HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (A) Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of July 6, 1999 Agenda 7-20-99 Item III A MINUTES OF THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING HELD JULY 6, 1999 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. in the Commission Chambers. The invocation was given by Reverend J. Caron Rogers of Church of the Nazarene which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. led by Representative Randy Johnson. The roll was called and all were present. PRESENT: Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioners Anderson, Howell, Johnson and Parker. Also present were City Manager Shapiro. City Attorney Rosenthal, Fire Chief Strosnider, Planning Director Wagner. Public Works Director Robert Smith, Building & Zoning Official Don Flippen, Police Chief Robert Mark, and Deputy City Clerk Gosnell. ABSENT: None. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS LEGISLATIVE UPDATE BY REPRESENTATIVE RANDY JOHNSON Representative Johnson gave a brief overview of what happened in the House of Representatives and State Legislature this year, as well as local issues. Representative Johnson distributed a copy of the "1999 Legislative Update- to the Commission. Discussion included Highway 50 improvements, Western Beltway, Transportation and school vouchers. YEARS OF SERVICE Service Awards were given to Brian Keith liendrix for live years of service, Yancey Cleveland and James W. Shira for ten years of service and Jean Grafton for twenty-five years of service. Absent from the meeting were Athena Cronnon and William Glascoek, both five years of service. GRANT APPLICATION FOR MICHAEL WILKES FOR ROBERTO CLEMENTE ALIT STAR BASEBALL PROGRAM,PUJERTO RICO. Jennifer Wilkes requested grant money from the City to send her son to Puerto Rico to participate in the all-star baseball program. Mayor Vandcrgrift. seconded by Commissioner Howell moved to grant $500.00 to Michael Wilkes to participate in the all-star baseball program in Puerto Rico. Motion carried 5-0. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Vandergrift requested clarification of the Minutes of the June 15, 1999 City Commission Meeting to reflect the total grant award of$1,200.00 to Troop 198, and requested any opposing votes should reflect who cast that vote. A. Approval and Acceptance of Minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting of June 15, 1999 and Work Session ofJune 14, 1999. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 6, 1999 B. Appointment of Mayor Vandergrift to the West Orange Airport Authority as Ocoee's Representative_ C. Approval and Authorization for Use of Forfeiture Finds for Purchase of Bicycle Safety Relmets for Ocoee Children is not to exceed amount of$2400.00. D. Approval and Acceptance of Use of Forfeiture Funds to Purchase Mobile Traffic Monitor from Traffic Products, Inc. not to exceed amount of$7,820.00. E. Approval and Authorization Grant Request for Fee Waivers for Ocoee Church of the Nazarene Related to Annexation, PUD Rezoning,and Site Plan Application Fees. Commissioner Howell, seconded by Commissioner Parker, moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion carried 4-0. Commissioner I lowell was absent from the room for the vote. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC - None COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS/CORRESPONDENCE Commissioner Parker: Announced the RSVP Line 656-2218. PUBLIC HEARINGS Ordinance No. 99-25, Builder Complaint Log. City Attorney Rosenthal read Ordinance 99-25 by title only, which included the revision from one year to three years. The public hearing was opened, and since no one wished to speak, was closed. Discussion on the Commission included a proposed joint meeting with all parties, notification to builders, and lot issues. City Manager Shapiro proposed a half day meeting on a Saturday to discuss those issues. Commissioner Rowell. seconded by Commissioner Parker. moved to approve Ordinance No. 99-25, Builder Complaint Log. Motion carried 4-1. Mayor Vandergrifi voted in the negative. OTHER BUSINESS Discussion/Action re: Appeal of Planning Director's Decision re Sign Permit Requested by All Women's Fitness Center Ms. Marjorie Beatty, sign consultant to All Women's Fitness Center, appeared to request a waiver for the sign to be twice the standard size using 24"lettering. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 6, 1999 Planning Director Wagner explained the code provisions which state wall signs shall not exceed certain criterion,and that the Ordinance is intentionally restrictive with regard to signage. City Attorney Rosenthal outlined the specific code provision and stated the issue is an interpretation of what Planning Director Wagner has determined the code provision to be. Discussion included the Board of Adjustment process, changing the wording in the Sign Ordinance, and clarification of the process for a variance request. Commissioner Johnson. seconded by Commissioner Parker, made the motion to accept Staffs recommendation to follow provisions in the City Code. Motion carried 5-0. Recess 9:25 p.m. to 9:35 p.m. Note: The following item was taken out of order. Discussion/Action re: Proposed Purchase of C & W Trucking Property for Public Works Complex/Expansion. Public Works Director Smith outlined issues concerning the proposed purchase of land for future expansion of the Public Works Department. He explained the land located at 370 Enterprise St. was purchased for its immediate availability without interruption of services. City Manager Shapiro explained that if we bought the proposed property, there is no funding for building expansion. We could continue at the current location and set up a fund for expansion of the new property, or sign a long term contract for purchase of the property at 370 Enterprise, which would give us the funds to relocate in six months to a year. That would allow enough time and funds to build what was needed on the new site. Director Smith noted that the property has been cleaned. The ground water will be monitored for the next four years, but the clean-up is complete. There would be other environmental issues that need to be explored before making a bid on property. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that these issues would factor into the final price offer, but the City needs to explore and get the due diligence done. Director Smith stated that he would like this explored to resolve all the issues. When all issues are resolved, an independent estimate can be submitted. Public Works is asking for the approval of the Commission to go forward with due diligence. Pat Bond with Palm Tree Properties Real Estate addressed the Commission. The property has been cleaned up and taken through the entire process. No other problems exist. She also stated that Mr. Creeden does have an interested buyer for the property and will pursue other buyers unless there is a contract for sale and purchase. Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 6, 1999 Commissioner Anderson expressed concern with the egress/ingress of the property. and the City buying up commercial property as it would deplete the tax base for the City. Mayor Vandergrift suggested the City create a RFP for a buyer's agent for the purpose of locating Police Department, Public Works Department, and Park sites. City Manager Shapiro asked Mr. Creeden. if the Commission agreed to go on with negotiation. would he allow at least a couple weeks for the City to get the contract together. Mr. Creeden had no objection to a couple more weeks. Discussion included the Sanitation Department account, turning on to the Maguire Road extension, the purchase of two parcels, and the access to the proposed properties. Commissioner Parker, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, made the motion to proceed with due diligence and negotiations subject to City Commission Approval. Motion carried 5-0. Appointment of Commissioner to Architectural Design Committee for New Fire Station. Mayor Vandergrift made a motion to appoint Commissioner Johnson to the Architectural Design Committee. Accepted without objection. Discussion/Action re: Change Order No. 2 with Haycook for Central Park Additional Fencing. Public Works Director Smith requested the approval of Change Order No. 2 with Ilaycook for Central Park additional fencing. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Johnson, seconded Commissioner Parker moved to approve Change Order No. 2 with Havcook for Central Park Additional Fencing. Motion carried 5-0. Discussion/Action re: Designation of Voting Delegate to Florida League of Cities Annual Conference. Commissioner Johnson, seconded Commissioner Anderson moved to approve Mayor Vandergrift as Voting Delegate to the FTC Annual Conference. Motion carried 4-I. Commissioner Howell voted in the negative. Set Date for Out-of-Sunshine Meeting re: City Hall Litigation. The Out-of-Sunshine Meeting was set for July 20, 1999, at 6:15 p.m. in City Commissioners Conference Room. Discussion re: JPA Boundary Amendment Community Meeting on July 12, 1999. Planning Director Wagner announced the joint meeting with Orange County. The meeting would include adjusting the boundaries of the JPA and the possibilities of Ocoee taking over some of the enclave areas. As one initial step in an evolving process to work for a common frame work 4 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 6, 1999 for planning the area, it was determined that some of the areas were appropriate for the City to have within the WA, particularly the north cast section of the City, since Ocoee provides services to those areas. Additionally_ some enclave areas were created when the JPA Boundary was first initiated. Alternately, there are areas to the south that Ocoee will probably never annex. A map was provided to show the area that is proposed to be swapped. The purpose of the meeting is to get the public's reaction to the changes. City Attorney Rosenthal announced the .IPA expiration is ten years and that he JPA did not give the City any authority over enclaves within the Ocoee box. Even though the map covers a wide area, there is a very limited number of land affected. Planning Director Wagner stated that this is the first good step for the City to allow them to serve areas better than the County can. Mayor Vandergrift asked the meeting be properly Noticed to encourage all Commissioners to attend. Appointments to Boards Code Enforcement Board - David "Kent" Skiles three year term expires August, 1999. David "Kent" Skiles was reappointed to the Code Enforcement Board with term to expire August, 2002. Accepted without objection. Planning and Zoning Commission, Louis Landefeld's three year term expires August, 1999. Louis Landefeld was reappointed to the to Planning and Zoning Commission with term to expire August, 2002. Accepted without objection. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - fill Vacancy for.James D. Blackwelder whose term expires October 1,2001. Consensus was that this appointment be postponed until next Commission Meeting. STAFF REPORTS - None. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Johnson: 1) Reported that the employees of the Temporary Staffing on McKey Street are creating a dirt road to the palm tree going towards Kissimmee Avenue. 2) Requested the status of the Janitorial Bid. Acting Manager Smith will respond by memo as to the status. 3) Stated that the City should check on the yearly expenses of repair work for Police vehicles at Goodyear and instead use that money to hire in-house mechanics. City Manager Shapiro 5 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 6, 1999 stated that the future intent is to do all mechanical work in-house and that equipment for this work must be placed in the CIP. 4) Reminded the citizens in his district to either call City Hall on the RSVP Line or him at home with any questions or concerns. Commissioner Parker: No comments at this time. Commissioner Howell: 1) Reported that the dump trucks on 437/Silver Star are going 15 mph over the speed limit. City Manager Shapiro reported that the Police Department, Winter Garden P.D. and the weight troopers are all working together and are writing a large amount of tickets. Mayor Vandergrift stated that he had been told to go to their offices on West Road and report the drivers. 2) Reported that he had more issues to discuss, but due to the lateness of the hour. he would wait until the next Commission Meeting. Commissioner Anderson: 1) Reported receiving an e-mail message from Jeremy Butler requesting a roof on the batting cage. Public Works Director Smith reported that the netting over the cage is all that should be there, and that it was the Little League's responsibility. 2) Reported that he witnessed the display and availability of magazines unsuitable for children at the convenience store on Bowness/Plant Street and requested investigation. Discussion ensued. City Manager Shapiro will turn this issue over to Police Chief Mark to evaluate. 3) Asked why the City was not using Crawford Tire instead of Goodyear as mentioned by Commissioner Johnson. Discussion included Commissioner Parker's recommendation to use Ocoee Tire, and City Manager Shapiro and Commissioner Johnson's positive comments on Crawford Tire. 4) Requested a meeting regarding the ISO. and would like for the Commission to go over the report. City Manager Shapiro stated that if the questions reflect the land purchase, that no activity is taking place al this time; however. he will have Judie Lewis contact everyone for a meetinp. Discussion ensued. Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, July 14, 1999, at 6:00 p.m. in the Commission Conference Room. 5) Thanked Martha Lopez-Anderson and the citizens in Silver Bend Subdivision for the great party last weekend. 6) Suggested the need for a BMX bike track in the northwest area of the City. City Manager Shapiro stated that the City had a track in the past and was removed due to inactivity. Mayor Vandergrift suggested that this be placed on the Recreation Board's survey with regard to the percentage of interest in this type of activity. 7) Stated that he received eight e-mails during the meeting. 6 Ocoee City Commission Regular Meeting July 6, 1999 Mayor Vandergrift: 1) Thanked everyone who participated in the Lake Clean-Up held on June 19. and stated he would like to see more mowing and edging around the lake. Discussion included the re- paving of the road around Starke Lake, fountains, and sidewalks. Acting City Manager Smith was requested to contact Lake Wales with regard to their fountain. 2) Requested permission to seek a grant for the Coca Cola property for a park. City Manager Shapiro reported that a grant is probably available if several agencies worked together in order to receive enough funds. Discussion included staff participation and the request for matching funds. Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to support the Mayor's recommendation to seek a grant for matching funds for a park on the Coca Cola property. Motion passed without objection. City Manager Shapiro requested that the Commission allow Staff to write the grant. City Attorney Rosenthal stated that if they are to be seeking matching funds. that this request must cone back to the City Commission. 3) Requested flags he purchased and displayed on Clarke Road on the appropriate holidays, that the MIA flag he moved hack to the Fire Station, and requested more City of Ocoee flags be purchased. City Manager Shapiro will check to see if there are funds set aside in the budget for these purchases and get back with Mayor Vandergri ft. 4) Requested that the County Chairman, County Commission, Representative Johnson and various political figures be invited to the Recreation Center grand opening. 5) Asked if A.D. Mims Road was going to be paved soon. City Manager Shapiro reported that because of the turn lane, he was not sure if it could be done separately, but would check. 6) Asked for the status of surplus items. City Manager Shapiro reported that a surplus sale will be taking place in September. 7) Reported that the City was maintaining the Channel 19/9 Bulletin Board, and that citizens can e-mail, call in to the RSVP line, or call City hall to place ads, and that he would like to see the responsibility for maintaining the Bulletin Board expanded. 8) Requested information on the problem with the public relations group. City Manager Shapiro requested that he have the opportunity to meet with Staff and then report back on the issue when he returns from vacation. 9) Reported that discarded lights/poles were available for free from the Pine Hills Little League. Public Works Director Smith will check to see if they can be used. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at l 1:39 p.m. APPROVED Attest: City of Ocoee Fran Gosnell, Deputy City Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor 7