HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(C) Maguire Road Widening Project - Change Order Number 2 With Ryan, Inc Eastern Agenda 4-17-2001 Item VII C "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee. S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT °� � • o CITY OF OCOEE DCANNYSHONERS M. ;a: 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE,FLORIDA34761-2258 TT JOHNS ON e�, : 'v RUSTY JOHNSON 4>E� O -.4. (407)905-3100 NANCY J.PARKER °f'G00V ACTING CITY MANAGER JIM GLEASON MEMORANDUM DATE: March 29, 2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Directo, SUBJECT: Maguire Road - Change Order #2 Attached for your review and action is Change Order #2 for the Maguire Road widening project. This Change Order covers eleven different items, ten of which are additional project costs, and one of which is a credit. On the second, third and fourth pages of the Change Order packet you will find a detailed description of each of the eleven items as well as a narrative which describes what work was involved and why. As we discussed prior to beginning the project, we are approving changes in the field in order to avoid delay claims by the contractor. As with Change Order #1, we are grouping several changes together and are bringing these items to your attention as Change Order #2. In this way, we can keep the project moving and also keep you informed as to the status of the project. If you have any questions on these items that you would like to discuss prior to the meeting, please feel free to call. JWS/jbw Attachment 101" Potectduthe'sViatiarBesoiirc ;os 4J Ocoee CITY OF OCOEE °/! o Engineering/Utilities 150 North Lakeshore Drive ,.?° Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 4o,GGGas\ CHANGE ORDER NO. 02 CITY OF OCOEE PROJECT NO.: 0E-353-3.0 DATE: February 1,2001 CONTRACTOR: RYAN, INC. EASTERN AGREEMENT DATE: June 6,2000 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CONTRACT PRICE $9,628,208.66 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $9,667,937.54 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER $ 48,577.64 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $9,716,515.18 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 730 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date:August 7,2002 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date: August 7,2002 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: -0- Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date:August 7,2002 k:\const\oe\oe-353\co\#002COnew-z.wpd CHANGES ORDERED: GENERAL This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION, SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1,Definitions,of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES 2-1 120-4-Unforseen Unsuitable Material Removal Pond 1 (1,360 CY). 2-2 430-982-225 -Pond 6 Modification-Mitered End Section(18")(RCP)(CD)(lEA). 2-3 U.11.A-Furnish and Install 6"PVC Force Main(670 LF). 2-4 U.12.A-Furnish and Install 6"DR 14 PVC Force Main(315 LF). 2-5 U.13.A-Furnish and Install 4" DR 14 PVC Force Main(39 LF). 2-6 U.17.A-Removal and Disposal of Pipe(Non-Asbestos)(670 LF). 2-7 U.27.A-Pond 6 Modification-Furnish and Install Fire Hydrant Assembly( 1 EA). 2-8 U.47-Pond 6 Modification- 8"Water Main Conflict Transition(1 EA). 2-9 U.48-6"Force Main Conflict Transition(2 EA). 2-10 U.49-RPR City of Ocoee Overtime(106 HRS). 2-11 U-50-Exploratory excavation to locate 8" Water Main(LS). III. JUSTIFICATION 2-1 120-4-Unforseen Unsuitable Material Removal Pond 1. During the excavation Pond 1 previously wasted and covered asphalt/concrete materials encountered. This material was removed and disposed of off-site. 2-2 430-982-225-Pond 6 Modification-Mitered End Section. Additional structure required pursuant to required changes at Pond 6. 2-3 U.11.A-Furnish and Install 6" PVC Force Main. Additional Force Main required as a result of conflict of existing system with proposed storm system Station 452+14 to Station 458+84, left. 2-4 U.12.A-Furnish and Install 6"DR 14 PVC Force Main. Additional Force Main required as a result of final quantity measurement Pond 5. 2-5 U.13.A-Furnish and Install 4"DR 14 PVC Force Main. Additional Force Main required as a result of final quantity measurement Pond 5. 2-6 U.17.A-Removal and Disposal of Pipe(Non-Asbestos). Additional Removal and Disposal of Pipe(Non-Asbestos)required as a result of conflict of existing system with proposed storm system Station 452+14 to Station 458+84, left. k:\const\oe\oe-3 53\co\#002COnew-z.wpd 2-7 U.27.A- Pond 6 Modification-Furnish and Install Fire Hydrant Assembly. Additional hydrant required pursuant to changes at Pond 6. 2-8 U.47-Pond 6 Modification- 8" Water Main Conflict Transition.Additional Water Main Conflict Transition required pursuant to changes at Pond 6. 2-9 U.48-6"Force Main Conflict Transition. Additional Force Main Conflict Transition required as a result of conflict of existing system with proposed storm system Station 452+14 to Station 458+84, left. 2-10 U.49-RPR City of Ocoee Overtime. Reimbursement for RPR Overtime pursuant to the Contract Supplementary Conditions,Article 6.H. 2-11 U-50-Exploratory excavation to locate 8"water main. The proposed connection to the existing 8"water main was not located as per shown by the Contract Drawings. Additional exploratory excavations were necessary to locate 8"water main to allow required connection to be made. IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS 2-1 120-4-Unforseen Unsuitable Material Removal Pond 1. During the excavation of Pond 1 waste unsuitable material was discovered. On January 05,2001,RFP#04 was issued to the Contractor to provide a unit cost for the removal and disposal of the unstitable materials discovered. On January 08,2001,the Contractor submitted a unit cost of$5.95/CY to remove the unsuitable • materials encountered. The Contractor requested no extension of Contract Time to perform this work. On January 12,2001,PEC recommended to the Owner's Engineering Staff acceptance of the Contractor's proposal. On January 24,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted the Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. On January 30,2001,the Contractor provided the total quantity of material removed and disposed at 1,360 CY. The total cost for this removal is calculated at$8,092.00. 2-2 430-982-225-Pond 6 Modification-Mitered End Section. On February 14,2001,RFP#05 was issued detailing Owner requested changes at Pond 6. On March 13,2001,the Contractor submitted CPS#5 detailing the cost of MES at$565.00 each and at no extension of Contract Time. On March 14,2001,PEC recommended to the Owner's Engineering Staff acceptance of the Contractor's proposal. On March 14,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted the Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 2-3 U.11.A-Furnish and Install 6"PVC Force Main. On March 02,2001, RFP#09 was issued detailing necessary Force Main installations. On March 14,2001,the Contractor submitted CPS #9 detailing the cost of the 6" PVC Force Main at the established bid cost of$22.00 LF at no extension of Contract Time. The total additional cost for Force Main installation estimated at $14,740.00. On March 14,2001,PEC recommended to the Owner's Engineering Staff acceptance of the Contractor's proposal. On March 14,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted the Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 2-4 U.12.A-Furnish and Install 6"DR 14 PVC Force Main. The additional quantity represents final measured values installed. Reimbursement shall be at the established Contract Unit Price. 2-5 U.13.A-Furnish and Install 4"DR 14 PVC Force Main. The additional quantity represents final measured values installed. Reimbursement shall be at the established Contract Unit Price. k:\const\oe\oe-353\coV4002COnew-z.wpd 2-6 U.17.A-Removal and Disposal of Pipe(Non-Asbestos). On March 02,2001, RFP#09 was issued detailing necessary Removal and Disposal of Pipe(Non-Asbestos). On March 14,2001, the Contractor submitted CPS#9 detailing the cost of the Removal and Disposal of Pipe(Non- Asbestos)at the established bid cost of$6.90 LF at no extension of Contract Time. The total additional cost for Removal and Disposal of Pipe(Non-Asbestos)estimated at$4,623.00. On March 14,2001,PEC recommended to the Owner's Engineering Staff acceptance of the Contractor's proposal. On March 14,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted the Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 2-7 U.27.A-Pond 6 Modification-Furnish and Install Fire Hydrant Assembly. On February 14, 2001, RFP#05 was issued detailing Owner requested changes at Pond 6. On March 13,2001,the Contractor submitted CPS#5 detailing the cost to relocate the existing Fire Hydrant Assembly at a cost of$2,010.80 at no extension of Contract Time. On March 14,2001, PEC recommended to the Owner's Engineering Staff not to accept the Contractor's proposal. PEC recommended that a new Hydrant be installed rather than relocate the old Hydrant as the Contractor's cost to relocate was only$140.00 less than the installation of a new Hydrant. On March 14,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted PEC's proposal to install a new Hydrant for recommendation to the City Council. 2-8 U.47-Pond 6 Modification- 8"Water Main Conflict Transition. On February 14,2001, RFP#05 was issued detailing Owner requested changes at Pond 6. On March 13,2001,the Contractor submitted CPS#5 detailing the cost of the 8" Water Main Conflict Transition at a cost of $4,938.48 at no extension of Contract Time. On March 14,2001,PEC recommended to the Owner's Engineering Staff acceptance of the Contractor's proposal. On March 14,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted the Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 2-9 U.48-6"Force Main Conflict Transition. On March 02,2001,RFP#09 was issued detailing necessary Force Main Conflict Transition installations. On March 14,2001,the Contractor submitted CPS#9 detailing the cost of the 6" Force Main Conflict Transition at the cost of $3,347.13 each at no extension of Contract Time. On March 14,2001, PEC recommended to the Owner's Engineering Staff acceptance of the Contractor's proposal. On March 14,2001,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted the Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. On or about March 16,2001,a second necessary 6"Force Main Conflict Transition was found in the area of the new pipe to be installed. During the Progress Meeting of March 20,2001, the Contractor agreed to accept his proposed cost for the installation of this additional Force Main Conflict Transition.. The total additional cost for Force Main Conflict Transition installation estimated at$6,694.26. 2-10 U.49-RPR City of Ocoee Overtime. Weekly RPR overtime is detailed by attached table. 2-11 U.50-Exploratory Excavation to Locate 8"Water Main. Work Directive#02 was issued on January 08,2001. The Contractor detailed additional costs by his letter of February 14,2001. The total additional costs shown at$1,679.68 at no extension of Contract Time. As this cost is below the Work Directive limiting amount of$5,000.00, same is recommended for acceptance. k:\const\oe\oe-3 53\co\#002COnew-z.wp d V. PAYMENT Change Description Net Increase Unit Unit Price Net Increase Order Item (Decrease) (Decrease)Price No. Quantity 2-1 120-4-Unforseen Unsuitable Material 1,360 CY $5.95 $8,092.00 Removal Pond 1 2-2 430-982-225-Pond 6 Modification- 1 EA $565.00 $565.00 Mitered End Section 2-3 U.l I.A-Furnish and Install 6"PVC Force 670 LF $22.00 $14,740.00 Main 2-4 U.12.A-Furnish and Install 6"DR 14 PVC 315 LF $26.00 $8,190.00 Force Main 2-5 U.13.A-Furnish and Install 4"DR 14 PVC 39 LF $27.00 $1,053.00 Force Main 2-6 U.17.A-Removal and Disposal of Pipe 670 LF $6.90 $4,623.00 (Non-Asbestos) 2-7 U.27.A-Pond 6 Modification-Furnish and I EA $2,150.00 $2,150.00 Install Fire Hydrant Assembly 2-8 U.47-Pond 6 Modification-8"Water Main I ' EA $4,938.48 $4,938.48 Conflict Transition 2-9 U.48-6"Force Main Conflict Transition 2 EA 3,347.13 $6,694.26 2-10 U.49-RPR City of Ocoee Overtime 106 HRS $39.13 ($4,147.78) 2-11 U.50-Exploratory Excavation to Locate 8" ALL LS ALL $1,679.68 Water Main Total Net Increase Change Order No.02 $48,577.64 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. • • k:\const\oe\oe-353\coVl002COnew-z.wpd Acknowledgments: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby, is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order;and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges,by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order,that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. RECOMMENDED B • BY: PEC INC., O' ,CEPTED 40-5 .cr ' a s-crl- der By: 4 By: G c 'ems= :" Signature Signature \ 7 Dat-: D3 -2,�- D/ Date: 0-Z 7 -C>7 V Title: c/o Title: , ✓D} c: =`��'y-1 •c--,, c APPROVED BY: CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA Owner By: S. Scott Vandergrift,Mayor Date Attest: Jean Grafton, City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS DAY OF • ,2000 UNDER ,2000. AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY&LARDNER By: City Attorney k:\const\oe\oe-3 53\co\#002COnew-z.wpd