HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (B) Request for Public Input for Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Agenda 10-3-2000 Item VI B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOTT VANDFRGRIFI °\ �o CITY OF OCOEE osiss+ionvRe DANNY HOWELL 1 S0 N.0.0Rn/ 1 3 47 61-22 SCOTT A sEREEs N _ ° Ocole�, Fl.oalun 34761-2258 RUSTV lOHN50N Cfr�``yt ��� (407)905-3100 NANCY L PARKER F40i 6000 ` Crry Mnwaux ELIAS SIIAPI RO Staff Report Date: September 25, 2000 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director JS Subject: Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) South Park Development, Phase 1 As you are aware, earlier this year the City entered into an agreement with the Orange County School Board to purchase adjoining properties for the purposes of an elementary school and City park (known as South Park). Under the agreement, South Park will encompass roughly 11 acres to include a soccer field, baseball field, playground equipment, and an indoor recreation facility. Earlier this year, the City included these park improvements in its 2001-2005 Capital Improvements Program. Prior to developing the site, the City first must approve a site plan and clear the necessary areas of the park slated for improvements. To assist the City with development of South Park, staff is applying for a FRDAP grant to help cover the costs of the first phase of improvements. This covers the site plan work, clearing, the playground equipment, the soccer and baseball fields and supporting facilities (parking, landscaping, lighting, etc.). If the City is successful in obtaining grant funds, these improvements will take place during the 2000/2001 fiscal year. The FRDAP grant application calls for an advertised public hearing to take public input on the proposed project. No action needs to be taken by the City Commission. Staff is requesting the hearing prior to transmitting the grant application which is due October 13, 2000. The City will be requesting $150,000-200,000 to assist with development of phase 1. Cc: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager Bob Smith, Public Works Director Bruce Nordquist, Recreation Director POW Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published Orlando Sentinel TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 Advertisement NOTICE OF PUBLIC NEARING Please be advised that the Ocoes Commlesion will holda whit nearing on Octo- ber al 7.15 p.m.or as eorm er as practiced.in Cn Ocoee CM150 N.Lakeshore De lvpeiPnaaSe Ocoee, omnt of South Perk, newly acquired IC Dark see located off Maguire Road.The purpees el the hearty n to recebe citizen put lorr m Fickle Recreallen Derelo Assistance Pro. gram F°I!Ocoeeap°is s app lication Ip m snarl PProtection Any da artment nn- nAnyone iterested In renewnggg IMa apt �WiuW.n can Oo ea at Uty Mall, Ocoee,WMeen rore ive Plows 01 BOO ayp isC through ind ,exo except eseenstetndig slsenco parlicipale In any of'he pro- ceedings Gout'Garb Or eWr. In Muence of the meeting al soil 19JSW. SEPT.263oco