HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmergency Item - Ocoee Middle SChool 4 "CLA'J'TR OF GOOD 1J17NG-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYoR•CommissIoNLR Ocoee S. SCOFF VANDFRCRIPI °� PAT), CITY OF OCOEE DANNY����O E DNN 11 I A N. LAKESHORE DRIVE $COl"I ANDERSON OCOEE, FI DRIDA 3 4 7 6 1-225K ,. RUSTY JulNSON f) �� (407)656-2322 NANCY I. PARKER �*°F 0000�S Crsv Ma>n,;hs NI.LIS SI IAI'IRO MEMORANDUM DATE: December 16, 1999 TO: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager �/J FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director(lY SUBJECT: Ocoee Middle School As a result of the current construction at Ocoee Middle School, traffic congestion at the north end of the school site has become a major problem. The school has requested that we post Lafayette Street as one-way westbound between Lakewood and Bluford Avenue during school hours to facilitate drop off and pick up of school children. The traffic committee unanimously agreed that this is a reasonable accommodation to the school and we recommend that the City Commission authorize the posting of a roll- away type sign during the hours of 8-10 in the morning and 3-5 in the afternoon designating Lafayette Street as one-way west bound from Lakewood to Bluford. P ,,, ,OVII iSd MC <EY ST vti < EY SR 439 MAGN❑LIa ST FLORAL b_41111 LAFAYETTE ST vI ILF ❑HI❑ ST q SC - 0 L 1v m >- (-0 H- DE AWARE z J ww w S o Q wz Q U J (_) J O W 7th ST m Li "CENTER OP GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. scour VANDERGRIFT °� n , :y\o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS �r a 150 N. LAAIiSI1DRL DRIVt DANNY HOWELL C SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FI 7RIDA 34261-2258 RUSTY NDIINSON �'•y�, ` ' �� (407)656-2322 NANCY I.PARKER !q Of GOG�P CITY MA\ncrvx ELLIS SI IAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: September 22, 1999 TO: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager �f FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Proposed One-Way Traffic at Ocoee Middle School I spoke to Paul Rosenthal regarding your question as to the necessity for City Commission action on this matter. I find nothing in the Code that requires their action, nor does he. He and I agree however,that this should be brought to them as an informational item so that they arc made aware in advance of actual posting of signs. Attached is a proposed memo to the Commission for your signature. JWS/jbw Attachment cc: Robert Smith, Public Works Director Robert Mark, Chief of Police Brad Friel, Capital Projects/Transportation Planner Pant "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOFF VANDERGRIFT •� � s#\-o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE DANNY HOWELL o SCOTT ANDERSON cs OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 itus rV xn wsoN ••I ? (407)656-2322 NANCY J.PARKER OF GOOD CITY MANAGFR ELLIS SI IAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: September 22, 1999 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager SUBJECT: One-Way Traffic at Ocoee Middle School We received a request from the principal at Ocoee Middle to look into the feasibility of establishing one-way traffic zones during peak traffic times in a manner similar to what is being done at Spring Lake Elementary. This traffic pattern would go into effect when the new middle school opens. I asked our traffic committee to look into this, and their report is attached for your review. We will implement this traffic control scheme when the new middle school opens. Attachment POWr _r _ "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOIT VANDERGRIFT o` �� .a CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS It a. 150 N. LAKESHORE URIV4 DANNY 1I0WELL p SCOTT ANDGRSON n _ . OCOEE, EDA 2258 RUSTY Hn ERS N '�bp ^ �_ (407)656-2322 NANCY I PARKER t•Of 000v`` CI IY MANAOFR FIATS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: September 2, 1999 '1'0: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/U 'lilies Direct()>pj' Robert Smith, Public Works D' ct r !�l Robert Mark, Chief of Police Brad Friel, Capital Projects/Tra sportation Planner&' SUBJECT: One Way Traffic At Ocoee Elementary School We had been requested to look into the feasibility of establishing temporary one-way traffic zones near the Ocoee Elementary School to help ease traffic congestion when the new school opens. We decided that the most effective traffic control would be to establish one-way traffic zones during high drop-off and pick-up school traffic times of the day, similar to the temporary one- way zones that are used now in the vicinity of Spring Lake Elementary School. In the vicinity of Ocoee Elementary School,we recommend that during high traffic times, Magnolia would he signed as one-way eastbound between Bluford and Lakewood. Lakewood would be signed as one-way southbound between Magnolia and Lafayette, and Lafayette would be signed as one-way westbound between Lakewood and Bluford. This could be accomplished by using portable signs such as those in use at Spring Lake Elementary. We feel that this would be the most effective way to deal with the short term congestion in the area which results from parents dropping off and pi king up children at the beginning and end of each school day. / C r / ` IQ If you need any more information on this, please let us know. l s /�� �µ J� 1 is 0N4 �ixi o C '1-11i ONE - WAY TRAF- F- ICI OAKLAND _\\ MCKE Y a S:Rzl 39 , �° MAGNOLIA • IlkF LCRAL LAFAYETTE ST II .- Cmr` , /\ ❑C❑EE MIDDLE Q ❑HI❑ SCHOOL Q Q J O LLI CO M Li_ d >- J L.Li D J cz Q U (A () Z _.1 DELAWARE W W 0 W 0 0 W = U J U 0 W (/)