HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (H) Orlando Avenue Repaving Project - Change Order No. 1 Agenda 11-21-2000 Item VII H "CENTER OFOOOULIL7AG-PRIDE OF II IZS7 ORA.VOL MAYOR•COMMISS]OXFR Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFI Q` `� o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS clU DANNY HOWELL pail OQ 150 N. LAKISHORE DRIVE scar ANDCRSON V OCOILI:, PIDRIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON �9r ,V�'T (407)656-2322 NANCY J. PARKER F9 Op GOON` env MANAOeR NI.I IS SIIAPIRO MEMORANDUM DATE: November 8, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director, SUBJECT: Orlando Avenue Repaving Project We have received a proposed Periodic Estimate for Partial Payment No. 4 from Gibbs & Register, Inc., the contractor for this project. Although this project was essentially completed many months ago, we have been working with the contractor to correct several minor deficiencies, and to reach agreement on a tabulation of final quantities. The attached Change Order No.1 consists of two parts, listed on the Periodic Estimate for Partial Payment form as Final Quantity Adjustment, and Additional Work. The Final Quantity Adjustment amount of $43,268.05 represents the summation of all additions and deletions from the contract's unit price items, based on measurement of in-place completed quantities. The Additional Work amount of $6,509.00 represents a summation of all additional items of work added during the course of the job. The specific items of work within each of these categories are listed on the attached tabulations shown as Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 respectively. The changes in quantities which are tabulated in Exhibit 1 under the column heading of "Change Order" are items of work which were either increased or decreased from the plan quantity due to site conditions discovered during construction. On Exhibit 1, you will see a reference to Phase I and Phase II of the project. To refresh your memory, Phase I ran from Bluford Avenue to East Lakeshore Drive, and Phase II ran from East Lakeshore Drive to Hammocks Drive. Ok- PO 1 WWWWWWW r,J , rs : In Phase I, the changes were as follows: Increased Quantity: Milling existing asphalt pavement $ 214.00 Install Type S asphalt $7,046.50 Install concrete sidewalk $ 23.50 Install 6" white traffic stripe $ 254.40 Install 6" yellow traffic stripe $ 278.30 Subtotal- increased quantities: $7,816.70 Reduced Quantity: Adjust meter box $( 800.00) Seed and mulch $( 837.00) Sodding $( 282.50) Reflective pavement markers $( 56.00) 12" white traffic stripe $(1,218.00) 24" white traffic stripe $( 234.00) Subtotal- decreased quantities $(3,427.50) Net change - Phase I $ 4,389.20 As you can see, the majority of the change in Phase I is attributable to additional asphalt which was needed to pave the badly deteriorated sections of the road. The contract was structured to allow for changes in asphalt quantities based on conditions revealed after milling was complete, and as we suspected, the milling process revealed a badly deteriorated base course. To restore the road to an acceptably smooth riding surface required additional asphalt. POW' I i inert Or tes Water Reseur In Phase II, the changes were as follows: Increased Quantity: Compacted subgrade $ 1,632.75 Optional base $ 30,673.50 1"Type S asphalt $ 4,921.00 3"Type S asphalt $ 5,550.00 15" concrete culvert $ 110.00 18" concrete culvert $ 110.00 Aluminum handrail $ 560.00 Type F curb $ 900.00 Ribbon curb $ 120.00 4"thick sidewalk $ 1,968.00 6" thick sidewalk $ 2,550.00 Sodding $ 1,170.00 Clear reflective pavement marker $ 6.00 Amber reflective pavement marker $ 330.00 12" white traffic stripe $ 543.00 6" white traffic stripe $ 186.30 Subtotal- increased quantities.: $51,330.55 Reduced Quantity: Select bedding material $( 87.00) Rework limerock base $( 8,148.00) Miami curb $( 1,768.00) Concrete valley gutter $( 1,260.00) Directional arrows $( 100.00) 18" yellow traffic stripe $( 465.00) 6"yellow traffic stripe $( 623.70) Subtotal- reduced quantities: $(12,451.70) Net change - Phase II $ 38,878.85 Total net change - Phases I and II $ 43,268.05 As you can see, the majority of the change in Phase II is attributable to additional base course and asphalt quantities. This was again due to the badly deteriorated condition of the road, the extent of which only became known after work began. In many areas, we had to install a deeper base course rather than rework the limerock base course, because there was no limerock base course to rework. As in Phase I, the poor condition of the existing roadway required us to install additional asphalt in order to have an acceptably strong finished roadway. POWWWWWWW1 The additional items which are listed as items 2 through 8 on Exhibit 2 are items of work which were not listed as unit price items on the bid request, but which were required to construct the job. The largest three of these items were additional costs of $7,200.00 for asphalt leveling course in Phase II, $2,166.00 for removal of existing base, and a credit of $5,500.00 due to a reduction in thickness of structural asphalt in some areas from 3" to 2". In summary, most of these changes were due to deteriorated conditions discovered during construction, and could not have been known in advance. The contractor worked with us through the project to try to produce the best quality finished product possible, given the poor quality roadway that existed. The original contract amount was $344,462.00, and we have previously paid $283,018.59, leaving a balance due to the contractor of $61,443.41. This amount, plus the quantity adjustments and additional work totaling $49,777.05 brings the total amount requested by the contractor to $111,220.46. This project is funded from the Transportation Bond and the availability of sufficient funds has been confirmed with the Finance Department. I recommend that the City Commission authorize payment of $111,220.46 to Gibbs and Register, Inc. in accordance with their Periodic Estimate for Partial payment No. 4. POW Pare' ,0nR. rr.F ski— GIBBS & REGISTER, INC. 438 Noah Dillard rich t 3 - I Winer Garden, Florida 34787 milill Telephone: (407) 654-6133 Facsimile: (407) 654-6134 Uctoher I/. 20UU !ko.sl Wheeler. F.F. Assistant t. ity Engineer I I North Lakeshore I)ncc Ocoee, Ft. 34761-22D8 >i Meet: Urfa e!uc1N bur- mad it ei en! -t Pha: I _nd I! Pay Application No. Four(4) - Revised Dear Mr. Wheeler: :Attached .au Will Ithd the loIlua _ (trnitt t.n th proc)2tts to p t'e ze our v Mai Pav . ..: No. 4 for the Orlando Avenue/White Road improvements Project Phase 1 and il: 1) l wu (2) Sic,Incd I Opies of t'a. Application No. + eur (4) Imel - Ke sed 2) rinai change order summarization tlt._._ nettlytt , nth.C r4teSeAI Ni': fat chi! Aril. { .. 1 , RR_ ' AA . . li eir concurrence on au the changes. incase contact me it you have any questions. UtUt5N &. REU1J I ILK. INC. I El 888 Uihh; President Enclosures cc: file PERIOOIC r_,MTr ,N,PAYMENT FOR.,R de . /OR PAY k,°an ,„,.M' 3 'owl Lao cermosi Chant],GRIM .; OM/ ROWS CeSt et en. lame ..a oneas a. le) ago j [no Quality Mont 43 u°°m,vu 4�w S 05 tem vclaIS cheduled H °Catlin,. ... . .,e u. 23505 geld Innerul ye./ Clo.el!An Puna]LEGS.s1 Subtotaa F mow F }A Lin U.S ..b nryu ..u,SS,mon net.l.!, _...,shawl.1 en face ,e , .,o .. min Na proms.] Celor MI,A I maenad ,m.,. °a�.an..a .dC. 'th.°,.' : `.w.. e Mal..,.payment._..,.,drou._a..Inc m.w,.,.P°wm rip....dWan pea!nod..,.in3n a Langan.NSW 251.311 �. Henry,..,.M Si. , �.. M,N,. ..aom.. .m.,.. v,. ,d�. w m..�... Ns notes pad bean ,:"`° ,m" U,,�.e.5w:p.4.I.p,,35,� 1.,.y,Cralldaa rIm�I. ,heaed.�,u.ma,..4',: ihni Cznif inur'Fuld ha pun On Amount fegLASI(od vex. w ii = . .,.,E . °. u._Oweds PERIODIC ESTIMATE FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT PM tl Ocoee Contractor Gibbsd Rag FAYPERIOD PERIODIC ProtectWaneeMmOm o A nd —1Mddrsys 436N GarrdeSSeel 11m99 ESI1MATE We Road Improvements Pfgjed.Phase I and II a Garden..FL 3178/ to No Four(4)R ReusedRgaJ N. OE902-N3 Contractor's Pryyt No ]9005 825W rage ldl 1 COST OF WOO(COMPLETED TO DATE UNDER ORIGINAL conVa']ONLY. Enmee must be laded to sank and an:under Me angina Contract only Mesh and cost data under change coder is to be Mom n Pal 2 d tltis tam) Columns(8)and In Show al Wet vmµeW to date under°KUry Contract Column LPL Enler Me ddferarcn Nehmen609es in arumns(5)and( ) Cdumn(9).Show percent rnon d column(7)le column(S, Coat ct comPleMmand cdawo. — D.wipEone Oncomplem %Comp vo (]I DuiNtly cart pr UnIt Total Cori puansy 1.1.1 Con WoM1 (1) l91 PI I61 /9 Tit IBI PHASEI 1 MLJv4Im 1 5 ODD m 5®W Tm SNUW 0.00 1(0% 2 Mantenmnxof traffic 1 320000 276000 100 27000 OW 100% 3 Emavn Control _ I ]WW 7000 1W 2WW 0(0 Ion% 4CI awry&Grubbing (054 Ac.I 1 3`CC 35900 W 3S11m 000 IW% 5 Bituminous'manna(pne mall 130 ]t0 3930 0 130.00 3900 CO 001 103% 6 slummme MGMY(lack wan 433 15L....- 649.50 433.00 049.550 O.W 100% 2 MNIrg Esmo AttaIt Pammnl IT ap.Depth) 0067 2D] 17 33400 8 667 00 17334D 000 irk 8 Type Amplmlbe Cmaete(21 8667 650 73.86050 8 667 00 7306950 000 100% 9 Admalin°Manche TagSarars 1 SbUA _ 580050 103 5Hp50 000 103% IC Myum9 vase Boon _ .. 1 PAW Pmm 100 WOW 900 100% 110Jiusline Meer Booms 1 WCm mO.W 1 OD aYIW 0W 100M _12 Concrete Side d(4'mipl 1132 2350 16 36700 1122W 26,367W OW 106% 13 Seeding and NuldLpg 279 3N 63)W 0,W 100% IA ]T9W IA Sodding 17491 250 32750 1491 W 3,72250 0.W 100% 15 RaasmmdRanlsd Trees 26 IA W 39000:3 2603 3m].m OW ITM 16 R69Mrre Pasa3a(11 Mbl.¢r,(f811&_dlr Amber 140 140 W O W _ ]O3 9WW _ 9m W 1(0% 12 SoI,Tralm Stops.T6efmonastc(IT r.6de)_ 696_ I75 1}i6 CO 695.00 12I8PO OQ) 18mtl TraTo Stops TMmeplmlc(2r Atde) n 325 234 CO Ron 23400 0m 1W% _.19 Solid TrMc Stage Thermoplastic(6'M1de) _ 0Se 21W.W __._. ._376W 099 237690 000 IC% 20 Solid Rafcsoge 'CIllosto(6yellov) 097 ],'TAW 2231CC 097 0 CO 1W% Subtotal Phan I 156.724.00 156.72400 PHASE II _. _... 21 Wollaston i to699W 19Wo.W Tao 10 000 DO 0W 100% 22 Nanamave a Traffic 1 642003 6460W 100 64m00 Cm 23 Erosion Control I 1200W 12C0 CO 1 00 1Il000 0W 100% 24 Cleanng a Gmbbirp(I WJ 1 A(CO0 9Aro0 1m 900300 CW IX% 25 ReuW Eaaa&.n _ 1.427 BL 12 129 50 1421W 12129.55C OW _ IW% 26 Soled Sedan°Materts_.. 29 bW e2W 290 B]W 27 Compacted sulSMe n2) 2293 175 365525 22133 W 385525 OW 10096 Rau Iva.' 562 t4W 6142W 58200 194890 090 1 1W% za Rm..orw�nm Nm�rx __.,.__ 29 Optoanr Ease(base OrOup 71 920 16 50 151 )10 92000 1510000 000 1C0% 30 11u1nws Maleaia(tack.coal) 508 1.550 62(0 58800 &2(C OW IW% _31 Type S Pspbatc Concrete(M) I0.2t6 _ _. 3 55Y4 W 10n6W 35.966 CO -. 100% W . gW 32 types Asprwleraloam(3') 1,502 Tam 1s.vc1W l.5nrzm 1592000 aW lass 33 Inlets(w sot TypeCI.TOO') _._ z Lmoco 21Wm 200 2150m 0W 34 Adjusting Vase cows 1 3@I3W 3W]W 1W 380003 000 1OG% LL.3 R lire Hydrant1,1S.W 1,150 m W 1.1WW CW 1mdI �cu fit(Crss Pa(Crnl(CI I �W T15I 12 SSW 00, W 66000I C 1� PERIODIC ESTIMATE FOR PARTEL PAYMENT CM d Ocoee Omvaa ry Gibes P.Register. DI er..Inc PAY PERIOD PERIOC P Herne d Ovca-Orlando AvenueAOEresa. 438 N.Dillard Street 11AGW ESTIMATE White Road lmpmE-30PrgM_Rha Ion„ YArx Garden FL 31]8] to No Fwr 14)((wed O -3a M--W. E -WJ3 Cmlmioes Palo,no J9005 V25/00 Rage 2 d 3_ I COST OF Inks*COMPLETED TO DATE UNDER ORIGINAL mlira]ONLV Enures nett be limited town am ems under me a ghat camas mry. Mort and cost data under dlmnpa aaa is lobe Paean In Pan 2 of this tom l [plumate)end O).Sher»Veal.mnptned to dae under rn9arl Contract Column(8).Enlerthe difference between miles in columns(5)ma PI Column(9)Show percent ra4a1 C[alum D to column 151. CorMatt. : .Competete Pate ... 'CGStOI -•---- - IWp onal$oos _... ILmonreleb0. %Comp Ne (2) Ou.o y Cunt Fen unit Tam Coae Otnnwy Too]Cost work ' 37 Concrete Pipe Curved{cross uuranfoais IIH18) IS 5500 825.1110 1500 02500 0W 1W% 30 kMered End Sedistew daneRCPXIT) I I OS W 10YJ00 100 1.00]W 0 Ce it W filfierdefie Pipe'Aeuranu1C 13ra) 6 70DO YOW 800 ate)LID 000 1(0% 40�Cmaete CuNfl Gutter(Type Fl 873 1800 15,T4W 87300 15)RW CW 100%1 % <1Cai ere Curb(Type DI49 1]W 83300 4903 BA.O] OW 100% m Marna 42 Caete Curt r 16 1700 0]]200 51600 W% W 0W 1 43 Calel Curb(Ribbon) 41 1500 61500 4100 615001 9W 100% 44 Concrete Vadley Goer 2 2000 I. 4 711)W 235 W ]o3 DO000 100% S Cosa Sde 11p"NKK) 19 2<W 32MW CCOJ 3�744 CO 000 10G% 45 Conaele Sidevra'k LP Pdr) 36 50.00 1dt0.00 1 SODW 000 10% 46 Concrete Ouch Favorere(non-renlmrcdl S 13 4300 ._ 55903- 13 CO- 55900 CW. IWM 47 SaNno �305 2W 6 770 W 436500 8n0W 0W IOM 48 Sign misting(Remove)(Snore Purl) 4 70W 260W 400 20000 0W 100% 49 SIgn eadlRe tRel e)(Single Post) 9 110Oa 99000 900 99000 000 1(0% 50Rer1edne Pavement MrkuSF&I)don-IWCdalase 7 600 _-.. 42W _0 W 100% 42 CO ]W Reeenie Paewnl Maier,flit&-0v Amer __ _ 356 6W 2136.pJ 355.W 21"GW 000Ire SI,IMmmd Arrows Proelas5c 8 50.00 400W 6W 400 90 000 f(% 526Yp ermine Scope,Tneneoplal,(Mee)(6-10 Sap) 30 1W 9000 3000 30W CW 1000% 53 Skip Traffic Since TemWlvl¢(VNlml(610 sap) 264 1C0 264W 266W 261W OW IC0% Slop Traffic Scope Temrylaste(Yellow)(1P3354) 2(0 025 SO.W 20000 WW 0W I00%1 54 S ad Traffic Scree Thermoplastic Cie While) 4R IW 66JW 44200 @:..W 9W 1P% 55 Sorel(Pete Stripe lhetT QavcRc \N:el pL _325 4225 W 42 25 8W 11Yv., • Snpe Thmcpasuc(IB Tees.", 400 3W 4a)W �W1 1w0. _0m 1W% • ISd 4ge ol o16 e) ]WW 132W 32 0W W% • - Traffic Ste IDHmdyastc 6 Ye wl 143 33000 4.719CO 1_431 4.71900 0 00 lee% ISubtolal Phase II IST.738PQ 187.738.00 e.W - - L SUBTOTAL 914.41260 1/446100 V.00 ORANGE ORDER ADJUSTMENTS. _ _ _ TO DATE cinrel Order No l-FINAL QUANTI ADJUST 1 43280, 43 pee 05 16 Anne ssi 0 00 Clew eONo-No 1-AD OrONLAL % I( _ Nee Gale Vdre 1 875 W 67500 1 W 875 W 0 W 11C0%%11 W W 7 W 150 4800 7200 150. 200 0CP I SdNal k ReilieVai ICI 5 OG 505OD 101 DO aria ro 0 ix W%1 RenoeEzsncgllay. —.___.___ 222 3W 2,1EG.W 72200 2165.W 9CC 1LV\1 Aare-ME eon Sidewalk 27 30W 810 C0 21W 610W OM tC0%I me Flumes _,_L__1 300 45300 1W UW 0W 100% cma I5 -Crean for 3'm ZGmaurd i I 15.500 W) S5 SM W1 Ito 15,5i]W ___ _ OW ICO4 ( ........� ._ .1 ... 'rlJlf HI I FINAL CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY City of Ocoee Contractor Gibbs&Register, Inc Project Name: City of Occoee-Odando Avenue Address: 438 N. Dillard Street While Road Improvements Project-Phase I and II Winter Garden, FL 34787 Project No.: OE-302-13/3.3 Contractors Project N J9005 16Ntr D4actiptiorre t ;-0(d FSn#1':' -:No Quantity Ouaotily Adjust GostFarttnf( Change Drdr PHASE I _. _.. ... 1 Mobdization 1 1 5,000.00 0.00 2 Maintenance of traffic 1 1 2,700.00 0.00 3 Erosion Control 1 1 700.00 0.00 4 Clearing&Grubbing (0.54 Ac.) 1 1 3,500 0.00 5 Bituminous Material(prime coat) 1,300 1,300 3.00 0.00 6 Bituminous Material(tack coat) 433 433 1.50 0.00 7 Milling Existing Asphalt Pavement(2"avg. Depth) 8,667 8,774 10 2.00 214.00 8 Type S Asphaltic Concrete(2") 8,667 9,496 829 8.50 7,046.50 9 Adjusting Manhole Tops/covers 1 1 5,800.50 0.00 10 Adjusting Valve Boxes 1 1 800.00 0.00 11 Adjusting Meter Boxes 1 0 (1) 800.00 (800.00) 12 Concrete Sidewald(4"thick) 1,122 1,123 1 23.50 23-50 13 Seeding and Mulching 279 0 (279) 3A0 (837.00) 14 Sodding 1,491 1,378 (113) 2.50 (282.50) 15 Relocation of Plants&Trees 26 26 0 150.00 0.00 16 Reflective Pavement Marker.(F&I)Bi-dir Amber 140 132 (8) 7.00 (56.00) 17 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(12"white) 696 0 (696) 1.75 (1,218.00) 18 solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(24'white) 72 0 (72) 3.25 (234.00) 19 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(6"white) 0.99 1.096 0 2,400.00 254.40 20 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(6"yellow) 0.97 1.091 0 2,300.00 278.30 Subtotal Phase I 4,389.20 PHASE II 21 Mobilization 1 1 0 10,000-00 0.00 22 Maintenance of Traffic 1 1 0 6,400.00 0.00 23 Erosion Control 1 1 0 1,200.00 0.00 24 Clearing&Grubbing(1.60 Ac.) 1 1 0 9,000.00 000 25 Regular Excavation 1,427 1,427 0 8.50 0.00 26 Select Bedding Material 2.9 0.0 (3) 30.00 (87.00) 27 Compacted Subgrade(12') 2,203 3,136 933 1.75 1,632.75 28 Reworking Limerock Base(var.Thidcness) 582 0 (582) 14 00 (8,148.00) 29 Optiaanl Base(base group 7) 920 2,779 1,859 16.50 30,673.50 30 Bituminous Material(tads coat) 588 588 0 1.50 0.00 31 Type S Asphaltic Concrete(1") 10,276 11,682 1,406 3.50 4,921.00 32 Type S Asphaltic Concrete(3) 1,502 2,057 555 10.00 5,550.00 33 Inlets(DT Bot Type C) (<10) 2 2 0 1,090.00 0 00 34 Adjusting Valve Boxes 1 1 0 3,800.00 0.00 35 Relocate Fire Hydrant 1 1 0 1,150.00 0.00 36 Concrete Pipe Culvert(Cross Drain)(Class lI)(15") 12 14 2 55.00 110.00 37 Concrete Pipe Culvert(Cross Drain)(Class ll)(18) 15 17 2 55.00 110.00 38 Mitered End Section(Cross Drain)(RCP)(15") 1 1 0 1,000.00 0.00 39 Handrail Pipe"Aluminum"(3-rail) 8 16 8 70.00 560.00 40 Concrete Curb&Gutter(Type F) 873 923 50 18.00 900.00 41 Concrete Curb(Type D) 49 49 0 17.00 0.00 FINAL CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY City of Ocoee Contractor Gibbs 8 Register, Inc Project Name: City of Occoee-Orlando Avenue Address: 438 N. Dillard Street White Road Improvements Project-Phase I and II Winter Garden, FL 34787 Project No.: 0E-302-B/3.3 Contractors Project N J9005 ROM ...:II)oaC014109s ..;;;i: F f'8td fjiW<i • -.. ;No Ouantity O1lantrty Adjust-:_COstPnrUn4 - •GFmnge rinds. 42 Concrete Curb(Miami) 516 412 (104) 17.00 (1,768.00) 43 Concrete Curb(Ribbon) 41 49 8 15.00 120.00 44 Concrete Valley Gutter 235 172 (63) 20.00 (1,260.00) 45 Concrete S enalk(4"thick) 156 238 82 24.00 1,968.00 45 Concrete Sidewalk(6"thick) 36 87 51 50.00 2,550.00 46 Concrete Ditch Peverm.it(non-reinforced)3" 13 13 0 43.00 0.00 47 Sodding 4,385 4,970 585 2.00 1,170.00 48 Sign existing(Remove)(Single Post) 4 4 0 70 00 0.00 49 Sign existing(Relocate)(Single Post) 9 9 0 110 00 0.00 50 Reflective Pavement Marker, (F8I)Mon-Dir Colorll 7 8 1 6.00 6.00 Reflective Pavement Marker, (F8)Bi-Dir Amber 356 411 55 6.00 330.00 51 Directional Arrows,Thermoplastic 8 6 (2) 50.00 (100.00) 52 Skip Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(White)(6-10 sk 30 30 0 1.00 0.00 53 Skip Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(Yellow)(6-10 sl 264 264 0 1.00 0.00 Skip Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(Yellow)(10-30 200 200 0 0.25 0.00 54 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(12"White) 442 804 362 1.50 543.00 55 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(24"White) 13 13 0 3.25 0.00 56 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(18"Yellow) 480 325 (155) 3.00 (465.00) 57 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(6"White) 116 1 23 0 2,700.00 186.30 58 Solid Traffic Stripe,Thermoplastic(6"Yellow) 1.43 1.24 (0) 3,300.00 (623.70) Subtotal Phase II 38,878.85 Total Quantity Adjustment 43,268.05 E,rII➢IT Orlando Ave/White Road Final Change Order Summarization Base Contract Amount: 344,462.00 1) Final Quantity Adjustments(See Attachment): 43,268.05 2) New Gate Valve: 875.00 3) Asphalt Leveling in Phase II Area: 7,200.00 150 tons at$48.00 4) Sidewalk Removal: 101 sy at$5.00 505.00 5) Remove Existing Base: 722 sy at$3.00 2,166.00 6) Thickened Edge on Sidewalk: 27 If at$30.00 810.00 7) Concrete Flumes: 453.00 8) Credit for 3"to 2" structural (5,500.00) Final Change Order Amount 49,777.05 Final Contract Amount 394,239.05 PERIODIC ESTIMATE FOR PPRINL PAYMENT r. CM a Ocoee Contra:o. Ohba pRegislec FOR PAY PERIOD PERIODIPaledPq Nan City a Ocoee-Orlando Avenue/ Address. Street 1IX093 EsnW1E Wtte Real Mpex Poppet Phase l ate II Wow Gordan Eland]Saar TO NO LOUR 141 FINAL-Rai Sed Fsgat No. OE-307-51/3.0 Cmea'Yls ect No ANON W15/00 FII ScpWob Pr CprMas GTpnpe4Ybn -Aaalawna rPIXlpinNGon4xr Ctluclona Frcm Cool Centred Change CON olCO I lPrice plan RSWed Coat alarm Ibma As 6Vawn pr Change tie... On(2) I'Mu OeSenpllGr. Added By CO Complete()to OrdMlrl 1.19 patella) I.I real Quarety Adjust 4326a 05 4]the 65 Add:tonal thlt 6509 CO G 5H W tarts . 3 t1/41.4ALY5150F PDJU51F0Cm V.'ry. AMOUNT TO DATE A Onbnal Cmlat Amount(Subtotal Cal 5 PART 1) 34A62 OD 0. Pius Addams Sclie3ulel m Column 5 Above 40,7T05 C _Less Oedod ns Scheduled m Column 7 Above - -D. Adjusted wnraf Amwmtta Dale ]Y Su Po 4 ANALYSIS OF Work PERFORISEO A Coat or ggra Cmlrxl Work vdmnea to Dan Sunlpy Co I PART) "a4462 Ct Extra Work Pe4OnedtO Date{Total ColG above). 49777051 C Total Cost d VM1nk Plumed to Del... 39421905I O. Leo Mount Retained 0%Cori of VAX Performed In Date pLine Aq Fixed M nl OCC Net Amount Earned at Cmlmy Work to Date.. ]un 21905 F. Add Manna Stored a Close of this Perim lw%q O Subtotal aid 39yna.05 I H Len Amount d PM<k•S Ceariereesra Paymefi 2R301859 Balance Due this Payment 1.1.704E 5 CERTIFICATE OF CONTRACTOR ACOading to the best q my knowledge arid bola lowly net an Urns aid amount amen an the lee of the Peplrc Estsnde for Wna Payment we anecj that d1 Wolt has berm pMwrnea and/or maletl s pPed in lull actoda eMn IM requrmr[Ts a Me rmaeecd Contract aibrn dully authorized edvbms subslauYss,ellanahna wafer adenlms that am luepwng is a we and mesa statement a the Caine armmt up to and ndWrng the day of the peril covered by N;s Penedo Estmsdna no pep M the'Balance L4e This Pa/rnmr has been recovad.and that the unbesrynd and his subcontralns harol chock Applicable reel Complied won al the labor provisions a saw Contrail Cmplid veal laborwoe/sons d sal Contract except instances Ne eves nth rmpM Ic said labor prpvisons Contractor GOYS B Raster Inc By Date__ Gibbs.Presdent CERTIFICATION OF ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER I cenay Mall have csecNM and weld the Low and forepang Penman Esenam rat Palma Payment Na to the heal or my knowledge and brew it is a we and correct Statement a d Work pep/armed and/or malenal suppled by the Contractor. that all Work and/amoral included el this Periodic Estimate has been nspeded:i ne aWw duly a to -dd reJreaenlamc w asses-Mats and that is has been performed anru Suppled in lull aardaue sal regumments a the rammed Cmoac. _AIl Wait aid/w mat al included n tins PenMlc Estimate has been inspected and marred by the Gry's Ford Representative. Corr)Ine Pala oaYment domed aid',minted by the Contract*.is company canprdd MI the oars a Work pea aped and/or mama supplied to data Cwnuaiy Nacre Signed. Date En9.neer PREPAYMENT CERTIFICATION BY FIELD ENGINEER I certify that loan best re my kno*edpe and belief that all Wady pyror mLakY, ende the Contract has been Inspe dd by me and that is hasbwlm performed and or supplest in lull accordance we,the reauuarenM of the Contract.Further I hare clacked Ibis estimated against the notes end reports d my swpq'ms d the prgep end the psis reports&Salted by the Mchaa3Engnai It is my comae that the 9alemaY of Nbk Patterned ardor nl aiats supplied is aivWe, Nd the GMhaad G obserwp the requirements Cl the Contract and that the Catlrvtlor amid be pap the amount requeetea Lose Cots Field Reoresenmrue --_.. Date _. IG APPROVED FOR PAYMENT ` 1 rol v Janes Stiea,P E C EngeerN altes Deedw Ony d ocvm.FloridaondaalM n