HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (H) Maguire Road Widening Project: Phase 5 Design Proposal PEC addendum 005 for $345,825 Agenda 2-06-2001 (I;4I ER OE GOOD LIVING- remk OF I' Yr ORANGE" Ire mason•C oX%tomaussionr:x Ocoee S. SCOTT l ANDwRCRIFI' °�� �o CITY OF OCOEE (O,IMI„/OSERS a I50 N. LAR6:SIIORF DRIVE DANNY HOWELL SCOT 1NDERSON OcoI -, FLORIDA 347612258 RI ISTY IOI INSON e\) SNP (407)905-3100 NAN(N L PARKER GOaVJ .IIM OI.1',ASON MEMORANDUM DATE: January 25, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, RE., City Engineer/Utilities Director/ SUBJECT: Maguire Road — Design Fee Proposal Attached for your review and action is Addendum No. 005 to PEC's continuing contract. This addendum is for design and construction administration services related to Phase 5 of the Maguire Road widening project. Phase 5 of the Maguire Road widening project runs from Mercantile Court just north of WalMart, to Story Road. This phase of the project will widen Maguire to a four lane divided section with center median, will reconfigure the intersection of Maguire and Marshall Farms, and will modify the intersection at Story Road. The project does not carry four lanes across Story Road. We initially estimated the cost of design, permitting, property acquisition and construction to be approximately $2.8 million. We received $1.2 million from the Florida Auto Auction as a contribution toward this project. The Development Agreement between the City and the Auto Auction requires that the City commence construction of Phase 5 by November 17, 2003. Based on a total cost of $2.8 million, the $1.2 million received from the Florida Auto Auction and a commencement date of November 17, 2003, we developed a funding program for the project. In FY 2000/2001, we anticipated the expenditure of $600,000, primarily toward design services. In FY 2001/2002, we anticipated an expenditure of $800,000, primarily for property acquisition, and in FY 2002/2003, we anticipated an expenditure of $1.4 million, primarily for construction. The $600,000 and $800,000 figures given above are based on projections of road impact fee revenue, which is in turn based on projected growth. POWer I, I^ cur, We are now in FY 2000/2001, and have been provided the attached design proposal by PEC which totals $345,825.00. This amount consists of $230,804.00 for design-related services, and $115,021 for construction administration services which would be paid only when actual construction begins. There are currently sufficient funds available to cover the $345,825.00 design and construction administration costs anticipated by this proposal. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute Addendum No. 005 for a not-to-exceed amount of $345,825.00. JWS/jbw Attachment: Addendum No. 005 POW t. _nrn_er � to fiz nrez ' ADDENDUM NO. 005 TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES INCLUDING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR MAGUIRE ROAD (PHASE V) -DESIGN PHASE SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES This Addendum No. 005 hereinafter called the Addendum, as of this day of 2001, shall constitute an Addendum to the Agreement for Consulting Engineering Services between the City of Ocoee, Florida (the CITY) and Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc., 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Lake Eola Centre, Orlando, Florida(the CONSULTANT), dated the 2lst day of August, 1984, hereinafter referred to as the AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into an AGREEMENT whereby the CITY retained the CONSULTANT to provide professional engineering services as required from time to time,and WHEREAS the CONSULTANT will perform consulting engineering services for the CITY as herein defined. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises hereinafter set forth on the part of both parties to be kept and performed, the parties do mutually agree as follows: Section 1 - Services of the Consultant 1.1 The CONSULTANT shall perform the Engineering Services as outlined in the attached proposal (P-0258) dated January 4, 2001 relative to the provision of design phase services and construction administration services to the CITY. Section 2 - Compensation 2.1 Compensation by CITY for engineering services for the Maguire Road (Phase V) - Design Phase Services and Construction Administration Services is provided under this Addendum shall be computed under Paragraph of the Agreement, utilizing the Lump Sum Method of Compensation with the compensation for this authorization not-to-exceed$345,825.00 as outlined in the attached proposal (P-0258) and man-hour fee. Section 3 - Time of Completion 3.1 The CONSULTANT shall provide the design services within a 360 day period (12 months) from the notice to proceed, and the construction administration services within a 360 day period (12 months) from the notice to proceed as outlined in the attached proposal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Addendum No. 005 the day the year hereinabove set forth. 4 -eas • By: ATTEST: Kelley,C taro ran/Sec eiary surer Date: / /8/°°/ BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA By: ATTEST: S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor Date: For the use and reliance of City of Ocoee only. Approved as to form and legality this day of , 2001. City Attorney KlPNV\DOCUMMYI1OE\OCOEE\OOADM00-5ADN.idu 2 PEC PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. January 4, 2001 P-0258r/MK-03 Mr. James W. Shin, P.E. City Engineer/Utilities Director City of OroeP 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Re: Design and Construction Phase Services - Maguire Road (Phase V) Dear Mr. Shim: Professional Engineering Consultants, Inc. (PEC) is pleased to present the enclosed proposal for professional engineering design,permitting and construction phase services concerning the widening of Maguire Road (Phase V) from Mercantile Court to Story Road. PEC proposes to provide roadway design,permitting and construction phase services for a total amount not to exceed $345,825. This includes survey, roadway, drainage and traffic design ($155,487), utility relocation design ($67,817), construction administration services ($115,021) and direct reimbursables ($7,500). As a component of the construction administration services, we have included subconsultant fees for PSI, Inc. (materials testing services). PEC will provide project management, shop drawing review/approval, contract administration and construction inspection management services. The on-site resident project representative(inspector) will be provided by the City (Rod Winfrey) and will be supervised by PEC's Project Manager (Bob Rudd, P.E.) similar to the existing construction management services currently underway on Maguire Road south of S. R. 50. This proposed combination of City staff and consultant will save substantial expense for the City and provide professional inspection services. The construction administration services of this proposal is based on the assumption that the proposed Maguire Road (Phase V) improvements will be added to the existing Maguire Road construction project as a change order to the existing construction contract. Our proposal does not provide for a stand-alone construction project with bidding phase services. englne=•s Engineering Our Community" parr, su 1.c 200 East Robinson Street • Suite 1560 • Orlando•Fonda 32801 • a07..422-9062 • FAX r 846-9401 Mr. James W. Shira, P.E. P-0258r/MK-03 January 4, 2001 Page 2 The assumed contract period for construction of the Maguire Road project (Phase V) is 180 calendar days(6 months)beyond the existing contract time. The estimated roadway and drainage construction cost for Maguire Road (Phase V)is $1.2 million. Inspection services are scheduled for a forty (40) hour work week and working hours are planned from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. If I can answer any questions, please contact me at 422-8062. Sincerely, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Ki µC°72-64 Ken Hooper Principal cc: Robert Rudd, P.E. Fursan Munjed, P.E. Katie Gierok, P.E. K:U.D\PRO\P-0258r.Iv FINAL ENGINEERING MANHOUR & FEE ESTIMATE reed Name: Maguire Road-Phaxe V meription: Mercantile Court to Story Road .i B • is_. Ml._, Date• 1, 0 L1J a; 01/04/2001 P 1 -. TOTAL NOJAetivity'. Sr. i at ed /PSM Sr. - :aer Cadd Tadmidan Clerical i Man Hourly Man Hourly Man Hourly Man Hourly Man : Hourly Man Hourly: Maohaus Salary Cat Average Milli Houa Rate Hours Rate Haug Rate Hairs Rate Hums Rate : • Atli -.. l4er . . . .I :nvironmenW Effort 7 $34.88 14 $32.00 14 $24.72 14 $20.34 14 $16.74 8 $14.37 71 51 672.00 $23.55 .odwa Mara 88 $34.88 176 $32.00 176 $24.72 176 $20.34 176 516.74 90 $14.37 982 $20,872.00 $23.66 )rsine.e14ans 35 $34.88 70 $32.00 70 $24.72 70 $20.34 70 516.74 36 $14.37 351 $8 304.00 $23.66 12 $34.88 23 $32.00 23 $24.72 23 $20.34 23 $16.74 13 $14.37 117 763.00 $23.62 n. . rzation Plans 14 534.88 28 $32.00 28 $24.72 28 $20.34 13 $1437 139 53 302.00 $23.76 itilities 21 $34.88 42 $32.00 42 $24.72 42 $20.34 42 $16.74 21 $14.37 210 $4 974.00 523.69 t ALS..:I ....In 174.00 353 11 %.00 :353 -.726.00 353 180.00 353 r.l 909.00 .a!).ci 177il 1 .'. .00 .66 Total Contract Pee Coma tation Check Ate •. 'ate Block 'Total Activity Salary Coats 541,887 (a) Overhead Additives 1.95 $81,680( )Initial Estimate Subtotal(Salary&Overhead) $123,567(X)Revised Estimate No. 1 ( )Revised Estimate No.2 (b) Geotalmical Work $11,460 (c) Design and R/W Survey Work $20,460 Subtotal(Roadway Design) $155,487 (d) Utilities Relocation/Design $67,817 (e) Construction Administration Services 5115,021 (0 Direct Reimbureables(Out-of-Pocket) 57,500 TOTAL MAX WI FEE .5825 y 4lulal W gpwy W ma\'mk-031medo.vk4 ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORT 'roject Name: Maguire Road -Phase V )escription: Mercantile Court to Story Road SCALE . BASIS OF:i NO. OF ;NO. OF 'hi H ITEM F_STiMATE UNITS SREE7:S UNITS TOTAL M-H COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL EFFORTS/PERMITS Environmental Resource Permitting: Field Reviews Each 1 - 8 8 Summary Package L.S. 1 - 12 12 Includes calculations Prepare Application Package L.S. I - 18 18 NPDES Permit L.S. 1 i - 12 12 Follow-up Permit Coordination L.S. 1 - 18 18 Includes RAI's, site visits UIITOTAI. "I 0 " i a upervision (5%) L.S. 3 % of Subtotal TOTAL - 0 71 g:\c ericalthighwayWata\'mk-031mag5a.wk4 ROADWAY PLANS Project Name: Maguire Road -Phase V )escription: Mercantile Court to Story Road Prepared By: Fursan Munjed Date: 09/20/2000 Revised: 01/04/2001 P-0258 SCALE ' 'BASIS OF ';NO. OF ;;NO. OF M-11 ITEM 1'= ESTIMATE UNITS '.SHEETS UNITS TOTALM-1 COMMENTS I I ROADWAY PLANS Key Map - Sheet 1 1 8 8 Summary of Pay Items - L.S. 1 1 24 24 Typical Sections - Each 1 1 24 24 Summary of Quantities - Sheet 1 1 40 40 Plan/Profile 20' Sheet 8 8 48 384 Intersection Details Sheet 1 1 24 24 Cross Sections Per Section 90 30 T 1 90 50' Interval Traffic Phasing Data Sheet L.S. 1 1 48 48 Special Provisions L.S. _ 1 _ - 24 _ 24 Computations Book L.S. 1 - 40 40 Plans Checking Sheet 2 - 44 88 'SUBTOTAL:..: 44 ' 794 i'. Meetin.s Each 4 - 8 32 Field Reviews Each 2 - 8 16 Suiervision 5% L.S. - - - 40 g:\cledcal\highway\date\'mk-03\mag5a.wk4 DRAINAGE PLANS Project Name: Maguire Road- Phase V lescription: Mercantile Court to Story Road Prepared By: Kevin Perko Date: 09/20/2000 Revised: 01/04/2001 P-0258 SCALE BASIS OF NO. OF NO.OF -M-1I ITEM I'= ESTIMATE -.UNITS SHEETS UNITS TOTAL M-H COMMENTS DRAINAGE DESIGN/PLANS Draina•e Basin Ma. 400 Sheet 1 1 24 24 Draina_e Ma. 100 Sheet 1 1 24 24 Sum 1: of Dmina:e Structures - Sheet 1 1 18 18 Drainle Data Sheets - Each 1 1 18 18 Retention Pond Desi_. - Each 1 - 24 24 Includes Earthwork Calculations Pond Plans - Sheet 1 1 24 24 Pond Details - Sheet 1 1 16 16 Storm Sewer Desi•n/Tabulation - L.S. I - 48 48 Includes Modification to Geneva S stem Draaina•e DesiLn - L.S. 1 - 72 72 Drainage Calculation Book - L.S. 1 - 16 16 Plans Checki.: Sheet 6 2 12 SUBTOTAL : f. 6 1296 Meetings - Each ' 3 - 8 24 Field Review - Each 2 - 8 16 Supervision(5%) I - ) L.S. 1 i - i 15 TOTAL -l 351 SIGNING & PAVEMENT MARKING 'inject Name: Maguire Road- Phase V )escription: Mercantile Court to Story Road 'repared Bv: Fursan Monied Date: 09/20/2000 Revised: 01/04/2001 P-0258 -.: SCALE .BASIS OF NO. OF NO OF :M-fI ITEM I'= ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS UNITS TOTAL M-11 COMMENTS- SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING e Sheet -IC Sheet 0 0 0 0 Included in Roadwa Set Tabulation of a antities - Sheet I 1 24 24 General Notes - L.S. 1 1 8 8 Plan Sheets 40' Sheet 4 4 16 64 Plans Checl in_ Sheet 6 - 1 6 SUBTOTAL "`' IT 6 r102 Field Reviews Fah 1 - 4 4 Meetings Farh 1 - 6 6 Supervision (5%) L.S. - - 5 % of Subtotal '_.TOTAL rr 6 117 g:\clericaNughway\data\'mk-03\mag5a.wk4 SIGNALIZATION PLANS roject Name: Maguire Road- Phase V )escription: Mercantile Court to Story Road 'repared By: Fursan Mulled Date: 09/20/200(1 Revised: 01/04/2001 P-0258 SCALE'. BASIS OF NO. OF NO.OF M•H ITEM 1'_ ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS UNITS TOTAL'.M-H - COMMENTS SIGNALIZATION PLANS . Key Sheet - Sheet 0 0 0 0 Included in Roadway Set Tabulation of Quantities - Sheet 1 1 8 8 General Notes - L.S. 1 1 8 8 Plan Sheets 20' Sheet 1 1 60 60 Based on I Signalized Intersection(Story Road) Mast Arm Details - L.S. 1 ' 1 16 16 Plans Checking - Sheet 5 - 1 5 Signal Timing Analysis - L.S. 1 - 16 16 0 Orange County Review - L.S. 1 - 8 8 Story Road SUBTOTAL '' 14 121 '.' Meetings _ Each 2 - 4 8 Field Review Sheet 1 - 4 4 Supervision (5%) L.S. 1 - - 6 % of Subtotal TOTAL L,.' ` 4 139 g:\clerical\highway\data\'mk-03\mag5a.wk4 UTILITIES 'inject Name: Maguire Road-Phase V )escriptian: Mercantile Court to Story Road 'repared By: Fursan Mugjed Date: 09/20/2000 Revised: 01/04/2001 P-0258 SCALE BASIS OF NO. OF NO.OF M-H ITEM 1' ESTIMATE UNITS SHEETS UNITS TOTAL.M-H COMMENTS UTILITIES Utility Coordination Meetings - Each 2 - 12 24 Utility Adjustment Sheets 20' Sheet 8 8 20 160 Plans Checking - Sheet 8 - 2 16 SUBTOTAL r `- 8 "200 Supervision (5%) - L.S. 1 - _ - 10 % of Subtotal '.'.TOTAL '.' _I -'. 8 210 f II g:\clerical\highwaydate\'mk-03\mag5a.wk4 ATTACHMENT A MAN-HOUR ESTIMATES FOR MAGUIRE ROAD, SEGMENT5 CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION(CA)SERVICES Task Task Description Principal Project Manager Project Engineer CAM/Resident Technician Clerk Total No. Engineer (180 calendar day contract time.6 months) I. Schedule and administer project preconstruction conference. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Prepare agenda for,preside over and prepare and distribute minutes of preconslmction conference. Note,utility coordination meeting to be included as part dovetail I preconstrvction conference. _ 2. Schedule and administer periodic progress and specially 24 64 64 160 0 64 376 called meetings throughout progress of work. Progress meetings will be held weekly. Number of progress meetings estimated at twenty-six(26)with an average duration of four (4)hours. Number of specially meetings estimated at six(6) with anaverage duration of four(4)hours. Preside over and prepare and distribute meeting Minutes of Periodic progress and specially called meetings. Note,continuing utility coordination meetings arc considered as part of overall project periodic progress meetings. 3. Make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various 0 52 52 104 0 52 260 stages of construction in order to observe the progress and quality of Contractor's executed Work. Two(2)visit per reek with an average visit duration of approximately four(4) hours. Provide construction observation report for each visit 4 Review and approve Shop Drawings,Product Data and 0 12 30 12 0 30 84 Samples and Equipment O&M's. 5. Review and recommend Contractor's initial and monthly 0 0 0 14 0 8 22 updated/revised construction progress schedule(s). 6. Schedule and administer construction schedule coordination 0 0 0 ID 0 2 12 meetings with Owns,Contractor and affected utilities. Number of construction schedule coordination meetings estimated at two(2)with an average duration of four(4) hours.Preside over and prepare and distribute meeting minutes of schedule coordination meetings. 7 Review and Approve Contractor's MOT Plan 2 8 8 3 0 2 28 8 Review and Approve Contractor's Erosion Control Plan 2 8 0 2 0 2 14 k:\const\rudd\maguire.ca4 Task Task Description Principal Project Manager Project Engineer CAM/Resident Technician Clerk Total No. Engineer 9. Review field gooslimis and or problems and pnvided 0 15 15 5 0 15 50 mietpreiation of Contract Documents Issue n'rinco clanfications or interpretations of Contract Documents as- necessary. Number of RFI's estimated al twenty fifteen(I5). .._ 10. Review and provide comments/recommendations concerning 0 6 6 16 0 g 36 results of materials tests and observations performed by project Quality Control Consultant. II. Review,recommend and assist in negotiation of contract 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 modifications. 12. Provide additional design services with respect to actual field 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 conditions of existing bridge piles. ❑. Review and recommend Contractor's monthly application for 0 0 0 12 0 6 18 payment Number of monthly applications for payment estimated at six(6). 14. Observe project Stan-up.Demonstration and Testing. 0 4 4 8 0 2 18 15. Provide claim evaluation/negotiation assistance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16. Upon written request by Contractor,conduct an inspect to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 determine if Work is substantially complete and prepare and distribute a punch list of items to be addressed Upon written request by Contractor,conduct a reinspect to confirm that substantial completion punch list items have been addressed. Provide wntten recommendation with respect o project substantial completion acceptance. 17. Upon wntten request by Contractor,conduct an inspect o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 determine if Work is finally complete and prepare and distribute a punch list of items to be addressed. Upon written request by Contractor, conduct a reinspect to confirm that final completion punch list items have been addressed. Provide wntten recommendation with respect to project final completion acceptance. I8. Review final Application for Payment and accompanying 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 documentation to determine compliance with Contract Documents. Reviewrecommend and assist in negotiation of final contract modification,if required,reflecting approved adjustments to contract cost and time not previously made by other contract modifications. Provide wnitcn recommendation with respect to project final Application for Payment acceptance. 19. Provide mylar reproducible set of record drawings based upon I 4 4 4 24 2 39 field data provided by the Contractor,Subcontactor(s),RPR, Subconsullat(s)and upon information obtained directly during periodic site visits. k:\con sArudd\macu ire.ca4 Task Task Description Principal Project'tanager Project Engineer CAM/Resident Technician Clerk Total No. Engineer 20. Assist in permit(s)clearance and certify completion of I 8 8 8 8 8 41 construction on prescribed jurisdictional agency(ies)form(s). 21. Manufacture and Provide to Owner mid Certify to 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 jurisdictional aemry(es)O&M reflecting overall system(s) constriction and or improvements. 22. Provide Monthly Project Status Report to Ovnier detailing 2 2 2 12 2 6 24 PEC analysis of construction schedules,work performed, contract modifications action items,etc. Provide Final Construction Regan to Owner detailing work performed, contract modifications,etc.. Totals 32 183 193 375 34 207 1,02E k:\const\rudd\tnaguire.ca4 ATTACHMENT C MAN-HOUR ESTIMATES FOR MAGUIRE ROAD,SEGMENTS CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION(CI)SERVICES Task Task Description RPR Bridge Inspector Roadway Inspector Utility Inspector Clerk Total No. I. Provide Resident Project Representative(RPR) Seri and Construction Inspection Services as follows PEG will endeavor to provide further protection for the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor through more on-site observations of the Work in progressB and final checks of materials and equipment by providing the services of a RPR. The RPR mill be assigned full-time to the inspection of the construction activities and will observe the Work in progress. The Duties,Responsibilities,and Limitations of Authonty of the RYR will be as described in Attachment E. Construction Observation will be as described in Attachment F. 2. Owner Resident Project Representative(RPR)to attend project preconstruction meeting. Totals k:\const\rudthmaguire.ca4 ATTACHMENT C COST ESTIMATES FOR MAGUIRE ROAD,SEGMENT 5 BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION(CA)SERVICES CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION RATE BIDDING PHASE CONST. PHASE TOTAL HOURS RAW COST LABOR COST LABOR CLASS(DIR.MUL.2.92) SVCS. SVCS. Principal S3500 0 32 32 1,120 $ 3270 Project Manager 530 00 0 183 183 5,490 116,031 Project Engineer 52800 0 193 193 5404 S15,780 CAM(Construction Administration Manager)/Resident Engineer $3000 0 375 375 II,250 132850 Technician $1800 0 34 34 612 1 1,787 Clerk $ 200 0 207 207 2,484 1 7,253 SUBTOTAL LABOR HOURS 0 1,024 SUBTOTAL RAW LABOR DOLLARS S 26,360 SUBTOTAL TOTAL LABOR DOLLARS S 76,971 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION LUTE BIDDING PHASE CONST. PHASE TOTAL HOURS RAW COST LABOR COST LABOR CLASS(DIR MUL.2.20) SVCS. SVCS. RPR(Resident Project Representative) Bridge Inspector Roadway Inspector Utility Inspector Clerk SUBTOTAL LABOR HOURS SUBTOTAL RAW LABOR DOLLARS SUBTOTAL TOTAL LABOR DOLLARS S0.00 OTHER DIltECT COSTS(ODC)DETAIL EXTERNAL ASSOCIATE PSI,Inc.(Matenals Testing Services) S 35,000 S 35,000 SUBTOTAL.E.A.DOLLARS S 35,000 S 35,000 OTHER DIRECT COSTS Reproduction/Punting $ 700 S 700 Telephone(Mobile) S 500 S 500 Mileage 5 1,700 S 1700 SUBTOTAL ODC COSTS $ 3050 S 3,050 TOTAL LABOR COST AND OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL COSTS 5115,021 k:AconstAruddAmaguire.ca4 PROPOSAL CONDITIONS PEC shall provide Project Qualify Control Consultant ervices by this proposal. 2 This Construction Admmislrarmn r Cooslmntion Observation services proposal is based on aimbto-exceed 180 calendar day coilstnml imi period with PLC efIcestaf personnel normal 40 hour work weeks and cm-site personI normal 40 how onrk weeks. Standard PEC office staff Perswmel working hours are iron,800 AM to5:00 PM Monday through Friday_ 3 The Owner shall provide additional compensation for construction phase services preformed by PEC in connection with contract tune exletiimn beyond the staled not-to-exceed ISO calendardny construction period. Said additional services shall be reimbursed by the Owner 10 PLC on an hourly basis for time worked al the given rates as provided in this proposal and/or by any future amendments and/or modifications therein 4 I'EC shtall not provide construction related surveying services by this proposal. 5. one Owner shall provide additional compensation for construction phase services preformed by PEC in connection with additional Owner requested services either beyond that estimated by this proposal or not addressed within the scope of this proposal. Said additional services shall be reimbursed by the Owner to PEC on an hourly basis for time worked at the given rates as provided in this proposal and/or by any future amendments and/or modifications thereto. 6. Pursuant o the Contract Documents the Contractor is required to reimburse Om Owner for Owner's Engineer's review and recommend of Contractor proposed substautesRhmtges with respect to project mat enals and or equipment,desigiiprocess and Value Engineering. Said additional services shall be reimbursed by the Owner to PEC on an hourly basis for lime worked an he given rates as provided in this proposal andi'or by any future amendments and/or modifications therein. 1. The Construction Administration/Construction Observation services proposal is based upon work included by Contract Modifications into the current/active Maguire Road Improvements project Modifications to this proposal will be required if this is to be a separate contract. Time extension to the current Maguire Road Improvements project is estimated at l SD calendar days o ix(6)months. lithe actual time extension exact this amount,modification to this proposal will be required. To maintain the level of services as detailed by this proposal with extension of contract time beyond the said six(6)month period additional funding will be required. k:AconstVruddAmaguire.ca4