HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (A) Prairie Lakes PUD - Track E Preliminary Subdivision Plan - Project #LS-99-008 Agenda 11-21-2000
Item VI A
OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258
y@V (407)905-3100 NANCY J. NARKER
DATE: October 30, 2000
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner
THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning y
SUBJECT: Prairie Lake PUD —Tract E
Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Project# LS-99-008
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Prairie
Lake PUD —Tract E?
The Prairie Lake PUD —Tract E subdivision will include 66 single family residential lots and 106
townhouse lots, for total of 172 units. The project is located at the southeast corner of the
intersection of Clarke Road and Hackney Prairie Road. The subject property is part of the
Prairie Lake PUD, which provides for net a density up to 7 du/ac, with an average living area no
less than 1,200 sf and a minimum living area of 1,000 sf. The property surrounding the
proposed subdivision has PUD zoning (west and south - mostly vacant land) and R-1-A zoning
(north and east - SF homes), but there is a small vacant parcel just north of the site with C-1
zoning. The subject property is currently vacant, but is substantially covered with trees.
The single family portion of this subdivision will have two points of access, one from Clarke
Road and one from Hackney Prairie Road. The townhouse portion of the subdivision will have
one entrance from Clarke Road which will be gated. The plan currently does not provide a 6
foot brick wall along Clarke Road and Hackney Prairie Road, as provided with most other
subdivisions. The Developer has chosen to provide a 10 foot landscape buffer with a berm,
rather than a wall (see typical section on Sheet 3 of the plan).
There are two recreation tracts (Tracts F and G) located in the townhouse area. Tract F will
include a pool with a cabana and a tot lot, while Tract G will include a multipurpose court. The
Developer's representative indicated at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting that these
recreation areas are intended to serve the townhouse area only.
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October 30, 2000
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Page 2
This subdivision plan also provides a 5.44 acre park area on Hackney Prairie Road which will be
dedicated to the City with recreation impact fee credits. That park land is located adjacent to
another park area which was acquired by the City when the Remington Oaks subdivision was
platted. Portions of both park areas are below the 100 year flood plain, but once this subdivision
is platted, the City would have a total of approximately 10 acres of usable park area on Hackney
Prairie Road for a neighborhood park. The details of this park land arrangement will be finalized
in an amendment to the Prairie Lake PUD and an amendment to the Developer Agreement
which are currently pending.
The two parts of this subdivision will be connected by sidewalks for pedestrian interaction.
However, there is not a connection for vehicular traffic because the townhouse portion will be a
gated community. The subdivision plan does not currently provide landscaping, a fence or a
buffer wall between the two portions of the subdivision. However, it should be noted that the
Code usually requires a minimum 15 foot buffer area (supplemented by berms, walls and/or
fences and landscaping) between multifamily uses and single family areas. This point has not
been pressed during the staff review process, since the entire tract has a common land use
designation and zoning.
A unique feature of this subdivision plan is that it involves a significant amount of filling within the
100 year flood plain off-set by excavation to provide compensating storage. This technique is
permitted by the Water Management District, but is usually not permitted by the City because it
is inconsistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. In this case, the Developer was allowed to
propose this technique, as well as using a designated wetland area in the sinkhole for
stormwater retention. This is because the project is part of the Prairie Lake PUD which was
approved prior to adoption of the current comprehensive plan. When that PUD was approved,
the Land Use Plan anticipated that this compensating storage technique would be used when
the land was developed.
As previously indicated, the majority of this site is covered with trees. With the proposed filling
necessary to bring a large portion of the site above the 100 year flood elevation, many of the
trees on the site will need to be removed, particularly on the southern half. Again, this filling is
only being permitted since the original PUD contemplated such a construction technique as part
of its approval.
Three waivers from normal Code requirements are being requested for this subdivision plan.
Waiver# 3 in the waiver table involves minimum building separation within the townhouse area.
That waiver was supported by the Development Review Committee (DRC). The other two
waivers (# 1 and #2 in the waiver table) involve side setbacks and maximum impervious surface
coverage in the single family portion of the subdivision. The DRC voted unanimously not to
support those two waivers because the reduced side setback (from 7.5 feet to 5 feet) and
increased impervious surface coverage (from 50% to 60%) would make it very difficult to
preserve the few trees that will be remaining on the site. Additionally, the DRC did not support
the Developer's position that a side setback of 6 feet should be used for the first waiver request
(6 feet is the minimum side setback for single family homes in an R-2 district). Rather, the DRC
supported the position that a side setback of 7.5 feet should be used for that waiver request (7.5
feet is the minimum side setback for single family homes in almost all other single family zoning
districts). Also, the City has never approved a single family project with a maximum impervious
surface coverage over 50%.
October 30, 2000
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Page 3
Another important policy issue to be considered with this proposed subdivision plan is density.
The Prairie Lake PUD provides for townhouse development with a maximum net density of 7
dwelling units per acre on Tract E (the subject property). The majority of the DRC voted to
consider the entire area of the subdivision when calculating the net density proposed on this
site, including the sinkhole which is being used for stormwater management. Using the figures
presented on the Plan, the total number of units proposed in this PSP is 172 and the net
developable area is about 38.2 acres. These figures provide an overall net density on the site of
about 4.5 du/ac. Therefore, using these figures, the proposed density is consistent with the
Prairie Lake PUD Land Use Plan. The DRC did not oppose the Developer's intent to include
portions of the stormwater management area and the City park area in the townhouse density
calculation. That method results in a net density of 6.4 du/ac on the townhouse portion of the
site. However, if those areas are not included in the townhouse density calculation, the actual
density in the townhouse portion of the site is approximately 9.8 du/ac.
The Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Prairie Lake PUD — Tract E was reviewed by the
Development Review Committee (DRC) on September 19, 2000. The plan reviewed by the
DRC still had many unresolved issues which were presented in a staff report with numerous
comments from several departments. During the meeting there was a lengthy discussion on
various issues outlined in the staff report. The applicant agreed to revise the plan to incorporate
changes discussed by the DRC, then resubmit the plans prior to the Public Hearings. At the
conclusion of the meeting, the DRC voted 7-1 to recommend approval of the Preliminary
Subdivision Plan, subject to the changes discussed during the meeting. The discussion
included a unanimous vote not to support the first two requested waivers involving 5' side
setbacks and a maximum 60% impervious surface coverage for the single family lots.
The Planning and Zoning Commission considered the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Prairie
Lake PUD — Tract E on October 10, 2000. Staff and the Applicant's representatives answered
numerous questions from the Commission regarding various elements of the Plan. There were
also a few questions from the public which were also answered.
During the discussion, P & Z Commissioners raised several questions about the project. One of
the concerns was about the completeness of the plans. Some of the Commissioners felt that all
applicable information should be on the Plan before they took any action on a recommendation
(some of the information requested by the DRC was not on the Plan at that time). There was
also concern about the buffer along Clarke and Hackney Prairie Roads (this Plan does not
provide a brick wall as is provided in other subdivisions) and a buffer between the single family
and townhouse portions of the subdivision (a brick wall is not provided as it has been in other
similar situations). One of the Commissioners also raised the question of notifying single family
residents about the proposed townhouses in this subdivision. Questions about density
calculations were raised, but the Commission seemed to accept the DRC vote to consider the
area of the entire subdivision when calculating density.
When the discussion was finished, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 4-3 to
recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Prairie Lake PUD — Tract E,
according to the Staff recommendation.
October 30, 2000
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Page 4
The plans have been revised since the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. All of the
necessary additional information that had been discussed by the DRC has now been provided
on the Plan. However, there are three items on the Plan that should be clarified:
1) The building envelops on single family Lots 1, 2 and 3 should show a front setback which
matches the front setback on single family Lot 4.
2) The boundary of Tract J at the Hackney Prairie Road entrance should follow the 86
contour line, providing more frontage for the park on the entrance road.
3) The subdivision boundary at the southeast corner of the site should be modified to
provide access above the 83 contour line between the Clarke Road retention pond and
the property east of the subdivision which will eventually be transferred to the City (Tract
F of the Prairie Lake PUD).
Also, upon further review of Development Note # 29 on the Prairie Lake PUD Land Use Plan,
it appears that the developer option of providing a landscape screen vs a buffer wall along
Clarke Road and Hackney Prairie Road does not apply to this property. The Assistant City
Attorney has confirmed this interpretation. During the DRC review of the project, Staff was
mistakenly under the impression that the developer did not have to follow normal City policy
which requires that a six foot high brick wall be built around the development. Accordingly,
the City Commission may wish to require this type of screen wall along Clarke Road and
Hackney Prairie Road consistent with surrounding developments.
Based on the recommendations of the DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff
respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve thePreliminary
Subdivision Plan for Prairie Lake PUD —Tract E, subject to exclusion of the two proposed
waivers on side setbacks and maximum impervious surface coverage on the single
family lots, and further subject to the plans being modified to incorporate the three items
of clarification previously identified.
Attachments: Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Copy of the current Prairie Lake PUD Land Use Plan (with amendment approved 1996)
Preliminary Subdivision Plan, date stamped October 30,2000
/ a
CC rietto
TO: The Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee
FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney
DATE: November 21, 2000
RE: PRAIRIE LAKES PUD - TRACT E (Project No. LS-99-008) (11/21/00)
Proposed Motion for Approval
Move approval of Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Prairie Lakes PUD - Tract
E, as date stamped received by the City October 30, 2000, subject to the following conditions
of approval which have been agreed to by the Applicant at the public hearing:
1) The building envelops on single family Lots 1, 2 and 3 should show a front
setback which matches the front setback on single family Lot 4.
2) The boundary of Tract J at the Hackney Prairie Road entrance should follow the
86 contour line, providing more frontage for the park on the entrance road.
3) The subdivision boundary at the southeast corner of the site should be modified
to provide access above the 83 contour line between the Clarke Road retention
pond and the property east of the subdivision which will eventually be
transferred to the City (Tract F of the Prairie Lake PUD).
4) Exclusion of the two proposed waivers on side setbacks and maximum
impervious surface coverage on single family lots, said waiver requests having
been withdrawn by the applicant, so that the single family lots will have a side
setback of 7.5 feet and the single family portion of the project will have a
maximum impervious surface coverage of 50%.
5) Approval of requested waiver to allow a 20 foot building separation in lieu of a
30 foot building separation for the townhomes area.
6) The restrictive covenants for Tract E shall prohibit "short term rentals" and
such prohibition be enforceable by the City; provided, however, that for the
purposes hereof, "short term rental" shall refer to a rental term of less than 6
7) Each original third party purchaser of a townhome and/or single family home
within Tract E shall receive a written disclosure form which includes sufficient
information to disclose to such purchaser the proposed site plan for Tract E and
the mix of uses within Tract E, such disclosure form to be reviewed and
approved by the City prior to the approval of a plat or the sale of the first
townhome or single family home, whichever first occurs. The City shall be
provided with acceptable documentation of compliance with the foregoing
which shall include a receipted copy of the disclosure form for each townhome
and single family home.
8) The following minimum living areas shall apply to the development of Tract E:
a. Single Family Minimum Living Area: 1,400 SF
b. Townhome Minimum Living Area: 1,100 SF
9) The applicant shall submit to the City revised plans which incorporate all of the
conditions of approval set forth in this motion.
1) The applicant shall construct a 6 foot high brick wall along Hackney Prairie
Road from Clarke Road to and including proposed Lot 40.
2) With respect to the proposed irrigated landscape buffer and berms, restrictive
covenants shall provide assurances acceptable to the City for the adequate
maintenance thereof and that said provisions shall be enforceable by the City.
3) The Conditions of Approval for the Prairie Lakes PUD provide that the
"irrigated landscaped buffer with berms" along Clarke Road must be approved
by the City. The City Commission in its review of the proposed Preliminary
Subdivision Plan may determine the adequacy of the proposed buffer and berm
and, if applicable, require revisions to the proposed landscape buffer with
berms or set reasonable standards with respect thereto.
1) A 6 foot high brick wall will be constructed along both Clarke Road and
Hackney Prairie Road and in consideration of the applicants voluntary
agreement to construct said wall, Tract J (Park) will be converted into single
family residential lots (to the extent permitted by the City Code) and will not be
conveyed to the City as a park tract and that all provisions inconsistent with the
foregoing will be modified. The lot layout for Tract J will be set forth in the
Final Subdivision Plan.
006 201000.1 -2-
Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date Published
N0rCE 15 HEREBY GIVEN.that the
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