HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (C) Channel 9 - Community Bulletin Board Agenda 12-21-99 Item VII C (liAIERtll'Goof:C/IZAU-PRIDE OF HEST Ar,vOR•Com'ISYIoyI.0 Ocoee S. SCI)11 VAND1.RGRI RI CITY OF OCOEE �����„���I�=� •1 t10 _ D�A.Iv1 HOW HL1.�� ¢ 1s0 N. L.AKINIORr DRIVE ° Ol on., Fl uluDA 3761�'_58 SLOW ANDERSON n 6 121 SIA 1011NSON (407)656 322 NANC} 1 BARKER f9 OP GOODS? (T)M1IP%InR I I.ITS PIRO MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Fran Gosnell, Deputy City Clerk Janet Shira. Community Relations/Special Projects Director:5 DATE: December 13, 1999 RE: CHANNEL 9 - COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Approximately four months ago, the City assumed the responsibilities and acquired the equipment to run Government Access Channel 9. At this point, Channel 9 is viewed only within the boundaries of Ocoee; however, as part of Time Warner's franchise renewal. they have agreed to reinstate the channel to those West Orange Communities served by the same head end,as long as those communities provide a written request to do so. As the leader in video communications to our West Orange citizens, it is imperative for us to be proactive in preparing to serve this larger population. Therefore, we are requesting a set of guidelines he in place before the viewing capability for Channel 9 is expanded. Before we offer our suggestions, the following points are important to be evaluated: • Our current equipment used to televise Commission Meetings. Announcements. and showing of videos is more than 12 years old, and is subject to failure at any time. As part of our negotiations with Time Warner. we will he awarded funds to purchase equipment, which may take several months, and may not be obtained this fiscal year. • Our space allocation on Channel 9 is less than 30 '-Pages." Each character space. every color, and every size of lettering on every page takes up a percentage of"user space' that has to be closely monitored to ensure the equipment does not fail. If for any reason it does fail_ every character on every page must be entered (manually) again. POW • Channel 9 is extremely labor intensive due to the age of the equipment and the lack of guidelines. Any non-profit organization can request an advertisement to he placed on the Channel that same day. As of this date. 4 churches use a total of 5 pages on a permanent basis. the Historical Commission has one permanent page and 2-3 non- permanent pages: the American Legion has one permanent page. and the Oakland Preserve has one permanent page. [his means that we have approximately 20 pages for other events, City announcements (Fire Department monthly announcements, Recreation Department monthly announcements, Finance Department hid advertisements), and Girl Scouts. Boy Scouts, Soccer, Little League, Bake Sales. Lion's Club, Charter Review 2000. and Census 2000, to name a few. We have had more than 44 requests since July, 1999 for ads to be placed on Channel 9. We anticipate that although we will be purchasing new equipment and our capabilities to advertise will expand, so too will our requests if we serve not only Ocoee, but Winter Garden and Oakland as well. The following is a list of recommended regulations that would be printed and distributed to each participant requesting to advertise. or who is currently advertising on Channel 9. We propose that the regulations become effective February 1, 2000: • All ad requests must be submitted in writing, using the Community Bulletin Board Message Request form.available in the Office of the City Clerk. • All organizations requesting to place an advertisement must be non-profit. • All requests require a 1 week"start time" from the date of receipt of the ad. • No more than one message from each organization will he advertised; however, the "end date' may be indefinite. In the case of indefinite end dates, the ad shall be placed in a rotation category according to length of screen time. • It shall he the organization's responsibility to monitor Channel 9 for their ad's deletion, modification or renewal. • The City reserves the right to review. modify. and edit all ads for content, community value, and space limitation. • Taped and live events shall preempt these scrolling advertisements. • The City reserves the right to determine programming and priority' of programming. ■ All media including hut not limited to video tapes and powerpoint presentations shall he delivered to the Community Relations Department and reviewed for content and suitability before being placed on the station. ■ City departmental ads shall he run subject to availability. however. non-profit organization ads shall have a higher priority unless City ads are of a public safety nature. Staff respectfully requests that the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners adopt the set of regulations as presented above, with the understanding that when new equipment is received and the City has expanded its capabilities with Channel 9.staff will revisit the regulations and bring back any recommended revisions at that time. At your convenience, we are available to respond to any questions or concerns you may have regarding this topic.