HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (A1,2,3) Appointment to Various Boards Agenda 4-03-2001 Item VII Al "(EWER Ot ( (OU Ln 7Rr1-1'1211)E(H Itl'.SI Old S(E IVAA 1OR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT �A o o CITY OF OCOEE R1.FR5 ►�® — DANNY HOWI.I.L n IiON L,ixLSUGHL Dervr ii O SCOI 1 ANDI RS1N n OU1F r, FEcitiD A 34761 2258 III S I Y [(H INSON 4.4 �.t (407)905-3100 NANCY I PARKER e*or coos�� (407)656-5725 FAX ACmcCn , M♦Na&R FROM THE OFFICE OF JEAN GRAFTON, CITY CLERK JIM(jI.E ASoN MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: lean Grafton, City Clerk I Date: March 27, 2001 Re: Appointment to Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department (3 year terms) (Members must be either City residents or owners of real property or businesses in Ocoee or members of Ocoee Police Department) The term of Member Wayne Hurst will end April 1, 2001, and he does not wish to be considered for reappointment. The resolution which created the CACOPD provides for up to 25 members. Without Mr. Hurst, there will be 22 members. One citizen interested in serving on this board, Mr. Tony Kissoon, has submitted an application and it is attached. Staff Recommendation Should they wish to do so, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint a member for a three year term ending April 1, 2004. nig Attachments: Application Current Member Listing Brief Description of City Boards PI MAR Y2 l is 'CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OFWEST ORANGE' S. SCOTT VANDERCRIFT Ocoee o. CITY OF OCOEE o>"n NDERs - pi" ^' o DANNY HOWELL •� - 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON MAYOR•COMMISSIONER OCOEE,FLORIDA 347 61-22 5 8 RUSTY JOHNSON �.^ ?� (407)905-3100 NANCY J. PARVFR dtfq OF cuoa``, APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS CITY MANAGER ,7 ELLIS SHAPIRO I. Name: ON.-1 k-i 5t ccru Home Phone: y-v7- 5�/ -a$J 4 2. Home Address: 'Ia41 rn°tin:(-4,Z, G iek Cc-* 7 3.1 26n 3. Business: .1q,e.;ALT, --Ts)u.i.,7 ,r%�,^ Business Phone: F1-c7 " 7-s 8 - 3667 4. Business Address: 4,/n/g- — 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: /7-5<=c+4z e 2�'�"'` — Lr7z.� it<e. 4,— i f3�7. ,v.c y y ems' - N N'Y Grp 'r GJ E,ur -1° /73:AteY"K] C.>L/E C/i_ - y_LhAH-.J ,-,-, .04ZI F,TY LNri Gw-f-'^'c<...,u-Y . 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes L/- No Dtsuwt# 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes t. No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No . 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No✓ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes `/ No 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate your degree of interest as first choice- 01, second choice-02, etc. * Board of Adjustment 3 Personnel Board Citizen Advisory Council Ifor Police Department * Planning& Zoning Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' * Code Enforcement Board Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees **Education Commission c — Recreation Advisory Board * General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified o serve on this board? Z„z gas/ 9 7« _F}cha,ir <..,- _<G.z <Lin-A.,,.;Z9 Uaa SrA' 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s)you selected above? Yes -" No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes No 15. Please attach resume. , / i ** What school does your etyild attend? L,J�:S w�f I �� /z �i/ /'-Us ?y/,24°:_" v SIGNATURE• v�-1 M wtr. DATE: I ` e — 6 Note: (1) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT c\all_data`FORMS\Ad Appl-Ed CorAdoc\jl t 01Nr. TOTORAM KISSOON 12,9 Mont Heath Circle Ocoee, Florida 3d761 (407) :21.2854 QUA UPC ATl ON Excellent orgar¢ad onal and time ntanagemer'!d!is. Socially SUMNIA_R: and profess:anent adest C . ab:e nt ork'.he a t paced environment 1 I i . . _: 'la.,,;oo`itlo't_ KnowiEdge of iiigeseift erg a...- 'Lss aver _inner u: . i ' t c_= ensi Cot-I:crate neernits- n Sew York Cr PT;CFESSIO L. E71r_RiENCr. 998 - Present A.3. STERLING L.AN L?,I. New `:e' '. or Private Inver.ti,e to - 19n9 LENOX :-IILL iiOSP1£AL, Yin's, ;Yr kw -u,.. Security Superei;ur NEW YORK TOLICE DE'AR'FMEN-I, New 1aetc, New York 1997 1998 Duties included •r acesoing people it hie eeon - .pecificaih- in the Youth Gang Apiirehensio0 If nit, Performingfeerrerming _.r:c_, Chtchi, `lair ainiag Lacy Falorceroent Data Base cc6 GGc A eeiethed to N. . rn ..ranta ten?iazcons Division Dorkinet win LS I terns, Secret ''ere Frig Enforcement ..:Jai ano if e _o:4'Ca iv. (Tend actedineqcWad'on- 1Drug ee - 199b - ss:oned to the Organized Crime and Con trot 3th Dunes were siriier these In the position above, 11491 - 1995 Uniformed Patrol, Commenitv Beat Otficer, Warrant Otficer. -.'so worked i-.:be Street Narcotics Enforcement l.N:. 1987-1991 MERIT OIL COMPANY. Ye,,,Y:,rk., ;.-,. '/- Manager/Sur eraiso r Prepared pavcne:k pa yrcU and posteo acmunrs recei?:a`_.e, munmtr:ea accurate inventor- of supra es and responsible for hiring ceome:ert state. FldliCATION 6/00 MO Brevard Community College, Melbourne, Plc:Ida State Certification in Law enforcement; Criminal it.sttce 1986 - 1987 John Jay College, New York, New York Obtained certificate in Law and Police Science. 1986 -198: Center for Media Arts, New York, New York Attended classes Siang,and TV Production Ligntag Sinning 198n Medgar Eves College, Brooklyn. New York 199 - 198= British Guyana TechnCcai list;tore, British C,s:cr:C REFERENCES A _tiia'eie ncron request CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Created by Res. #88-06 on 2/16/88/Amended by Res.#91-09,92-07 Sr 96-20 Member District Phone Number Term Expires Sherrall Applegate (Secretary) 1 407/656-7409 (H) February 1, 2003 504 Spring Creek Drive 407/521-2330 x 243 (W) gapplegate a netzero.net Ruth Aycock 3 407/656-5842 (H) February I, 2003 311 Center Street 407/656-0081 (W) Norman Beier 2 407/656-2954 (H) July I, 2001 1275 Sandy Cove John (Jack) Cooper 4 407/297-7737 (II) November I, 2001 1360 Vickers Lake Drive 407/812-0560 (W) jcooper578@aol.com Richard Davis 3 407/656-6467 (H) September 1, 2003 608 Gallego Avenue Betty Hager 2 407/656-3838 (H) February 1, 2003 511 Orange Avenue 407/579-8164(Cell) Thomas A. Hendrix, Sr. 2 407/654-5837 (H) January 1, 2003 608 Jay Street 407/758-4056 (Cell) (Mailing: P.O. Box 74) Wayne Hurst 1 407/656-2911 (H) April 1, 2001 1707 Mona Avenue 407/656-4200 (W) Joel F. Keller 4 407/578-5191 (H) January I, 2003 5021 Lighterwood Court 407/841-4755 x 2337 (W) J Kellcrcmagicnet.net Mark Linn 2 407/877-0458 (I I) August 1, 2001 703 Lakeview Drive Richard S. J. (Dick) Luce(Chairman) 2 407/298-6426 (H) February 1, 2004 126 Olympus Drive cecndiek@bellsouth.net Robert M. McKey 2 407/292-2586 (H) January 1, 2003 1110 Wineberry Court 407/292-2586 (W) RobMcKey@HotBut.com Freddy Milner 2 407/656-1544 (H) January 1, 2004 904 Flewelling Avenue Page 2 Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Member District Phone Number Term Expires Dean Richards 2 407/656-3464(H) December I, 2002 805 Ridgefield Avenue Cecil W. Sammons I 407/656-0422(H) July 1, 2001 1264 Russell Drive 407/299-6161 (W) Mark A. Scalzo 4 407/298-1473 (II) January 1, 2003 6938 Crosscut Court 407/422-4561 (W) sealzo@mindspring.com Mel Shaner 2 407/656-8091 (H) February 1, 2003 615 Orange Avenue Jim Sills (Vice Chairman) 2 407/656-0644(H) February 1, 2003 205 S. Lakeshore Drive 407/656-3700 (W) 407/620-6489 (Cell) SILLS9570@AOL.COM Tom Slimick 2 407/656-8191 (H) February I, 2003 408 E. Lakeshore Drive tslimick@cfl.RR.com Gene Snow 2 407/656-4595 (H) February I, 2003 401 N.W. Flewelling Avenue Myrtle L. Vaughn 2 407/656-0541 (H) October 1, 2001 202 Ocoee Hills Road Frank Venturella 3 407/877-6215 (H) November I, 2001 2410 Copperhill Loop Sam Woodson 2 407/656-3954 (II) November 1, 2003 814 Chicago Avenue SLWJ@AOL.COM Ex-Officio Members Scott Anderson, Commissioner 407/656-0337 Appt. 2/03/98 Robert Mark, Police Chief Ken Fisher, Sergeant 407/656-1518 (W) OcoeeLeo@aol.com Clerk Sally Whitford, Deputy City Clerk 407/905-3100 x 1026 swhitford@lci.ococe.fl.us amopd/bg/February 23,2001 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CITY BOARDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (City residents only/not City employees) Meets as needed members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms Duties: To hear and decide appeals for administrative review; to hear and recommend to City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance. CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT (Ocoee residents, owners of real property, members of OPD, owners of businesses - per CACOPD By-Laws) Meets 3rd Thursdays, alternate months, V:00 p.m. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms Duties: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only) Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 7 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (Me:nbership will, when practicable, include an rchitect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor) . Duties: To review infractions of City technical codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. EDUCATION COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 1st Mondays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 7 members, no more than 15 members - 2 year terms (Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school within the City.) Duties: To improve the quality of education for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory body to the City Commission on education issues within the City. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (City residents only) Meets 3rd Mondays, 7:30 p.m. 13 members - 2 year terms Duties: To advise the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the operation of the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters) Meets as needed members - 3 year terms (Membership will include at least 1 City employee, 1 City Commissioner, 1 person who holds management position with City, and 1 citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with City. All must be qualified electors of the City.) Duties: Responsible for reviewing personnel policies for the City which are submitted to them by City Manager and recommending such policies to City Commission for adoption. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. (and 4th Wednesdays, it needed) 9 members - 3 year terms (Membership will, when reasonable, include an architect, an engineer, a general building contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) . Duties: Establishes principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in the City and its environs. Determines whether special proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan. Acts in advisory capacity to the City Comnd scion. GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for general employees. POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majrity of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for the City's police officers and firefighters. BRDSDES/mbg/March 20, 2000 Agenda 4-03-2001 Item VII A2 U:N/FRO. 0000 If!JA'G-PRIDE OF IIMI OR.I GP:" Meg R•COMmSI{vRR Ocoees_SC(1II VANDERGRIFI T o CITY OF OCOEE IIIS[It.I R[ 0 n 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE DANNY Howl°lI, ® p SCOI I AN 1I Ats'ON Ocnr:E FLORIDA 34761 235R RI S 1 Y I O I A �f � ��� (407)905 l 100 NANCY 1. PARKER ♦P OF con" (407)656-5725 FAX A( i reo O n mint FROM THE OFFICE OF JEAN GRAFTON, CITY CLERK Lm GI Fesury MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor a City Commissioners From: Jean Grafton, City Clerk Date: March 28, 2001 Re: Appointments to Education Commission (2 year terms) (City residents only) The Resolution creating the Education Commission provides for membership of seven to fifteen members. At present, the membership includes 11 members. Members Johan Bergh, Margaret MacDonald, and Jenny Wilsen have resigned recently and their resignations are attached. The opening created when Member Kathie Glass resigned also remains vacant. Section 5 (e) of the Resolution provides that each public school within the City of Ocoee shall have at least one representative member. Citrus Elementary is not represented in the current membership. Also not represented are the following schools which Ocoee students attend: Lake Whitney Elementary, West Orange High, Maxie Elementary, and Clarcona Elementary. Three citizens interested in serving on this board have submitted applications and they are attached. One applicant has a child who attends West Orange. Three of the open terms would end August 2001. Reappointments for terms ending August 2001 will come back to Commission for reappointment in July, so you may wish to appoint new members to complete the open terms and to serve new two year terms to end August 2003. Staff Recommendation if these applicants meet with your approval, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners fill the vacancies in the following order: a. Appoint member to replace Member Glass for term ending August 2003. b. Appoint member to replace Member Bergh for term ending August 2003. c. Appoint member to replace Member MacDonald for term ending August 2003. d. Appoint member to replace Member Jenny Wilsen for term ending August 2002. mg Attachments: Three resignations Three applications Current Member Listing Brief Description of City Boards POW 01 MRR 15 L "CENTER OF GOOD LIPING-PRIDE OF NEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COM)MISS:ONER OcoeB S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT �� , 3�o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS �,.r� _ DANNY HOWELL a 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON C. O OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON n^,y s (407)905-3100 NANCY 7kY1d4ik 1:21 ff4 of Gnuc Pa APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS CITY MANAGER t� ELLIS SHAPIRO 1. Name: hebC& M 0O '1 Home Phone: (4GI) 01,94"4443 2. Home Address: qI7 coal or n Ct. 3. Business:OOath-4I Fr& AFL-CYJ Business^��.t^ Phone: OTT) tl-aa -1�� 4. Business Address: P.G. Box 700-1"7a y h40/�d4� FL 32g , v lz 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: autuaJe- A.(A(JV'QI6 evarts (4i4h Satech4� a rv13 a th CXwax al No-twat No-twat r abergolkajo, 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes ✓ No District# '2., 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes V No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No ✓ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No ✓ 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate/ your degree of interest as first choice- F 1, second choice-#2, etc. ic / * Board of Adjustment 5 Personnel Board 3 Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department (.0 * Planning& Zoning Commission I * Police Officers' and Firefighters' * Code Enforcement Board 2 Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees r�s�. **Education Commission " Recreation Advisory Board I ( * General Employees'Retirement I Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Wild()you think you are qualified to serve on this board? ' p 5 5 &Itcl. 13YvPs AISMIAAl 0141- dttfrct. inyolv-eA tzf ntoee- 13. Would you consi r serving on another Board other than one(s)you selected elerne"tvgAl gaud above? Yes V No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes V No 15. Please attach resume. /fiE Cl_ ** What school does your child attend? 0CI eal ntavy/ Sr.hooI SIGNATURE ,C//'✓I L�Y P t/�`7A(lr✓ L DATE:) I 4O Note: (I) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTME T c:\all_data\FORMS\Bd Appl-Ed Com.doc\jl February 28, 2001 (il NA-. 7 t2" Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Fl. 34761 Dear Mayor and City Commissioners: I humbly write today to inform you of my resignation, effective immediately, from my position held on the Ocoee Education Commission. l apologize for not being able to commit to this effort. I had every good intention of being able to participate on a more regular basis, however, my work and time commitments prevented that effort. The support that you provide our community is essential to the further positive growth of this fine city. I commend the service, time and talent, which each member brings to the commission. Thank youl Sincerely, Margaret MacDonald Cc: Mrs. Rosemary Davis, Education Commission Chairperson GI FEB 7 I: Rev. Johan Bergh, Pastor PO BOX 757 Mrs. Amy McMullen Gotha,Florida 34734-0757 Youth Minister Phone: 407-293-0987 wrrw.PeopleOfFaith.org February 4, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Ocoee 150 N. I akeshore Dr. Ocoee,FL. 34761 Dear Mayor and City Commissioners: I regret to inform you that I will need to resign, effective immediately, from my position on the Ocoee Education Commission. The reason for my resignation revolves around work and time commitments. My work as Pastor of Faith Church have intensified as we have begun a building program in addition to the fact that I have begun the application process for a graduate school program. I have appreciated the privilege of serving on the Commission since August of 1998. I look forward to further opportunities to serve the citizens of Ocoee in whatever way I am able in the future. Thank you! Sincerel}i, The Rev. ohan Bergh Pastor Cc: Mrs. Rosemary Davis, Education Commission Chairperson "Where Every Person Counts and Every Person Serves Jesus Christ" Jenny C. Wilsen 1019 Shady Maple Circle Ocoee, FI 34761 @t IMR 2E St March 22,2001 City of Ocoee Education Commission Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee, Fl 34761 Dear Fellow Members of the Education Commission: With regrets, I find it necessary to submit my resignation as a member of the Education Commission. Due to my school schedule I am finding it difficult to attend the meetings. I hope that one day when my school schedule allows the time, I will be able to get involved in the activities of the city. Sincerely, envy C. i en 01 Pt P 1 17:9 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIPDTIMF. F CITY OF OCOEE O �� • 'o Cosolrs HOWELL _ DANNY ERSO d 150 N. 07)LAKESHORE 05-31DRIVF, DANNY v /�\� O OCDEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 N RUSTY JOHNSON ^Fy \ _j'/ 2c' (407)905-3100 NANCY J. PARKER rF4 of\°/aaa``, APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS CITY MANAGER �+ ELLIS SHAPIRO KO I. Name: th //15 r) �I�l e� Home Phone: �"�- :�`IO —� 3 7 U 2. Home Address: /3sd 0.-e e s /`AA 2.f ) Genie f Sy7c)/ 3. Business: ,1/,/,*f Business Phone: r 47/1 4. Business Address: Ai/4 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: }kite/Re," tie LG✓oic a- 75 , R. DeY�er_ (n to c cx d Cerny, S'l el) LJn Xu r Sa cfl' CCoee Web-1 U , 6[1T-cc'Q- 9'2- 99 & Pip/ogPzi '' II 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes .L. Y No District n 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes Z No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No I./ I I. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate your degree of interest as first choice- #1, second choice-#2,etc. * Board of Adjustment Personnel Board Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department *Planning& Zoning Commission * Police Officers and Firefighters' * Code Enforcement Board Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 1 **Education Commission Recreation Advisory Board * General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? Ser led erg Ste C^m t+ce ) .5 ernploued Q.f Qcr5-cv mirMic, . Iickcot 9.7/>7 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s)you selected above? Yes h/ No 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes {,/ No 15. Please attach resume. 111 L I f � ** What school ddooeess,,your child attend? W tSl 0 rcU D--P 4-rl qh SIGNATURE �� f/ /1-C ie A�Q,,'�,�fy/ DATE: �Jc2/2'7/Cv/ Note: (I) Application effective for O YEAR frog date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMEN c\al I_dmi,FORh1SVWd Appl-Ed Com doc\jl pgW! N. RESUME OF PHYLLIS GIRLEY 1350 VICKERS LAKE DRIVE,OCOEE,FL 34761 407-290-6378 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 5/00- 11/00 The Jerry Girley Campaign. House of Representatives,District 38 Title: Campaign Manager Responsibilities: Managing the campaign office;scheduling of events for candidate;answering telephones;scheduling events with the media for candidate;scheduling appointments for candidate; typing correspondence for candidate;coordinating volunteer staff for events; attended meetings with candidate and directed fundraising efforts for candidate. Maintained and implemented a database of voter files and donors. 11/99 -5/00 Human Services Technologies,Inc. Title: Administrative Assistant to the President&CEO Responsibilities: Answering telephones, working with investors, research on the web(i.e. potential funding,competitors, grants or foundations,etc.)typing correspondence,scheduling. Maintained up-to-date filing system. liaison between the Board of Directors and the President. 8/97-9/17/99 Ocoee Middle School Title: Receptionist Responsibilities:Answering telephones,greet customers(parents),typed correspondence for teachers and principal,data entry of student information; operating office equipment i.e.copy machine, laminator,poster maker and fax machine. 1/9/95- 1/97 Florida Hospital Center for Psychiatry Title: Secretary for Director of Marketing Responsibilities:Creating memos and letters,typing reports for the Director. screens phone calls, scheduling meetings,coordinating community events, working with media,preparing monthly newsletter, inputting employee hours, inventory for supplies and brochures. Developed and maintained filing system. In charge of hospital yearly holiday gala and other events. 9/90- 12/94 Princeton Hospital Title: Administrative Assistant for Vice President of Marketing Responsibilities: Planned and organized departmental activities to include typing of all reports,memos,correspondence,proposals/plans,news releases and other written material or copy.Maintained up-to-date files;assists with completion of department time sheets and payroll.Coordinate efficient handling of media requests. Directs hospital education programs and presentation of tours. Supervised volunteers. Planned several banquets and open houses for physicians. 10/85- 1990 John Hancock Property&Casualty Insurance Company Title: Manager's Secretary Responsibilities: All personnel matters for the office- maintains and updates personnel files, indoctrinates new employees and advises office personnel regarding personnel matters(vacation,sick leave,and other Company benefits),assist in preparation and administration of salary administration. 3/82- 5/83 Iowa National Mutual Insurance Company Title: Correspondence Secretary Responsibilities: Typed correspondence for the entire office, adjusters, supervisors and manager. Phyllis Girley Resume Page 2 EDUCATION June 1978 Graduate ofJones High School April 1980 Graduate of Valencia Community College-A.S. Degree May 1999 Currently enrolled in Warner Southern College- B.A. in Organizational Management(2 more classes to complete degree) PERSONAL Born 1/7/61,married in Dec. 1980,2 children currently in high school.I enjoy reading,music, church, movies, sports and being with my husband and children. COMPUTER SKILLS: Windows, Microsoft Word, Excel, Access,WordPerfect "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S. SCOFF VANDERGRIFT O` �# 'o CITY OF OCOEEI ' 7:7-� ,M[„,oNERS .I� _ � rrrt r� Qaoo' imn-NY HOWELL a 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVI- -)�- --'SCOTT ANDERSON DCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 KIS fY JOHNSON n'y?f* ``,?u (407)905-3100 NANCY 1.PARKER OP GOOD (lrl'M.INAOER APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS ELus SHAPIRO Ro I. Name: Frances K. Giessuebel Home Phone: 407-521-6221 2. Home Address: 1364 Century Oak Drive, Ocoee 3. Business: Library Media Specialist Business Phone: 407-893-7200 x2657 4. Business Address: 2000 S. Mills Ave. , Orlando 32806 5. Brief Summary of Education and Experience: Have earned 3 degrees and worked in the education field for 12 years. 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes X No District d 131 4. 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes X No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes _ No_ X 9. Arc you employed by the City? Yes No X 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No X 11. PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU : Indicate our degree of interest as first choice- 81,second choice-42,etc. * Board of Adjustment Personnel Board Citizen Advisory Council for Police Department * Planning& Zoning Commission * Police Officers' and Firefighters' * Code Enforcement Board Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 1st **F;Juealion Commission Recreation Advisory Board *General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you think you are qualified to serve on this board? I believe with my experience in the education field I would be an ideal person to serve on this commission. 13. Would you consider serving on another Board other than one(s)you selected above? Yes No X 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit your application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes X No 15. Please attach resume. ** What school�/doesdo your child attend?a N/A SIGNATURE rKYL �C(�'il1-r DATE: ft/ /s5/2000 Note: (I) Application effective for ONE YEAR from date of completion. (2) If you have any questions,please call the City Clerk's office at(407)905-3105. * FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORMS ARE REQUIRED FOLLOWING APPOINTMENT c:\all_data\FORMS\Bd Appl-Ed Com.doc\jl POW Pi ctecl lice ee's Yla a:Faseacas Frances K. Giessuebel 1364 Century Oak Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 (407) 521-6221 giessuf@ocps.k12.fl.us An experienced Media Specialist who is motivated and well-organized. Utilizes excellent communication and leadership skills in the performance of daily duties with staff, faculty and students. Professional Activities and Accomplishments • Implemented Media Center policies with respect to lending, budget, selection and purchasing • In-service training conducted with the Technology Coordinator and Classroom Resource Teacher • Published monthly newsletter for faculty regarding useful websites and new materials available in the Media Center • Conducted software preview sessions for teachers • Provided orientation for new teachers • Provided orientation for over 300 students each fall • Weeded 2000+ books and purchased updated replacements to become eligible to participate in the Sunlink program • Experienced in use of the Internet and electronic subscription sources such as SIRS, EbscoHost, H.W. Wilson Biography and Grolier's On-line • Familiar with presentation tools such as Microsoft Powerpoint, LCD projectors and VGA adapters. • Sponsor of student reading group for "Battle of the Books" Professional Affiliations OCAEM (Orange County Association for Educational Media) 1996 - present -offices held: Legislative Chair, Secretary, Newsletter Editor Technology Committee 1997 -present Curriculum Committee 1992 - 1994, 1997 - 1999 SACS Steering Committee 1993 - 1994 Experience William R. Boone High School Orlando, FL -Media Specialist 1999 - present Lakeview Middle School Winter Garden, FL -Media Specialist 1997 - 1999 Cypress Creek High School Orlando, FL -Spanish Instructor 1992 - 1997 -Department Chair 1992 - 1995 William R. Boone High School Orlando, FL -Spanish Instructor 1986 - 1992 Education B. A. in Spanish/Public Administration, Eastern Michigan University M. S. in Educational Leadership, Nova University Endorsement in ESOL, University of Florida Certification in Educational Media, University of Central Florida EDUCATION COMMISSION Established by Resolution No. 98-07 on May 19, 1998 Members must be City residents per§5.d of Resolution No. 93-07 Member District Phone Number Term Expires Sherrall Applegate 1 407-656-7409 (home) August 2002 504 Spring Creek Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Dennis A. Chen 4 407-296-5285 (home) August 2001 1191 Vickers Lake Drive 407-875-3725 x 29 (office) Ocoee, FL 34761 Nancy Cox 3 407-654-6656 (home) August 2001 707 Pine Street 407-578-2208 (work) Ocoee, Florida 34761 Rosemary A. Davis (Chairman) 4 407-297-6661 (home) August 2001 6812 Woodgrain Court 407-877-5047/Ext. 405 (w) Ocoee, FL 34761 Randall Freeman 2 407-656-4188 (home) August 2002 513 E. Lakeshore Drive 407-877-7995 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Dian I looper 4 407-294-8302 (home) August 2002 1314 Vickers Lake Drive 407-877-5027 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Inge M. Loeffler 4 407-521-2070 (home) August 2002 2372 Cory Court Ocoee, FL 34761 Berwyn L. Oltman 3 407-877-9115 (home) August 2002 622 Palomas Avenue 407-595-5683 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Jeffrey S. Roach 4 407-292-8477 (home) August 2002 1379 Century Oak Drive 407-541-0121 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Robert W. Williams 4 407-656-4409 (home) August 2001 2448 Grand Poplar Street Ocoee, FL 34761 Rosemary Wilson 2 407-298-1574 (home) August 2002 1019 Shady Maple Circle 407-656-6678 (work) Ocoee, FL 34761 Education Commission Page 2 Member District Phone Number Term Expires Ex-Officio Member Rosita Riley Commissioner Rusty Johnson (Appointed 9/7/1999) West Arca Superintendent 445 W. Amelia Orlando, FL 32801 Staff Liaison Janet Shira education Mernbers/mb l arch 27.2001 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CITY BOARDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (City residents only/not City employees) Meets as needed 5 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms Duties: To hear and decide appeals for administrative review; to hear and recommend to City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance. CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT (Ocoee residents, owners of real property, members of OPD, owners of businesses - per CACOPD By-Laws) Meets 3rd Thursdays, alternate months, 7:00 p.m. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms Duties: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only) Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 7 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (Membership will, when practicable, include an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor) . Duties: To review infractions of City technical codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. EDUCATION COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 1st Mondays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 7 members, no more than 15 members - 2 year terms (Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school within the City.) Duties: To improve the quality of educa'Lion for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory body to the City Commission on education issues within the City. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (City residents only) Meets 3rd Mondays, 7:30 p.m. 13 members - 2 year terms Duties: To advise the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the operation of the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters) Meets as needed 5 members - 3 year terms (Membership will include at least 1 City employee, 1 City Commissioner, 1 person who holds management position with City, and 1 citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with City. All must be qualified electors of the City.) Duties: Responsible for reviewing viewing personnel policies tor the City which are submitted to them by City Manager and recommending such policies to City Commission for adoption. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. (and 4th Wednesdays, it needed) 9 members - 3 year terms (Membership will, when reasonable, include an architect, an engineer, a general building contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) . Duties! Establishes principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in the City and its environs. Determines whether special proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan. Acts in advisory capacity to the City Commission. GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for general employees. POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 City residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for the City's police officers and firefighters. BRDsD2S/mbg/March 20, 2000 Agenda 4--3_2001 Item VII A3 "CENTER OF GOOD III TVG-PRIDE OF HEST ORANGE- Myron•COMMISSION} Ocoee S SC(1I I VANDERGRIFI °N �w � o CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS r� — DANNY HOWELI. n I50N I.ARFSIIORG DRIVE v p MOIL JOHNSON ANDERSON Ommt I:m um 34761 2258 RUSTY JOH co �'fj. (407)90+ 3100 XANcYI PARKER e41 or GOO P (407)656-5725 FAX ACTING LI I Y NIwu;[n FROM THE OFFICE OF JEAN GRAF FON, CI TY CLERK lIM I-Ar„N MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Jean Grafton, City Clerk Date: March 28, 2001 Re: Appointment to Board of Adjustment (3 year terms) (City residents) Alternate Member Daniel T. O'Keefe has resigned because he moved out of the City limits into unincorporated Orange County. (See attached letter.) His term would have ended May 2001. An application received today did not originally reflect Board of Adjustment as a choice, but the applicant has said he wants to become more involved in the City and would be glad to serve on Board of Adjustment. Staff Recommendation Should they wish to do so, Staff respectfully recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint a member to replace Alternate Member O'Keefe for a term ending May 2004. mg Attachments: Resignation Letter Application Current Member Listing Brief Description of City Boards / i P SHUTTS & BOWEN LLP A91 ORNLYS AND COUNSELLORS Al LAW iA PAITNr:IU]Ilr INCL.DiNu F;!,):LSSIW,Al.nn4,c: ::u,51 300 SOI'M(HAMA. NIF :Y loon ORLANDV.ILOIIIDA 3210 .337'1 TeLEeuCNE 1407)mason I AcsmnLE l407}425-W)0 March 23, 2001 61 fla': 22 1:92 F Ms. Brenda Maxwell City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 Re: Board of Zoning Adjustment Dear Brenda: I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve on the Board of Zoning Adjustment for the City of Ocoee. Although my tenor was short lived, it was a pleasure to serve on this board. Because I recently' moved out of the city limits and into unincorporated Orange County, I must resign from the Board of Zoning Adjustment. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Daniel T. O'Keefe DTO/aaw cc: Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Ms. Nancy Parker Mr. Danny Ilowell Mr. Scott Anderson Mr. Rusty Johnson Advisory Board Application Page I of 2 C4tertdm ,, 'Links : -s lk�'- ��.. 1.:.y Saarch`�:�, ,. FREDERICK H. WILSEN ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNSEL DEPA NENTOFBArtNNGAN CITY OF OCOEE HURSTON SOUTTH BANKING 9'S29" TFLEPHOSF el FF: i 400 WEST ROBINSON STREET 190]1395d]fi0 1 tl " I[I:(vl ORIANDO,FLORIDA 328011799 FACstMILCI 14071345-0806 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 (407) 905-3100 1r 11 \ �APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY 4-BOARDS �L 1. Name: 1 r e q V V I c e i1 Home Phone:40.7 9- el — l 5 7 2. Home Addre C rr� 0 c6 FC 7C — q 3. Business: d' }or- h e v Business hone: 0 2Jlf- b 7 613 4. Business A dress: 400 n irScA, _- Otto 4-4 Pt 4 0 5. Brief Summary of Educatior1 anqq Experience: RS - ,i *) l 7 ot Li rr✓ . 6 OM Zr]) 1973r �{n l of MIaHI F/ 44-fet y J, c- / y'? 0 2 C110ir {0 kit r f0 f,(ai Orlards cute(cute( in' 97<Fo 6. Are you a registered voter? Yes ✓ No District# 7. Resident of the City for 6 months or longer? Yes ✓ No 8. Do you hold public office? Yes No 9. Are you employed by the City? Yes No i/ 10. Do you now serve on a City Board or Committee? Yes No 11.PLEASE CHECK THE BOARDS WHICH INTEREST YOU: Indicate youron �� degree of interest as first choice-#1, second choice -#2, etc. y�� �� ll) C St, .p�Lp�, , 2 AIlMFe M-� 1'1O6n.ol.+ Od Q- 1A4rrR4nL-1, F� RJ * Board of Adjusts-nt 3 Personnel Board a_ Citizen Advisory Council for ( * Planning & Zoning the Ocoee Police Department Commission * Police Officers' and 4 * Code Enforcement Board Firelighters'Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees ** Education Commission Recreation Advisory Board * General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees 12. Why do you// think youare gpalififed to serveon this board?d ,,{ I' /lava (A4, 4t.II'( TO 4A/Gterul4N�1 facts L f'114FY Sea Nd 'QCIT[oNs I- w1S� {o m4r,vialx, OCo- - of q Good ?lac.? 7c JQP, 13. Would you consider serving on another Bo d other that one(s) you selected above? / Yes No (. 14. Until such time you are selected for the Board of your choice, may we submit yoyr application when vacancies occur rather than phoning you? Yes ✓ No 15. Please attach résumé. http://www.ci.ocoec.fl.us/PE991.asp 3/19/01 5 , P._7 . 0 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Members must be City residents/not City employees per § 3-3.A, Land Development Code Member District Phone Number Term Expires Ismael Almodovar 4 407/523-6948 (H) May 2001 1847 Sparkling Water Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 Bob Colburn 2 407/292-5696 (H) May 2003 704 Stinnett Drive 407/824-7987 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 John W. Resnik, Jr.(Chairman) 4 407/298-2928 (H) May 2002 407 Abbeyridge Ct. 407/826-8241 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 Michael Savino (Vice Chairman) 4 407/296-0840 (H) May 2002 1092 Shimmering Sand Drive 407/947-2823 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 407/455-1993 (Fax) Patricia Tice 4 407/523-1488 (H) May 2003 1401 Center Street Ocoee, FL 34761 Alternates Jeffrey Cox 3 407/654-6656 (H) May 2002 707 Pine Street 407/654-0033 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 Daniel T. O'Keefe (Resigned 3/23) 3 407/654-4837 (H) May 2001 221 Wescliff Drive 407/423-3200 (W) Ocoee, FL 34761 BDADIUST/mbg/March 27,2Cgl BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CITY BOARDS BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (City residents only/not City employees) Meets as needed 5 members, 2 alternates - 3 year terms Duties: To hear and decide appeals for administrative review; to hear and recommend to City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance. CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT (Ocoee residents, owners of real property, members of OPD, owners of businesses - per CACOPD By-Laws) Meets 3rd Thursdays, alternate months, 9:00 p.m. No less than 15 members, no more than 25 members - 3 year terms Duties: To promote and maintain communication, cooperation and a positive relationship between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Police Department. CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD (City residents only) Meets 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 7 menthers, 2 alternates - 3 year terms (Membership will, when practicable, include an architect, a businessman, an engineer, a general contractor, a sub-contractor and a realtor) . Duties: To review infractions of City technical codes, negotiate compliance and impose fines for failure to comply. EDUCATION COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 1st Mondays, 7:00 p.m. No less than 7 members, no more than. 15 members - 2 year terms (Membership shall include at least one representative member for each public school within the City.) Duties: To improve the quality of education for Ocoee students by serving as an advisory body to the City Commission on education issues within the City. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD (City residents only) Meets 3rd Mondays, 7:30 p.m. 13 members - 2 year terms Duties: To advise the City Commission, City Manager and Recreation Director on the operation of the City's parks, recreational facilities and programs. PERSONNEL BOARD (City residents who are registered voters) Meets as needed 5 members - 3 year terms (Membership will include at least 1 City employee, 1 City Commissioner, 1 person who holds management position with City, and 1 citizen of Ocoee who is not employed by and does not hold office with City. All must be qualified electors of the City.) Duties: Responsible for reviewing personnel policies for the City which are submitted to them by City Manager and recommending such policies to City Commission for adoption. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (City residents only) Meets 2nd Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. (and 4th Wednesdays, if needed) 9 members - 3 year terms (Membership will, when reasonable, include an architect, an engineer, a general building contractor, a real estate agent and lay persons) . Duties: Establishes principles and policies for guiding action affecting development in the City and its environs. Determines whether special proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan. Acts in advisory capacity to the City Commission. GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 2 employees, 2 City residents and Sth member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for general employees. POLICE OFFICERS' AND FIREFIGHTERS' RETIREMENT TRUST FUND BOARD OF TRUSTEES 5 members: 1 police officer, 1 firefighter, 2 city residents and 5th member chosen by majority of the previous 4 members. 2 year terms Duties: General administration and responsibility for the operation of the Retirement Trust Fund for the City's police officers and firefighters. BRDSCES/raby/March 20, 2000