HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI(C) Second Reading Of Ordinance No. 2000-24, Rescinding And Replacing Travel Ordinance No. 93-20 Agenda 11-07-2000
Item VI C
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OCOEE FLORIDA 34761-2258
?� (407)905-3100NANCYJ.PARKERP Of G 0G 000��J CITY MANAGER
DATE: October 30, 2000
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Ellis Shapiro
City Manager
Attached is a black lined copy of the proposed Travel Ordinance that was tabled by the
City Commission at first reading.
Several of the City Commissioners suggested that I place this item on the November 7,
2000 agenda with most of the changes suggested by Commissioner Anderson for the
purpose of review and discussion with the possibility of placing this ordinance on
second reading and advertising same for a future City Commission agenda.
The staff awaits your review and direction regarding this ordinance.
Respectfully submitted,
c: Jean Grafton, City Clerk
Protect Ocae::'s Water Resources
TO: Ellis Shapiro, City Manager
FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney
CC: Wanda Horton, Finance Director
DATE: October 26, 2000
RE: City Commission Travel Policy
Per our conversation and the City Commission discussion at the September 5
meeting, attached hereto is a revised draft of the City Commission Travel Policy which is
attached as Exhibit "A" to Proposed Ordinance No. 2000-24. This is provided in blacklined
form to show the changes from the Travel Policy set forth in the Ordinance as presented at the
first reading.
Should the City Commission desire to adopt these changes, then a Motion to
Amend the Proposed Ordinance should be made at the second reading and Public Hearing on
Ordinance No. 2000-24.
If you require any further changes,please let me know.
This redlined draft, generated by CompareRite (TM) - The Instant Redliner, shows the
differences between-
original document : C:\FLCONV\FLTEMP.DOC
and revised document: C:\FLCONV\FLTEMP2.DOC
CompareRite found 9 change(s) in the text
Deletions appear as Overstrike text surrounded by {}
Additions appear as Double Underline text surrounded by []
186563.6 compared to 186563.5
10/27/00 1:46:08 PM
The travel policy is adopted for purposes of regulating travel for the Mayor & City
Commissioners. These individuals will be identified through out this policy as the "traveler".
The City shall pay certain expenses to the traveler in order that the traveler may attend meetings,
conferences, seminars, workshops and similar events which serve a public purpose and are
considered to be in the best interest of the City.
The need for City travel for which reimbursement may be claimed by the travelers named above
on behalf of the City of Ocoee is acknowledged as serving a public purpose and being in the best
interests of the City. All such persons are eligible to travel for the conduct of City business or to
attend meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops and similar events for the benefit of the City,
at City expense, pursuant to proper authorization prescribed in these regulations.
(1) A Travel Expense Report issued by the Finance Department, which shall be used
by all travelers requesting reimbursement for travel expenses, shall be completed.
The report will be filed within {fourtccn(14)) [forty-five (45)] working days after
completing the authorized travel[, but in no event later than October 20 of each
year for any report related to authorized travel in the previous fiscal year].
(2) Transportation expenses will be reimbursable as set forth below. All travel must
be by a usually traveled route. If a person travels by an indirect route for his/her
own convenience, any extra costs shall be borne by the traveler, and
reimbursement for travel expenses shall be based only on such charges as would
have been incurred by a usually traveled route. Air travel, if necessary, shall be
by {tourist) jup,�radeable coachl class, when practicable, and a receipt shall be
required for all such air travelf; provided however, that the traveler may, at the
traveler's expense u ade to business or first class in which case the City will
reimburse for the cost which would have otherwise been incurred for air travel by
up2xadeable coach class. Notwithstanding the fore oin the City will reimburse
a traveler for business or first class travel if required by the Americans with
Disabilities Act]. Travel by private car when a City vehicle is not used will be
reimbursed at a rate per mile established by the City. When travel or local
transportation is by rental car, all rental car fees and charges are reimbursable
when substantiated by receipts. Local travel by airport limousine is reimbursable
when substantiated by receipts. Taxicabs and parking fees are reimbursable and
receipts for such expenses should be obtained whenever possible.
Travelers who are assigned a city vehicle shall be reimbursed for gas only and not
mileage; however, a gas receipt must be submitted to receive reimbursement.
(3) Reimbursement for lodging will be on the basis of actual cost of a single
occupancy{, or occupancy sharcd `h another traveler}. Double occupancy rate
006.198629.1 -2-
will be reimbursed if no single room is available or if traveling with the traveler's
spouse. No reimbursement will be provided for expenses charged for in-room
movies or in-room food/beverage bars.
(4) If a traveler is out of town for longer than one day, the traveler shall be allowed
one personal telephone call reimbursed per day providing that the time limit of
that call is reasonable. (No other personal calls arc }[All calls which are related
to City business shall bed reimbursable [to the traveler.
(5) Gratuities (tips) are recognized as a legitimate part of the cost of travel and a
proper charge against the City, when such expenses are necessary.
(6) Registration fees, including meals and other programmed affairs and activities,
are reimbursable upon presentation of receipts. Receipts are not required for any
activities included in or on the registration form for the event when a City check
is issued for direct payment of such fees and charges. Registration fees may
include social activities which are part of the program for the event. Expenses for
social events and entertainment which are not part of the program shall not be
reimbursable except as provided in Section 12 below.
(7) All travelers will be reimbursed for the• actual meals expenses, except for
alcoholic beverages which will not be reimbursable. A receipt for meals will be
provided whenever possible.
(8) If a traveler accompanies a city employee or City official who has an authorized
City credit card and the credit card holder other than the traveler pays for meals
and other expenses with the City credit card, then the traveler shall not be eligible
for reimbursement for those expenses paid by the credit card holder other than the
traveler. The credit card holder who pays any expenses for a traveler will be
reimbursed for such expenses provided the credit card holder lists all such
expenses incurred on the Travel Expense Report and the names of the traveler for
whom the expense was incurred.
(9) Any other necessary expense not otherwise provided, incurred for the benefit of
the City, together with receipts whenever possible and explanations thereof,
should be claimed on an individual basis by completing the necessary travel form
and should be signed by the traveler. All such expenses must serve a valid public
purpose. In the event the expense does not serve a valid public purpose or is
otherwise inconsistent with this policy, then the traveler will be responsible for
payment of the expense.
(10) Travelers may obtain travel advances when requested through the Finance
Department only for expenses which cannot be charged to the City credit card
issued to the traveler. The necessary travel form must accompany the request and
must be signed by the traveler. All advances shall be accounted for within {-tert
(10)) 1 forty-five (45)1 working days after completion of the authorized travel but
in no event later than October 20 of each year for advances made in the previous
fiscal year.
(11) The City will reimburse for travel, meals or expenses for spouse of the traveler
when the spouse accompanies the traveler, the event includes activities which
may be attended by the traveler's spouse, and the attendance of the traveler's
spouse is otherwise in the best interests of the City considering the nature of the
event, the role of the traveler with respect to the event and the attendance of other
spouses at the event. The City will not reimburse for travel, meals or expenses of
other family members of the traveler.
(12) Entertainment expenses incurred by the traveler which serve a valid public
purpose will be reimbursed to the traveler. The Travel Expense Report of the
traveler must include the nature of the entertainment, those present, and a brief
summary of the business discussed. Receipts must be provided for all
entertainment expenses.
(13) All Travel Expense Reports must be completed as stated above.
(14) Any travel by a traveler which is reimbursed under this Travel Policy is subject to
the availability of budgeted funds for such purpose.