HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(I) Change Order No.1, Water Distribution Mains, Phase 3, Part1 Agenda 10-19-99 Item VII I "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT 6 CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL COMMISSIONERS R a 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE p SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON y:1•N IV (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER �,44 Gp G OOa CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: October 14, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David Wheeler, P.E,47-47,,-/ Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Water Distribution Mains -Phase 3 Part 1 Project Change Order Request No. 1 Attached for your review is Change Order Request No. 1 on the Water Distribution Mains - Phase 3 Part 1 Project with Prime Construction Group, Inc. The Phase 3 Part 1 Project included a new water main along Ocoee-Apopka Road, from Palm Drive to Fuller's Cross Road. This change order request was initiated by City Staff to cover an item not included in the original bid and adjust for additional maintenance of traffic requirements. The items included in this change order are: Item 1-A-Addition Maintenance of Traffic Required by Orange County: Ocoee-Apopka Road is an Orange County operated and maintained road. At the time the project was permitted through Orange County only the minimum standard requirement for single lane closure was proposed and approved. Therefore, the original ROW Utilization and Underground Utility Permits issued through Orange County only included the standard MUTCD design for maintenance of traffic as required for single lane closure and the bids were all based on that requirement. After construction started, the Orange County Field Inspector observed the significant traffic volume on Ocoee-Apopka Road and amended the permit requirements to included lighted message boards as additional traffic control. These lighted message boards were to be used at all times when the contractor was closing the north bound lane for construction. The excessive amount of construction traffic related to the construction of the western beltway and its associated maintenance of traffic compounded the situation. The cost to perform this additional work was $7,210.50,with no increase in contract time. Pow Protect Ocoee's Water Resources (,) Item 1-B -Addition of St. Augustine Sod Line Item: Collison Carey Hand Funeral Home on Ocoee-Apopka Road has St. Augustine sod. Project specifications require the matching of replacement sod to existing sod. The original bid schedule did not include a line item for removal and replacement of St. Augustine sod, only removal and replacement of Bahai sod. The City's position has always been to match existing sod. The cost to perform this additional work was $1,600.00,with no increase in contract time. The total cost for this change order is $8,810.50 with no increase on the contract time. The dollars for this change order will come from the project's construction contingency. This change order amounts to approximately 2.53 percent of the original bid price of$348,840.00. I recommend that the City Commission approve Change Order No. 1 with Prime Construction Group, Inc. by increasing the contract amount by$8,810.50, with no extension in contract time, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Change Order No. 1. Attachment 1) Change Order No. 1 Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE V/�r . Engineering/Utilities 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CITY OF OCOEE Water Distribution Mains -Phase 3 Part 1 PROJECT NO. DATE: October 14, 1999 CONTRACTOR:Prime Construction Group,Inc. AGREEMENT DATE:May 18, 1999 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $ 348,840.00 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $348,840.00 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $ 8,810.50 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $357,650.50 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 150 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date: October 28, 1999 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: October 28, 1999 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 0 Days Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date: October 28, 1999 00842-1 CHANGES ORDERED: I. GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1, Definitions, of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES Item 1-A: RPC 001: Additional Maintenance of Traffic required by Orange County. Orange County required lighted message boards in addition to the designed maintenance of traffic plan for this project. These lighted message boards were to be used at all times when the contractor was closing the north bound lane for construction. Item 1-B: RPC 002: Addition of St.Augustine sod removal/replacement at the Collison Carey Hand Funeral Home on Ocoee-Apopka Road. Project specifications require the matching of replacement sod to existing sod. III. JUSTIFICATION Item 1-A: RPC 001: Ocoee-Apopka Road is an Orange County operated and maintained road. At the time the project was permitted through Orange County only the minimum standard requirement for single lane closure was proposed and approved. Therefore, the original ROW Utilization and Underground Utility Permits issued through Orange County only included the standard MUTCD design for maintenance of traffic as required for single lane closure. After construction started and the Orange County Field Inspector observed the significant traffic volume on Ocoee-Apopka Road and amended the permit requirements to included lighted message boards as additional traffic control. The excessive amount of construction traffic related to the construction of the western beltway and its associated maintenance of traffic compounded the situation. Item 1-B RPC 002: The original bid schedule did not include a line item for removal and replacement of St. Augustine sod, only removal and replacement of Bahai sod. The City's position has always been to match existing sod. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS Item 1-A: RPC 001: Costs were based upon actual work performed,rental of equipment and labor. Item 1-B: RPC 002: Costs were based upon negotiated prices and established markups for profit and overhead. V. PAYMENT Change Order Description Net Increase Unit Unit Price Net Increase Item No. (Decrease)Quantity (Decrease)Price 1-A:RPC 001 Additional MOT per Orange County $7,210.50 Requirements 1-b:RPC 002 Addition of St.Augustine Sod $1,600.00 Total Net Increase Change Order No. 1 $8,810.50 00842-2 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. Acknowledgements: The aforementioned change, and work affected thereby, is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order;and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges, by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order, that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA By: By: Signature '`' Date: Date: Title: Title: APPROVED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA • Owner By: S. Scott Vandergrift,Mayor Date Attest: Jean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF , 199 UNDER , 199_ AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY&LARDNER By: City Attorney 00842-3 Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL -` i� „ ti Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE ° 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) �,�'< av 4 Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835-fax NO. OD M i000.` PROJECT DATA: NAME: Water Distribution Mains-Phase 3 Part 1 PROJECT NO: DATE: �J �//��/� LOCATION: Ocoee Apopka Road REFERENCE: OTHER: TO(CONTRACTOR): Prime Construction Group.Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in work: 0roel°✓ !A.,"f Y/ P"Z./c� Uaic,c i2, v if1, ,•4A f G'r.t 0 P //3 A t MP,ssa .ate bOOrds Pot- add,lina/ jrL7t-C"rL cn.,7`red . T,ro re,eiSsG/�c�L. /b&cto/s I-Jam/[.. /P.�fAreZ� 4j1'fn A-^/1 .5OL4-71.1 -/&Gr,,-+ 1 FGr 0e./iZ� -4�cL /r,a riJ✓Jt dr, firj / �' n^,r, ino� 0/p,S/Qn inr /4.4e 01 S�'Ani/,i lf1 14 7-c4 /OY1uf l/^IIU., r �lAr /� a J I [/f / kOa<v/i( U%(,P 5)i1 J/e. lGn L lJS i.rr(i /n 7/7 P t Jr7 s7/UL 7,•j/1 arao Change Order Type:0 Deletion 3 Addition 4 Revision 4 Other:( ) a firGM6. VGi.i✓1 {, r;—o1 t4r:P:;._ d '1G.r/S in And Constraints of Change: 7 �Q /n o S< l / 1 /rdd 'Y r!i/t 4/f 1 5� Gr e9c•,n�'/ ,)na C5e) s-7i,Ac. 7,�., UC\ fil4 1,-,63- r,/n hP,l7i w.4 y. , ( � G,ter 11',I to J�M 1 S G n 0T' S 7f/c�G�)G^ i7T �' G1,�n, �e9„�lr�Mr,� � wGc rF��i' �r/�,- � , Initiated by: 4 Changes in Owner Requirements g Unforeseen Conditions 4 Others:(K) Proposal must be received by: • ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1 4. Of4.n(IIfi LC r..#1 A; Perri f/ 1. Contractor Request for Information No. J r 5. 2. Plan Revisions: 3. P Ci r /P,-fcl- /I A-t,,', 7/?,7 /9 q 6.4 OWNER: nG✓ld ►/A r,PLfir/ G Ii ciP 0cae 4 CONTRACTOR:%cel fie/a!r0✓L1 Ia'/61 C. CD^57‘ Sr 4 FIELD: FrOIA1G 6rv1G ) Cit'v yF OGUZL 4 ENGINEER: • d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: 4 OTHER: d SUBCONSULTANT: Date Received From Contractor: -T�/y 2, 3 19 9 9 Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. d Established Contract Unit Price(s) B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) °Actual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor • ..... .. ...... .....:..rr:••. .. ,,r.. ...........}............. . . . :4�.Q.UA�ft�' ...,::.•::::<:.n:.., ....... ... .. ..•.. ':'2:i��::f::2}:'si: :% 5 e, 74,1a h ") Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 2. �G} EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: / As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of A/C.? additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: �' ko. /1 F 7,0 �y Cra->:f c, Co,,t y PH 6//,, k eces/ems ,',# Comments: �/S /GG a ice[, M� ,� n h 7' u L I- i // G e, sl,e�/ alb",A. la.z 7'r l 4 F74/ Grefi s.r d.r �/ i t r;,1 710r c. 9e0� Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: 4 Y• - "" Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: ADC44 S 6,s /7/11 C. G• l 0. :��✓`A/ Date: 16/y/99 Signature: '�✓/ of , '/:riii !:w„• (O« /,.'e agree to the costs and terms of RFP oo /(Company) (No.) (Name) this /yam day of C7o..r.'- ,199 rj (day) (month) (rot) 00847-2 `-a,-kjl5 rt, - q 1.Yr•n)aJ:Z4-"d S"7B] ttta-a' '• I - )--%mo ->.3.aerrL O roc,,.7-5"°,, h >,-1,r -t oz „r, 7 H 1> -Y-,-7-*t'"'T.] ''e rMA• _-e or n..m,d-, "II �cvo, vvv� � -Jo � 7ati1 9 _ ties d`�H,, c++mw•r••,v,) �) Y� c*'Z,�M _ +�- W'J NV?�-,),,m 3y -.cv .-.-'d i- l?3a-. b- ,-.dr- 1� cP r\ "UV cy ^'� y"o I - y1".."1 p ',+"-"3 a -moors 11,M S•Jy,r . f`., O osl r,.o,l-,--/`v1rr..j CV 02i 4 71 aZ !!M u .. -_ �-- C.TJ.3a�r,a t,d C-7Qi- C, ��9 y,+7,w -,oy]3`^n'7 -.r.+oZ T1b o M lit) S',ogw1-S • VApp g 110A3S . - Tr . —�-7-7-�=/ / 1 .31` ° Y Pe CI' ,ram 4, ,. a r — °S __I ti �/ �� _ 'ram 'fI % i o°� --�"_.°°s —� ' .1830 Jt -`' IONS w\MO 1 ).1N o� � d �d Q3n t!T..a'd '••,)31iZtZ Qi`)1t=', -- tu:-rvt yv`M' . 0.1 - (`.w^.0Qd'77—7-7":Dv2* efj a ^ 72 1 -i i, r+.c+vom d-S:Y ( -xhMyvi'i+yd) �:ot- 1'0.1 Jrv'N +v'Ti_ Or.r..5- . —N,c,t-,r:-6iq• %,,.c-n-riPD Tst+a'tJr3 -v-d 'V0 `-u-n3-)_ \D`17.1-`lid "13-,rr+s C'' vJ(.1cr:1:-. c. tivt, or,. •••^,-u-2 vB cti ;-sa*,c010 2r►c+-1- 1�", P)— c7 �Z818--)SS (,ls] a$\g_�S8-toh ot, ';\ t 3c,t11� 0Z et_ C"ns-vats, a-- � 6 �ZE try �ar•o,vp JJ SN7,-)1,�aQ -1ma t7rsM3"3T3 ?` ,yrn QM! r 3r' 7 Or'+1- i,r^Wo -r.,-,0-i lwrovip, SZiS ..>t„, t,-,,---,.v '.1_7,,,,c9 -swo,-vd 'oy N\ 2'7,d.:.^.oT Qas-��eB saao� :3`ro.) i,3cs-)0 •�Tr-+Q+�Y' S�0- J S1D �Y ,d ad �70 --- • • C•,P;, . t••••:. ; ' :▪ 1..r▪ 'SHEETS'C -5(P..�► L).7HRU ' . •• •,- PART'2 EM ;r; SHEETS C-B - iik . 1 • . ,: E .li i_ _ 7/r /!t" int - - • om��� ` ii . . .... 1 ..,.,. . . • ..„ . ...s...:. . 1 . . .. . tM IIA . 1$\ . it VIGNETTI PARK ` lit I mum %A ... - T-1 Tic . •Rai • . . g! ...in. . . at . is .., \\1L.\ a � .. . R 4a lip .{ alLit • am . Li iiii .• s „ .,. ti • escrisHil • 1 1,.. 4. . . .,. .• . . . .. s . 1 .1, . . • . , • I • :. : , .„.. . .. . . , • ,.__• . •. . • . . . • - . . : ..,...1, . , . . •a N - _ . ' . :ti,.Imil' 'r'`..' , • ' BUFF �• . ' ) I r f M( •. •1 • BUR ♦• CENTRAL . I ..::1:.' .. . \ ' i • .4: . 11 1---••••' • . ...se-yid _ . . ;,. . • ISE •qi.. lc . - 't 4,..". i Li • . • I J _ r• +.... '. • .. . . .I 1 r M Ca 1 .. . --i ;RT • �� ` e� 1 (`-- REF .1,‘ .-13....•!.t1,;,,ji.:..—9IT.....4-.. • eye▪ : tAik.i t1"•'•r: •. ssA }•.`.:. •1 I • -_:• ,• —"� -ter; e•,11�t ''• 0'• 'f• Cevi •• - .c t4C • a 1 • • --as . • ...... —� �• r .••., 1...r,y -.'1 •,�4.••., �I;`4-.$, ::.•.f. ' Iri l • .. .,'l' 1 ,' •i, f .'`',,• • f c1::..'g.•' it _. .-. ,,4. PRIMP CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. 6528 Force Four Parkway - Telephone 07-8�18 Past office Box 590507 FL License 407-8illOGG 5-8104 02 Orlando,FL 32859-0507 June 8th, 1999 Mr. Gary Rogers, MOT Director Orange County Permitting Department 4200 S. John Young Parkway Orlando, Florida 32839-9205 RE: City of Ocoee Water Distribution Mains Phase III, Parts 1 and 2 ROW Permit# 99R1204 & Utility Permit# 99U 1204 Dear Mr. Rogers: Per your request, I submit the following: Anticipated Start: 6/8/99 Project Duration: Three Months Cross Streets: W. Silver Star Road, Palm Drive, Damastus, Fullers Cross Road, Clarcona-Ocoee Road, 10th Street, 11111Street, 12th Street, 13th Street and Wurst Road Please See Plan Sheet and Schedule Work Performed: Installation of Water Distribution Mains On Site Contact Fred Schultz 407-466-1369 I will have Jim Hargrove contact you by phone as soon as possible to clarify and details. We thank you in advance for your kind and immediate attention to this matter. Respectfully, Susan K. Sanchez Project Coordinator Enclosure: Plan Sheet Construction.Schedule • r P ; P 3 �D If ii II t Af I i ' I, c v x +�lit ip In P u 3 P t S�` 0 1� k h 0 Z Y P 'o a ' 1a Y ra } I+r R i o E all x : lf� �, g , C;. n g Z, 'S \ en 9ww �� A w + . • r W • i1 I - 0, • :.,,t. ri 1 . t t w•• ' I^ fi, tr r tt,,�� tCD rn i E F 1 tl 1 Or l✓ uNe S3 6• s tj n • di t 2 D in in isZ ' lir : 1 . 2 v A' f I • 1 P o a.I 8u ei 0 i ct. e Z. I if, �yCc -=rr w kg?l'?-� o v it le g 1 id t tl i 'P • j 1 Cep v ' j • mZ E iT. ,� O 1 A t b L r 'P r ` il �`. � C 6X �. R ° u 1 c� • J y o S' • Q a m fn FiL LO • 0,74). \ A i .a 1' • a?cfar N •,1, € S,-a • I'?V?)r-911 I r , ,i, i. A 7. r r o I Ir ° .. •n 1 I i.. 3 n� JUL.27.1999 12:14PM NO.865 P.1/2 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. 5528 Force Four Parkway Telephone 407.856-8180 Fax 407-856-8182 Post OfficeBox 57 FL Fax #CGC 037504 Orlando,FFL 32B5959A507 - my 27t, 19 CITY OF OCOEE 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Mr. David.Wheeler RE: Water Distribution Main Phase III, Part 1 - MOT Extras Dear David: In our letter of June 9`h we brought to your attention the request by Orange County for additional MOT on the above referenced project. Per your authorization, we hereby submit our request for payment per the attached invoice and as follows: Message Board 6/8/99 to 7/16/99 38 days @ $75,00/day $2,850.00 Message Board 6/16/99 to 7/16/99 31, days @ $75.00/day $2,325.00 Subtotal $5,175.00 Sales Tax $310.50 . Rental Total $5,485.50 Handling including: PCG Truck, Driver, Laborer in AM & PM $25.00/sign/day $1,725.00 Total Change$7,210:50 Should you have any questions or comments, please contact me. Sincerely, Susan K. Sanchez Project Coordinator Enclosure /sks `UL.27.199 12:14PM„maNO.865 P.2/2 VeI� 7_i./ tz �R &I ,I R IGADES ,INc:•. REFER TO INVOICE Iti].7 .5 MAIN OFFICE 9215HOT6LIN ROAD/SL1N1rSE,FW 393?h 05 6b4{i076 e�ai TELEPHONE:(954)423-2627 MIAMI 9a5 b25 67.5 SEueE DO �_J- C FT.LAUD. 561 27z-aaa7 [mod Sale4. 594000 ct DELRAY SERVICE �atisl�.d; Lgrcc, , a4cd e�ikm W.P.BEACH (561 585-aem yy���������� TAMPA (BI3 BBd-051B IEavaaa es•I ?air et lsd•, �1�• 684!d4• W..BEACBURG_ ((b15 521�577 U SAFAT (441�957.1961 4 - - S`� G S ((9a1)656.a JACKSONVILLE (9a4 375.814 3:L7447 / PRX014 6AIKs0N LE (352 375•B1a0 07 ASS-71B5 O ( ND 4 PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP IhIC" ORLA ORLAN ARI!ONA (02)272.'.4 P. O. BOX 590507 FT.LAUD EXECUTIVE TOLL ORLANDO 1, FL aR 859-0507 OFFIC FREE c9a 20 PLEASE CHECK •AREA: BILLING P1;R1CO ' I.tI0M�` •'J.INVOICE.DATE .,.. • : NEC 10.DaY5' YOUR.JOB STATUS; I .OVls i./ 'i,,$!, ••�'.OFti 1, C3;.' ••i.• ;( 'r.! .. PURCHASE •• • `,. ' -- ':►di;; • ' • .;. r" • , . ::IOa': •• , OCEI✓-fi.''T .1c,4k i';C:I3"fie sJ:.1�.vEr ••STAr- ORDER NO. :;I• ,NO. ADQRES•S• . -- • • Item Description Period Price Extended _- PricePrice -.----- _ -VM --- MESSAGE EOARD-0006 . DAILY RATE ., 3S 75.8{} 2850.00 API MESSAGE BOARD-B69(370DAILY RATE 31 75.40 2325.00 RENTAL PERIOD VM •V69(3 6/16 TO 7/16/99/99 P LETE VMM COMPLETE CONTRACT 91118 & 91325 • • r 7 l; c1 JaagP 6 (� CON T RU CT O 11 URU O P Tao 30R ,a0B 0®ST* l ?c ........ G & IACO ST# MECINVED ,�� 6 .1999ki. [ u? a IME CONSTRUCTION GROUP,INC. !'tea ray Skl PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE • 5495. 0 TT - NO STATEMENT WILL BE SENT ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: 921 SHOTGUN ROAD/SUNRISE,FLA 33326 SEE REVERSE FOR ITEM DESCRIPTIONS OCO_�.. CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Engineering/Utilities FOR PROPOSED CHANGE 150 North Lakeshore Drive (407) 656-2322 ext. 142 (RFP) Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 656-7835-fax NO. DC) 2 ;f 4ffp Of GOO`�i PROJECT DATA: PROJECT NO: NAME: Water Distribution Mains-Phase 3 Part 1 DATE: LOCATION: Ocoee-Apopka Road REFERENCE: OTHER: TO(CONTRACTOR): Prime Construction Group.Inc. Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7)calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. / f CA(ty NA nOt/ F„ -)clef/ f-641e, y fhZ SO C( e,/pU?.^'i d"Y. DESCRIPTION of change in work: l,/�D���50^/ _/ J� L / // 5A 4.r4. u.s -.',1 e. SGU� 7/0 MG7'40A e K/s -,i,,t., 5O/ 7110re, i.✓C.J 4 G,. l of /�G✓Z h E G/� v ) J f 1 G G n X 1 frill cr;, .eft is s.-✓aiv c.. l-,16/ti's, Change Order Type:d Deletion Addition d Revision a Other:( ) Constraints of Change: T> M G 7/r; 6 X/s Jr- J Initiated by: l_%Changes in Owner Requirements d Unforeseen Conditions d Others:( ) Proposal must be received by: —- ATTACHMENTS(Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 5. 2. Plan Revisions:3. Pr,r� Inc, /Q ct de-i3O+/ /0//z./99 6. d OWNER:Opsid l�de Llel, C' dGe,° d CONTRACTOR: T/ 0 � d FIELD: F,Gn/, 6,4 G I?i 1 (I )7'Y G(. °Wet. ENGINEER: OTHER: d CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: d SUBCONSULTANT: • Date Received From Contractor: Date Returned to Contractor With Comments: Date Returned to City: . 00847-1 PRICING INFORMATION: Method of Pricing: A. d Established Contract Unit Prices) B. d Negotiated Unit Price(s)(including Overhead and Profit) C. d Negotiated Lump Sum(including Overhead and Profit) dctual Cost of Work plus Fixed Percent for Overhead and Profit E. d A combination of A,B,C,D DESCRIPTION OF WORK d By General Contractor d By Subcontractor t, is.`: ...Y, .....r.:..:.tV. .... .... ....../... .., ........... .....:...... ........ ... ........:.:;n..:.4>:x ,:?t.:,'�::sz:i::tf'.:°�:;:a:. :!o- itigetiegitaNiMbegiiiietilT`tlAD ::,.:a:ttt;:::t: :;::: :.Rtfi SP,C A-,7r.RP�Jf /.IOCUM 47'4,1)m Attach additional pages if necessary. NET TOTAL COST OF THIS CHANGE PROPOSAL $ I6c • G EXTENSION OF CONTRACT TIME: As part of this Change Proposal the Contractor requests an extension of the contract time in the amount of additional days. Provide thorough documentation in support of the request for additional time: A requirement of this Change Proposal will be to provide record drawing information for all of the affected items of work RECOMMENDATION BY ENGINEER/CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATOR: Comments: 7a te).G',C/A, XI $7/.es ���/i Signature of Engineer/Construction Administrator: a��c_ 'i ' . Date: ACCEPTANCE BY OWNER: Comments: 4OGLSf `✓1 i4 C•G .�? �'�!�' Date: lD/z/// 7 Signature: p��"�f`'l/1 - of 'O nr au5%• l i' e agree to the costs and terms of RFP 00 (Name) (Company) this day of C.,' v r-r✓ ,199 /7 (day) (month) (Yzaz) 00847-2 OCT.12.1999 2:04PM NO.022 P.13/13 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET PRIME CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. 5528 Force Four Parkway FL License#CG C037504 P.O. Box 590507 FL License#CU C056650 Orlando, FL 32859-0507 FL License#PE 0039513 Telephone: (407) 856-8180 PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY IF ALL PAGES Facsimile: (407) 856-8182 HAVE NOT BEEN RECEIVED LEGIBLY. SEND TO From CITY OF OCOEE JIM HARGROVE Attention Date DAVID WHEELER 12-Oct-99 Fax Number Phone Number 407-656-7835 407-656-2322 x122 Urgent ❑ Reply ASAP Please Comment Document will not be mailed For your information Total pages (wl cover sheet): I REFERENCE: WATER MAINS PHASE 3 PART I-RFP ST.AUGUSTINE SOD COMMENTS: . There is no line Item in our contract for St.Augustine Sod. PCG was directed to replace sod at the funeral home in a quantity of 400 SY. The requested unit price change is as follows: Cost to PCG $2.25 •. . PCG Grading Labor S1.18. • Subtotal $3.43 +15% Contractor's Fee $0.52 _ $3.95 + 1.25% Bond $0_0 . 400 SY St, Augustine @ $4.00 NET CHANGE C $1,600.00