HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII(A) Approval And Acceptance Of Minutes Of City Commission Regular Meeting Of August 3,1999, Work Session Of August 2, 1999 And Work Session Of May 20, 1999 Agenda‘.F
ItemIII A 8-17-99
Ll L"
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. in the Commission Chambers.
Commissioner Anderson led in prayer and Frances Watts led in the Pledge of Allegiance. The
roll was called and a quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Fire Chief Strosnider, Planning
Director Wagner, Public Works Director Robert Smith, and Acting City Clerk Green.
The consent agenda consisted of Items A, B and C.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve the Consent
Agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Special Session of June 8,
1999; ISO Workshop of July 14, 1999; Minutes of City Commission Workshop of July
19, 1999; Minutes of City Commission Special Session of July 20, 1999; and Minutes of
City Commission Regular Meeting of July 20, 1999.
B. Approval and Acceptance of Quarterly Report- Third Quarter.
C. Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to execute Modification of
Interlocal Agreement between Orange County and the City of Ocoee for Animal
Control Services.
• Under old Agreement there was no means for the City to collect revenue for citations
written by the City within our City limits. The modification now makes it legal for the
City to collect the revenue for the citations.
Kae Armstrong, 351 N. Bluford, spoke at length about an arrest made on May 19, 1999 by
Ocoee Police Department. City Manager Shapiro advised her to provide documentation to Ms.
Psaledakis in Human Resources so her concerns may be handled appropriately.
Commissioner Anderson asked that Agenda Item VII D, Olympia PUD Final Subdivision Plan,
be considered first under Other Business.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting LJ [6-A
August 3, 1999
Commissioner Howell congratulated the Big League Team of Ocoee Little League for winning
the Southern Region Baseball Tournament played recently in Easely, South Carolina.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1. Announced the Grand Opening of Beech Center on August 12, 1999 at 4:00 p.m.
2. Announced the Big League Team would be traveling to Tucson on Saturday, August 7, 1999
to participate in the Big League World Series.
City Attorney Rosenthal directed attention to his memorandum in the agenda packet which
includes a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing, a Summary of Proposed Agreement of Purchase
and Sale, the Staff Report previously distributed by Mr. Smith, and a copy of an Ethics
Commission opinion regarding the payment of a brokerage commission in connection with this
transaction. He said the provisions of the City Charter require that the purchase of any real
property in excess of $1,000,000.00 must receive a majority vote of the members of the City
Commission at an advertised public hearing. He said notice has been given in accordance with
the provisions of the Charter. He said the City has submitted a proposed Purchase Contract and
today Mr. Rosenthal had received a phone call from the attorney for the seller who had some
minor comments on the Purchase Contract, none of which seemed to be a problem. As there was
no signed purchase contract before Commission for this meeting, he suggested they hear Mr.
Smith's report and open the public hearing. Mr. Rosenthal recommended that Commission take
no final action but continue the public hearing to the next City Commission meeting. He said if
there was any direction from City Commission not to proceed, Staff would want that direction
tonight rather than continuing the public hearing.
Public Works Director Smith presented the staff report for the proposed purchase of a 12.1 acre
parcel located on the west side of Maguire Road, approximately 1,000 feet north of the
intersection of Maguire Road and Enterprise Street for a new Public Works facility. The
purchase price of the parcel owned by the Creeden Family is $1,127,540.66. He explained that
seven acres is the absolute minimum land area required to house Public Works in the future and
that the C&W property is the only site that has met all criteria and was determined to be
acceptable by Mr. Smith, Chief Mark, Mr. Wagner and Mr. Shira. Mr. Smith pointed out that
this parcel is available and usable today.
Mr. Smith distributed a letter from Mr. John M. Rife, Jr., the owner of a 28 acre parcel
immediately to the north of the existing Industrial Park site. Mr. Rife's letter included his
proposal for sale of the entire 28 acres, undeveloped, at $1.50 per square foot for a total of
$1,829,520.00 and for a 10 acre tract, developed, at $2.00 per square foot for a total of
Mayor Vandergrift asked if it would be feasible to keep the garbage trucks at the current site
and have a second site for the Public Works facility. Public Works Director Smith said yes,
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting El
August 3, 1999 �� LLI���ll IUD LIT
but cited advantages found by other cities in having all public works facilities co-located in one
area. City Manager Shapiro added that staff had talked about two smaller facilities in different
locations in the City, but they felt that it would be in the best interest of the City if there was one
large facility that housed everything. Discussion ensued.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. R. P. Mohnacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., asked if there was any Orange County land
zoned agricultural that would be a satisfactory site. Public Works Director Smith explained
that they had looked out to McCormick Road in the north, to Apopka-Vineland Road in the east,
to the Beltway in the west and to Windermere in the south. He said there are some areas in
certain locations that would meet the criteria, but those areas are zoned residential. City
Manager Shapiro added that the City would not have the right to put the facility in an
agricultural area when it should be in an industrial area. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Johnson pointed out that he had been a licensed real estate agent with Palm Tree
Properties but had inactivated his license when he decided to run for office. He said his license
was active again, but he was now with Gosselin Realty.
Following lengthy discussion in which the Mayor and Commissioners expressed their views and
concerns, it was decided to continue the discussion to the August 17, 1999 meeting.
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to continue the public
hearing for the Contract for Sale and Purchase of C&W Trucking from Creeden Family Limited
Partnership to August 17, 1999. Motion carried 5-0.
Clerk's Note: The Southern Region Big League Champions, the Big League Team of the
Ocoee Little League, arrived along with their coaches and parents.
TRIP- (Not on Agenda)
Coach Gary Hood, along with Coach Derick Anderson and Coach Zack Prettyman,
presented to Mayor Vandergrift a plaque for the City from the Ocoee Little League for devoted
and invaluable service.
Mayor and Commissioners commended the coaches, the team members and their parents for the
team's success and wished them well as they head to the Big League World Series in Tucson.
The players introduced themselves to the Commission.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to waive procedure and
grant $1,000.00 toward the trip for Ocoee Big League for the World Series in Tucson, Arizona.
Motion carried 5-0.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 1999 ii n
Recess: 8:52 p.m. to 9:10 p.m.
Note: Item VII D. was taken out of order for consideration at this point in the meeting..
Planning Director Wagner presented a summary of the staff report for the proposed Final
Subdivision Plan for the Olympia PUD, a 37.8 acre multi-use development with six commercial
lots, a public library site and a public elementary school site. The project is located at the
southeast corner of Clarke Road and Silver Star Road. Mr. Wagner said that all of the
development in the commercial portion of the site as well as the library site will have to follow
the State Road 50 Activity Center Development Standards, and, in fact, will comply with all the
updated Commercial and Industrial Development Regulations. Mr. Wagner said it is his
understanding that final negotiations between the Library Board and the Developer have resulted
in the execution of an Agreement so the project will move forward as originally planned. As had
been unanimously recommended by the DRC on July 20, 1999 and the Planning and Zoning
Commission on July 28, 1999, Staff recommends approval subject to the eight conditions as
outlined in the Staff Report which must be satisfied within the plan set before a Pre-Construction
meeting will be scheduled. He said the surrounding property owners within 300 feet had been
notified of the Planning and Zoning and City Commission meetings and signs had been posted
on both Silver Star Road and Clarke Road inviting those who are interested to attend and make
Mayor Vandergrift announced that although this was not a Public Hearing, the Commission
would allow comments and questions from the audience.
Mr. Erik Houston, Program Director for Orange County Public Schools for new school
construction, Mr. Steve Weidenbeck, civil engineer with WBQ Engineers, and Mr. Scott
Beeney, Program Manager, with O'Brien-Kreitzberg Inc., were present for OCPS to answer any
questions the Commission or residents may have.
Mr. Houston said they were working to address the concerns expressed in a recent meeting with
the Silver Bend Homeowners Association and felt they could resolve most of the issues with
them satisfactorily.
Commissioner Anderson asked for the record what the School Board's opinion was that within
the PUD there would be alcohol within 1,000 feet of the school. Mr. Houston responded that he
was not the person to ask that question and would defer to a higher authority for the answer.
Ms. Martha Lopez-Anderson, 2438 Alclobe Circle, on behalf of Silver Bend HOA, said they
perceived some promises were made by OCPS in the quarterly meeting for Silver Bend HOA
concerning establishing a landscaping committee, trying to save as many trees as possible,
Ocoee City Commission Regular MeetingL
August 3, 1999
addressing concerns from the Borysiewicz regarding drainage, and she asked for information
about their budget for the landscaping package.
Mr. Houston addressed the following concerns:
1) Drainage - provided details of their contacts and efforts to address the Borysiewicz's
concerns and the offer stands to accompany them to SJRWMD to further assist them in
mitigating their concerns to the extent it is possible to do so.
2) Landscaping Committee/Budget - said there is an open, standing offer to work with a
committee to pinpoint specific locations for specific trees or types of trees. He said they are
spending twice the normal amount for an elementary school site on this school site. He said
he will send Ms. Lopez-Anderson the requested budget information which has just become
3) Fence - said they had designed a berm along the Silver Bend perimeter based on
recommendations from the last public hearing at the City. Currently the plans call for this
berm, but when they met with the HOA the majority of members that were at the meeting
said they did not want the berm, but would rather forego the expense of the berm and put it
into landscaping. Mr. Houston asked for a letter from the HOA clarifying their preference
about the berm, and explained their willingness to provide in-fill fencing.
4) Tree removal - said they had walked the site with the City, designed the site based on
recommendations from the City, redesigned to save an area between the school property line
and the library line that abuts the Silver Bend neighborhood property. He said many trees
would have to be removed, but they have saved the trees that were marked on the site to be
Mayor Vandergrift stated that the landscaping architect for Ocoee Middle School had been
asked to make a presentation at the September 7 Commission meeting. Mayor encouraged
community involvement through donations of trees/plants for landscaping for both schools.
Mr. Eddie Entrekin, with Olympia Development Group, Inc., confirmed they have reached a
written agreement and amendment to the contract with the Library and are in full agreement with
recommendations from DRC and Planning and Zoning Commission and request the
Commission's approval for the Subdivision Plan.
Ms. Lavon Williams, 1763 Rachel's Ridge Loop, representing Wedgewood Commons HOA,
said their main concern was making certain that access from the school property into the
Wedgewood Subdivision would be limited.
Ms. Dorothy Field, Orange County Library System, is pleased an agreement has been reached
with Olympia for the new Library. She said they look forward to working with the community,
and that she is present to address any concerns. She confirmed there would be a groundbreaking
for the library.
Ms. Lopez-Anderson thanked the school board staff and the developer for cooperating and
encouraged developers to communicate.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting [1.
August 3, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift also thanked everyone for their cooperation with special thanks to Planning
Director Russ Wagner and the Planning Department.
Mayor Vandergrift emphasized the POWR program for water conservation, in particular the
school and library plan. Planning Director Wagner said there would be a retention pond and
fountain in front of the library and the development is being tied into a reuse system. He said
this will be the first project that falls under the updated land development regulations and there
will be a dramatic difference in the amount of landscaping.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the issue with sidewalks had been resolved. City Manager
Shapiro explained the DOT will not build the sidewalks at this time because they will be added
when the road is expanded. The City has tried to contact Scott Gold to get an easement on his
property to be used as a walkway. Discussion ensued. Mr. Houston said they want sidewalks
for the safety of the children and will support the City in any decision.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve the Olympia
PUD, Final subdivision Plan, Project#LS-98-007 subject to staff recommendations as outlined in
the Staff Report.
Commissioner Anderson moved to amend motion to have no sale of alcohol in the PUD within
1,000 feet while school is in session. Motion died from lack of a second.
Motion carried 5-0.
Public Works Director Smith presented the staff report. He explained that Change Order Nos.
1, 2, 3, and 4 are construction change orders to the existing Beech Recreation Facility and
Change Order 5 is for the design, planning, programming and construction criteria package for
the planned addition to the building (Phase II). He said Nos. 1 thru 4 were for minor changes
except for the change in site for the temporary soccer field. He said the permanent soccer field
would be a part of Phase III. Discussion ensued.
9:45 p.m. - 9:55 p.m. Mayor Vandergrift left the dais and Mayor Pro Tern Anderson chaired the
meeting in his absence.
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve staff
recommendations for Change Order Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for Beech Center. Motion carried 4-0.
The Mayor was not present for the vote.
Public Works Director Smith presented the staff report.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting L
=� �
August 3, 1999
Commissioner Johnson. seconded Commissioner Howell. moved to accept staff
recommendations for the Public Works Fuel System Change Order No. 1 and Final Payment
Authorization. Motion carried 4-0.
The Mayor was not present for the vote.
GROUNDTEK- CHANGE ORDER No. 1 (This item was pulled from the Agenda
City Attorney Rosenthal presented the staff report for the Interlocal Agreement between the
City of Ocoee and the School Board of Orange County for the School and Park Site north of
Maguire Road and adjacent to the proposed Ocoee Crossing Subdivision. The plan has been
approved by the Orange County School Board and agreements have been executed. The School
Board will proceed with the purchase of the Christensen/Dye Site and the City of Ocoee will
contribute 40% of the purchase price/$475,000.00 toward the purchase of the site. The City
would also be responsible for 40% of the closing costs. After the School Board acquires the
property, they will finalize an agreement with the developer of the Ocoee Crossing Subdivision
for a swap of a portion of the property so the configuration of the subdivision plan will be
consistent with the Ocoee Subdivision Plan that has been approved. At the same time, the City
will finalize a developer agreement which will come back to the City Commission for approval.
The City and the School Board will then move forward and jointly design a master development
plan for a Park site. Ocoee will have financial responsibility for the design of the 11 acre Park.
This agreement also provides after 20 years either party would have the option to terminate the
joint use of the Recreation Improvements. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to approve the Interlocal
Agreement between the City of Ocoee and the School Board of Orange County and authorize
execution thereof by the Mayor and the City Clerk and furthermore, authorize execution of all
documents necessary to implement the terms and conditions of the Interlocal Agreement.
Motion carried 5-0.
Fire Chief Strosnider requested a Public Hearing for the Relocation of Fire Station One.
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded Commissioner Howell, made the motion to request a Public
Hearing re Relocation of Fire Station One at the September 7, 1999 Commission Meeting.
Motion carried 5-0.
Education Commission - Fill Vacancy for Clifford Koch,whose term expires August, 2001.
Commissioner Howell, seconded by Mayor Vandergrift, moved to appoint Dennis Chen to the
Education Commission for a term to expire August, 2001. Motion carried 5-0.
Planning and Zoning Commission,3 year terms of Harold Switzer and Kimberly Christoefl
expire September, 1999.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 1999 j L
Mayor Vandergrift, seconded by Commissioner Howell, moved to reappoint Harold Switzer
and Kimberly Christoefl to the to Planning and Zoning Commission with terms to expire
September, 2002. Motion carried 5-0.
Board of Adjustments - Fill Alternate Vacancies (2) for terms to expire May, 2001 and
May, 2002.
It was consensus to table this appointment to seek applicants from Districts 1 and 3.
Mayor Vandergrift:
1. Homeowners would like to know why the water pressure has decreased around Center Street.
City Manager Shapiro will check with the City Engineer.
2. Announced the Big League team will be practicing at Bob Sorenson field Thursday at 6:30
p.m. Citizens or businesses who wish to contribute for the team's trip may call the Mayor's
office at 656-2322 extension 169.
3. Announced the Grand Opening of the Beech Center on Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 4:00
Commissioner Howell:
Linda McWilliams called asking if there would be a vote tonight regarding the netting at the Bob
Sorenson Field. City Manager Shapiro will discuss the issue with Recreation Director
Nordquist and Ms. McWilliams.
Commissioner Anderson:
1. E-mail asking about access to SunTrust from the eastbound lane. Planning Director Wagner
responded that the amended Final Subdivision Plan for SunTrust provides for temporary bollards
to be placed preventing left turns. The future plan for the intersection is for seven lanes with two
thru lanes in both directions, dual left turn lanes and a right turn lane.
2. E-mail from Gary Thomas asking about the City of Ocoee's preparation for Y2K. _Mayor
Vandergrift said he thought the City was somewhere between 90-95%ready, and the new phone
system should bring the City to 99%. Commissioner Anderson asked about staffing for the
holiday and City Manager Shapiro responded that staff was in the process of determining how
many additional employees would need to be available.
3. Said it was important for the Mayor to attend the Big League game if the team makes it to the
World Series. City Manager Shapiro responded that any member of the Commission who
wished to attend could do so without Commission approval.
Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting
August 3, 1999 ,. G n Li
Commissioner Johnson:
1. Expressed concern that not enough citations were being issued for parking in fire lanes. City
Manager Shapiro will report back with information about tickets issued for this offense.
2. Expressed concern about inadequate staffing on fire trucks, citing a recent observation of a
four person truck only staffed with two individuals. City Manager Shapiro suggested that the
need should be discussed with the Fire Chief in the budget workshops. Mayor Vandergrift
suggested considering reserves as is done in Orange County, but City Manager Shapiro said the
Fire Department does not want reservists.
3. Asked about Temporary Manpower on McKey. City Manager Shapiro said in a meeting
today he had advised Mr. Flippen and Captain Wilson to meet with the gentleman who is running
the office to explain the City's position.
4. Asked about the status of Union negotiations. City Manager Shapiro will arrange a meeting
with Labor Attorney Reynolds Allen as soon as possible.
5. Asked about the Study for the design of Starke Lake/Municipal Campus. City Manager
Shapiro responded that funds are available and it was consensus to ask Mayor Vandergrift to
serve on the RFP Committee for it.
6. Asked about a place to keep animals (for animal control). City Manager Shapiro said it was
a complicated issue and Commissioner Anderson suggested checking with a local veterinarian
for a solution.
7. Noted item in Data Gram about conference in Del Ray Beach on September 8-10 for Main
Street Program.
Commissioner Parker:
Announced RSVP line is 656-2218.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Marian Green, Acting City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
Agenda 8-17-99 DRAFT
Item III A
Subject to Board
AUGUST 2, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift called the work session to order at 6:07 p.m. in the Commission
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Johnson, and Parker (departed at
6:55 p.m.). Also present were City Manager Shapiro, Finance Director Horton, Finance
Supervisor Carter and Principal Planner Lewis.
ABSENT: Commissioner Howell.
Commissioner Parker
1. Had a question about the Lake Olympia PUD. City Manager Shapiro advised her that
there are currently two issues concerning the development:
A. Lake Olympia and the library do not have a written agreement yet, but they will by
tomorrow. Staff is concerned about passing a final plan without the library. If there is
no written agreement by tomorrow, City Manager Shapiro will recommend tabling the
B. The widening of Silver Star will occur in 1-2 years, but the staff is concerned about
putting in a sidewalk now that will have to be torn up. City Manager Shapiro is talking
with the adjacent property owner about obtaining a walkway easement for an asphalt
walk for the time being.
City Attorney Rosenthal expressed concern over the legal issue of stopping the final
subdivision plan at this stage and whether it is consistent with the developer agreement.
Commissioner Parker
2. Had a question about the new public works facility regarding space and the additional
property needed. City Manager Shapiro stated that Public Works Director Smith would
be available tomorrow to answer her questions. The reason that it is on the agenda at all is
due to the charter requirement that all land purchases over $1 million required a public
hearing. He also stated that there is another piece of land by Maguire Road and
Professional Parkway that will be required for drainage that will also be on a future agenda
because it is over the $1 million price limit.
A discussion ensued among Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner
Johnson, City Attorney Rosenthal and City Manager Shapiro as to the City's methods of
negotiation, contracts, appraisals, surveys, engineering concerns, available funds and
purchases of real estate.
AUGUST 2, 1999
Commissioner Johnson
1. Had a question regarding the Beech Center change orders. He suggested rebidding the
Groundtek mowing contract.
A discussion ensued among Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Anderson, Commissioner
Johnson, City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Shapiro, and Finance Director Horton
concerning the various change orders to the Beech Center and the bidding process in general.
Commissioner Anderson
1. Wanted to know if Groundtek is billing the City properly for weekly and bi-weekly
mowings. Finance Director Horton responded that Public Works Director Smith
approves the invoices for payment and can report how this is calculated.
2. Wanted to know why the interlocal agreement for animal control with Orange County
stated that Orange County would enforce animal control from 4:00 pm until 8:00 am, since
our control officer works until 5:00 pm. City Manager Shapiro responded that our animal
control officer transports all animals from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. to the Orange County shelter,
so the county covers that one hour for us. Commissioner Johnson suggested building an
animal shelter.
Mayor Vandergrift
1. Stated that after this meeting he is going to attend the Education Commission meeting and
on Thursday he will be meeting with a representative from the Orange County School
Board concerning school construction in Ocoee.
2. Wanted to know how the $400,000.00 appropriated for the POWR campaign was
budgeted. Finance Director Horton and City Manager Shapiro responded to his
3. Was concerned about having the sprinkler system checked around City Hall, since various
landscaping plants are dying.
Commissioner Anderson
_ 3. Had various questions about the budget, long distance telephone charges and the temporary
labor hired by the City. Finance Director Horton and City Manager Shapiro responded
to his questions.
Commissioner Johnson
2. Wanted to know why the City has to pay for additional staff to assist Animal Control
Officer Sherman during her period of disability, and if the Department Supervisor or the
County could cover calls for her instead. City Manager Shapiro responded to his
AUGUST 2, 1999
3. Wanted to know when new seats were going to be purchased for the Commission
Chambers. City Manager Shapiro responded that the seats had already been budgeted for
and would be installed soon.
The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Marisa Dawson, Administrative Secretary S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
-� a Agenda 8-17-99
L11� {F Item III A
MAY 20, 1999
Mayor Vandergrift called the work session to order at 7:08 p.m. in the Commission
PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, and Parker. Also
present were City Manager Shapiro, City Attorney Rosenthal, Community Relations/Projects
Director Shira, Special Counsel Braulio Baez, and Deputy City Clerk Green.
ABSENT: Commissioner Johnson.
Community Relations/Projects Director Shira explained that the workshop was fashioned to
let Commission know what staff has been working on with Attorney Braulio L. Baez, of
Leibowitz & Associates, P.A. Mr. Baez has been working with Time Warner about the City's
cable television franchise renewal. Mrs. Shira said the purpose of this meeting is to share
what they have been working on, to outline some issues which staff thinks are important and
which they think are important to Commissioners, to get from Commission a sense of"are we
on track," and to let Commission know what to expect from upcoming meetings.
Mrs. Shira introduced Attorney Baez who said his purpose was to give a general overview of
the renewal process, to update Commission with specifics on the progress so far, and to
conclude with some of the issues that they have identified as critical and important to the City
and are therefore to be included in negotiations throughout the renewal process.
Mr. Baez said Time Warner is authorized to operate a cable television system in the City of
Ocoee in accordance with the terms of a franchise granted to CableVision originally in
Ordinance No. 786 which is set to expire July 3, 1999. He said federal law provides both
formal and informal processes for franchise renewals, and those apply to the City's franchise
with Time Warner. He said generally the renewal efforts proceed along both lines. The
parties usually like to proceed along the informal track, but each of them seek to reserve their
rights under the formal track in case anything goes wrong. He said to date the City and the
Company have been proceeding mainly through the informal track.
Mr. Baez briefly explained the three phases of the formal cable television franchise renewal
proceeding. The first phase begins when the formal renewal process is invoked. It consists of
the City having public hearings in order to carry out an ascertainment process. The first
purpose of the ascertainment process is to gather information to ultimately determine what the
key issues are for the City and the community and what the cable related interests and needs
are. The second purpose of ascertainment is to enter into an evaluation process of the cable
operator's performance (issues of compliance) under the existing franchise. When
MAY 20, 1999
ascertainment process is completed the City can issue an ascertainment report and request a
renewal proposal from the cable operator. The second phase of the process begins once the
formal renewal proposal is received from the cable operator. At that time the City enters into
an evaluation of that proposal for purposes of deciding whether to renew the franchise or to
issue a preliminary notice of non-renewal. The third phase involves a full evidentiary hearing
whether the City Commission sits as the fact finder or not. The evidentiary hearing is a fairly
drawn out process much akin to a trial. Standards that have to be considered: whether the
cable operator is substantially complying, whether the operator's service is reasonable in light
of the community's needs, whether the operator has the legal, financial, and technical
capabilities to provide the services, facilities and equipment which are proposed in their formal
proposal, and whether the proposal itself is reasonable to meet the future cable related needs of
the community.
Mr. Baez pointed out again that formal procedures have not been pursued thus far. He said
the City and Time Warner have been proceeding with informal renewal negotiations. While it
did take a while for these good faith negotiations to begin, as evidenced by Mr. Fogarty's
presence today, they are engaged in discussions and Mr. Baez fully expects to take the
informal process to a satisfactory conclusion. As part of the City's ongoing inquiry, the City
had performed a .financial audit of the franchise fee payments over 96/97 which found
approximately $17,000.00 underpayment. Mr. Baez said the company still disputes some of
the numbers that came up to that total. He said the results of the audit form part of the
informal renewal negotiations. And further, he said staff has been gathering information to
determine the City's priorities in the renewal process.
Mr. Baez said issues identified for focus by the City include:
Definition of gross revenues - Gross revenues that are generated by the franchisee from the
operation of their cable system within the City become the basis upon which franchise fees are
calculated. They represent compensation to the City for access to its rights-of-way. Federal
law limits the percentage which a franchising authority can charge on gross revenues to 5%.
The City's current franchise fee is set at 3%. Real debate lies in the determination of what
services that are provided through that cable system are going to comprise the pool of revenues
upon which the franchise fees will be calculated. He said two big issues are: (1) Open-access
and internet services being provided through the cable system; inclusion of revenues for
internet service are currently being negotiated all over the country, and (2) The thornier issue
of the lease of excess capacity on the cable systems - i.e. lease to telecommunications
companies. He said debate ranges on whether that lease of excess capacity is a cable service
that will be subject to franchise fees. He said it has the potential for representing a lot of
revenue in the future.
Enhanced program customer service requirements - Local franchising authorities can require
MAY 20, 1999
more meaningful customer service requirements than minimum standards established by the
FCC and have the ability to "put teeth in" these customer service requirements in the way of
fines and other liquidated damages mechanisms. Mr. Baez said they have sought to include
these mechanisms in the drafts they are discussing. This is in its most basic sense an incentive
for the cable operator to stay true to the customer service requirements and to provide the level
of service and attention to the residents that the City feels is appropriate.
Mrs. Shira gave examples of complaints she has received from cable television customers.
She said when she receives a complaint she calls Time Warner as though she was the customer
and lately has been getting Time Warner representatives who don't know where Ocoee is, let
alone what the particular issue might be. She said she needs to have communication from
Time Warner about things happening in Ocoee. Mrs. Shira says she gets blindsided by
brochures the customer has received that she knows nothing about. She said Time Warner
needs to let her know about outages in the City so she can respond when citizens call her.
Mayor Vandergrift asked how many calls per month had been received on average Mrs.
Shira said she had received 20 to 30 calls in the last two months.
Mrs. Shira said it needs to be the responsibility of Time Warner to notify someone at the City
about problems with outages, providing service to a new subdivision, etc.
Mr. Baez said they are seeking to fold all the issues which Mrs. Shira has raised into customer
service requirements - include reporting requirements to the City. He said one of the points
that they seek to get across is that, in a time of change, the City can be the cable operator's
best friend. As the City is going to get a fair amount of calls, there needs to be a requirement
to keep the City as involved and as informed as is possible. If the requirement is not met, then
there are enforcement remedies available to the City. He said there are things that are
happening now which will cause a spike in customer calls to the City. At the end of March the
FCC's jurisdiction over rates for upper tier of services went away so the companies have less
constraints in changing their rates for those types of systems. He said the City winds up being
one of the focal points for complaints. He said the City needs to be aware of any construction
that may cause calls. Then it will be easy to defuse complaints by responding that the City
knows and the cable company is on top of it.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if other Cites are requiring this notification in their franchises. Mr.
Baez said some of the more modern franchises are including them.
Mr. Shapiro said because of the engineering utilization permit, the City would be aware of
where they were digging, but not why.
Mr. Baez explained two high concept provisions: "state of the art" and "most favored nation."
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He said "state of the art" is some definition of what is state of the art in terms of facilities and
technology. He said the purpose is to set the bar or create a target for the company to attain
throughout the life of the franchise. He said the "most favored nation" concept seeks to give
the company a push in the direction of "state of the art." These provisions conceptually seek
to keep the City's system and services in as constant a state of improvement as is feasible given
circumstances. The benefit to a small City is that it keeps the City moving with the times, and
this is important to businesses which may consider moving to the area as well as to, provide the
benefits to the current residents.
Mrs. Shira asked if a big city like Orlando or Orange County negotiates something with Time
Warner that they are going to do for them and we are right next door, does that give us any
ability to say well you are doing it right over there why shouldn't we also get that.
Mr. Baez said generally that is the idea. There are technical circumstances that may prevent
that from happening, but the motivation that you want to give the company is to keep the
City's technology level in cable services and service level moving in a state of forward
Mayor Vandergrift asked if the representatives for Time Warner should be given an
opportunity to speak at this time and City Attorney Rosenthal pointed out that this was not a
public hearing nor a negotiating session with Time Warner.
Mr. Baez said an issue important to the City is public, educational and governmental channel
access (PEG). He said local authorities typically require one or more subscriber channels to be
held back and placed in control of the City or an educational institution for their use in order to
do community programming, disseminate information, and to deliver services to the residents.
He said the change from County and City channels to only one government access channel in
Ocoee would be addressed.
Mr. Baez said one of the main purposes of the renewal,negotiations is to establish channels of
communication between the franchisee and the franchising authority in order to serve the
purpose of delivering benefits to the community. He said the City can only do this if it is up to
date, informed, and knows what is going on with its cable system.
Mr. Baez addressed the audit report and the $17,000.00 underpayment. He said generally
Time Warner has agreed to most of the elements on it, except underpayments which the
auditor identified which were related to an issue called "fee on fee." There was a time when
the computation of franchise fees included franchise fees - the 3% was based on the entire bill
including the franchise fees. There was an FCC decision that negated that concept, and most
cable operators stopped paying on the "fee on fee" for a period of two years. A federal court
ultimately reversed that finding the "fee on fee" to be proper. And Time Warner has offered
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to pay it on a prospective basis - from the time the decision came down forward. He said the
issue that remains is what to do with the payments held back for those two years based on the
FCC decision. Discussions are continuing in an attempt to resolve that issue.
Mr. Baez mentioned migrating of channels to a la carte services which results in reduction in
number of channels available on upper tier but no reduction in rate so it is effectively a rate
Mrs. Shira explained that basic service is not what most people consider basic service. She
said what most people have in the range of channels without the premium channels is called
standard service. When the current change takes effect, for customers to get what they are
getting now will cost more money.
Referring to a rate comparison provided by Mr. Spencer, Mrs. Shira asked if the comparison
of Ocoee's rates to those for Orlando and Orange County was an "apples to apples"
Commissioner Anderson asked if the City Commission could establish a minimum amount to
be on basic in the City without establishing a programming scenario.
Mr. Baez explained his understanding of what the law requires for basic service is that there
be locally available broadcasting channels, i.e. CBS, ABC, NBC, independents, government
and educational access. He does not believe the Commission may require a specific tier of
channels. He said the basic package is what you can receive on an antenna. Mr. Baez said the
City cannot dictate programming
Commissioner Anderson said if we sign a franchise in good faith we need to have a baseline.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the standard is established by federal law rather than local law.
City Manager Shapiro said that after they talked with Ms. Pickett and Mr. Spencer, the City
did a receive a map showing where and when the services were being cut on. He said they
were more than happy to help us with the sound issues in the building and there is no question
that the fiber optics have created a much better picture.
Mayor Vandergrift recalled some background and history of cable service in the City.
Mr. David Spencer, Vice President and General Manager of the Orlando Time Warner
Office, said he and Mr. John Fogarty, attorney from the Time Warner corporate office, were
present to listen to Commission's issues and to respond to their questions.
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. Attorney Fogarty presented their perspective on some of the key issues which Mr. Baez had
outlined for Commission.
Distinction between basic and standard (FCC refers to as CPST) service. He explained this
distinction is now required by federal law, and the number of channels on basic and the
number of channels on CPST is not an area treated in franchises. He said federal government
does require that all the local broadcast channels and the PEG channels are on basic. The FCC
has also encouraged cable providers to keep basic service limited to those channels so that it
provides a very low priced alternative for those on limited incomes.
Gross revenue and franchise fee - He said Time Warner is agreeable to providing the
maximum franchise fee the law permits (5%). He said they have not problem with a change
from 3% to 5% franchise fee, but would be more than happy to keep it at 3% as the customer
is concerned about the total amount paid to Time Warner each month. Commissioner
Anderson commented that this fee would be passed through to customers so that Time Warner
would not be incurring any additional expense.
Customer service requirements - Time Warner is pledged to meet the customer service
standards of the FCC and they have their own internal standards which they try to meet. He
said if the franchise required Time Warner to exceed the FCC standards, the cost of doing that
would be passed through to the subscribers. He said the FCC had considered carefully when
they set that standard what is good customer service and what is affordable customer service.
He said they are very committed to customer service
State of the Art/Most Favored Nation - Mr. Fogarty said they are committed to providing an
up-to-date advanced cable system that will provide the customers in Ocoee with a wide range
of programming options with high quality signal and to maintain the system throughout the
franchise term at a high level of operations that is consistent with the general standard
throughout the industry. He said what they cannot agree to do is to say that when
improvements are introduced in the industry that Ocoee is always going to be first, as they
have 3,000 franchises around the country.
Mr. Fogarty said what needs to be done now is to try to get the kind of language that puts this
all down in writing, but hopefully we are all in agreement that we have a common aim and are
not very far apart on where we want to be at the end. He said they are willing to work with
the City to get it done in a way that will be good for the City and will be good for the
customers here.
Recess: 8:08 p.m. - 8:25 p.m.
Commissioner Parker - Had no questions.
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Commissioner Howell, noting from the news a big complaint across the country about cable
TV rate hikes and poor service, asked how much the rate service in Ocoee has gone up in the
last five years. Mr. Spencer said he did not know but would get the answer for him.
Mrs. Shira said the FCC allows an increase of a percentage each year.
Commissioner Howell recalled billing problems with cablevision when it was CVI and
customer service personnel were not helpful. He said they had told him if he was unhappy
with them he could buy a dish, and that is what he did.
Commissioner Anderson said although the Commission has no control over this, he would
like information on rate indreases over the last five years for standard service and premium
Commissioner Anderson asked if night calls are answered by Time Warner or an answering
service. Mr. Spencer said they are answered by Time Warner employees as their call center
in Orlando is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The FCC standard on answered phones
is that 90% of the calls must be answered within 30 seconds.
Mayor Vandergrift asked what is the level of service requirement from call to getting service
back in. Mr. Spencer said if they have a service interruption, but not a complete loss of
service, the goal they strive for is to complete 95% of them by the end of the next day. If the
subscriber is completely without service, the goal is to restore service that same day. If there
is an outage affecting multiple residences, the goal is within 11/2 hours. He personally receives
a page on everyone of those that goes beyond two hours.
Mr. Fogarty said Time Warner's goals are beyond the FCC standards.
Commissioner Howell said on a recent pay-per-view the service went out and it did not come
back until near the end of the program. He asked if there would be reimbursement for that.
Mr. Spencer confirmed that credit would be given in that situation. Mr. Howell asked what
the policy is on that, and if replay could be reordered. Mr. Spencer said most of the bigger
events, such as wrestling matches, have the live event and immediately following they have a
replay, and then within two to four days they have another replay. If something goes wrong
with the service and you want to watch that, then you can watch the replay. It will be
necessary to call in unless it is a programmer problem.
Commissioner Anderson asked if there were a reason why local channels 2, 6, and 9 are not
on 2, 6, and 9 on cable. Mr. Spencer explained that it had to do with engineering and federal
rules. He said, from the engineering standpoint, it is the general practice to offset in order to
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find problems before the customer sees them. He said this practice stems from the early days
of cable.
Mr. Spencer said there are federal rules now called "must carry rules" and broadcast stations
choose either "must carry" or "retransmission consent." They have certain rights to channel
placements and that was benchmarked when they started these rules and they had the right to
stay on the channel they were currently on or elect to go to the channel that they broadcast on.
They are where they are today because of the history and because of federal "must carry" and
"retransmission consent" rules and what channel they have elected through those federal
Mr. Fogarty explained that the broadcasters have a choice on what channels they want to be
on based on certain criteria.
Commissioner Anderson asked if, for example, Time Warner has a letter from Channel 6
saying they do not want to be on Channel 6. Mr. Fogarty said we would have some sort of
election from Channel 6 if they chose "must carry" to indicate what channel they want to be
Mr. Fogarty said by selecting "must carry" a station says to the cable operator you have to
carry us, or by selecting "retransmission consent" a station indicates to the cable operator you
cannot carry us without our consent.
Commissioner Anderson asked if Channels 2, 6, 9 had the option to be on cable on those
channels but chose to opt out of it. Mr. Fogarty said if they chose "must carry" status they
should have elected the channel that they are on.
Commissioner Anderson expressed concern about lengthy contracts (10 and 15 years) in times
of great technological changes and in light of the rapid growth in the area. Mrs. Shira pointed
out that ten years is the maximum length for franchises now.
Mr. Fogarty said Time Warner does not view ten years as a long term contract. He said the
industry is changing, there are a lot of developments going on, but they are not generally in
areas that are based on the franchise. These are technology driven developments. He doesn't
think the franchise is intended to or is going to impact those. He said the standard term
throughout the industry would be in the 10 to 15 year range.
Mayor Vandergrift pointed out that companies would be less likely to invest funds on
advanced technology for a five year contract than a ten year contract.
City Manager Shapiro pointed out that one of the reasons why there may be difference of
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opinion is there is still a lot of negotiation to do and reminded about what Mr. Baez said about
"state of the art" and that there are tradeoffs associated with state of the art versus term of
Commissioner Anderson asked Mrs. Shira if there were a reason why the City did not RFP
this. Mrs. Shira said anybody can come in and ask for a franchise. Mr. Shapiro explained
that RFP is not necessary for this as it is available to everyone, other companies could come in
and lease out wires on Florida Power or the phone companies and they would have to negotiate
a franchise through the same process. Mr. Shapiro said you never want to be in a situation
where you have three franchise companies in a City with three different rates.
Commissioner Anderson asked if when road runner comes in it would be an additional charge
and Mr. Fogarty responded yes, as it would be an optional service.
Mr. Baez clarified that when we throw out the word "competitive" it is not to suggest there is
any other cable modem service available.
Mr. Spencer said by the end of this year they will have all systems in Seminole and Orange
Counties upgraded and they will be on the new channel line-up. He said their goal is to
provide a line up and to service their product for a price that wins out over their competition.
Mr. Shapiro pointed out that the City probably would not make the July 1 deadline (for
franchise renewal), and would prefer to negotiate the best possible contract rather than
accomplish it by July 1. Mr. Baez said he would prepare for an extension for the current
franchise and Mr. Shapiro said it would be brought to Commission some time in June.
Mr. Baez said, as is set out as part of the formal process, there are avenues for the company to
challenge the decision not to renew a franchise. He said the outcome of that would depend on
what the record of your considerations amounts to and what the reasons for your denial would
be (evidentiary hearing).
Mr. Baez said their approach to this renewal is to address a master ordinance that applies to
every cable provider that eventually would be desiring to come in and from that would flow the
franchise agreement. The federal law does not require a City to have a franchise but allows a
City government to require a franchise for access to its rights-of-way.
Mayor Vandergrift asked Mr. Baez if in the industry there was a move away from franchises
to a per mile rental for right-of-way. Mr. Baez said the per linear mile concept is not usually
found with providers who provide this type of service (whether telecommunications, cable or
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Mr. Baez pointed out that there is an effort going on statewide on the part of
telecommunications companies and, to some extent, the Florida Cable Association, to address
the issue of establishing a unified telecommunications tax. He said the intended purpose of
that tax is to eliminate, or fold in franchise fees, public service tax, and the gross receipts tax
that flows to the state. The overall impact would represent a scaling back of cities' franchising
Mayo Vandergrift said there is an industry ploy by the heavier duty industries, such as the
power companies, to get a law passed that said cities can't put in underground utilities and
spread the cost out across the entire industry. He said there is nothing today that can stop
Time Warner, Florida Power, or anyone from going out in some of the subdivisions that have
underground cabling now and put in poles for overhead cables. There is not any real control
over that and the point is that they are using this law. He said that when Florida Power was
asked about putting in a 69 KVW line down Clarke Road underground they said the City
would have to pay for it. With the technology that Time Warner is putting out now, we are
used to seeing it strung on the poles, but wouldn't it have been a great step for us to bury a line
that large underground to help the looks of the City. This is a law that the state has passed on
the benefit of the utilities that flies in the face of compact communities.
Mr. Baez said he is not aware of that law, but he does come from a telephone and electric
background, and the Public Service Commission does have requirements as far as their rules
that require electric and telephone utilities to underground their facilities in all new
subdivisions. As the facilities come up for replacement due to wear and tear they have to
underground them as well. When a City requests it, in the interim, when it is not due to be
undergrounded by virtue of its replacement, then the utilities do have the right to get the
incremental cost. Mr. Shapiro said we do that now under subdivision regulations. Mr.
Shapiro said when there is a large KVW line that is not serving a particular development, but
serving a quadrant of the City, that is when the power company said the City had to pay for it
and would have to have the ugly overhead lines.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if there were any chance that Time Warner were going to close
down the service plaza in Ocoee and consolidate to the plant on American Boulevard. Mr.
Spencer said in Ocoee they have a regional construction department and walk-in service with
agents available during normal business hours. They own the building and have no plans to
change the customer service aspect. Internal use as to whether it is a construction department
or training facility can be changed from time to time.
Mayor Vandergrift suggested that Time Warner should consider partnershipping with the City
in paying for some of the incremental widening of that portion of Maguire Road near their
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Mayor Vandergrift said that Ocoee residents need to have access to the Orange County
Government Channel as well as the local channel. He said a network was needed that would
cover all the cities in West Orange County. Mr. Shapiro pointed out that this is a very serious
issue to staff and they have made it clear to Time Warner, that while we cannot demand it, that
we certainly consider that an issue that may decide what kind of a franchise we have. He said
as leaders in West Orange and as Ocoee is becoming the second largest City in Orange
County, we need to know about Orange County government and the people surrounding Ocoee
want to know about Ocoee's government.
Mayor Vandergrift said he would like to see networking that would include the schools on a
rotating basis.
Mayor Vandergrift asked if Time Warner can control having commercials broadcast at the
same volume as the programs and if all channels could be the same. Mr. Spencer said they
should and do have some control. He said there are regulations in terms of volume levels as to
what they can and cannot do with commercials. He said Time Warner runs checks on those
very frequently. If there is an audio variation in decibel loudness that is noticeable between
channels, call Time Warner to let them know what channels they are.
Commissioner Anderson asked about the "parental control option." Mr. Spencer said that
feature is built into the smart box at no extra charge (and is not available without the smart
box). He said the feature allows locking out of any or all channels or programs by rating or
channels by time of day. Mr. Anderson asked if it would be possible to bleep out four letter
words. Mr. Spencer said there was nothing commercially available today to allow the
consumer to do that to an audio program. There are several efforts going on industry wide in
terms of program ratings that alert consumers to what type of material is in programs, both
video and audio.
Mr. Fogarty said that Time Warner is not legally entitled to interfere with broadcast signals.
Mayo Vandergrift asked if we should be able to get a university on this side of town, if
negotiating for the government channels now should include three channels as opposed to two.
Mr. Baez pointed out that now would be the time to talk about it but pointed out that it is a
double edged sword as anytime a subscriber channel is set aside for PEG use it is a loss of
revenue to the City.
In response to questions from Mayor Vandergrift, Mr. Spencer explained some technical
aspects of the new fiber optics and noted that it is a rapidly evolving technology.
Commissioner Anderson asked if in future the fibers are bi-directional if the City would
receive two fees. Mr. Fogarty responded that franchise fees are based on revenues for cable
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Mr. Baez pointed out that the City received franchise fees on services that are provided over
the cable system. If what Commissioner Anderson is describing constitutes a separate service
for which they can charge, then there would be franchise fees.
9:35 p.m.- Mayor Vandergrift left the dais and Mayor Pro Tem Anderson chaired the
remainder of the meeting.
City Manager Shapiro commented that there would be negotiation as to what is meant by
"cable service."
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Marian Green, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor