HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII (D) Approval and Acceptance of Quarterly Financial Report Agenda 6-05-2001 Item III D -CENTItiOF GOOD/.I✓INC- PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONIR Ocoee S.SCOFF VANDERGRIPT ter, a CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS j DANNY HOWELL Q 150 N. LAKESHORE DRIVE OCOEE, FLORIUA 34761-725$ SCOFF ANDP.RSON n RUSTY JOHNSON 'bp ' �� (407)656-2322 NANCY J. PARKER tP OF �000N` CITY MANAGER ELLIS SHAPIRO MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Wanda B. Horton, Finance Director : DATE: May 25, 2001 RE: Quarterly Financial Review,Second Quarter FY01 Finance has completed its evaluation and analysis of the FY01 second quarter revenues and expenditures. The report will be on the June 5, 2001 consent agenda. Should you have any questions or want additional information, please give Donald Carter or me a call. Pmlec�Water Resources : Fir CITY OF OCOEE QUARTERLY REPORT SECOND QUARTER FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 • ry mousr, q y Prepared by the 1" '�.t / Finance y „»> Department MAY 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Quarterly Overview General Fund 1-2 Revenue Comparison Graph Revenue Analysis Report 4 Revenue Graphs S-7 Residential Building Permit Graph 8 Commercial Building Permit Graph 9 Expenditure Comparison Graphs 10 Expenditures Analysis Report I 1 Capital Purchase Report 12 Budget Transfers 13 Stormwater Fund 14 Revenue Analysis Report 15 Revenue Graph 16 Expenditure Comparison Graphs 17 Expenditure Analysis Report 18 Water/Waste Water Fund 19 Revenue Analysis Report 20 Revenue Graph 21 Expenditure Comparison Graphs 22 Expenditure Analysis Report 23 Solid Waste Fund 24 Revenue Analysis Report 25 Revenue Graph 26 Expenditure Comparison Graphs 27 Expenditure Analysis Report 28 Supplemental Information 29 General Capital Projects 30 Transportation Projects 31 Stormwater Capital Improvements 32 Water/Wastewater Capital Improvements 33 Debt Statement 34 In vestments 35-37 Road Impact Fee Status Report 38 Fire Impact Fee Status Report 39 Police Impact Fee Status Report 40 Recreational Impact Fee Status Report 41 "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE. MAYORScullCOMWSSIONER VANDERGRIFT O� T CONNISSIONLRS �° CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL It 4 """---''4 a SCOTT ANDERSON L�Knenee Deno O RUSTY]OHNSON o OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-'_258 �yt '•" J? (40 )656 Si2E NANCY1 PARKER Fp °R GOOD N` ISON CM!MLEEASR JAMES GLEASON Quarterly Financial Report Fiscal Year 2000/2001 Second Quarter The City of Ocoee is a municipal corporation of the State of Florida operating under a commission/manager form of government. A residential community, the city has a land area of approximately 20 square miles. Ocoee is home to approximately 23,531 residents ranking third in population of the cities in Orange County. Ocoee has numerous lakes, recreational opportunities and an 18-hole public golf course. Recreational facilities include a multi-purpose recreational complex, tennis courts, outdoor basketball courts, baseball fields and a football field. The City provides water and wastewater services, garbage collection, and police and tire protection to its residents. In 1987 Ocoee began a phenomenal growth pattern which continues today. To meet the increasing demands of travel within Ocoee city limits, the City built Clarke Road which begins at the East-West Expressway and State Road 50 and runs north to the City's current limits. Plans are underway for future expansion to lengthen the road further north. Clarke Road has spawned the development of many residential neighborhoods , neighborhood commercial centers, and the West Oaks Mall. Additionally, Maguire Road is being expanded to four lanes in the southern portion of the community to open up further land development. The City recently secured funding for the design, construction and improvements to Maguire Road, Professional Parkway and other roadways. Ad Valorem taxes are levied at the rate of 4.74 mils which was changed this fiscal year after remaining unchanged at 4 mils for more than ten years. The city currently employs 309 individuals. With such continuing economic growth, the financial position of the City remains sound. The Quarterly Financial Report presents the results of financial activity of the City for the preceding three months. This second quarter report summarizes the activity for the months of January 2001 through March 2001.Revenues are compared to expenditures in order to determine how daily operations may be affected by shifts in income-producing sources. This difference is important in cash flow management to ensure revenues are available for budgeted expenditures. Table 1 shows revenues currently exceed expenditures in all POWWWWWWWYS MAYOR•COMMISSIONER 00006 <L�VI LI?OF GOOD LIVING-P11101i Oh 3 ES I ORANGL S.SCOTT V ANDERGRIF1 • Er CITY OF Eio oMUSSo.ERs �� �11� OCO1:1i DANNY HOW ELL wF d SCOTT ANDERSOh' 150 N. LAKESHORE DRAG. L A. Ocoee, 07)6562322 225X RUSTY JOHNSON �f e+ NANCY1 PARKER yj �N? (409)65G2323 !qOf GOV hh Gil MAaAGER JAMES GLEASON funds. It is important to note that the cash carryforward for each of the funds has been posted to the revenue accounts, which is customarily done in the second quarter of each fiscal year. TABLE 1 Revenue vs.Expenditures by Fund, Fund .Revenues. Expenditures General Fund S11.315,247 S8,413.298 StormWater Utility 5551,218 5467.794 Water/Wastewater Utility S3,096,382 S2,407.071 Solid Waste Utility S874,835 5705969 Expenditures are grouped into four categories: Personal Services, Operating Expenses, Capital Outlay, and Transfers Out. Funds are earmarked for expenditures either through the budget process, the Capital Improvements element of the Comprehensive Plan, bond indebtedness, impact fee restrictions, water deposit repayments, or loan restrictions. Revenues and expenditures are presented for the General, StormWater, Water/Wastewater, and Solid Waste funds. Actual receipts (revenues) and expenditures are compared to the adopted budget to assess potential overages/shortages in the budgeted line items. Comparisons with figures for last fiscal year are included to indicate the differences by year in the adopted versus actual, since budgeting techniques remained relatively uniform from one fiscal year to the next. The Capital Projects Report, Debt Statement, Impact Fee Reports, and Investment Schedule are included as part of the Quarterly Financial Report POWt ii Protect Ocoee s Waler Pe;ource GENERAL FUND MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee 'CL Vt ER OF GOOD LIV/AG PR E OF LS/ORt AGE S ,SCOTT VA.NUERGRIF1' CosmnsslosexS 5 OQ CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL MATT ANDERSON 150N La K6snoRd DRlvp ON O`(JaE(40 )65G'322 4]61?25N RANCYUSTYJ N RKER e� Of 000V AJ n ptRncER JAMES GLEASON' General Fund The General Fund is the principal fund of the City. This fund accounts for all financial resources and related expenditures except those required to be accounted for in another fund. All general tax revenues and other receipts that are not allocated by law or contractual agreement to another fund are reported in this fund. Revenue Analysis Overall, revenue receipt for the General Fund were slightly higher than anticipated at the end of the second quarter. The graph on page 3 provides a comparison of revenue receipts in dollars for second quarter fiscal years 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. General Fund revenue receipts at the end of this quarter are 59.92% realized compared to 58.45% at the end of second quarter last year. Revenue receipts in dollars are higher for the current year due to the increased budget from last year. Current year revenue receipts are detailed on page 4 and charted on pages 5-7. Receipts for Property Taxes are $3,832.976 (86.6953) collected compared with $2,967,072(86.33%) last year. Franchise Tax receipts consisting of revenues from electric, telephone, gas, and cable are slightly below anticipated at 49.11% realized. Revenue for Utility Taxes ($1,021,796) is slightly below anticipated with 48.91% of budget realized. Licenses and Permits are significantly above anticipated primarily due to the receipt of Occupational Licenses, and Electrical Permits. Building Permit revenue is below anticipated with 86 residential and 2 commercial building permits issued for second quarter FY2001 compared with 83 Residential and 12 Commercial for FY2000. Three years of building permit activity are graphed on pages 8-9. Intergovernmental Revenues are funds received from other governmental agencies. Receipts for second quarter FY2001 are below anticipated with 45.83% realized. Operating Revenue for Windermere Fire protection is due in two installments- February and May, with the capital charge due in October and March. The City entered into an interlocal agreement on May 19, 1998 with Orange County to provide fire protection to the POWWWWWWWWP AL5Ar Ream..... NAVOR•CD.MMISSIONER Ocoee OF GOOD LIVING PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE' S O VANDE GRI 1/4 p p Cu.Mais9oseas �.i _I CITY OF OCOEE DANNYHOWELL 2 SCOTT ANDERSON I50N LAKESHORE DRIVE t`f QCfILI LLORID.\J4](I-"S1 RANCY 1USTY �PARKDER 9j a (30 )6 6-_'323 !q Of Goe0 NN CITY NIA N.GER JA,AIES GLEASON County of a specified contract area. The original agreement commenced on June I. 1998 and ended on September 30. 2000. The City agreed to an extension of the contract for fiscal year 2001. For the period October I,2000 through October I.2001 the City will receive base compensation of S120,000 from the County. The COPS FAST Gram is a quarterly reimbursement grant. The second quarter reimbursement request of S96,478 has not been received. Revenue for Cigarette Tax, State Revenue-Cigarette Tax, and State Revenue-Gas Tax were consolidated into one revenue source by the State this year. The source is now titled Municipal Revenue Sharing. This revenue is 49% realized after two quarters. Half Cent Sales Tax (49') is just below anticipated. Other Governmental Revenue consists of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) of $34,000, a S50,000 Byrne Grant for equipment in the police department, a $150,000 state grant for the south park. and a grant from Time Warner of S20,000 for television equipment. This revenue is 33% realized. The required 25% match for the Byrne Grant is reflected in police department expenditures. Charges for Services consisting of zoning, annexation, development review, program activity and sale of maps and publication fees are 38.4% realized. False Alarm Fees (82%) are above anticipated. Miscellaneous Revenue is 103% realized consisting of returned check charges, special street lighting fees, and administrative fees for police security. The re-budget revenue is designated for a) television booth in the commission chambers, b) replacing the seats in the commission chamber, and c) nvo flail mowers in the Street Maintenance Department. Interest earnings are 107% realized. Transfers In are as anticipated with 50% realized. Expenditure Analysis Page 10 contains pie charts indicating the composition of expenditures for first quarter 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 for the General Fund, The Budget versus Expenditure report (page 11) shows for each department the amount spent and percentage of the budget the amount represents for the quarter. The variation in the percentages represents the timing and types of expenditures for the departments, i.e.-dues, contracts and capital items. Capital Outlay expenditures for General Fund are detailed on page 12. Blanket purchase orders continue to be utilized to help expedite receipt of goods and services necessary for the day to day operations of the City. Budget transfers authorized by the City Commission from contingency appear on page 13 for the quarter. POWWWWWWWWer 2 CITY OF OCOEE SECOND QUARTER REVENUE COMPARISON $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 ---- - $2,500,000 $2,000,000$1,500,000$1,000,0001- 11---r_ $500,000 $0 r-� ,_. PROPERTY TAX FRANCHISE TAX UTh ITVTAX LICENSE B INTER. CHARGES FOR FINES 8 MISCELLANEOUS TRANSFERS IN PERMRS GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES FORFERURES REVENUE REVENUE r0 Fiscal Year 99-00 ■Fiscal Year 00-01 3 Property Taxes Franchise Taxes Second Quarter Second Quarter 13.3% e 49.1% 86.7% 50.9% 86.7% of Property Tax Revenue°has Franchise Fees are being received been received compared to 86.3% for slightly below anticipated with 49.1% second quarter last year. realized. Last year's second quarter receipts were 43.7% of the budgeted amount. Utility Taxes Licenses and Permits Second Quarter Second Quarter 51 .1% ai 1.® % 40 ® 59.1% 48.9 .9% Utility Taxes are being received 59.1% of the revenue from licenses slightly below anticipated with 48.9% and permits has been received. This realized. This is slightly up from the is similar to the 38.0% realized last 46.6% received last year at this time. year in the second quarter. 5 Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Second Quarter Second Quarter 54.2% 61 .6% 38.4% 45.8% 45.8 of Intergovernmental Revenue has Charges for Services are being realized been received. This is consistant with the below anticipated with 38.4% received 46.9% received for the second quarter last compared with 47.3% received in the year. This is below anticipated primarily second quarter last year. due to COP's Grant revenues not being received yet. Fines and Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenue Second Quarter Second Quarter % ID 52.9% 47.1 100.0% Fines and Forfeitures areabove anticipated with 52.9% received. This Miscellaneous Revenues have been is down from 54.1% collected in received in excess of budget as of the second quarter last year. end of the second quarter. 6 Fund Transfers Second Quarter 50.0% ® ® 50.0% Fund Transfers are made on a monthly basis and are as expected. 7 CITY OF OCOEE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY 40 --- - 35 30 25 r I I EN su rig 10 - 0 ' ' 1 8 - 1 pI'.. r r e r .- O Z O g ■Fiscal Year 98-99 "'Fiscal Year 99-00 0 Fiscal Year 00-01 8 CITY OF OCOEE COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 . _ 1.5 1 0.5 0 October November December January February March April May June July August September ■Fiscal Year 98-99 ■Fiscal Year 99-00 0 Fiscal Year 00-01 9 CITY OF OCOEE SECOND QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON GENERAL FUND FY99/00-FY00/01 Fiscal Year 99-00 Fiscal Year 00-01 Second Quarter Expenditures Second Quarter Expenditures Capital OutlayTransfers Out Capital Outlay Transfers Out P1 % 10.5% 11 2/° 1.1% Operating Operating Expenses Expenses 16.6% 18.9% Personal Services Personal Services 68.8% 71.5% 10 CITY OF OCOEE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS REPORT GENERAL FUND SECOND QUARTER 2000/2001 BUDGET ' EXPENSED PERCENT ' '1 DEPARTMENT AMOUNT SECOND QUARTER USED. 511-00 Legislative $160,183 $82,137 51% 512-00 City Manager 230,029 138,275 60% 512-02 Information Systems 319,100 167,036 52% 512-10 City Clerk 280,135 127,382 45% 513-00 Finance Administration 467,340 217,816 47% 513-30 Human Resources 422,965 209,204 49% 514-00 Legal 307,000 119,095 39% 515-00 Planning 521,475 230,904 44% 516-00 General Government Services 2,200,615 928,956 42% 517-00 Public Works Administration 207,725 92,970 45% 519-00 Building Maintenance 353,125 131,770 37% 521-00 Law Enforcement 4,983,415 2,279,451 46% 522-00 Fire Control 3,324,560 1,592,156 48% 524-00 Protective Inspections 860,265 413,865 48% 529-00 Communications 614,625 245,222 40% 539-00 Cemetery 5,601 2,774 50% 541-10 Public Works-Traffic Operations 182,525 83,177 46% 541-20 Public Works-Street Maintenance 1,095,951 456,777 42% 541-30 Public Works-Park Maintenance 793,215 333,364 42% 541-40 Public Works-Fleet Maintenance 118,800 56,908 48% 546-00 Engineering 70,590 32,494 46% 572-00 Recreation 1,042,020 332,410 32% 574-00 Community Relations 321 ,610 139,155 43% TOTAL GENERAL FUND $18,882,869 $8,413,298 45% • 11 CITY OF OCOEE CAPITAL PURCHASE REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 SECOND QUARTER DEPARTMENT ITEM PURCHASED BUDGETED ACTUAL DIFFERENCE AMOUNT COST LAW ENFORCEMENT PORTABLE RADIO (7) $20,000.00 $19,847.00 $153.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT NETWORK COMPUTER STAND $2,000.00 S1,998.60 $1.40 LAW ENFORCEMENT EVIDENCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 1 $7,500.00 $7,180.00 S320.00 FIRE CONTROL MSA TESTER $7,000.00 $6,103.56 $896.44 FIRE CONTROL MOBILE RADIO $2,600.00 $2,512.00 $88.00 FIRE CONTROL DESK OP COMPUTER (3) $6,750.00 $5,465.93 $1,284.07 P W PARKS DIXIE CHOPPER MOWER $7,500.00 $7,200.00 $300.00 P W PARKS VICON SPREADER $1,500.00 $1,499.00 $1.00 COMMUNITY RELATIONS DESKTOP COMPUTER $2,250.00 $2,149.23 $100.77 12 CITY OF OCOEE GENERAL FUND BUDGET TRANSFERS FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 SECOND QUARTER DEPARTMENTAL ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT OF 'BUDGET TRANSFER TRANSFERRED FROM.. TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFER EXPLANATION LEGISLATIVE 001-516-00-4900 001-511-00-3128 $10,000.00 HASKELL CONSULTING CONTINGENCY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY MANAGER 001-516-00-4900 001-512-00-1100 S45,049.15 NEW CITY MANAGER CONTINGENCY EXECUTIVE SALARIES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 001-516-00-5206 001-516-00-4900 $651.50 BALANCE XMAS CERT. EMPLOYEE GIFT CERT. CONTINGENCY 13 hh STORMWATER FUND • '4 RI C AIN6510AER Ocoee "CENTER OF GOOD(]I/Y -PRIDE OF II EST OR1.GE S.SCOTr VANDERGRIfT �\ COMMISSIONERS CITY OF OCOEE NY HOwELL Q SCOTr ANDERSON $nN t.4ALS110Ru DRIVE rf U OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761 2256' RUSTY lOHN50N ,V (41171656-2322 NANCY I.PARKER fq NN OF G000 CITY MANAGER JAMES GLEASON StormWater Utility Fund The Stormwater Fund accounts for the stormwater utility foe revenues and the related expenditures for drainage, stormwater, and other related projects. Monthly fees are assessed at 55.00 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). The Stormwater Fund is divided into two divisions- Utility Engineering and Utility Operations. The Utility Engineering division primarily accounts for expenditures related to the studies of the City's StormWater system. The Utility Operating division maintains over fifty retention and detention ponds This division is responsible for vegetation control in and around the ponds, swales and wet areas. This division repairs the pipes, inlets and fencing that surrounds these areas. Currently there are 41/2 employees in this fund. As of March 31, 2001 there were 8555 Stormwater accounts compared to7991 accounts at March 31, 2000 representing a 7% increase. Revenue Analysis Stormwater Fund revenues are 51.38% realized overall. Charges for Services ($538,729) represents a 4% increase in revenues from second quarter last year. Interest Earnings are above anticipated with 142% realized. Expenditure Analysis Expenditures for the Stormwater Fund are 44% expended overall. Transfers arc made monthly for the debt service on the 1999 Capital Improvement Bond Issue. The annual debt service for this fiscal year is 5212,465. Funds are also transferred to the Utility Inspections division to cover the cost of the Drainage Inspector. POW! 14 P'CupSax•s 1VjIvr RessuDss CITY OF OCOEE REVENUE ANALYSIS STORMWATER UTILITY FUND SECOND QUARTER 2000-2001 REVENUE —,feTSBUDGET RECEIVED, PERCENTAGE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SECOND QUARTER REALIZED CHARGES FOR SERVICES $1,066,665 $538,729 50.51% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 6,110 12,489 204.40% STORMWATER UTILITY FUND TOTALS $1,072,775 $551,218 51.38% 15 CITY OF OCOEE SECOND QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON STORMWATER UTILITY FUND FY99/00 - FY00/01 Fiscal Year 99-00 Fiscal Year 00-01 Second Quarter Expenditures Second Quarter Expenditures Transfers Out Personal Services Personal Services 50.9% 25 2% Transfers Out 29% 51%ki �, , {^ 20% Operating Capital Outlay Operating Expenses 0 9% Expenses 23.0% 17 CITY OF OCOEE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS REPORT STORMWATER FUND SECOND QUARTER 2000/2001 BUDGET EXPENSED. PERCENT DEPARTMENT AMOUNT SECOND QUARTER USED 538-10 Engineering/Inspections $609,935 $267,627 44% 538-20 Utility Operating 462,840 200,167 43% TOTAL STORMWATER FUND $1,072,775 $467,794 44% 18 yF" FPt WATER/WASTEWATER FUND CITY OF OCOEE ORANGE" MAYOR VAND COMMISSIONER s m�sERGRIFr ((Ocoee C COMMISSIONERS111.:1I _ DANLL SCOTT ANDERSON ISDN. LAKESHORE DR MI RUSTYY JOHNS JOHNSON r, Oaou_,FLORIDA 34761-^_25tl NANCY 1.PARKER ''yam � (407)656-23 2 Or G 000 AN CITY MANAGER JAMES GLEASON Water/Wastewater Utility Fund The Water/Wastewater fund is an enterprise fund. Operations of this fund are financed and managed in a manner similar to private business enterprise. This fund accounts for the operations of the City's water system, and wastewater collection and treatment plant. All activities necessary to provide these services are reported in this fund. As of March 31, 2001 there were 9271 and 5,224 water and wastewater customers respectively compared to 8547 and 4983 accounts at March 31, 2000. This represents a 8.5% increase for Water and a 4.89e increase for Wastewater. Revenue Analysis Current year revenue receipts are detailed on page 20 and charted on page 21. Water/Wastewater Fund revenues are 60.66% realized compared to 52.74% for second quarter last year. Water Utility Fees are 49% realized while Wastewater Utility Fees are 51% realized. Revenue and Maintenance Fees include annual and monthly billings for Water (88%) and Wastewater (132%). Receipts for Water Connection Fees and Other Water Charges (cut-off/cut-on activity and late fees) are 63% and 60% respectively. Interest earnings are 110% realized. Transfers In reflects the funds from the Stormwater fund for expenditures related to inspections and the lease revenue from the General Fund for the site of the recreation facility. Expenditure Analysis Page 22 contains pie charts indicating the composition of expenditures for second quarter 2000/2001. Actual expenditures for the second quarter are 47% overall. A portion of the annual debt service payment for the bond issue is funded in the Water Operating and Wastewater Operating divisions. P°WWWWWWI 19 F c.,VatrrPe_.ur:t CITY OF OCOEE REVENUE ANALYSIS REPORT WATER/WASTE WATER UTILITY FUND SECOND QUARTER 2000-2001 REVENUE BUDGET RECEIVED PERCENTAGE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SECOND QUARTER REALIZED ' BEGINNING CASH BALANCE $320,000 $320,000 100.00% TAXES 193,440 96,565 49.92% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,426,990 2,322,493 52.46% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 49,100 299,739 610.47% TRANSFERS IN 115,175 57,585 50.00% WATER UTILITY FUND TOTALS $5,104,705 $3,096,382 60.66 20 Water/Wastewater Fund Revenues Second Quarter 39.3% 60.7% Water and Wastewater revenues are being received as above anticipated due to a sale of lans to the Expressway Authority in the first quarter of the year. 21 CITY OF OCOEEE SECOND QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON WATER/WASTEWATER UTILITY FUND FY99100-FY00/01 Fiscal Year 99-00 Fiscal Year 00-01 Second Quarter Expenditures Second Quarter Expenditures Personal Services Transfers Out PersonalPersonal Service Transfers Out o 35.0% 39.5% 40.3/o 32.3% ev ° Capital Outlay Operating Expenses 0.1% Operating Expensesn 27.4% 25.4/a 22 CITY OF OCOEE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS REPORT WATER/WASTEWATER FUND SECOND QUARTER 2000/2001 +'",h BUDGET EXPENSED PERCENT DEPARTMENT AMOUNT SECOND QUARTER USED" 531-00 WaterWastewaterAdministration $683,975 $276,238 40% 533-00 Water Operating 2,375,425 1,139,480 48% 535-00 Wastewater Operating 1,845,555 901,004 49% 537-00 Utility Inspections 199,750 90,349 45% TOTAL WATER/WASTEWATER FUND $5,104,705 $2,407,071 47% 23 SOLID WASTE FUND n1 COM I$➢ORER Oc00� 'CENTER OF GOOD Gt1A'G-PRIDE D/ WEST ORANGE S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT COMMISSIONERS bR5 A, e a ° CITY OF OCOEE oANNV Howe 2 SCOrr A,NDERSON p UUN Lnn 1i!)kC Uelrl> RUSTY IOHNSON �� �� Oco[[ FLORIDA SJi61-p25E NANCY I.PARKER br i I1091 fi/6 ..J32 �� of 0000P tnMARAGER LAMES GLEASON Solid Waste Fund The Solid Waste fund is an enterprise fund. Operations of this fund are financed and managed in a manner similar to private business enterprise. This fund accounts for the collection of commercial and residential garbage which is disposed of at a landfill. All activities necessary to provide such service are accounted for in this fund. The city contracts out the collection of commercial and yard waste refuse. There were 8004 solid waste residential accounts at March 31, 2001 compared with 7767 accounts at March 31, 2000 representing a 3% increase. Revenue Analysis Current year revenue receipts are detailed on page 25 and charted on page 26. Solid Waste Fund revenues are 51.9% compared to 51.7% for second quarter last year. Solid Waste Fees ($732,291.) are 48.8% realized which is slightly below anticipated. Franchise Fee revenue ($118,744) is 742%E realized. Interest earnings exceed expected with $23,192 realized. Expenditure Analysis Page 27 contains pie charts indicating the composition of expenditures for second quarter /999/2000 and 2000/2001. Expenditures for the second quarter are 42% of budgeted. Principal and interest payments for garbage trucks, a pick up truck, and a recycle truck are budgeted in this fund. POW! 24 CITY OF OCOEE REVENUE ANALYSIS REPORT SOLID WASTE UTILITY FUND SECOND QUARTER 2000-2001 REVENUE BUDGET : RECEIVED PERCENTAGE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ' SECOND QUARTER: REALIZED FRANCHISE FEES $160,000 $118,744 74.2% INTER GOVERNMENT SERVICES 5,000 608 12.2% CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,500,000 732,291 48.8% MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 20,000 23,192 116.0% TRANSFERS IN 0 0 0.0% SOLID WASTE FUND TOTALS $1,685,000 $874,835 51.9% 25 Solid Waste Fund Revenues Second Quarter 48.1% ej 51.9% Solid Waste revenues are being received slightly above anticipated, with Franchise fees being the main reason. Current solid waste fee collections are identical to that of the second quarter last year. 26 CITY OF OCOEE SECOND QUARTER EXPENDITURE COMPARISON SOLID WASTE UTILITY FUND FY99/00-FY00/01 Fiscal Year 99-00 Fiscal Year 00-01 Second Quarter Expenditures Second Quarter Expenditures Transfers Out Personal Services 13.9% 35.0% Transfers Out Personal Service 192% 369% Operating Expenses Operating Expenses 51.1% 43.9% 27 CITY OF OCOEE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS REPORT SOLID WASTE FUND SECOND QUARTER 2000/2001 BUDGET EXPENSED PERCENT:` DEPARTMENT AMOUNT SECOND QUARTER USED 534-10 Solid Waste-Residential $1,190,180 $523,423 44% 534-20 Solid Waste-Recycling 298,820 136,708 46% 534-30 Solid Waste-Yard Waste 196,000 45,838 23% TOTAL SOLID WASTE UTILITY FUND S1,685,000 S705,969 42% 28 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoe 'CIWIEN OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OP 0.Ld I ORAAGE S.SCOTT VANDERGRIEr te: CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSIONERS OW.�® T= DANNY HOWELL ¢ SRUS T JOHNS ON 150 S. I vAI SuO Ir DHIv'6 O RUSTY IOHNSOV kit* tlOumli.Fl olUOl_4.61'25RNANCY I.PARKER (a07)656-2322 f G00C CITY MANA5ER GLEASON GLEASON Supplemental Information Capital projects financed through bond issues are tracked by phase and expenditures; these have been listed on pages 30-33. The Debt Statement (page 34) details outstanding obligations of the City used to finance these projects and the source of security for the debt. Currently, the City has S51.820,000 in outstanding debt. The investment portfolio which contained S18,603,826 at March 31, 2001 is detailed on pages 35-37. Funds invested with Merrill Lynch and Raymond James are primarily in mutual funds. Funds invested with SunTrust consist of government backed notes. All investments are in accordance with the City's adopted investment policy. Funds necessary for operations are taken from the investments in a timely manner. Impact Fee activity is detailed on pages 38-41 for Road, Fire, Police, and Recreation. Debt Service is currently paid out of road impact fees (Clarke Road and the 1998 Transportation Bond Issue), police impact fees (police building-current/future), fire impact fees (fire stations), and recreation impact fees (recreation facility). POWt 29 CITY OF OCOEE GENERAL CAPITAL PROJECTS SECOND QUARTER FY 2000-2001 CUMULATIVE BUDGETED EXPENSES PERCENT ACTIVE/ START DATE/ ': PROJECT NAME FUNDS AS.OF3-31.01 USED INACTIVE COMPLETION''. FIRE STATION #1 $3.476,513 $197,495 5.7% ACTIVE 99-2002 POLICE STATION $425,000 $26,703 6.3% ACTIVE 99-2001 BEECH MULTIPURPOSE FACILITY PHASE 2 - (AOUATIC CENTER) $1,346,771 $441,642 32.8% ACTIVE 99-2001 PARK LAND-SOUTH $891,250 $508,584 57.1% ACTIVE 99-2001 STARKE LAKE CAMPUS PLAN $100,000 $39,005 39.0% ACTIVE 2000-01 30 CITY OF OCOEE TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL PROJECTS SECOND QUARTER FY 2000-2001 CUMULATIVE BUDGETED EXPENSES ' PERCENT ACTIVE/ START DATE) PROJECT NAME FUNDS AS OF 3-31-01 USED INACTIVE. COMPLETION'. MAGUIRE ROAD - PHASE 1- 4 $12,958,384 $5,486,571 42.3% ACTIVE 97-2002 MAGUIRE ROAD - PHASE 5 $2,844,537 $38,395 1.3% ACTIVE 99-2003 PROFESSIONAL PKWY PROJECT $4,474,852 $1,584,263 35.4% ACTIVE 98-2003 OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD $2,723,825 $93,272 3.4% ACTIVE 99-2001 A.D. MIMSIWURST ROAD PROJECT $815,637 $273,037 33.5% ACTIVE 99-2001 31 CITY OF OCOEE STORMWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS SECOND QUARTER FY 2000-01 CUMULATIVE BUDGETED EXPENSES. PERCENT ACTIVE/ START DATE/. PROJECT NAME FUNDS AS OF 3-31-01 USED INACTIVE COMPLETION PIONEER KEY II $150,000 $87,555 58.4% ACTIVE 2000-02 STARKE LAKE DRAIN WELLS $250,000 $0 0.0% ACTIVE 2000-02 REFLECTIONS SUBDIVISION $70,000 S9,251 13.2% ACTIVE 2000-02 PIONEER KEY I $66,566 $14,090 21.2% INACTIVE 97-?? BLUFORD AVE/ORLANDO AVE INTERSECTION $59,139 $18,001 30.4% INACTIVE 97-?? FRANKLIN ST AREA $46,006 $17,825 38.7% INACTIVE 97-?? GROUP 4 PROJECTS $783,097 $45,272 5.8% INACTIVE 97-?? 32 CITY OF OCOEE WATER/WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS SECOND QUARTER FY 2000-2001 CUMULATIVE BUDGETED EXPENSES PERCENT ACTIVE/ START DATE/ PROJECT NAME FUNDS AS OF'3-31-01 USED INACTIVE COMPLETION WATER DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM (PHASES I, II, III) $4,735,300 $3,286,577 69.4% ACTIVE 97-2001 REUSE WATER PROGRAM $3,857,000 $4,401,828 114.1% ACTIVE 97-2000 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM $432,400 $295,488 68.3% ACTIVE 98-2001 MAINTENANCE FACILITY $500,000 $668,914 133.8% ACTIVE 98-2000 REUSE RETROFIT PROGRAM $1,050,000 $117,764 11.2% INACTIVE 99-2001 MISCELLANEOUS WTP PROJECTS $320,000 $18,580 5.8% ACTIVE 98-2001 33 CITY OF OCOEE DEBT STATEMENT AS OF MARCH 31 , 2001 General General Fund Utility Fund Source Obligation Revenue Revenue of Direct City Debt Debt Debt Debt Security Transportation Refunding and Local Option Gas Tax and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Public Service Taxes Series 1990 due 10/1/2015 $1,440,000 Stormwater Utility Bonds, Series 1996 $ 1,785,000 Stormwater Utility Fees Capital Improvement Revenue Bond Covenant to budget and Series 1999, due 10/01/2028 11,045,000 appropriate annually from non-ad valorem revenues and impact fees Transportation Refunding and Local Option Gas Tax and Improvement Revenue Bonds, Public Service Taxes Series 1998, due 10/01/2017 18,800,000 Water and Sewer System Refunding Net Revenues and Impact and Improvement Bonds, Series Fees 1993 due 10/1/2017 6,930,000 Water and Sewer System Improvement Net Revenues and Impact Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 Fees due 10/1/2027 9,520,000 Non-Advalorem Revenue Notes 2000 Budget and Appropriate due 12/1/2010 2,300,000 Total Direct Debt $ -0- $ 33,585,000 $ 18,235,000 34 CITY OF OCOEE INVESTMENTS AS OF MARCH 31 , 2001 INVESTED WITH FUND ACCOUNT RATE MATURITY AMOUNT NUMBER DATE MERRILL LYNCH 001 -GENERAL FUND 86M-04A03 6.20 - 5306,900.53 MERRILL LYNCH 103-STORMWATER UTILITY 86M-04A03 6.20 - $55,348.86 MERRILL LYNCH 106-ROAD IMPACT 86M-04A01 6.20 - $313,30986 MERRILL LYNCH 106-ROAD IMPACT 86M-04A03 6.20 - $423,93348 MERRILL LYNCH 106-ROAD IMPACT 86M-04A02 6.20 $2,586,876.90 MERRILL LYNCH 107-FIRE IMPACT 86M-04A02 6.20 - $677,248.94 MERRILL LYNCH 107-FIRE IMPACT 86M-04A03 6.20 - $491,53801 MERRILL LYNCH 108-POLICE IMPACT 86M-04A03 6.20 - $83,172.22 MERRILL LYNCH 110- RECREATION IMPACT 86M-04A02 620 - $330,900.31 MERRILL LYNCH 302-CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BOND 86M-04A03 6.20 - $1,042,353.95 MERRILL LYNCH 312-STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT 86M-04A03 6.20 - $6,464.12 MERRILL LYNCH 401 -WATER 08 M 86M-04A02 6.20 - $74,646.29 MERRILL LYNCH 401 -WATER 08 M 86M-04A03 6.20 - 5249,897.05 MERRILL LYNCH 401 -WATER 08 M 86M-04A05 6.20 - 5188,571.85 MERRILL LYNCH 402-SOLID WASTE UTILITY 86M-04A03 6.20 - 554.309.35 MERRILL LYNCH 404-WATER IMPROVEMENT 86M-04A02 6.20 - $146.670.12 MERRILL LYNCH 405-WASTE WATER CAPITAL FUND 86M-04A03 6.20 - $327,498.11 MERRILL LYNCH 406-WATER DEBT SERVICE 86M-04A04 6.20 - $55,437.18 MERRILL LYNCH 407-WASTEWATER R 8 R 86M-04A03 6.20 - 5669,828.37 MERRILL LYNCH 410-WATER R 8 R 86M-04A03 620 - $347,026.85 MERRILL LYNCH 410-WATER R 8 R 86M-04A02 6.20 - $378.296.61 TOTAL $8,810,226.96 35 CITY OF OCOEE INVESTMENTS AS OF MARCH 31 , 2001 INVESTED WITH - FUND ACCOUNT RATE MATURITY. -AMOUNT. NUMBER DATE SUNTRUST 001 -GENERAL FUND 4444 5.15 04/05/01 $284,228.83 SUNTRUST 106-ROAD IMPACT 4444 5.15 04/05/01 $1,000,000.00 SUNTRUST 106-ROAD IMPACT 4444 5.20 02/01/02 $500,000.00 SUNTRUST 106-ROAD IMPACT 4444 6.50 06/11/03 $1,000,000.00 SUNTRUST 204-STORMWATER DEBT SERVICE 4522 5.32 10/19/01 $209,035.35 SUNTRUST 301 -TRANSPORTATION BOND 4494 4.50 06/29/01 $987,955 00 SUNTRUST 301 -TRANSPORTATION BOND 4494 5.92 04/05/01 $1477.651.67 SUNTRUST 301 -TRANSPORTATION BOND 4494 4.98 05/03/01 $500,000.00 SUNTRUST 302-CAPITAL IMPROVEMETS BOND 4444 4.94655 05/23/01 $493,975.00 SUNTRUST 401 -WATER 0&M 4444 5.42 09/29/03 $325,000.00 SUNTRUST 405-WATERPNASTEWATER CAPITAL 4444 5.42 09/29/03 $325,000.00 SUNTRUST 405-WATERPNASTEWATER CAPITAL 4444 5.20 02/01/02 $251,435.00 SUNTRUST 407-WASTEWATER R&R 4444 5.20 02/01/02 $25143500 SUNTRUST 412-WATER/WASTEWATER BOND 4494 4.98 05/03/01 $487,740.28 SUNTRUST 412-WATER/WASTEWATER BOND 4624 4.50 06/29/01 $987,955.00 TOTAL $9,081,411.13 36 CITY OF OCOEE INVESTMENTS AS OF MARCH 31 , 2001 INVESTED WITH FUND ACCOUNT RATE MATURITY AMOUNT NUMBER DATE RAYMOND JAMES 001 -GENERAL FUND 10041873 6.00 - 5230,750.40 RAYMOND JAMES 401 -WASTEWATER 10041873 6.00 - $56,974.95 RAYMOND JAMES 404-WATER CAPITAL FUND 10041873 6.00 - $72243.31 RAYMOND JAMES 405-WASTEWATER CAPITAL FUND 10041873 6.00 - $352,217.59 TOTAL $712.186.25 GRAND TOTAL $18,603,826.34 37 CITY OF OCOEE IMPACT FEE STATUS REPORT SECOND QUARTER - FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 FUND 106 ROAD IMPACT FEES BALANCE FORWARD $7,175,524 CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE $904,936 CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE ($343,701) ENCUMBERED $0 INTEREST EARNED $104,492 ENDING BALANCE AT 03/31/01 $7,841,251 38 CITY OF OCOEE IMPACT FEE STATUS REPORT SECOND QUARTER - FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 FUND 108 POLICE IMPACT FEES BALANCE FORWARD $303,678 CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE RESIDENTIAL $18,235 NON RESIDENTIAL $2,506 TOTAL CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE $20,741 CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE ($16,329) ENCUMBERED $0 INTEREST EARNED $7,127 ENDING BALANCE AT 03/31/01 $315,217 40 CITY OF OCOEE IMPACT FEE STATUS REPORT SECOND QUARTER - FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 FUND 110 RECREATIONAL IMPACT FEE COMMUNITY NORTH EAST NORTH WEST SOUTH BALANCE FORWARD $201,264 $165,694 $18,335 $226,850 CURRENT QUARTER REVENUE $8,400 S4,284 $0 $2,430 CURRENT QUARTER EXPENDITURE SO $0 $0 $0 ENCUMBERED $0 $0 $0 $0 INTEREST EARNED $4,851 $3,986 $441 $5,450 ENDING BALANCE AT 03/31/01 $214,515 $173,964 $18,776 $234,730 41