalties relating to child abuse,the Republican-led House began closing
the gaps that defensless children have slipped through in the state's child protection programs. (HB 481)
• Drug use among young people continues to be a growing problem in our society. The House worked to
address this epidemic by developing programs that will specifically address the needs of this segment of
our population. (HB 2003)
Consumer Protection
• We passed legislation to strengthen the Agriculture Commissioner's power to protect Floridians from
unscrupulous solicitors and telemarketer's. It also provides significant new consumer protections with
respect to motor vehicle repairs,sale of business opportunities,and devices used by disabled and injured
people. (HB 1061)
Drug/Alcohol Abuse
• By establishing a central office to focus our efforts and coordinate all levels of government,we take an
important step forward toward victory in the war on drugs. (HB 1831)
• The Republican-led House passed laws to promotes more personal responsibility. One such measure
states that individuals should not be let off the hook for crimes they committed while under the influence
of drugs and/or alcohol. In Florida,we must ensure that there is no legal loophole for drug abusers. (HB
421 &485)
• Through the"10-20-Life"and'Three Strikes"legislation,the House targeted drug dealers,ensuring that
those who traffic major quantities of drugs and illegal substances will receive swift and certain
punishment(HB 113& 121)
Economic Development
• The Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund program has played a key role in the location or expansion
decisions of 124 quality,competitive economic development projects in Florida. These projects are
directly creating 32,420 new jobs in Florida,with average wages of$34,420 and total private capital
investment of more than$2.8 billion.The Governor's Office of Tourism,Trade,and Economic
Development(OTTED) calculates a 9 to 1 return in state revenues (ten years). We continued this
program and invested$24 million for the next fiscal year to bring more high paying jobs to our State. (HB
• We gave more flexibility to the Governor to waive the eligibility requirements of any program or activity
administered by OTTED to provide economic relief to communities experiencing an economic
emergency. The Governor will be able to take action,as necessary,to resolve the economic emergency in
the most expedient manner possible. (FIB 881)
• Front Porch Florida seeks to advance an urban policy that will release the power of local communities in
Florida's urban cores to rebuild their neighborhoods through a redevelopment process that is
neighborhood asset-based,community focused,and relationship driven. The Office of Urban
Opportunity within OTTED was created to administer the Front Porch Florida initiative. (HBs 17& 881)
• We passed legislation to help our smaller counties,who sometimes lack the resources to expand their
economic demographics.From creating new enterprise zones in North Florida to creating the Rural
Economic Development Initiative(REDI),we have laid the foundation for economic growth throughout
every area of our state. (HB 1027)
▪ A measure was adopted that authorizes school boards to require student to recite the pledge and treat the
American flag with respect. Patriotism is a vital demerit to understanding and appreciating our nation's
history.This legislation restores these principles by replacing statutory language which was erroneously
taken out of law. (HB 9)
• All aspects of the "A+plan": measuring annual student learning,grading school performance,eliminating
social promotion,rewarding schools for achievement,school choice,raising standards for educators,
rewarding high-performing educators and creating a safe learning environment in our schools,will help to
ensure that every child in Florida will receive a year's worth of knowledge in a year's time. (HB 751)
• Making college accessible and affordable is vital in the creation of a capable,educated workforce in
Florida.The Florida College Savings Program will provide individuals with the additional option of
contributing funds to invest in order to pay for the costs associated with a college education. The
earnings from the investments are not taxed while the funds remain in the program (FIB 1411)
• As Florida seeks to establish a world-class educational system,creating a community college and university
partnership will ensure student increased opportunity and access to a postsecondary degree. (HB 765)
• We have created a consolidated,coordinated,and potentially self-supporting system of distance learning
instruction for the Florida Community College System. The State Board of Community Colleges is
allowed to produce and market its distance learning products which will help Florida in competing with
other states. (FIB 1007)
Elder Issues
• This year,the Legislature created the Statewide Public Guardianship Office within the Department of
Elder Affairs.This bill will help to ensure that some our most vulnerable Floridians,who are unable to
care for themselves,receive the care and protection they need. (FIB 213)
• Many of our elderly rely on fixed incomes and are unable to support the burden of increasing property
taxes.At times,this results in severe financial hardship, forcing some elderly out of their homes.The
House approved a measure which allows local governments to offer some desperately needed property
tax relief to these individuals. (HB 291)
• This year,the Florida Legislature made nursing home reform a priority issue. As our population continues
to age,more and more of our citizens require attention that only nursing home facilities can offer. We
appropriated over$30 million to reimburse nursing home facilities for the hiring of additional staff,to
help ensure that the residents of these homes receive the attention and care they deserve. (FIB 1971)
• While we have made great strides in extending life expectancy,we have not been as attentive to the
demands of aging,living with serious illness or dying. This bill works to allow doctors more freedom in
honoring the end-of-life wishes of their patients. (HB 2131)
• Florida has the highest percentage of residents over the age of sixty of any state in the Union. The Florida
House of Representatives recognized the need to adequately represent this segment of the population.
This year the House formed the House Senior Caucus,which consisted of members of the House,sixty
years of age or older. This Caucus served as an advisory board to the leadership of the House on issues
concerning seniors.
Election Reform
• The people of Florida sent us a message last year,and we have heard them—loud and cleat They asked
for more access to the process by minor party candidates.The voters also said they want party politics out
of school board elections and that they want gubernatorial candidates to have the freedom to choose the
best running mate available.We have listened to the voice of the people and implemented these changes.
(HBs 1463,2109&2263)
Emergency Services
• The new enhanced wireless 911 telephone services will save lives. It allows the use of the latest technology
to quickly locate cellular callers in emergency situations,so they get the help they need when they need it.
(FIB 621)
Environmental Issues
• Florida is an extremely high-growth state and we walk a thin line between providing for this growth,
preserving our limited resources and protecting the inalienable rights of property owners.
• We have fully funded Preservation 2000 for 1999,and have worked hard on a program to extend its goals
into the new millennium The Florida Forever initiative is a comprehensive land acquisition effort which
puts a continued emphasis on acquiring lands critical to the state's environmental and water resource
development needs,increases funding for urban parks and recreational areas and gives greater attention to
the management of the purchased lands. (FIB 2021)
• In addition to the Florida Forever initiative,we passed three other environmentally important pieces of
legislation.We created the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to consolidate the protection of
Florida's endangered species under one agency.We passed the Florida Watershed Restoration Act to set
strict limits on pollutants entering Florida waters,and we streamlined the process of cleaning up areas
contaminated by underground petroleum tanks.(FIBs 2145,2069&2151)
Family Issues
• One measure adopted by the House provides tougher penalties for"dead-beat"dads(or moms)who
consistently refuse to pay child support. Furthermore,it clarifies many confusing sections of Florida
Statutes which relate to child support obligations. (HB 2149)
✓ Prior to the 1999 Legislative Session,there were some loopholes which allowed individuals to "hide"their
assets from a surviving spouse,leaving them destitute. The House adopted a proposal which provides
some basic safeguards to ensure that the"elective share"accomplishes it purpose of ensuring that a
surviving spouse is entitled to an elective share. (HB 301)
✓ One right that Floridians hold very dear is the right to privacy.The House approved a measure that will
protect consumers from an invasion of their privacy by banning any surveillance video taping in dressing
rooms, fitting rooms and rest rooms. (HB 2189)
Gun Violence
• "10-20-Life"provides a`Republican"solution to the issue of gun violence. Instead of restricting the
rights of law-abiding gun owners,this law carefully targets those few individuals who commit violent
crimes with guns. Constitutional rights are protected,while public safety is promoted. (HB 113)
fr Individuals who commit the violent crimes with guns terrorize our communities and cause great harm to
society. "10-20-Life"ensures that these dangerous felons will be locked up and will stay off our streets for
a very long time. (HB 113)
fr When faced with simple,understandable laws,such as"10-20-Life"and "'Three Strikes" (which provide
certain and swift punishment for gun violence and trafficking drugs) many individuals will be deterred
from a life of crime. (HB 113)
✓ In view of the tragic school shootings in Colorado,a measure was adopted which provides a legal
framework to will allow law enforcement and school officials to respond to firearms brought onto school
property. (HB 349)
fr Under current law, a donor in a medically necessary bone marrow transplant,could be left with a medical
bill ranging from 510,000 to over$30,000. While health insurers and HMOs are required to cover the
costs associated with the transplant recipient,the donor has been excluded from this requirement. This
year we required the donors to be covered to the same extent as the recipient in all medically necessary
bone marrow transplants. (HB 377)
✓ A measure adopted by the House this year would prohibit a physician from terminating the pregnancy of
a minor,without first giving the parent or legal guardian 48 hours notice. This requirement will prevent
the young women from making a hasty decision and will keep the parents involved in their child's
decision making process. (HB 1585)
✓ The Republican led Legislature worked increase the rights of parents and strengthen Florida's families by
requiring physicians to notify parents before performing an abortion on a minor. Prior to the 1999
Session,a physician could operate on a minor to terminate a pregnancy,and the parents never be
informed of the procedure. (HB 1585)
✓ The 1999 Legislature passed a common sense bill that would include abortions in the list of procedures
which require parental consent or notification. Currently in Florida,a minor must have nomnzed written
consent from a parent or guardian before being pierced in a body piercing salon,and yet they have an
abortion and the parents may never even be notified. (FIB 1585)
▪ No part of Florida is safe from hurricanes,so we need to make sure our citizens are offered the best
insurance coverage,without punishing those living outside the"high strike" areas. Legislation was passed
that would allow the Joint Underwriting Association QUA) to continue to offer incentives for private-
sector insurance companies that take over policies from the state-supported insurer of last resort. As
more JUA policies move into the private sector,we reduce likelihood of large assessments on all Florida
property owners to support JUA losses. (FIB 995)
si The legislature passed reforms to personal injury protection coverage for auto insurance. Now drivers can
combine two money-saving auto insurance options,instead of being limited to one option at most. A
retired person,for example,can now take advantage of the savings from a higher deductible and save
more money by dropping un-needed wage loss coverage. (FIB 295)
io The Catastrophe Fund was created in 1993 to help stabilize the property insurance environment by
reimbursing insurers for a portion of their losses from a major hurricane. If the fund ever exhausts its cash
and its potential bonding capacity,insurance companies will have to replace inexpensive Catastrophe Fund
coverage with expensive private reinsurance.We passed legislation assuring there will be money left in the
fund after a large hurricane by capping the payout from the fund at 511 billion. This change will enable
the fund to provide valuable protection for Floridians and stability for the property insurance market even
after another Hurricane Andrew. (FIB 1711)
Legal Reform
Floridians Tell Us:
1. 83%say there are too many lawsuits being filed in Florida today.
2. 69%say that too many people are taking unfair advantage of the civil justice system.
3. 84%support reforming the civil justice system,even if it means trial lawyers make less. money
4. 75%of believe that companies that meet or exceed government safety standards when producing a
product should get the protection they deserve in court.
Message: (HB 775)
oi Reforming the civil justice system would make sure victims receive a greater percentage of damage awards,
even if that means trial lawyers make less money.
• No one will ever be denied the right to sue or to collect damages,but it would be better and fairer if the
victims got a larger share of damage awards.
▪ Punitive damages shouldn't be a windfall for plaintiffs or their attorneys: they should be a punishment for
• Reforming the civil justice system would keep trial lawyers from sticking people with 100%of the special
damages in cases where they are only partially at fault (joint&several liability)
• There needs to be a time limit after which the company that makes a product is less responsible than the
owner of that product for its continued safe operation. "Old things break." (Product liability)
• The legal reform package crafted by the Florida House of Representatives seeks to provide greater
fairness in our civil justice system by correcting some glaring inequities that now exist.The bill seeks to:
• Reduce frivolous lawsuits
• Enhance Florida's ability to attract new industries and high-wage jobs
• Reduce insurance rates
• Improve our business climate
• Reduce consumer prices
• Encourage more personal responsibility
• Provide a more efficient legal system for the people of Florida
• The House legal reform package was carefully crafted through an open,deliberate process with the goal of
correcting a range of inequities in our legal system.These reforms will help to restore fairness to the
judicial process.
Prison Issues
• Daily our correctional officers work among Florida's toughest felons.At times,these courageous
individuals are assaulted,and subjected to hideous attacks involving bodily fluids,which may be
contaminated with HIV/AIDS or other contagious diseases.The House adopted a measure will establish
the needed legal recourse to curb such reprehensible behavior. (FIB 45)
• Another House initiative empowers local prison officials by giving them theauthority they need both to
reward good behavior of inmates and to punish negative behavior.This legislation is an example of the
Republican principle of local control,where regulations are set by those who are closest to the actual
situation. (FIB 253)
• This bill will help to ensure that whenever possible,inmates will be given meaningful work to do while
they are incarcerated through prison industry programs.Through these programs,inmates learn valuable
skills that will help them obtain a job after they serve their sentence. In addition,they the proceeds from
the prison industry can be used for restitution and other purposes. (HB 2133)
• The people of Florida do not want bloated bureaucracies,with layer upon layer of management wasting
the dollars we investment in our correctional system.An important measure that was adopted by the
House empowers the Secretary of the Department of Corrections,Michael Moore,to reform the"top
heavy"multi-billion dollar agency into an efficient,right sized organization that is ready to embrace the
challenges of the future. (HB 2161)
Public Safety
• Violent crime has been declining in Florida for five consecutive years."10-20-Life,""Three Strikes"and
other criminal justice legislation will help to ensure that this positive trend continues. (HB 113& 121)
• Public safety has consistently been one of the top issues that concerns Florida's citizens.The 1999 Session
reflect the Republican commitment to making Florida a safer place for everyone. (I-lB 113)
• House legislation targets"techno-criminals"who steal credit card numbers,social security numbers,and
other personal information in order to gain unlawful access to financial resources and engage in other
criminal activity. (HB 49)
• Republicans provided increased penalties for"hit and run"criminals who not only cause injury with a car
or boat,but reject even the most basic courtesy to render aid or call for help. (H13 71)
• Individuals with two prior violent-felony offences who commit a third violent felony will receive the
maximum prison sentence available. In Florida,we have drawn a line in the sand,warning all would-be
criminals: 'Three strikes and you're out" (HB 121)
• Nearly 41°/a of certain offenses,including murder,rape and assault,were domestic violence related.The
House approved a bill that will give victims of domestic violence assistance when it is necessary for them
to relocate in order to protect their safety. (FIB 1779)
• The House approved a measure that will allow employers and volunteer organizations to conduct
background checks for individuals who will be working with children,the elderly,or those with
disabilities. (HB 391)
r. House Republicans passed legislation that prohibts dangerous criminals from having their records sealed
or expunged(erased).Criminals will not be allowed to hide behind sealed criminals records—the public
needs to know. (HE 391)
Reduced Bureaucracy
• By creating a statewide one-stop permitting system and encouraging local governments to expedite and
streamline permitting procedures,we will encourage businesses to relocate to Florida by allowing them to
obtain all necessary permits from one source.(HB 2055)
• The Administrative Procedures Act addresses the fundamental issue of who ultimately sets government
policy—elected officials or unelected state bureaucrats.The legislation will continue to rein in out-of-
control state agencies and protect our personal freedom(HB 107)
School Readiness
▪ A measure was adopted that coordinates existing Federal and State programs to give Florida's
underprivileged children every advantage they need to be ready for school.The legislation establishes
concise,statewide standards while promoting flexibility and local input in order to meet the needs of each
participating county. We're spending too much time and money on remediation. It is time to put a stop
to these problems before they start. (FIB 259)
• One third of children who enter kindergarten are not ready to learn.This legislation combines existing
preschool programs for at-risk children into an integrated system with statewide standards and goals to
ensure our children are ready to succeed in school. (HB 259)
School Safety
ci A measure was adopted which will help to ensure that all of Florida's children are protected from
trespassers—both those in public school and private school. (HB 199)
ic An important component of the A+ Plan addresses school safety by requiring schools to establish a
safety strategy plan, by providing start-up funds for alternative schools for disruptive,violent students,
and by streamlining procedures for reducing truancy. (HE 751)
Tax Relief
3. In the past,when the economy experienced a downturn,the Legislature regularly increased taxes. Now,
with the economy performing well,it is only fitting to return funds to taxpayers. That is why the
Legislature is giving back more than$1 billion this year to Floridians in the form of tax relief.
I. The Republican budget is a reflection of Florida's priorities: making sure that our educational and social
needs are met,while relieving Floridians from stifling and counterproductive taxation.
• The Tax-Free Week provides a broad-based and meaningful tax cut to working families who are getting
their children ready for school. Florida's businesses also benefit from the tax free week,due to the
increased sales. Last year's holiday was extremely successful,and taxpayers enjoyed$17 million in savings.
This year's holiday is expected to be even more successful with savings projected at$35 million. (HB
ic The major reductions in the intangible tax,totaling$265 million,will provide much needed tax relief for
investors and businesses in Florida. Floridians will keep more of the money they save and Florida will
attract more businesses to Florida,thereby strengthening the economy of our state. (HB 1943)
• Given our current low level of unemployment(4.2%) and the fiscal health of the trust fund (over$2
billion),this is a fiscally responsible cut. No money will be taken from the Unemployment Compensation
Trust Fund. Rather,this temporary reduction in the rate will put resources back into private economy
instead of further adding to a reserve fund that is already adequate. Under this proposal,365,365
employers will save an average of$499 and 205,523 of those employers (those with the best employment
history)will pay no tax at all. (FIB 1951)
▪ Lifeline and Link-up utilize excising federal and state dollars to offer telephone service to anyone on
assisted living programs. This program has not been utilized by everyone eligible and noticing the security
need for telephone service,this bill allows the PSC to spearhead an information campaign to make sure
everyone who wants telephone service knows of exciting programs. (HB 2123)
P We extended until 2004,the universal service and carrier of last resort obligation that mandates local
telephone companies to provide service to anyone who wants a phone. We realized the security need for
having access to a telephone. (FIB 2123)
The Legislature passed a measure last year to help prevent check writing fraud by allowing the
Department of Transportation to sell your driver's license photograph to a private firm that would
implement new fraud prevention technology. However,the leadership of the House decided that the
decision was made too quickly and repealed the law,choosing instead to create a task force to study the
issue of new technology in fighting fraud in Florida. (HB 1015)
The House passed a bill which takes an aggressive,proactive approach to preventing wildfires by giving
the Division of Forestry the authority and resources with which to prevent and fight wildfires wherever
they may occur—on public or private lands.The bill we passed allows the division to establish a training
center for wildfire prevention and suppression,as well as to cross-train urban firefighters for wildfire
duties. (I-1B 1535)