HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(N) Authorization To Award Vehicle And Materials Storage Building Construction Contract To General Constructors Inc , Agenda 10-19-99 Item VII N "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER - Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL 0 � COMMISSIONERS a.. • \p 1 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON . OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON y> 11-') (407) 656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER Of GOOV� CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: October 12, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: David A. Wheeler, P.E4'O" Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Vehicle and Material Storage Building Award of Construction Contract On Tuesday, October 12, 1999, bids were received for the Vehicle and Material Storage Building Project. The attached figure shows the general layout of this project. The building has approximately 7400 square feet of storage area under roof, which is divided into five rooms. The largest room is a six bay garage which will allow the Utility Department to park the specialty vehicles in to keep them out of the elements and to maximize the longevity of the vehicles. There are four material storage rooms, the largest being used to stock and store water distribution and sewer collection material needed for maintenance and repair of those vital systems. The other three smaller rooms are for storage of equipment for lift station maintenance, wastewater treatment spare parts, and a spare room for overflow and catchall. The Vehicle and Material Storage Building will be a pre-engineered metal building constructed where the small storage sheds are located, just to the south of the Operations Building on the Wastewater Treatment Facility site. The access road along the east side of the property will be pushed to the east to allow for vehicle maneuvering and parking for cleaning. The existing stormwater pond, located beside the Operation Building, will be removed and new stormwater collection and storage are included in the project. The project was publicly advertised in the Orlando Sentinel. Seven contractors submitted bids on this project. Their bids were: Pow1r Protect Ocoee's Water Resources , CONTRACTOR BID for VEH. &MATL STORAGE BLDG General Constructors, Inc. $565,403.00 Tiger Constructors Inc. $614,700.00 Canco General Contractors, Inc. $635,962.00 WeschMark Corporation $643,207.00 DC Project& Construction, Inc. $659,000.00 L.I. & Company, Inc. $681,980.67 Doug Ross Construction Company, Inc. $796,900.00 Engineer's Estimate $614,200.00 The Vehicle and Material Storage Building was proposed as a necessary facility to lengthen service of the specialty equipment owned by the Utility Department and to allow for more storage space for material to operate and maintain the water, sewer and soon to be operational reuse systems throughout the City. The building was identified in the 1997 Utility Bond Issue as vital to the continued operation of the City's utility systems. The attached letter from Glace & Radcliffe, Inc. is a recommendation to award the contract to General Constructors, Inc. in accordance with the base bid. The project will be funded from the 1997 Utility Bond Issue. The Engineering Staff concurs with Glace & Radcliffe's recommendation to award the Vehicle and Material Storage Building Project to General Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $565,403.00. This construction cost of this project is approximately 7.94 percent lower than the engineer's estimate. The intent is to secure bonds and insurance certificates, execute contract documents, and issue the Notice To Proceed as quickly as possible. The construction schedule requires the contractor to be completed within 210 days. Action Items: 1. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with General Constructors, Inc. in the amount of$565,403.00 for the construction of the Vehicle and Material Storage Building Project in accordance with the following steps: • Authorize the Engineering Department to execute the Notices of Intent To Award and secure executed contract documents,bonds and insurance from the contractor. • Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the contract with General Constructors, Inc. at such time as the contract documents are reviewed for compliance by staff and legal counsel, as needed. DAW/jbw Attachments Pow Protect Ocoee Water Resources '� FROM : GLACE8RADCLIFFE, INC.-- PHONE NO. : 407 539 0575 Oct. 13 1999 03:56PM P2 L. 0: GLACE& ItADCLIFFE. INC. Consulting 1?ngineerS G `uticu ttta�v 630 Ni.Wyman Road,Suite 371121:Maitland,Florida 32751 (407)647•66 23 fax:007)539-0575 A WCG.inc.Company !;•mail:wcl1ftrtwa.com October 13, 1999 Mr. David Wheeler Assistant Utility Director City of Ocoee 150 Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida Re: City of Ocoee Vehicle and Material Storage Building Bid Summary and Recommendation G&R Project No. 98518.01 Dear Mr. Wheeler Glace& Radcliffe, Inc- has performed a thorough review of the construction bids that were received at the Bid Opening for the Vehicle and Material Storage Building on October 12, 1999 at 2;00 PM. Attached, please find our Bid Tabulation Form in which the bids were checked for mathematical errors and/or omissions and other items that may effect the outcome of the bid process. We have shown the bids received in order of low bidder to high bidder within the form. Upon completion of this bid analysis and review of the bid package, Glace& Radcliffe, Inc. recommends an award of the contract for the Vehicle and Material Storage Building to GCI (General Constructors, Inc.)for the low bid amount of$565,403.00. Though there were minor inconsistencies within the bids received, none effected the overall outcome of the lowest bidder. I trust that this information is sufficient for you to move forward with your approval Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Brett Long or myself. Sincerely, GLARE&RADGL:WFE, INC. 8sa,tc,Eas;rt► P . Prc4�tngl1eer- CC: "BFiatL.Long(=G&R File#98518.01 PT o_ CLBid Summary ID City of Ocoee iii Vehicle and Material Storage Building m Bid Dale:OsloOw f2,tead Engineer:Grace i RadcM'e,lnc. co V1 Dote Rmcaslm&n lane... •-+ S000ule of Bid news _ ESRneels E6tinare Crnceal Constructors,Inc_ Tiger Coosln00s,11C, Casco Wa1Wred1 Corp. 90 Noce 8co-.mosn,wroscono 1.1 I Co. re Base Bid No Dsspirdon 1 0016140 I UPI U1A Price I Ta1al Pnn Unll Mee I Total Price Wit Pile I Total Peon DM Price I Total Price Unf Pda I Total Prim UnA Nice Toil Price UMPriee Total Price Vnil Pow I Tmai Para 01 L___.- .. __..._.T�.___ U I A!obil0aucn,OmroDil¢ation.Bonds and PeenA. . O I.D1 falaslnnancr 594 di Total Bld LS swam mi 110A60,o)1610.500.00 $10,0D0.0D 330,03000 330,003.00 65,00000: 1,3 000.03 _$38,500.00: 35B,5E0.03i 332,950.00 5323955000 323062.00! $23.052.60 $35,000m 335,000.00 I 92 Munro!ColsiiEont•Division 1 ...•.__-_. 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