HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (F) Volunteer Boards Survey Results Agenda 8-01-2000
City of Ocoee Item VII F
ry # 6 Jean Grafton
ai Ocoee, FLORIDA 34761 258
��or GOO' (407) 656-2322
FAX(407) 656 5725
To: The Honorable Mayor an�yyggdd Board of City Commissioners
From: Jean Grafton, City Clench.
Date: July 18, 2000 101
Re: Volunteer Board Member Survey
As you directed in May, on May 23 of this year the survey questions were sent to
87 volunteer board members, with a request to complete and return them by June
26. As it was the beginning of the summer vacation season, we waited several
extra weeks to give everyone a chance to respond. Surveys were not sent to
employees who were elected to their boards (General Employee Pension,
Police/Fire Pension). The count you see below on those two boards reflects that.
26 board members responded - a 30% return.
The responses are typed for your reading comfort, and divided according to
boards, because that seemed to be the most logical way to review them. The
originals are on file in my office, available for you to see if you wish. Several of
the members signed their surveys, but not everyone did. Most did not identify the
board they served on - but we felt there were enough clues to identify the boards
and so divided them that way.
CACOPD 23 6 26%
We await your further direction.
by Board
1. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. To recommend to the Commission our decision on whether a party should be given
special consideration when they are not in compliance.
b. To help the city staff determine if citizens should be given variances to the City
c. It fulfills an important monitoring function particularly in a fast growing
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. (1) Case studies and (2) Basic Code knowledge. However, since each case is usually
unique, experience is the best teacher.
b. More on the Building Code as well as all of the City Codes.
c. Training in procedural matters for the Board chairman and members.
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. I would take time to participate in training.
b. Yes, if they were in the evening.
c. Yes
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. For the limited times it meets, I feel it is doing fine.
b. Yes, I was glad to see us get more variances to hear. We should hear all of the
requests, even if the City is going to grant it.
c. The Board needs to become more broad ' ded in dealing with each case.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
Board of Adjustment
5. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes
b. Yes, it takes the burden off of the city staff, in having to make all the
c. Yes, as long as its decisions are supported by the corresponding Commission.
6. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. I feel that the staff is very helpful to the Board.
b. No response.
c. Yes: City officers who provide reports to the Board need to do a more complete
job. In some instances the data is incomplete or inaccurate.
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. I feel that the staff is very helpful to the Board.
b. No response.
c. Encourage and facilitate interaction with board members who may need to secure
information on a case. Investigating staff should he available to discuss case
matters with any board member.
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. No added comments.
b. No added comments.
c. Improvement on the support the Board gets from the City in terms of the flow and
accuracy of reports it receives to make decisions. Although I have been tempted to
do it, I have restrained from abstaining in a vote because of lack of accurate
information from staff. This is particularly important since our decision is
scrutinized not only by a City Commission but also by the petitioner who has the
right to ask for reconsideration or appeal to a City Commission.
by Board
1. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. As described in Bylaws; to cause, increase and maintain communication and
cooperation of the citizens of Ocoee with the Ocoee Police Department.
b. Make suggestions to police that might make their job better. But not to tell them
how to do their job.
c. Work shop for policies, procedures and the handling of citizens when stopped.
d. Need instructions as to what our responsibilities are.
e. Advise the police of any wrong doings in my district.
f. Better communications between citizens and police officers of Ocoee.
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. To become familiar with the police staff and procedures. This can be done by:
meetings, ride along program, and volunteering in other ways. As approved by
Police Chief.
b. Being a good citizen.
c. None.
d. There should be a written instruction as to members duties and a system of
reporting activities in his area.
e. None.
f. Have board members ride with officers to learn procedure to help make Ocoee a
better place to live.
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. Yes; yes
b. Yes
c. Blank
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
d. A number of board members are retired so time should not be too much of a
problem. Yes, I would be willing to participate.
e. Yes
f. I regularly ride with Sgt. Fisher and could not attend other sessions.
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. We have recently made some attempts to review our Bylaws, and, I think this has
and will continue to give the council positive direction and encourage more
interaction between the citizens and OPD.
h. We have new members who want to change things.
c. The Board has no direction. Each member talks about speeding on the street. We
need to work with the Police Department on policies, procedures and ways to stop
speeding and crime.
d. I think, in general, our comm. (sic) a good job. I have always felt that a formal set
of rules should spell out our responsibilities.
e. I think it is in the right direction.
f. I have no further suggestions but when I do, I shall be sure to speak up at our
5. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes. As I just stated I feel the City will see the results of our new commitment
within the next 12 months.
b. Yes - We give input to the Department
c. No. See response to question #4
d. I feel our board does an adequate job but with duties spelled out in writing it could
be more effective.
e. Yes
f. I think the board is very important and is effective as we need and want.
6. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. The Police Chief has a short list of items that will aid the CACOPD.
b. No.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
c. Not at this time.
d. I think the Clerk's office and the secretary do an excellent job. Very good!!
e. I think the Board is doing O.K.
f. No.
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. The City Officials, thru Commissioner Anderson, also has a short list of action
b. No.
c. Not at this time.
d. Issue written instructions of duties. Make sure sound reaches the rear of groups
seating area.
e. None.
f. No
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. Just a reminder to the City employees, Commissioners, and all staff. - We don't do
it for money.
b. Meeting start on time and ending on time. I hate to sit and listen to someone go
over and over the same thing.
c. Would like to see progress reports.
d. I am soon leaving the Board. I have served for about 12 years and have enjoyed
my time on the Police Board. I would be willing to serve on some board in the
future if the City needs me.
e. No comments.
f. I am satisfied with the "status quo".
by Board
I. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. Our primary function is to ensure that our City Codes are enforced fairly and
without discrimination. We need better training and education.
b. To act as an impartial judge in cases of Code violations that cannot be settled by
the Code Enforcement Officers.
c. The Code Enforcement Board primarily functions as the judiciary body to support
the Building Department in its enforcement of city rules.
d. To enforce the city's codes and present Ocoee as a desirable, attractive place in
which to live.
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. We need to develop a new member training package that includes a meeting video,
administrative and hearing rules, a copy of F.S. 162, sunshine info, and Roberts
Rules. A current board member will spearhead contact and help.
b. Interpretation of the Codes of the City.
c. Board members should be adequately trained in all areas of Code Enforcement.
d. An understanding of the Sunshine Law, basic parliamentary procedures, and the
abilities and responsibilities of being a board member.
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. Yes, I learned a great deal at the FACE conference last week.
b. Possibly
c. Yes, I would be willing to participate in training that the City provides as long as
the hours of training are conducive to my work and family time.
d. Yes, I would participate in training sessions, but they would have to be outside of
working hours.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. We have been heading in the right direction for years and every year we are a little
better. I would like to start an ambassador program, where I intend to attend
board meetings in other local cities to establish a personal link for the exchange of
information and ideas.
b. Yes - Uniform system for levying fines.
c. Yes, the Code Enforcement Board is headed in the right directions.
d. Overall, we're headed in the right direction. Continue to select passionate,
educated individuals who are willing to serve.
5. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes. Of all the cases that come before the Board, we have a better than 90%
compliance rate. I think the Department's comp rate may be over 80%. I would
love to see the stats compiled on that.
b. Yes - Most violations are brought into compliance without ally lines being
c. Our Board is effective because I get a chance to talk with Ocoee citizens and they
are aware of the strict consequences of Code violations.
d. Yes - We are able to enforce the city's codes and attain compliance.
6. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. I think that you all are doing your very best and improving all of the time.
b. No - Common sense prevails.
c. No response.
d. The building department does more than enough to prepare us from keeping
detailed records to providing courtesy phone calls to remind us of meetings.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. I think that the City needs to schedule a work session between the City Commission
and each individual board at least once per year.
b. Don't over code.
c. I feel that City Officials can show more support by being a part of the formal
meetings to show citizens that Ocoee means business when it comes to Code
d. Continue to respect what the Code Enforcement Board does.
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. I think the weakest point in our city is the total lack of connection between our
Police Department and virtually every other part of our city process. Perhaps one
member from every board should be a member of the Citizens Advisory to the
Police Department. Also, one member of the City Commission should attend every
Board meeting.
b. No added comments.
c. No added comments.
d. It might be useful to provide training to board members on inclusive
communication. Many times someone will make a comment that can be offensive
to someone. For example, when a board member says, "I can't pronounce those
kinds of names." an individual from a certain ethnic background may feel
discriminated against.
by Board
1. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. Our primary function is to address the educational concerns of our community.
We need to research and then advocate methods in order to address these concerns
and provide the best education possible.
b. Function: To improve and, then maintain, a (high) quality of education for
students in Ocoee. Primary Need: More involvement from the
community...often meetings are attended by those whose interest is primarily
political or OCPS affiliated.
c. More clarification about the function of the commission. Does it merely receive
information or should it adopt resolutions or make recommendations to the City
d. To inform the public, and intercede on their behalf, regarding educational issues.
e. To be aware of educational issues in city and make recommendations, as needed, to
f. To serve as a liaison between the City Commission and Ocoee citizens and the
School Board of Orange County. To serve as advocates for the educational system
and the needs of children enrolled in Ocoee schools.
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. All members should be trained in proper procedures (Roberts Rules).
b. Members need to be familiar with policies and procedures of the School Board
(local) and the DOE (state). Often these entities limit our effectiveness as a board.
c. How to receive and channel information. Information about structure of city,
county, and school board entities; explanation of "Sunshine Law."
d. I'm not sure. Our meetings seem to be training sessions with guest speakers
keeping us on top of current educational issues.
e. Various speakers from OCPS, presentations from city schools (principals, PTA's),
etc. Also literature to read regarding educational issues.
f. General knowledge of the education system, funding, curriculum, etc. and an
interest - personal or professional - in assuring the optimum opportunities for the
maximum number of students enrolled in our schools.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. Absolutely with adequate advanced notice.
b. Yes - on both accounts
c. I would be willing to participate if the schedule fits my personal schedule.
d. I have time during the summer.
e. Yes, as long as there is enough advance notice to plan.
f. Yes, attendance at School Board state meetings, PTA conventions, or FASA state
conventions would be helpful.
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. Yes for the most part.
b. The only suggestion I have regards educational programs. I would like to see
Ocoee focus more on the quality of education (programs, books, technology,
community involvement) versus the appearance of education (number of buildings,
plants, trees - landscaping).
c. Several members have left the Education Commission because we have not had a
clear function.
d. Yes - I have learned more about Orange County Schools in the 1 year I've served
on the Education Commission, than in the 18 years I've been an employee of
Orange County.
e. Yes. I feel the Board could be a little more open minded especially regarding
f. Yes, we're making progress; we attend local school board meetings and we've had
a range of speakers.
s. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes, although it took some time to absorb all the concerns and obtain information,
we are now beginning to explore solutions for our educational concerns.
b. Although OCPS limits a lot of what our board is able to accomplish, I do think
that we have maintained a positive working relationship with OCPS. I do think we
need to improve our communication with residents of Ocoee.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
c. We have been effective in facilitating communication between our group and the
local public schools and the county system. We have not been effective in
communicating information to the public.
d. Yes. I think people feel they have an impartial, informed liaison to assist them in
dealing with specific issues.
e. Yes. We have made several recommendations to the Commission regarding
educational issues in Ocoee.
f. That probably is yet to be determined; that is, how effective we are.
6. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. There seems to be a need for a clerk to handle paperwork, calls, etc.
b. No response.
c. Prepare summaries of City Council decisions which are related to education.
Notify Commission members when there are items of interest on the City Council
agenda. (This has been done sometimes.)
d. No, they are always very cooperative and helpful.
e. No response.
f. You serve us already; thanks.
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. There should always be a member present at our meetings. They should keep us
informed of their concerns.
b. No response.
c. Prepare summaries of City Council decisions which are related to education.
Notify Commission members when there are items of interest on the City Council
agenda. (This has been done sometimes.)
d. Continue to support us!
e. Just continue to support us.
f. Yes; support our efforts.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. It is a pleasure to live and work in a city that identifies concerns and includes its
citizens in the decision making process.
b. I have, thus far, enjoyed serving on this board. My husband and I moved to Ocoee
one year ago to try and get that "hometown" feel. We very much enjoy residing in
this community. We feel proud and honored to be able to serve this city and want
to see Ocoee maintain its hometown pride and spirit.
c. No added comment.
d. Lester Dabbs has been a valuable source of information. He is the backbone of our
e. No added comment.
f. No.
by Board
I. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. Function is to offer, in an advisory capacity, ideas, planning, and ways that will
help to offer a wholesome recreation program for all the citizens of the City of
b. To bring concerns, solutions and ideas as what is needed for recreation
opportunities in Ocoee. To support the recreation department.
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. Need is an understanding of the means of funding:
1) Programs (many & varied)
2) Personnel (qualified through education, training, and experience)
3) Facilities (well planned to meet needs of present and future)
b. An understanding of parliamentary procedure. Be aware of what Parks and
Recreation do and can do. Know how things are funded and what all is funded
from the same monies.
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. Willing to participate if training time can be set according to board meeting dates.
Volunteers must set and meet daily schedules.
b. Yes, I have a tight schedule it would depend on if I could arrange it.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. Yes - Can improve with a better understanding of City government procedures.
b. The members of the board are very professional and bring many varied ideas of
what types of recreation are needed. There is good discussion and sharing of ideas.
It is also okay to disagree.
5. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes - As long as members take a realistic understanding that their efforts,
attendance to meetings, and a serious and sound effort be made to assist the
Department and the City to reach goals of offering a first class program to all.
b. Yes, for the most part. Many of the projects that are brought to our attention and
we discuss and research are supported by the commissioners.
6. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. City Officials can listen and respond in a cooperative manner. Then Board
members and City Officials can work together to best serve all those who live in
the Center of Good Living.
b. Not really. When we need additional input those who are involved have usually
obliged our invitation.
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. No response.
b. Just remember when we support an item it means it's been discussed, researched
and we have come to a fact based decision. It's not just something we casually do.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. Please try to understand my thoughts as presented - good luck.
b. No added comment
by Board
1. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. To invest employer and employee contributions to the general employees pension
fund; to choose an investment manager, monitor, and actuary and to have trustees
keep abreast of legislation - federal and state - which affects Boards.
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. A background and general knowledge of the investment process, terms,
conditions, etc. The pension funds can be used for specific training of trustees.
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. The pension funds provide dollars for training.
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. Yes, we've begun dialog on a regular basis with affected employees and we're
investigating the records of investment managers whose total return record is
better than our current manager.
5. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes - see previous answer; plus the 5 year return is over 12% though the past 12
months - a turbulent time in the stock market.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
6. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. We desperately need a recording secretary to take and transcribe our meeting
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. Continually consider the budgetary ramifications of improving the multiplier.
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. No.
by Board
I. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. To help the employees of the City of Ocoee get good benefits.
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. Previous supervision of a staff, as well as involvement with Human Resources staff
on a day to day basis in the outside world of government.
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. I'm not sure I agree with training sessions.
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. Yes this board is on the right track.
5. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes, at bare minimum, I think everyone understands the benefits available for city
employees. Although during discussions, the laws that pertain always seem to come
up, which helps decisions to be made.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
6. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. No response.
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. On this Board, I feel the Officials should stay out.
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. The HR staff is always very willing to help and up on everything. As stated above
the Mayor and Commissioners should stay away.
by Board
1. On the Board you serve, what do you see as its primary need and
a. To assist and recommend actions to be taken by City Commission based upon
information and guidance of city planning staff.
b. To review all packages that are eventually go to the City Conunissioner with our
approval and recommendations.
c. To hear residents and if they are unable to be there, to ask the questions for them.
To protect their future lifestyle in Ocoee by not repeating mistakes and anticipating
their future needs.
2. What training do you feel is necessary for members to effectively
participate on this Board ?
a. Basically, to be "plugged in" to your neighborhood; listening to fellow citizens
about their concerns for the direction they feel their city should be going. No other
training should be required.
b. You should be able to read the packages, understand what it does, formulate any
questions you may have, listen to the presentations that are made, listen to the
comments from the public, evaluate and vote on the package.
c. (1) Community involvement
(2) Attending meetings prior to serving on board
(3) Commitment to doing a good job
3. If the City of Ocoee is willing to pay for training sessions for all
Board members as the need arises, would you be willing to
participate in training sessions that the City will provide? Would
you have the time available to participate in training sessions ?
a. The programs we have attended, so far, put on by the Local Planners Association,
have been extremely informative. And I'd like to see these continued. Also,
keeping us aware of our legal requirements is mandatory.
b. Yes
c. Yes, evening hours
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
4. Do you feel your Board is heading in the right direction? What
suggestions do you have to improve the direction of the Board?
a. Yes; maybe a little more one on one meetings, especially, for large or sensitive
issues. BEFORE packets sent out and meeting of board convenes.
b. Yes
c. (1) Yes I think there is a need so the residents can feel they are a part of the
decision making in their city. (2) I think the direction of this board could be
enhanced if we limit the number of years on the board a member could serve. This
will keep fresh ideas, new thoughts flowing. (see 115 also)
5. Do you feel your Board is effective? Please help us by responding
with an explanation of either a yes or no narrative.
a. Yes; I feel the more people with a tangible interest are involved with a decision, the
better chance that a concept will be adopted and will work. And this does not
mean that the staff is deficient in any manner.
b. Yes
c. I think our board could be more effective if the decisions made were considered
important. Sometimes, I think we are just there to go through the motions, since
we have no real power to change anything at our level, only to make suggestions.
G. Can you describe anything that a department that serves your
Board or the Office of the City Clerk could do to assist in your
Board process?
a. The Planning Staff deserves much credit for `muddling' thru the grind of the
processing and negotiating with developers, etc. And if there were more of them
they could possibly handle our requests for research and initiative questions.
b. No.
c. No. The departments that serve our board are thorough.
Volunteer Board Member Survey July 2000
7. Can you describe anything the City Officials can do to assist in
your Board process?
a. Please realize that this Board puts much thought into our recommendations. And,
I ask that before a vote is taken or a position is held, that full consideration is given
as to why we voted to recommend what we did.
b. No.
c. Limit the terms!! Including myself.
8. Are there any comments you would like to add regarding the
boards? If so, please use the space below.
a. I think that no one should be restricted to what, which, how many volunteer
boards they choose to serve on. Or even, where they live in the city. Those people
who will be self-serving will definitely show their intentions and can be not asked
or approved by the Commission to serve.
b. No.
c. No added comments.