HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI(A) Fire Station Property On Montgomery Road Agenda 9-07-99 Item VI A. Ocoee Fire Department 125 N. Bluford Ave. Ocoee, Florida 34761 R. D. Strosnider Business: 407-656-7796 Fire Chief Emergency: 911 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners� n From: Ronald D. Strosnider, Fire Chief?" Date: September 1, 1999 Re: Relocation of Fire Station One Background Fire Station One, located on the City Hall campus at 125 N. Bluford Ave. has been in operation since 1974,when it was constructed to house three (3) firefighters, one (1) inspector and the Fire Chief. The station currently houses six (6) firefighting personnel and two (2) inspectors on a daily basis. The Department Administration consisting of three (3) chief officers and three (3) clerical personnel, are located in a temporary trailer next to Fire Station One, due to the lack of office space in the facility. The Station also houses an engine,rescue, squad, disaster trailer,rescue boat, and utility trailer for emergency responses. In addition to personnel and equipment,the station houses the industrial washer/dryer and air compressor for Department wide use. The current building is in need of upgrades and repairs to adequately house the current personnel and equipment safely, as well as any future expansion necessary to meet growth demands. An informal estimate of the necessary renovations received in 1998 was in excess of 1 million dollars. Taking this into consideration,renovation proves not to be a cost effective alternative. Long range plans for the City Hall campus indicate that the existing Fire Station One site would better serve the campus by moving off site Consequently, relocation of Fire Station One appears to be the only alternative. The construction of Fire Station One with space to accommodate the current firefighting, inspection and administrative staff, and provide growth for the future, in a location that will provide the optimum response coverage is a necessity. 64' �/v Based upon response times for EMS And Fire Suppression, it has been determined that the City will be better served by locating Fire Station One south of its present location. Currently, the area of Fire Station One response zone needs to be adjusted to cover the Mall and the Highway 50 Corridor The shift in response coverage achieved by the relocation of the Main Fire Station, and in conjunction with the response area provided by future Fire Station Two,will provide this coverage without sacrificing other areas of the City. Providing the best response time's to our citizens and visitors, is the goal of the Fire Department. The availability of properties within the desired area has been investigated over the past year. Most locations available for development in District One that would provide the proper coverage have been found to be inadequate in size, one or more owners or exorbitant in price. A map identifying these parcels is attached as Exhibit A. (Power point presentation) The fire Department has identified a parcel, owned by the City at the south end of East and West Harbor Court's and located between Montgomery and California Ave. This property is four and one half acres, heavily wooded with natural buffers of trees. Sewer and water is located near by thus saving the cost of a long extension of the infrastructures. Future plans of the city is to open Montgomery Ave. south to connect with Maine St. which would give us a southern access also. This location provides the best response time for Fire and EMS in the District One response area. We looked at three other fire stations that were situated in residential neighborhood's; Orlando's stations three and four and Altamonte Springs station fourteen. Chief Gaston, of Altamonte Springs said three things were brought up when the station was to be considered for that location. The three things that were talked about were speeding trucks,noise, and property values, all of which have not happened. Chief Gastonia said that the property values have appreciated since the station was built. We ask several persons around all three fire stations if the stations were to be moved what did they think about it. The answer was a defiant NO to moving OUR FIRE STATION. We experienced the same feeling's when we left station two on Adair St. Recommendation: That the property be purchased from the Utilities department to relocate the Main Fire station and design a community fire station,with all the noise and traffic safe guards, so as to be good neighbors. 1 SCHOOL LUI9 • A iksb4 Mg 4 tbildirritt IIIN Olbi ill' : 11111 LL---- "" I='Mil =%MI lth iT I. MEM 4111111k .--,--- W.111111111111Alial.1111111....11114111 1101 1111111 Oa 1111.111,11611 ilia Mil inignailimidil . mall MR MEMiMim MEW= 8411. ME MEM= Mgt= bialliiilliark11111 -, A _ I _ ‘..__ 111. INIIIP11111 ( I I-Y ' I ----- '------- -)- - ,'7, „ ., T ..-- 1 e - '%1111•1 Gill. L — _________ t — —3 ,-?'----VSTLE — /planar!: itilt— _ ...L., 1 '-- ffigrisava. .pin ..„,. ill imm OWE 4 . .._ . ' '---- '!---- BERND.HO DR . ,._ _. 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Mark Majors 877-4775 733 Crooked Creek Drive Ocoee,FL 34761 PROBLEM LOCATION: 1 am sure this won't be your only call on this and I vehemently op•Ise the fire - station thing going inhere and you know what I am talking about. •ust to register my opinion. • . • Initial Action Date:- Time: Individual: . Response: . A call was placed to Mrs. Majors who wa=' informed that a copy of this RSVP memorandum • would be sent to the City Clerk's offic= to be placed..on the record for the public hearing scheduled for Sept. 7, 1999, 7: 5 p.m. Also, that we are holding a copy of this Action Memorandum in our file for she City Manager. Judie Lewis 8/30/99 - 4:30 p.m. • • • • Page 4 '99 I HO 29 111 8 01 August 16, 1999 Mr. Ellis Shapiro City Manager City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761-2258 Mr. Shapiro: I am writing in response to your letter postmarked August 9, 1999 regarding the proposed relocation of Fire Station No. 1 to Montgomery Road in Ocoee. l have several concerns with this proposed location. First, l have researched the effect that such a location would have on the property values of the homes both adjacent to Montgomery as well as the homes located on extended streets in The Highlands subdivision. The research indicates that while such a location WOUld lower insurance premiums, it would also lower the property value of each home. Secpndly, l SBe a very real safety risk in placing the Fire Station at this proposed location due to the large number of children who live in The Highlands and ride bikes, roller blade and generally play in this immediate vicinity. The presence of fire trucks and the speed at which they will travel will cause a sever threat to their safety and we predict injuries could very likely occur. I personally would not want to see my child or any other child hurt or even killed by a fire truck simply because they were playing in their own neighborhood and got in the way of a speeding truck. Third, I believe that the noise and fumes that would be present 24 hours a day would be both dangerous and annoying. We can currently hear the traffic which travels Montgomery Road in the normal course of a day. Now add to that the blaring of sirens or even just the noise of the large truck engines and you have an unbearable nuisance. in addition, the fumes from the trucks would be dangerous to the children who play in this area as well. Again, it would be terrible to think that a child could get sick due to the fumes emitted from these fire engines. We purchased in this area because we felt it would be a good place to raise a family as well as be a good investment in property. This proposed location would prove to be counter-productive to both of those objectives. We realize it is difficult to find a suitable location for the fire station, however, we firmly believe that it would be a grave mistake to put it in this location on Montgomery Road. Please record this objection formally as we will restate it again at the City Council meeting on September 7, 1999. Sincerely, Cassandra Turiczek The Highlands of Ocoee Architectural Review Board Member 570 Safeharbour Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 (407) 299-8407 Cc: Mayor Scott Vandegrift Commissioner Danny Howell Commissioner Scott Anderson Commissioner Rusty Johnson Commissioner Nancy Parker Fire Chief Strosnider