HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (A 1 & 2) Professional Road Design Contract Professional Engineering Consultants: PEC Addendum No. 99-19, Part "A" Roadway Design Plus Maguire Road Utility Deisgn; PEC Addendum No. 99-11, Part "B" Roadway Design Agenda 12-21-99 Item VII A 1 & 2 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OE(VEST OR:INGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDERGRIPT O COMMISSIONERS • ". CITY OF OCOEE ,ii �14# DANNY HOWELL 1F Q, 150 N. LnK(!SIIORH DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON rF,_.�[ OCOF PIARIDA 3 476 1-2 2 5 8 RUSTY JOHNSON c.�•'y �7 N?V (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER A4 Of GaO9VN, CITY MANAGER HATS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM Date: November 22, 1999 To: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners From: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director lr,Y Subject: Professional Parkway I Old Winter Garden Road Design Contract On December 7, 1999 the City Commission approved an Interlocal Agreement between Ocoee and Orange County for the design, permitting and construction of the referenced roads. That Agreement also dealt with the funding of this work, and a copy of the Agreement is attached for your reference. Also attached for your review and action are two design proposals from Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. for the design of these roads. To date, PEC has provided assistance to both Ocoee and Orange County in the preparation of the Interlocal Agreement, and in negotiations and evaluation of several tracts of land along both roads needed for drainage and right-of-way purposes. The plans being prepared now by PEC for the widening of Maguire Road will have several common features with the design for these roads. For instance, the drainage for Professional Parkway will be handled in a pond to be located on Maguire Road north of Professional Parkway. In addition, the Maguire Road/Professional Parkway intersection and traffic signal designs need to be closely integrated. PEC has submitted a proposed Addendum No. 99-10 which covers Part "A" of the roadway design as described in the Agreement, and also covers various utility design issues that we need to address as part of our Maguire Road design. The Part "A" design fee is $337,161 and the utility design fee for the Maguire Road project is $98,290, for a combined total fee of $435,451. These proposed utility system improvements will provide improved levels of service to the area along Maguire Road and to the developed and developing areas to the east and west. These improvements will be funded by the 1997 Utility Bond issue, and will form a major part of the primary collection and distribution system, and also complete several loops which will provide redundancy for increased capacity, pressure and fire protection. PEC has also submitted, in order to keep the bookkeeping simple, a separate proposed Addendum No. 99-11 which covers the Part "B" project. Part "B" is that portion from Blackwood Avenue to Hemple Road, and is the portion for which Orange County is entirely financially responsible. The design fee for Part "B" is $258,521. ov Power es 1 m 5ee=Yf L=I Rcv .... -. PEC's proposal includes geotechnical engineering services necessary to define the limits of any brick pavement which exists under the current asphalt. The plans and specifications will require the contractor to salvage and stockpike these bricks. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum 99-10 to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services between Ocoee and PEC for Part A of Professional Parkway and Old Winter Garden Road project and Maguire Road utility system improvements in the not-to-exceed amount of$435,451. I also recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum 99-11 to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services between Ocoee and PEC for Part B of the Professional Parkway and Old Winter Garden Road project in the not-to- exceed amount of $258,521. JWS/jbw Attachments POW" ';elect uwee's Water Resmirres PEC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. May 25, 1999 P-9147 MK-04 Mr. Jim Shira, P.E. City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 32761 SUBJECT: Professional Parkway and Old Winter Garden Road Project Roadway and Utility Design - Part A RE: Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Mr. Shin: We are pleased to present the attached proposal for Engineering Services related to the above-referenced project. The engineering services include permitting, design and preparation of construction plans for approximately 4,600 linear feet of roadway widening and utility relocation for Professional Parkway and Old Winter Garden Road. This project is a coordinated funding effort between the City and Orange County to widen Professional Parkway and Old Winter Garden Road to an urban four (4) lane roadway from Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue. Whereas Old Winter Garden Road is a County- owned road and Professional Parkway is a City-owned road, through a Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) the County will be financially responsible for 46 percent of the project and the City will be financially responsible for 54 percent of the project The City's portion is originally funded through the issuance of a 1998 revenue bond issue. The widening will include the realignment/redesign of Old Winter Garden Road with the development of an improved "T" intersection at Old Winter Garden Road and Professional Parkway. The proposed realignment/redesign will provide better east/west traffic flow, reduce traffic on S.R. 50 and promote non-residential development along the Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road corridor. Enclosed for your review are man-hour and fee estimates associated with this portion of the project. We axe prepared to complete this overall assignment within nine (9) months of written authorization from the City. We propose to perform the engineering services described herein based on a lump sum method of compensation not-to-exceed $435,451 without further authorization from the City. enc,o9ers planners surveyors 200 East Aninas- Street • Suite 15E0 • Orlando. Florda 32801 • 472272-8062 • FAX 407849-9401 Mr. Iim Shira, P.E. May 25, 1999 Page 2 We appreciate this opportunity to provide our services for this assignment. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, en th R. Hooper Enclosures G:\...\P-9147 cc: Tom Kelley P.E., PEC Arthur R. Austin, P.E., PEC Kathleen N. Gierok, P.E., PEC Fursan Munjed, P.E., PEC ADDENDUM NO 99-10 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSiB.TING ENGINEERING SERVICES )NCI TIDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONAL PARKWAY&OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD from Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue This Addendum No. 99-10 hereinafter called the Addendum, as of this day of 1999, shall constitute an Addendum to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services between the City of Ocoee, Florida (the CITY) and Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Lake Eola Centre, Orlando, Florida (the CONSULTANT), dated the 21st day of August, 1984, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT whereby the CITY retained the CONSULTANT to provide professional engineering services as required from time to time, and WHEREAS the CONSULTANT will perform consulting engineering services for the CITY as herein defined. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the parties do mutually agree as follows: Section 1 -Services of the Consultant 1.1 The CONSULTANT shall perform the Engineering Services as outlined in the Is %�" oC attached proposal dated May,, 1999 relative to the provision of consulting engineering services to the CITY. Section 2 - Compensation 2.1 Compensation by CITY for engineering services for Professioanl Parkway & Old Winter Garden Road from Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue are provided under this Addendum shall be computed under Paragraph of the Agreement, utilizing the Lump Sum Method of Compensation with the compensation for this authorization not-to-exceed $435,451.00 as outlined in the attached proposal and manhour fee. Section 3 - Time of Completion 3.1 The CONSULTANT shall provide the engineering services within a 9 month (270 day) period from the notice to proceed as outlined in the attached proposal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum No. 99-10 the day the year hereinabove set forth. Aa ��—r By: l � , ATTEST: K nneth R. Hooper, Principal Date: .S 2 / BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: ATTEST: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: For the use and reliance of City of Ocoee only. Approved as to form and legality this day of , 1999. City Attorney c:tctaRENvtoctocoeeA99-tt ANN 1= FINAL ENGINEERING MANHOUR&FEE ESTIMATE PART"A. 'roject Nome: Profes iutud Parkway&Old Winter Garden Road )escriplim: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue 'repaired B : Funan Mu jed Date: 05/03/99 _ No/Activity Sr.Probst Manager Pr.Jtd Rnglneer/PSM Sr.En Inter Engn t& Cadd Technician ;. Clerical TOTAL Man i Hourly Man Marty Man Ilourly Min` . Hourly Man Moody Man I Sourly Modicum Svbn Cat Monte• Hour i Rye Hours ate Hours Rate lgwa Rate Boon R hoot, .ale 'II Attiv& For MAO ou Rate ?nvironmental Effort 14 $34.88 28 532.00 28 524.72 28 $20.34 28 $16.74 IS $14.37. 141 $3330.27 $23.67 Roadway Plans _ 161 $34.88I 321 $32.00_ 321 S24.72 321 $20.34 321I 516.74 160 $14.39 1,605 538,024.68 $23.69 Drainage Plans 50 $34.88 101 $32.00 101 _ $24.72 101 $20.34 101 516.74 50 $14.37 504 $11,936.30 523.68 Signing/Marking Plans 17 $34.88 34 532.00 34 $24.72 34 520.34 34 $16.74 15 514.37 168 $3,997 71 $23.80 Signalization Plans 36 $34.88 72 $32.00 72 $24.72 72i $20.34 72 516.74 38 914.37 362 $8,555.34 $23.63 Utilities 19 $34.88 37 932.00 37! 524.72 37 $20.34 37 $16.74 19, $14.37. 186 94,406.35 $23.69 (yr IO 359.36 +. 593 18 976 O0 593 $24 658.96 93 12 06 .62 593 9 .82 :29T_M4,26T.89 2 966 90 250.6 . $23.69 Total Contract Fee Computation (Check Appropriate Block) 'Total Activity Salary Costs $70,251 (a) Overhead Additives 1.95 5136,989 (X)Initial Estimate 1( )Revised Estimate No. 1 Subtotal(Salary&Overhead) $207,240 (b) Direct Reimbursables(Out-of-Pocket) 912,816 (c) Geotechaical Work S23,867 (d) Aerial Photography $5,000 (e) Design&R/W Survey Work (Includes RfW Maps) $50,620 (I) Environmental Assessment $5000 I (g) Utility Relocations/Design $32,618 (h) Utility Relocations/Design(Maguire Road,Phase I) $51,917 (i) Utility Relocations/Design(Maguire Road,Phases 2,3&4) $46,573' TOTAL MAXIMUM FEE $435 451 rw.wsn..wo,m.wwmooda ENVIRONMENTAL.EFFORT Project Name: Professional Parkway &Old Winter Carden Road Description: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By: Kevin Perko Date: 05/03/99 SCALE BASIS OF NO.OF NO.OF M-II ITEM INTIMATE UNITS SIIEFTS UNITS L M--11 COMMENTS i ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS/PERMITS Environmental Resource Permitting: Field Reviews i Each I - 4 4 Summary Package L.S. I I 24 24 Includes calculations Prepare Application Package L.S. i 1 - 60 60 ' NPDES Permit ! LS. I - 16 16 L.S. I - 30 30 Based on 1 RAI Follow up Permit Work 1 SUBTOTAL i..., I....... 0 i 1 I14. L Supervision(5%) 7 of Subtotal L_ 1 1 rT 'PAL 14L. g:kkrieinighway‘datawk-O3rpdpky2 wk4 ROADWAY PLANS Project Name: Professional Parkway& Old Winter Garden Road Description: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By: Fursan Munjed Date: 05/03/99 SCALD BASIS OF NO.OF NO. OF M-11 (ITEM 1 ESTIMATE UNITS SIIEETS UNITS (DOTAL M--1I COMMENTS ROADWAY PLANS Key Map - Sheet I 1 8 8 Summary of Pay Items - L.S. 1 1 16 16 Typical Sections - Each 2 2 24 48 Summary of Quantities - Sheet 1 1 24 24 Plan/Profile 20' Sheet 9 9 48 432 General Notes and details Sheet 1 I 4 4 Intersection Details Sheet 2 2 24 48 e Old Winer Garden Rd&Blackwood Ave. Cross Sections Per Section 100 34 3 300 50' Interval Traffic Phasing Plans(see attached breakdown) L.S. _ 1 21 246 246 , Special Provisions I L.S. I 1 - 60 60 Computations Book L.S. 1 - 120 120 Traffic Analysis/Intersection Configuration/Storage Length Cales Intersection 3 - 15 45 t Maguire, Old Winter Gdn Rd&Blackwd Pavement Design L.S. 1 - 28 28 SUBTOTAL 1 72 1379 Public Meetings Each 2 - 20 40 Meetings Each 4 - 8 32 Field Reviews Each _ 2 - 8 _ _ 16 Supervision(5%) LS. - - - 69 % of Subtotal QA/QC(5%) L.S. - - - 69 % of Subtotal _ '.'. TOTAL - 72 `-1605 ,.' g:\dericeMighwey\dataVa-03\prfpky2wk4 TRAFFIC PIIASING PLANS (Included in Roadway Plans) Project Name: Professional Parkway &Old Winter Garden Road Description: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By: Fursan Mnnjed Date: 05/03/99 SCALE :BASIS OE NO ON' NO:OF. M•II r- ITEM 1'= ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS UNITS `TOTAL M II COMMENTS TRAFFIC PHASING PLANS General Notes L.S. I I 6 6 Typical Sections and Phase Notes Phase 2 2 8 16 Phase I 40' Sheet 6 6 9 54 Phase❑ 40' Sheet 6 6 9 54 Phase III 40' Sheet 6 6 9 54 Quantities(Computation Book) L.S. 1 - 16 1 16 Lane Closure Analysis I L.S. I - 24 24 1 11 SUBTOTAL _ 21 ': 224 1I: - :'. Supervision(5%) L.S. - - - II % of Subtotal QA/QC(5%) L.S. - - - 11 % of Subtotal 1 TOTAL 1'`: 21 T 246 :. g:‘elenmlTigburyklaatmk O3\PRPkn•vk4 DRAINAGE PLANS Project Name: Professional Parkway &Old Winter Garden Road Description: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By: Kevin Perko Dale: 05/03/99 SCALE BASIS OF NO. OF Na OF. M H ITEM 11= ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS UNITS TOTAL M—H COMMENTS DRAINAGE PLANS 1 Drainage Basin Map 400 Sheet 1 1 24 24 Drainage Map 100 Sheet I I 32 32 Summary of Drainage Structures - 1 Sheet I I 1 28 28 _ Drainage Data Sheets - Each 2 2 24 48 Retention Pond Design - Each 2 - 32 64 Includes Earthwork Calculations Pond Plans - Sheet 2 _ 24 48 Pond Details - Sheet I 1 24 24 Storm Sewer Tabulation - L.S. I I - 32 32 Drainage Design - L.S. I - _ I00 103 Drainage Calculation Book - L.S. I - 24 24 Erosion Control Detail Sheet Sheet I I 24 ' 24 II� i SUBTOTAL 7. 9 448 . Meetings - Each 2 - - 4 8 Field Review - Each I - 4 4 Supervision(5%) - L.S. 1 - 22 %of Subtotal QA/QC(5%) L.S. I - 22 % of Subtotal J g:kkd lughvryWaXsMk-03lprfpky2.wk4 SIGNING & PAVEMENT MARKING Project Name: Professional Parkway&Old Winter Garden Road Description: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By Fursan Mun'ed Date: 05/03/99 SCALE BASIS OF NO. OF N OF M-II ITEM 1'= ' O.ESTIMATE :' UNITS SHEETS;. UNITS.`.TOTAL M-II COMMENTS I SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING 1 i _ 1 Key Sheet - j Sheet 1 1 I, 1 4 4 Tabulation of Quantities - 1 Sheet 1 I 16 16 General Notes - L.S. 1 I 1 8 8 Plan Sheen 40' Sheet 5 5 20 100 Sign Details/Cross-Sections Each 2 I 8 16 Y SUBTOTAL 9 144 I J Field Reviews Each I - 4 I 4 Meetings Each I - 6 6 Supervision(5%) _ L.S. F - - 7 % of Subtotal L.S. - - 7 % of Subtotal .:. :TOTAL 9 lfi$_ , J g:klcnml hag hwayWun\mkO)\prfpky2.vk4 SIGNALIZATION PLANS Project Name: Professional Parkway &Old Winter Garden Road Description: Prom Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By: Fursan Monied Date: 05/03/99 SCALE BASIS OF NO.'Of I NO.OF I M—II ITEM l'= ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS 1 UNITS 'TOTAL M—D .. COMMENTS SIGNALIZATION PLANS Key Sheet Sheet I 1 4 4 Tabulation of Quantities Sheet I 1 1 18 I 18 General Notes L.S. 1 I 1 8 8 Plan Sheets _ Sheet 2 2 50 100 At Old Winter Garden Road&Blackwood Ave. Mast Ann&Foundation Detail Sheets/Design Sheet 7 7 12 84 Signal Timing Analysis L.S. 1 - 20 20 Signal Warrant Analysis Each _ - I 40 80 Bused on 2 Intersections I ::.SUBTOTAL I 12 _ 314 Meetings Each _ - 6 12 Field Review Sheet I - 4 4 Supervision(5%) L.S. 1 - - 16 % of Subtotal QA/QC(5%) L.S. 1 - - 16 %of Subtotal :TOTAL : 1 12 362 g:\ckrioINleaway\saMk-3\Vrhly2 wk4 UTILITIES Project Name: Professional Parkway &Old Winter Garden Road Description: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By: Fursan Munjed Date: 05/03/99 SCALE :. BASIS OF NO.OF NO. OF M—H ]: ITEM - 1'= ESTIMATE (:UNITS SHEETS UNITS ;:TOTAL M—If COMMENTS UTILITIES Utility Coordination - L.S. 1 - I 40 40 Utility Adjustment Sheets 20' Sheet 9 9 12 108 Does not include Utility Relocation design/plansli 1 -_ S` SUBTOTAL I 9 148 Utility Coordination Meetings Each _ - 12 24 I Supervision(5%) - L.S. 1 - - 7 % of Subtotal QA/QC (5%) - L.S. 1 - - 7 % of Subtotal TOTAL `.9 186 [:WenwlWieewaYWuamkL3'PK➢ky7 wk4 MISCELLANEOUS & OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES Project Name: Professional Parkway & Old Winter Garden Road Description: From Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue Prepared By: Fursan Munjed Date 05/03/99 TOTAL '.- Drafting Medium(Mylar): 111 ® $12.50 $1,387.50, Reproduction(Blue Line, Sepias&8.5 x 11): Blue Line Sepia 8.5 x 11 Total 3,552 333 6,000 Costs: Blue Line: 3,552 Sheets® $L00 = $3,552.00 Sepia: 333 Sheets® $3.50 = $1,165.50 8.5 x 11: 6,000 Sheets® $0.25 = $1,500.00 $6,217.50 Travel From: (Consultant's Office) To Project and/or County Offices: 1 (POV) 16 x 30 Miles Per Trip x $0.315 Per Mile = $151.20 : $151.20 Environmental Resource Permit Application Fee (ERP) $1,500.00 Calculations/Computation Time 160 Hours® $20.00 /Per Hour $3,200.00 Shipping&Telephone 6 Months Q $60.00 Per Month $360.00 i TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS&OUT-OF-POCKET:EXPENSES _ $12,816.20 g:kknWWighwey\dattMk-03\prfpky2.wk4 PEC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. May 25, 1999 p-9148 MK-04 Mr. Jim Shira, P.E. City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 32761 SUBJECT: Professional Parkway and Old Winter Garden Road Project Roadway and Utility Design - Part B RE: Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Mr. Shira: We are pleased to present the attached proposal for Engineering Services related to the above-referenced project. The engineering services include permitting, design and preparation of construction plans for approximately 2,800 linear feet of roadway widening and utility relocation for Old Winter Garden Road. This project is a coordinated effort between the City and Orange County to widen Old 1. Winter Garden Road to an urban four (4) lane roadway from Blackwood Avenue to Hemple Road. In conjunction with Part A of this project, which extends along Professional Parkway from Maguire Road to Blackwood Avenue, the City will oversee the design and construction of this project, and will be reimbursed monetarily for 100 percent of costs for this portion by Orange County through a Joint Planning Agreement (JPA) between the City and County. The proposed widening will provide better east/west traffic flow, reduce traffic on S.R. 50 and promote non-residential development along the Professional Parkway/Old Winter Garden Road corridor. Enclosed for your review are man-hour and fee estimates associated with this portion of the project. We are prepared to complete this overall assignment within nine (9) months of written authorization from the City. We propose to perform the engineering services described herein based on a lump sum method of compensation not-to-exceed $258,521 without further authorization from the City. engineers planners surveyors 200 East Hobinson Sveet • SJIte'560 • Odanda, Florida 32801 • 807'.122-8082 • FAX 407 849-9401 Mr. Jim Shira, P.E. May 25, 1999 Page 2 We appreciate this opportunity to provide our servicas for this assignment. If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Kenn t Hooper Enclosures G:\...\P-9148 cc: Torn Kelley P.E., PEC Arthur R. Austin, P.E., PEC Kathleen N. Gierok, P.E., PEC Fursan Munjed, P.E., PEC ADDENDUM NO 99-11 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSI II.TING ENGINEERING SERVICES INCLUDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR OLD WINTER GARD N RO D from Blackwood Avenue to Hemple Avenue This Addendum No. 99-11 hereinafter called the Addendum, as of this day of 1999, shall constitute an Addendum to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services between the City of Ocoee, Florida (the CITY) and Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., 200 Fast Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Lake Eola Centre, Orlando, Florida (the CONSULTANT), dated the 21st day of August, 1984, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT whereby the CITY retained the CONSULTANT to provide professional engineering services as required from time to time, and WHEREAS the CONSULTANT will perform consulting engineering services for the CITY as herein defined. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the parties do mutually agree as follows: Section 1 - Services of the Consultant 1.1 The CONSULTANT shall perform the Engineering Services as outlined in the 2 to attached proposal dated May 1999 relative to the provision of consulting Y engineering services to the CITY. Section 2 - Compensation 2.1 Compensation by CITY for engineering services for Old Winter Garden Road from Blackwood Avenue to Hemple Avenue are provided under this Addendum shall be computed under Paragraph of the Agreement, utilizing the Lump Sum Method of Compensation with the compensation for this authorization not- to-exceed $258,521.00 as outlined in the attached proposal and manhour fee. Section 3 - Time of Completion 3.1 The CONSULTANT shall provide the engineering services within a 9 month (270 day) period from the notice to proceed as outlined in the attached proposal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum No. 99-11 the day the year hereinabove set forth. Xili-z A EST: 41� Kenneth R. Hooper, Principal Date: Sly V/ Y BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: ATTEST: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: For the use and reliance of City of Ocoee only. Approved as to form and legality this day of , 1999. City Attorney a\CIER\ENV\OC\OCOEFl99-11 AND FINAL ENGINEERING MANIIOUR&FEE ESTIMATE PART•II• ajed Name: Old Winter Garden Road scription: From Blackwood Avenue to Ilenmple Avenue z(xtred ❑y: Funan M3n{jed Dar os/mns NoJAdIVIIY Sr,Proect Mesta er Project En Ineer/IKM Sr.En Pincer Fl eer C,hl Technllin Clerinl TOTAL Man hourly Mon hourly Ma Hourly Mon 'I Hourly '.. Man Hourly Mon hourly Manhours Salary Cost Avenge '.. Hours The Ilium Role Hours Rule Boun hate limns kite Hours Role By Adnita For Anlvly Rowdy Rote vironmenlal Effort 9 534.88 18 $32.00 18 $24.72 18 S20.34 18 $16.74 11 $14.37 92 52,160.39 $23.38 adway Plans 134 534.88 268 532.00 268 $24.72 268 $20.34 268 $16.74 136 514.37 1,342 $31.766.64 $23.67 aiaage Plans 49 $34.88 97 $32.001 97 524.72 97 $2034 97 $16.74 49 514.37 486 $11,511.85 $23.67 ming/Marking Plans 12'' $34.88 24 532.00 24 524.72 24 520.34 24 516.74 12 $14.37 120 $2,842.20 523.69 malination Plans 17 $34.88 35 532.00 36 524.72 35 $20.34 35 $16.74 17 $14.37 174 54,120.25 $23.63 ilities 13 $34.88 26 S32.00 26 $24.72 26 $20.34 26 $16.74 11 $14.37 128 $3,050.31 $23.83 I TOTAT,$ 234 $8161 92 468 $14 976 00 468 'i511.568 96 468 19,519.12 468 $7,834 32I 236 $3,391.32 2 342 ''55 451.64 523,68 Total Contract Fee Computation (Check Appropriate Block *Total Activity Salary Costs S55,452 (a) Overhead Additives 1.95 $103,131 (X)Initial Estimate ( )Revised Estimate No. I Subtotal (Salary&Overhead) 5163,583 (b) Direct Reimbursabies(Out-of-Packet) $8,106 (c) Ceotechnical Work $16,049 (d) Aerial Photography $5,000 (e) Design&R/W Survey Work(Includes RN/Map) $43,405 (f) Environmental Assessment $5,000 IN (g) Utility Relocations/Design 517,378 TOTAL MAXIMUM FEE 5'258,521 eayes.a a tray Idcar2..0 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORT oject Name: Old Winter Garden Road scripfion: From Blackwood Avenue to Ilemple Avenue cpaied.Ily; Kin Perko Dafer95/03/99 -- SCALE BASIS PI I NO. OP NO.OI M-11. ITEM ESTIMA.TEL-UNITS SHEETS UNITS 'C0.TALAL_-JI _COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS/PERMITS vironmenlal Resource Permiltin field Reviews Each I 4 4 umma Packa e L.S. I 24 24 includes calculations tc.are A..lication Pucka a L.S. 1 - 60 60 I PDES Permit L.S. - - - 0 Included in Part A :ollow U. Permit Work L.S. I 0 El MMIIMM - I SUBTOTAL 0 T &$ ipervision (5%) L.S. 4 % of Subtotal klerical highway l data Mk-03\oldwg2.wk4 ROADWAY PLANS oject Name: Old Winter Garden Road scription: From Blackwood Avenue to Ilemple Avenue epared By: Fursan Munjed Date: 05/03/99 `.'. SCALD BASISOF NO.OF NO�.OP M H' ITEM i 11= I ESTIMATE UNITS SIIEE1'S UMTS TOTAL. M—III COMMENTS ROADWAY PLANS :c Ma - Included in Part"A' ummary of Pa Items - L.S. 1 1 16 16 'y.ical Sections - F1 h 1 1 24 24 summary of Quantities - Sheet 1 I 24 24 'Ian/Profile 20' Sheet 5 5 48 240 ntersection Details Sheet 2 2 24 48 @ Division Ave. and Hemsle Avenue :rocs Sections Per Section 60 20 3 1 180 50' Interval Praffic Phasin_ Plans L.S. 1 15 188 188 See Attached Breakdown i'ecial Provisions L.S. 1 - 30 30 Computations Book L.S. 1 - 60 60 it County Reviews and Coordination MMllrill.- 60 240 Electronic File Translation(To AutoCADD) 60 60 Traffic Analysis/Intersection Confizuration/Stora a Len th Cal s Intersectiona 15 30 © Division Ave. and Hem de Avenue -1SUBTOTa 45 I14P d� Public Meetings Each 2 - 20 40 Meetings Each 4 - 8 32 Field Reviews Each 2 - 8 16 Supervision (5%) L.S. I_ - - - Th7 QA/QC (5%)_ L.S. i - - - 57 I TOTAL f 'r45 _4:542 \etedul\Ligbway\data\mk-03\oldw62.wk4 TRAFFIC PIIASING PLANS (Included in Ito:dway Plans) oject Name: Old Winter Garden Road eription: From Blackwood Avenue to Ilemple Avenue Sared Bv: Fursan Monied Date: 05/03/99 'SCALD BASIS OP NO. OF N0.OF �(-1['. '. ITEM 1' ESTIMATE UNITS ` SHEETS UNITS 'TOTAL M--11 I COMMENTS TRAFFIC PHASING PLANS 3eneral Notes L.S. 1 1 6 6 Typical Sections and Phase Notes Phase 2 2 8 16 'base l 40' Sheet 4 4 9 36 a 'base II 40' Sheet 4 4 9 36 'hale III 40' Sheet 4 4 9 i 36 3uantities (Computation Book) L.S. 1 - 16 16 :ane Closure Analysis L.S. 1 - 24 24 i'SUBTOTAL I '.Is I '170 �_ Supervision(5%) L.S. - - - 9 QA/QC (5%) L.S. - - - 9 :\cicncelTighway\dau\mk-03\oldwgr2.wk4 DRAINAGE PLANS 'oject Name: Old Winter Garden Road scription: From Blackwood Avenue to llemple Avenue eared By: Kevin l'erko Date: 05/03/99 SCALE .BASIS OP NO OF NO.�OF M Ii - ITEM 1'= ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS UNITS (COPAL M--II COMMENTS DRAINAGE PLANS )raina:c Basin Ma. 400 Sheet - - m -a•e Ma. � 32 32 iu iummary of Drainage Structures Sheet 28 28 )rain,e Data Sheets - Each 2 2 24 48 2etention Pond Desi_n - Each 2 - 32 64 Includes Earthwork Calculations Pond Plans - Sheet 2 2 24 48 Pond Details - Sheet 1 i 1 24 24 Storm Sewer Tabulation - L.S. 1 - 32 32 Draina_c Desi n - L.S. 1 - 100 100 Drain c Calculation Book - L.S. 1 - 24 24 Erosion Control Detail Sheet Sheet 1 1 24 24 SUBTOTAL 8 =:424 Ioutings - Each 4 - 4 16 Includes coordination with Orange County 'ield Review - Each 1 - 4 4 upervision(5%) - L.S. 1 - 21 )A/QC(5%) - L.B. 1 - 21 TOTAL S 486 ::�i SIGNING& PAVEMENT MARKING roject Name: Old Winter Garden Road tscription: From Blackwood Avenue to Hemple Avenue repined By: Fursan Monied Date: 05/03/99 SCALE BASIS OF NO.OF NO.IOF M Hi _ ITLN1 Y ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS UNITS TOTALM_H COMMENTS I SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING ; Key Sheet - Sheet 0 0 I 0 0 Included in Part "A" Tabulation of Quantities - Sheet 1 1 16 16 General Notes - L.S. 1 1 8 8 Plan Sheets 40' Sheet 3 3 20 60 Sign Details/Cross Sections Each 2 1 8 16 1 <SUBTOTAL :' 6 '100 Field Reviews Each 1 - 4 4 Meetings Each 1 - 6 6 Supervision(5%) I L.S. - - 5 %of Subtotal QA/QC(5%) L.S. - - - 5 TOTAL _'. 6 J ;1201. ;:\ckiicntiGhw.yt data Mk-03bldwgr2.wk4 SIGNALIZATION PLANS inject Name Old Winter Garden (toad c cription: From Blackwood Avenue to Ilemple Avenue wpared By: Fursan Monied Date: 05/03/99 SCALE BASIS OF NO.OF NO. OF M-H l I ITEM 1'= ,ESTIMATE UNITS SHEt'IS UNITS l'OPAI,M-.IIL,_ COMMENTS SIGNALIZATION PLANS rIEMMI Sc Sheet - Sheet 1 0 0 0 0 Included in Part "A" tabulation of Quantities - Sheet 1 1 18 18 General Notes - L.S. 1 1 8 8 Plan Sheets 20' Sheet 1 1 50 50 Hem lc Avenue Vast Arm&Foundation Detail Sheets/Desi n - L.S. 1 48 48 Standard Sheets included in Part "A" Signal Timing Analysis 00 20 I SUBTOTAL _ I.; 3 I ''144 I 4caings Each 2 I - 6 12 ield Review Sheet 1 - 4 4 >ccvision(5%) L.S. 1 - - %of Subtotal 2A/QC (5%) L.S. - - - - `TOTAL ? 3 174 1� l Pclericil\thighwey\data'nk-0Aoldwg2.wk4 UTILITIES 'oject Name: Old Winter Garden Road eription: From Blackwood Avenue to}Temple Avenue Sared By: Fursan Munjevl Date: 05/03/99 _ SCALE 'BASIS OF NO OF NO.OF M-II i ITEM P— ESTIMATE UNITS i SITEETS UNITS fIOPALM—IIf COMMENTS TILITIES a Jtilil Coordination - L.S. 24 Jtility Adjustment Sheets 20' Sheet 60 Does not include Ulilit Relocation design/plans 'Inns Checking - Sheet 5 - 2 10 moimmi "SUBTOTAL _ s -94 1 Meetings 2 - 12 24 Supervision(5%) - L.S. I - - 5 %of Subtotal QA/QC(5%) - - - - S \clericaltighwey1dnmMkM3\oldwgr2 wk4 MISCELLANEOUS & OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES roject Name: Old Winter Carden Road cseription: From Blackwood Avenue to Hemple Avenue reared By: Fursan Munjed Date: 05/03/99 TOTAL rafting Medium (Mylar): 67 ® $12.50 $837.50 eproduction(Blue Line, Sepias&8.5 x 11): Blue Line Sepia 8.5 x li Total 2,144 201 5,000 'osts: Blue Line: 2,144 Sheets(di $1.00 = $2,144.00 Sepia: 201 Sheets $3.50 = $703.50 8.5 x 11: 5,000 Sheets® $0.25 = $1,250.00 $4,097.50 'ravel From: (Consultant's Office) 'o Project and/or County Offices: POV) 18 x 30 Miles Per Trip x $0.315 Per Mile = $170.10 $170.10 environmental Resource Permit Application Fee(ERP) - Included in Part :alculations/Computation Time 132 Hours® $20.00 /Per Hour $2,640.00 Shipping&Telephone 6 Months® $60.00 Per Month $360.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS&'OUT-OF•POCKET EXPENSES - $8,106.00 :\cicrical\highway\d eta\mk-03 oldwg2.wk4 IT h7 I i r 1 R50 I wALM T HOSPITAL __ 5B34 q o o m III g ! Ind ,y i \i OLLO WINTER GARDEN ROAD ���i I PROFESSIONAL PFWY 2500LF 1500LE ���' $ 2.43/986 $ /.459192j w PROJECT 'A' t eT1490(F SCHEDULE TOTAL C09 -$ 4.474.852 ��W25 j � DESIGN BEGIN -4/99 COY PORTION 154%1 . PROJECT "B 2 /� DESIGN COMPLETE -IO/99 COUNTY PORTION L4BS1 �� ROW AWISITION -4/2000 CONSTRUCTION BEGIN -6/2000 COMPLETION -12/2061 PROFESSIONAL PARKWAY OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS ..z .. . _-. P.a I I I ma �e. T I - i CITY OF OCOEE PEC JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENT I ORANGE CCUNT�