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VII (A) Change Order #1 with GCI/General Construction, Inc. on the Vehicle and Material Storage Building
Agenda 8-01-2000 Item VII A "CENTER OEGOOD LIVING-PRIDE OP WEST ORANGE" MAYOR'COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIET 0cr CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS UANNYNDERSO, I50 N.F1 LAKPSIIORL DIiIVIt Scoff ANDERSON Ocosc,Fl.ORIDA 3476 1-225 8 RUSTY JOHNSON n'' �OV (407)905-3100 NANCY J. PARKER 9fF4 OF GoOO A. CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: July 24, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.E. 404- Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Vehicle and Material Storage Building Change Order Request No. 1 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. 1 on the Vehicle and Material Storage Building Project with GCl/General Constructors, Inc. The Vehicle and Material Storage Building (V&MS Building) is being constructed on the Wastewater Treatment Plant site between the Operations Building and the Sludge Press Building. The V&MS Building is an approximately 7500 square foot pre-engineered metal building which is divided into four rooms (vehicle storage/garage, material storage, and two small rooms for the wastewater plant parts and lift station parts). Extensive site work is also included to provide vehicle turning to access the building and associated stormwater improvements. This change order request was initiated by City Staff to allow for a better constructed finished project. PROJECT ADDITIONS: There are twelve groupings of changes to the overall project. Four of the changes resulted in a reduction to the contract price and the other eight resulted in an increase to the contract price. The net result is an increase in the contract price. They are described as follows: Item I -Addition of Temporary Fencing at the Site: The original design did not include the use of temporary fencing. As part of this project a portion of the existing fence along the cast side of the wastewater treatment plant wound need to be taken down and moved to allow for the newly constructed access road for the building. WCG, Inc., the design engineer, did not realize that the wastewater plant needed to be secure at all times and this was not realized during staff review. The cost to add temporary fencing was $2,465.20, with no adjustment in contract time. Olt POWit Protect flrnee A Water Resources Item 2 - Delete Walls and Door: The original design included three small rooms along the west side of the V&MS Building with man doors and overhead coiling doors for access into each room. In addition, the fire sprinkler riser was to be located at the interior wall between two of the small rooms. One of those small rooms was to be used for the storage of grounds keeping equipment. With the Public Works Department now taking care of grounds keeping at the plant site, the room was left for future usage. The wastewater staff requested the possibility of deleting the interior wall between two of the rooms to open up a larger area for storage. In deleting the interior wall the fire sprinkler riser was moved to the corner of the V&MS Building and the fire room was deleted. One man door and one of the overhead coiling door was also eliminated as part of this change. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $2,852.74, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 3 -Additional Louver and Light: With the deletion of the fire room and the moving of the fire sprinkler riser an additional overhead light was required to offset the loss of the wall mounted light in the fire room. An additional louver was added in the only outside door to not have a louver, thereby increasing ventilation above the minimum required. The cost to perform this additional work was $742.04, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 4 - Addition of 200 Amp Disconnect: "The original design did not include a separate disconnect in the V&MS Building. The disconnect was to be located in the Operations Building where the main power feed for the entire site is located. The Building Department strongly recommended that a separate disconnect be located within the V&MS Building for any emergencies that might arise. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,572.64, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 5 - Re-route Electrical Conduit: The original design had the new electrical conduit into the V&MS Building to be laid across the parking lot under the proposed valley gutter from the main electrical control located in the Operation Building. To limit site construction within the existing parking area and allow continual access to the Operations Building the main electrical feed to the V&MS Building was rerouted to be overhead in the Operations Building and overhead in the V&MS Building with a short distance between the buildings being underground. This will also allow for easier access in the future if needed, for maintenance. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $103.04, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 6 - Addition of GFCI Breakers: The original design included standard electrical outlets within the vehicle storage area of the building. In discussions with the Building Department on the overall electrical within the V&MS Building, it was suggested that the standard outlets be converted to GFCI outlets. Although, the National Electric Code does not require them, it was decided to change the outlets point Protect Ocoee s Water Resources „'t to guard against possible injury to personnel and/or damage to equipment. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,897.47, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 7 - Delete Insulation on Cold Water Piping: The original design included insulation on the exposed cold water piping within the V&MS Building. According to the Standard Building Code, Ocoee is within the projected frost/freeze zone and therefore standard design should include insulation for cold water piping. Staff decided to delete this requirement because there is no insulation on any other cold water piping within the wastewater plant and if a freeze did occur personnel would be on site to properly prepare the entire site for a freeze. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $590.97, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 8 - Addition of CMU Retaining Wall: The original design had the pipe storage area as a separate building; some pre-engineered metal buildings do not allow for attachment of smaller structures not at the same roof line. The building being supplied by GCI does allow for attachment without sacrificing leakage and requiring additional superstructure. There was no difference in the building cost to attach the smaller pipe storage area to the larger building. However, to keep elevations along the southern wall the same, a four foot concrete wall was required to match the proposed wall along that wall of the larger building. This wall will also act as a retaining wall and drainage deflector in this area. The cost to perform this additional work was $2,621.62, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 9-Addition of Type TE Footing: The original design did not include a thickened edge footing along the southern edge of the building. Staff added this footer after discussions with the design engineer. This footer is only in the area between the pipe storage area and the footer on the southwest corner. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,222.47, with no adjustment in contract time. Item 10 - Redesign of Valley Gutter and Paving: The original design utilized the existing site survey datum for the wastewater treatment plant property. This datum has proved to he flawed in the area surrounding the parking lot for the Operation Building and has affected the drainage design on this side of the V&MS Building. Staff has field surveyed this area and redesigned the portion of the parking lot affected only by this project. The southern portion of affected area, within ten feet of the V&MS Building, will be removed and regraded to allow for positive drainage around the building and not into the building. "Ile valley gutter that was designed out away from the building is now closer to the building and wider. The cost to perform this additional work was $4,896.81, with no adjustment in contract time. POW Protect Acme's Water Resources {,; Item 11 - Delete Doors, Stairs, and Handrail: The original design had two doors along the north side of the building with a graded four high slope between the doors. After discussions with the Utility Staff, it was determined that the upper door, handrail and interior stairs could he deleted at a cost savings without sacrificing any use of the building. This deletion actually allows better use of the building without restricting which vehicles could be stored in certain bays of the building. The cost savings to the City for this change in work was $3,104.03,with no adjustment in contract time. Item 12 - Changes to Fire Sprinkler System: The original design of the fire sprinkler system called for a dry system. This was as required by code as a part of the requirement that Ocoee is included within the frost/freeze zone. After discussions with the Firc and Building Department it was decided to waive the requirement of a dry system and change to a wet/pressurized system. This would allow for the deletion of the system sensor, air compressor, and heater from the conversion from the dry to wet system. In addition, a row of sprinklers was required between one of the building beams and an interior wall. This area had been missed during design and review by all parties, but had been picked up by the fire sprinkler subcontractor. The pipe storage area was also required to be sprinklered when it was attached to the main building. The addition of the sprinklers and associated piping offset the savings in the conversion. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,616.16, with no adjustment in contract time. The attachment is a copy of Change Order No. I. The original construction contract cost was $565,403.00. This change order increases the contract amount by $10,383.63, to a new contract amount of$575,786.63. This is a increase of 1.84% of the original construction cost. The cost for this Change Order will be covered under the 1997 Utility Bond Issue. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 with GCl/General Constructors, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by $10,383.63, with no increase in contract time, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 1. Attachment 1) Change Order No. 1 POW Protect Ocoee s Water Resources '+. C•• oe) CITY OF OCOEE Engineering/Utilities 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 CHANGE ORDER NO. 01 CITY OF OCOEE VEHICLE& MATERIAL STORAGE BUILDING PROJECT PROJECT NO. DATE: July 18,2000 CONTRACTOR: General Constructors, Inc. AGREEMENT DATE: November 16, 1999 The following changes are hereby made to the CON TRACT DOCUMENTS, Original CONTRACT PRICE $565,403.00_ Current CON TRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $565,403.00_ Net Increase(Dear. )Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER _$10,383.63_ The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $575,786.63_ ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 270 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: September 28,2000 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: September 28,2000 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 0 days Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: September 28.2000 00842-1 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION,SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS,SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1, Definitions, of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES 01 Provide and install a 6' chain link,temporary fence around the construction perimeter. 02 Delete sprinkler riser room(A106)and wall between A102 and Room A103. 03 Provide a 24"x 24"metal louver in door DA-I04A and a l'x 8' light fixture in room A103. 04 Furnish and install a 200 amp fused disconnect. 05 Reroute electrical main conduit and wire to new building. Furnish and install 8, 1 pole,20 amp GFI breakers in building electrical panel. Delete insulation on cold water piping. Construct CMU retaining wall for pipe shed. Construction type TE-1 footing at column line"A". Revised valley gutter, added curb and paving. Delete doors,stairs,handrail and overhead roll-up door. Fire sprinkler system changes. III. JUSTIFICATION 01 This temporary fence is necessary to maintain security and safety of the wastewater plant compound during construction. 02 Change in owner's requirements. 03 Change in owner's requirements. 04 Code requirement to have electrical disconnect on exterior ail of building. 05 New electric main route was less disruptive to plant operations during installation. This non-air conditioned building has potentially damp(due to dew point)conditions which necessitate GFCI protection of personnel from the risk of electrical shock. 00842-2 Building will not freeze inside so piping insulation is not necessary. CMU retaining wall is necessary for revised building design. Type TE-I footing is necessary for revised building design column loads. Relocated valley gutter to lower area of paving. Added curb with gutter to collect run- off.Added paving omitted from design drawings. These changes were made because ofa change in the owner's needs. These changes were made primarily because of changes in requirements for the project. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS V. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Increase Unit Unit Price Net Increase Item No. (Decrease)Quantity (Decrease)Price 01 Temporary Fence I LS. $2,465.20 $2,465.20 02 Delete Walls&Door 1 L.S. ($2,852.74) ($2,852.74) 03 Door Louver&Light I LS. $742.04 $742.04 04 200 Amp Disconnect I L.S. $1,572.64 $1,572.64 05 Re-Route Electrical Conduit I L.S. ($103.04) ($103.04) 06 GFCI Breakers I L.S. $1,897.47 $1,897.47 07 Delete Insulation on Cold Water Piping I L.S. ($590.97) (S590.97) 08 CMU Retaining Wall 1 LS. $2,621.62 $2,621.62 09 Type TE_I Footing I L.S. $1,222.47 $1,222.47 10 Valley Gutter Curb and Paving I L.S. $4,896.81 $4,896.81 II Delete Doors,Stairs and Handrail 1 L.S. ($3,104.03) ($3,104.03) 12 Fire Sprinkler System Changes 1 L.S. $1,616.16 $1,616,16 Total Net Increase(pcerease)Change Order No._01_ 510,383.63 00842-3 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby,is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order;and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges,by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order,that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA By: By: Signature Signature Date: Date: Title: Title: APPROVED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA Owner By: S.Scott Vandergrift,Mayor Date Attest: lean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF 2000 UNDER ,2000. AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY&LARDNER By: City Attorney 00842-4 ITEM NO. 1 l.4 Ste/ 17e'rffo/ FILE COPY j FSTklA1[ FOR CHANGE ORDER C :ENERALCONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract Contract Tile Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date: 2/15:00 GCI's 99-08 Change Description' burnish e. install temporary fence. /CP.No. I (Revised) Prime Contractor's Work Rennons I. Procurement. Hours 4 Estimator l IRS R SIS75 75.00 KlilkfulLilde.aLteiltS11 2 Supervisions. Hours 2 I IRS 2rd S2125 42.50 4' _`7 tdS: 3. Labor- aa't`ah i:(•.=-:. _. 4 nine,:Benefits(6°6 of line 12 K 3) 7 05 "T''Zed i >+',+: >. Material(Intl safest x)Sea Bclosv - ?T' 6. Rental Equipment(I cl sales tat) as <'n nv 7 Operating A MUM!hl - tI'ot Osnel Cgiipment „'* 8. Sub-lot (1 + 2+3 1 +5 +6+7) _ 12455 - ._.. 9 DcllGemml('ondi.ons(l0o of line 8)Ihonc/Power l lectrir,'Water I olledl'tc 12.46 f 'I 4 -- _ 10. Gaf llvA ('ampsn at rtl s.(23ooCline 1 2,3 &4) 28.65 1.44iiii,n2f17Fliikifiit 11. Sub-fool (8+9+ 10) _. LUss. 165.66 12. Horne Office Osrrhead( 10°%ofline II)General& 1dninstratice Ivpensm' 16.57 13. Equipment O to rsh p Expense S r-'. 14 Social Securit &Unemployment Inc_(9%of line I.2,3&4) 1 121 ° 'x' ` 0 IS SubTo .1(11 + 124 I3 + I-t) "- 193.44 Remarks: Sub-Contractor's Work 16. Labor. incl. 3SaA'"',5.'-"' . 17. Fringe Benefits R Burden incl. IS. Material(ind sales tax) incl. _ 19. Rental Equipment(incl sales PA) incl. -; �r Y"L, ' 20. Sub-Subcontractor lad -'�s�., , z-'-1 _ 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) _,gT_rOg* 1,853.94 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allow ancc(7 5%of line 21) ine I. 3°y'#'^ jf 23. Sub-Total (211 22) n},. 1L1l2 1,853.94 -_ Remarks: Summary 24. Prime Contractors Work(from line 15) 193 44 .5.rt ig`, 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from Tine 23) 1,853.94 "`3 g d+ 26. Prime Contractor s Os cncead on Sub-Contract Rork( 75%of line 23) 139.05 i2457.8%Wfiregiff 27. Sub-Total(24+25+26) }pcs -2624ff 2,18643 28_ Prime Contractor's Fee( 10%ofline 27) 218.64 l. 24 y'p4y�"e>r, 29. Sub-Total(27+28) ' :`' ivnY`. 2,405.07 30_ Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2 o of line 29) 60.13 t11111118tiSca 31 Total Cost (29 a30) «f 35,a+ r ? 2,46520 Estimated Tilnc Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work 0 days Prime Contractor's Name Timothy J. Fierro,President GCl/General Constructors, Inc. Signature An fficial Title Rev.02/00,TJF 7 >. Rom/ P .O1 Jan-31 -00 02 :47P r. / 1 r L I I IL ,, Q D L ` 1 I , , I\ 1 J :LI ' I , �..; u/ o,ELi L 5 cr 1 -800-260-8301 / Fax 407-860-7354 5 Ek ,", ''. Lessee GCI Account is Address. 991 EXPLORER COVE ROAD STE 101 Date Ordered_ 1/31/00 CityiSt'. ALTA.4IONTE SPRING: Zip. 32701 Ordered By: _DANNY Bus Ph: 407-8318898 Job Ph: DATE INST 2/6/00 Fa:,: 407.831-1223 Fax: Job Site: CITY OF OCOEE PC) #- VERBAL 1800 AD MIMS ROAD -'- Remcvar 1-YEAR Cross St`eet _ Super DANNY Approx. 1100 Lin. Ft. 6 Ft. High Temporary Fence @ S 1.59 Per L.F S 1.749.00 Approx. _ _ L.rn. FL Ft. High Temporary Fence @ Per L F $ Approx. t.in. Ft Ft. High Wind screen @ Per I_F $ Approx. __ In. Ft. H. High Temporary Panels@ Per L.F S - Approx. __ Gates Each. $ - Approx _ Gates @ Each. $ - Approx. _ Gates @ Each. S - EXTRAS. Up Ft OrBNJ@ S_.._ . Lin. Ft Or Cement, Asphalt, Or Hard Ground © Lin Ft $ - TOTAL BID: $ 7.749.00j ("fa 4- l oK 41{ 1$ Price Includes installation and one(1) (rip for removal. Please add sales tax. Thank You. /°covo� CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PRO osAl �' Q it Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 (REP) Z Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407)656-7835 - fax NO. PROJECT DATA pp A� NAME VG � t GI. G toCCMt -- L 4 PROJECT NO LOCATION • lJ. k r -S- 1 DATE Z - 9 -G o OTHER. _ _ _. _:... REFERENCE .. _.. _ t4 1O(CONTRACTOR) C-4�r S1b CIO,4ST it-JCTQR.S --Le-) Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(/)calendar days after receipt of this request. The wnuei proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work pioviding an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor coy trade),subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount clamed for subcontracts must be similarly supported DESCRIPTION of change in work' U 1 A to iZ r2-ri C-Er 70 ENC A ° S -pc(-£h of- L- OiCK . —r / /IIuE � A-S \ � / F12 J _ DISC � JS �� 1. � 0� - co.-, ^-, �E'�,r (� Ia- 7- 99 , Change Order Type: d Deletion E Addition 4 Revision d Other:( ) Constraints of Change: !nitrated by: Clanges in Owner Requ'vements' 4 Unforeseen Conditions 1 Others. ( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description). I Contractor Request for Information No. 4 -- - 2. Plan Revisions. 6. 3 6 6 OWNER. _ 'j ' - 1 CONTRACTOR , y 1 ENGINEER'. y/ 1 FIELD. Y 4 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR. 7 _. C OTHER. d SUBCONSULTANT Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Prc4ng: A. I Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d N otiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) O_ d Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK'. F G \ c 4 `a 4 By General Contractor l•• d By Subcontractor �[ Dom, >� ' `�59R�6'� 'CITEM` y OR rA Y +S $m, rk ' { l �' r y ITEM OF WORK i s.`;S 'f, yQUANTITYf PRICE TOTAL Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: Date. ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: Signature: Date: of agree to the costs and terms of REP .u) (nanewv) R+>.) Mn this day of 199_ (day) l=ml (ram) 00847-2 REQUEST FOR INFOF 4TION 2 ( I J Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTOR NAME. OCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTCRP. INC. Project # 9851$_ RFI U: 3 PROJECT NAME: City of Ocoee Vehicle & Material Storage Building DATE: January 14, 2000 DATE INFORMATION REQUIRED January 19 2000 TO'. Rod Winfrey, C'Ity of Ococa _ FROM: Danny McDonough _ THE SCHEDULE WILL BE AFFECTED IF 1.E RESPONSE IS NOI RECEIVED BY THE ABOVE-REFERENCED DATE CC David A. Wheeler, City of Ocoee SUBJECT: TemporaryFence REFERENCE:___ . . INQUIRY: In the pre-construction mooting held on December 7, 1999, GCI was informed that temporary fencing would be required out in the field North of the project because children cut through here to get back and forth from school. Please provide information, (i e, any specific information required on fence, post size, fabric, barb wire at top, etc.) and locations where this will be required so that GCI can prepare a proposal request for this since it is N I C. l • • • TRANSMITTED FOR RESPONSE: FAX TO CONSULTANT. ATTN: DATE: ROUTE TO (Arch/CA): RESPONSE: BY: DATE'. RESPONSE DISTRIBUTION: FAX TO GC: GCI DATE: _ FROM: 407-B31-1223 - -- ra - .r _c< r r �ry ur �� r aaol �nar ..uoO rnajrri:. or.N + . . . n 00. Er u0“ ITEM NO. 2 Co. 4'I, l qo ESIIMA 11 IOR CHANGE ORDER GCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract Contract Title'. Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date 2;10/00 GCI's 99-08 Change Description_ Delete CM!) Of Sprinkler Riser Room, FA-106 and 12'-0" wall between Room ((A-I01 to A-102. C.I'.No. 4 Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I. Procurement 511ours I-slimatar 1IRS. it,S18.75 9375 :g ,:Sh•'P5_ 2 Super 1 14 'lours 11125. it, S21 25 0.00 ' N 1. Labor. See Attached Estimate Sheet (165 00) 4. 1 ringe 13cuelits t(o of line 12&3) 0.00 ata 5. Maw ial(loci. Sales his)Sec Below (1 410:86) '{ri z 6 Rental I q p Went(Incl.vales lax) t r `€#fi; 7 Operating&Minor Maim For Owned ! quipmcnt ., "'- 8 Sub-1otal(142 , 3 , 4+ 5 - 6 ( 7) - (1,482 II) - 9. Iaicld(tenant Candmoos(101' of line 8)f ha m.I ow ci I lcumctAA'atndI o Ict'I'.EL 0.00 10. liahlt &C tnpcn::atinl __(23°h01 line I.23&4) 000 .,,°a;(-- 1. II. Sub 1 otal (8 4 9 r 10) +a (1,482 II) 12. Home O(fcOvcrhed( 10°o oflme I()General& Altlslttore I:spcnscs 0.00 a I r '?' 13- 1 quipmcni Ownership Iixpense 1!i'r�� e) 14. Soci 1 S u city& L ncmplow meat Ins.(9%of line I.2,3 &4) 4't'3{r.E:r� 15- SubRwl(II 12+ 13+ 14) - _ , taW_ .a. ` (148211) Remarks'. See attached estimate sheet- Sub-Contractor's Work 16. Labor. Incl. f4„rur -t�wt, 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden I8. Material(incl.sales tax) incl- a 19- Rentall'quipment(incl sales tax) .. x Y 20. Bub-Subcontractor mcl -,y 21- Sub-l-otal(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) 4,„„w- (127500) 22. Oencead & Profit Per Contract Allowance(7 5%ol Iinc 21) Incl. ; „ma 23. Sub-l'mal (21 4 22) Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Summary 24. Prime Contractors Work(from line 15) (1,482.11) 5 `s 25 Sub-Contractor's ork(from line 2 f (1275.00) a"44!"-±4-4 "*4 26 Prune Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work( >o o fit c 21) (95.63) y r, .27 Sub lbtal(24 +25 +26) 28. Prime Contractor's I cc( 10%at line 27) 0.00 .I 29 Sub-Total(27+28) (2,85274) 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2 o of line 29) 31 Total Cost (29+30) -• _ (2,852.74) Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work days Prime Contractor's Name /Th Timothy 1. Fierro, President GC/General Constructors,Inc. Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TJF GCl/n/GENERAL/C�O�NSSTTRU�C[T).ORS, INC. ESTIMATE SHEET FILE CONY Project MT/ or (ZOC2`�I pit Sheet No. 3' of 4 Prepared by 1 Location Job No. Date 2"1O'Cc DUCIWTION u 2 0 v mPt& m plo( �j rrraiN ,6rc Fl% :\�'61-�91*tn v%- Pic( Yfil)-I '"1 r.rdl ;j r1lo2 12NI�N . 1 I. . l / Ii i � 6 �.y 1 • 6 emu Wo1✓b"/ - -. . _ _4KY1 ,-15 i i_ b i_...----- ' �'_ . �7-�-- _l_ 6 iU Ph' '12Q�� •4S S� — - _ _FIlt� Elilh .Sic,�ix�'2x`b � ' �I 1 I 11 , t _ L11oL 8 7 1 - j Ian- - T I- � -) a A ID I I2I 21j •1° TJ oho Nr(1 f 02015 fJF�ao ) 123 I 23o - 451 r! 13 ��t hlisc P�=N12 T L � ,4 v h//fl )/4'!� I . . 11 '2 0 B ; SI : 1 I 1 ? 16 1 Plo�r� < Lrfl � > n �s 17 I _ 19 1I 2Q 20 I ,. I I I. .I- --;U� , -1 I _ - 21 I l j , ' I I I 24 i .. - L— I j _ 26 29 - �... I _ )i j ITEM NO. 3 C'a,tto!/ !/C-+'T'T17S CSTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER C 3ENERAI CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract k Contract Title_ Vehicle& Material Storage Building For the City of Ocoee I Date: 2115/00 GCI's 99-08 //Change Description: Add 24" x 24"x 13/4"Metal Louver to Door I)A-104A, Add I x 8' Light Fixture to Room A-103 CC P No 5� / Prime Contractor's Work Revisions 1. Procurement. (lours 2 Ii slmatot Ilk', L SI8-75 3750 ky,)t,, a z4i 2 Super,.ision Hours HRS.(i,52125 'ling' +�z+X#`s': 3. Labor. _.--- 7500 iirifikaik,¢ -. _. 6.75 1ii a 14a. r » - - 4 Flange Benefits(69b of line 1.23� 3) __- 5_ Malec9.nl(ind_sales tax)Sec Belo» 16430 ,p51-^ ,-_F.) •,! 6. Rental I- I -pm:nt Lind sales tax) -.. i ml 7 Opating& Minor M-- t. For Oscncd Equipment + ` - 8. Sub total (li2+3 4n5+ 6i7) 444Rilk4t)!Rn44444 28, 55 9 Field General Conditions(10%of line8)Phonol'osr, lf luttli Asatcrl mlu'ktt. 28.36 10. hiattilo &Compcn 'Con Ins. (23:b of t inc I,2,3 A 4) - 274, its , II Sub total (6' 9- I0) ,. _,-- 339.34 12. Home OfficeCheri-wad ( 10%ofline II)General& AtInitnisttanix I vJ txe 3393 t x t.: r) U_ Equipment vent Oymcrship Expusc - a s t i .C' - t N. Social Sccunn &Unc nplm N nm its. (9400flinc 1.2 ] &4) 107- �,m� I5. Suh Jntal (II + 12+ I3+ IJ) fi 1,.K ;_ 38400 Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Sub-Contractor's Work inc1. 16. Labor. f 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden incl. ` _ 2t-^ - 18. Material(incl sales tax) incl. .22-(CY221.413Y512 117, 19. Rental Equipment(ind_sales tax) incl. el 1d 20. Sub-Subcontractor eel. St 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) "_-_. 255.00 22. Overhead & Profit Per Contract Allonance(7 5%of line 21) incl. ae., '' 5 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) y v 255.00 Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Summary 24. Prime Contractor's Work(from line 15) 384.00 disainetalat1 - SO m' 2i_ Sub-Contractors Work(from line 23) 255.00 �s�' 26_ Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(]5%of line 23) 19.13 ,k„�, r ilit 27_ Sub-Total(24+25+26) K 658.13 28 Prime Contractor's Fee( 10%of line 27) 65.81 l 3/4, 29. Sub-Total(27+28) gfiglintirela723.94 30_ Prime Contract Bond Premium(212%of line 29) 18.10 itialtIMME r 31. Total Cost P-9+30) �+tp-ems 'k1 742.04 Estimated lime Extension and Justification Calendar Days days Additional Scope of Work Prime Contractor's Name Timothy]. Fierro,President GCl/General Constructors, Inc. Sig re And cia'Title Rev.02/00,TIE GCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ESTIMATE SHEET p Project rill o( t27/0ii pby Sheet No. 4 of 4 Prepared elc i� Location Job No. Date 2-10'00 _— . DFSCUrION aremny Unit M $.,S Unit Imbue Unit Sub Total ADD 24'i)<241'Ki;/4' Marci ' 14< 1 . 166 (K I`% I 3 Lo)%MTO Wiz- PA-104A 1 , 6 _.._ Roo(, AI -103 ZI1VO1 8 I r i�°1° 1 q s° � ; 9 1(0410 - ._ L j11 t_ . . .. 12 I I 13 I I , 14 15 1--' I 18 T 1 } : I 17 19 20 -._ . -. 21 j zz I I 23 ! i 24 -__. -1 . e5 I E I ITEM NO. 4 CA ^`°I, i( l '7- ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER CCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract 4 Contract Title: Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date: 3/21/00 GCI's 99-08 Change Description: Furnish&install a 200 amp fused disconnect OWNER'S COPY Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I. Procurement. Hours 4 Estimator HRS.@$18 75 75.00 2. Supervision: Hours 3 IIRS.@$21.25 63.75 `v 4. Labor 4. Fringe Benefits(6%of line 1,2&3) 833 5. Material(incl.sales tax)See Below )9,.d""..?"-a"'X-. -= 6. Rental Equipment(ind sales tax) 7. Operating&Minor Mmnt_For Owned Equipment 7a`�jxt 8. Sub-Total(142+314+5+6+7) a,,.-f7 [s,-y'y{"5 147.08 9. Field General Conditinns(10%of line 8)Phone/Power/Electric/Water/I'oileVEL. 14.71 att. «1 10- Liability&Compensation Ins.(23%o1 lint I,2,3 &4) 33.83 f4,0 wi I1. Sub-Total (8+9+ 10) y5rr'-+i`' 'M 195.62 12. Home Office Overhead( 10%of line I I)General&Administrative Expanses 19.56 '�, els, 13. Equipment Ownership Expense 14. Social Security&Unemployment Ins.(9%of line 1,2,3 &4) 13 24 F+ ..:: [woo 15. Sub-1'otal(I I + 12s 13+ 14) , . . _ , 228.42 Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Sub-Contractor's Work 16. Labor: met. 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden 18. Material(incl.sales tax) incl. .! ' 19. Rental Equipment(incl.sales tax) incl. 20. Sub-Subcontractor incl. 21. Sub-7 otal(I6+ 17+ I8+ 19+20) _4" s � 41,08500 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance(7.5%of line 21) incl. yeti' 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) V, A>=k 1,085.00 Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Summary 24. Prime Contractor's Work(from line 15) 228 42 ` 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from line 23) 1,085.00 ':+!�'I 26. Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7.5%of line 23) 81.38 _ - 27. Sub-Total(24+25+26) 1,394.80 28. Prime Contractor's Fee( 10%of line 27) 139 48 t 29. Sub-Total(27+28) 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of line 29) 38.36 31 Total Cost (29+30) - 1,572.64(. Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work days Prime Contractor's Name Timothy J.Fierro,President GO/General Constructors,Inc. !/ �J'a OO Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TJF 11o, VI) Mt!, LI:aa r: I. ill uJo to I n.mcn r.aSm.rni‘. _ ••• • Amber Electric, Inc. Change Order Proposal P.O.Box 737,630 Kissimmee Avenue.Ocoee,Pluzida 34761 Phone(407)656-2335 State Cert.#EC0000700 Fax(407)655-1673 February 2,2000 G.C.I. Job: Ocode V&M storage building 991 Explorer Cove Suite 101 Change Order AP k 600020.001 Altamonte Springs,FL 37701 Project`danager. Les Ramey. Flrcbical Installation: Provide and install a 200amp fused disconnect • •We rtsgr tare sight to correct this quote for errors and omissions •This quote covets direct cost only and we rccr.e the right to claim for impact and consequential costs. •This prices good for acceptance within 10 days from tte dale of receipt. •We request a rime extension of days. •This prim i bred on job omditiocs as preyrutty con.nmted.any deviation may require a price adjustment Material $ 96 IS Quot aMaterial $ 46035 Total MineriiIs $ 550.53 Rentals S . Subtotal E —_55653 5 55&53 Subcontract Quotes S Mrkup Sub Quoes $ Tout Sub Quotes �S— - S • SUBTOTAL MATF.RTALS ex QUOTES $ 556.53 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR HRS 160 floa.•s Per Hour Total Foreman 8 $ 30.00 $ 240.00 Apprentice 8 S 26.00 $ 208.00 $ 448.00 $. 448.00 LNIILREC'f LABOR(%of total labor hours) flours Per Hour Total Estimator 6% 096 S 3000 S 26.80 Project Manager 10% 1.60 S 32.00 5 51.20 $ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS $ 80.00 S 90.00 SUBTOTAL LABOR S 528.00 SUBTOTAL MATEERLSL&LABOR S 1,084 53 TOTAL THI$ CHANGE REQUEST $ 1,085 J .N-17-00 04 :01 PM GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS. IA 4078311223 P. 01 GCI GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. E191 EXPLORER COVE SUITE 101 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32701 (4O7]031-BEMS • FAX t4O7]931.1223 PROJECT NAME . Ocoee Vehicle & Material Storage Building DATE OF TRANSMITTAL : January 17, 2000 TO (COMPANY) City of Ocoee FAX NUMBER : 407-656-7835 PHONE #: 407-656-2322 Ext. 142 TO THE ATTENTION OF Rod Winfrey REFERENCE RFI #� 3' Request "'FIN:Cr \ del \ FROM : Alice Wages SHEET : 1 OF 2 HARD COPY TO FOLLOW IN MAIL: YES NO SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL SHEETS PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. Cc: David Wheeler, City of Ocoee Fax#407.656-7835 PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT VIA FAX: Received by: Date: Print Name a�r.�c&rc, •�••�•• �•••••rrMC ra. • 4c ( DJD C000 UEC. le .10S, 1c:3111T1 rL REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTOR NAME: SAL CONSTRUGTQ INC.__- Project# 99518 RFI ft 1 PROJECT NAME: City of Ocoee Vehicle&Material Storage Building DATE: December 15.1999 DATE INFORMATION REQUIRED: 19R7J99 TO: Curtis Burkett Glace &R94cliff X FROM: Alice Wages THE SCHEDULE WILL SE AnECrED IF THE RESPONSE IS NOT RECEIVED BY THE ABOvE-REFERENCED DATE CC; David A.Wheeler, City of Ocoee SUBJECT: Esectricat Pis4gnnect REFERENCE: Electrical Ptans INQUIRY: Plans do not show a means of disconnect on the exterior of the building. Win this be required by lace codes? If so, please provide additional information. DEC : ;'0) TRANSMITTED FOR RESPONSE: FAX TO CONSULTANT: ATTN: DATE ROUTE TO IMDNrAJ: RESPONSE: rr�µ_ p r1 °� Se. 0 • liar-Lace - BY: DATE: RESPONSETRI N: FAX TO GC: OG DATE. FROM: 401431.122� �` GV •'Jl ild6 Cpe �p�r r� ^ od, ET en nr: L0n3 fon ritz At .or o ,-re �� / FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: Curtis R. Burkett, PE RE: RFI#1 ' 1 / �' Glace& Radcliffe 1\\\`` FAX: 407-539-0575 PROJECT: City of Ocoee Maintenance Building FROM: Victor M. Diaz PROJ. NO.: 99079 DATE: 12/20/99 NO.OF PAGES: 4 Dear Curtis, In response to RFI#1 from GCl/General Constructors, Inc. we offer the following: 1. Provide a 200A fused service entrance rated disconnect switch,with three (3)200A fuses as shown in SKE-1 and SKE-2_ Disconnect shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 16480- Please call if you have any questions. iall D • Diaz, PE DEC c" r P9S9 E Engineer II vmdetfc-engineers.com GI. :sE ifietw:; f .!yC. •s , 27I?Spill,O onyc Mors Orlando.F7arida 32806 407/841.9050 • FAX 407/425.7367 • • • • • • • • • • �A;uC ,1 CND 0 0 7 1/Y C. PANE. LI 0 1i2 CNDII C (d)N. 292 a (1)18 CND ppD I I/V' C. PANE xi Ti NECER UMO 25Ea v NE ART. 750 45 KVA . (qn/a, (( )) ___ IN CIID ! I%Y09Y Z P�DND {IjW/QIR 0 3/C C 2 I/2'C. POWER ONE LINE DIAGRAM NO SCALE REVISION: #1 - RFI #1 PROJECT: VEHICLE & MATERIAL STO. BLDG. _ SUPPLEMENT TO DRAWING No.: E-1 TLC JOB No.: 99079 SCALE: NO SCALE DATE: 12/20/99 SKETCH No, DESIGN: VMD TICT*gden 4n.crLobnitz rcACoeoperCHECKED: VMD r749 S. OFvxiid Avmva SKE-1 Orlando. Florida 02906, (407) 8II-9050 WMP /r ^ A ice\ ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN SCALE• V = 25' Y I I A t SERVICE DISCONNECT I ./r, :5. . : AFT / I PANEL H1 I Wit -, %FIIR T _ P i �l���i i_ o. old i wl I ELECT kfiSI STOC I ELECTRICAL FLOOR PLAN SGALE 3/IG' = 1'-0' REVISION: $1 — RFI #1 PROJECT: VEHICLE & MATERIAL STO. BLDG. _ SUPPLEMENT TO DRAWING No: E-1 & E-2 TLC JOB No.: 99079 SCALE:AS SHOWN DATE: 12/20/99 SKETCH No. DESIGN: VMD TICi.,(s.t m, firAz Cooper l.,,w..a., fir ,. ,1t..1r.. SKE-2 CHECKED: VMD VTto S. Orange Auawt Orlanda. ll.H4O szeoa. 007) SIl—Soso TOTAL P.04 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•Crn.o rs5IONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGPJF F O CITY OF OCOEE DOH WELL �r • n 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON ��/\� O OCOEE,FLORIDA 3 4 761-22 5 8 RUSTY JOHNSON r4� :,,�/``,�e (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER Of GOAD CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: DAVID WHEELER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER FROM: D.W. FLIPPEN, BUILDING AND ZONING OFFICIAL Ta.� DATE: FEBRUARY 11, 2000 SUBJECT: CITY OF OCOEE VEHICLE MATERIALS STORAGE BUILDING RFI #1 AND RH #5 a) The electrical disconnect is a requirement of the Florida Electrical Code Section 230.71(a) which is an adopted City of Ocoee Code. Our original review of the construction plans indicated that the disconnect in panel I would suffice for the required disconnect. A review of the plans revealed the disconnect in panel I was located in an enclosed room and therefore, would not suffice for the required disconnect. RFI #1 should be an approved change. b) I have no objection to the relocation of the underground electrical feeder as described in RFI#5. If you have any questions regarding this matter,please let me know. CFeettY ITEM NO. 5 C,oftirWl /7&pRoS ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER GCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS,INC. Contract tt Contract Title: Vehicle&Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date: 3/21/00 GCI's 99-08 Change Description'. Re-route electrical conduit and wire per City of Ocoee RFP 113 OWNER'S COPY Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I. Procurement flours 4 Estimator HRS.@$18.75 2. Supervision. Hours HRS n1$21 25 3. Labor 4. Fringe Benefits(6%of line 1,2&3) 450 {u c}yr"Lf 5- Material(tncl-sales tax)See Below y�d'� 6. Rental Equipvmnt(incl. sales tax) 7. Opel ting&Minor Mutnt.For Owned Equipment *We 8 Sub-'1otal(1 +2+3+445+6+7) t4ss ,40.Wi}< 79.50 9. field Ge ex al conditions(10%of line 8)1'hone/Power/BlectudWatedl ni let/Isle 7.95 iIV.,., 10. Liability&Compensation Ens-(23%of line 1,2, 3&4) IS 29 twi 'd I I. Sub-Total (84 94 0) .az 'a'":' -a 105.74 12 I Ionic Office Overhead( 10%of line I I)General R.Adntlnistra(ive Expenses 10.57 �j I3. Equipment Ownership Expense I4- Social Security&Unemployment Ins-(9%of Itne I,2,3 &4) 7.16 m+S yl° z" T,, 15. Suh-fotal(II + 12+ 13414) Ltraittra 123.47 Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Sub-Contractor's Work 16. Labor: incl. -. 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden ine1. � " 18- Material(incl.sales tax) incl. "''4!ele i 19. Rental Equipment find sales tax) _ :r 20. Sub-Subcontractor incl. - 21. Sub-Total(1b+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) _ (224.00) 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance(7 5%of line 21) Inc! .. -. 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) -. . -.r,.._ (224.00) Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Summary 24. Prime Contractor's Work(from line 15) 123.47 .._."w 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from line 23) (224.00) ;air s'ierio1 . 26. Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7.5%of line 23) 27. Prime Col t24+25+ e26)( (100.53) 1 28. Prime Contractor's Fee( 10%ofline 27) � 29. Sub-Total(27 ct 28) Bon .37 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of line 29) 31. Total Cost (294 30) __ -_.-.. - (103.04) Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work days Prime Contractor's Name 1y/ "1-7 Timothy J.Fierro,President GCl/General Constructors,Inc. [ gp 00 Signature And Official Tide Rev.02/00,TJF ((([ An es m 3 • Amber Electric, Inc. Change Order Proposal P.O.Box 737,630 Kis-amnee Avenue,Ocoee,Florida 34761 Phone(407)656-2335 Stott Cent NEC7J000700 Fax(407)656-1673 ]Earth 7.2000 G.C.I. Job: Ocoee VRcM storage building 991 Explorer Cove Suite 101 Credit Change Order AE t 600026-002 Almrnocte Springs,FL 32701 Project Manager: Les Ramey Electrical im•allstiotr Rc-route main vndergroend conduit to to avoid curing paved arc •W c ttse ire the right to correct this quote lot errors and omissions. -This quote covers direct costs only and we reserve she right to claim for imput and consequential costs. /� -This price is good for acceptance within 10 dais from the dtrF of receipt CGetll/Cr •We request a rime extension of days. HAdJ -This price is based on job conditions as pzesently constitumd any d:viaE:on may require a price adjustment 1-I J Pang Material $ - Quoted Material S - Get - Total Materials (IW�) Rentals Subtotal 3 (100.00) $ 000.0G) - Subcontract Quotes4 Q Markup Sub�Quotes'� S $ - Total Sub uots SUBTOTAL MATERIALS"ES S (100.001 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR MRS -4.0 Hours Per Hour Total Foreman '— 0 $ 50.00 $ - Apprentice A S 26.00 S (104,00) $ (104.00) $ (104.00) A'DIRECT LABOR(3a of total labor hours) Hours Per Hour Total Estimator 696 -024 $ 30.00 8 (720) Project Manager 10% -OAO $ 32.00 $ (12.80) S - TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 3 (20.00) S (2U.00) S (124.00) SUBTOTAL LABOR S (224.00) SUBTOTAL MATERIAL Pi.LABOR TOTAL THIS CHANGE REQUEST $ (224) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION 1—+f I 3 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTOR NAME: °Cl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Project# 98518 RFI F. 5 PROJECT NAME: City of Ocoee Vehicle & Material Storage Building DATE: January 14, 2000 DATE INFORMATION REQUIRED: January 19. 2000 TO: Rod Winfrey. City of Ocoee FROM: Danny McDonough THE SCHEDULE WILL BE AFFECTED IF THE RESPONSE IS NOT RECEIVED BY THE ABOVE-REFERENCED DATE CC. David A Wheeler. city of Ocoee SUBJECT: Underground Feeder REFERENCE: E-1 INQUIRY: Note It4 on this page states to cut and patch the existing asphalt drive to Install the underground feeder from the Operation and Maintenance Building to the new building. As discussed on site, can this underground feeder be installed East along the Operations Building and then turned South to feed the new building? Srr �. ,SP 1 — c TRANSMITTED FOR RESPONSE: FAX TO CONSULTANT: ATTM. DATE: ROUTE TO (Arch/CA): RESPONSE: BY. DATE: RESPONSE DISTRIBUTION: FAX TO GC: OCI DATE: FROM: 407-831-1223 z ~\n �f 1 u // i\ \ / / 7 NI I I / �!�lw' I' I O , 4/0- 6 2/ t 4 i? N. � � a11111 W AP k: go v Qa. y OJ S9 v .�., yr �4 �! /may n7°' L rC •,y y te�4 r N:jF- 9 \ c" r ! ti+y �`Qo0 \ \ \ a r<, „in�9 \\\ V l „„ a a \ ° CITY OF OCOEE q1 �'®'6 Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE ',j 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407)656-2322 ext. 142 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAI (REP) z,coo,,°" Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835 -fax NO • PROJECT DATA. 1 C 2 NAME \I C iT cCl Z \J tti (ZPc( E ISL)c, • PROJECT NO LOCATION. k `,. M , ry, S 2 ) DATE'. Z' / -00 OTHER. REFERENCE TO(CONTRACTOR). C‘ E.4 (S(CIvl Co..) 5 72 J c ip(e,5 1.n/C- Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven (7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTI N of change in wet E Quo-)TS mac- CC- . IR•c d l Ls. Fitt.-, 2p�jE .5-4.,,,„&rl H.1 L. " 1 io /P'J i+-'�t� 3,ti, 4 $ Sc✓tc& V.Cy . -re, b' D4 IJ6-'M I VM � t CO L •eJ E - I . 5E., , , ,,,. LVzcc, /fE 0.4. /.+fibs ?sub y . o F&EA ` 4 ' t . 17( SCO,Je ci SL.r 4ic,4. -Plc- 4S 2e I °- I Change Order Type: Cleletion d Addition d Revision d Other:( ) Constraints of Change: • Initiated by: d Changes in Owner Requirements 4 Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4 2. Plan Revisions'. `( - 5 3 ¶1to?o5c) %ov'r` 6 d OWNER: Y G d CONTRACTOR. y 4 ENGINEER: 7 d FIELD: Y 4 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR. Y d OTHER. J d SUBCONSULTANT. / Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-I Method of Prang A d Established Contract Unit Price(st ❑ d.Ne3ohaled Unit Pnce(s)(including Overhead and Pro(J) Neg_gfil Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) D. 4 Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E ! A combination of A. B,C, D DESCRIPTION OF WORK 5 F'i`s -PC-TK-4CC ems) A By General Contractor E By Subcontractor y ,v ITEM OF WORK ;QUANTITY.. PRICE TOTAL Attach additional pages if necessary NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME'. As pad of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract brine in the amount of additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time'. A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR Comments' Date: Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER. Comments. Dale Signature of agree to ale costs and remis of RFP M r (Company) af this day of 199 (day) (month) tr^'r 00847 2 ti ITEM NO. 6 O foci / gra. ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER CCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract 4 Contract Title: Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date: 4/28/00 GCI's 99-08 Revised: 5/16/00 Change Description: Per the Owner's request on 3/27/00, furnish and install eight(8) I-pole 20 amp GFI breakers. C.P.No.a)Revision #1 Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I. Procurement. 4 Hours Estimator HRS. $18.75 75.00 6 N 75.00 2. Supervision: 3llours I IRS. 52125 63.75(a? 63.75 3. Labor 4. Fringe Benefits(6%of line 1,2&3) 8.33 = 'l.x3 8.33 A Material(incl sales tax)See Below = 6. Rental Equipment(incl-sales tax) _ 7. Operating&Minor Main! For Owned Equipment 8. Sub-Total(1 • 2+3+4i5+6+7) a ? , ;� ,K'` 147.08 9. Field General Conditions(10%of line 8)Phone/Potcer/Electric/Water/f0 iiaite. 14.71 1471 10. Liability&Compensation Ins.(23%of line 1,2.3&4) 33 83 - 33.83 11. Sub-fowl (8+9+ 10) - = 4W„#x- `'Q. 195 62 195.62 12. Home Office Overhead( 10%of line II)General&AdminiMratixe Expenses 19.56 19.56 13. Equipment Ownership Expense -r 14. Social Security&Unemployment Ins.(9%of line 1,2,3&4) 13.24 -vr § f 13 24 I5. Sub-Iotal(11 + 12+ 13 + 14) St) : 22842 22842 Remarks: Sub-Contractor's Work 16. Labor: incl. Incl. � 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden incl. -- Incl. IS. Material(incl sales tax) incl. Incl. 19. Rental Equipment(incl.sales tax) incl. ;rt.. hut. 20. Sub-Subcontractor inel. ,., - Incl. 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) ,sr° .. • 1,953.00 1,353.00** 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance(7.5%of line 21) incL __ . ,. Incl. 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) tx -r:-ro?d ' 1,953.00 1,353-00** Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. **Alternate Deduct: If the welding receptacles are not GFI protected,a cost savings ofapproximately$600.00 can be given to the Owner on this proposal. Summary 24. Prime Contractor's Work(from line 15) 228 42 ^,_w --_. .L 228.42 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from line 23) 1,953.00 _ 1,353 00 ic' rnenc{ 101.48 26. Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7.5%of line 23) 146 48 ' 27. Sub-Total(24+25+26) 2,32790 1,682.90 28. Prime Contractor's Fee( 10%of line 27) .. .. 168.29 29. Sub-Total(27+28) - --_ 2,560.69 1,851.19 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2 u of line 29) 64.02 • `..�. ' 46.28 31. Total Cost (29+30) s '-'-- 2,624.71 1,897.47 Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work days Prime Contractor's Name Timothy J.Fierro,President GCUGeneral Constructors,Inc. Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TIT —• • - =-- Amber Electric, L . Change Order Proposal P.0,Box 737,6301(issimmee Avenue,Ocoee,Florida 34761 Phone(407)656.2333 Stan Cert.PE(0000700 Fax(407)656-1673 April 17,2000 G.C.1. Job: Oeeee V&M storage building 991 EapIorer Cove Stdts 101 Change OrderAE* 600026-005 Ahansonto Springs,FL 32701 Project Manager: Les Ramey Electrical Installation Provide and install(2)2polc 50amp CFI breaker with enclosures and(e)1pole 20emp Gil breakers per request from outer - - •We receive the right to correct this quote for errors and omissions. •This quote covers direct coats only end we reserve the right to claim for impact and consequential costs. •This price u good far acceptance wlrhin 10 days hom the date ofreceipt. •We request a time extension of days. •This price la based oo job eondidons as praectly constituted,any deviation may require a price adjustment. Material QuotedMateral $ 1,816.57 Tote)Materiils S 1,816.57 Rentals $ Subtotal S 1,816_57 3 1,816.57 Subcontract Quotes 5 - Markup Sub Quotes $ - Toat Sub Quotes SUBTOTAL MATERIALS"ES $ 1,816.57 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR HRS 4.0 Hours Per Hour Total Forcma0 3 $ 30.00 $ 90.00 Apprentice 1 F 26,00 $ 26.00 $ 116.00 S 116,00 EIDIRECr LABOR(%aftotnl labor bourn) Hours Per Hour Total Estimator 6% 0.24 3 30.00 S 7.20 Project Manager 10% 0.40 S 32.00 S 12,80 $ TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS $ 20.00 $ 10.00 SUBTOTAL LABOR $ 136.00 SUBTOTAL MATERIAL&LABOR $ 1,952.57 • TOTAL THIS CHANGE REQUEST $ 1,953 • • C0'd £ZZT1£8L06 0I 'SN0100L10NO3 10ar3N35 Wd OTlCO 00-91—AseW ITEM NO. 7 ISSI IMA 111'OR CI(ANGE ORDER GCl/GENERAL CONSI'R(I("I'ORS, INC. Contracts Contract Title- Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date'. 6/)0/00 GCI's 99-08 Change Description_ Mee / v � � C,ac� &5 �j.0 d/4/. C.P. No. 10 Mee IC���/ ' _7 Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I. Procurement 2 flours 1stimator llRS @t)S18 75 37.50 `a+ et_ '.'s?" 2 Supervision_ liners lots.Irl$21 25 1. Labor T, G e2.,.:: 4. 1'range B n lIh(6°i%el line 1.2& 1) 225 rgAga 5. Material(incl sales Ira)See 13dont 6. Rental Iiquipment(in 1. riles Iaz) 7 Operating& M innr NTml. I or(Dried Iimminent 8. Sub-I otolll 1 2 13 1 44 5-6 • 7) 3975 9 I ield(renal Conditions I I(u nl I MC 81 Inione.Poger I kete AA'Ater:I oIId19e 398 10. 1.iabdig &Compatvafo n l nx. (21%ol line l_2.3& 4) 9.15 1 1. Sub-l oul I S n 9+ 10) : A 7,),-. 52.88 12. iloae OfiwOrerhead( II)48 afilne II)General& A1nnnrntive l'.spuues 529 .r. 13 Equipment ent On ncahlp Lxpcnse `` '# jg 14. Socal Secting A Unemployment Ins(9%ofline l_2.3&4) 358 „(i) 'WNW/ 15. Sub-Iotal(II 112 4 13 14) _ 61.75 Remarks: Sec attached estimate sheet Sub-Contractor's Work I6. Labor. ef wei++= 17. Fringe Inc!. ;:* 18. Material(incl sales tax) 19- Rental Iquipment(and sales tax) Incl. 20. Sub-Subcontractor 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) _ a s ;_,'a (545.00) 22 Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allonance(7 5%of line 21) Incl. 4grift722_: 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) s° M . • (545 00) Remarks. See atached estimate sheet. Summary 24. Prime Contractor Work(Cron line 15) 61.75 y.iq 25. Suh-Contractors Work(from line 23) (545 00) tr.,r,,.w�r-41M+.at 26. Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7.5%oiline 23) 27 Sub-l-otal(24+25+ 26) 5 (524.13)) 28. Prime Contractor's Fee( I0%of line 27) 29. Sub-Total(27+28) (576 55) 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of line 29) (1442) 31. Total Cost (29 30) . . _. (590 97) Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work ^ ^ deys li Prime-me Contractor's Name 1/!lI`✓// � Timothy 1-Pierrq President CCl/General Constructors, Inc Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TJF GCl/GENERAL��CC/ONSTRUCTORS, INC. ESTIMATE SHE proles C'I T7 O� OOW,�.��i( d ',r�' 1 Sheet No. of Prepared by T171 Location VGH1 Ik' im/I I IrIL '/ Moan &Dt Job No. Date la'Z(5'00 C. P. # /O DESCRIPTION t aurnNt/ ( Unit MM*SId Unit I lnb« Unit 1 Sub 5 Tutd 1 to�Dw ry' np6 T- I 2 ul h�I o� _ ��J� 1 lu� jh1 154C < -545> 3 5 10 I I !1—r, 11 1 1 I 13 i . - .- . ..- . 14 -.. . - I 10 I 1 17 II I 1. 1 20 1 --L—_ 'I 21 I . . 22 t 23 I 1I - I 24 25 ---.. .. - -__ -- ------ 20 2z 20 ITEM NO. 8 C.a'Q/� /W14b8 ESTIMATE FOR CI IANGE ORDER GCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract ft Contract Title' Vehicle&Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date: 2/17/00 GCI's 99-08 Revised Date: 6/30/00 Change Description: Construct CMU Retaining Wall (2 South End of Building for 25' x 25' Shed C.P.No.2, Revision 41 Prime Contractor's Work Revisions Islinm summer IIRS D$18 75 37.50 "-i 37 50 1. Procurement hours 2 6 � 2 Supervision Hours 64 !IRS-(1 S21.25 3 Labor: 2,197.00 975.00 134 07 '°'� * 60.75 4- Frnge Benefits(6%of line 1,2& 3) 2 `.}. 5. Material(Jnet sales tax)Sec Below 664 00 snit . '.v 67.00 6 Rental Equipment(loci -ales tax) 255.00 'e 71 255.00 7 Operating& Minor Maint. For Onned I.quipmait 4c{ "-s+ 4 8- Sub-Total(I 4 2 13 4 4 +5+ (1 17) te* rc-,L2t.t 3,287 57 1,395.25 9 Field GencreI Conditions(1(1%of line 8)Phnnc/1'ooe Lleeue U rail l Udellic 328.76 ittiLLe,4-767,flur, 11953 Ili Llabil tv&Compensation his (239L of line 1. 2.1 & 4) 544 77 Tunattri ,+"„ aZ 246 85 II- Sub-Total (8+9+ 10) -f-t 7. 4,161.10 1,781.63 12. Ilomnc Office Overhead( 10%of line I I)(;merit& Admmuuatire I poises 416 I I r'S- � 178.17 13 Equipment On nersb i p IYsp nse 14. Soc'l Security&Unemployment Inc (9%of laic I 2.3&4) 213.17 -- -:-^ 96.60 15. Sub total(I14 12+ 13 + 14) .. 1t ? 4,79038- 2,056.40 Remarks: See attached estimate sheet- Sub-Contractor's Work Ib. Labor incl. �.rA-.r n lwrri+1 i(e inel. 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden incl. mcl. incl. �* i•9*s Incl. I8. Material(incl sales lax) ..1„,... ,dc0 19. Rental Equipment(incl-sales tax) Incl. - - mc1. ia�c+.rr.:+xss Incl. 20. Sub-Subcontractor Inc' 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ Di4 19+20) 1800 250.00 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance( 7 5%of line 21) Inc' , _ _ incl. 23- Sub-Mal (21 +22) - 18.00 250.00 Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Summary 24. Prime Contractor's Work Qrom line 15) 4,79038 z. 2,056.40 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from line 23) 18.00 V yr 250.00 -t"_ 26- Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(ZS%of live 23) 1.35 18.75 27 Sub-Total(24+25+26) - 4,809.73 2,325.15 28. Prime Contractor's bee( 10%of line 27) 480 97 232.52 29- Sub-Total(27+28) 5,29070 2,557.67 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of line 29) 132.27 63.95 31. Total Cost (29+30) _ 5,422.97 2,621.62 Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work ///�� days Prime Contractor's Name /lt'���-- Timothy J.Fierro,President GCl/General Constructors,Inc. i// Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TN ( OCT/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ESTIMATE SHEET pp Project („ITi_OfiZY. k% \J , sui DIN( Sheet No. { of Prepared by 'ram (1424 2 Location 011 Or Otoer/ ( I-P. Job No. hoY-oo Date 2'10'00 NDESCRIPTION -- - 9 ( Unn MahAd unit I labor unI1 Sub MS 10L )7Pn .0. Co014kaCr OM U ?fr ININ N Ittu ' "11 ,6Ne 'Fir FIuiLDiNln 1014 251)("LS1 17k2 I =�Jfz�r(oN U Jt w BUiNU ' j2I Lly .< -lfgo5> I � . Sr �i�tfUl1 fool l�i 2�1� ``4L(jp It - �(� " � Lf � �� t ! 5 ---,LY1�� 2,cgoP/S 214/1/50L 41u. 1 q . ,,0 , '� ( I I E 6 MtS6 (�ONg CIiMia% L/ 2< 2C1 ,0 (a2m (-al. roi, ' z'<r i __coif i?'- ' • `15 ii t�tut✓'>,h P2 CmU3 L 21 Z . I tr I , r. 12 0MU@ , , 11irkl 4-drj. t 2u ' < 21212 42 la 3 • CGiC . i 1 5 o6L tau, 3x 3 ,5'><-Sg7S 4 {c 175 N 15 --- 21r41 Oaf Tea DY . I '21 i -�. HR I I-1'lckfI"j' t/ . F 200 -h� ! : SF 2so f z. 20 19 torieIZflZoo Iuti G,GmU , tk�0t T0I z , 219 7i 21 1 v 4- I 1 —,.- -' 22 23 I 24 120 lo'( 41 I I I I ITEM NO. 9 C-)=1 /, nT 7Wtq ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER G '-.ENERAL CONSTRUCTORS,INC. Contract fl Contract Title: Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date: 6/30/00 GCPs 99-08 Change Description: Per attached drawing,add type TE-1 Footing L Column Lime A. 7/151% C.P.No. 13 Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I. Procurement: 2 Hours Estimator HRS.@$18.75 37.50 4 r. 2. Supervision 4 Hours IIRS.Qn $21 25 85.00 rr '- 3. Labor: See Attached Estimate Sheet 689.00 =ems.? 4. Fringe Benefits(6%of line 1,2&3) 48.69 3 5. Material(incl.sales tax)Sec Attached Estimate Sheet 525.00 `- elt xix(i E 6. Rental Equipment(incl sales tax) 7 Operating&Minor Maint. For Owned Equipment6 8. Sub-1 out(I +2+344+5+6+7) y= t „ 1,385.19 9. Field General Conditions(I0%of line 8)Phole/Powe/I I uric/WatedfoileUEtc. 1 38.52 tr 10. Liability&Compensation Ins.(23%of line I,2,3&4) 197.85 ' M.-d`#,>i,.ea II. Sub-total (8+9( 10) t,v4azseeta 1,72156 12. Home Office Overhead( 10%of line 11)General&Administrative Expenses 172.16 a,( raty(ro 13. Equipment Ownership Expense rv-e-'•el 14- Social Security&Unemployment Ins.(9%of line 1,2,3&4) 77.42 _ t!: 15. Sub-lnlal(II + 12+ 13+ 14) SratFc'.�+• 1,971.14 ___- Remarks: **See Attached Estimate Sheet Sub-Contractor's Work 16. Labor: incl. '` 277-7 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden incl. 18. Material(incl sales tax) inel. _ 19. Rental Equipment(incl sales tax) incl. a 20. Sub-Subcontractor Incl. �2 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ I8+ 19+20) I0.00 22- Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance(7.5%of line 21) incl._+ -` . 1 ,..tl 23. Sub-Total (21+22) -- . ,1 "u 0.00--- Remarks: OS; Summary 24. Prime Contractor's Work(from line 15) 1,971.14 - c'+4 ! 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from line 23) 0.00 r 26. Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7.5%of line 23) 0.00 = 1,971.14 g�,/]f r%'e or 27. Sub-Total 28. Prime Contractor's Fee( 10%of lint 27) 197.12 ./ipro 29 2,168.26- 30. Sub-Total Contract _ - - _ I 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of line 29) 54.21 • ,f 31. Total Cost (29+30) 2,222.47 222• Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work J� days Prime Contractor's Name OOI(;r.e U +79/s�-a Timothy 1.Fierro,President CCl/Genernl Constructors,Inc. `, Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TN GCnnI/GGn�E(NER/AL CONSTRUCTORS,(.� j�y INC. ESTIMATE SHEET Project 1I(N( VVflltl.1/' �;1"Ilutya��ft�4�I B'U0b1• Sheet No. of_ Prepared by ern ( 02*13 Locvlion COL. LINE-A el-6)/ rZ) 4vly• Job No. Date 1✓'W'I0 DESCIIFTION 1 Quantity F Unit MmMal r Unit Lab- Unit Sub Tots .__-h 3�� 2 �6/ LIN6 4 �E I lna f 3&;10 >< 2 4X1' 4 �—a mi: CO _ ' t I I --RN � �e 10 390s tia � P 0 Q� {I��I ; ti r 1 I ' k I -fry f62V'1"o PohTy 31 '49 h3S i :. . 13 12 UI4IOliiT ` I �� 14 �D I 5ZS! I . 15 ,e n 1 113 -. . -� 20 21 22 , I 23 27 25 28 I I 1 ? j Ofro I —3 r ) s -t _ : Yam- i ��I _, J :LAB "neeerree ^JCS- St: L -_I' ` __ J nwx<e n_ � lwvEP --.I I^ m veenETinta_r.PEP.< a-� I rvOflK - AREA eo-,-_ n f �W.0 PC1T'i a ,11'`' ,t I ADP 5 Foci Ncy2 I. g 3xI 4 /-IYGL'POSS: i eo b4/5 «r l/�{�f I O ��IS POSTS I(� / I,e III' -I 3'-�' OP '(E'I FTt1 ° - II 3fb'-10" Louh 1'0 jH 1 I 2 -4 ll/' (LLI�!( It4 neeAJP I Bari rnuc - 4A2 DESIGN CLARTICATION' EXTEND THICKENED EDGE f DOTING Te.I i rED AS SHOWN ABOVE. (FRCS) LiSE 1 TO LINE 21 PLAN NTS I DESIGN CLARIFICATION lin T. ENGINEERING iDare : JVNES.zOoc a E GINEaEL 1 TECHNOLOGIES INC. :ol CART PINK arXCCT, :SUITE 989, e. FLORIDA \ AINYENACE 9'_�v ♦nvnci t4araw +caa FAX: c4o7 rS4B•O1898 C.rI OF gCQEE ITEM NO. 10 CaS) fol, /7w -r#70 ESTIMATE FOR.CI IANGE ORDER Gel/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract N Contract Title'. Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee DateRevised Date: 6/28/00 6/30/00 GCI's 99-08 Change Description: Relocation of proposed valley gutter,extend curb and curb with additional paving. Repair 8'X25' area where fire hydrant was removed and relocated by the City. C.P. No. I I, Revision flI Prime Contractor's Work Revisions 1. Procurement 2 hours Estimator IIRS.O$18.75 3Z50 37.50 2. Supervision. 8 Ilours IIRS-@$2125 170.00 170.00 3. Labor. 1,080.00 1,550.00 4. Fringe Benefits(6%of line 1,2&3) 77.25 105.45 5. Material(Ind L sales tax)See Attached I stimate Sheet 793.00 % ��. 1,025.00 6 Rental Equipment(find salts tax) ;r ^ 7 Operating&Minor Maint. For Owned Equipment d -t 8 Sub-Total(1 +2 i 3 4+5+6+7) _ > � 215775 2,887.95 9. Field General Conditions(10%of line8)Pho e/power/I] clydwatcrfl otld/Ile 215.78 ' " ` =<P 288.80 10. (.lability &Compensation Ins.(23%of line 1,2,3&4) 313-89 r= ,.. 428,48 I. Sub Total (8+ 94 10) "'66.tn1 268742 3,60523 12- Home Office Overhead( 10%of line 1 I)General&Ad n ,istradve Expenses 268.74 r,,W ', 360.53 13. Equipment Ow ncrzhip Expense 14_ Social Security& Unemployment Ins.(9%of line 1,2,3&4) 122 83 t fr 167.67 15_ Sub-Total(II + 12+ 13+ 14) 7=1 3,078.99 4,13343 Remarks: "See Attached Estimate Sheet Sub-Contractor's Work 16 Labor incl -_-,_....- incl. 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden incl, incl. 18 Material(Ind sales tax) incl. incl. ,,.r�+.nrr, 19. Rental Equipment Qnel sales tax) incl. Incl. 20. Sub-Subcontractor and _ Incl. 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) 0.00 195.00 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance(7.5%of line 21) incl. inel. 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) 0.00 � 19500 Remarks: Summary 24. Prime Contractor's Work(from line 15) 3,078.99 4,133.43 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from line 23) 0,00 195.00 26. Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7.5%of line 23) 0.00 14.63 27. Sub-Total(24+25+26) 3,078.99 4,343.06 28. Prime Contractor's Fee( 10%of line 27) 307.90 434.31 29. Sub-Total3,386.89 4,777.37 (27+28) _. 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of line 29) 84.68 119.44 31. Total Cost (29+30) _ _. . 3,471.57 4,896.8E Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work ^// days Prime Contractor's Name / Timothy J. Fierro,President GCUGeneral Constructors,Inc. /J Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TJF GCl/GENERAL/ CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ESTIMATE qq (J Project P,it( Of OGO Sheer No. of Prepared by ( 'I I Location V6HIu.G k• r A IML WAti6 B1,1�4• Job No. Date (P•24'CO DESCRIPTION i Ocomiry I Unit MaM1rld Unit labor Unit Sub Total ' __ f )rati�� G-Iu 23 ,130iLFi 2 _ VI DE I/A x )30Lf bk. '7v� I cos I< , 411v> , ,I I _off P�02 - iOIZirl 7Lft16 .(NI F� Boll,=l I (j LI I I _ ,7, 4o S _ - �JWI�� _ . . • I �� 6 R° \)1"e ( h1TtR- Co' _ Ii I 1 1\Y CU (° 12n Gy1�h rrt( II 1�40 I �IUt�� I N ,a Cone 14912 )(4><1�5 17 let"-.�I b� I I a15(11 :_ 1..---- � � - .-, --._.. 11 Lft on oZn1 tr1E i NI5 I�}0 t55 ) Z 2L I[yam I h 1 r � i ,a fpp IS' ft7E F CURB - 14 (� , + I ocia ,• I 17 I J / I 20 CON L T6 4 f', 1-- 15 _ a I �t _ IE, _ h//))wVU� _ L/4I— o 22 11 1 ,60 ,I Vl1 1. . to F I I ! 44 ' 1 ((ulag. 1593I . tiS% ICI — -i —I---� 26 I I P) 2e ITEM NO. 11 Go4&/, 77,141// ESTIMAI E FOR CI IANGE ORDER GCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. Contract if Contract Title'. Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I Date: 6/30/00 GCLs 99-08 Change Description Delete Doors.Stairs,Rails&Overhead Door C.P.No.3 Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I- Procurement 6 Hours Estimator IRr $21 n$18.75 11250 2. Sup r ivn1. !loursIIIt5. $21 25 U.UO 3. labor_ See Attached 1 stimate Sheet4 Fringe Bindits(6°/3 of line I,2&3) 5 Matta I(ntl.Salon tx)Sec Beloit (1,340.90) •m :JS 6 Rental lquip ient(hsl sales ta3) 7. Oper lium& Minor NINlaint. I'or tlwnud I quipment L' .z.:�r 8 huh-anal 2 + 3 + 4t5+6 7) 9 Field lioncrall nndt _(I 0711 of line 8)1hr /Iooet 1.Mario Waal atti I oilall ic. 0.00� I __ 10. I ,abilit> &Compensation 1[13 (2370 of I me 1. 2 3 &4) 000 ' ri'4 `' .}.'` 1I. Sub-Ton „.i (S t 9 1 10) _. 70472 (1,518,40) 12. I Ionic OITme O.crhead( 10%of line II)General&Administrative Expenses 000 ti.37,7tabfKti 13 Equipment O nc rshlp Expense `^�- 14. Social Sourly &Il employment Ins.(9%of line 1.2.3 &4) .. 42-h'ff 15- Sub-IOPd(11 t 12 + 13 1 14) r .:6: ,fd''a (1,51840) Remarks: See attached estimate sheet. Sub-Contractor's Work 16. Labor incl. y.�..a�i,�...q 17. Fringe Benefits&Burden incl. 18. Material(incl sales tax) incl. 19. Rental Equipment(inc1 sales tax) incl. 20 Sub-Subcontractor 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) (147500) 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance(7 5%of line 21) 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) Remarks'. See attached estimate sheet. Summary 24. Prime Contractors Work(from line 15) (1,518 40) 25 Sub-Contractor (1,475.00)ctor s Work(from line 23) 26. Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7 5%of line 23) (110 63) 27. Sub-1 otal(24+25 +26) ._ (3,10403) 28. Prime Contractors lee( 10%of line 27) 0.00 29. Sub-Total(27+28) _ (3,10403)f 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of line 29) 0.00 31. Total Cost (29+30) „„ _,,� .. (3,104.03) Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work /mot days /1 / Prime Contractor's Name / 0 Timothy J. Fierro,President GCl/General Constructors,Inc. / Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,Tir GCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. ESTIMATE SHEET ' Project Cr( or 00066, 04 Sheet No. L of 4 Prepared by 1'rr Location Job No. Date 2-10'CO RAJA")) 7• I(roo 4E DEStBnION Quantity unit Mdrtd 1 Unit i Lebec Unit SubI ? - _ oho Nm c�2 p �QZ i , I�C.ggi _! < 3 �1 , 4o i i ' 8nI 2S . Co I , �ioloN 2 2a 225 45^ 30Uo Nm Db , 2 - v?.o _ a_4too 4S -; qo' 1- --, N�2Dwm h�1' ^' , . 1 • s os 17fihah ! i ill w yriNo R41Li2 ; hosiN4b 1 , 1 .02/%•@M(7h¢h I %c 'is - 1(1- 1 iC ) 7r Y . >%oam-P ? iNltiiifil i 1 z so - go -1•e0 10 - 160- 961ar 09E1241M0 1cz P,, Io A, . 1,01 —-14g5 H 14-75 I1Do W Gil(L1 hN 11r G, Lip. -* I2 + 12SI I ..i, 20 -- < rjel7L c 21 I 22 . ._ ili 23 : I 1 b°10 ` s. ° C 25 < Ido .q 2 26 ITEM NO. 12 Coi#o l� /761 0/2 ESTIMATE FOR CHANGE ORDER GCl/GENERAL CONSTRUCTORS,INC. Contract 4 Contract Title: Vehicle& Material Storage Building for the City of Ocoee I 9/0 0 GCI's 99-08 Revised Date: 6/30/00 Change Description'. Redesign of tire sprinkler system. C.P.No.9, Revision 41 (This combines Change Proposal 89 and 412) Prime Contractor's Work Revisions I. Procurement: 16 Hours Estimator l IRS. an$18.75 300.00 2 Supervision: 24 Hours I IRS. @yr 821 25 510.00 } = 510.00 3 Labor 4 Fringe Benefits(6%alline 1,2&3) 48.60 _ 48.60 5 Material(i ncl_sales ta )See Helm., J g 6 Rental Equipment(incL sales tax) _.. •+1! a rs 7 Operating&Minor Maint_For On'ned Ilquipmcnt 8- Sub-1 of I(I 2+3+4 t 5+6+ 7) 1f0 85860 85860 9 I field General Conditions(10%ol line8)Phone/Km erI Ieetre:Aatvrt railct119c. 8586 .Fp T5f'r '4=°ry 85.8(T 10 I.iahl t) &Compensation Ins.(23%of line 1.2,3& 4) 197.48 £8$ h *`_ 197.48 11. Sub-1 otal 8+9 i (0) 3ralie 1,14194 1,141.91 12. Home Office Overhead( 10%of line I I)General&Admin amlive F.xpences 11420 rsilrW-SPL"x"•u+n 11420 13. IttillIpMellt Ow icrship I!xpcnsc 14. Social Sec rity& Unemployment Ins. (9%of line I,2.3&4) 77 28 05 + 4=-3Tv=f._: 77 28 15- Sub Iota!(I I + 12+ 13 + 14) 3 ' ; tle 1,333.42 1,333,42 Remarks: Sub-Contractor's Work incl. incl. 16. Laborbsimaj.w�-.++*r: 17. Fringe Benefts&Burden incl. Incl. IS- Material(incl.sales tax) incl. .d.warr.-m' 19. Rental Equipment(incl.sales tax) incl- - mcl. r-xtrmr". 'n- fine!. 20. Sub-Subcontractor Inc! 21. Sub-Total(16+ 17+ 18+ 19+20) 1,82700G 93.00 22. Overhead &Profit Per Contract Allowance(7 5%of line 21) incl. incl. 23. Sub-Total (21 +22) , - - 1,827.00 93.00 Remarks. Proposal A,Per Fire&Bldg. Dept.Changes-Add $1,478.00 Proposal B,Change System from Dry to Wet-Add 217.00 Credit for Alarm Devices and Check Valve- (302.00) Credit for Fire Alarm Panel (1,300 00) $93.00 Summary 24 Prime Contractor's Work(from line 15) 1,333.42 _ 1,333 42 1,827.00 .a,k.4+R' ...rc. 93.00 25. Sub-Contractor's Work(from line 23) x++a- " . 6 98 26_ Prime Contractor's Overhead on Sub-Contract Work(7 5%of line 23) 137.03 tiv 27. Sub-Total(24+25+26) 3,29745 1,433-40 28. Prime Contractor's 1'cc( 10%of line 27) 329.75 143.34 29. Sub-Total(27+28) 3,62720 1,576.74 30. Prime Contract Bond Premium(2 1/2%of lint 29) 90.68 39.42 31_ Total Cost (29+30) _ . 3,71788 1,616.16 Estimated Time Extension and Justification Calendar Days Additional Scope of Work days Prime Contractor's Name 1 lr 1 1"'�_'y`�Timothy J.Fierro,President GCl/General Constructors,Inc. _J'I ,�]!_� Q Signature And Official Title Rev.02/00,TJF fl ctu antage quo PI . zo yip os May 5,2000 GCl 99! Explorer Cove Suite 0101 aFirePro tom Altamonte Springs. r Fl 2701 Manion: M,Dan McDonough 1/4-..--:-:./ 1 License NIoI 2515'1C00I)3 Referarx: FireProtection / I/'QO , Ocoee Vehicle Maintenance Bldg ROP1n (L A 141nn' 'nettpp 1424, Alain Office PE�,ry 17 27509tysor Ate. Gentlemen: Y • Orlando.FL 32805 Picas:an cost breakdown and credit to ADD additional sprinklers for building footprints changes: (FAX)407-s5S-9927 407.855.9917 Crtt5t on Rc.dod®s /t- 1. 110' 4'Schedule tO bulk pipe to FDC PELCaO PER G)V(.._6 227.00> Tampa Office /� Labor ANO GUI LDI+HI OE pc. '4 220.00c P.O.Bo.10203 Largo,FL 33773 ' Ai— . .0'19 ,-'- 134.99 IFAX)727-319.3743 '" .. 727.319.8352 ' Ha' '"'Jsab/ •9' 1"` u-' ' '0(q.if SN.. C 225.00- cared OJ,IIre Taal Credit 4•114ee94e4-4 441.• P.O.Box 879 Cocoa,FL 32922 ADDS (FAX)32L264-25OG 321-GCS-7999 !. R..A,ol.,t 5 e Nia,w #- 2. Material&Labor for(fl additional beads(0MO) -steetee—(a 00 k0" 3. Relocation afPDC lobos adaground 'w/VALN({ BOX Ea $ I 110g/ esee..A A- 1, ()sag 09i. Hama 174- ADD 41062a00- I4YS" Total ADD ex changes SM1h00• i 416 My questions.plena all. Sincerely, tap Fin Pronetl nE.Hannan. Project Manager WX'02822-OI nEVI ED CC: Jahn Heffernan DKTC T �— £0 'd £ZZSIEBLOV eI 'SMOlSfMlSNOO 7tlH3N3ll5•.. wet 6£:Z0 00-et-lflt LF- ae0e Protection I'tc �,/ 9?ppp t May 5,2000 b® GCI 991 Explorer Cove Suite#10l ,AFirePt o.cnm ��� Altamonte Springs,Florida 32701 - tom `\ U Attention: Mr.Dan McDonough License Number 24o2S9000193 Reference: Fire Protection i��i�p Alain Wiere Ocoee Vehicle Maintenance Bldg, p12020AL - B �� tHAN6loti ERO/I'I pier2750les for Ace. Gentlemen: -ro vei sy59-/,d 4 a la ado.FL 32506 Please see cost braal:dmcn and credit to ADD additional sprinklers for building footprints chances'. 0 AX)407-855.9927 407.835-9917 Credit on Redesign I. 110' 4"Schedule 10 bulk pipe to MC S 227.00* Tampa Office Inbor S 220.00-- ED.B o.Lai 310203 3773C HANI,i6 120/rl 2R'1 to <S 350.00, — 3S0 03 110.Bo 1i203 � 2. Air compressor on dry system Wash (1AX)7'_73193743 Valves and piping ,..l6Q 6{51'Em w 727-319-S351 — 225 e)' 3. 500' 4"Schedule 10 to 3"Schedule 10 Q.45 difference <S 225 00> CHA JLi From 221 fo Total Credit Mo/C 1211o1ftiT 417032:80} — 5i ' Cocoa Office P.O. cos 879 Cocoa.FL 32922 ADDS (FAX)321-264-2506 321-609-3999 I. Redesign S 300.00- v, I n ,icy' 2. Material&Labor for(9)additional heads(Cp) e ZS1x2 Nep 3+650.66 47 dd� �20 ' 3. Relocation of FDC labor underground S `./80.00 4. Free standing chrome FIX 5-40060- u 72 5. o&rCloi ° I2w* ADD -52$53-00- Total ADD for changes sw+eo- 01 217.1/9" Any questions,please call. Sincerely, 11.(age Fire Protection nc. es E.Haehmann Project Manager P80C 2 82Z-01 1 '1 ; E V I W E D PH02 iCA'F NBD CC: John Heffernan 1 £Y TJF i-tei • ,'..` + fit.. E e Protection F'eisic?, R AFire71therm, CiCI _ 991 Explorer Cove, Suite 101 License Number Altamonte Springs, FI. 32701 Gr,°i 246259000195 Attention: Ms. Alice Wages Alain Office 280 realor A,°. Reference. Ocoee Vehicle Maintenance(RL1415) Orlanuo.I L,32S06 Fire Protection FAX)407-855-9927 407-855-9917 Dear Alice, Tampa Office Listed below is the breakdown to delete the flow switches, tamper switches, electric bell Ito. Box 10209 and supply a water motor gong: Largo.FL 33771 (FAX)927-319-37 5 Description Costs 727-3I9-83s 4" alarm-valve $ 241i 00 -Alarm-valve-trim ---$-153,00— 11 Cocoa Office —Retard chamber -$-58.00— I r`i I'.O. Box 879 --Water-motor.gong_ __..--_____.._..__$-148.00— %r (ll;,l(f]✓ Cocoa,Fl.32922 (FAX)32 1.2642506 __—._. p labor-Labor @$20:00— $�20-00-- ON tl L 321-609.3999 -Re-Design/Re Submit Subtotal__-___.'__.—._____._-__._.._._. _- -$1;190.00--- / Credit for alarm devices and check valve ($302.00) (Material and Labor) Total If you have any questions, please contact our office. S7170ti i ) CalVi/ry Sincerely, Advantage Fire Protection, Inc. ames E. Hehmann Project Manager JEH/nb CC: John Heffernan CC#0282Zc