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VII (C) Award for Design and Construction for Starke Lake Drainwell Replacement
Agenda 6-05-2001 Item ..( E.VIJROI ( uunLPZS<;-I'R lk II EST ORtNI; MAYO VII C h,h,I.,I0M,k Ocoee s. seal i VANDRRURIF t 04. CITY OF OcOFG MI OWE �, �� - 1JANNY IRoNNYR 150 N. (.5K(5 1ORE DHiA'F Sc01 I ANIIII(SON Q(Irll. flARIUA 317(I-22Ja RUSTY RR INSON �'fi a (407) 9r1S-1100 NANCY J. PARKER f*Of N`6009 Crn v,wn.ae JIM(O.IASON MEMORANDUM DATE: May 29,2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Richard Lee F.` Engineer I, Engineering/Utilities Department SUBJECT: Starke Lake Drainwell Replacement Award for Design and Construction Attached is the scope of services for Phase I of the above referenced project. Phase I will entail Engineer Design Services and Permitting. At a later date, Phase II will entail abandonment and construction of the two drain wells on Starke Lake. Starke Lake and Lake Olympia are two land locked basins without any positive outfalls, except for the two existing drain wells which are located along the western embankment. Approximately two and a half years ago, Lakeshore Drive was inundated due to the inefficiency of the wells to recover the Lake during periods of heavy rainfall. On April 21, 2000, a video survey on both wells was performed in an attempt to partially assess their efficiencies. From the video survey, the first of the two wells, (the north well) possessed a clipped intake pipe, and a severely corroded casing at a depth of approximately 105.2 feet (105.2 ft). The second of the two wells, the south well (also known as the Geyser) was originally a 12" diameter well which was sleeved to 8 inches as part of an emergency fix. It was also observed to be moderately corroded and encrusted with floating debris noted throughout the well. Based upon these conditions, it was recommended that the efficiency in the recovery of the Lake would improve if the existing wells were abandoned and replaced with similar diameter wells (12" wells). Because of the environmental impact to the Floridan Aquifer, and constant threat of flooding around Starke Lake, this project should be considered as a special case , whereby, a team of local experts such as Dr. Devo Seereeram and Henderson Wilder Inc. are granted the authority by the City Commission to undertake the rehabilitation of the Starke Lake Drain Wells. Dr. Devo Seereeram is known locally throughout Orange County for his expertise in geotechnical and hydrogeological issues. He has designed and rehabilitated numerous drainwells belonging to the County and is the area's foremost local expert in drain well rehabilitation. In conjunction with Dr. Devo Seereeram, Henderson Wilder has also completed numerous construction proje s in POWer ..CP::VILH( 1;001)l.JVIV1-I'J?I/)L 01,II US/ ORAN(; MAY, k o �i�nssinrx Ocoee S. SC( TT VANDER(RIFT O% r erk CITY OF OCOEE rU��w E')NE(S �� �..�i a I50N LAKES11MRL DIM I. DANNY IIOWIiLi. C, fps D SCOII ANDIRSON v Ocoll FIANIIJA 447G 1-2258 RIJSIY n)IINSON rei� (407)9l75 310(7 NANCY J.PARKER 4.4Of N`G000 JIM UIJNSON rehabilitating drain wells throughout the County. Henderson Wilder is a licensed water well contractor in the Orlando area with over 35 years experience as a specialty geotechnical contractor and over 20 years experience working on deep wells. He sets himself apart from the typical water well contractor in that he is most familiar with the construction aspects required by FDEP for drain well inspection, replacement, and abandonment, and that he performs the infrastructure work associated with the overall project. It would be beneficial for the City to award both design and construction phases to these two companies because (I) they have worked together on numerous drain well projects throughout the County, and (2) has also established a professional rapport with the local permitting agencies such as the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and St. John's River Water Management District (SIRWMD). Additional construction costs such as additional well inventory, load test, and geophysical logging may be required by FDEP and SJRWMD, should another consultant or contractor whom FDEP and SJRWMD are not familiar with are allowed to perform the aforementioned project. The total cost of the Engineering design Services is $34,465.00. Funds for this project will be allocated from our present Stormwater Fund. The Engineering Staff recommends awarding Phase I of the project to Devo Seereeram. The award of the construction phase, Phase II, will be brought to you at a later date. Action Items: In accordance with the following procedures, I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract with Devo Seereeram in the amount of $34,465.00 for the Phase I of Starke Lake Drain Well Replacement. RL Attachments cc: James W. Shira, P.E., City Engineer/ Utilities Director David A. Wheeler, P.E., Assistant City Engineer/Utilities Director POWer DEVO SEEREERAM, PH.D., P.E. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER 0 • FLORIDA REGISTRATION N0. 48303 4.� � � m� _ Gooh chniral ErvAineering • (round Water Modeling • Soncware. Development • Subcnnlrual llrillin� 5500 Alhambra Drive * Orlando, Florida 32808 * Phone: 407-290-2371 * Fax: 407-298-9011 e-maiL dseereeraml@)dl.rr-com hdp://home.dl.rr.com/devol Date: May 15, 2001 Devo's Project Y'o. not yet assigned To: City Of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive ° •, ••a Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: 407-905-3100 (ext.9I597) Fax:407-656-7835 attention: I Richard Lee, Engineer I Ref. PROPOSAL FOR HYDROGEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SUPPORT SERVICES(REVISION I) DESIGN, PERMITTING, & CONSTRUCTION REPLACEMENT OF TWO (2) FLORIDAN AQUIFER CLASS V DRAINAGE WELLS AT STARKE LAKE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA Dear Mr. Lee: Attached is our anticipated scope of work, schedule for completion, and estimated fees for the above-referenced project. In accordance with our conversation and at your request, the proposal has been revised as follows: O Monitoring of load tests (to document the recharge capacities of the proposed wells) has been excluded from our proposed scope of services. We can supply a separate quote for these services if requested. © Well inventory costs have been reduced. Devo Seeree, m,Ph.D.,P.E. ConsuBing Geo/ethnical Engineer Page 1 © The preparation of construction cost estimates has been added to the scope of our services. Please feel free to call if there are any questions or comments on the scope of work or cost. We look forward to working with the City of Ocoee on this project. Sincerely i a➢.w .4 torn David R. inc id, PyG. - Devo Seereeram. Ph.D.. P.E. Project Manager/Efydrogeologist Principal Engineer Devo Seereeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Consuhing Geotedmicol Engineer Page 2 ITABLE OF CONTENTS I Page No Background Info 4 Proposed Improvements 8 Objectives I I Scope of Work I 1 Data To Be Provided By The City Of Ocoee 12 Special Exclusions 12 Schedule 12 Estimated Fee 12 List of Tables Table I . Summary of Published Drainage Well Data for Starke Lake 6 Table 2. Relevant Stage Elevation Data for Starke Lake & Lake Olympia 6 Table 3. Results of Continuous Simulation Model 7 Table 4. Existing Conditions Report - North Drainage Well on Starke Lake 9 Table 5. Existing Conditions Report - South Drainage Well on Starke Lake 10 Table 6. Estimated Fees for Hydro-Geological Engineering Services 13 List of Exhibits Exhibit I. Starke Lake on quad map 4 Exhibit 2. Location of Starke Lake on Street Map 5 Deno Seereeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Consulting GeoMhnical Engineer Page 3 BACKGROUND INFO Starke Lake and Lake Olympia are located adjacent to each other in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida. Exhibit I shows the locations of these lakes on the USGS Winter Garden (FI) 7.5 minute series quadrangle map. \:(A North 1 ... . .... , K .. . .. N.� . .i' : . I :.. '..: 1 9: •i 1 1 cots. _ • I. Dramage'b&sin*vide LakeC\ao • • I ` Gf` 1r I.„„, ' I_ I� i4,-)--.). spa,,1 l .I !' ¢'Lake ® � - . I. :rye I • Park rD I. / - ,. 1.-...,i I' / �`::. i 16 �.C1g ...: 17 -�•.. —.-3- — Alm, — Starke I... v. 1 Lake - z I Lake I - . -_..,— .Oerne I Olympia) \ Southl'Ydeff• r - ; i,�� 19 ■ .,;•:, ..c`.. ,20 c l., ,t to 21 • + 4' I .-. , �� • "' 'Lake Bennet _ VI _ ,....52 . 7'' .1 'A Exhibit I. Starke Lake on quad map Devo Seereeratt,Ph.D.,P.E. Consulting Geo echnicd Engineer Page 4 Exhibit 2 shows the location of Starke Lake on a recent street map. `pAkpoigsT-' FuAers cross rid S(hAve,.co}e SW pl 7oom ;FrL, '2100ft o 7 ,r vlgn:ettirPark- b Fuller's Cross Rd uFsu e ,- I1 '' O $t= Spring`LandinglDr w 0 13[,Ave —) �~ioCrowk Port a uI G)-.C) =VictoriaWale — __ _114 V_ u V± ' c:=115 rn '17' z 1 tt-4_,./ -s4- • Alb, ) 11 < _--,yam, 0 I a Lake Moxi s ri g ake L a 2— g 1 z .arils- c) m .0 Sanders Dr Le O t �_ U rr d o g.Palm D` 7C _� ' f t illx 'r ' ILL.!. 0 gli R Coral Ksy D . - o r- -- c ,� -1w Franklin St <_ �, 6 CI ) • Starke Lake I -- 4. ,J, " 2 Y ) _ Cal •coe� a � . I geway ID1r Oh �eci'�G"Lake Fink (''. 1 + J `�yi= I, Dela are St a� — I I ki a__,__F4-I er,y Ct \ C) 'y }11 cl.l l,' _ I. E Maple St - __ wds urn, s St rriadirro qr i I_, eep,znk —g�p 3 C pktot Ct :.. J _ W Story Rd W G-ne i �i�' y a n oep�e �o-i� ro tetPjetery �o r�tM � gMetaevnft_Gt I w II rr i ° @ �'� 1l W Colonial Dr rn �S y 1 At ni\Dr i I tOS _" I g - ir. Heal t• ntral , 1 Toliii�• ve -� r �� J n D n St - �oa Fbrida's Tpke N _267 T---' �' r e' f�'• . �`_ ��r Tomyn Rd �QsT Seminol St A T 02000 MaoQuest.com.Inc.:02000 Navgab:in Technobaies Exhibit 2. Location of Starke Lake on Street Map Starke Lake and Lake Olympia are both landlocked basins which do not have any natural positive outfall except for two (2) Floridan aquifer drainage wells in Starke Lake and a natural high level surface overflow from Lake Olympia into Starke Lake. The locations of the Starke Lake drainage wells ("north"and "south") are also shown in Exhibit I . Published construction details for the drainage wells are presented in Table I while relevant lake elevation data are listed in Table 2. Devo Seereerom,Ph.D.,P.E. Consufing Geoted nical Engineer Page 5 TABLE I. SUMMARY OF PUBLISHED DRAINAGE WELL DATA FOR STARKE LAKE STARKE LAKE PARAMETER UNIT NORTH SOUTH Diameter of well inch 12 8 Total depth of well ft 350 350 Cased depth of well ft 150 150 Top of well casing ft NGVD 97.68 97.06 Diameter of inlet pipe inch 18 12 Length of inlet pipe ft 20 7 TABLE 2. RELEVANT STAGE ELEVATION DATA FOR STARKE LAKE & LAKE OLYMPIA ELEVATION(FT NGVD) DESCRIPTION SOURCE STARKE LAKE LAKE OLYMPIA Control level of drain well P.E.C. 97.68 for North no drain wells 97.06 for South Overflow elevation P.E.C. N.A. 100.7 [into Starke Lake] 100 year flood elevation Ora Fge Co. 101 .0 101 .0 Orange County normal high Orange Co. water Lake Index 99.1 99.2 Water elevation shown on USGS 98 91 Winter Garden 7.5" quadrangle Devo Seereeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Consulting Geotedmicd Engineer Page 6 Land use within the contributing drainage basins comprise mainly single-family residential development . The hydrogeology of this subregion is described in numerous publications including Lichtler et al. (1976). Based on review of well logs in this area, the top of the Ocala limestone (i.e., Floridan aquifer) is at an elevation -5 ft NGVD while the top of the semi-confining Hawthorn unit is approximately +50 ft NGVD. Overlying the Hawthorn are undifferentiated sands and clays which form the water table aquifer. The potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan aquifer is approximately +60 ft in this area. Unlike nearby Lake Sherwood and Lake Herrick, Starke Lake and Lake Olympia are not effectively connected to the Floridan Aquifer. The head difference between the water level in the subject lakes and the Floridan Aquifer water level is about 30 feet which is not indicative of an effective connection. Average recharge from the surficial aquifer to the Floridan aquifer is 4 to 8 inches per year in the study area (Boniol et al., 1993). However, the recharge is not uniformly distributed as higher recharge rates usually take places through collapsed zones in the semi-confining bed within the lakes. Previous continuous simulation modeling studies by our firm have indicated that the drainage wells play an extremely important role in flood control. Key results are summarized in Table 3 showing the impact when the wells are removed from the model. TABLE 3. RESULTS OF CONTINUOUS SIMULATION MODEL PARAMETER DESCRIPTION UNIT STARKE LAKE LAKE OLYMPIA Start of simulation date April I , 1994 End of simulation date October 31 , 1995 Duration of simulation time days 579 Simulation time step hr 24 Peak stage (with drain wells) ft NGVD +98.67 on not Nov. 17, 1994 applicable Peak stage (without drain well) ft NGVD + 104.27 on +99.30 on Oct. 18 1995 Jan. 1 , 1995 Devo Seereeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Consulting Geotechnicd Engineer Page 7 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTSI Video surveys of the Starke Lake drainage wells were performed on April 21 , 2000 and our interpretation of these surveys are presented in Tables 4 and 5. As noted in Table 4, the north well is in very poor condition and should be replaced.The south well is also in poor condition and has been reported to "geyser" with extreme force in the past. During the 1994- 1996 period, Starke Lake flooded when the drainage wells became plugged and Lake Olympia also rose to very high sustained stages. submerging back yards and boat docks for an extended period. Based on the present condition of the drainage wells and the flooding situation in Lake Olympia, the City of Ocoee would like to perform the following improvement works: 0 Abandon the two (2) existing drainage wells on Starke Lake and construct replacement wells adjacent to the existing wells. The replacement wells will be of the same diameter and intake elevation as the existing wells. © Construct new drainage well lake inlet structures. Devo Seereeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Consulting Geotechnicor Engineer Page 8 TABLE 4. EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT- NORTH DRAINAGE WELL ON STARKE LAKE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION Date of video survey . . . April 21, 2000 at 10:50 a.m. Access to structure . . , . Easy access, well is located on east side of Lakeshore Drive. between road and Starke Lake. Superstructure Well enclosure and lake inlet pipe are in poor condition. Well and inlet are not equipped with a trash grate or skimmer. n water level at 35.9 ft below top of casing I-) casing diameter = 12 inch n total depth of casing = casing depth could not be determined with certainty due to highly turbid water and General comments deteriorated condition of casing. Bottom of casing thought to be at 107 ft depth. n total depth of well = 107. 1 ft (surveyed) impassable obstruction at this depth. • inside walls are very corroded and encrusted, a possible Condition of casing . . . . crack in casing was noted at 105.2 ft depth •• much floating debris throughout well Condition of open hole • Open hole appears to be totally obstructed at the bottom of the casing. No open hole section observed. Recommendations for Due to the very poor condition of the casing and total lack of additional investigation open borehole, it is recommended that the well be replaced. and repairs Devo Seereeran,Ph.D.,P.F. Consulting Geotechniccl Engineer Page 9 TABLE 5. EXISTING CONDITIONS REPORT- SOUTH DRAINAGE WELL ON STARKE LAKE PARAMETER DESCRIPTION Date of video survey . . . April 21 , 2000 at 1 :05 p.m. Access to structure . , , . Easy access, well is located on east side of Lakeshore Drive, between road and Starke Lake. Well enclosure and lake inlet pipe are in somewhat poor Superstructure condition. Concrete around southeast side of enclosure has been undermined by erosion and is badly cracked. Well and inlet are not equipped with a trash grate or skimmer. n water level at 34.3 ft below top of casing -I casing diameter = well appears to have an 8-inch diameter inner casing, sleeved within a 12-inch diameter outer casing General comments 71 total depth of casing = Inner casing - 110.2 ft Outer casing - 1 1 3.0 ft -1 total depth of well = 133. 1 ft (surveyed) • Well reportedly "geysers" occasionally Condition of casing . . . . • inside walls are moderately corroded and encrusted -; much floating debris noted throughout well + Open hole is very dirty and partially clogged with algae Condition of open hole and sediment. Length of open hole section is very limited (20 ft). However, cavity zones were noted at 1 1 3 ft- 118.5 ft, 121 .5 ft-125 ft and 130.2 ft-133 ft depth intervals. Recommendations for Based on our review of the video log, observations during the additional investigation site inspection and information provided by the City, it is and repairs recommended that the well be replaced. Dew Seereerum,Ph.D.,P.E. Consulting Geotechnical Engineer Page 10 OBJECTIVE The City Of Ocoee has requested that we provide hydrogeologic support services to facilitate the design. permitting, and construction of the subject replacement wells. SCOPE OF WORK Our scope of engineering services will include the following tasks: Perform the geotechnical investigation, including deep borings, to determine the lithology in the area of the replacement drainage wells. Identify the hydrogeologic units and provide their vertical boundaries on an elevation basis. All soil samples will be classified by a registered professional geologist or geotechnical engineer. Describe the subregional hydrogeology of the area including identification of the vertical limits of each hydro-stratigraphic unit based on the site-specific borings, the potentiometric surface of the Floridan aquifer. and direction of ground water flow in the relevant aquifers. • Prepare relevant portions of evaluation/justification report to replace the existing drainage wells to first obtain conceptual approval from FDEP & SJRWMD. Prepare technical specifications for the replacement drainage wells. inlet structures and abandonment of existing wells. • Prepare construction cost estimates for the replacement drainage wells, inlet structures and abandonment of existing wells. • Perform a well inventory. if requested by the FDEP or SJRWMD. -• Respond to FDEP/SJRWMD Requests for Additional Information as needed. n„ Periodic construction monitoring of installation of replacement drainage wells and abandonment of existing wells. Alter specifications as needed during construction to facilitate unforeseen conditions in the Floridan aquifer. Prepare completion report for FDEP and SJRWMD. Deva Seereeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Cansut ing Geohchnraal Engineer Page 11 DATA To BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE We assume that the following services will be provided by The City Of Ocoee: E Horizontal and vertical surveying services required for the project. Survey information will be provided to the consultant in electronic format. E Aerials and other base maps. SPECIAL EXCLUSIONS Our present scope of work excludes the following items: C Numerical contaminant transport modeling or field tracer studies. We assume that this service will not be required. although it is not inconceivable that the FDEP may request it for reasonable assurance. G Geophysical logging of the existing drainage wells. We assume the video survey is adequate but the FDEP letter of October 3. 2000 implies that a geophysical log may be required to confirm the construction details of the existing wells. G Surface water and ground water quality sampling and/or chemical analyses. We assume that this service (if needed) will be provided by others. We can supply a separate quote for this service if requested. 0 Monitoring of load test to document capacity of completed well. We can supply a separate quote for this service if requested. SCHEDULE We estimate that we can complete our portion of the work within 60 calendar days of your authorization to proceed. ESTIMATED FEE The estimated fee for our engineering services is outlined in Table 6. Devo Semeeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Cenwhing Geotedmical Engineer Page 12 TABLE 6. ESTIMATED FEES FOR HYDRO-GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Unit Description of Work Item Unit Cost Quantity Total PRELIMINARIES Principal Engineer hr $90 15.0 $1,350,00 Senior Hydrogeologist hr $75 24.0 $1.800,00 Senior Engineering Technician hr $60 15.0 $900.00 GEOTECHNICAL FIELD WORK Mobilization of drilling equipment sum $250 1.0 $250.00 SPT boring (0 to 50 ft depth range) ft $8 100.0 $800.00 SPT boring(50 to 100 ft depth range) ft $10 100.0 $1.000.00 SPT boring (100 to 150 ft depth range) ft $13 100.0 $1,300.00 SPT boring (150 to 200 ft depth range) ft $19 20.0 $380.00 Temporary Casing (0 to 50 ft depth range) ft $6 100.0 $600.00 Temporary Casing (50 to 100 ft depth range) ft $7 100.0 $700.00 Temporary Casing (100 to 150 ft depth range) ft $10 80.0 $800.00 Grout seal boreholes ft $4 320.0 $1,I2000 GEOTECHNICAL LAB WORK Visual & tactile examination of soil samples hr $55 10.0 $550.00 Allowance for grain size tests sum $300 1.0 $300.00 ENGINEERING &TECHNICAL SERVICES Principal Engineer hr $90 80.0 $7.200.00 Senior Hydrogeologist/Senior Engineer hr $75 I I5 0 $8,625,00 Senior Engineering Technician hr $60 - 600 $3.600.00 CADD Graphics hr $50 20.0 $1.000,00 Technical Secretary hr $30 5.0 $150.00 Report printing, binding, & mailing costs each $35 12.0 $420.00 PROJECT COORDINATION Er MEETINGS Principal Engineer hr $90 8.0 $720.00 Senior Hydrogeologist hr $75 12.0 $900,00 TOTAL $34.465.00 Dew Seereeram,Ph.D.,P.E. Consulting Geoterhnical Engineer Page 13