HomeMy WebLinkAboutII(A) Fifth Grade Essays That Were Presented At The Woman's Club April 17, 2001 Citrus, Ocoee, and Spring Lake Elementary Schools I genaa J-U 1-LW
Item II A
Student Name: LbarintNic,10 ._\1\MW10b
Parents: ktpeca Yyoultn.
Siblings: _C1 k)
Principal: � ,row
Teacher: __ azcz,^ ch a-00LS
School Coordinator: i�n� ll2 }
What do you enjoy most about fifth grade?
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What do you have furl doing when you are not at school?
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Principal:Teacher: _Zap:Jr/cc/a_ 41_-_--.06 ks •
School Coordinator: Zao_r)6 _64)/Z--
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Student Name: _2(-044__Sailko,____Ja
Parents: ttallLlacOigi 4414.0i15-
Siblings: facie
School: Oco_ce ZALL-Q,
Principal: _Mr3,_ 311.6 (i0J__:3-72tidd0/3
Teacher: _MiaL___VaaLen ect.,z4e,_
School Coordinator: ger .1 John sLn)__ cal
What do you enjoy most about fifth grade?
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What do you have fun doing when you are not at school?
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Student Name: c a5e,v _14:ii e 5=
Parents: r\--.'1.\lej\/ ‘i--\,„ip--:-.:: 14,-...,--; c,. ,;.--,:,.. ,..::,. .;-•
Siblings: (_..
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School: n1.--(-- --,f- '-----k (7.-- -).-,,,_,..-.i C.--. ki
Principal: --)).-.: -r-:-1'qc.,,. J
"*. eacher: /Lir_ /-----.,---.'CI= / 1 1V1V .
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School Coordinator: C,horu ( Johnson Cf"
What do you enjoy most about fifth grade?
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What do you have fun doing when you are not at school?
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Student Name: Kari Ritz
Parents: Carl and Belinda Ritz
Siblings: Emily Freeman
School: Sp ring Lake Elementary
0„P-Fincipal: Dr. Osborne
11111 - cher: Mrs. Barker
-hool Coordinator: Mrs. Gair
What do you enjoy most about fifth grade?
Going to 5th grade programs.
. Wriat do you have fun doing when you are riot at school?
Reading books.
Student Name: Crystal Torres
Parents: Ramiro and Mercedes Torres
Siblings: 5 brothers and 3 sisters
School: Spring Lake Elementary
Principal: Dr. Osborne
Teacher: Mrs. Barker
School Coordinator: Mrs: Gair
What do you enjoy most about fifth grade?
I enjoy being with my friends and learning new things.
v ur d� inrc oil you- are:not at school?
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Going to the park and shopping with my friends.