HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (B) Saturn of Ocoee - Special Exception - Case No. 1-1SE-99Agenda 7-20-99 Item VI B "CEN7'FROF GOOD LIVING- PRIDE OF IVFS7' ORANGE" MAYOR• COMMISSIONER S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS 150E, L347 DRIVE DANNY HOWELL SCOTT ANDERSON OCOF,F., FLORIDAARiDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON (407) 656-2322 NANCY J. PARKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT DATE: July 16, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning N/ SUBJECT: Saturn of Ocoee Special Exception Application Project# 1-1SE-99 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve a proposed Special Exception for Satum of Ocoee as an Automobile Sales and Automobile Repair Use in a C-2 zone? BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the south side of SR 50, just west of Good Homes Road. It is currently undeveloped and is occupied by an old orange grove. The property to the north across SR 50 has C-2 zoning and is occupied by Good Homes Plaza. The property to the east and south has A-1 zoning in Orange County and is occupied by church and school facilities. The property to the west has P-D zoning in Orange County and is occupied by an apartment complex. DISCUSSION: The proposed Saturn of Ocoee dealership will include two buildings and associated parking for customers and display of inventory. Phase 1, to be built in two sub -phases, will include the main building (new car sales and service) which will be 16,636 square feet, and a smaller building (used car sales) which will be 2,000 square feet. The architecture of the proposed buildings will be a contemporary design which is used on all Satum Dealerships and which they feel is important to maintain the Saturn image. Phase 2 will remain undeveloped for now and will not be included in this Special Exception. These proposed uses are permitted in a C-2 zone only with Special Exception approval. Pmtectdcoe" ZV, July 16, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 2 As with all Special Exceptions, this application includes a Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception showing the proposed layout of the site, the proposed landscaping and signage for the site, and a list of Conditions of Approval for the Special Exception. The landscaping plan has been designed to provide substantial screening of the service entrances from SR 50. The landscape plan shows a small berm with a hedge and ground covers, as well as a row of oak trees along SR 50 and several ligustrum trees close to the service entrances. The proposed signage for the site meets the standards for signage along SR 50 and is shown on the attached drawings. In addition, all of the usual Special Exception Conditions of Approval which would be applicable to this site have been incorporated into this Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception. The attached Preliminary Site Plan for the Saturn of Ocoee Special Exception Application was reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on June 22, 1999. The Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of this Special Exception Application with a few additional Conditions of Approval to be added. The attached Plan, date stamped received by the City on July 8, 1999, includes most of the changes discussed at the DRC meeting. The Staff Recommendation below includes the few minor changes remaining which will accurately reflect the DRC's recommendation. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AND RECOMMENDATION On July 13, 1999, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing regarding the Saturn of Ocoee Special Exception Application. During the hearing, other than a representative for the applicant, there were no other speakers. The Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Saturn Special Exception Application, in accordance with the staff recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendations of the DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve this Special Exception for Saturn of Ocoee (Case t# 1-1SE-99), to be constructed in accordance with the attached Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception, as date stamped received by the City on July 8, 1999, to include the additional changes listed below: 1) Condition of Approval N 9 will be revised to read as follows: "This Special Exception is limited to Phase 1 only. If Phase 2 is to be sold to another owner, then both Phases 1 and 2 will he required to be subdivided and platted. When Phase 2 is developed, it will be required to undergo its own separate review process with its own site plan review. 2) A new Condition of Approval will be added which reads as follows: "Phase 1 may be constructed in two sub -phases "la" and "lb", subject to a Final Certificate of Occupancy being granted only when the entire phase is completed. If constructed in this manner, Phase "la" shall include all roadway access improvements on SR 50, all utilities necessary for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the Used Vehicle Facility and all other improvements shown within the Phase "la" phase lines on this Plan. Additionally, Phase "1b" shall be completed within six months after receiving the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for Phase "la" :" July 16, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 3 3) A new Condition of Approval will be added which reads as follows: "A raised concrete median separator together with widening and striping will be provided on SR 50 consistent with the intent of the Ocoee State Road 50 Access Management Plan to permit directional left turns only leading into the Saturn site as well as into the Good Homes Plaza Shopping Center." Attachments: Copy of the Public Hearing advertisement Proposed Signage Drawings Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception, date stamped July S, 1999 O.ACA EX NDERVALL DArAACAPDFILE\StaRRepomVCC MSR99949.doc The Orlando Sentinel, Thursday, July 1, 19W CIT`e OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER APPLICATION FOR SPE- CIAL EXCEPTION (CASE NO. 1-rSE'9'. 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OLa2j9n96 Jrl I%a 12'-1 30 1� SATMN 2' 77 1„ PY6-12 (6'X6' PYLON 0 12' OAH) SUPPLY & SHIP (1) ONE PYS-12 PYLON SIGN ALL ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION FINISHED BENJAMIN MOORE 857 WHITE SATURN LOGO - ROUTED & BACKED UP WITH CYRO 248-0 RED ACRYLIC SATURN - ROUTED & BACKED UP WITH 52447 WHITE ACRYLIC FACE APPLIED S3635-91 DAY-NITE FILM WITH 3M GPS 3640-114HA PROTECTIVE COATING FILM H.O.R.S. FLUORESCENT ILLUMINATION PLANT LIST SUMMARY Symbol Common Name Botanical Name Quantity Size Notes SHRUBS IVS SCHILLINGS HOLLY ILEX VOMITORIA "NANA" 475 1 GAL. PLANT 36" o.c. SR SAW PALMETTO SERENOA REPENS 200 1 GAL. PLANT 36 " o.c. VO SWEET VIBURNUM VIBURNUM ODORATISSIMUM 243 3 GAL. PLANT 48" o.c. IX IXORA IXORA COCCINEA 737 3 GAL. RED, PLANT 24" o.c. GROUND COVER LM TRAILING LANTANA LANTANA MONTEVEDENSIS 2,045 1 GAL. 18" O.C. B.W. SOD BAHIA SOD PASPALUM NOTATUM 0 sf TREES SP CABBAGE PALM SABAL PALMETTO 37 10'-20' HT 0. .STAGGERED HGTS. QV LIVE OAK QUERCUS ORGINIANA 47 3" DBH min. 10' ht. x 5' sp. min. 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