HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (C) Authorization and Approval for PEC to proceed with the Water System Master Plan Update dated May 1, 2000 for a fee of $79,600, funded from the proceeds of thhe 1997 Utility Bond Issue Agenda`�') 7-18-2000(� "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST OR/NGE" IL YORuCcimissioNEK Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT _°� �� a�o CITY OF OCOEE NN15510NLR5 R'"U > DANNY IIOWELI. ft I50 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE re OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOIIN$I)N �} ��� (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER Op 0000 CIi Y MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: June 28, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Water System Master Plan Update In April of 1996, the city received a Master Water Plan report from PEC. That report was used to define the scope of the recent improvements to the South and Forest Oaks water plants and the water distribution system. One of the recommendations of the 1996 report was that once the improvements to the South and Forest Oaks water plants were made, an updated analysis of the water system should be performed to determine the feasibility of removing the Jamela water plant from service. We have been delaying any significant expenditures at Jamela until we determine whether the plant and elevated storage tank are required for proper system operation. A recent inspection of the elevated storage tank indicated that a minimum of $80,000 would be required to repair deteriorated steel parts of the tank, and to repaint the tank. Obviously, we don't want to spend this much money on the tank if it is going to be removed from service. In addition, the ground storage tank needs significant rehabilitation work due to deterioration of the concrete over the years, and the high service pumps at this plant are located below grade, which is highly undesirable. We asked PEC to work with one of the other engineering firms we have under contract to prepare an updated master plan. By requiring that PEC work with another firm, we will be able to take advantage of PEC's knowledge of our existing system, and the recent improvements for which they provided the design work, and also take advantage of the fresh perspective that another firm will bring to the master planning process. The attached proposal from PEC offers to work with WCG, Inc. (formerly Glace & Radcliffe, Inc.) to provide an updated water master plan. Their combined work will POWt Ok_. Protect Ocoee s Water Resam ces 1.-, provide an updated hydraulic model of our system based on current conditions, and will enable us to determine which, if any, of the components of the Jamela plant should be rehabilitated and kept in service. I recommend that the City Commission authorize PEC to proceed with the work outlined in their proposal dated May 1, 2000 for a fee of $79,600 to be funded from the proceeds of the 1997 Utility Bond Issue. As always you are welcome to come into my office or call me if you have any questions on this or any other topic. JWS/jbw Attachment power t Protect Ocoee Water Resources �•I - 3 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. May1 2000 P-0123/MK-04 3 04 OE\PR000 Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities Director City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 SUBJECT: City of Ocoee - Master Water Plan (2000 Update) RE: Scope of Services Dear Mr. Shira: We have discussed updating the City's Master Water Plan since most of the potable water system improvements have been installed. PEC provided the City with a Master Water Plan (April 1996) that described the City's short-term (1999) water system improvements and long-term (2014) water system improvements. The City issued Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds to fund the needed water improvements. The improvements included upgrades to the Forest Oaks and South Water Treatment Plant. Additional wells, ground storage, disinfection and high service pumping capacity were added at each facility. The City also installed approximately 32,000 LF of 12 and 16 inch water distribution mains and improved the potable water disinfection system by changing to hypochlorite generation systems at each plant. The purpose of the 1996 Water Master Plan update was to provide the City with a 20-year capital plan for providing water service as the City expanded. The 1996 Water Master Plan also contained a "cybemet" computer software model to simulate the existing water system (1996 population of 17,500 people) and predict needed improvements to service a build-out population of 40,000 people in 2014. The 1996 Master Water Plan was based on a two-plant system (Forest Oaks and South Plant) and a short-term goal of removing the Jamela WTP from service upon completion of the noted water system improvements. Currently, all noted water system improvements including the distribution system improvements have been installed. I believe the next step should be to update the water system computer model with the recently completed improvements and expanded customer base. Based on the water system modeling results, a final recommendation concerning the proposed removal of the Jamela WTP can be provided. Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. P-0123/MK-04 May 1, 2000 OE\PR000 Page 2 Based on your request to assist the City's other engineering consulting firms with updating their knowledge and experience regarding the City of Ocoee's infrastructure systems, we propose to team with WCG, Inc. (WCG) to update the Water Master Plan. I believe the most cost-effective method for developing an updated system model would be for PEC to update the existing model to current conditions and have WCG add the system improvements and update the model. This should enable PEC to share its knowledge of the City's water system with WCG and simultaneously provide the City with an updated system model that will provide long-term information for future development needs. Attached are the proposed scope of services and the subconsultant's proposal for the associated work. We are prepared to perform this work for a lump sum fee of$79,600. All work shall be completed within 180 days of a written notice-to-proceed. If you have any comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 422-8062. Sincerely, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Kenneth R. Hooper Principal KRH/cs G:\...\OE\PR000\P-0123 Attachments cc: Art Austin, P.E., PEC Mr. lames W. Shira, P.E. P-0123/MK-04 May 1, 2000 OE\PR000 Page 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Develop population projections based on current populations estimates and future projections estimated in coordination with the City's Planning and Utilities Departments. Projections may include growth estimates along with review of current metered water connections and ERU projections. (One (I) meeting at 4 hours is included.) 2. Develop an updated Cybemet v.3 AutoCAD 2000 - compatible water model based on the most recent model of the City's water system. The model will include recently installed water piping throughout the City. (Two (2) meetings at 4 hours each are included.) 3. Calibrate model to field conditions using City-provided pressure gauges, plant records, and field assistance. Field assistance includes but is not limited to the operation of hydrants and water plant facilities. Two (2) low-flow (overnight) field testing sessions of 6 hours each is anticipated. Field results will be used to adjust model results to actual conditions. (Two (2) field visits and one (1) meeting at 4 hours are included.) 4. Model and evaluate conditions using updated Cybernet modeling software. The evaluation will include up to five (5) scenarios at present time and in the year 2020. The scenarios will include but are not limited to system operation with and without the Jamela WTP in service. Additional scenarios may include any future considerations necessary to take lamela off-line. (One (1) meeting at 4 hours is included.) Please refer also to attached subconsultant proposal. 5. Provide Technical Memorandum of findings and recommendation for Jamela WTP with one (1) draft for review by City prior to the issuance of the final report. (One (1) meeting at 4 hours is included.) Please refer also to attached subconsultant proposal. DELIVERABLES 1. Three (3) draft copies of Technical Memorandum 2. Five (5) final copies of Technical Memorandum 3. One (1) v.3 AutoCAD 2000 - compatible Cybernet Software package 4. One (1) AutoCAD 2000 Software package 5. One (1) electronic copy of completed v.3 AutoCAD 2000 - compatible Cybemet model of City's water system under current conditions provided on Compact Disk. GA... FROM :'UCG, INC.___ PHONE NO. : 407 539 0575 Mar. 22 2000 04:02PM P1 WCG,Inc. Professional Engineers 830 N.Wymore Road.Suite 370 Maitland. Florida 32751 . ) (407)647-6623 fax: (407)539-0575 www.wcgt.com Maitland • Palm Beach Gardens •Tampa • Ormond Beach //�/ / • - /+/FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET /, �� Jae Margin COMPANY: DATE PEC 03/22/00 PHONE NUNRER: TOTAL NO.OF PAGES NCLUDNG COVER 5 FAX NUMBER: PROJECT NUMBER: 407-849-9401. RE: City of Ocoee Proposal ❑URGENT $J FOR REVIEW ❑PLEASE COMMENT ❑ PLEASE REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS: Pleas see attached proposal. RECEIVED MAR 2 2 2000 [ia4,:n33 �. ... Bc T FILE TO E-M wcg Address; Phone No, Fax No. wcQwcgl.com (407)647-6623 (407)539-0575 Design • Planning • Construction FROM :'WCG, INC. PHONE NO. : 407 539 0575 Mar. 22 2000 04:01F'M P2 WCG Inc. Professional Engineers 630 N. wymore Road, Suita 370 -/ Maitland. d.Floridao 32741 (407)847-6623 fax:(407)539-0575 yn w.wcgl.com Maitland • Palm Beach Gardens • Tampa • Ormond Beach March 22, 2000 Mr. Ken Hooper Professional Engineering Consultants 200 E Robinson Street, Suite 1560 Orlando, FL 32801 RE: City of Ocoee Water System Model Update and Jamela Water Plant Evaluation WCG#007029.01 Dear Mr. Hooper: We are pleased to submit the attached ice proposal related to the City of Ocoee water system Cybemet model update and evaluation of the feasibility of removing the Jamela Water Plant from service. Per our discussion, the scope of work addresses assistance during field calibration of the Cybemet model, evaluation and modeling of the City's water system with the Jamela Water Plant out of service, and preparation of a summary report outlining the study results and recommendations. Please review the attached fee proposal and provide comments. If this proposal is acceptable in its present form, we are prepared to commence work immediately upon receipt of the updated Cybemet model. If you have any questions, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, WCG,INC a .Joseph A. Margio, PE Project Manager FROM L,CG, INC. —_____ PHONE NO. : 407 539 0575 Mar. 22 2000 04:03PM P3 ENGINEERING SERVICES PROPOSAL for CITY OF OCOEE WATER SYSTEM MODEL UPDATE AND JAMELA WATER PLANT EVALUATION March 21, 2000 BACKGROUND The City of Ocoee (the"City")owns and operates a water supply,treatment,and distribution system to serve drinking water to its customers and residents. As product of the most recent(1996)master planning efforts commissioned by the City,the City currently has a Cybemet computer model of the City's water distribution system which represented the water system configuration at the time of the master plan study. Since that time,there have been a number of new water mains constructed within the City. Also,the City has experienced significant growth since the last master planning effort. The City now desires to have its Cybemet water system computer model updated to include all recent water mains and new water demands. In addition, the City wishes to investigate the feasibility of taking the existing Iamela Water Plant out of service. The City has requested that WCG,Inc. (the"Engineer")provide engineering services to assist the City and it's consultants(PEC)with updating the water system computer model and evaluating the feasibility of taking the'sancta water plant out of service. This fee proposal addresses the services necessary to assist with field collection of calibration data and to specifically evaluate the issue of removing the Jamela Water Plant from service. This work effort is not intended to be a complete master plan effort. This work is intended to update and amend the City's most recent comprehensive water system master plan. The following scope of work describes the services to be provided by the Engineer. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Collect and Review Existing Data and Information The Engineer will collect and review all available information and data related to the City's existing water system and water system computer model. Information and data may include previous water system master plan reports,previous studies, water system atlases,water plant operating reports,water plant construction plans, and future land use maps. 2. Water System Model Calibration The Engineer will provide assistance to field calibrate the Cybemet computer model which has been updated to include the most recently constructed water system facilities and latest water system demands. The Engineer will attend two system flow activities which will take place during low demand times(i.e.,early morning) and assist with data FROM :"WCG-, INC. PHONE NO. 407 539 0575 Mar. 22 2000 04:03PM P4 collection. The City will provide operating personnel to assist both WCG and PEC with the flow tests. The operating personnel will be responsible for operating the fire hydrants and water plant facilities. In addition,the City will provide available hydrant flow and pressure measuring instruments. 3. Evaluation of the Jamela Water Treatment Plant Using the updated Cybernet water system model,the Engineer will evaluate the City's existing Jamela Water Plant and the feasibility of taking the Jamela water plant out of sex-vice. The evaluation will consider the City's capability of supplying adequate domestic and fire flows to the vicinity of the Jamela Water Plant while maintaining sufficient system pressure. Present average daily, peak day, and peak hourly water demand conditions as well as the same future water demand conditions(i.e.,year 2020 demands average daily,peak day,and peak hourly)will be evaluated. Alternative system configurations will be considered and evaluated for implementation in conjunction with taking the Jamela Water Plant out of service. The alternatives to be considered will include an interconnection with Orange County's water system for emergency backup water service, a remote storage and booster pumping station(s),maintaining elevated storage at the existing Jamela Water Plant site,and a possible northwest water plant. Each of the alternative configurations will be modeled and hydraulically evaluated using the City's updated Cybemet water system model as a basis. In addition, the City's well production capability will be evaluated while considering that the Jamela Water Plant will be taken out of service. Based on the system modeling results,the capital improvement cost associated with each viable system alternative will be determined to identify the most cost effective alternative based on capital costs. However, the analysis will not include a present worth analysis addressing operating and maintenance costs during the life of the facilities. 4. Meetings The Engineer will attend meetings with PEC staff to coordinate the work effort and discuss the project,the progress of the work,and the results of the work effort. It is anticipated that five meetings will be attended. 5_ Preparation of Technical Memorandum The Engineer will prepare a technical memorandum outlining the alternative system configurations, the system evaluation and Cybernet modeling,the results of the analyses, and the recommended improvements. The technical memorandum will be considered as an amendment to the City's most recent comprehensive water system master plan report. The Engineer will provide three copies of the draft memorandum to PEC for their review. Following review of the report by PEC, the Engineer will meet with PEC and discuss the review comments. After receiving the comments,the Engineer will address the 2 FROM :"WCG, INC. PHONE NO. : 407 539 0575 Mar. 22 2000 04:04PM PS comments and prepare a draft memorandum to be submitted to the City. Three copies of the draft memorandum will be submitted to the City. The City will review the draft technical memorandum and provide comments. The Engineer will meet with the City to discuss the City's comments. The City's comments will be addressed and a technical memorandum will be prepared and submitted to the City. ?EC RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACTIVFITES PEC will provide the following information or will perform the following activities: 1. Provide a calibrated, updated Cybemet computer file reflecting two conditions 1) the City's current water system configuration with current demands, and 2) the future water distribution system configuration (year 2020) with future water system demands (year 2020). 2. Provide a hard copy of the most recent City of Ocoee Water System Master Plan report and portions of the report in electronic format(preferable Microsoft Word), as necessary. SCHEDULE The services described above are anticipated to be completed in accordance with the following schedule: 1. A copy of the draft technical memorandum will be submitted to PEC within 40 days from receipt of the updated Cybemet model. 2. The draft technical memorandum will be submitted to the City within 14 days from receipt of draft review comments from PEC. 3. The final technical memorandum will be submitted to the City within 14 days from receipt of the City's draft review comments- COMPENSATION Compensation to the Engineer for services performed under this fee proposal will be in accordance with the lump sum method. The total lump sum amount to be paid to the Engineer as compensation for engineering services provided is S 32,259.00. Invoicing will be monthly based on a mutually agreed percentage of the work completed. 3