HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (D) Clarke Road Extension Alignment Study Work Order Authorization Agenda 8-01-2000
Item VII D
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DATE: July 24, 2000
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Bradley E. Friel,AICP, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner
THROUGH: Russ Wagner,AICP, Planning Director Imo/
SUBJECT: Clarke Road Extension Study
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the attached Scope of Services to identify a
road alignment for the Clarke Road extension? (Clarcona-Ocoee Road to McCormick Road)
For several years, the City has considered extending Clarke Road north to McCormick Road from its
existing terminus at Clarcona-Ocoee Road. While it is believed that Clarke Road would eventually
be extended north, the timing of this project has been linked to the need generated by new
development. Due to the historic unavailability of water and sewer service in the Clarcona - Ocoee
Road corridor, the City has had few development inquires in this area. Accordingly, with no new
development proposals, there has been little need to extend Clarke Road. But since Orange
County's installation of water and sewer lines along Clarcona-Ocoee Road, the City has received
numerous development requests in this area.
Wth renewed development interest in the northeast area of Ocoee, it has been determined that the
City should begin to identify possible alignments for Clarke Road between Clarcona-Ocoee Road
and McCormick Road. This proactive approach will enable staff to direct development as it occurs in
this area.
The study is intended to identify the best alignment for the Clarke Road extension. Items that the
consultant will examine include, but are not limited to,the following:
• Existing and future traffic volumes • Right-of-way impacts and cost
• Environmental impacts • Community impacts (land owners)
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The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
July 24,2000
Page 2
• Stormwater drainage • Permitting issues
• Bicycle/pedestrian facilities • Consistency with other roadway plans
In addition to the specifics related to the roadway alignment between Clarcona-Ocoee Road and
McCormick Road, this Scope of Services will also allow for the City to take a cursory look at
extending Clarke Road north of McCormick Road. This task will involve a meeting with other local
governments and regional agencies to determine if there is any interest. Other than for the regional
coordination meeting, there will be no additional work to identify a road alignment north of
McCormick Road. Any additional work would require a revision to the Scope of Services. Funds
for this project may come out of the transportation impact fee account since this roadway is included
in Ocoee's Transportation Master Plan.
Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the attached Scope
of Services with DRMP to identify a road alignment for the Clarke Road extension between
Clarcona-Ocoee Road and McCormick Road.
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Stephen L.Prcmun , July 24,2000
Mr. Russ Wagner
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee. Florida 34761-2258
Subject: Clark Road Extension Corridor Alignment Study
Draft Scope of Services—REVISION No. 2
DRMP No. 00-0003.0MK
Dear Mr. Wagner:
We have produced another revision to the Clark Road Extension Scope of Services that
reflects recent comments provided by City staff. The revisions focus on specifying that
at a minimum, the study will produce a recommended alignment from Clarcona-Ocoee
Road to McCormick Road. the two-phased approach to the study will still be
incorporated in the Scope. The first phase will evaluate the feasibility and alternative
improvement concepts for extending Clark Road from Clarcona-Ocoee Road to
McCormick Road. The second phase will evaluate the feasibility of continuing the
roadway extension north of McCormick Road.
Through review of the City's Master Transportation Plan and comments provided by
City staff, the majority of the work effort will be directed to the first phase analysis.
While project need analysis may support the requirements for Clark Road to extend
north of McCormick Road. the alignment and alternatives analysis for the second phase
will require additional interagency coordination, public involvement and analysis in
excess of this proposed Scope of Services. -
Task I —Project Initiation
DRMP will coordinate a kickoff meeting with all appropriate City staff immediately
after receiving notice to proceed. The purpose of this meeting shall include, but not be
limited to the following:
a. Request of existing information from the City
b. Determination of required coordination with Orange County Planning, Orange
County Public Services, Orange County Utilities. OOCEA, City of Apopka, and
other entities as required
c. Review of DRMP responsibilities and deliverables
d. Development of Public Involvement Plan
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Task 2 - Prepare Public Involvement Plan
As public involvement should be a primary component of any major transportation
study, DRMP will prepare a Public Involvement Plan that indicates the basic approach
and strategies to be utilized. The Plan will outline the following components (additional
public involvement components may be required):
One Public workshop
b. One City Council presentation
e. One Intergovernmental coordination meeting
d. Four to Five individual stakeholder meetings (property owners)
e. Required public involvement materials that may include newsletters/brochures,
presentation graphics (roadway concepts on color aerials)
f. Requirements for a mailing list
g. Documentation of public comments and meeting minutes
Task 3 - Data Collection and Analysis
Immediately following the Notice to Proceed, DRMP will initiate the data collection
process. This task consists of gathering and analyzing various information related to
planning, environmental and engineering concerns within the study area. The level of
data collection and analysis will be focused on the development and evaluation of
alternate alignments and typical sections for the proposed extension. Field verification
of data will be conducted when possible.
DRMP will summarize all data collection and analysis activities in appropriate tabular
and graphical formats to clearly present the information. Available Geographic
Information System (GIS) data will also be used to assist in the data collection and
analysis. Existing color aerial photographs will be used to assist in the graphical
presentation of the relevant data.
The following types of data will he obtained and analyzed by the Consultant:
a. Existing traffic volumes and characteristics (obtained from the City, Orange
County and/or the Florida Department of Transportation)
b. Existing and Future Land Use classifications
c. Right-of-way information
d. Review of adopted transportation plans within the area
e. Bicycle/pedestrian and trial facilities
Natural features, including soils- hydrology, flood zones, drainage basis, and
related environmental features
Hazardous material sites
h. Utilities
Cultural features
D RmpMr. Russ 7/24/00
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Existing levels of service analysis information obtained from previous studies will be
reviewed and summarized as required. Additional analyses may be required to assist in
the determination of Design Traffic for the roadway extension.
Task d- Project Need
Prior to the development of alternate alignments and typical section evaluation, project
need will be re-established. This task requires a cursory analysis of the existing
conditions data, a review of adopted transportation plans and future travel demand
projections, and future land use scenarios and resultant traffic impacts.
The Project Need will determine whether the extension should continue north of
McCormick Road based on route continuity and local and regional transportation
improvement plans. A meeting with appropriate Orange County staff, MetroPlan staff,
and other pertinent regional transportation agencies will be conducted to review the
results of the Project Need task.
Task 5 -Design Traffic
Design Traffic will be derived from the existing conditions analysis and the future
travel demand modeling analysis previously conducted for the City. Average annual
daily traffic and directional design hour volumes will be derived to support the
recommendation for the number of lanes. In addition, projected design hour
intersection movement volumes will he derived to determine intersection geometries at
the primary intersections_ Previous traffic studies conducted for the City will he
reviewed for appropriateness in the derivation of design traffic.
Task 6- Evaluation Criteria Development and Application
Evaluation criteria need to be developed to assess the desirability of the various
alignment and typical section options. DRMP will coordinate with City staff to develop
the specific criteria and the required weighting system. These criteria typically include
the following items:
• Right-of-Way impacts and costs
• Construction costs
• Environmental impacts
• Stromwater drainage impacts
• Ease of permitting with regulatory agencies
• Community impacts
• Enhances vehicular mobility
• Accommodates and enhances bicycle/pedestrian mobility
• Consistency with other transportation plans
Task 7- Alignment/Strategies Development and Analysis
DRMP plans to utilize a multi-tier evaluation method for this study. The process of tier
screening will allow DRMP to quickly identify and evaluate numerous alignments and
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improvement strategies. This is accomplished by utilizing a fatal flaw analysis in the
Tier 1 screening process. Alignments that result in significantly adverse impacts
according to the evaluation criteria are documented and eliminated from further review.
Tier 2 and 3 evaluations require more detailed analyses and result in the recommended
alignment and typical section. The potential alignments will partially be dependent
upon the northern terminus of the proposed extension (McCormick Road or further
north). At a minimum, a recommended alignment from Clarcona-Ocoee Road to
McCormick Road will be developed and analyzed.
Various typical sections will he developed and evaluated based on the design traffic,
roadway continuity, the provisions of bicycle and pedestrian features, aesthetics, and
comments received by the public and City staff and officials. The typical section
options will be graphically displayed and presented in the public meetings for review
and comment.
'fhe detailed analysis of the preferred alignments will include an access management
concept plan. This concept plan will provide a brief analysis of various median
treatments and driveway connections along the roadway extension. It is advisable to
prepare this concept plan in concert with City and public input to address any concerns
about access early in the planning and design process.
Task S-Documentation
The documentation process is a crucial part of any transportation plan, as it provides a
continuous record of the entire study process. Various working papers and technical
memoranda may be produced to document much of the data collection and analysis
processes, including but not limited to the following:
• Existing Conditions Traffic Technical Memo
• Project Need,Travel Demand and Design Traffic Technical Memo -
• Natural Features and Hazardous Materials Analysis Technical Memo
Beyond the technical memoranda, the following documents are anticipated:
• Draft Study Report
• Final Study Report
• Color aerial raster image of corridor with alignment options
• GIS plots of color aerial raster image. parcel information, right-of way information
and other available themes
• Aerial raster image of corridor with recommended alignment and access
management concept plan
The documentation of the alternatives development and evaluation process occurs in the
Draft Study Report toward the end of the study schedule. Modifications are made to the
Draft report based on input and comments received by reviewing personnel, and a Final
DRMP Mr. Russ Wagner
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Study Report is produced. At the conclusion of the alignment/strategies selection
process, an implementation plan will be developed and documented in the Study
Report. The implementation plan will identify cost estimates, right-of-way acquisition
requirements, project phasing, and other options including traffic operations
improvements within the area.
Task 9 -Public and Agency Meetings
the following public involvement and agency coordination and presentation activities
are anticipated:
a. Public Workshop —DRMP will conduct a brief presentation to address the study
objectives, present data collection results, and discuss initial alignment and
typical section alternatives. An informal workshop forum will follow the
presentation to allow the public to review display boards and maps and discuss
specific transportation and land use issues.
b. City Council Presentation — DRMP will conduct one presentation to the City
Council during the study schedule. The presentation will review data collection
efforts. initial alternatives development, results of the public workshop, and will
present the alternatives analysis process results and the final recommendations.
c. Stakeholder Meetings — DRMP will conduct up to five (5) meetings with area
property owners and other stakeholders to discuss the alignment alternatives,
and other project issues as required.
DRMP will conduct various coordinating meetings with City staff as required
throughout the study schedule. To minimize the staffs required involvement in
the study, these meetings will focus on key issues that require close coordination
with DRMP's staff.
e. Project Need meeting with regional transportation agencies, as described in Task
Project Schedule
DRMP will prepare a detailed Gantt Chart listing the required work tasks and subtasks
to be performed throughout the course of the study. We anticipate requiring
approximately six to nine months to complete the above outlined tasks. This schedule
includes review time for City staff, planning hoards, and the City Council as required.
The schedule also includes one public workshop and one final presentation of the
study's results. The work tasks and schedule will be developed in coordination with
City staff as we discuss project scope and fee.
Fee Estimate
The attached Manhour and Fee Estimate spreadsheets provide an estimate of the
required work effort to complete the listed tasks.
(�DRMP Rswa__
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Should you have any questions about this Scope of Services of the Manhour and Fee
Estimate, please contact me at (407)-896-0594. We are enthusiastic about assisting the
City of Ocoee on this transportation planning project and look forward to working with
you and your staff.
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
Gregory Kern
Director of.] ransportati on Planning
Attachment: Manhour and Fee Estimate Spreadsheets
cc: Steve Precourt, DRMP
Jon Meadows, DRMP
F:ATPUcin generalAOame Clark Rd Scope doe
City of Ocoee
Clark Road Extension Alignment Study
DRMP # 00-0003.0MK
ACTIVITY Project Senior
Manager Engineer Engineer Technician Clerical TOTAL
1. Project Initiation 2 2 0 0 0 4
2. Prepare Public Involvement Plan S 0 0 0 - 4 _ 12
3. Data Collection and Analysis 2 4 24 24 4 58
4. Project Need 2 4 0 4 2 — 12
5. Design Traffic 6 12 18 0 0 36
6. Evaluation Criteria Development 4 2 0 0 2 8
7. Alignment/Strategies Development and Analysis 16 24 24 32 4 100
8. Documentation 4 8 16 16 8 52
9. Public and AgencyMeetings 26 16 8 16 8 74
Man-Hours Total: 70 72 90 92 32 356
x Hourly Rate $110.00 $67.50 $60.00 $50.00 $37.50
Fee Estimates $7,700.00 $4,860.00 I $5,400.00 $4,600.00 $1,200.00
Total Salary Costs S23,760.00
Direct Expenses ' $1,170.00
TOTAL FEE $24,930.00
' Notes: Assumes the City will provide aerial raster files for the project area.
GAK:Ocoee Clark Road lee xls 7/24/00
Miscellaneous & Out-of-Pocket Expenses
City of Ocoee
Clark Road Extension Alignment Study
Aerial Photography _ $0.00
Flight 0
Roadway prints 0 Sheets x $0.00 = $0.00
Right of Way Maps _ Sheets x =
Material (Mylar) Sheets x $3.33 = 50.00
Reproduction Total Sheets Cost/Sheet TOTAL
FSUTMS Plots 0 $ 2.50 $ -
GIS Plots 10 $ 5.00 $ 50.00
Aerial Plots 20 $ 36.00 $ 720.00
Reports 1000 $ 0.10 $ 100.00
TOTALS $ 870.00
TRAVEL(From Orlando )
To Project:
(Per Diem) trips x people x days/trip x $50.00 per diem= $0.00
(Corn) trips x _ people x per trip
(POV) 0 trips x 0 miles x $0.29 per mile $0.00
(Rental) trips x (_ days/trip x _ daily rate+ mi.x$- )=
To District:
(Per Diem) trips x people x _ days/trip x per diem=
(Corn) trips x _ people x per trip
(POV) trips x miles x per mile $0.00
(Rental) trips x (- days/trip x daily rate+ mi.x$ )=
To Tallahassee:
(Per Diem) trips x people x days/trip x per diem=
(Corn) trips x people x per trip(POV) trips x miles x per mile —
(Rental) trips x ( days/trip x daily rate+ mi.x$ )=
Shipping 8 Telephone ( 6 months a $50.00 /month) _ $300.00
qs.95-0049\001 Ocoee Clark Road lee xis 7/24/00