HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (A) Recommendation for Educational Services Consultant by Education Selection Committee Agenda 10-3-2000 Item VII A 'CEN/ER OF GOOD L117NG-PRIDE OF WEST ORA AGE MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDFRORIFT O a t y� CITY OF OCOEE O COMMISSIONERS �� �r DANNHOWELI. v Q 150 N. LAKI:RIIORI'DRIVE p SCOTT ANDERSON I'P.r.� PV OCU , FInRIDn 34761-2258 RUSTY JOI INSON ry � 407)656-2322 NANCY l PARKER !*OF G000 N` Cfry MANAGER ELLIS SHAH RO September 27, 2000 Memorandum To: City Manager, City Commission, Education Commission, Members of Education Consultant Team, and interested staff From: Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Subject: Charter School Consultants Selection team report Last evening the selection committee for Charter Schools for Ocoee met to review RFQs from consultants. A recommendation to the city commission was unanimously endorsed. The committee made up of 2 members of the education commission, Martha Lopez Anderson, Johan Bergh, staff members Bob Smith, Wanda Horton, and myself met to discuss each of our rankings. To everyone's surprise there was a meeting of minds on the process, which was done separately without conferring with each other, and the recommendation after totaling the grading system was as follows: I. The Haskell Company 2. Edison Schools Inc. 3. Design Works for Education I would like to thank all who participated in the study and discussion, I am sure our children will benefit in the long term. Attachments are available from the Clerk's office of the actual individual evaluation forms upon request. power RFQ#0005 EDUCATION CONSULTING SERVICES (PURCHASING CHECKLIST) criLI .T_ 7L, 42_.SAS t502515y TM ' Er nria_:+t ovartage ShcMlls gnu T • n taut aeon UIIk%M1i1R --� —�'— -- 3 Clefts Saco&,USA —� 4 &Mon School.Ire. V VT � 1;95 ;�- 11 5 The Haskell Company ✓�`� i 5 eRafe•Group (/ SABIS Eluutlenal SPmm�Inc— mero,woauia [auvyen-- 7 ✓ �� 6 9 Irks is 1t PaMon5RPee Im. 3F0 0005 Edocaton 3U13MITTatS a9 tltl 2 /Ltltltl IU:tlb the MAYUP 5LUI I PAUL ab n 4- / AV V v ✓' V 17) \ r/ 6OV \ nA ft'/ (m"/ w- / (1/ (Y i c. 0 1` / NS/ %k)/ I ' 1 � ��o a 1 J I I � \ 2t 13 I D I i _ f ! . i vi 1l VY i dr \\I :� . it Z 11_ c - �. .. I I I I I 1 1 I I1 I 1 I 1 1 I-- - 1 I - I 111 I I II 11 I I 1 11 II Il i II Il II I I 1 I I 1 I1 II 1I 1 I II I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I 60 04 6z(- � EVALUATION FORM n �Y t' RR)fhlo05 --Poo iB o3 . _ —1;1211GAI1011S92LS1 •S:_9ERVIC1S ________ L a Evaluation Criteria resign Works lot Education The Haskell Company Erikson Sehools Inc. utility to provide type &gaal ty of serrices ' +1- ( ) Points 1 � ,2..-. Q 7fiti&Extert cof_-.-_—__--- (. job i. ..s• __a_______ experience was mi ar 17 projects ( Z s'( )Foirls - Ability to dnderake e1 IL" tsavalk 61 project wii budget l n tased upon current/ I _( 9p rojecfetl workload �-�_ S ( Points r I naginatkm,creativity innovation,offx iency & cost effectiveness ,,(( I/t ( ) Poin!s CJ /�-- - 'JS@M !DO NI (:(sL, F financial oondieor a.fiscal stability 9 ----y ( Paints I �-.... ) 319. n Minority Eus.ness / `5 �) E nterpiso Participation { L__ (r S. 287 055) a ( ) Points 9 / 7O1AI.POINTS , (`e \ / y2-toor E, - _ Si \ i(• 21 ` tl SC),,+e • " <`�- (u) f< EVALUATION FORM �7 no:- vfd pKP.iif a_ PPG/MOS Evahaatlon Criteria Design Works for Education TAc HaskellCompany Editor Schools Inc. Ability to provide 4 pe ______...„�_' 8 goaldy of senices CO (1 �� ( )Paints Quality &Extent of —/ � ,i � i—'�� _ 1 experience nenoe w/si Tnlar ,�tt -- C� A / ./ ,,[[ a r projects ,,(c 5:nnio=, ec94/ I -"so rr,,JP U7" •I ./ /(i9 i lScl�> ( I Points i Si ,l/e ate / a'tirec P - Ability to indertakre—I ,/�) —• 5 project w/i budget (-� ) D ".1 / J 6/y / Nt4A K' )CCJ n based upon covert/ Cis',did n7�' Yet l r r s nn f p^ / '' y Q IJ projected workloac I)t'o� co1� 'CI A fC54 6SH ( ) Points on see),A(P_ r 'Irnaginatkn, creakvit) �e j�'1--'— T—�— - _ innevatior, efficiency ,1� J �` // p `�"/ .lo, - Sc Pv(relys �, (�.( p 8 ust-eM:ctweness l�£a t'lTbr> M'sv1 kirk '{>�Pw.t�>/c Jlol > l -«fe<, ( ) Points fa teY AoPJq roC ife'S 'JlJfec'etir V'E. - e--forxetl c.. - � 0..•3P .rr8 s SE_L _, - Financal contlifion ..7J `- ) � qIl' 8 fiscal sNbi ity 4r d ,/e, )/P �o�( 4rs 104,, ( ) Pont ,rceh'rvl 1st<E'E:VGtiy� '---_--- —---- -- -- -i_----_ nklinor /Business en,( c nnf S�Gi ,l Jq -oAl- t o Enterprise Participation F7Cac1N�' r 8 (I' 5. 237055) <z.vtt.- rec, ( ) Pants D TOTAL P•Jlr I�ITItI�$ 1 (�1 r / 7} �/_� n ___j o J c zS .,�.e>haLI -� "q;/ /i' ',.ci r5 R�5! rifle ce ✓ / L- & 7)6 I( ?>C . a uv1 - t2 -- r coo - .L.-3 ,RM t<' E'VALtIATION FORM RFC 00005 t 11 LI c Ev;lineation Criteria Design Work for Education The Haflell Company Edison Schools Inc. Aoilily to provide type & Quality at services l ( )Poirls _3 i ..-2- •ua ity & E#en1 o1 —' experience w/si nilar -�/t� 2P5/ ���L projects ? �L� / "c 1yy ,.a ( ; Poirns 0O5Sd ,w - Aoilily to undertake uk- 0o5#5•"*- 5 project won budget 5 nI based :pen current/ e.L-f / Ul c A. 11`' projected wo-kkrad 2 4- 3 n f ( ) Pcinls _ __ f3 Inagination, creativity �' rC P �, innoreton, eic en oy &costeflectivenees '' i� z Ic'�"1�'� J'�' ( ) Pcinls uQ,5 0 +, . i - v �r �i F nancial cordit on I C-) L,L.a r &final stability - 7 i 2, 5 AC' 6 ,.,e-w c, Minority Bisiness r Enterprise Participation fJ I(U.S -�- 287:%5) _L `/ a ( ) Points___ t �� ~ TOTAL POINTS n 4V' - -n r �' •5�� �O I'i r ///EVALt1ATICIN FORM a RFQ/MOOS al — iatird U4bSi !r!''iiiEELlllfif.r--���---�_���• 0 1 Eualua lion Criteria Cosign Words for Eduction The Haskell Company Edison Schools Inc. 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