HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (B) St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Amendment to the Special Exception Case No. 1-2SE-98, Case No. 1-1SE-2000 Agenda 6-20-2000 Item VI B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERORIII ! g4 o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS a. 4 DANNY IIOWb .l. I50 N. LAKFSHORF DRIVE O SCOIT ANDERSON Cs* �, o OCOFF, FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON br�� �i� (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER OP GOOD CITY MANAGER E➢.LIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT DATE: June 13, 2000 TO: Honorable Mayor and City � � Commissioners FROM: Kirsten MQGinnis, Senior Planner Vr THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning / SUBJECT: St. Pauls Presbyterian Church Amendment to Special Exception Case Number 1-SE1-2000 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve an Amendment to the Special Exception for St. Pauls Presbyterian Church for the location of two temporary portables? BACKGROUND: The Church is located on the south side of SR 50, west of Citrus Oaks Avenue and east of the off-ramp for the East-West Expressway. The existing Special Exception permits the site to be developed as a church, school and related facilities to comprise a maximum of 126,394 square feet. The applicant is requesting an Amendment to the Special Exception to locate two temporary portables on site for a maximum of two years. DISCUSSION: The temporary portables will be used by the Central Florida Community School while their permanent structure is under construction. The school building will be located on Parcels 4 and 12 of the Master Plan and will comprise approximately 11,000 square feet. The applicant anticipates submitting building plans for the structure within the next few weeks and completion of construction by May 2001. The applicant is proposing to locate the temporary portables just northwest of Lot 2 on the approved Master Plan, west of the off-ramp and retention pond (refer to Exhibit A). A photo of the proposed portable type is attached as Exhibit B, although the actual portable may be smaller than shown. 011- POW �� Protect Ocoee's Water Resources .... Page 2 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners June 13, 2000 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE: On May 31, 2000, the Development Review Committee (DRC) met to consider the Amendment to the Special Exception. After discussion of a few general items, the Development Review Committee unanimously recommended approval of the Amendment to the Special Exception for St. Pauls Presbyterian Church subject to three conditions of approval: a two year limit on the location of the portables; approval of the location of the portables (via site plan approval) by the Fire, Police and Building Departments (Life Safety Issues); and building permits for the permanent structure must be pulled within one (1) year of the date the permit was issued for the portables. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: On June 13, 2000, the Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regularly scheduled meeting, considered the Amendment to the Special Exception for the St. Pauls Presbyterian Church. After discussion of a few general items, the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the Amendment to the Special Exception consistent with the DRC recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendations of the Development Review Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Amendment to the Special Exception for St. Pauls Presbyterian Church, Case Number 1-SE1- 2000, subject to the following three conditions of approval: • a two year limit on the location of the portables; • approval of the location of the portables (via site plan approval) by the Fire, Police and Building Departments (Life Safety Issues); and • building permits for the permanent structure must be pulled within one (1) year of the date the permit was issued for the portables. Attachments: Location Map Exhibit A-Proposed Portable Location Exhibit B-Photo of Portable Type Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement O:\CALEXANDERWLL_DATA\CAPDFILE\Staff Reports\2000CCSR\SR00050.doc POWt Protect Ocoea's avatar Hesonrres =y; Location Map AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL EXCEPTION ST. PAULS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH / CASE No. 1 -1 SE-2000 Two TEMPORARY PORTABLES FOR CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY SCHOOL ...I.. 11 i �W.�1't'��fit/ �MIN 1■nn.PIE '� �` ..1I.I..I..: 1.1I... I.1I.I..I./: ,r.....ft ii el& IU1/11u11111l ■...0 hialliii CC III Ill u lu>' I I I =iamb�0.-f 1.UIuIuI Nuu.Q . alli r �� mom .11 2 Ir.II.. - woe ;1L 1 :Q SE►�V IrB...rr E .II.1111I...:::p .....Ir 7::. "■111..11.1I. .I mum -......I... _� U/hO1.1 .�- 1;71 \ ca West Oaks MI4 m r` ,: • _ e.1.1V St.Pauls ' urch I El I I.1111111111 11L1111//�` �� lil1111.11•!i �i ■ Ll IF °cat° Lo �IIUS,f�ll''.,��i IIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIII1LiI Lt �n�p �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII- _ II vi � �, r I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII s s ,�,:: ; s� 111111111111111111111111111111= 1limit Ipiar�i �n�® .,h,, is IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII __ o �� jfL East-West I ann: ■E Imn.._ s,. N PCCA=al H I El In%Ed Af w 1\ E. LEGEND N PROPERTY LIMITS S CITY PROPERTY (Ocoee• "` ' 6 • a SUBJECT PROPERTY Y v. O r• ,;. I COUNTY PROPERTY i or coo,' DOIMIT 'A" V FISTING PLAYC'ONND / co 7 7 TO EE RE-COATED—\ / 9 n ACCESS P EXIBTNC AV Phi IA G ps. ! a NEE PLAY C. r.ct_ LOCATION v Agri Cry � --TO "Pr' .� . 1 w ire ri.4 u gar a / • _ ,,,,.,.....,. .v :n .n�ommm .e:v� F •�m.�v mvm.v..v.m Q • pmvrivw .m..a..v.m //I / /� /� C.vou v �o..�uuv� V \J / .......... v..vom es . o vmmr 814 IMMI =11•111mar ♦ COLAINAM 4112 2 1 \ /(/ 9/15 § ; 11 % FX1I1B1,f, "B" r.. -. .... , - _ .. Mlial n I NCTOBILE & MODULAR i SPECIFICATIONS Single Office Model-160 sq.ft. Three Office Model-440 sq.ft. 1) fa't r. _^sk53:: c ..,a -.- • _ wood 4'"'z """<°-` .... ,� metal a>'s � a",ai .i'F � shown (I) Built-in dskhirh 8'x20'low nookq lab “: :hq ❑—draper file cabinet (1) O erhead shelf (1) 36"e-4S"plan able L L'/ Thmnll A/C hith heat n r Two Office Model-224 sq.ft. (I) 10 ` 13 p""te office r _ (I) 10 x lU private office (I) 10'x 21'general office ".„ a - (3) Full f0cIth desks t ar rodraher He cabinet. all I! ® e t - (I) 3b' s 48'plan table 1 _ (I) Handicap-equipped half-bath (optional) Cenffi.lA C yotenffirithhet �._., --_ - — --_ 6-. ..m_' ' metal -" �-- - - - shown `Threei0ffiCeMOde1-672sq:ft. tli 9b .a p:i:ate oto,e I _ - ._ .p -..,by< _ _pm :_._ (Y) Full width built m desk,with n:adraker - _ file cabinets sa: (2) Overhead shehes (I) 36"x43'plan table 8'x 28'Ipus her 41 'I ' I I T i (I) Handicap-equipped iq I xIII half-bath (optional) Central 'al d-C with hear 1 I i ; c� .-.M :` hood ;..le � ham- shown 12'x 55 loam hmlk 41 Storage Model-224 sq.ft. - --m��r- - - - _ (2) l2 x 12'prate office (1) 12'x 32'general office _ _ (1) Handicap-equipped halt bath (optional) -'' wood Cented ArC system pith hear - - - shown (I) Built-in desk kith For more Iniarmatl:v cell 1-800-523-7918 in the US,or twodraker file cabinet 8'x 28'(Oa Mick q 1-800-451-3951 in Canada and access GE Cap)talMlodular (I) Oserhead shell ) --1 Space n'a me Internet ar http://wwut modspace.corn (I) 36"is 48"plan cable Thno-kall A/C kirk heat GE Capital Modular Space Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published The Orlando Sentinel,Thursday.June 1,2000 Advertisement Cm'OF OCOEE NOTICE HEARINGS CONSIDER APPLICATION TO SPECIAL EXCEPTION(CASEFOR AN AMENDMENT NO..l-ISE]RU: ST. PAULS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN punuam to Section 4.8(A)(2) Ocoee Land Devel o t Code,IFai the OCOEE PLAN- NING AND ZONING COMMISSION hold a PUBLIC HEAPING cc 13.June t]. ]Wp their regular session to EC at7.30 and the OCOEE CM NEAR)COMMISSION will bold PUBLIC HEARING on June begin at 7:15 at their p.m regular h public session will be held at their specified Ified Onset.or as Sean Mere- alter o me. the Commission hmbers,Ocoee inity Hall.150 North Lakeshore Ocoee, o ,Floriidat Pais, con- sider Church to allow for an AMENDMENT to the SPECIAL EXCEP. TION for ST PAULS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .TO PEACE TWO TEMPO- CE THE NTRARY PALL FLORIDARTABLES COMMUNITYON SITE SCHlocat- ed a property E s east or Clarke Road o south 01 Citrus Oaks Avenue. The complete case file,Including a le- I gal description of Me subten property may be inspected at the Ocoee Plan- ning Department,ISO North Lakealgre Drive,bersen vie hours of 8:00 Bird ande5'00 p m..Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. The Ocoee Planningni andry rem Cary missioncoruecthe public wrings to oth r dates and tunes as they deem • ry My interested party shell be advised that the dates,times,and plac- ea of any cc ctnua W n of theseW n- Snuo dunng public nearing shall ore am nounced bug the hearing and that no • ner notice regarding these matters will be published. Interested parties may appear at the public hearings and be heard with re- spect to the application.Any person who • de during res to th'publt hearings wion ill for this recordpst thmaay n to gs ensure that a verbatim record of the proceed- ings ' a is made which includes test- y and evidence upon which the Sr ea is based.Persons with disabilrtn needing assistance to pa'N'Jpte In any cf the proceedings should contact the ity Cleric's office ice burs in advance 1Ne meeting at(soh 9069105. JEAN GRAFTON,CrrY CLERK CITY OF OCOEE June 1.glib] OLB332727t NNE 12000