HomeMy WebLinkAboutP&Z 01/09/07 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ACTING AS THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Golden called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Following a moment of silent meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, a quorum was declared present. PRESENT: Chairman Golden, Vice Chair McKey, Members Campbell, Dillard, Morris, Rhodus, Sills, and West. Also present were City Attorney Palmer, Community Development Director Wagner, Senior Planner Howell, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt. ABSENT: Member Conkling was absent unexcused. CONSENT AGENDA Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, November 14, 2006. Vice Chair McKev. seconded bv Member West. moved to acceot the Minutes of the November 14. 2006. PlanninG and ZoninG Commission meetinG. Motion carried unanimouslv. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS LAKEWOOD ESTATES - FINAL SUDIVISION PLAN Senior Planner Howell stated Lakewood Estates is approximately 15.8 acres in size and is located west of the intersection Lakewood Avenue and Wurst Road. The Final Subdivision Plan proposes the construction of infrastructure for a 54 lot single-family residential subdivision. The Future Land Use designation for the property is "Low Density Residential", and is zoned Low Density (PUD), which permits development and construction of the proposed single-family residential subdivision. The Final Subdivision Plan proposes Wurst Road to be extended westward through the development. Wurst Road is identified as a collector roadway in the Comprehensive Plan and will ultimately connect with Ocoee-Apopka Road. The plan indicates Lots 1-20 and 50-54 will have frontage along the Wurst Road Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting January 9, 2007 extension. For these lots, additional setbacks have been put in place to allow for extra off-street parking. The Final Subdivision Plan also proposes a 10-foot landscape buffer with a 6-foot high brick wall along the portion of the property that fronts Lakewood Avenue. Along the rear of lots 38-49, the developer will install a 10-foot wide landscape buffer consisting of a 6-foot high PVC fence and a continuous row of Sweet Viburnum. The internal road network will consist of two roads: the Wurst Road extension, and a yet to be named street labeled on the plans as "Road A". Wurst Road will temporarily end in a cul-de-sac that will encroach into Lot 54, which is shown on the plans to be a future development tract. The Wurst Road section will consist of a 60-foot right-of-way and a 24-foot pavement width with sidewalks on both sides. Road "A" is proposed to end in a cul-de-sac in the northeastern portion of the property in the vicinity of Lots 37 & 38. The plan proposes road "A" to connect with the property to the south at the time it develops. Road "A" will have a right-of- way of 50-feet with 24-feet pavement width with a sidewalk on both sides. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on December 5, 2006, and reviewed the Final Subdivision Plan. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan date stamped January 4,2007. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan for Lakewood Estates. DISCUSSION Member Rhodus inquired as to why a PVC fence was being put up when other subdivisions have brick walls. Senior Planner Howell stated the PVC fence was negotiated as a condition of approval when the PSP and PUD were being considered for that property. Chairman Golden stated he feels there should be some demucking specs or backfill specs that deal with the wetland or lake that is on the site. John Kirby, Kirby Engineering, stated that any demucking is referred by the DOT standards and their contractor is aware of that. He further stated he could certainly prepare a spec for Homes In Partnership if they allow that to happen. Chairman Golden inquired if the City requests a crosswalk painting or can it be requested as a condition. Community Development Director Wagner stated he 2 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting January 9, 2007 believes there are some limits to where the crosswalks are marked if it is not a controlled intersection but he is not familiar with those rules. John Kirby stated in the signing and stripping sheet crosswalks are shown for that intersection. He further stated they have a permit from Orange County. Member West. seconded bv Member Morris. moved to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan for Lakewood Estates with the provision of addina specs for the backfill of the surface water. Motion carried unanimouslv. PRAIRIE LAKES PUD. TRACT A - FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN Senior Planner Howell stated Prairie Lakes PUD Tract "A" is approximately 44.19 acres in size and is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Clarke Road and A.D. Mims Road. The Final Subdivision Plan proposes the construction of infrastructure for a 205 lot residential subdivision consisting of single-family detached homes and townhomes. The Future Land Use designations for the property are "High Density Residential" and "Conservation", and have zoning designations of Medium and Low Density (PUD), which permit development and construction of the proposed residential subdivision. The town home portion of the development is situated on 13.3 acres on the southern portion of the property, adjacent to the intersection of Clarke Road and A.D. Mims Road. Of the 205 lots that are proposed in the development, 126 will consist of town homes. The townhome lots will be 22-feet and 24-feet in width, and have a 20-foot front setback and a 10-foot rear seatback. The townhome units have been designed to allow two cars to park in the driveway and two cars to park in the garage. The townhome portion of the development will be accessed via a right-in/right-out along Clarke Road that has been provided approximately 450-feet north of A.D. Mims Road. A second full access approximately 450-feet north will also be provided with a left turn lane. This point of access will serve both the town homes and the single-family detached homes. The single-family detached portion of the development will consist of 79 lots on 14.6 acres situated in the northern portion of the property. The minimum lot size for the single-family lots is 55-feet by 120-feet. A 6-foot high PVC fence will be provided that separates the townhome portion of the development from the single- family portion of the development. In addition to the PVC fence, the developer will be required to install a 6-foot high PVC fence along the rear of Lots 179 and 180 to buffer the rears of those properties from Clarke Road. 3 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting January 9, 2007 The Final Subdivision Plan proposes a 15-foot landscape buffer with a 6-foot high brick wall along the portions of the development that front A.D. Mims Road and Clarke Road. In addition, the developer has committed to saving many existing trees on site and has agreed to grade the site on a lot by lot basis to assist in tree preservation. For those trees that cannot be preserved, the developer has proposed to replace them at a 4 to 1 ratio. The Final Subdivision Plan proposed several common elements for the development. The first of these elements is a clubhouse and community pool. The second of the common elements that is proposed is a 5-foot wide natural walking path adjacent to the wetland area along the northern boundary of the property. The path, in addition to the wetland area, will be dedicated to the City of Ocoee in a conservation tract. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Development Review Committee (DRC) met on January 3, 2007, and reviewed the Final Subdivision Plan. The applicant was notified of several concerns that must be satisfied prior to the project being scheduled for a pre- construction conference. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan date stamped January 4,2007. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan for Prairie Lakes PUD Tract "A" subject to the attached engineering corrections being incorporated into the final plans prior to a pre-construction conference. DISCUSSION Chairman Golden inquired if the applicant has agreed with the Engineering comments that were attached. Community Development Director Wagner stated that the comments in the packets were agreed to at the DRC by the applicant. He further pointed out that at the full access point into the subdivision the developer is contributing toward a traffic signal that will be placed at that location, which will help for emergency access out of the fire station. Tom Sullivan, Representative for the applicant, briefly clarified the width of the townhomes. Chairman Golden inquired if the square footage of the townhomes met the minimum 1200 square feet. Mr. Sullivan stated that all the units are in excess of 1200 square feet and they are complying with the new code provisions. Vice Chair Mckey inquired about the road extension into four lanes. Community Development Director Wagner stated the developer will be grading the westerly 4 Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting January 9, 2007 two lanes of the road bringing it to rough grade so that when they build their landscape burm and sidewalk it will be at the final stage. Vice Chair McKey further inquired about excess parking for recreational vehicles. Community Development Director Wagner stated the City Code prohibits parking of RV and boats in multi-family communities. Chairman Golden inquired about several trees in the area and how they were selected to be saved or be removed. Mr. Sullivan briefly explained their efforts in trying to save many trees and how their selections were made on a lot by lot basis. It was decided that Chairman Golden would get with staff to voice his concerns on several trees he would like to see saved if possible. Member West. seconded bv Member Morris. moved to recommend approval of the Final Subdivision Plan for Prairie Lakes PUD. Tract A. Motion carried unanimouslv. MISCELLANOUS Community Development Director Wagner stated the City Commission has asked if they could have a joint meeting with P&Z regarding the front yard ordinances. He further stated he will propose at the next City Commission to have the joint meeting in February. Community Development Director Wagner stated there should be a lot more projects coming before the board in March and April. He further stated the new housing has slowed down a little and they do not have as many permits coming through as normal. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. ... APPROVED: 5