HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (C) Award of Bid 00-11 to All-Rite Fence Co. Inc. Spring Lake Path and New Public Works Property Fencing Agenda 9-19-2000 'CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WESTOILI.VGE. he 1pVII >VII tuMMISSIONER Ocoee S-scan VANDERGRII I °s?' HtiP � CITY OF OCOEE COMWIi51eNERs > DANNY HOWELL aI$9 N. LAAF.$HDRF DRIVE O SCOTT ANDERSONre 6 ()CULL,FLOJUDA 347612258 RUSTY JOIINSON 4•• (407)656-2322 NANCY J.1'ARKltR r4 0fG000•rx CI v MANAGER FillS SI IAI'IRO sr sr REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Joyce Tolbert, Buye&L �(/y DATE: September 12, 2000 RE: B00-11; Installation of Fencing for Public Works complex and Spring Lake Elementary School Path ISSUE Should the City Commission select All-Rite Fence Company Inc. to install the fencing for the new Public Works Complex and the Spring Lake Elementary School path? BACKGROUND& DISCUSSION: There is currently $100,000 remaining in the 1999 Capital Improvement Revenue Bond for the Public Works Complex. A portion of these funds will be utilized for the installation of approximately 2,550 linear feet of chain-link fencing around the complex site, including an electric gate. This project will cost approximately$22,122.00. The Capital Projects Reserve Fund will he utilized for the installation of approximately 1,341 linear feet of cypress fencing for the Spring Lake Elementary School Path. The Orange County School Board will reimburse the City 100% of the cost of this project upon completion. This project will cost approximately $14,067.09. The bid was advertised on August 6, 2000, and publicly opened on August 29, 2000. Part A of the bid is for the installation of fencing for the new Public Works Complex; and Part B of the bid is for the installation of fencing for the Spring Lake Elementary School path. Responses were received from the following companies: Bidder Part A Part A Add Part B Part B Unit Price Estimated Alternate Unit Price Estimated Total No.1 Electric Total Gate All-Rite $ 5.64/l.f. $14,382.00 $7,740.00 $10.49/1.f. $14,067.09 Fence Co. Colavito $12.75/1.f. $31512.50 $4,000.00 $ 7.50/1.f. $10,057.50 Fence POW,' lb page -2-Fence Bid (continued) Copies of the above responses along with the bid tabulation sheet are attached for your review. The bids were reviewed by the Public Works and Finance Departments. Staff recommends awarding this bid to All-Rite Fence Co. Inc., per the attached e-mail from Bob Smith, Public Works Director. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It respectfully is recommended that the City Commission award Bid #00-11 to All-Rite Fence Co. Inc., and authorize execution of the agreement between the City and All-Rite Fence Co. Inc. by the Mayor and City Clerk and further authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and Staff to execute all documents necessary to consummate the transaction contemplated by the agreement. 2 Smith, Bob From: Smith, Bob Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 7:56 AM To: Tolbert, Joyce Cc: Horton, Wanda; Shapiro, Ellis Subject: Fencing Bids Joyce, I have reviewed the subject bids and recommend award to All Rite Fence Company Inc., for the Spring Lake paths and Public Works fencing projects. Also, I recommend award of the additive bid item for the electric gate. Bob Smith BID CHECKLIST FOR: BID #00-11 INSTALLATION OF FENCING FOR PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX SPRING LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PATH 8/29/00 10:00 AM All-Rite Fence Diamond Fence Pro-tecto Fence Colavito Fence Part A. Base Bid A.. /3/ 9'd 7'j/LF Public Works Complex _/'f i /V,M IC. hi Cl -31e `Ac Work Completed Calendar Days . �1� 5 9 dRgS Add Alternate No. 1 C'O 7Y*.cc HNC Part B. Base Bid /1J CLr7.C'H 11.y4/rF Spring Lake Elem. te- /(/57 5t; Work Completed Calendar Days :3Cd/475 /5 cI a 15 (1)signed original (13) Copies Insurance Certificate ✓ ✓ List of References / List of V Subcontractors I� Equipment Listing Summary of ✓/ I / Litigation ✓ Rfast 04-I-AQI h d -i'lEC✓. � ,,2rror I�Cat f1U'}� 1� Crl rn') bd Nc4+-Tca4,rn Prm . Senf By: City se Ocoee; 4u,eb reae', --. _. - - e "CENTER OF GOOD Ll'ING.YffiCt OF tr 65 l ON.I1Ct ' Nl.rnR.,(ovNiNsioNrs Ocoee S. SCOTT V. NDERGRIFT • V___� �o CITY OF OCOEE „ ,.., D4NNV IIOwFl I n ISO N.L,v:evionc Dove scum vywetZtioN Ocott�, FlosmA 34761-225e H LI51'Y JOHNSON t��gef fa07)656-2122 NANCY I PARKER �OF GOO- ELLIS SHAPIRO APPARENT BID ERROR NOTIFICATION & VERIFICATION OF RID PRICE TO: All-Rite Fence Co. Inc. 5143 Old Winter Garden Road Orlando,Florida 32811-1622 1 RAy GL/o AwAtt of Au--2lTA- FENeE Co. do hereby Authorized Representative Company Name acknowledge that there is an apparent addition/multiplication error on the hid IiWe submitted for Rid No BOO-II; Installation of Fencing for Public Works Complex and Spring Lake Elementary School; and by signing this document UWe am requesting that the bid 1/we submitted for this project reflect the following changes: p 1fif,« ,q; f rqc 4,a__Ate- 4✓.C.R tr-.er nr S.egPCP ... /r{382. 00 L7 o. B: 7 tat go rfa tam"( Foorar /0. 419 Ptf : 4111047, a9 (use separate sheet showing changes if necessary). Also by signing this document, 1/We understand that if this document is not received by the City of Ocoee with explanation by Tuesday, September 5, 2000, the tali -riees shall prevail andinr my bid may be construed as non-responsive. ALL- R1fn FEdc,E co, C any Name��/`Jad`�'`��/��Authooriz d Signature (manual) RAY GUDtbo -L-/✓(UE p/ac,aANf Name/Title (please pint) // II "" Sworn to and subscribed before me this / Yt� day cf.cpT . 2q/L/������ . Personally Known or Produced Identiftct non Notary Pun -yState of 1 Count of Lf - . ( ype ofldentilicati ) r.� Ia''t//ure of o ry Public -\ \ JULIAM.JOHNSON 1.111a. �Thns� tyt Notary Public.$Isle of Flarida Printed,1)pad or stamped My comm.expires Apr.25.2002 Commissioned Name of Notary Puhl is No.CC722063 Bonded Ihru Ashton Agency,IncPate PUG-31-2000 14:40 4076567835 -- - '.CC Son:: By: City of 0c2ee; 4Ur000:oa=; -. -- -_ - - "r'EN TER or GOOD LIIHNC-PRIDE OF VLSI ORLINOL' St..DV•I n.nnWIONFR Ocoee S SCoTT VANDERGRIFT °x �# o CITY OF OCOEE 'l„,r„1.. �� [MOVED AvT I KAMP!:I_ n 150 N. LAxESHORr OVe SLUII t��Ur.uStlN (bier. FLORIDA 34761-2258 IlL 61Y lUitNJUN �4 Y (40])656-'.722 NANCY 7 PakKLR �q Or 0000 M c. GU")lIARIRO APPARENT LOW BID NOTIFICATION & CONFIRMATION OF BID PRICE TO: All-Rite Fence Co. Inc. 5143 Old Winter Garden Road Orlando, Florida 32811-1622 1 /ZRN GLInEwicc nt ALL-Plitt F,ENcr do i,rreis Authorized Representative Company Name acknowledge that I/we are the apparent low bidder for Bid eB00-1 I; Installation of Fencinc for Public Works Complex and Spring Lake Elementary School Path, and by signing this document. acknowledge the fact that the bid I/we submitted for this project is approximately a 9 % lower than the next lowest bid. Uwe do hereby confirm that the hid presented for this project by ALL-,Ire FtNcE, is accurate and complete. Company Name ALL- 21rk flit/et Co. Commpppaany Name ooAuu"lhoiMed Signature(ma nuOf (,L1o,EWELL/v,c prcaSloed? Nameflitle(please print) //11'' Sworn to and subscribed before me this / day of ^J T.,2(/� Personally Known or [I Produced Identifl on Notary Publ - -SL.tc of County of pit/ C pe of ldevtifin tion) Si nature o Pu-bl�/i �C `_`,, VU,IULIA M.JOHNSON I I1 L/V ' y/ n. (v\ Notary Publk,Stale of Florida Printed, typed or lumped My Comm.expires Apr 25,2002 No-CC]22o6a Commissioned Name of Notary Public Bonded tiro Ashton Agency,Inc POWP AUG-31-2000 14:40 4076567835 `-95^ F.U7 BID CHECKLIST FOR: BID NO0-11 ;t INSTALLATION OF FENCING FOR PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX SPRING LAKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PATH r. 8/29/00 10:00 AM f _ _ -___ itSl 1 ;Feaca D.ethrrrdF.rrcra q rt-ir.r d'lc. Cn,p.'tr te-r 1 fi r _. I v — a Part A Base Bid f Public Works Complex ___ CV __ __3g, la 46+--.--- --- ---- -�-- Wort Completed :� ,. Calendar Days 30 dR4I5 Add Alternate Not !b ' TN%DO �, o'?nf t11.1Yefart I. f Spring Lake Elem. f 1 ,I'V /n a) _.. Work Completed `{ Calendar Days 15 d•'JS (1)ssgned original (13)Copies Insurance / 1 Certificate ✓ n [- o Last of Reference.. / kn o V !i t0 m a Let of a Subcontractors ✓ ✓ Equipment Listing / / Summary of ✓/ ✓/ Liigat on I/ .O v u v Y .ti 0 a 0 O 1 a . :J 1 1, .32 aa C • Or •n 1 ioti 40 if soil iota at Stfey I�1 J 5143 Old Winter Garden Road +Orlando, Florida 32811-1622 + (407) 295-7093 Fax- (407) 292-8550 + LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO.- City of Ocoee JOB#: DATE 9/1/00 150 N. Lakeshore Drive ATTENTION: Joyce Tolbert Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 - -- -.. RE PUBLIC WORKS COMPLEX SPRING LAKE ELEM. SCHOOL PATH IF CHECK BELOW, PLEASE: ❑ acknowledge receipt If enclosures are not as noted please inform ❑ return enclosures Us immediately. WE TRANSMIT: ® herewith ❑ under separate cover via ❑ in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ® approval ❑ Information ❑ review and comment ❑ use ❑ record ❑ ❑ distribution to parties ❑ THE FOLLOWING; ❑ drawings ❑ shop drawing prints ❑ samples ❑ specifications ❑ literature ❑ shop drawing reproducibles ❑ change order ® See below Copies Date Rev. # Description , ,,„„,, ,� vim . �,.,.,. - _ Remarks: Sec attached(I) original signed Apparent Bid Error Notification and Verification of Bid Price. Also, (1)original signed Apparent Low Bid Notification & Confirmation of Bid Price. (l) Bid Checklist Copies to: File Ray Glcdeuiel4 Jr. RAY GLIDEWELL.JR. (407) 295-7093 • fax (407) 292-8550 20. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS:• SUBCONTRACTOR and/or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME/ADDRESS/FEDL'RAI, 1.I). NO./CONTACT PERSON/PHONE s<: t, NG " (Attach additional sheets if necessary) The respondent certifies that the respondent has investigated each subcontractor/temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the respondent's files evidence that each subcontractor/temporap worker agency maintains a fully-equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor/temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. 21. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties. including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. J3o1) c1 t (vnaybe) Owned • POW 16 Prot ct Oeoeti s Warm Resources • 22. REFERENCES/EXPERIENCE OF RESPONDENT WITH SIMILAR WORK The Respondent shall complete the follossing blanks regarding experience with similar type of work. Respondent must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size of this project within past three years. fsssn z ir- DATE OF CONTRACT/AMOUNT OF PROJECT/CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS (INCLUDE CONTACT): StG /foc-hed Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes X No . Length of time in business .33 ,t�,Qa,a, • Bank or other financial references: Es ( hton National 'tan( (Attach additional sheets if necessary) 23. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the respondent in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the respondent provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. >VV 4e • POW!' 17 w SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO ((IMPLY WI111 I HESE BID INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICAI ION OF YOUR RID. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING T IIAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL BID INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT "FIIE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE "SCOPE OF WORK/If) "" — SHEET" ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION. fill-Rife. Ecru, a> in 9o7- 0:291- 7013 COMPANY NAME: I LLLPHONE INCLUDE AREA CODE) I/o7- 901- sss-D FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) ,}/:/J�� I.-MAIL ADDRESS "� C A IL REM'FIANCE ADDRESS IS DIFI'E:RLNI AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE(manual) li ROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, till n Li 610)ClGle/L IYLCtI resIles* AM8/TITLE(PLEASE PRINT) PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: 5113_0I4l1114l-CY ('arJeM kl STREET ADDRESS S FL/G22- CITY S A-I-E ZIP FEDERAL ID tt •5 7 1_�1 b�S4 Individual 'X Corporation Partnership Other(Specify) p 0 N Sworn to and subscribed before me this a/o day of Z/LIL,t(f f ,20 00 . Personally Knownk,✓ or Produced Identification Notary Public - State of r C/orl (Type of Identification) County Oran y Ci .- s U le J ry N t�ry nii s eO tFJ �,{\YH} onr Al)! S gnwre d N tnry Public I 1 Slo Nu rc vs*3Bo oeo rt a m a _ Printed,typed or stamped comn)issioned name of Notary Public POINT 18 1300-11 SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK & BID SHEET Installation of Fencing for Public Works Complex and Spring Lake Elementary School Path A. Public Works Complex - Furnish all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals to - install approximately 2.550 linear Feet of six (6') loot chain link fencing with top !ail and posts. to include three strands of security barbed wire along the top, per Tr-- attached detail illustration. All work shall meet or exceed Orange County Specifications. TOTAL BID PER LINEAR FOOT $ /,O , O a v�i-cr kXAsa Dollars and 0 Cents Work will be completed within _20 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. • Add Alternate No. 1: Furnish all labor equipment, materials and incidentals to install electric gate with a (2? ) to t opening including keypad. TOTAL ALTERNATE NO. I: $ 7 7yo , at ,Are,.. re.ra�Q Atm<,...�f.r�v� Dollars and O Cents B. Spring Lake Elementary School Path - burnish all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals to install approximately 1,341 linear feet of six (6') cypress fencing, including four (4) double lockable gates. TOTAL BID PER LINEAR FOOT $ I V. O 10 o 0 Dollars and - Cents Work will be completed within 4 U calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. POWWWWWt 19 oeueL'.w. 17/' -r) -0 ,;77,::2, WORK ON HAND . • SCHEDULE..UNCOMPLETED WORK(ALL WORK-BONDED&UNBONOED.SE COSI PLUS PLEASE INDICATE) I wWE Or: ! ONTRAC TOR _ ("Ail. ! All-Rite Fence Co., Inc. AS OF 06/3t)/()Q. n STARTING CORETTON 18 CONTRACT PRICE l DcSCRrvnON OF JOS DATE DATE gZ d (Including Approved a Change Orders) l;I'R(if.R()N CR-t 27 8/26/99 8/30/01 X 148,860 471 ( -NIFX Annual Kingdom Lodge 3/1/00 3/1/01 X 141,400.00 LIt) . F1 (1. Sanford 3/1/00 6/1/00 X 94,897.96 1'1iY SR 40S 8/9/99 8/1/00 X 28,187.97 IItlttlt:!Rl) 'I-4/('unnro+ Rd. 6/1/99 12/20/00 X 161,1301.39 It II I/MARI) Ili'r'-stl;t; 3/78/00 I/IS/02 N 254.247.78 III+titt:ARli (ttane:1.e Ph III . 10/20/99 10/1/(.K) X 55.1 14 54 Ia)143ARl) Osceola I'.lr k Lc a! 9/1/99 1/1/U I N 140,326.00 I ltlliltARD) • �:•talkha.e Rd 2/24/98 1/1/99 X I06.27S 62 �:r ,I;( \KI) vVe.;ern Belt =601 2/24/98 7/4/00 X 92,726 30 I tt IU1(ARI) IVe tern licit =(A)2 2/24/98 7/4/00 X 143,731.10 IP.Ittli.voti We.tern Belt =(rcl: 6/1/99 12/20/(10 X 292.952 56 ;.t,�FITt FRTC II);:lie•. 2/15/00 1/1/01 X_ 179.782(K) &))(Mille D ::s Narcoo e Rd 4/5/99 7/30/99 X 81.916 10 ;TOTALS E 1,922.242.In _______. SIGNATURE I torAL UNCOMPLETED WORK /� / G7 e. TITLE ///��� (l / 1 -��/f�j Tr)TAL uNc IMPL ETED WORK BY SUBCON'RAC TOR f-'1 C�f��%�:.(rVw REMARKS L/f BONDED 1,691.445 53 UNBONDED 230,796.57 e_ ACCORD,,. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE JAli;14M;J;n , 08/28/D , lUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION HRH Company of Orlando ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE 800 N. Magnolia 1 i a Ave, Ste 16 0 0 HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR 9 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. _I P 0 Box 538200 (zip 32853 ) Orlando, FL 32803 I INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NsuRED \ -E-A.Amerisure All Rite Fence Company, Inc . Michigan Mutual 5143 Old Winter Garden Road \s,;- c.FCCI Mutual Insurance Company Orlando, FL 32811-1622 \s:JREPD: • As.,=- E. COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE OR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOV.' T.-STA?:;;":G ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE •SSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO Al.,.. THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONC.TIOI,S OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS $NSR .._.-_.-_—.-----._. .. ___ OL CY eFfICTVE iPOI:Y EXP RAT 04 --------------- — -LTR TYPEOF 2NSURANCE POLICY NUMBER DATEIMM/DD/YYI OA TEIMM/DDJYYI I M T3 A GENERAL LABILITY CPP1323007 01/01/00 01/01/01 EA:;--OCC,R-ENCE 51/ 000, 000 . X COMMERCIALGENERA. . A- -Y I 000 :aEDAMa.:,E�AnyalplTi; >50, _1 CLAIMS MADEI_X;'J":-:-- ' 'MEI)EXJ'Anyontoeison; $5_t 000 -- __ SONA.AAw,\.,,-Y 7.1/ 000, 000 2, 000, 000 1---- GE\-A,,,,. r9AT-- v TAB✓ ... ; .aaUq ;;t5•::UMPJOoA:i:i i2 000 000 J ;:Y J'" A AUTOMOBLELABLTY ,CA1323006 01/01/00 01/01/01 1cOM�I�.`11s;NGL_L.v- >500 , 000 X AKY A.,-O 1;E ALL OWNED A.,'DS ?D.'I _Y•\..,=Y SCN ED;.LE_)A,.•OS ;'r=t•-7n; ' X ',REDAL,T�S I ( BOIL'? N =Y X \ON-OWNEDA„•OS :Poe ncc:lpnII PROPERTY DAMAGE (Apr hCUApnI) > GARAGE LIABILITY ! A I OON'_Y•EA ACC DEN.' > Ai.i B EXCESS LABLTY_- CU1323008 01 /01 /00 01 /01 /01 R, ___\7: •5, 000, 00_0__ X:Occ.- C. A VS MA::'c A-i,-EfiA•E 55, 000, 000_ DEDUCT'3_- ; ; RETENTION S _.-S ---— C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 23795 01 /01 /00 01 /01/01 X ' J= V.; -- .—`-' _y- - _ -EMPLOYERS LAB L TY A•-:...ACC;DE\T . ;500 , 000 __s;ASE•EAEMP-_,Y-_ S500, 000__ ,.)S=ASE•PoL'cY- v 500, 000 OTHER i DESCR PT ON OF OPERATIONS/LOCATiONS/VEH'CLES/EXCLUS ONS ADDED BY EN COPS EVENT/SPF-4 AL PRO;S ONS • CERTIFICATE HOLDER ADDITIONAL-NSURED. NSURF.R LETTER CANCELLATION SHOULOANYOF TI1E ABOVE DESCR BEO POL C ES B ECANCELLE'v BEFORE THE DP RATON City of Ocoee Finance Dept . DATE THEREOF IRE SSU NG NSURER Vd L1 ENCEAYOR TO VA -_0 - DAYSWP FIE`, 150 N. Lakeshore Drive NOTCETOTHECERTFCATENO.DERNAMED10THELEFT. B..TFA.,RET0005OSr+A.- Ocoee, FL 34761—t258 M.0SE NOOBL,GAT ON OF,L AB I TYOF ANYKNO UPON THE NS.;PER.TS AGENTS EPP ES EN TAT V ES I AUTHOq Z ED REPR ESENTAT YE ACORD25-S(7/97) 1 of 2 #S46558/M33373 �(� DLL = ACOfD CORPORATION 1998 AUCT-2?-20000 15:22 HRH COMPrHI-h' OF ORL,I, ._ r• -- I, "CENTER OF OOD LIt'ING•PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE • MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT O\ CITY OF OCOEF, CONIMISSIONERs �'` �j — DANNY HOWELL C4:1 -%—a 150 N. L AKESHORE DRIVE: SCOTT ANDERSON v ° i ICOE•E, f'•I,nRtf)A 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON 9r ,1��� 007)656-2322 NANCY J. PARKER eP of G00� `` ' • CITY MANAGER .ELLIS SHAPIRO j--, r ._ .,-..,,r-.-, Li CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION 1999-00 � � 399 � . Registration # 50-0414 GENERAL-CONVERSION ALL-RITE FENCE CO INC 5143 OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD ORLANDO FL 32811 This Contractor Registration does not permit the holder to operate in violation of any City Law, Ordinance or Regulation . Any change in location or ownership must i:,e approved by the City, subject to zoning restrictions . This Registration does not constitute an • endorsement, approval or disapproval of the holder' s skill or of the compliance or non-compliance of the holder with other laws, regulations, or standards . // FEE PAID: $5 . 00 / . ! ., ISSUED: 12/09/99 �/ ""'� CITY MANAGER • VALID OCTOBER 1st THROUGH SEP'1-E.MBER .30'.h Your registration number is required for the issuance of permits. If your state license, occupational license or insurance has expired, it is your responsibility to submit current information to the City of Ocoee. Permits 14ill not be issued unless all information is current . ,. REFORD GLIDEWELL . 5143 OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD ORLANDO FL 32811 POVIM Protect Ocoee's Water it rsourc ; ., 5143 Old Winter Garden Road + Orlando, Florida 32811-1622 + (407) 295-7093 Fax— (407) 292-8550 + LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS REFORD R_ GLIDEWELL, PRESIDENT 5143 OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32811-1622 HOLDS 50% STOCK BARBARA GLIDEWELL, CORPORATE SECRETARY 5143 OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32811-1622 HOLDS 50% STOCK SIGNATURE SHEET FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE BID INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR BID. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL BID INSTRUCTIONS AND THAT TIIE PRICES REFLECTED ON THE `SCOPE OF WORK/BID SHEET"ARE ACCURATE AND WITHOUT COLLUSION.r 'C;?. &LAP Tc, rip COMPANY NAME TEPIIONE I .CLIJI :ARE CODE) kN1 - 1 4 11 FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) J, F-MAIL ADDRESS ert-t e V U IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT AU ORIZED SIGNATURE(manual) FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, �St rr5 �U� PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: O1.FJrlO NA ENTITLE(PLEASE PRINT) STREET ADDRESS � �F .t� -G.( n�,a 3Nnt CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID# _OCR y61.5ri Individual ✓ Corporation _Partnership _Other(Specify) Sworn to and subscribed before me this a5- day of 1 L,20 0 U. Personally Known ✓ or Produced Identification Notary Public- State of Cf.Po--/94 (Type of Identification) County of /MNnnTe-t Signs e of Notary Public FROGER W.ROBERTSON 1"•. `e V's f MY COMMISSION XCC780587 i 66 2 W. Io6al3OAJ lr EXPIRES:October 5,2002 1II'`P,;�i(�� epnaarowua.rr Pwti<we.r«nt.rs Printed,typed or stamped cc.= - commissioned name of Notary Public POVIIt 18 Protect Scaee's WSW Resources B00-11 SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK & BID SHEET Installation of Fencing for Public Works Complex and Spring Lake Elementary School Path A. Public Works Complex - Furnish all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals to install approximately 2,550 linear feet of six (6') foot chain link fencing with top rail and posts, to include three strands of security barbed wire along the top, per the attached detail illustration. All work shall meet or exceed Orange County Specifications. f TOTALTO BIDS PERP� LINEAR FOOT S / • 73 -71(.2-2/l/.0 (S/t. Ctal Dollars and -A✓JZ-- Cents Work will be completed within SO calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. Add Alternate No. I: Furnish all labor equipment, materials and incidentals to install electric gate with a (28') foot opening including keypad. TOT L ALTERNATE NO. 1: S y0 0 0 _ t 0 �'GCw[, Dollars and - Cents B. Spring Lake Elementary School Path -Furnish all labor, equipment, materials and incidentals to install approximately 1,341 linear feet of six (6') cypress fencing, including four(4) double lockable gates. T AID PER LINEAR FOOT $ . � Zt. „ r({/- etc-cO a-r�d Dollars and O Cents Work will be completed within /S calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. POVI/�. 19 Protect Ocoee's Water femur ces .. 22. REFERENCES/EXPERIENCE OF RESPONDENT WITH SIMILAR WORK The Respondent shall complete the following blanks regarding experience with similar type of work. Respondent must demonstrate ability to perform services of similar complexity, nature, and size of this project within past three years. DATE OF CONTRACT/AMOUNT OF PROJECT/CLIENT'S NAME AND ADDRESS (INCLUDE CONTACT): 1zl et- Iw h.ttt9 �lN�t�.l�iUq i3o0 i-_C I(J-tti L0c34511 coIu,rcLAs 0rda # GflLp? -2) rw R;'OR t-hhe k ilauptt uw�cM Approve —�(Q100o -r1c 4 f<3Se0 � rl r� Slurrat q14 - ^t(QS= lelzt - t444 L-Il i 'tS" 5) U14 OF M-n- oval ouS�LEA (3 .1 r COLS LOCI u ct., wa I Q--"A3 ru' a3oiinrds) ✓t:k,cur aur.1L&ol LEA ttoEFr,.ntj 313- Q3) - 2N 1�G.iye6we0c $13- 3tr1 - 38 1Q4q - zooz 24 L . 4/•"' Have you any similar work in progress at this time? Yes Na�..1 Length of time in business d 4r S �/�( Bar or ocher finan a refereaces� � itr,�b. ER-� S AViU95sVA--LlK lorki N� ,1$2gCtolZo1-S 41 — 155 -S13;3 (Attach additional sheets if necessary) 23. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the respondent in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the respondent provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, please so state. POW 17 PrOleo Ocoee's Wain Bcsoartns 20. LIST OF SUBCONTRACTORS: SUBCONTRACTOR and/or TEMPORARY WORKER AGENCY NAME/ADDRESS/FEDERAL I.D. NO./CONTACT PERSON/PHONE #: kJ0kk:; (Attach additional sheets if necessary) The respondent certifies that the respondent has investigated each subcontractor/temporary worker agency listed and has received and has in the respondent's files evidence that each subcontractor/temporary worker agency maintains a fully-equipped organization capable, technically and financially, of performing the pertinent work and that the subcontractor/temporary agency has done similar work in a satisfactory manner. 21. EQUIPMENT LISTING: Please list year, make & model of all equipment that will be used on City of Ocoee properties, including whether owned or leased. If leased please provide name of lessor. Zoo° M th Soc TW ?2eKTt}2 - Z PA-lll'7.t-S Ford r Can ✓ 1l; 1(61.rlut tool y 4Lts 5 Nvrelc E. Pc . POV1/�.� 16 Protect Rcoee's Water Resources auto—Owners page 1 55039 (11-87) Issued 11-18-1999 INSURANCE COMPANY TAILORED PROTECTION POLICY DECLARATIONS 6101 ANACAPRI BLVD. , LANSING, MI 48917-3999 Effective 11-05-1999 AGENCY CADWELL INSURANCE AGENCY 12-0010-00 POLICY NUMBER 992312-20580747-99 us,nr R COLAVITO FENCE CORP CB POLICY TERM Ano+ESS 2407 7TH CT E 12: 01 a.m. 12:01 a.m. to ELLENTON, FL 34222-2073 11-05-1999 11-05-2000 COMMON POLICY INFORMATION BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: Fence Installations ENTITY: Corporation THIS POLICY CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING COVERAGE PART(S) . PREMIUM THIS PREMIUM MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE $1 ,134. 00 TOTAL $1 ,134. 00 FORMS THAT APPLY TO ALL COVERAGE PARTS SHOWN ABOVE (EXCEPT GARAGE LIABILITY, DEALER'S BLANKET, COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE, IF APPLICABLE) 55000 (01-87) Countersigned By: CADWELL INSURANCE AGENCY