HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (F 1 & 2) Silver Crossing, Project No. LS-99-002: Preliminary/ Final Subdivision Plan; Preliminary/Final Site Plan Agenda 12-21-99 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" 1MAYOR•1COMMISSSSIIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT v` �� 'D CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS 4 DANNY HOWELL 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON rf Ocoee, FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON , (407)656-2322 NANCY J. PARKER `4 OF,000O�` CITY MANAGE0. ELLIS SHAPIRO STAFF REPORT DATE: December 15, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner 9.r THROUGH: Russ Wagner. AICP, Director of Planning SUBJECT: Silver Crossings Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan Preliminary/Final Site Plan Project#LS-99-002 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary /Final Subdivision Plan and Site Plan for Silver Crossings? BACKGROUND: The Silver Crossings development involves 9 acres of land located in the northeast quadrant of the Clarke Road and Silver Star Road intersection. The parcel at the intersection owned by the Amoco Oil Company is surrounded by this site, but is not part of this proposed subdivision. The Silver Crossings subdivision includes a 7.9 acre parcel for a shopping center (Lot IA), a 1.0 acre outparcel (Lot IB) and 0.1 acre of additional right-of-way for Clarke Road. The proposed shopping center, which is the subject of this site plan, will include a total of 67,238 square feet (the outparcel will be developed later). The anchor tenant for the shopping center is Publix. The subject property is currently zoned C-2. The property surrounding the site has R-I-A zoning (north - proposed subdivision for single family homes), PUD zoning(south - Olympia PUD), and C-2 zoning (west - shopping center; east - vacant). The property is currently vacant and has a mixture of open pasture and trees (mostly oaks). DISCUSSION: The Silver Crossings development will have two points of access from Clarke Road, one from Silver Star Road and two from Lake Johio Road along the eastern edge of the site. There will he cross access to the Amoco site at two locations, providing two additional access points, one each on Clarke Road and Silver Star Road. There will also be cross access between the shopping center parcel (Lot IA) and the outparcel (Lot 1B). A 6 foot brick wall with appropriate landscaping will be located along the entire northern boundary of the site adjacent to the proposed residential subdivision. power Jsit Protect Rcoees Plater Resources •� December 15, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 2 A unique feature of this subdivision is that the stormwater management system and sanitary sewer system are designed to be joint systems shared with the proposed Lake Johio Subdivision just north of the site. A portion of the joint retention pond will be located along the northern edge of the commercial site, but the majority of the pond will be within the residential subdivision. As a result, the stormwater retention pond occupies a relatively small portion of the site. Even though a portion of the pond is on the commercial property, the entire pond will be maintained by the Lake Johio Subdivision homeowners association. The lift station to be located within the Lake Johio Subdivision will serve both developments and will be owned and maintained by the City. There will be a recorded agreement between the two developers which ensures that both the joint stormwater management system and joint sanitary sewer system will be constructed along with whichever project is developed first. During the Staff Review of this project it was noted that the developer is netting more usable area on the site than a comparable site, because most of the stormwater retention pond is situated off-site. It was also noted that the proposed total amount of square footage and the demands of Publix relating to the design of the parking lot appear to have a direct impact on the need for most of the waivers being requested. (See Waivers 1, 3, 4 and 6 discussed below) These waivers could be eliminated by reducing building square footage, reducing the number of parking spaces, or reducing the size of some parking spaces. The proposed number of parking spaces currently adheres to the Land Development Code (Code) requirements based upon gross square footage. However, Staff has no objection to a reduction in the number of parking spaces based upon gross leasable area. Staff has also indicated that it would support waivers on the size of parking spaces (which was done with the West Oaks Mall) in order to avoid some of the other proposed waivers. Staff has been advised that Publix will not accept smaller parking spaces or fewer parking spaces. Developers of other similar sites in the City have succeeded in designing their projects to meet essentially all of the Code requirements. I lowever, in spite of gaining more usable area on this site by shifting most of the stormwater retention area off-site, this developer has designed the site in a way that fails to meet a number of Code requirements because the developer is unwilling to reduce building square footage (which would also reducing parking requirements) or reduce the number or size of parking spaces. All developers seek to maximize development of a given site, but such development must be within the requirements of the Code. If all the waivers proposed for this development were approved, then the effectiveness of the Code reflecting relatively high standards for commercial and industrial development would be seriously undermined. Major Issues: The Conditions of Approval for the Silver Crossings development are listed on Sheet 3 of the Plan set. Following the Conditions of Approval is a list of 8 proposed waivers from the Code requirements regarding various site design and building design issues. Two of the proposed waivers listed in the table are supported by Staff(#2 and #5). Waiver # 7 would be supported by Staff if it were revised to reflect language currently being proposed as a Code amendment related to site lighting. However, Staff believes that if all of the additional changes to the Plan (which were listed in the DRC Staff Report) arc made, none of these other waivers would be necessary. December 15, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 3 The following are Staffs reasons for not supporting the other waivers listed. It is significant to note that the City has never given waivers on most of these requirements. • Waiver #1 (30% open space) - Some of the landscape islands within the parking lot do not meet the Code requirement of a minimum 180 square feet in size. Staff believes that many of the other islands should also be enlarged to meet the intent of the Code to provide appropriate green area (10% of the parking area) and safe traffic operations within the parking lot. If all of these landscape islands were enlarged to meet the intent of the Code, Staff believes that this proposed waiver would not be necessary. Our understanding is that the only justification for not enlarging the landscape islands to meet Code requirements is that this would result in a loss of parking spaces. • Waiver #3 (15' landscape buffer along public roads) - Minor modifications to the design of the parking lot would eliminate the need for this waiver. However, this may result in a loss of a few parking spaces. • Waiver #4 (sidewalk leading from Silver Star Road to front of the shopping center) - Rearranging parking spaces to provide more open space in the parking lot would allow this required sidewalk to be provided. Staff is willing to support smaller parking spaces and/or driveways to accommodate this required pedestrian amenity without the loss of parking spaces. • Waiver #6 (minimum size of planting area far trees) - As indicated in the discussion on Waiver It I,the developer in unwilling to meet the Code requirement on this issue because if the islands are enlarged, parking spaces would be lost. • Waiver #8 (screening of roof mounted equipment) - In the current design. the parapet wall on the rear of the Publix building is not "at least as tall as the tallest equipment extending above the roof-line" as required by the Code. The developer has taken the position that further modifications to the rear of the building to meet this Code requirement are not necessary. Even though the design currently proposed may screen the roof-mounted equipment from a 'line-of-sight' from property lines, the equipment will not be effectively screened from southbound motorists on Clarke Road or the adjoining subdivision. • Waiver not listed but needed(exterior design elements on the rear of the Publix building to break up its large blank wall and the long roof line) - the Plan currently shows that the rear of the Publix building will be about 275 feet long and 23 feet tall, with roof mounted equipment and enclosures extending even higher. The current design provides no architectural variation on this large expanse of wall as required by the Code. December 15, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 4 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The attached Preliminary / Final Subdivision Plan and Site Plan for Silver Crossings was reviewed by the Development Review Committee(DRC) on November 17, 1999 based upon the attached DRC Staff Report. There was a long discussion on the proposed waivers, but agreements were reached on only a few issues, and many of the other issues in the DRC Staff Report were also not discussed due to time limitations, The developer was not willing to make any further changes to the Plan which would result in reducing the outstanding issues. Rather than continuing the Staff review of this Plan until more issues could be resolved, the developer specifically requested that this Plan he forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission so the City Commission could take action on it in December. When the vote was taken, the DRC voted unanimously to recommend denial of the Preliminary / Final Subdivision Plan and Site Plan because there were so many elements of the Plan that did not meet Code requirements. A copy of the transcript from the DRC meeting is attached to and by this reference incorporated in this Staff Report. PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On December 14, 1999, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing regarding the Silver Crossings Preliminary / Final Subdivision Plan and Site Plan. Staff presented its recommendation for denial because there were so many elements of the plan which do not meet Code requirements. Staff indicated that the Plan could be revised to meet Code requirements and would be supported by Staff if changes were made to reduce the total amount of square footage, and/or to reduce the number of parking spaces, plus other changes to be made as indicated in the DRC report. During the hearing, the Developer's attorney went over all the proposed waivers, indicating that it was his view that most of the elements which do not meet Code requirements are only deficient by a small amount. He also indicated that the Developer may be willing to make a few additional changes to eliminate or modify some of the waivers to come closer to meeting Code requirements. However, the attorney indicated that, considering the efforts that the Developer has made to meet the intent of these Code requirements, the remaining waivers are justifiable. Both the Developer his attorney answered questions from the Commission on various elements of the plan. During its discussion, various members of the Commission indicated that they felt the project should meet Code requirements. They felt that there are other Publix shopping centers which have been built to very high standards with a lot of green space and pedestrian amenities (the Publix in Metro West was cited as an example) and that this Publix should also be built to those high standards. Over the objection of the Developer's attorney, the Chairman indicated that the P &Z Commission would not try to negotiate these waivers and the numerous other outstanding issues, and that that should be done through the development review process with Staff The Chairman and other Board Members emphasized that the P & Z Commission wants to see this project developed, but it needs to meet the requirements of City's Code, providing high quality commercial development, and that if the City grants waivers indiscriminately, the entire Code would be undermined for other developments. December 15, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 5 When the discussion was finished, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-1 to support staffs recommendation of denial for the Silver Crossings Preliminary / Final Subdivision Plan and Site Plan, date stamped received by the City on December 10, 1999. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendations of the DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commission deny the 1) Preliminary / Final Subdivision Plan and 2) the Preliminary / Final Site Plan for Silver Crossings as presented, date stamped received by the City on December 10, 1999. Attachments: Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan/Site Plan,date stamped December 10, 1999 Staff Report Presented at the November 17, 1999 DRC meeting Transcript from November 17, 1999 DRC meeting \\Police furl\plvrning\C'ALEXANDER\ALL DATA\CAPDFILE\StatlRports\CC SR\SR99080doc The Orlando Sentinel,Thursday,December 2, 1999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF OCOEE SILVER CROSSINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.that Ise OCOEE PLANNING ANDZONING will hoda PUBLIC HEAPING O onir Tuesday. December 14. rethrr SSnoa m or as soon thereafter t as and the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION dhold a PUBLIC NEARING on Tues- aly.December 21.1999 at they regular at 715 p.m.orsoon there. session, as possible. he Cmmission Lakeshore DD•�e`Ooee"Floridaatto Con- sider nc Subdleliz on Plan. knoownln l Site IL edLont enoaalnec The of tie locat- ed on nandeClarke corner the Silver aet oar Road and Clarke Road mrersec- ton The complete project lire.including a le- gal descript.on of me subject properM may be inspected at the Ocoee Plan- ning Department.150 North takeehore Drive.between the hews of a 00 a m. ands 00 pm.Monday through Friday extent legal holidays_ The Ocoee Planning and Zoning Corm n or Ocoee City Commission m y do continue the public hearings otherh dates and times as y deetm Yinterested hall be advisee that Anye dates,e and Plac- es continuation or times or inn- �oed public hearingsshallbe an- nounced during the hearing end thaalt no other notices regarding these will be pub9ahed- rted partiesmay appear at the ,Interested hear.ngs an e heard with re- spect to the eppll<alion. My person who desires to appeal any decision made during the public hearing may need a record of the proceeding and o this ebdc1moceeigisrat� eord 0 e Proed- ns made which includes the test- many and evidence upon which the ap- peal is based.Persons with disabilities needing assistance to panleipate in any the proceedings should contact the oflry Clerks office 9e hours in advance of the meeting at 1a01)656-2322. JEAN GRAFTON.CITY CLERK. CITY OF OCOEE December] 1999 OLS3037054 DEC.t1939 • "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER 0\ Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS •� # d 150 N. LAKESHORE,DRIVE DANNY110WELL O SCOTT ANDERSON cf JfP `` OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON 9 ((407)656-2322 NANCY J. PARKER OF GGG� CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: November 17, 1999 TO: Development Review Committee FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner /THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning j SUBJ: Planning Department Recommendation Silver Crossings, Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan Received November 16, 1999 The most recent submittal of the Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan for Silver Crossings (received Nov. 16, 1999) has incorporated many of the revisions requested by staff during the last review. However, there are still a significant number of revisions which still need to be made which are listed below. There are also several proposed waivers from various Land Development Code requirements which the Planning Department will not support. Given these circumstances, the Planning Department recommends denial of this Preliminary/Final Subdivision/Site Plan, as presented. Alternatively, the Planning Department would recommend approval of this Plan if the following conditions are met prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission public hearing: A) All the proposed waivers listed below are eliminated and appropriate revisions to the Plan are made to meet Code requirements. B) All the plan revisions listed below are made to meet the requirements of the Land Development Code. Proposed Waivers to be Eliminated: If all the revisions to the plan suggested by the Planning Department are made, these waivers would not be necessary. 1) Waiver# I: 30% required open space 2) Waiver#3: 15' required landscape buffer along public roads 3) Waiver it 4: Required sidewalk leading from Silver Star Road to front of shopping center 4) Waiver#6: Minimum size of planting area for trees 5) Waiver# 7: Maximum foot candles of light in the parking area POW Protect Ocoee's Water Resources November 17, 1999 Development Review Committee Page 2 6) Waiver# 8: Screening of roof mounted equipment 7) Waiver not listed but needed: Required exterior design elements on the rear of the Publix building to break up this large blank wall and the long flat roof line. Plan Revisions to be Made: 1) The Clearing and Demolition Plan (Sheet 2) should include numbers (on the drawing adjacent to the trees) to identify the trees to be preserved on the site, which match the numbers in the Tree Chart. 2) Revise the grading plan to provide more protection for the three existing trees near the northeast corner of the site which are to be preserved. An 8' radius around each tree is not enough to protect the roots from damage due to cut and fill around the trees. 3) Coordinate with the designers of the Lake Johio Subdivision to make sure that the design of the northern boundary buffer wall will join with the Lake Johio Subdivision wall along Clarke Road. 4) The total area of all the landscape islands within the parking lot areas should equal at least 10% of the total area of all the vehicle use areas (parking and drive aisles). Many of the landscape islands still need to be expanded to meet the minimum size requirement (180 square feet for single islands, 360 square feet for back to back islands). Also, some islands need to be modified for traffic control reasons. 5) Clearly identify the location of the irrigation well and controls on the landscape plan. The note regarding painting the BFP assemblies on Sheet 10 (in the Ocoee Corridor Landscape Code Notes) needs to be changed to indicate that they are to be painted black. Also revise the notes in the Well Detail on Sheet 12 to indicate that all the equipment will be painted black and that it will be screened from view with landscaping. The chain link fence enclosure needs to be eliminated. 6) The transformer and generator located near the northeast corner of the Publix store need to be clearly identified on the landscape plan and all the equipment needs to be screened from view with shrubs and trees. If there is a fence proposed around the generator, it needs to be eliminated. 7) The lighting plan appears to show several conflicts with light poles located very close to oak trees. Provide a site lighting plan which shows photometrics over the entire site. 8) The elevation drawings should include more vertical articulation of the roof line and more detailed decorative features along the rear of the Publix building. It is suggested that vertical elements running up the walls of the building and roof line elements similar to those used at the Publix entrance be used along the rear of the building. 9) the materials used along the rear of the Publix building need to match those used on the Retail A and B buildings - sand finished stucco on CMU rather than painted CMU. The rain gutter down spout running diagonally across the back of the Publix building also needs to be eliminated. November 17, 1999 Development Review Committee Page 3 10) Revise the second line of the first of the two "Publix Wall Notes" (Sheet EL-2) to read: ... minimum 5'-0" above roof to screen roof mounted equipment." 11) From looking at the elevation drawings, it appears that some of the roof mounted equipment will not be adequately screened. Revise the parapet walls to be higher or add larger"penthouse"walls to completely screen all roof mounted equipment. 12) Provide colored drawings of the proposed buildings or colored pictures of existing buildings which these buildings will be modeled after. The sheet which was provided with a few color samples is not sufficient. Some actual samples of the materials may also be helpful. 13) The three western-most parking spaces in the two east-west double rows of parking located in front of Retail A need to be eliminated to get the parking areas out of the 15' landscape buffer along Clarke Road. 14) The handrail along the top of the retaining wall east of the Retail B building should be changed to a decorative railing rather than the typical FDOT Index railing shown in the detail on Sheet 7. 15) The plan currently shows the pavement at the north end of Lake Johio Road to be narrowed down to 24'. The current plan for the Lake Johio Subdivision provides a modified entrance with landscape islands in the road associated with their gated entrance features. Please coordinate the design of this section of Lake Johio Road with the Lake Johio Subdivision plans. 16) It is suggested that the Justification section of proposed waiver ft 2 listed in the Waiver Table be revised to read: "Shared parking among all users in the shopping center will reduce the overall parking demand". 17) Provide a 6' wide sidewalk through the parking lot leading from the sidewalk which currently ends near the northeast corner of Lot 2 to the front of the shopping center. The Planning Department would support a proposed waiver if necessary to reduce the depth of the parking spaces below 18' to allow more flexibility in designing open spaces within the parking area. 18) Provide wheel stops for the nine parking spaces facing the sidewalk running along the east side of Lot 2. 19) There are inconsistencies between Sheets 6 and 3. The sidewalk between the two small parking areas and the out fall structure for the retention pond need to be shown on Sheet 6 consistent with Sheet 3. RWL \\Police_firel\planning\RLEWIS\ALL_DATAUIpdfile\Development Review(1999)\MFP99272.doc "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoeo S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT o _, O CITY OCOEE COMMISSIONERS .r — CITY OF DANNY HOWELL • Q 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON ^�rFq ``,`?0 OCOEE,FWRIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON or Gp6o (407)656-2322 NANCY I PARKER CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO SILVER CROSSINGS 4th STAFF REVIEW Utilities/Engineering November 16, 1999 The following comments are offered in addition to the previous comments dated October 28, 1999. The comments numbered 1-12 and 14-48 have been resolved and require no further action. The remaining comment is numbered to correspond to the numbers on the previous comments. 13. The irrigation plan does not clearly indicate that the irrigation system will have a connection to the reuse main that is being extend from the Lake Johio PUD Subdivision along Lake Johio Road. The irrigation system piping should be designed to accommodate this looped connection. A callout needs to be added to the irrigation plans indicating the two systems will be tied together and the irrigation piping for Silver Crossings has been sized accordingly. Comments from Engineering Staff Review: Tony ierz icki, E.I. Engineer I POWer Protect Ocoees Water Resources NOV-17-SS 10- 14 FROM:FOLEV 8 LARONER IU=40 /ti4[f1 (cis r,a,.c aia ffpdrD FOLEY & LARDNER O4, 1 1999 MEMORANDUM CITY OF OCOEE ciern. tArTER NUMB&R 020377/0403 TO: Ellen M. King, Development Review Coordinator FROM; Martha H. Formella, Esq., Assistant City Attorney DATE: November 17, 1999 RE: Silver Crossings - Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan, Public at Silver Crossings - Preliminary/Final Site Plan In connection with the above-referenced application, we have reviewed the following documents: 1. Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for Silver Crossings and Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Publix at Silver Crossings stamped received by Foley & Lardner November 16, 1999 (the "Plan"); 2. Letter from Ronald Henson II, P.E. of Design Service Group dated November 16, 1999 and stamped received by Foley & Lardner November 16, 1999 (the "Response"); and 3. Owner's Affidavit stamped received by the City of Ocoee November 16, 1999. This memorandum supersedes our memoranda dated February 17, 1999 as revised March 18, 1999, August 19, 1999 as revised September 9, 1999, and November 4, 1999 as supplemented November 11, 1999. Based upon our review of the documents noted above pursuant to the new Land Development Code, we have the following comments: 1. As requested in Comment 2 of our memorandum dated August 19. 1999 as revised September 9, 1999 and in Comment 1 of our memorandum dated November 4, 1999 as supplemented November 11, 1999, please provide an Owner's Affidavit on the City of Ocoee form executed by the current owner, Silver Crossing, LLC. For your convenience, a form is attached. 2. As requested in Comment 7 of our memorandum dated August 19. 1999 as revised September 9, 1999 and in Comment 4 of our memorandum dated November 4, 1999 as supplemented November 1l, 1999, please delineate and label as Tract A the portion of the joint use pond located on the Property. 006.128413.2 Nuv-le-`JB 10. 14 FKUM.ruLF,Y 5 LHNUNtK l u. 4 n in..eiiiy.o • ...... - .- 3. As requested in Comment 5 of our memorandum dated November 4, 1999 as supplemented November 11, 1999, please add the phrase "including Tract A" after the word "improvements" in Note 12. 4. Please add the following Condition of Approval: A Declaration of Reciprocal Easement Agreement between the owners of this Shopping Center and the Property to the north, which is acceptable to the City Attorney, shall be recorded prior to the pre-construction conference. If you have any questions regarding this matter. please do not hesitate to call. Attachment 2_ 006.126463.2 NOV-17-99 10. 15 FROM-FOLEY 8 LP.RONEK lu 9nib4v, i4.n a ^`-L ""' Application for Subdivision or Site Ran Review CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COUNTY OF Before me, the undersigned personally appeared •who being fist duly swan on oath,depose(s)and say(s): col ver Cr o sib ,I J C• 1. That theyah raefis pfe fee-simple owner(s) of the property legally described in this application and that the attached ownership list is made a part of the affidavit and contains the legal description(s)for the real property.and the names and coaling addresses of all owners having an interest in said lard. a That they/she/hedesire(s) SUXIV1.51Oh'tanciSdC paw, ectir ro col (speedy action sought)for said property. 3. That they/she/he/have/ appointed r inh't-n RY/A.VYAnnI th (specify himself Or agent)to act as e Owner's Authorized A4jera to represent the Owner in connection with the proposed action and the real progeny described in this application 4. Thai they/she/he agree to be bound by the actions of the Owner's Authorized zed Agent designated in Paragraph 3 above and the Ocoee land Development Code. 5. That they/she/he affrm(s), c rtit(y)(les) and will amply with all ordinances. regulations and provisions of the City Code of the City of Ocoee.and that al statements and diagrams submitted herewith are true esaccurate the best hreosoeadent application and aat m shall become part of of official records the and of Ocoee, not returnable. 6. That the accompanying adjacent property owners list Is,to the best of their/her/his knowledge. a complete and accurate list of the owner's tames and marling addresses for all property lying within three hundred(300)feet of the perimeter of the subject parcel as recorded on the latest official Orange County Tax Rolls. 7. That prior to the public hearing, d applicable. signs coil be PromirenilY posted on the subject Borcelard not less than twelve days Adjustment, and oil remain posted until final determination, after which time thee by the Planning and Zoning notice or the Board re of ed yy� notices are to be removed and d�oyed. �jitVef' C.vD55flg h l-Lr Owner's Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me ins_ day of . . 19_,by who 13 personally know to me or who produced as identification. and who took an oath. Notary Pudic My comrfisslorr expires: FORM-17 8 NOV-17-99 10- 16 tHOM•FOLEY & LPRONEF IV 4O/b491 /"e Application for Subdivision cc Site Plan Review Owner's Signature Swan to and subsaibed before me this day of . 19_. by .who l5 personally know to me or who produced as identification and who took an Oath Notary Public My commission expires: Owners Signature Sworn to and subscriber]before me this day of . 19 . by Who is personally know to me or who produced as identification and who took an oath Notary Patric My tmvnission expires: FORE -17 9 NVV- l /-S 10-. lb }NUM FULLYa. LHHVNER IU 44 /thMW (' J • .mom u. 0 Application for Subdivision or Site Plan Review OWNERSHIP LIST OWNER'S NAME: St1%r)PIr rXo inti Lir M'E7 ' OWNERSHIP IiEST: T� 51MyIP� - 1[X16Ja MAILING ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I ) Si 1 Jer Ar -J taco rd i i/ t5 +lam_ Q lad' H�cretr`t as rncnrAe2A v Qla+ Pm1� 2F1 Pac Izo ?i,�1ak Qec t D-F OraMme WI/HT EincriAa • OWNER'S NAME OWNERSHIP INTEREST: MAILNG ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FORM-17 10 Memo To: Don Flippen, Building Official From: Jim Washington,Asst. Building Official CC: file Date: November 16, 1999 Re: Silver Crossing Subdivision response You have a DRC on Wednesday and I received the submittal packets for Lake Johio and Silver Crossing today. We have already discussed Lake Johio (Private Drive) issue; however, I did not have time to discuss Silver Crossing with you. Attached is the written response(hylited in pink)which states they wish a compromise. Attached is a copy of part of the sheet from the new submittal. There is existing sidewalk (hylited in orange) on Clarke Road and new sidewalk proposed (hylited in green). Although this is not ideal, it does provide for our citizens to use the crossing facilities at Clarke and Silver Star to enter their development. Your opinion is needed. My files on the DRC items are on my chair. I'll be in to work as soon as I can. You can call me at home if you need to tonight. •Pagel Ms. Ellen King DSG Project No. 98-073 Page Four November 16, 1999 CAPITAL PROJECTS/IRANSPORTATION PLANNER(Continued) 2. Applicant agrees to provide additional traffic data if needed following the City's review of revised plans. 3. Applicant is in receipt of impact fee assessments. 4. No response required. BUILDING OFFICIAL 1. Sidewalks were already provided along Clarke Road and Lake Johio Road frontages. A sidewalk has now been added along the Silver Star Road frontage adjacent to the future north right-of-way after the FDOT taking(Lots 1A and 1B - Sheets 3, 4, and 5). Applicant does not agree to build Lot 2's sidewalk for them. Attached herewith please find five (5) revised sets of signed and sealed Site Construction Plans and three (3) sets of Storm Sewer Pipe Tabulations. Also, pursuant to your telephone conversation this morning with Donna Wolters, we will deliver, under separate cover, a copy of the submittal package directly to Ms. Martha Formella, Foley & Lardner. Thank you for your continued assistance in processing this application. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to advise. Yours truly Ronald Henson II, P.E. Project Manager RHII:dmw Enclosures cc: Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. 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