HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (D) Avanti/West Groves, Preliminary Subdivison Plan, Project No. LS-00-002 Agenda 6-05-2001
Item VI D
OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258
Eye `.:500 (407)905-3100 NANCY J.PARKER
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DATE: May 24, 2001
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner n /
THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning e1H/9�
SUBJECT: Avanti /West Groves
Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Project No. LS-2000-002
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the
Avanti /West Groves subdivision (total area of 383.1 acres)?
The Avanti /West Groves subdivision is comprised of a private gated residential community with
a total of 512 single family lots to be constructed in five phases. There will also be two additional
parcels set aside for commercial and multifamily development in the southeastern portion of the
site. The property is located on the eastern shore of Lake Apopka, west of Ocoee Apopka Road
(CR 437), just north of the Western Beltway. Most of the subject property is currently occupied
by orange groves, but there are a few existing structures in the southeast corner of the site near
Ocoee Apopka Road. There are also a significant amount of wetlands (total of 58 acres) along
Lake Apopka, as well as along the southern and northeastern boundaries of the property. The
southern edge of the subject property abuts the northern boundary of the large tract of land
commonly known as the "Coke Property'.
Most of the subject property has R-1-AA zoning (336.4 acres), except for the southeastern
portion of the site which has a combination of C-2 (23.0 acres) and R-3 zoning (23.7 acres). The
property surrounding the proposed subdivision has R-1-AA zoning (north and east —
undeveloped) and Orange County A-2 zoning (south - undeveloped). A rezoning application
has been submitted concurrently with the Preliminary Subdivision Plan in order to make minor
changes to the boundaries of the areas zoned C-2 and R-3 to conform with the boundaries
shown on the subdivision plan.
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May 24, 2001
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
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General Project Description:
As shown in the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, the Avanti /West Groves subdivision provides for
the extension of West Road on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road (CR 437), in a curved
alignment extending southward to the northern edge of the "Coke Property'. The West Road
Extension will run along the rear of the parcel zoned C-2, separating it from the residential areas.
Access to the parcels zoned C-2 and R-3 will be provided from Ocoee Apopka Road and from
the West Road Extension. The main entrance to the much larger single family area will be from
the West Road Extension. The large single family area will have two points of access, the main
entrance from the West Road Extension and a fully operational secondary entrance near the
north end of the site from Ocoee Apopka Road. There will also be an additional point of
pedestrian access connecting to adjacent property to the east.
As with other subdivisions, there will be a 6 foot wall with appropriate landscaping along the
boundary of the subdivision adjacent to the West Road Extension. There is also a Condition of
Approval which requires a 6 foot wall between the future development on the parcel zoned R-3
and the adjacent single family areas, if the parcel zoned R-3 is developed with a multi-family use
(COA 17). The R-1-AA zoning over most of the property will dictate a minimum lot width of 75
feet and a minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet. However, the Developer intends to provide a
mixture of lot sizes within the subdivision. A large number of the lots will be larger than this
minimum size, including several lots that will be nearly a half-acre in size.
The main spine road running through the Avanti / West Groves subdivision is called West
Groves Boulevard. Along most of the length of this Boulevard there will be landscaped medians
and 6 foot buffer walls on both sides of the road. Each 'village' along this portion of West
Groves Boulevard will have its own landscaped entrance feature. For bicyclists and
pedestrians, there will be an 8 foot sidewalk along one side of this Boulevard. Other recreation
amenities in the project include a 6+ acre Community Park with a clubhouse / community room
with a vehicle parking area, a boardwalk and pier out into the lake with a shade structure, as well
as ball fields and other active recreation amenities. There will also be an 8 foot bicycle /
pedestrian nature trail running essentially the entire length of the project along the shore of Lake
Unique Issues:
There are approximately 58 acres of wetlands on the subject property, mostly around the
perimeter of the site. More than 50 acres of wetlands will be preserved, untouched by the
proposed development and dedicated to the City. These areas abut Lake Apopka and extend
along the drainage ways on the south and east side of the project. A few acres of wetlands will
be impacted by the proposed development. These wetlands are mostly small isolated wetlands
or degraded wetlands that have been invaded by nuisance / exotic vegetation. Less than one
acre of natural wetlands will be impacted, primarily by the construction of the northern entrance
road to provide access to the north end of the subdivision from Ocoee Apopka Road.
In most cases, the Land Development Code does not allow development within wetlands. The
only exceptions have generally been for the construction of essential road and utility
improvements. This exception would apply to the natural wetlands impacted by the construction
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Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
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of the northern entrance road providing an essential secondary access point to the north end of
the subdivision. However, since other development within wetlands, even low quality wetlands,
has generally not been permitted by the Code, this proposed development presents a unique
The proposed development, as currently designed, will impact low quality wetlands with the
construction of retention ponds. The project engineer has indicated that the proposed retention
ponds built in low quality wetland areas will actually enhance those wetlands, restoring their
natural function. He has indicated that the St. Johns River Water Management District as
conceptually agreed to this proposal. Staff has told the Developer that they are very concerned
about this proposal, since it has not been done before in the City and is technically not permitted
by the Code. However, Staff will consider this proposal, if the SJRWMD confirms that this
proposal will actually enhance the wetlands and restore their natural function. Even then, it is an
important policy issue for the City Commission and will require a waiver from the Code
requirements. The Conditions of Approval in the PSP address this issue, indicating that if the
City's concerns are not satisfied, the subdivision will have to be redesigned to avoid these
wetland impacts {COA 29(c)(iii)).
Northern Entrance
The subdivision plan provides for a fully operational secondary access at the north end of the
subdivision with an extension of West Groves Boulevard eastward to Ocoee Apopka Road, to be
constructed with the later phases of the development. The Plan shows two potential routes
across the wetland area — Option 'A' and Option 'B'. The Developer would prefer to use Option
'A' because it has less wetland impact. However, that option is dependent on coordination with
the development plan for the adjacent Battaglia property. The Developer could use Option 'B',
since he controls all the property needed to construct that option, but it would require
significantly more wetland impacts. Staff has agreed to work with the developer of the Battaglia
property when development plans are submitted in order to help facilitate the alignment of the
road through that project with Option 'A' as shown on this subdivision plan.
Another issue related to the construction of the northern entrance road is timing —when will it be
built and who will build it, since three different developments will be benefited by that road. The
right-of-way property for the road is controlled by the Avanti /West Groves Developer, except for
the portion of the Option 'A' alignment on the adjacent Battaglia property. However, future
developments on the Battaglia property and the adjacent property to the north will also benefit
from this new access road leading to Ocoee Apopka Road. The Avanti / West Groves
Developer has agreed to dedicate the right-of-way property for the road to the City, as long as
most of the road could be constructed by developers of the adjacent properties if they are
developed before the later phases of this subdivision. If the road has not been constructed
before it is needed by the later phases of this subdivision, then this Developer will construct the
100-Year Flood Plain
A third unique issue is the fact that some of the proposed development in the final phase of the
subdivision (several lots and portions of a road) encroaches upon the current 100 year flood
plain as shown on the FEMA map. If the flood plan as currently shown is used when that area is
developed, this subdivision plan as currently presented could not be approved because it would
not be permitted by the Ocoee Comprehensive Plan. However, the Project Engineer believes
that the flood plain as currently shown on the FEMA map is not shown correctly. The Conditions
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of Approval in the PSP address this issue, indicating that the Developer will submit an
application to have the FEMA map changed and stating that if the map is not changed, the
Preliminary Subdivision Plan will have to be revised prior to submittal of the Final Subdivision
Plan for the final phase (COA 29(c)(ii)}.
West Road Extension
The Avanti /West Groves PSP shows an extension of West Road from the west side of Ocoee
Apopka Road in a curved alignment around the parcel zoned C-2, southward to the northern
boundary of the Coke Property. The Conditions of Approval indicate that the Developer will
dedicate all of the 120' road right-of-way for the West Road Extension, but he will not construct
all of the road and utilities within the right-of-way. The Developer of the Avanti / West Groves
subdivision and the developers of the parcels zoned C-2 and R-3 will be responsible for
constructing the road and utilities, in phases, between Ocoee Apopka Road and the main
entrance to the single family subdivision. However, the remaining portion of the road leading
from the single family main entrance south to the northern boundary of the Coke Property will be
constructed by who ever develops the Coke Property. (The City Engineer estimates the cost of
constructing the remaining portion of the road and related improvements to be $50,000 as a two
lane road and $100,000 as a four lane road).
Ocoee Apopka Road Improvements
Other road improvements that will be done in conjunction with the West Road Extension will be
the realignment of West Road east of Ocoee Apopka Road, to line up with the West Road
Extension on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road, as well as turn lane and other intersection
improvements on Ocoee Apopka Road at this intersection. Orange County will soon begin
construction of its Clarcona Ocoee Road widening project which will terminate at its west end
with this realignment of West Road at its intersection with Ocoee Apopka Road. Orange County
will provide some intersection improvements with the West Road realignment. In conjunction
with Orange County's project, the City will make arrangements and be responsible for any
remaining turn lanes and improvements not covered by the Orange County project. (The City
Engineer estimates the cost of constructing the remaining improvements to be $100,000 to
$150,000). It is intended that all the West Road realignment and intersection improvements at
Ocoee Apopka Road will be constructed along with the first phase of the West Road Extension
west of Ocoee Apopka Road, which is to be constructed with the first phase of the Avanti /West
Groves subdivision.
Waivers from Code Requirements:
This Preliminary Subdivision Plan includes three proposed waivers from certain Land
Development Code requirements. The first waiver is related to the maximum block length of
1,000 feet, which is being requested because there is a loop road within one of the villages that
is up to 1,650 feet long. The second waiver is related to the maximum building coverage on a
lot (35%). The Developer is requesting a maximum of 40% lot coverage with a larger minimum
living area requirement. The third waiver is related to the limitation on development within
wetlands. Most of the wetlands on the site are being preserved, but they are proposing to
construct stormwater management areas within some of the wetlands that have been degraded
over time by nuisance / exotic vegetation. Their stormwater management improvements
proposed are intended to enhance those wetlands and restore them back to their normal
function. All three of these proposed waivers are supported by Staff.
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Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
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Development Review Committee:
The Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the Avanti / West Groves subdivision was reviewed by the
Development Review Committee (DRC) on April 16, 2001. The Committee voted unanimously to
recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, including the proposed waivers,
subject to making certain revisions to the plans and to the Conditions of Approval as discussed
and agreed to at that meeting. Most of the DRC requirements have now been satisfactorily
addressed in these plans and the attached document titled Additional Conditions of Approval
Related to Development Agreement Provisions to be Added to Conditions of Approval (5/2/01).
The recommended conditions listed below will bring the plans into compliance with all of the
requirements recommended by the DRC.
On May 8, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the proposed Preliminary
Subdivision Plan for the Avanti / West Groves subdivision. The Staff, the Developer and his
consultants provided a detailed presentation describing the project and the most important
issues. During the discussion, the Commission asked a variety of questions issues, regarding
wetland impacts and traffic impacts. When the discussion was finished, the Planning and
Zoning Commission voted 7-0 (with two abstaining) to recommend approval of the proposed
Preliminary Subdivision Plan in accordance with the Staff recommendation (minutes attached).
Based on the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the DRC, Staff
respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary
Subdivision Plan for the Avanti / West Groves subdivision, including the proposed waivers, as
date stamped received by the City on May 2, 2001, subject to the following conditions:
1) That the attached document titledAdditiona/ Conditions of Approval Related to Development
Agreement Provisions to be Added to Conditions of Approval (5/2/01) shall be included on
Sheet 3d of the Plan set under that title.
2) That the design of West Groves Boulevard at the northern entrance gate on the eastern edge
of Phases 4 and 5 shall be revised to graphically show three lanes (two lanes in and one lane
out) with an adequate vehicle turnaround to provide for a fully operational secondary access
to the entire subdivision.
3) That all the remaining issues identified in the memo from Scott Cookson (Assistant City
Attorney) dated May 3, 2001 shall be satisfactorily addressed as soon as possible following
City Commission approval of the PSP.
4) That a Development Agreement incorporating all of the proposed Conditions of Approval and
Additional Conditions of Approval as attached and amended by the City Attorney be executed
by the developer and said Conditions of Approval be incorporated within the Preliminary
Subdivision Plan.
Attachments: Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Document titled Additional Conditions of Approval Related to Development Agreement Provisions to be Added
to Conditions of Approval(5/2/01).
Memo from Scott Cookson(Assistant City Attorney)dated May 3,2001
Avanti/West Groves Preliminary Subdivision Plan,date stamped May 2,2001
May 8,2001 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes for this agenda item(will be provided prior to the
Orlando Sentinel THURSDAY, MAY 24,2001
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1. Publicly Dedicated Improvements. The Developer will, at the Developer's expense,
undertake and complete the following improvements in accordance with the Final
Subdivision Plan as approved by the Ocoee City Commission (the "FSP"), which FSP
will be consistent with the off-site improvements as shown and depicted on the
Preliminary Subdivision Plan as approved by the Ocoee City Commission ("PSP").
All such improvements shall be completed by the times indicated:
(a) Tract W-1 (West Road Extension (Phase See Paragraph 6_
1)) (dedicated to City of Ocoee)
(b) Tract W (West Groves Boulevard (Public)) See Paragraph 6
(dedicated to City of Ocoee)
(c) Water and Sewer Improvements pursuant to See Paragraph
the Agreement between Developer and
Orange County, dated August 29, 2000
("Water and Sewer Improvements") Prior to issuance of first
(dedicated or conveyed to Orange County) building permit
2. Tract W. The Developer shall dedicate and convey Tract W to the City for public
right-of-way purposes. The dedication and conveyance of Tract W will be subject to
the following conditions:
a. The Developer, and its successors and assigns, shall have the right to construct
a publicly dedicated roadway and related utility improvements on Tract W, such
roadway and utility improvements to be in accordance with the FSP, which FSP
DATE- 05/03/01
will be consistent with the PSP. The Developer will provide the City with at
least sixty (60) days notice prior to the commencement of construction of any
roadway and/or utility improvements within Tract W. Following receipt of such
notice, the City may request that the Developer provide an estimate of the cost
of oversizing the utility improvements within Tract W beyond the sizing set
forth in the FSP. Within forty (40) days of receipt of such estimate the City will
advise the Developer if it desires to have all or a portion of the utility
improvements oversized within Tract W. If the Developer constructs the
roadway and related utility improvements within Tract W or installs any utility
improvements within Tract W prior to construction of the roadway, then at the
time of any such construction, the City may require the Developer to oversize
utility improvements within Tract W, in which event the City shall, within thirty
(30) days of completion of the roadway and acceptance thereof by the City (or if
only utility improvements are installed, acceptance thereof by the County) and
receipt of an invoice accompanied by supporting documentation, reimburse the
Developer for the actual cost incurred by the Developer to oversize the utility
improvements within Tract W, not to exceed the estimated cost thereof provided
by Developer to City as aforesaid. The City and Developer acknowledge that
the publicly dedicated roadway within Tract W will be known as West Groves
Boulevard and will connect without gap or overlap to the private roadway
referred to as West Groves Boulevard (Phase 4) (such connection to be via the
options set forth in Paragraph 2.
b. The Developer shall be entitled to access to and through Tract W for all utility
lines and road extension requirements to service the development on the
Property, all in accordance with final plans approved by the City and subject to
the above-referenced provisions regarding the oversizing of utilities.
c. In the event another developer, property owner or the City, constructs roads,
utilities, or CR 437 intersection improvements within Tract W, then the City
shall cause such improvements to be designed and constructed in accordance
with the FSP, which FSP shall be consistent with the PSP. To the extent the
final plans for Tract W to be constructed by others deviates from the FSP, the
City agrees to submit such plans to the Developer for input, which input shall be
considered in good faith by the City, prior to the City's final approval of any
such plans and commencement of construction of improvements on Tract W by
others. The Developer shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days to review and
provide input prior to the City's final approval. Further, to the extent West
Groves Boulevard is extended as a public or private roadway west through the
adjacent "Battaglia Property" in accordance with Option A as shown on the
FSP, which FSP shall be consistent with the PSP, so as to connect at the eastern
edges of Villages C-3/C-4, the City also agrees to submit such plans to the
Developer for review and input as aforesaid.
d. In the event roadway and related utility improvements are constructed on Tract
W by the City, another developer or property owner, then such improvements
shall be publicly dedicated and the Developer will have the right of access to
006 214500.5
and use of such improvements, and shall not be subject to any cost or
assessment of fees in connection with such use, except for normal permitting
fees, if any.
e. In the event (1) construction of the roadway on Tract W is not commenced
within seven (7) years of the recording of the first plat for any portion of the
Property, and (2) the Developer has not yet commenced construction of West
Groves Boulevard (Phase 4), then the Developer will commence and timely
complete construction of the roadway on Tract W within thirty (30) months of
that date. As security for performance of such obligation, seven (7) years after
recording of the first plat for any portion of the Property the Developer shall
deliver to the City a letter of credit, or other acceptable security, all in a form
acceptable to the City, in an amount sufficient to provide the City with the
ability to construct the roadway and related utility improvements within Tract
W, all at the Developer's expense.
f. If the roadway and related utility improvements within Tract W have not been
constructed at the time the Developer commences construction of West Groves
Boulevard (Phase 4), then the roadway and related utility improvements within
Tract W shall be constructed by the Developer as part of West Groves
Boulevard (Phase 4). It is the intention of the City and Developer that the
public and private portions of West Groves Boulevard will be constructed no
later than (i) at the time of development of Villages C-3/C-4, or (ii) 114 months
from the recording of the first plat for any portion of the Property, whichever
first occurs, so that West Groves Boulevard will provide a connection for the
Development from CR 437.
g. In the event the Developer constructs the roadway within Tract W as required in
connection with the development of Villages C-3/C-4, then the Developer shall
be required to install within Tract W and the portion of West Groves Boulevard
extending from Tract W to the eastern end of West Groves Boulevard at the
eastern edge of Villages C-3/C-4 only the minimum facilities (consistent with
City codes) necessary to provide a continuous connection from CR 437 to the
eastern end of West Groves Boulevard at the eastern edge of Villages C-3/C-4.
Such minimum facilities shall include a paved road consisting of two (2) 12'
drive lanes designed as an urban section, with a minimal left turn lane
requirement leading to CR 437 and a minimal left turn intersection improvement
at CR 437, all as shown on the "typical section" to be set forth in the FSP,
which typical section will be consistent with the PSP.
3. Tract W-1 and Tract W-3. The Developer shall dedicate and convey to the City Tract
W-1 and Tract W-3 which together equal an area approximately 1800 ft. long by 120 ft.
wide, and which tracts are depicted on Drawing 4 of the PSP.
4. CR 437 Intersection Improvements. The City will make arrangements to design,
engineer, permit and construct all required intersection improvements located within the
CR 437 right-of-way at the intersection of CR 437 and Tract W-1, including, but not
limited to, turn lanes, deceleration and acceleration lanes, paving, drainage, and other
required intersection improvements, all at no cost or expense to the Developer. Such
intersection improvements are depicted on Drawing 4 of the Preliminary Subdivision
Plan. Following completion by Developer of the first phase of improvements within
Tract W-1, the City shall thereafter always provide for a connection for vehicular and
pedestrian ingress and egress between the Tract W-1 and CR 437 (thereby always
providing vehicular and pedestrian access between the Project and CR 437). The City
shall cause the above-described intersection improvements to be completed no later than
the date of completion of the improvements being constructed by Orange County for the
West Road connection to CR 437 on the east side of the CR 437 right-of-way. The
City may elect to have said intersection improvements incorporated into the aforesaid
County project and shall not be required to construct such improvements at an earlier
date. The Developer will, at no cost to the City, grant the City any temporary
construction easements on the Property that may be necessary to construct said
intersection improvements.
5. Improvements to Tract W-1. The Developer shall pave a four-lane, median-divided
road section, together with appropriate turn lanes and striping, as depicted on the
Preliminary Subdivision Plan for the Tract WA provided to the City by the Developer.
Such roadway to be from the entrance to the single-family community at West Groves
Boulevard (Phase 1), easterly to the intersection with CR 437. The time frame for
installation of the improvements is as follows:
a. At the time of construction of the first phase of development of the single-family
dwelling units, the Developer shall, at the Developer's expense, construct two
lanes of the four-lane road (outside lanes) on Tract W-1, from West Groves
Boulevard to CR 437. These two lanes will blend appropriately with the CR
437 intersection improvements, whether temporary or permanent. These
improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of a Certificate of
Completion for the initial phase of the subdivision improvements.
b. Construction of the two interior lanes within Tract W-1 from West Groves
Boulevard to CR 437 (and the two (2) outer lanes within Tract W-1 if Developer
has not previously completed construction of the two (2) outer lanes, as
provided above), together with the final designed north and southbound turn
lanes from Tract W-1 onto CR 437, shall be completed by the Developer, at the
Developer's expense and accepted by the City by the earlier of:
i. The date of completion of construction of any portion of either the Parcel
C-2 or Parcel R-3 zoning sections of the development; or
ii. The date of completion of construction and connection of the West Road
Extension (Future) within Tract W-3 from the so-called Coca-Cola
property into Tract W-1, said tract being the section of the West Road
Extension that serves the single-family entry at West Groves Boulevard;
iii. The date of completion of the subdivision improvements in Villages C-
If the Developer fails to complete the two interior lanes (along with the two
outer lanes, if applicable) by the date set forth above, the City may refuse to
issue a Certificate of Completion for Villages C-3/C-4 and may, upon thirty (30)
days written notice to the Developer, do, or cause to be done, the design,
engineering, permitting and construction of the uncompleted portion of the two
interior lanes (along with the two outer lanes, if applicable), all at Developer's
expense. If the Developer fails to reimburse the City for any such costs
advanced by the City, within thirty (30) days from Developer's receipt of a
written invoice for same (along with supporting documentation), then the City
may place a lien on either the commercial (Parcel C-2) or the multi-family
(Parcel R-3) portions of the Property (as determined by the City) as security for
the payment of such costs and may foreclose such lien in accordance with
applicable law; provided, however, that in connection with the sale of said
commercial or multi-family portions of the Property by the Developer to a third
party and provided that any such sale occurs prior to the time that the City
actually places a lien on said commercial or multi-family portions of the
Property, the Developer shall be entitled to release said commercial and/or
multi-family portions of the Property from any right of the City to place a lien
thereon by providing to the City alternative collateral reasonably acceptable to
the City which secures the aforesaid reimbursement obligation.
6. Conveyance of Right-of-Way Land.
a. The Developer shall dedicate and convey to the City Tract W, Tract WA and
Tract W-3 (collectively, the "Right-of-Way Land") within forty-five (45) days
following receipt of written notice from the City requesting the same (or any
portion thereof); provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing: (i) the
Developer shall not be obligated to convey the Right-of-Way Land to the City
prior to approval of the FSP, (ii) the Developer shall not be obligated to convey
the Right-of-Way Land to the City prior to eighteen (18) months following
approval of the PSP, and (iii) Tract W-1 shall be dedicated and conveyed no
later than the time of platting of the first phase of the residential development.
b. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Paragraph 6(a) above and if the
City desires conveyance at an earlier date, then following approval of the FSP,
the "Right-of-Way Land" (or any portion thereof) shall be conveyed to the City
within forty-five (45) days following receipt of a notice of intent from the City
setting forth the intention to begin construction of improvements within the
portion of the Right-of-Way Land which is the subject of the notice. All
references to Tract W-1 shall include the necessary intersection radii at the CR
437 and West Road Extension intersection, provided, however, said additional
area shall not exceed the area provided for the perpetual exclusive easement for
monumental signage at the northwest and southwest corners of the intersection.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the written request for any conveyance, the
Developer shall provide the City with a legal description and sketch of
description of the Right-of-Way Land (or the portion thereof which the City is
requesting be conveyed), said description and sketch being certified to the City.
The Right-of-Way Land shall be dedicated and conveyed by the Developer to
the City by special warranty deed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances
except for those matters acceptable to the City. The form of the warranty deed
shall be subject to the approval of the City. In the event of such conveyance,
the Developer shall have the right to (a) make improvements to and utilize Tract
W as provided in Paragraph 2 above, and (b) make improvements to Tract W-1
in accordance with the FSP, which FSP will be consistent with the PSP, and
upon dedication and conveyance of Tract W-1 as provided herein utilize Tract
W-1 and the improvements located therein in accordance with the FSP, which
FSP will be consistent with the PSP.
c. The Developer shall, contemporaneously with the dedication and conveyance of
the Right-of-Way Land (or any portion thereof) to the City, provide to the City
a current attorney's opinion of title or a current title commitment to be followed
by a policy of title insurance, evidencing that fee simple title to the Right-of-
Way Land (or portion thereof being conveyed) is free and clear of all liens and
encumbrances except for those matters acceptable to the City. The costs and
expenses related to the conveyance and dedication of the Right-of-Way Land,
including the cost of title work, shall be borne solely by the Developer. Real
property taxes on the Right-of-Way Land shall be prorated as of the day before
the City's acceptance of the dedication and conveyance of the same, and the
prorated amount of such real property taxes attributable to the Developer shall
be paid and escrowed by the Developer in accordance with the provisions of
Section 196.295, Florida Statutes.
d. Neither the Developer nor any other person or entity shall be entitled to any
road impact fee credits or other compensation of any kind for, on account of, or
006 214500.5
with respect to the required dedication and conveyance of the Right-of-Way
Land and the temporary construction easements and signage easements
described herein to the City or the design, engineering, permitting and
construction of the improvements to be constructed on the Right-of-Way Land
by the Developer.
7. Concurrencv.
a. Immediately following the approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and this
Agreement, the Developer shall apply for a Final Certificate of Concurrency for
the development of the Property in accordance with the procedures set forth in
the City's Land Development Code (the `Final Certificate of Concurrency").
The City agrees to promptly issue the Final Certificate of Concurrency
following receipt of such application.
b. It shall be the responsibility of Developer to obtain final subdivision plan
approval for the Property and to commence construction of subdivision
improvements prior to the expiration of the Final Certificate of Concurrency or
any extensions thereof, or any Transportation Capacity Reservation Certificates
("TCRC's") which may be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Ocoee Land
Development Code. The City makes no warranty or representation regarding
the ability of the Developer to obtain a new Final Certificate of Concurrency or
TCRC should Developer fail to commence construction of subdivision
improvements prior to the expiration of the Final Certificate of Concurrency or
any TCRC, respectively.
006 214500.5
c. The City represents to the Developer that:
i. The development of the Property will not be subject to further
concurrency review under the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land
Development Code so long as the Developer obtains a final subdivision
plan approval and commences construction of subdivision improvements
in accordance therewith prior to the expiration of the Final Certificate of
Concurrency or a TCRC with respect to Phase 1A1 on the FSP, which
FSP will be consistent with the PSP ("Phase 1A1");
ii. The final Certificate of Concurrency shall not expire so long as a TCRC
is obtained with respect to the portion of the property referred to as
Phase 1A1; and
iii. In the event the Developer obtains a TCRC in accordance with the
provisions of the City's Land Development Code which reserves
sufficient transportation capacity for the buildout of Phase 1A1, then the
development of the entire Property will not be subject to further
concurrency review for transportation under the City's Comprehensive
Plan and Land Development Code so long as the Developer obtains a
final subdivision plan approval and commences construction of
subdivision improvements prior to the expiration of such TCRC.
8. Master Drainage System.
a. The Developer shall be responsible for the final design of the master drainage
system for the Property, and obtaining from the St. Johns River Water
006 214500.5
Management District (the "District") all permits required to construct the
master drainage system. The City agrees to cooperate with the Developer in its
efforts to obtain such permits from the District. The City recognizes and agrees
that the Developer shall be entitled to receive from the District the maximum
number of credits, if any, available from the District in connection with the
Developer's grant of conservation easements and dedication of wetlands and
other protected areas; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not be
construed to authorize the destruction of any wetlands or development within the
wetlands except as expressly set forth on the FSP, which shall be consistent with
the PSP.
b. After the Developer has obtained all such permits from the District, it shall
dedicate and convey to the City those portions of Tracts R, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4,
R-5 and R-6 (as depicted on Drawing 3b of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan)
not required by the District to be dedicated to the District; provided, however,
that Tract R-6 shall be dedicated and conveyed to the City and the City may
require that Tract R-6 be dedicated and conveyed to the City at an earlier date.
Any such dedication or conveyance shall be subject to the following:
i. The right of the Developer to install utility facilities (including without
limitation utility lines and lift stations) and roadway facilities as shown
on the FSP, which shall be consistent with the PSP, on, over, under and
through the wetlands, subject to compliance with all applicable
governmental ordinances, laws, rules and regulations.
006 214500.5
ii. The condition that there shall be no public access to any portion of such
properties (except for Tract R-6) which is to be dedicated and conveyed
to the City.
iii. If requested by the Developer, the City, at its expense, shall post no
trespass signs on Tracts R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-5, provided, however,
that the City shall have no obligation to maintain, repair or replace such
signs. Developer may elect to install fences on the Developer's property
to prohibit public access, subject to compliance with all permitting
c. Any wetland tract not dedicated or conveyed to the City or the District shall be
encumbered by a conservation and drainage easement in form required by the
City and the District and conveyed to the homeowners association. Any
dedication or conveyance of a conservation easement shall provide a specific
reservation by the Developer so that the Developer may develop and maintain a
boardwalk and dock/pier (including utility facilities for the boardwalk and dock)
in the location generally depicted on Drawing 3 and on Drawing 6 on the
Preliminary Subdivision Plan, subject to the obtaining of all applicable permits
necessary for the construction of such improvements.
9. Monument Sicnage Easement. At the time of recordation in the Public Records of
Orange County, Florida of the first subdivision plat for any portion of the Property, the
Developer shall grant to the City (or its designees) a perpetual exclusive easement for
monument signage at the northwest and southwest corners of the intersection of CR 437
006 214500.5
and the West Road Extension as shown on Sheet 4 of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan.
The easement areas will be triangular in shape and the rear line of each easement shall
be 75 linear feet; provided, however, that all setback obligations related to Parcel R-3
and Parcel C-2 will be measured from the right-of-way line of the roads, not from the
area which includes assigned easements; the intent of the City being that no additional
setback obligations will be required due to the granting of the sign easements. Further
(1) the form and content of all such monument signage erected by the City or its
designees and the location thereof within the easement area shall be reasonably
acceptable to the Developer and consistent with the signage and architectural plans for
the subject property; and (2) the signage erected by the City or its designees shall be in
addition to (and shall not in any way diminish) the amount of signage which may be
constructed by the Developer and its designees on the Property.
006 214500.5
1-1 0
FOLEY & LARDNER . .1 MAY - 3 2K1 I --i
TO: Ellen M. King, Development Review Coordinator
FROM: Scott A. Cookson, Esq., Assistant City Attorney
DATE: May 3, 2001
RE: Avanti/West Groves - Preliminary Subdivision Plan
(Project No. LS-00-002)
In connection with the above referenced project, we have reviewed the
following document:
1. Avanti/West Groves Preliminary Subdivision Plan prepared by Hartman &
Associates, Inc. and stamped received by the City of Ocoee May 2, 2001 (the "Plan").
This memorandum supercedes our prior memoranda concerning the
Avanti/West Groves Preliminary Subdivision Plan. Based upon our review of the document
noted above pursuant to the Ocoee Land Development Code, we have the following comments:
1. [Repeat Comment] Please revise the Owner's Affidavit to have the notary
indicate the county in which the Owner's Affidavit was notarized. Please submit this revised
Owner's Affidavit as soon as possible to avoid delay with the public hearings concerning this
2. [Repeat Comment] Please confirm that St. Johns River Water Management
District has agreed to accept title to Tract AA and Tract BB. In the event the St. Johns River
Water Management District does not take title to these tracts, please advise as to whom these
tracts will be conveyed.
3. The following minor changes and corrections to typographical errors need to
be addressed following approval of the Plan (i.e., it is anticipated that approval of the
Preliminary Subdivision will be conditioned on these changes being made):
a. Please include the attached Additional Conditions of Approval
Related to Development Agreement Provisions on Drawing 3(d)
of the Plan. In addition, please revise the Index of Sheets on the
Cover Sheet so that Sheet 3(d) is titled "Additional Conditions of
Approval Related to Development Agreement Provisions."
b. Please label Tract W-3 on both Sheet 3 of 12 and Sheet 4 of 12 as
"West Road Extension (Future)."
c. Please delete "(Phase 4)" from Tract Won Sheets 3 of 12 and 4
of 12.
d. Please revise Condition of Approval 2 by changing the word
"Grove" to "Groves".
e. Please revise Condition of Approval 3 to include the word
"Tract" prior to the reference to "W-3 (West Road Extension
f. Please revise Condition of Approval 6 by replacing the first
"and" with a comma.
g. Please revise the last sentence of Condition of Approval 13 to
replace all references to "conveyance" with the word
h. Please revise Condition of Approval 14(c) by replacing the words
"stabilized temporary road" with the words "stabilized 12' wide
emergency access (temporary)".
Please revise Condition of Approval 15 to refer to "Tract E and
Tract G" instead of "Parcel E and Parcel G".
j. Please revise the last sentence of Condition of Approval 17 to
replace the words "West Road Extension (Tract W-1)" with
"Tract W-1 (West Road Extension (Phase I))".
k. Please revise the first sentence of Condition of Approval 19(b) to
correct the spelling of the word "Tract".
1. Please revise the first sentence of Condition of Approval 19(c) to
read "The developer shall construct Retention Pond A to provide
drainage capacity for Tract W-3 (West Road Extension
m. Please revise Condition of Approval 19(d) to read "The
developer shall provide a drainage easement within Tract K-1 for
use in the conveyance of storm drainage from Tract W-3 (West
Road Extension (Future)) to Retention Pond A. The developer is
006 217283.1
not responsible for conveyance of stormwater from Tract W-3
(West Road Extension (Future)) to Retention Pond A"-.
n. Please revise Condition of Approval 20 by deleting the word
"however" and capitalizing the first letters of the words "final
subdivision plan" in the last sentence thereof.
o. With respect to the community meeting room, it is our
understanding that the developer intends to include such
community meeting room within a clubhouse on the property
rather than having two separate structures (a clubhouse and a
community meeting room). If this is the case, please revise
Condition of Approval 23 to read "The recreational facilities
shall include tennis courts, playground, pool, tot-lot, volleyball
court, bicycle/jogging paths, outdoor recreational play fields, and
a clubhouse with a community meeting room which is no less
than 1,000 square feet of meeting room space. Other than
normal Building Department review for the issuance of permits,
the City shall have no architectural review of the clubhouse".
p. Please revise Condition of Approval 26(b) to refer to "Tract W-1
(West Road Extension (Phase 1))" instead of "West Road
Extension (Tract W-1)".
q. Please revise Condition of Approval 29(c)(iii) by adding the
words "wherein no intrusion or enhancement of wetlands is
provided" to the end of the last sentence.
r. Please revise Condition of Approval 29(c)(iv) to include the
words "St. Johns River" prior to the words "Water Management
s. Please revise Condition of Approval 38 to read "Street lights will
be installed by the developer prior to Certificate of Completion at
his expense, and the cost of operations will be assumed by the
developer in accordance with Ordinance No. 95-17".
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions.
cc: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney
Chairman Bond called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. A moment of silent meditation
was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. A quorum was declared present.
PRESENT: Chairman Bond, Vice Chairman Landefeld, Members Christoefl, Golden,
Matthys, McKey, Miller(arrived 7:32 p.m.), Rhodus and West. Also
present were Planning Director Wagner, Principal Planner Lewis, Senior
Planner McGinnis, City Attorney Rosenthal,Chief Assistant City
Attorney Cookson, and Deputy City Clerk Green.
The consent agenda consisted of approval of Item A:
A. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting held on
Tuesday, April 10, 2001.
Vice Chairman Landefeld,' seconded by Member Rhodus, moved to accept the
Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried 8-0. (Member Miller had not yet arrived.)
Members West and Golden disclosed conflicts of interest on the Avanti Rezoning and
Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP). Their Memoranda of Voting Conflicts are
Member West said he had a conflict of interest because most of the subject property is
owned by his father. He said he would not be voting or commenting.
Member Golden said he is employed by the engineer of record, Hartman and Associates,
and had been briefed on the project. He said he would abstain from voting on both
matters, but he did wish to participate in the meeting.
Chairman Bond asked if those who had conflicts of interest could participate in
discussion and City Attorney Rosenthal confirmed that they could.
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
Senior Planner McGinnis presented the Staff Report for the proposed rezoning of the
subject property (a portion of the West Groves) which is located north of the Coke
Property, west of Ocoee-Apopka Road. The Avanti/West Groves PSP comprises
approximately 383.1 acres, a majority of which is zoned R-IAA, and the remainder
zoned R-3, Multiple-Family Dwelling District, and C-2, Community Commercial
District. She explained the requested rezoning was to reconfigure the R-3 and C-2
parcels to accommodate the realignment of Clarcona-Ocoee Road (a.k.a. West Road) in
order to align with the new entrance. She said the rezoning will not result in an increase
in the C-2 or R-3 acreage and is therefore a de minimis change. Ms. McGinnis said Staff
finds the proposed rezoning consistent with Ocoee's: (1) Comprehensive Plan; (2) Future
Land Use Map; (3) Land Development Code; (4) Joint Planning Area Agreement with
Orange County; and (5) surrounding land uses and zoning classifications. She concluded
with Staffs recommendation for approval of the requested rezoning to reconfigure the
R1-AA, C-2, and R-3 parcels as shown in Exhibit"A"to the staff report.
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak, the public hearing was
Member Matthys asked why the rezoning not done under the PUD process. Ms.
McGinnis said as a de minimis r oning ith no change in acreage, it could be
accomplished more quickly this way ther th• s a PUD rezoning.
Responding to a question by Mem er c , Ms. McGinnis said the reasons for the
reconfiguration as proposed would become clear as the PSP was considered.
As had been recommended by Staff, Vice Chairman Landefeld, seconded by Member
Rhodus, moviCthat Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of the
Avanti/West Groves Rezoning, Case No. RZ-00-04-01, to reconfigure the RI-AA, C-2,
and R-3 parcels s'shown in Exhibit "A" of the staff report. Motion carried 7-0, with
Members West and Golden,abstaining.
Principal Planner Lewis presented the Staff Report for the proposed Preliminary
Subdivision Plan for the 383.1 acre Avanti/West Groves site. The property is located on
the eastern shore of Lake Apopka, west of Ocoee-Apopka Road, just north of the
Western Beltway. Its southern edge abuts the northern boundary of the tract commonly
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
known as the "Coke Property." The Master Plan for the site provides for a private gated
residential community with a total of 512 single family lots to be constructed in five
phases. The developer of the single family portion does not plan to develop the two
additional parcels which will be set aside for commercial and multifamily development in
the southeastern portion of the site. The site includes 58 acres of wetlands which lie
primarily along the shore of Lake Apopka and the southern and northeastern boundaries
of the property. Most of the subject property has R-1-AA zoning (336.4 acres), except
for the southeastern portion of the site which has a combination of C-2 (23.0 acres) and
R-3 zoning (23.7 acres). A rezoning application has been submitted concurrently with
the PSP in order to make minor changes to the boundaries of the areas zoned C-2 and R-3
to conform with the boundaries shown on the subdivision plan.
The PSP provides for road access via an extension of West Road on the west side of
Ocoee Apopka Road. The single family area will be accessed from the main entrance via
the West Road Extension, a secondary entrance near the north end of the site from Ocoee
Apopka Road, and pedestrian access connecting to adjacent property to the east.
There will be a six foot wall with appropriate landscaping along the boundary of the
subdivision adjacent to the West Road Extension. The R-1-AA zoning requires a
minimum lot width of 75 feet and minimum lot size of 9,000 square feet, but the
developer intends to provide a,mixture of lot sizes within the subdivisions, with larger
lots at the north end of the site.
Recreation amenities include an 8 foot sidewalk along one side of the spine road and
along the shore of Lake Apopka, a 6+ acre Community Park with a
clubhouse/community room, ballfields and other active recreation.
Mr. Lewis then addressed five unique issues for the project as noted below.
More than 50 of the 58 acres of wetlands on the property will be preserved, untouched by
the proposed development and dedicated to the City. They are proposing to utilize some
of the wetlands in their stormwater management and to do it in such a way that it will
enhance the wetlands. The Land Development Code does not allow development within
wetlands. The only exceptions have generally been for construction of essential road
improvements. This exception would apply to natural wetlands impacted by construction
of the northern entrance road. He said Staff will consider the proposal if the St. Johns
River Water Management District confirms that the Developer will be enhancing the
wetlands. Even then it is an important policy issue for the City Commission and will
require a waiver from Code requirements. The Conditions of Approval in the PSP
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
address this issue, indicating that if the City's concerns are not satisfied, the subdivision
will have to be redesigned to avoid these wetland impacts.
Northern Entrance
The subdivision plan provides for a fully operational secondary access at the north end of
the subdivision with an extension of West Groves Boulevard eastward to Ocoee Apopka
Road, to be constructed with the later phases of the development. The Plan shows two
potential routes across the wetland area. Another issue related to the construction of the
northern entrance road is timing - when it will be builtand::,who will build it. The
northern entrance shown on the plans is now two lanes, but Staff'strongly believes that it
should be three lanes, with a by-pass lane for residents to get around in case a visitor is
having trouble getting through the gate, and to provide for a turn-around.in case someone
cannot get through the gate.
100 -Year Flood Plain
Some of the proposed development in the final phase ofthe subdivision (several lots and
portions of a road) encroaches upon the current 100 year flood plain as shown on the
FEMA map. The Project Engineer believes that the flood plain as currently shown on the
FEMA map is not shown correctly. The Developer will submit an application to have the
FEMA map changed. If it is not changed, the PSP will have to be revised prior to
submittal of the FSP for the final phase.
West Road Extension
The Conditions of Approval provide that the Developer will dedicate all of the 120' road
right-of-way for the West Road Extension. The Developer of the Avanti/West Groves
subdivision and the developers of the parcels zoned C-2 and R-3 will be responsible for
constructing the road and utilities, in phases, between Ocoee Apopka Road and the main
entrance to the single family subdivision. The southern portion will be developed when
the Coke property is developed.
Ocoee Apopka Road Improvements
Most of the improvements will be done by either the County when it realigns the eastern
side of Ocoee Apopka Road or by the City to make sure that the intersection
improvements and traffic signals are all in place to serve this subdivision, the commercial
property adjacent to it, and also the Coke Property to the south.
Mr. Lewis said three proposed waivers from normal Code requirements have been
requested and are supported by Staff:
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
1. The first waiver is related to the maximum block length of 1,000 feet, which is being
requested because there is a loop road within one of the villages that is up to 1,650
feet long.
2. The second waiver is related to the maximum building coverage on a lot (35%). The
Developer is requesting a maximum of 40% lot coverage with a larger minimum
living area requirement.
3. The third waiver is related to the limitation on development within wetlands. Staff
supports this waiver only if the SJRWMD confirms they are enhancing the wetlands,
not just using the wetlands.
On April 16, 2001, the DRC considered the project and voted unanimously to
recommend approval of the PSP including the proposed waivers, subject to making
certain revisions on the plans and to the Conditions of Approvals. Most of the DRC
requirements have now been satisfactorily addressed in these plans and the document
titled Additional Conditions of Approval Related to Development Agreement Provisions
to be Added to Conditions of Approval(5/02/01).
Mr. Lewis concluded with the Staff recommendation for approval subject to the
proposed waivers noted above and to four conditions included in the motion at
conclusion of consideration of this item. The recommended conditions will bring the
plans into compliance with all of the requirements recommended by the DRC.
The public hearing was opened.
Howard Lefkowitz, the developer, representing Avanti Investment Group, presented
their project assisted by William Musser, the engineer, of Hartman & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Lefkowithaid he was an independent developer who works in conjunction with
Avanti and that he has been developing in the greater Orlando area since 1976.
Mr. Lefkowitz said the project had been two years in work and design. He said only
35% of the 512 lots will be 75' wide, 50% of lots will be no less than 85' x 120', and
15% of the lots that remain are in excess of 90' x 120'. He said nine of those are almost
half-acre lots in order to provide major tree preservation.
He said the project is intended to be a private community totally controlled and operated
by a single homeowners' association (HOA). It will be structured with mechanisms to
accommodate obligations concerning parking, protection of wetlands, maintenance of
drainage systems, walls and landscaping. The HOA documents will be reviewed by staff
to confirm the necessary items to manage the association are in place and also the
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
obligations under which they have agreed to abide are also appropriately documented. In
addition to fund raising and fund management, the HOA will have an architectural
review board. He said he will be chairman of the association until everything is built.
He said the community is designed as a series of villages, but will have one HOA. All
512 lot owners will have use and entitlement and obligation for support of all of the
common areas including the amenity packages. Each community will have its own entry
walls, name, and identity. He said the design provided a 50' buffer all along the lake and
the wetlands which will be for public meeting use, enjoyment and access.
Mr. Lefkowitz said amenities will include a pool and bathhouse, a community meeting
room of no less than 1,000 square feet available for use of all 512 lot owners, soccer and
softball fields, basketball court, sand volleyball court, tot lot, tennis 'court, pedestrian
covered pier into the lake. He said a premier but more subtle amenity is the
bicycle/paving/jogging recreational trail which will be approximately two miles long
running through the community.
Mr. Lefkowitz said they have emphasized the environmental aspects, incorporating
some of FOLA's (Friends of Lake Apopka) recommendations. He noted the 50' setback
from the wetlands and the lake. He said the HOA documents will require use of lake
friendly fertilization and pest control application in all lots that may develop runoff
toward wetlands or the lake. ,
Mr. Lefkowitz pointed o n -vera .ey believe the City would derive from their
• Donation of all o •-'r we .s to the SJRWMD or the City.
• Boat access to= spk. .. om their property adjacent to Coke Property to be
developed by the City.
• Formal access into Coke Property.
• Drainage systems to accommodate stormwater for property dedicated to the City.
• Two extra paved lanes from the entry to the residential property to CR 437.
• Utility line extension at a cost of $1.4M (shared with Orange County) to enable
service to the Coke Property and beyond.
• Donation to City the parcel known as the finger as a public right-of-way for natural
access and collector for adjacent developments.
• Pedestrian access from future adjacent properties through their privately owned
streets and sidewalk systems to accommodate potential access needs to schools when
they are created on the Coke Property.
Mr. Lefkowitz said the West Groves project has been two years and two months into
City review. They will execute a developer's agreement and related conditions of
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
approval that reflect over 50 individual development commitments above and beyond
typical land development. He said they are very proud of the project they designed and
believe that West Groves presents the best possible community presentation that the City
of Ocoee has yet experienced.
Dr. Jay Exxum, of Glatting Jackson, lead environmentalist for the project, explained
their restoration and management strategy for the site. He said their plan includes
removing noxious vegetation along the fringes of the wetlands where they are proposing
stormwater ponds, and restoring the native canopy and understory vegetation in the 50'
buffer. He said over 50 of the 58 acres of wetlands will be preserved and set in
conservation easement.
Dr. Exxum said having the wetland nuisance vegetation removal included in the
SJRWMD permit would require that they monitor, maintain, and meet certain standards
for at least five years and to meet certain criteria established in the permit in perpetuity.
Chairman Bond gave the gavel to Vice Chairman Landefeld as she left the dais at 8:35
p.m. She retrieved the gavel when she returned at 8:40 p.m.
As no members of the public wished to speak, the public hearing was closed.
Member McKey asked if the homeowners association documents would be evaluated by
the City's attorney, and City Attorney Rosenthal said they review the association
documents for all subdivisions.
Member McKey asked about the wall, and Mr. Lefkowitz said they plan a Palm Beach
type stucco wall with full landscaping. Mr. McKey said in his experience masonry walls
with stucco have not been satisfactory over a long period of time. He asked that Staff
reconsider that recommendation.
Member Christoefl suggested the wall near the R-3 parcel should be put in now rather
than later. Mr. Lefkowitz said an orange grove will provide a very nice buffer until
something occurs on the property. Attorney Rosenthal said development of the multi-
family will require a large scale site plan which would come before Planning and Zoning
Commission, and they could not get their certificates of completion without constructing
the wall.
Member Christoefl said she thought all amenities should be in place before the first
house is sold.
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
Member Christoefl also expressed concern about completion dates and City Attorney
Rosenthal explained how they would be addressed in the Development Agreement.
Member Christoefl asked if there were any reason there could not have been a boat
access added to the subdivision. Mr. Lefkowitz said they decided they would have no
private property ownership and they did not want to impact the lake from that standpoint.
He said plans for a major recreation facility on the Coke Property seemed to negate the
need for them to deal with it. She commended them for including soccer fields.
Member Christoefl asked if any lighting was planned on the 50' buffer. Mr. Lefkowitz
said they felt it would be inappropriate because the community is insulated from outside
traffic. He said if it should become a problem, the homeowners' association could
address it.
Member Matthys asked if the wall between the R-3 and the single family would be the
responsibility of the R-3 developer. Mr. Lefkowitz said yes, and that the property would
probably be sold to a professional multi-family developer. And at this time it is the intent
to sell the commercial property as well.
Mr. Matthys commended the applicant and the staff for a great job. . He said he thought
the project was beautiful, very innovative, and very esthetically pleasing.
Member Golden asked about the development proposed in the 100 year flood plain.
Bill Musser, of Hartman & Associates, responded they are confident the flood plan
delineation on the FEMA map will change when FEMA has better topographical
information. He said the map change process may require six months to one year.
Member Golden asked Dr. Exxum about maintenance of the wetlands when they are
restored. Dr. Exxum said they are hoping that after five years it will be a fairly stable
system. He said their responsibility to keep nuisance plants to less than 10% in the
wetland creation areas.wilLgo on until the SJRWMD concludes that it is stable. Until
SJRWMD believes that it is stable, they will have to remove exotics, ensure the survival
of the planted natives and ensure the function of the stormwater system as well.
Chairman Bond said she thinks the overall project is very appealing. She said she
would have liked to have seen a boat dock and marina slips. She expressed appreciation
for larger lots, but said she does not like idea of increasing building size on the lot from
35% to 40% of lot. Mr. Lefkowitz said they are not asking to increase lot coverage.
Chairman Bond asked at what point in time are the elementary, middle and high schools
going to be addressed. Planning Director Wagner said they are now hiring an
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
engineering consultant to do the master plan for the Coke Property. The School Board
has immediate plans to design and construct the high school which they hope to have
open within two years. The elementary school is totally dependent on filling it with
students. Attorney Rosenthal said in this instance, because of the City and School
Board joint effort on the Coke Property, we do have a site for an elementary school
adjacent to this property.
Chairman Bond asked about water and sewer service for the property. Mr. Lefkowitz
said they have executed a separate agreement with Orange County utilizing their plants
on McCormick Road. The developer will install lines adequate to cover their needs plus
upgrade sizes specified by the County. Mr. Wagner said this area has always been in
the Orange County service area.
Chairman Bond asked about a fire facility in the area. Mr. Wagner said they have
discussed a joint fire and police department training facility. She asked if the basic
police and fire stations will come on line simultaneously with the first selling of the
individual lots. Mr. Wagner said probably not, but that a temporary arrangement could
be made if response should become a concern.
Chairman Bond commended Mr. Lefkowitz for a very good presentation.
Vice Chairman Landefeld a d h .many/likes can be saved. Mr. Lefkowitz said the
only tree stand other than orange grove is in the area committed to 20,000 square foot
lots, and preservation of es that property is addressed in the Conditions of
Mr. Landefeld asked if there would be fences around the tot lot. Mr. Lefkowitz said
there will not be fences around the tot lot, but there will be fences around the pool with
lock access. He said they position the tot lot so that a mother can sit under cover in an
open building and have visibility toward the tot lot and the pool.
Mr. Landefeld asked if there would be fences around retention ponds and if the ponds
will be adequate to accommodate rains from hurricanes. Mr. Musser said, as to fences,
only the wet detention pond will be of concern and he explained that it will have the
recovery zone as required by the state. Mr. Musser said they must comply with a 100
year 24 hour storm (or 11 inches of rainfall). Mr. Musser said they have rainfall records
back to almost the 1890's and they know the lake elevations achieved in Hurricane
Donna and Tropical Storm Gordon which were close to 100 year storm events. He said
their ponds and berms will be up above the peak stages of the lake.
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
Mr. Landefeld asked if they were coordinated with restoration of Lake Apopka. Mr.
Musser said they will mandate that the HOA use no phosphates in their fertilizer and
their stormwater systems will be a two pond system to provide water quality treatment
and then a final polishing.
Member Rhodus recalled problems with water moccasins in t e area in the past, and
expressed concern that they might be a problem near the boars ,,, k and retention ponds.
Dr. Exxum said water moccasins are often confused with a nt:; ess water snake which
is more prevalent than cottonmouths. He said cotto pi t 7[ i b t°. are very much aquatic
animals and might be in the ponds, but are unlikely to ,fa as "I:4 p slope as the board
walk. -
Member Miller said she thought it would be a great proj . She sal, er concern was
the impact on transportation in the area, especially o , and asked if it would be
looked at in connection with a traffic study. Mr. Wagner said a complete traffic study
had been done as part of this project. He said there is available capacity on that road
today,and that the road is projected for ,, .nes in the future
Member West had no comments. :`,
Member McKey asked if there would be a fence or wall between the board walk and the
adjacent residential properties. Mr. Lefkowitz said it was not contemplated, but that
would not inhibit the landowner from installing one if they wish.
Member McKey asked if there would be gated access to the West Orange Trail. Mr.
Lefkowitz said none was planned and Mr. McKey said he thought Staff should look at it
As had bee commended by Staff, Vice Chairman Landefeld, seconded by
Chairman Bon oved that Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval of
.;.vi i n an for the Avanti/West Groves subdivision, Project LS-
2 - 2 in 1 in. prono�ed waivers, as date stamped received by the City on Mav
2, 2001, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the attached document titled Additional Conditions of. Approval Related to
Development Agreement Provisions to be Added to Conditions of Approval (5/2/01)
shall be included on Sheet 3d of the Plan set under that title.
2. That the design of West Groves Boulevard at the northern entrance gate on the
eastern edge of Phases 4 and 5 shall be revised to graphically show three lanes (two
lanes in and one lane out) with an adequate vehicle turnaround to provide for a fully
operational secondary access to the entire subdivision.
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
3. That all the remaining issues identified in the memo from Scott Cookson (Assistant
City Attornevl dated Mav 2001, shall be satisfactorily a as so
possible following City Commission approval of the PSP.
4. That a Development • •reement inco •orating all of the pro s osed Conditions of
n� • i.-- na Conditions of Approval as attache an am v
Attorney be execute develope and said Conditions
r of Aporova
incorporated within the Preliminary Subdivision Plan.
Motion carried 7-0,with Members West and Golden abstaining
Mr. Lefkowitz said they were proud of what they had presented. He said it was a mutual
effort and that a great deal of the good parts of the project was the result of Mr. Wagner's
Member Rhodus asked what was.happening with the Washington Mutual Bank project.
Mr. Wagner explained their process which prioritizes projects based on date of receipt
and on constructi en status. He said they are very well aware of the Washington Mutual
Bank project a e at her interest was noted.
Planning Director. Wagner announced that the June 12, 2001, Planning and Zoning
} Commission meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. to consider one or two regular items of
business (if needed). A Joint Work Session with City Commission will follow at 7:30
p.m. to hear three develwers give informal presentations for their projects to receive
initial reaction/direction Trom the boards. He said it would be a public meeting and
notices would be sent to neighboring residents. He said the boards would not make any
decision, as the purpose was to elicit information and comments and reaction from the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission. The projects to be
considered are the Dill property on Clarcona-Ocoee Road (300 to 400 acres), a
commercial project proposed by Gordon Nutt for property at Moore and Maguire, and an
industrial area on Lakewood Avenue. While there will be no formal staff reports, Staff
Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
May 8, 2001
will provide background information so members will know what the issues are on each
of these projects from the City's perspective.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
Marian Green, Deputy City Clerk Pat Bond, Chairman
"T�1PR IDDLE NAME Mi/faN OcoE OF ee PIfrinoofr ,i2pN OR M� EocaMb..
This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city,or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board,council,
commission, authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting
conflict of interest under Section 112.3143, Florida Statutes.
Your responsibilities under the law when faced with voting on a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending
on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before
completing the reverse side and filing the form.
A person holding elective or appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which
inures to his or her special private gain or loss. Each elected or appointed local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a mea-
sure which inures to the special gain or loss of a principal(other than a government agency) by whom he or she is retained(including the
parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which he or she is retained);to the special private gain or loss of a relative;or
to the special private gain or loss of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies under Sec. 163.356 or
163.357, F.S., and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one-acre, one-vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that
For purposes of this law, a "relative"includes only the officer's father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister,father-in-law,
mother-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. A'business associate"means any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business
enterprise with the officer as a partner,joint venturer, coowner of property,or corporate shareholder(where the shares of the corporation
are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange).
In addition to abstaining from voting in the situations described above,you must disclose the conflict:
PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you
are abstaining from voting;and
WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the min-
utes of the meeting,who should incorporate the form in the minutes.
Although you must abstain from voting in the situations described above, you otherwise may participate in these matters. However, you
must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision,whether orally or in writing and whether made
by you or at your direction.
• You must complete and file this form(before making any attempt to influence the decision)with the person responsible for recording the
minutes of the meeting,who will incorporate the form in the minutes. (Continued on other side)
• A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency. -
• The form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed.
• You must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating.
• You must complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the
meeting,who must incorporate the form in the minutes.A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the
agency, and the form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed.
I. ( 41l] . t 1 i_I1)4' lid_E-7.1, hereby disclose that on ,20 UL:
(a)A measure came or will come before my agency which(check one)
Xinured to my special private gain or loss;
_ inured to the special gain or loss of my business associate,
`\- inured to the special gain or loss of my relative, l-/% Vl ear
_ - inured to the special gain or loss of , by
whom I am retained:or
_ - inured to the special gain or loss of _which
is the parent organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me.
(b)The measure before my agency and the nature of my conflicting interest in the measure is as follows:
f{-✓M ' W e s1 G,-ne
Pr c it Mr N4cl SK 6 d ,v 1St°IV PI4-14.)
Project Not i. s- .Apace oo �,
// /fit DO I /JAVA-
Date Date Filed Signature
CE FORM 8B-EFF.1/2000 PAGE 2
B57� -rho PAS MgNro&J OcosGe- P1n-N40114•7aNi dDA*1
P. o 13. y P /0 I�1r O WHICH I SERVE IS A UNIT OF
This form is for use by any person serving at the county, city,or other local level of government on an appointed or elected board,council,
commission,authority, or committee. It applies equally to members of advisory and non-advisory bodies who are presented with a voting
conflict of interest under Section 112.3143. Florida Statutes.
Your responsibilities under the law when faced with voting on a measure in which you have a conflict of interest will vary greatly depending
on whether you hold an elective or appointive position. For this reason, please pay close attention to the instructions on this form before
completing the reverse side and filing the form.
A person holding elective or appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which
inures to his or her special private gain or loss. Each elected or appointed local officer also is prohibited from knowingly voting on a mea-
sure which inures to the special gain or loss of a principal (other than a government agency) by whom he or she is retained (including the
parent organization or subsidiary of a corporate principal by which he or she is retained);to the special private gain or loss of a relative;or
to the special private gain or loss of a business associate. Commissioners of community redevelopment agencies under Sec. 163.356 or
163.357, F.S.,and officers of independent special tax districts elected on a one-acre, one-vote basis are not prohibited from voting in that
For purposes of this law, a "relative" includes only the officer's father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, brother, sister, father-in-law,
mother-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. A"business associate"means any person or entity engaged in or carrying on a business
enterprise with the officer as a partner,joint venturer,coowner of property, or corporate shareholder(where the shares of the corporation
are not listed on any national or regional stock exchange).
In addition to abstaining from voting in the situations described above, you must disclose the conflict:
PRIOR TO THE VOTE BEING TAKEN by publicly stating to the assembly the nature of your interest in the measure on which you
are abstaining from voting;and
WITHIN 15 DAYS AFTER THE VOTE OCCURS by completing and filing this form with the person responsible for recording the min-
utes of the meeting,who should incorporate the form in the minutes.
Although you must abstain from voting in the situations described above, you otherwise may participate in these matters. However, you
must disclose the nature of the conflict before making any attempt to influence the decision,whether orally or in writing and whether made
by you or at your direction.
• You must complete and file this form(before making any attempt to influence the decision)with the person responsible for recording the
minutes of the meeting,who will incorporate the form in the minutes. (Continued on other side)
• A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the agency.
• The form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed.
• You must disclose orally the nature of your conflict in the measure before participating.
• You must complete the form and file it within 15 days after the vote occurs with the person responsible for recording the minutes of the
meeting,who must incorporate the form in the minutes.A copy of the form must be provided immediately to the other members of the
agency,and the form must be read publicly at the next meeting after the form is filed.
I,_ JAIJy/¢/ M 1J1D _, hereby disclose that on ('S_ _ 9_- _.._ ,200L:
(a)A measure came or will come before my agency which(check one)
inured to my special private gain or loss;
inured to the special gain or loss of my business associate,
i1 inured to the special gain or loss of my relative, ___
_ inured to the special gain or loss of — by
whom I am retained;or
__ inured to the special gain or loss of_ __ _ ,which
is the parent organization or subsidiary of a principal which has retained me.
(b)The measure before my agency and the nature of my conflicting interest in the measure is as follows:
AvMv-fii Re j (e4Se No, dtZ-oo- off - DS)
M e Aer2 gam.
Date Filed Signature
Member Golden's
Memoranda of Voting Conflict
will be attached later.