HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of June 15, 1999 and Work Session June 14, 1999 Agenda 7 06-99
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HELD JI1NE 15, 1999
Mayor of the Day Louis Fazio, Jr., after being introduced by Mayor Vandergrift called the
regular meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. The invocation was given
by Reverend Freddie Filmore of Freedom Ministries, which was followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance, led by Former Mayor/Commissioner Lester Dabbs, Jr. The roll was called and a
quorum declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift and Mayor of the Day Fazio, Commissioners Anderson,
Howell. Johnson and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal,
Assistant City Attorney Spiva, Community Relations/Projects Director Shira, City
Engineer/Utilities Director Shim, Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director/Construction
Administrator Wheeler, Fire Chief Strosnider, Information Systems Manager Tartar, Planning
Director Wagner, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Friel, and Deputy City Clerk Gosnell.
Mayor of the Day Fazio and Mayor Vandergrift presented Certificates of Appreciation to Matt
Garland and Adam Shkolder for their time and talent for the Memorial Day Celebration.
Mr. Jim Sweatman, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, gave a brief overview of
the Fish Orlando! Project including the Fab Five, Dynamic Dozen, and Fantastic Fishing Days,
as well as short video presentation promoting quality fishing. Discussion included the amount of
in-kind services,funding, interest and cooperation in having Starke Lake listed as one of the Fab
Five lakes.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to cooperate with the
Florida Game and Fresh Water Commission to promote Starke Lake as a potential Fab Five
Lake. Motion carried 5-0.
Assistant City Attorney Spiva made a presentation outlining the overall scope and current status
of the City's Year 2000 Consequence Management Plan, noting that both contingency plans and
"work around" plans have been developed in preparation, and listing the dates of August 22,
1999 when the national global satellite system will be re-set; the 9999 Code issue of September
9. 1999; the February 29, 2000 Leap Year issue; and the December 31-January I rollover as
potential test dates, and that consideration has been given for power disruption, traffic
signalization and special needs for certain residents in the community. Discussion included ways
to notify residents, current testing. and the percentage of readiness at this time (90%).
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
Information Systems Manager Tartar reported that the Y2K team will come back to the
Commission with subsequent reports and/or action depending on future testing.
Reverend Jerry Gilley introduced himself as a member of the newly found Ocoee/West Orange
Reconciliation Committee and three year resident of Ocoee. Reverend Girley announced the
current members of the Committee and those members in attendance. and reported that the
Committee has met to discuss issues concerning diversity and race, and it had been determined
that a need exists for a body capable to serve as a facilitating unit to assist citizens. Reverend
Girley also reported that the Committee intended to organize community discussions and
requested from the City Commission: (1) for the City to officially recognize the task force as a
group that will serve as a facilitating unit to assist citizens on three major issues: (a) increase
cooperation; (b) increase communication; and (e) increase understanding; and (2) that a facility
be provided to accommodate groups for meetings.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to recognize the efforts of
the Ocoee/West Orange Reconciliation Committee, and to authorize the use of a facility for their
meetings. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Anderson requested that Pastor Freddie Filmore of Freedom Ministries, 1348 Old
Apopka Road, Apopka, be recognized.
Scoutmaster Paul Hershaw, Roy Scout Troop 198, introduced Justin Barrett and Randy
Ketterman, who achieved the Eagle Award. Scoutmaster Hershaw requested grant money from
the City for the troop to participate in a white water rafting trip to Utah, stating that they have
raised close to $19.000 for the trip, but were approximately $1,000 short of their goal, and that
they were holding a rummage sale on Saturday at the Lion's Club to offset that shortfall.
Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to grant $1,000 to Troop
198 for their white water rafting trip. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Rowell made an amending motion to approve funds to Troop 198 in the amount
of $1,200, increasing the grant by $200 to cover miscellaneous trip expenses. Commissioner
Johnson seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting ofJune I, 1999 and (2) Special
Session ofJune 8, 1999.
R. Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of the Intersection of Bexley Blvd./Cassingham
Cr./Alclobe Cr. in the Silver Bend Subdivision for a Neighborhood Party on July 3, 1999 from 3 p.m.
until 7 p.m. Upon approval the following requirements will be met by the applicants: (I) Road blocking must
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
be done with proper barricades; (2) An emergency lane must be maintained during the time the event has the
streets blocked, and(3)All residents that will he affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance.
C. Approval and Authorization for Temporary closing of Millstream Road from Timber Ridge Trail to Cross
Cut Court in Sawmill Subdivision for a Neighborhood Block Party on July 4, 1999 from 3 p.m. until
midnight. Upon approval the following requirements will be met by the applicants'. (I) Road blocking must he
done with proper barricades: (2) An emergency lane must be maintained during the time the event has the
streets blocked;and(3)All residents that will be affected by the road blockage must he notified in advance.
D. Approval and Acceptance of Addendum to Final Subdivision Plan for Lake Bennet Centre(Replat of Lots
2, 3, 4 & 5). This Addendum date stamped June 10, 1999 rearranges some of the lots in the original Final
Subdivision Plan (Lots 2-5).
E. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Final Plat for Lake Bennet Centre, Lots 2,
3,4,and 5 Replat. This is the final stage necessary before recording the plat of the above plan.
F. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Final Plat for Remington Oaks Phase I. In
conjunction with this Final Plat. the Developer is conveying Tract A as shown on the Plat to the City as a
continuous greenway, open space and recreation area in accordance with the Annexation and Development
Agreement dated February 4, 1997.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve the Consent
Agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Denise Lenko. 1117 Kimball Drive. displayed photographs taken of Kimball Drive and stated
that she had spoken with several departments in the City regarding the drainage problem and her
request for swales on Kimball Drive. Discussion ensued involving swales, ribbon curbs,
Russell/Malcolm Drive issues, and public rights-of-way. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shiro
reported that the project is not finished, money is not available to go all the way to Russell Drive,
and that curbing had to be installed due to road deterioration by vehicles. City Manager Shapiro
clarified his direction from the City Commission, which was to do the best they could to contain
the water, and in the best interest for the drainage, and requested the Commission to allow Staff
the authority to make a policy decision to properly do the project subject to funds available since
the Stormwater Fund is very limited in dollars. Consensus was for the Engineering Department
to take a look at the situation and notify property owners of their intent.
Cindy Crawford,1201 Kimball Drive, spoke to the issue of the Kimball/Sabrina Drive
swales/flooding and displayed photographs of high water marks at her residence.
Gary Hood, 2028 Hedgerow Circle, spoke on behalf of the Ocoee Little League concerning the
fields, fence, and grass issues. Recreation Director Nordquist stated that they needed a quote on
fencing from Public Works. City Manager Shapiro stated that the City is waiting on revenue
projections before funds can he considered for this project, and that he would check to see if the
City or Groundtek maintains the Complex field and ask them to mow it.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting •
June 15, 1999
Debi Kerkhoff, 1744 Sparking Water Circle, requested a zoning variance concerning her
property. Ms. Kerkhoff had requested a permit from the City for a patio enclosure for her home
and was denied. Discussion ensued. City Manager Shapiro requested the opportunity to meet
with his Staff to explore the issue and would get back in touch with Ms. Kerkhoff thereafter.
Vicki Pate, 1003 Armada Court (call in), inquired if the City would pick-up extra garbage if
placed outside of the green receptacle. Discussion followed.
Chad Martin, 560 S. Bluford (call in), inquired the status of location for the new lire station.
City Manager Shapiro reported that they were still looking and will report back.
Nancy Cox, 711 Pine Street (e-mail), requested a dead-end sign on Pine Street. City Manager
Shapiro stated that he would meet with Public Director Smith regarding this issue.
Bill (e-mail), requested no trespassing signs at retention pond north of Fire Station #4. City
Manager Shapiro reported that signs have been placed at this location several times and have
been stolen again.
R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, stated that the pavement on Prairie Lake
Boulevard can be improved and that the City should get involved in class action lawsuit
regarding computers.
RECESS 9:23 P.M. - 9:35 P.M.
Commissioner Howell:
1) Extended Happy Birthday wishes to his son Austin, who will be 7 years old on Wednesday,
and his daughter,Kelly, whose birthday is today.
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Expressed his thanks to Orlando Sentinel reporter Craig Quintana, who was moving to Idaho
with his family.
2) Invited all citizens to participate in the Starke Lake Clean-Up on Saturday, June 19, 1999,
from 8:30 a.m.to 11 :30 a.m. beginning at the boat ramp.
3) Playfully requested the Mayor/Commission receive a standing invitation to all block parties.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Announced the birth of his granddaughter. Mckenzie. on June 10, weighing 5 Ibss, 11 ounces.
Commissioner Parker:
1) Will be at the Starke Lake Clean-up on Saturday after Jazzercise.
2) Expressed get well thoughts and prayers to Jean Grafton on her imminent surgery.
Mayor Vandergrift:
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June IS, 1999
1) Announced Men's health Night sponsored by Senior Central on Monday. June 21. 5:30 p.m.
to 8:30 p.m.. Gleason Room at Health Central.
2) Announced the Department of Health and Human Services would be conducting a health
survey June 27 through August 20, 1999, and approximately 450 people from Orange County
will he asked to participate.
3) Announced invitation to a Volunteer Appreciation Barbecue extended by the Florida
Lakewatch Crew on Wednesday, July 14, at 5:00 p.m. at the Orange County Extension Office
on the corner of Bumby and Michigan Avenues.
4) Echoed Commissioner Anderson's and Parker's invitation to the Starke Lake Clean-up this
Note: The fallowing item was taken out of order.
Amendment to Preliminary Site Plan and Final Site Plan for Esplanade Apartments at
Plantation Grove. Planning Director Wagner stated that a request has been made to amend the
Preliminary and Final Site Plans for the Esplanade Apartments, changing the brick wall along
Maguire Road to a decorative block wall, that this was a policy issue rather than a technical
issue, and in the event the wall should be changed. it would he a formal amendment.
Mr. Tom Daly. T. Daly Design Group, 641 W. Fairbanks. Winter Park, described the benefits of
the maintenance free block wall as compared to a brick wall.
Dr. Robert Ferdinand stated that the wall would not even be seen on the other side of the street.
and that the maintenance free block wall was far more superior esthetically. Dr. Ferdinand and
Mr. Daly answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued.
"[he Public Hearing was opened.
Peter Spence, Director, Cross Creek HOA, read a prepared statement not in favor of the
Former Commissioner Scott A. Glass, 203 Laurenburg Lane, agreed with Mr. Spence and said he
did not think it was in the best interest of the City to renege the interests of the citizens of Ocoee.
Ms. Kimberly Christoefl, 572 Bridge Creek Blvd., requested the wall be brick and was not in
favor of the amendment.
Ms. Rosemary Morganto, 11012 Graneshire Court, Windermere Groves, provided a letter from
the Wesmere Maintenance Association expressing their non acceptance of the amendment, and
stated the Windemiere Groves HOA was of the same opinion. Ms. Morganto stated that she
contacted the manufacturer of the block and was told it was commercially used by Target and
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
Ms. Carolyn D'Argenio, 2406 Quiet Waters Loop. stated that she was tired of Dr. Ferdinand
changing his mind on everything.
Mr. Daly responded by stating that the amendment consisted of less than 200 feet, and that over
2000 feet of brick wall have been done at the request of the residents in the community.
Commissioner Anderson requested the commitment, according to the Minutes, be adhered to.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Parker stated she agreed with everything said by the citizens and the Commission.
Commissioner Johnson stated that when Commissioner Glass was on the Commission. a great
deal of repetitive discussions came up because of the promise of brick walls by Mr. Daly.
Commissioner Johnson stated he personally liked brick walls and thinks they do make a
Commissioner Howell stated that if the citizens expected brick walls,then brick is to be used.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that he encourages all developers to cover up fences with greenery, and
that on the basis of the citizen response, he would have to side with the citizens.
Commissioner Parker. seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to deny the Amendment to
Preliminary Site Plan and Final Site Plan for Esplanade Apartments. Motion carried 5-0.
RECESS 10:12 Y.M. - 10:22 P.M
Mayor of the Day Fazio departed.
Ordinance No. 99-24, Road Impact Fee. (Continued from June 1, 1999) City Attorney
Rosenthal read Ordinance No. 99-24 by title only.
Brad Friel, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner, gave a brief overview of the technical
aspects of the latest impact fee update and the research Staff has done on behalf of the
Commission's request from the June 1, 1999 City Commission Regular Meeting.
City Attorney Paul Rosenthal also spoke on the issue of the continuance from the June 1, 1999
meeting as well, stating that the motion on the table as it stands was that Commissioner Johnson,
seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to leave residential (on Table 1) where it is and go
forward with the rest of the staff recommendation: i.e, adopt Ordinance 99-24 to amend Sections
87-I through 87-13 and to adopt a new Section 87-14 of Article I of Chapter 87 of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of Ocoee entitled, "Road Impact Fees" subject to deletion of 'Video
Rental Store" from the list of land uses contained within Exhibit "A," the Updated Impact fee
The Public Hearing was opened.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Boulevard, stated that the residents get charged taxes and
commercial properties get tax breaks and make money. Discussion ensued.
Ms. Kimberly Christoefl. 572 Bridge Creek Blvd.. stated that impact fees were important and she
did not want taxes increased if the impact fees were not increased. Ms. Christoetl further
requested that the Commission consider Ms. Martha Lopez-Anderson for the Planning and
Zoning Board.
The Public I fearing was closed.
City Manager Shapiro reported that he had received and copied to the Commission an e-mail
from Mr. Hudson concerning this issue.
Commissioner Johnson stated that he would like to leave the residential where it is at and work
on commercial. and that impact fees need to be where the City does not raise/impact residents
Commissioner Parker stated that the impact fees on a new home do not affect the sale of a home.
Commissioner Howell stated that the impact fee appears to be reduced by half, requested the
definition of enabling, and asked what would happen if the City did nothing with the Road
Impact Fees. City Attorney Rosenthal described enabling as something not passed through
legislation, and that if the City failed to act on the issue, it would leave the City open to a
challenge, and that the Ordinance prevents those challenges.
Whit Blanton, Principal Transportation Planner, SAIC, stated that he was aware of at least one
potential challenge by a grocery store.
Mayor Vandergrift stated that if something is forced by the government and you pay it, then it is
a tax, and all impact fees together total between $7,000-$10,000, and expressed interest in
incorporating into the Ordinance a six month study without holding up the building process as
suggested by Mr. Hudson's attorney.
City Manager Shapiro responded that in some instances in some shopping centers, it takes over a
year for all the stores to open up. Discussion included a possible monitoring system.
Commissioner Anderson agreed with Commissioner Parker, and stated that as years go by, you
pay more for impact fees.
Commissioner Johnson requested clarification of his pending motion made on June 1, 1999.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the previous motion, and reiterated his recommendation that the
City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance as originally recommended by staff and that no
changes be made to the rate schedule proposed by SAIL, and that taking no action on the
ordinance would be a better course of action than adopting the proposed amended ordinance.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
Commissioner Howell requested clarification of the motion on the table and the residential
impact fees as they exist versus being raised. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to leave residential (on
Table 1) where it is and go forward with the rest of the staff recommendation: i.e. adopt
Ordinance 99-24 to amend Sections 87-I through 87-13 and to adopt a new Section 87-14 of
Article I of Chapter 87 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee entitled, "Road Impact
Fees" subject to deletion of "Video Rental Store" from the list of land uses contained within
Exhibit"A." the Updated Impact fee Schedule. Motion failed 2-3.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to adopt the original
Proposed Ordinance No. 99-24 to amend Sections 87-I through 87-13 and to adopt a new
Section 87-14 of Article I of Chapter 87 of the Code (Road Impact Fees) deleting the "Video
Rental Store" from the list of land uses contained within the updated Impact Fee Schedule.
Motion carried 3-2.
Commissioner Johnson stated that raising the residential impact fees affects citizens the most.
Commissioner Parker stated that the residential impact fees would only affect new homeowners.
Note: The following items were taken out of order.
Discussion/Action re: Telecommunications Award. Information Systems Manager Tartar
gave a brief presentation of the telecommunications project and introduced Mr. Lee McCain
from Lucent Technology and Messrs. Ron Shelton and Jim Ellerbee from Sprint-Florida. The
two vendors responded to questions raised by the Commission concerning specifications and
Commissioner Anderson made the motion to accept Lucent Technology's hid. Motion died due
to the lack a second motion.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, made the motion to accept Staffs
recommendation to award the telecommunications contract to Sprint-Florida. Motion carried
Commissioner Anderson stated that if the City had selected Lucent.they would be better off five
years down the road.
First Reading: Ordinance No. 99-25, Builder Complaint Log. City Attorney Rosenthal read
the title only of this Ordinance.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
Commissioner Anderson stated that he felt the one year Log was not sufficient. and requested
Staff to make a revision to the Ordinance to reflect a three year Log. Discussion ensued and
consensus was made to the three year change.
Discussion/Adoption of Resolution No. 99-13, Extension of Time Warner Cable Franchise.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title only of this Resolution.
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. made the motion to adopt
Resolution No. 99-13. Extension of Mime Warner Cable Franchise which extends the current
franchise agreement with Cablevision Industries of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Time Warner
Communications to October 2. 1999. Motion carried 4-I.
Commissioner Anderson noted that he was not looking for a long term franchise—no longer than
three years due to the technology and possible new laws, and stated he would like to see this
issue come back to the Commission.
Discussion/Action re: Change Order No. 2 with Prime Construction Group for CIP
Project Nos. 3, 17, and 29 (Spring Lake Basin Projects).
Commissioner Howell asked why there was a need for the change order and when Prime
Construction Group received the blueprints. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira and Assistant
City Engineer/Utilities Director/Construction Administrator Wheeler stated that the bid
tabulation form did not show the correct quantities and the hid was based on the amount
tabulated, leading to the inaccuracy.
City Manager Shapiro requested information on where the error occurred and who was
responsible for the error. Mr. Wheeler stated that PEC was responsible for the error.
Commissioner Anderson requested that Mr. Shira send a letter to PEC expressing the City
Commission's concerns on the inaccuracy of the hid form for the referenced projects.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker. made the motion to approve Change
Order No. 2 with Prime Constriction Group for CIP Project Nos. 3, 17 and 29 (Spring Lake
Basin Projects) increasing the contract amount by $13.565.57. extending the contract time
twenty-one days. and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 2.
Motion carried 4-0. (Note: Mayor Vandergrift was absent from the Chambers.)
Discussion/Action re: Design Fee Proposal - Reclaimed Water Retrofit Project for Reserve
and Reflections Subdivisions. (Mayor Vandergrift returned to the Chambers.)
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
Commissioner Anderson asked if three companies bid on this project. City Engineer/Utilities
Director Shira stated that the City has three firms to choose from at the Engineering
Departments discretion, and that this process was used in assigning this project to Ivey. Harris &
Walls. Inc.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker. made the motion to approve Stalls
recommendation to authorize Ivey, Harris & Walls. Inc. to proceed with design and associated
services for a reclaimed water system in Reflections and lire Reserve subdivision in the not-to-
exceed fee of$53,989.80. Motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there was a plan to come up with a rate study for the reclaimed water.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira stated that part of the rate study contractor's (Burton &
Associates) responsibility is a rate proposal for the reclaimed water.
Discussion/Action re: Set Date for Review of Sunshine Law. City Attorney Rosenthal stated
that July 29, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. has been set for the workshop. Accepted without objection.
Discussion/Action re: Joint Participation Agreement with FDOT re Maguire Road Bridge.
City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira reported that this Agreement has been looked at by both
the Consultant and City Attorney and stated the City would he eligible for reimbursement up to
$I million in costs after the bridge is built.
Discussion included the number of lanes, the location of the bridge. paving issues, and the level
of obligation from the State for reimbursement.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Rowell, made the motion to approve Staffs
recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Joint Participation
Agreement with FDOT for the Turnpike/Maguire Road Bridge. Motion carried 5-0.
Discussion/Action re: Flora Estates Water Main Extension Award of Construction
Contract to Prime Construction. Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were any questions.
Commissioner I lowell asked how many projects that Prime Construction was involved in with
the City. Assistant City Engineer Wheeler stated that they are completing the project discussed
above with Change Order#2, the Phase II Water Main Project, and the successful low bidder for
the renovations to Fire Station #4, and stated their work has been exemplary. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made the motion to approve Staff s
recommendation to authorize the Engineering Department to execute the Notices of Intent To
Award and secure executed contract documents, bonds and insurance from the contractor, and
authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to. after proper review for compliance by staff and legal
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
counsel, execute the contracts with Prime Construction Group. Inc. in the amount of$78 260.00
for Flora Estates Water Main Extension project. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Howell reported traffic/vision problems resulting from the mounds of dirt on
Adair Road and asked who the Contractor was on that project. Mr. Wheeler stated it was
Wharton-Smith and would follow-up on the issue.
Discussion/Action re: Purchase of New Recreation Bus. Recreation Director Nordquist stated
that this request is for the purchase of a new bus as an emergency purchase. City Manager noted
that this is different from the mid-year budget request. Discussion included Federal ruling for
school bus standards for use in transporting children.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, made the motion to approve Staff s
recommendation to purchase a new bus as an emergency purchase with funding from the General
Fund Contingency for the first lease payment and temporary rental of a bus at a price not to
exceed $6,700.00. Motion carried 5-0.
Appointments to Boards
Recreation Advisory Board - Fill Vacancy for James D. Blackwelder whose term expires
October 1, 2001. Discussion ensued with the consensus that this appointment be postponed
until the next Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Ilowcll requested that the City Clerk Department mail an application to Mr.
Planning and Zoning Commission - Fill Vacancy for Glenda Hopkins whose term expires
July 1999.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Parker, made the motion to appoint Mr. Dan
Matthys to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a term to expire July, 2002. Motion carried
Commissioner Howell:
1) Asked who installed the No Trespassing- signs on Clarke Road and whose property it was
located on. City Manager Shapiro advised that the City is responsible for the signs at the
entryway to the joint ponds owned by the City; however. the signs are stolen as quickly as
they are installed.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
2) Requested research into the possibility of the City allowing a place for citizens to bring
trucks to mud race. City Manager Shapiro advised he would research the request: however
based on past experience, reported that the liability issue would he the greatest issue to
Commissioner Anderson:
1) Reported receiving an e-mail message asking about the "No Trespassing' signs just beyond
Fire Station #4, with the response the same as Commissioner Howells same question above.
2) Requested the status of the grass at Central Park. City Manager Shapiro reported that it was
3) Reminded everyone of the Starke Lake Clean-up on June 19 at 8:30 a.m.
4) Asked when the next POWR kick-off was or status of the program. City Manager Shapiro
stated the Commission would he receiving a report soon.
5) Received a memo on the West Orange Chamber Business Expo and requested the City have a
booth there to display the POWR Program as well as the Neighborhood Crimewatch.
Chaplains, and Explorer Program since his District did not have a Road Show. Discussion
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson_ moved to expend an amount not
to exceed $1,000 to include employee overtime and two (2) tables at the Expo on June 26 and 27.
1999, for the next kick-off of the POWR Program and to include the Neighborhood Crimewatch
Program. Motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Parker:
No comments at this time.
Commissioner Johnson:
1) Suggested that Staff participate on the second day of the Retreat for the Commission. City
Manager Shapiro reported that he would be meeting with the Mediator from the Staff Retreat
this week and would discuss this with her, and suggested the Mayor talk to her as well.
Discussion ensued noting that the Retreat would be considered a Public Meeting.
2) Reported that he attended a meeting last week with several members of the U.S. Department
of Housing & Urban Development and has requested information on housing and funding
from them,and will report back on the possibilities.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1) Invited the community to participate in the Ocoee Middle School renovations, specifically
landscaping projects. Mayor Vandergrift will report back with more information as the
project progresses, and indicated that the landscaping project would not begin for
approximately 2 years.
2) Reminded everyone of the Starke Lake Clean-up this Saturday, which will include a surprise
and lunch.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
June 15, 1999
The meeting adjourned at 1:15 a.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Fran Ciosnell, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
Agenda 7-06-99
Item III A
HELD JUNE 14, 1999
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Vandergrift called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m., and
noted that a quorum was not present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Anderson, City Manager Shapiro.
City Attorney Rosenthal, Planning Director Wagner, Director of
Community Relations/Projects Shira, City Engineer/Utilities Director
Shira, Recreation Director Nordquist, Finance Supervisor Carter,
Information Systems Manager Kevin Tartar, and Deputy City Clerk
ABSENT: Commissioners Howell, Johnson and Parker.
The following items were discussed:
• Item III. D. Addendum to Final Subdivision Plan for Lake Bennet Centre
(Replat of Lots 2,3,4,5).
Commissioner Anderson asked if this addendum will meet the requirements of the new
Master Plan. City Attorney Rosenthal explained the Replat is not impacted in ally way.
as the infrastructure of the subdivision is complete. He said they are combining some lots
and changing a lot to address a drainage issue. City Manager Shapiro explained that the
Ordinance will apply when the development plan is reviewed.
• Item Ill. E. Final Plat for Lake Bennet Centre, Lost 2,3,4 and 5 Replat.
Commissioner Anderson referred to a letter of credit to the City ensuring all site work
shall be completed in time to the City's satisfaction. He asked if these issues are time
specific. City Engineer/Utilities Director Shira responded that there are no set
City Attorney Rosenthal explained that a developer can plat in advance of completion
of certain improvements by posting a letter of credit, but may not pull building permits
except for a limited number of circumstances.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there will be a hike/walking trail around Lake Bennet in
conjunction with Lake Bennet Centre. Planning Director Wagner said there is a plan in
the Activities Center for a trail around Lake Bennet. He said the subdivision plan before
them includes easements on the replat for the trail, which arc outside the 100 year flood
plain and inside the conservation zone. He said developers are not giving up any more •
than they have given. but are giving the easement and the right to build the trail if the
Commissioners Work Session Meeting
June 14, 1999
City wants to.
Mayor Vandergrift then asked if the developer would be building the trail, and
Mr. Wagner said no. Mayor Vandergrift asked if the City had a plan to put a trail
around Lake Bennet or for getting the easement to put one in. Mr. Wagner said the
game plan would be to get casements from every developer to go around the lake, but he
did not know how equitable it was to have the developer build and pay for it. He said
our Ordinance as it is currently written does not allow for any building in that
conservation area. Mayor Vandergrift then asked if the City had the same easement with
the Senior Citizens Center. Planning Director Wagner responded no, that this easement
was subsequent to the Lake Bennet easement, but there is a conservation easement that
we have a right to.
• Item III. F. Final Plat for Remington Oaks Phase I.
Mayor Vandergrift asked about the availability of cut through areas or walking trails
from the Sawmill Subdivision to the Remington Oaks Subdivision. It was determined that
only a road is available now. He asked if the builder will develop the park in any way or
if it is vacant land. Mr. Wagner responded that it was vacant.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the developer would install some apparatuses while they
were building in return for the City granting credit toward recreational fees.
Planning Director Wagner explained that the developer has to provide a private
recreational facility, which in this case includes a pool. but is under no obligation to build
more than that. Ile said the City does not have a plan for that area yet., but is attempting
to acquire five or six adjoining acres in order to have about eight to ten usable acres. The
next step is to develop a plan before installing any facilities there.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested possible ways to work with the developer to help ensure
that the park would be available sooner. Mr. Wagner said that when the City develops
the park they might want to include residents in the planning process for it.
• Item VI. B. Amendment to Preliminary Site Plan and Final Site Plan for
Esplanade Apartments at Plantation Grove.
Commissioner Anderson recalled discussions about the wall in previous meetings.
City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that this is a quasijudicial matter to be considered
in a public hearing, and that the developers presentation and public comment would be
taken into account at that time.
Commissioners Work Session Meeting
June 14, 1999
• Item VI. A. Ordinance No. 99-24, Road Impact Fee
Commissioner Anderson suggested delaying a decision until a new study was available.
Planning Director Wagner said the statistics for Single Family have not changed in
several years, but those for Commercial have changed in certain areas. l le said the
numbers are based on the Comprehensive Plan and the Comp Plan would need to be
changed in order to change the numbers.
• Item VII. A. Ordinance No. 99-25, Builders Complaint Log
Commissioner Anderson requested that entries in the Compliant Log remain for more
than one year. Mr. Shapiro suggested that a one to three year period would be prudent
and said it would be the Commissioners' call to make the change. In further discussion,
Mayor Vandergrift asked in what meeting the Complaint Log had been suggested as he
wanted to review it. Mayor suggested including good comments as well and naming it a
Comment Log. Mr. Rosenthal cautioned that an undue burden might he placed on the
City if the City kept a Comment Log with "good comments." He said he would rather
deal with a builder who is not happy with a logged complaint as opposed to a resident
who is unhappy with a builder who had good comments in the City's log.
• Item VII. B. Resolution No. 99-13, Extension of Time Warner Cable Franchise
Commissioner Anderson said in the Cable Franchise Workshop he had asked about the
numbers assigned to Cable Channels not matching the numbers of the Television
Channels, and that Time Warner was to have responded with a letter regarding this issue.
Discussion ensued. It was decided that that issue would not affect the resolution.
• Item VII. E. Design Fee Proposal - Reclaimed Water Retrofit Project for Reserve
and Reflections Subdivisions
Commissioner Anderson asked about the grant for reclaimed water. City Manager
Shapiro responded that Apopka did get a grant for $260,000.00 from SJRWMD, and he
said the City would also seek grant funds.
• Item VII. 1. Discussion/Action re: Purchase of New Recreation Bus
Commissioner Anderson expressed concern about the comfort of the buses, whether the
buses would have handicapped access, if they were highway use buses, and if drivers
were required to have a CDL. Recreation Director Nordquist said the CDL was
Apopka Consent Agenda:
Commissioners Work Session Meeting
June 14, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift referred to an article in the Sentinel about controversy over the City
of Apopka's Consent Agenda. lie suggested that Ocoee's Consent Agenda should be
shown on the Television screen prior to the meeting. Commissioner Anderson
commented that the information was on the web site and that there are copies available
for attendees on the way into the meeting.
Mayor Vandergrift said he had received a complaint about trash being dumped on
Delaware. Ile said he had called the Sanitation Department to pick up the tree limbs and
tree bases a week ago but it was still there.
Clerk's Note: As the items pertinent to them had been discussed at 6:55 p.rn. Community
Relations Director Shiro, City Engineer/Utilities Director Shires, Planning Director
Wagner, and Recreation Director Nordquist le/i the meeting.
• VII. C. Discussion/Action re: Telecommunications Award.
Commissioner Anderson voiced a concern about the system becoming outdated. He said
T-I service has been around since the '70's and works well, but he was concerned that
another method would be better serve the City. Discussion ensued.
Information Systems Manager Kevin Tartar responded that he thought the City could
not justify going to the"bleeding edge" of technology with its current growth rate. He
explained the problems with the current system and the benefits of the proposed
system.did not justify going with more expensive equipment.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested including training on phone etiquette along with the
training for the new system, and City Manager Shapiro agreed.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Deputy Clerk Marian Green S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor