HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (F) Approval and Authorization for Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Necessary Documents to Purchase Vactor Truck ' " ' Agenda 12-19-2000 j �= Item VII F ...riJ+� ROBERT SMITH or soov PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 170 ENfERPRISIN ST•OCOEG,FLORIDA 147( I I•NUNE(4071 fl?7-8420• PAX(40])877-03)2 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Bob Smith, Public Works Director I DATE: December 11, 2000 �+i RE: Jet Vacuum truck purchase - Approved CIP 00/01 ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve the lease/purchase of a jet vacuum truck for the Public Works Stormwater division? BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: In the 2000/01 CIP budget you authorized $190,400 for the lease/purchase of a jet vacuum truck. The Public works fleet supervisor and stormwater supervisor have conducted a thorough analysis of the three major vendor's trucks. Rob Scherer, fleet maintenance supervisor, conducted his review from the construction quality and maintainability aspects of all three suppliers. Buddy Elmore, stormwater supervisor, conducted his review from the construction quality and operability aspects of the three suppliers . Rob and Buddy both agree that though the Vactor truck is not the cheapest, it offers the best value in all aspects. Copies of Rob and Buddy's analysis are attached. Quotes were obtained from the three major jet vacuum truck manufacturers and are as follows: Vactor $189,545. Vac-Con 177,173 Clean Earth 233,500. The proposed Vactor, jet vacuum truck, is available by piggybacking on Metro-Dade County bid #5668-4/02. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests authorization to proceed with the lease/purchase of the Vactor jet vacuum truck for $189,000 from funds allocated in 103-538-20-6401. BS:jh attachment POWT% THE PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE Public Works Memo To: Bob Smith, Public Works Director From:Rob Scherer, Fleet Supervise" Date: December 11, 2000 Re: Jet Vacuum Truck Analysis After visiting all three vacuum truck factories it is my recommendation for the City to purchase the VACTOR PD Vacuum Truck for the following reasons: 1. The VACTOR truck is a much better built truck, it has more engine horsepower, a larger transmission (heavy duty), and heavy duty axles and suspension. 2. The body has a larger cfm PD blower (moves more air). The blower is direct drive off a heavy duty transfer case (not belt driven). The body holds the most per size of tank and there is no wasted space on this truck. 3. It has a constantly flooded, variable flow water pump with very few parts. 4. It has the largest air cyclone for PD safety. 5. This truck is built almost 100% at the supplier's factory with state of the art equipment. 6. This supplier has the largest test and quality control departments of the three. 7. 5 day mechanic training and 3 day operator training is included in the purchase price. Attached is my technical analysis of the three proposed trucks. Again, though not the cheapest, I believe the VACTOR truck offers the best overall value. •Page 1 VACTOR axles 20,000lb front 46,000lb rear engine 355 hp CAT transmission Allison 4560 heavy duty water 1,200 gal debris 10 yd 8.65 usable blower 4,350 cfm Roots 824 pressure 2,000 psi at 80 gpm at end of hose trade in 50% minimum at 5 years debris tank warranty 5 year total water tank warranty 10 year total workmanship warranty 1 year or 2,000 hours •Page 2 Clean Earth axles 20,000lb front 40,000lb rear engine 300 hp CAT transmission Allison 3066 light duty water 1,500 gal debris 10 yd 6.6 usable blower 4,000 cfm pressure 2,000 psi at 80 gpm at pump trade in none debris tank warranty 10 year total water tank warranty 10 year total workmanship warranty •Page 3 VAC-CON axles 20,000 lb front 44,000 lb rear engine 270 hp CAT transmission water 1,000 gal debris 11 yd 9 usable blower 3,400 cfm pressure 2,000 psi at 60 gpm at pump trade in none debris tank warranty water tank warranty workmanship warranty 180 days •Page 4 Public Works Memo To: Bob Smith, Public Works Director From:Buddy Elmore, Streets/Stormwater Supervisor `? Date: December 11, 2000 Re: Jet Vacuum Truck Analysis After visiting all three factories and reviewing all three trucks capabilities, it is my recommendation that the City purchase the VACTOR Truck. This jet vacuum truck is far superior to the other two in all aspects. It is operator and mechanic friendly. Please see the attached testimonial from Joseph Coker, Sewer Collections Supervisor. Also, please note, The Vactor truck has 355 horsepower, the Vac-Con has 270 horsepower, and the Clean Earth has 300 horsepower. The Vactor and Clean Earth trucks have aluminum water tanks while the Vac-Con has plastic water tanks. The Vactor truck also has a corrosion and abrasion resistant debris tank. Vactor is the only manufacturer to offer a trade in policy. They guarantee a 50% minimum trade in after 5 years. Therefore, for all the reasons stated above, I believe the Vactor Truck offers the best performance and value. •Page 1 to: Larry MYV(MI mu,..yr,l*MU is ma„.WV, From: Joseph Coker, Sewer Collection Supervisor Subject Combination Sewer Cleaner Vehicle, Recommendation Based on my evaluation of the two quotes that we received from Samson Equipment Co. and Adam's Equipment Co. to provide a Combination Sewer Cleaner meeting our specihcafions, I would like to make a recommendation that the City at Fort Wanon Beech purchase the vehicle supplied by Samson Equipment Co. which is the Victor 2115 seriea. There are a number of factors that give weight to this recommendation that I would like to explain hero in some detail. 1. The City has a Vac-Con combination truck in use at the present tree. There are some areas of concern with this vehicle which make it a less desirable unit to purchase again. A. Rust and corrosion developing in very Inaccessible areas where major Components will have to be removed to treat and paint the affected metal. This is due to the practice of mounting the water tanks, tool boxes,and operating machinery over painted surfaces,which accumulate water and moisture. Due to Vector's design of mounting water tanks,tool bares and associated machinery directly to the sub frame sides, there are very few areas to trap water and cause rust-out 8. The location of the water pump for the jet redder above the main water tat has caused quite a lot of problems for us. This location requires the water pump to draw the water up from the lower tanks. Often this has caused cavitation problems at crucial times. The water pump on the Vector Is located Deter'the low water tat where the water supply is gravity fed to the suction port of the pump. C. Vac-Con's practice d over spraying hydraulic and water tow including their fittings has shown to Des problem. Deterioration cannot be detected until faNuro occurs. Paint over fittings traps moistens causing rust and conoelon. Often the littng falls upon service and Inspection. Vector paints all components before assembly and doe*not over spray wiring,hoses or fittings with paint D. The articulation of the hunt hose reel allows the reel to be swung teo degrees across the from of the tuck At emirs the location of the reel can place the operator in the lane of traffic with fro protection provided by the vehicle. • The hose reel on the Vector mewls In place allowing 180 degrees of movement The operator works between the trucks headlights and not at anytime in the lane of vehicle traffic. CO'd 90:ST 00, TZ uef 0696££80S8:XPJ sa»nosad uetiryj LI -d 600E FEW 706 INHWd I f1O3 3DV..NVA lVObd I1dSZ'E 000Z-LI-el E. Due to the weight of the hose reel unit it requires the use of a support outrigger while the hose reel Is In use. Without this support damage will occur to the hose fool swivel and mounts. To properly adjust the host reel over the manhole location,the operator can move the reel side to side but forward and back he must reenter the vehicle and relocate It The Vector hose reel design Is such that the weight is located along the truck frame, far Ins steel is required b support it No outrigger Is employed to give extra support for the hose reel operation. The hose reel platform has the*Platy to be Wended out awry from the front of the buck to allow adjustment of the hose real position without having to reenter the tuck,thus keeping the operator away from the traffic side of the vehicle as much as possible. 2. Warranty Repairs and SeMce. A. Per my conversation with Mt. Todd Massey at Vac-Con, all warranty work and service that would bo required on the unit would be performed by a local garage. This would bo set up by the factory. Truck chanties warranty could also be handled the same way. Our experience with this type of warranty(*pairs Is that we must get in line with everyone else and with the nature of work this vehicle Is purchased Ior, long repair delays are something we need to consider, B. With our quote from Samson Equipment Co., Mr.James Samson has provided us a letter stating that all warranty work and service will be performed at the City facility. I contacted Mr.Zane Kilgo at Samson Equipment Co. and asked who would be performing the work on the vehicle for warranty matters. Ha stated that all warranty • work would be done at the City facility by employees Of Samson Equipment Co. and that all of their personnel are factory trained by Vector. Truck chassis warranty would be provided by the local freightliner dealer in Mobile or Dot an AI, 3. Standard and Ederrded Warranties. Due to the nature of work performed by this type of equipment There is a lot of stress placed upon certain components on the vehicle. Warranty for repair and service Is of prirne importance along with operator and public safety. A. Standard Waranty. Vector YflcCcn Bask Vehicle: t year 2 year Thick Engine: 3 year 15ok ml. 3 year 150k ml. Transmission: 2 year unlimited 2 year unlimited • Unit: 1 year eta.Jet hose 1 year eat.wear Debris body 10 year 5 year Water pump: 5 year non-prorated 1 year exc. wear Vacuum comp.: 5 year non-prorated 5 year non-prorated Water tanks: 10 year non-prorated 10 year unit paint 1 year • 1 year • £0'd 90:cI 00, iL ue(' 0696££80S8:xpJ saaJnosay upulnl.l 8l d 600E ESE V06 1N3IdI r1173 d`DVLNV/v NOild l-Id9Z^E 000Z-Li-el B. Additional Warranties recommended. Vector YeiSee • Basic Vehicle: To 5 yr 100k m l $1,552.00 $1352.00 Truck Engine: To 5 yr 150k mi $450.02 $200.00 Transmission: To 5 yr 250k mi $850.00 ;1,000.00 ' Unit l yr to2yr £tMa 54,862.00 $3,552.00 Alter IsNewing the above standard and optional warranty provisions I would recommend the Vector due to the following reasons. A. The standard Vector warranty provides a greater amount of factory service for their product especially on the components with the highest degree of severe use, the debris body, the water pump and the vacuum compressor.- S. The warranty for the water tanks although for the same duration, should be noted that Vector's Is non-prorated. Also at prime importance is the fact that the tanks on the Vactor are made of aluminum which In the event of damage can be repaired where the Vac-Con tanks ere made of plastic and would require replacement C. It has been my experience that of ell the components on this type of equipment,the water pump is the one Item that requires the mod attention. k is also the moat important In the event of a sewer main blockage. It Is used to dear debris from sewer mains and storm drains to prevent flooding and the dlseharge of sewer Into homes and waterways. The Vector company as it appears stands behind their pump to a much greater degree than Vac-Con. 4. Equipment Users List Contacts. A. Okabosa County Water and Sewer. Mr, Mark Griffin - Okaloosa County Water and Sewer Dept Is a former Vac Con user and has switched to using a Vector combination unit The reasons that Mr.Griffin gave me were that they need a vehicle with a higher capacity. They were looking for a vendor that would provide better service for the vehicle. They were having trouble with t e transmission that soornod to be unable to be repaired, rendering the vehicle unreliable. B. Escambia County Utilities Authority. Mr.Robert Harrell ECUA is a fanner Aquatec user, they switched to Vector for the following reasons. Better equipment configuration. Better service provided by the vendor. Customer satisfaction as stated by other users. They report no major trouble with the unit at all. They get excellent service and prompt response Is provided by the vendor • b0'd LO:5i 00. TL neL 0696££80S8:xej sa3Jnosay uEwryi • 61 -d 600E ESE D06 IN3NdI003 36ViNVn ri021J Hd9Z'E 000Z-Lt�l C. Gautier Utility;District Gautier Ms., Mr.Afton Nelson Gautier Utilities made their first purchase of a combination unit They chose the Vector over other competitors for Me knowing reasons. The Victor-conhguradonwas bettor than the configuration of other models that were demonstrated for them. The Vactor was built better. The wiring system was completely sealed and protected from environmental damage. They compered neighboring titles equipment and comments from operators about how well their equipment performed and associated trouble they wore having with it. They had no negative comments about the Vector. Mr. Nelson stated that they paid$20,000 mare to get the Vector over the next bidder. 5. Additional Options. A. Beth vendors can supply an Auto Lubrication System on the unit. This system already in use on some City vehicles can lubricate the entire unit while the unit is in operation. Quotes were received from both vendors as to the installed cog of this opbon. Vector: $3,500.O0 Vac-Con: $3,250,00 8. Pressure relief valve. In case the operator were to`dead head"the water pump,this would protect the pump from damage. Vector. S750.W Vec Con: Included as standard equipment. 8. Cost Comparison. Valor Vac-Con Unit $199,802.00 $188.000.03 Trade: 4.003,00 193,802.00 188.000.00 Warranty 4,852.00 3,552.00 Luba System: 3,500.W 3,250.00 Relief Valve: 750 W O Total $202,904.00 3102,802.00 1 believe based on the information I have received frum all sources mat for the difference in price between these two units, that the City would be much better served by purchasing the Vector combination sewer cleaner. Joseph Coker Sewer Collections System Supervisor 0'd 80:Si 00. R tie(' 0696£280,8:xed saD.mosad uewnH OZ 'd 600E ESE V06 IN3ild In03 F1OV INVA WOdd IIdLB'E 000Z-LA-01 VACTOR 1.This equipment will clean under water . 2.The city can piggy back off a 1997 bid , Miami - Dade for$189,545.00 or if we go out for bid this same truck would cost app. $250,000.00 at to days rates. 3.See attached options , this equipment is way superior over the other two . VACTOR 1.School -The salesman will train the operators for two days or more at the city garage , vactor will train the mechanic at the factory for 5 days in a excellent class room . 2.Vactor has 450 employees that builds app. 50 trucks per month . 3.Extensive testing of equipment . 4.Excellent engineering department . 5.Excellent stock room with 24 hr. delivery 6.Excellent paint booth . 7.State of art equipment in the factory . 8.Vactor has been in business for app. 60 years . 9.Vactor fabricates most all of its parts in the factory . 10.The overall cleanliness was excellent . 11. I would rate this factor a 9 on a 1 to 10 scale • VANTAGE EQUIPMENT COMPANY A SUBSIDIARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL HOLDINGS.LTD. December 7, 2000 Mr. Buddy Elmore Superintendent of Streets City of Ocoee 370 Enterprise Ocoee, FL 32761 Dear Mr. Elmore: We are pleased to extend to the City of Ocoee all pricing, terms and conditions of a contract awarded to us from Metro-Dade County Bid No #5668-4/02, Purchase Order Number#97-15511. The unit furnished is a Vactor Model 2110-44 with a 10 cubic yard debris body, 1200-gallon aluminum water tanks, Roots 824 16" positive displacement blower. Mounted on a year 2001 Sterling Chassis with 355 HP engine, Allison HD-4560 automatic transmission, 20,000-Ib. front axle, dual rear axle's rated at 46,000 lb with a GFWR of 64,000 lbs. with air conditioning. As we discussed, Mr. Elmore, should the City of Ocoee purchase a new Vactor Catch Basin Cleaner, I have listed some of the offered options for operator safety and to enhance your stormwater operations. PRICE AS BID PER CONTRACT $166,628.00 Chassis Price Increase (see letter) $ 6,450,00 Available Options From List • Automatic letter Hose Wind Guide $ 1,840.00 • 2 Each Folddown Pipe Racks . . .$707.00 ea. X 2 $ 1,414.00 • Air Shift Controls $ 1,432.00 • 8 Foot Telescopic Boom in Lieu of 4 Foot $ 1,890.00 • 36 x 18 x 18 Weatherproof Toolbox in Lieu of Toolbox Bid and Additional 36 x 18 x 18 Tool Box $ 600.00 • Both Toolboxes to be Aluminum $ 250.00 • Rodder Pump Drain Valves $ 325.00 • 40-80 GPM Multi Flow System with Nozzles and Nozzle Rack $ 1,760.00 • Continuous Fill System: Allow Hydrant Connection Using Float Sensor And Valve to Constantly Replenish Water Supply For letting $ 1,427.00 9365 PHILIPS HIGHWAY - JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 • (904) 363-3008 105 CANDACE DRIVE, SUITE 101 • MAITLAND, FLORIDA 32751 • (407) 677-7771 City of Ocoee December 7, 2000 Page 2 • Hydro Excavation Kit: With spring retractable hose reel - with 35 feet of hose - High pressure hand gun with 6 foot lance and 3 foot barrel extension _ $ 2,969.00 • Lubrication Manifold Mounted in 2 Location at Frame Rail Height $ 1,600.00 • Hand Light with Front Bumper Plug In $ 250.00 • Water Ring Assembly (to vacuum dry material) $ 225.00 • Jet Digger Nozzle $ 485.00 Price Each F.O.B. City of Ocoee $189,545.00 After a 5 year period, Vactor guarantees a minimum of 50% trade value on a unit with Similar or identical option content. Sample copy attached. A municipal lease for the above unit can be handled by Federal Signal Corp., Parent Co. of Vactor. Rate chart attached. We are enclosing a copy of the bid package with addendums, Sterling Chassis specifications, a list of all required items on module, and a copy of the purchase order for your review. Please note page 9, items 2.22 of bid package whereby other municipal entities can purchase from this bid. Also note page 1, item 2.4 price adjustments. Warranty: Vactor Module— See Attached Sterling Chassis—By Manufacturer Delivery: 90-120 Days A.R.O. Training: (1) One day Operator and Mechanicat your location or as needed • Additional mechanical training at factory - details supplied upon request. Service: From either Maitland or Jacksonville location If we can he of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely,' z/ TIM DOWNES TERRITORY MANAGER is 0M itrs 0i!' 0 0 • a • le • • It • (w, ' 0w *,' 3Ge VACTOR WARRANTY • . ,t Vector Mfg., Inc. the "Seller') warrants to the Distributor and to the first Purchaser of Equip- 3.• , , ment for use, new Equipment to be tree from defect in material and workmanship for 1 Year or 2000 operating hours, whichever occurs first, following date of delivery to the Purchaser. , - :It 12 -, Repair or replacement by Seller shall not extend the warranty period. This warranty may not be assigned by Purchaser. _]tE .• Any parts of Sellers manufacture that are Seller's via prepaid transportation and are found to be defective will be repaired or replaced,at option,and returned transportation charges t prepaid.It is expressly understood that Sellers liability is limited to furnishing such parts within .df a reasonable length of time.Seller will not be liable for any damages,losses or expenses arising in connection with the use of or inability to use Equipment. y> 4, This warranty covers only malfunctions resulting from defect in material or workmanship of i t- - Equipment,and parts and components thereof manufactured by Seller. Major components of %a 4` Equipment not of Seller's manufacture including, but not limited to, power plants, hydraulics, Z trucks and transmissions, used by Seller as part of the Equipment,are not warranted by Seller : (Seller hereby assigns to Purchaser any warranty extended by the manufacturer thereof). filj : . ( 0 It is the Purchaser's responsibility to use the Equipment for the purpose and in the manner describ- l� ed in the Operation Manual,and to assume any liability for damage or injury resulting from misuse p and abuse,including the removal or alteration of safety guards and devices installed on the Equip- t ;02 ment at time of delivery to Purchaser.i it , j In addition to our standard warranty, Vector Inc.warrants the water tank on 0 series • ec V tors for an additional 9 years against corrosion of 1 or rust through, making a total of 0 years - - warranty on water tanks. $ ! 'We The Debris Tank is warranted for an additional 4 years against corrosion or rust through fora e - total of 5 years warranty. ]61 The Centrifugal Compressor and Housing is warranted for an additional 4 years for a total of t. 4 5 years warranty against rust through and compressor malfunction. * i it- t Used Equipment is sold"AS IS".Seller makes NO WARRANTY concerning its merchantability, g condition, durability, age or model year, or fitness for any purpose whatsoever. - i � jar IT IS AGREED THAT THIS WARRANTY SETS FORTH PURCHASER'S EXCLUSIVE RIGHT AND `=N: -'O ,T REMEDY AGAINST SELLER WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT.IT IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER 'i; IEXPRESS WARRANTIES AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRAN- ir' i j TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS.SELLER ASSUMES NO OTHER LIKE OR UNLIKE iii - LIABILITY FOR LOSS OF USE, PROFIT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR I 3 NATURE,FROM WHATSOEVER CAUSE OR THING ARISING,INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO. CLAIMSOF LIABILITY BASED UPON TORT, ACTOR _t NEGLIGENCE, E,, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH v ® , OF WARRANTY IN CONNECTION WITH THE I MANUFACTURE, SALE, ALTERATION. USE, Manufacturing, Inc. 5 REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF EQUIPMENT, OR ANY PART THEREOFh. . w - 7 nrnd.e., EFFECTIVE SA III ' Iti ..16tfill(�UNitt00411t�11001M�U�M16UM10114162JMM2ll 1101110100IM2S81NnOttlt�� (I IFt4MMjtS�i'%b;� CITY OF OCOEE Requirements for a combination Jetter and Vacuum tnick, positive displacement blower driven from chassis engine via the transmission drive shaft through a split shaft transfer case direct to blower. No belts to maintain and no auxiliary engine. • 10 Yard Debris Body • Hydraulic Door Locks • Debris Body Flush Out System, 80 GPM rt 2000 PSI • 2 Each Stainless Steel Ball Float Shut-Off System • 6' Knife Valve Mounted Rear Door with Cam-Look and 16 ft. of 6" Lay Flat Hose • 450 GPM Trash Pump Mounted Forward of Debris Body Externally with Floating Arm • Must Be Able To Decant And Vacuum Simultaneously • Trash Pump Must Decant To Front And Rear Bumper With Appropriate Valving • Cyclone Separator Vertical (No Substitution) • Folding Pipe Racks Mounted Left And Right Sides Of Debris Body • Stainless Steal Micro-Strainer Filtration System • Splash Shield Mounted At Rear Door • Low Water Alarm With Light Mounted At Hose Reel • 2 Inch 'Y' Strainer At Water Fill With 25 Ft. Water Hose • Vacuum System—Roots 824 RLS/16"Positive Displacement Blower (No Substitution) • 8 Ft. Hydraulic Telescopic Boom With 180° Rotation • Grate Lifting Hook Mounted On Boom To Lift Storm Water Drains • 80 GPM At 2000 PSI Water Pump Located Below Entire Water Supply. Provide Documented Flow And Pressure Test At The Pump And At The Nozzle Of The Hose Reel To Demonstrate The Ability Of The Water Pump To Reach The Required Delivery Specifications • Accumulator For Water System • 500 Ft. Of I' Water Hose • Telescopic Rotating Hose Reel Front Mount, To Retract And Telescope 15"On A Straight Line Along The Center Line Axis Of The Truck. The Reel Is To Rotate About The Center Line, Through A 270° Arc. The Extension Will Allow The Operator To Check Fluids On Tilt Type Hoods Without Tiling Hose Reel. • Sealed Electrical System • Remote Pendant Control • Water Tanks Must Not Raise With Debris Body When Dumping • 1500 Gallons Of Water Capacity Must Be Certified. Water To Be Contained In Aluminum, Cylindrical Baffled Tanks To Be Interconnected With Minimum 4"Lines For Ease Of Rapid Filling. • Boom Transport Cradle To Be Permanently Attached To Chassis • Joy Stick Boom Control • Hose Footage Counter • Automatic Hose Wind Guide To Provide The Operator With Hands Free Operation To Unwind And Rewind The Sewer Hose Onto The Hose Reel For Operator Safety • Engine Safety And Shutdown Switch For Chassis Engine • Handgun Hose Reel - Spring Retractable With 50 Feet Of Hose Mounted Midship Curbside • Circuit Breakers In Lieu Of Fuses • Basin Spoon Mounted On Truck • Basin Retriever Mounted On Truck • 6' Nozzle • 2 Each Rotating Beacons Mounted Front And Rear Of Debris Body With Limb Guards • Arrow Board Mounted In Rear • 20 Feet Of Aluminum Pipe • Debris Body To Be No Less Than 8.65 Cubic Yards Useable On Sight Certification • Loading Rate Must Be. With 8 Inch System To Fully Load 8.65 Cubic Yards Of Body, With Liquid In 85 Seconds Or Less At 15 Foot Head • 3 Each Additional Nozzle To Be Supplied With Truck • 2 Each Tool Boxes To Be No Less Than 36"X18"X18"Aluminum Water Tight • Continuous Fill System Allows Hydrant Connection using a Sensor and Valve to constantly replenish water supply for Jetting • Air Shift Controls for Blower Engagement • Lubrication Manifold mounted in 2 locations at Frame Rail Height • Hand Light with Front Mounted Bumper plus • Hydro Excavation System • 40-80 GPM MultiFlow System with appropriate Nozzles and Nozzle Rack • JPX Nozzle (Vactor only) • 2 Each Work Light Mounted on Boom • 8" Diameter Storm Nozzle with Storage Rack • Jet Digger Nozzle • Water Ring Assembly Chassis to be 2001 Sterling • 355 Horsepower CAT Engine • Allison HD-4560-P 6 Speed Automatic • Air Conditioned • 64,000 GVWR Minimum Tandem Axle • 20,000 LB Front Axle • 46,000 LB Rear Axle • Painted White VANTAGEEQUIPMENT COMPANY A SUBSIDIARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL HOLDINGS.LTD. METRO-DADE CONTRACT ADD-ONS Sunrise Winter Haven St. Petersburg(4 units) IT/set( Auburndale Lakeland (2 units) Largo Deltona Deland Tamarac Palmetto Plant City ( ) Lauderhill Opa-Locka Village Center Winter Garden Fort Lauderdale Pasco County Pinellas County (2 units) Dade County (1 more) — j1 ' - / l'unta Gorda 9365 PHILIPS HIGHWAY • JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32256 • (904) 363-3008 2205 FORSYTHE ROAD, UNIT F • ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32807 • (407) 677-7771 vac-con 1.This equipment will clean under water . 2.This vacuum truck would cost$177,083:08-, the city can piggy back off of D.O.T.bid 3.See attached options . VAC-CON 1.School - The salesman will train the operators for two days at the city garage ,no mechanic school . 2.Vac-con has 300 employees that builds app. 30 trucks per month . 3.Testing of equipment very little at best . 4.Excellent engineering department . 5.Good stock room with 24 hr. delivery 6.Good paint booth 7.Up to date equipment in the factory . B.Vac-con has been in business for app. 15 years . 9.Vac-con fabricates most of its parts in the factory . 10.The overall cleanliness was good . 11. I would rate this factor a 6 on a 1 to 10 scale State of Florida Department of Transportation V • r?7 0 e:7 CI B 1\\ f TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER SPECIAL CONDITIONS DOT BID NUMBER DE1699G2 FOB: STATEVNDE DOT CONTRACT NO.: P0285 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 31, 2000—JANUARY 30, 2001 Prior approval required from Department of Management Services, Bureau of Motor Vehicle and Watercraft is required before purchase. Bid No.: DE1699G2 PURCHASING OFFICE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA DATE: Name of Bidder: Address: We propose to furnish the item(s)indicated in this bid,to the Department of Transportation, delivered to various locations in Florida. The right is reserved by the Department of Transportation to reject any or all bids or parts thereof. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1) INTRODUCTION The purpose of this bid is to provide economies in the purchase of " TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER " by the Department of Transportation, hereafter referred to as the"DOT". The''DOT'will obtain competitive bids to establish a one (1) year contract. The term of the contract will begin on the date the successful vendor(s) is approved for award, and will expire one(1)year from that date. 2) CONTRACT RENEWAL The "DOT', in its discretion, may if it is agreed to by the successful vendor(s) and approved in writing, renew the contract for up to two (2) additional contract periods, on a year for year basis, one year at a time. Prices are subject to the availability of funds based on annual appropriation by the legislature. All commodities identified in this invitation to bid will be subject to the availability of identical commodities as provided by the Department of Management Services, Division of Procurement, State Contract(s)at such time these commodities become available. In the event of duplication(s) of commodities the Department of Management Services State Contract shall prevail. 2 Bid No.: DE1699G2 3) CANCELLATION All contract obligations shall prevail for at least one hundred and eighty (180)days after the effective date of the contract. For the protection of both parties,this contract may be canceled in whole or in part after one hundred and eighty (180) days by either party giving thirty(30) days prior written notice to the other contract party.The contract may, also,be canceled by the "DOT'for nonperformance(default) in accordance with Rule 60A-1.006(4), F.A.C. 4) ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Manufacturers are encouraged to bid direct naming dealers who will accept orders and complete deliveries. Bidders must include complete ordering instructions, including FEDERAL EMPLOYEE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (FEID), for invoicing dealers, with the bid on a separate sheet. 5) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The"Acknowledgment of Order Form'(see attached form), must be mailed to the purchaser within fourteen(14 calendar days from the date the contractor receives the purchase order. Adnowledgment of receipt of order shall constitute an agreement by the contractor to deliver the equipment listed on the purchase order under the terms and conditions of this contract. Failure of the contractor to acknowledge receipt of a purchase order shall be considered acceptance by default and the contractor will be held responsible for delivering the equipment requested. 6) DELIVERY Delivery must be made within one- hundred 8 twenty(120)calendar days or less upon receipt of a purchase order by the contact supplier at his designated ordering location. If more time is needed the bidder should state the extra time required and the reasons why in the bid. Acceptance will be subject to"DOT'approval. Refer to Section 11.1 - 11.1.5 of specifications for additional delivery requirements. Contractor shall complete delivery to DOT within fourteen(14)calendar days from anticipated date stated in acknowledgment form. Contractor shall notify DOT personnel designated on purchase order no less than twenty-four (24)hours prior to delivery. Deliveries will be accepted only between 8:00 AM.and 3:00 P.M. on DOT's normal work days. Deliveries not complying with these requirements may be rejected and will have to be redelivered at contractor's expense. 3 Bid No.: DE1699G2 7) ESTIMATED PURCHASES It is anticipated that the"DOT'will purchase approximately$200,000.00 under any contract resulting from this bid. This estimated amount is given only as a guideline far preparing your bid and should not be construed as representing actual amount to be purchased under this contract. This bid will be subject to annual appropriated funding. 8) PRICES Price(s)shall remain firm, delivered to Department of Transportation location(s)in Florida for each contract period, subject to the availability of funds. 9) INVOICING Invoices must match units specified on the Purchase Order. 10) WARRANTY Awarranty is required on all items purchased against defective materials, workmanship,and failure to perform in accordance with required industry performance criteria,for a period of not less than one hundred eighty(180)days from the date of acceptance by the purchaser. Any deviation from this criteria must be documented in the vendors bid response or the above statement shall prevail. 11) REPLACEMENT Replacement of all material found defective within the warranty period or not meeting specifications shall be made without cost to the purchaser, including transportation and/or restocking fees if applicable. 12) LIQUIDATED DAMAGES As timely delivery is of importance to the functioning of the agency, the°DOT' reserves the right to cancel such items of the contract which are not delivered within the required time for such items. Failure by the awarded vendor(s)to deliver items as specified within the stated time may subject the vendor(s)to liquidated damages in the amount of one percent(1%)of the bid price of the items for each day beyond that time. 4 Bid No.: DE1699G2 13) ALTERNATES Alternate brands will be considered for this bid. The"DOT'reserves the right to require each vendor to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the"DOT'that the items/materials will perform in a completely acceptable manner. In the event the "DOT' judges that the demonstrated performance is unsatisfactory the"DOT'may reject the contractors bid. Product or a'fix'nation for the evaluation of alternate products shall be provided to Angel Birriel for approval prior to the bid opening date and time. Demonstration time and place is subject to agreement of the "DOT' and the vendor.Any samples received shall be retained for use as quality standards and as models for acceptance inspection. 14) BID QUESTIONS Technical questions regarding product specifications, product testing, or delivery should be directed to: Angel Birriel 850/488-4562. Florida Department of Transportation Attn: Angel Birriel 605 Suwannee Street Haydon Burns Building, MS 52 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 Questions regarding administrative aspects of the bid should be directed to: Lillian Graham @ 850-921-7354 15) REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Bidders are required to complete and return the State of Florida"Invitation To Bid'form as well as the bid sheet(s). These fors must be signed by a representative who is authorized to contractually bind the bidder. All bid sheets and the"Invitation To Bid'form must be executed and submitted in a sealed envelope. The return bid envelope must indicate the bid number, date and time of the bid opening. 16) INTERPRETATIONS/DISPUTES Any questions concerning conditions and specifications shall be directed in writing to this office for receipt no later than ten(10)days prior to the bid opening. Inquires must reference the date of bid opening and bid number. No interpretations shall be considered binding unless provided in writing by the State of Florida in response to requests in full compliance with this provision.My person who is adversely affected by the agency's decision or intended decision concerning a procurement solicitation or contract award and who wants to protest such decision or intended decision shall file a protest in compliance with Rule 60A-1.006(6),Florida Administrative Code.Any protest should be sent to the Department of Transportation,Clerk of 5 Bid No.: DE1699G2 • Agency Proceedings,605 Suwannee St, MS 58, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450(phoneno. (850) 414-5393 and fax no. (850) 488-4412.) Failure to file a protest within the time prescribed in Section 120.53(5), F.S., shall constitutea waiver of proceedings under Chapter 120, F.S. 17) PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES STATEMENT A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid to provide any goods or services to the public entity for a period of 36 months from the date on the convicted vendor list. 18) MAIL OR DELIVER BIDS TO: Florida Department of Transportation Purchasing Office 3717 Apalaohee Parkway, Suite F Tallahassee, Florida 32311-3400 Phone#850)921-7363 19) UNAUTHORIZED ALIEN WORKERS The employment of unauthorized aliens by any contractor is considered a violation of Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationality Act If the contractor knowingly employs unauthorized aliens, such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of the contract. 20) SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS Any person with a qualified disability requiring special accommodations at the pre-bid conference and/or bid/proposal opening shall contact purchasing at the phone number on the above Invitation To Bid or Request for Proposal cover sheet at least five(5)working days prior to the event If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact this office by using Florida Relay Services at (B00)955-8771 (TDD). 21) RECYCLED MATERIAL If the product herein is available with recycled content, we request that you provide product information to help in our search for recycled products. However, this bid request is for the product as specified herein and does not require prices for recycled product This information should be sent separately and not a part of your bid response. 6 Bid No.: DE1699G2 BID PREFERENCE IDENTICAL TIE BIDS- Preference shall be given to businesses with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal with respect to price, quality, and service are received by the State or by any political subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services,a bid received from a business that certifies that it has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Established procedures for processing tie bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug-free workplace program. In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a business shall: (1) Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. (2) Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace,the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace,any available drug counseling,rehabilitation,and employee assistance programs,and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. (3) Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection(1). (4) In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the conrnodities or contractual services that are under bid,the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of,or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to,any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state,for a violation occuning in the workplace no later than five(5)days after such conviction. (5) Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community,by any employee who is so convicted. (6) Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement,I certify that this firm complies fullywith the above requirements. VENDOR'S SIGNATURE 7 Bid No.: DE1699G2 VENDOR NAME: SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES FEID#: 65-0267110-001 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION Unit of Equipment: Truck Mounted Sewer Cleaner FC1420 Revised Oct. 20, 1999 ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE SUPPLIERS: In order for your bid on this equipment to be considered, all questions in this specification must be answered and all ,formation asked for must be supplied. Incomplete or inappropriate(i.e., responding "yes"or"no"when specific information is asked for) responses will result in your bid being rejected. 1.0 INTENT: It is the intent and purpose of this specification to describe and set standards for buck-mounted sewer cleaners, to be used for highway drainage system and other roadway maintenance. Note that bids are solicited for different types of machines as well as for unspecified options. 1.1 QUALIFICATION OF MANUFACTURER AND MODEL: The unit required and covered by this specification shall be the manufacturer's latest basic production model and shall be equipped with all standard equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's latest data, two copies of which must accompany the bid along with all specifications necessary to verify that the unit meets or exceeds all requirements stated herein. Blower and pump performance curves showing horsepower. RPM. vaarum,and flow must be included. No prototype machines are allowed. The unit bid must have basically been in production for a minimum of one yew. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 8 Bid No.: DE1699G2 1.1.1 This contract will not be awarded until the FDOT State Maintenance Office is satisfied that the equipment proposed will meet the specification in every way. This may require interviews, documentary evidence, an equipment demonstration and inspection at an FDOT location of our choosing, or any combination of the above. Prospective suppliers will be expected to be fully cooperative with providing any reasonable evidence of specification compliance by the above methods. A maximum of 60 days between bid opening and contract award may be required for this process. After contract award, specification compliance will be reconfirmed by inspection, documentation, and demonstration when the first and subsequent items are delivered, prior to acceptance. YES Understand and Accept? (Yes/No) 1.1.2 Parts and Service: A. Service capability. To be eligible for award, bidders must have, within the State of Florida, facilities, skilled and trained personnel, equipment and parts available to completely service, maintain, and repair the equipment offered. B. Parts availability The vendor shall maintain an adequate stock of replacement parts and shall make deliveries within 24 hours when requested. C Pricing: The manufacturer and bidder shall guarantee that parts prices will be as km as such parts are sold to any other user and that if at any time the prices are reduced or increased to the general trade, it is understood that the Florida Department of Transportation shall not pay a higher price than any other user, effective with the date of such price reduction or increase to the general trade. Post delivery inspection: Bidder shall include in the bid price the cost of a post delivery inspection service of the equipment, approximately 30 days after it is placed in service. The inspection shall be performed by skilled and trained factory or dealer personnel. The inspection service shall include the following: • Check all operating systems for proper operation and adjustment Check equipment visually for leaks, material defects, and any other defects. Vendor shall notify the Florida Department of Transportation at least twenty-four(24)hours prior to performing inspections. YES Understand and comply with or accept all provisions of Parts and Service?(Yes/No) 9 Bid No.: DE1699G2 1.2 DEFINITIONS: 1.2.1 "Approved Equivalent". Bidders may substitute components for those listed on if written approval(FAX is permitted) is granted by the Florida Department of Transportation Mechanical Equipment Engineer prior to bid opening. If this has not been accomplished by bid opening time, your bid will be rejected. The FDOT assumes no responsibility for responding to requests for approval of alternates in time for bid opening, as a technical evaluation frequently must be performed. Therefore, bidders are cautioned that quoting of the components listed may be advisable if lead tine is short. Note: Inadvertent acceptance of previous bids with alternate components shall not be construed as FDOT approval of such alternate components. YES Understand and Acknowledge?(Yes/No) 1.2.2 Manufacturer's model numbers: when a manufacturer's model number is stated, it is understood that design changes to the stated model by the manufacturer are not subject to the control of the FDOT and that the intent is to procure an item substantially identical to that version last procured by, demonstrated to, or otherwise brought to the attention of the FDOT. It is explicitly understood that it is the responsibility of the bidder to notify the FDOT of any changes of consequence, and obtain approval per 1.2.1. Please contact the person named on the bid documents for information regarding the last model for which information is on record with the FDOT bid evaluators. YES Understand and Acknowledge?(Yes/No) 1.2.3 "Heavy Duty". This tern means that the design and construction of the item is sufficiently rugged and has adequate safety factor to stand up to the sort of use typically expected to be experienced by FDOT operators without structural or functional failure or other consequences such that the kern causes or will probably cause excessive down time. The Mechanical Equipment Engineer may accept or reject items bid based on his judgment of compliance with this provision without the necessity for a field trial, or may require testing and verification at his discretion. YES Understand and Accept?(Yes/No) 10 Bid No.: DE1699G2 1.2.4 "Per(spec)". Whenever a specification such as SAE, OSHA, or FED-S TO (but not limited to those) is referred to, the latest version as of the date of bid req test is the version to be used. YES Understand and Acknowledge?(Yes/Jo) 1.3 WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS: 1.3.1 Weight: Gross weight of the loaded unit shall not exceed 64,000 lbs. The mar axle loading shall not exceed 44,000 bs. and the front axle loading shall not e:teed 20,000 lbs. Note: "Loaded' means that there is 1,000 gallons of water o i board, which shall be taken to weigh 8,345 lb., 7.00 cubic yards of debris which ;hall be taken to weigh 21,500 Ib, 100 gallons of fuel which shall be taken to weig 1670 lb, and two crewmen at 200 lb each. PLEASE SEE ENTRY BELOW Axle loadings -front, rear, and total, lc 3ded. *ALL FULL EMPTY FRONT 19,741 14,461 REAR 42,975 17,340 TOTAL 62,716 31,801 Information dearly showing the unloaded and fully loaded weights and the respective weight distributions shall be submitted with the bid. YES Information submitted? (Yes/No) 1.3.2 Height Overall height shall not exceed 13.5 ft 11' 10' Height? 1.3.3 Width: Overall width shall not exceed 8 ft 8' Width? 11 Bid No.: DE1699G2 Noise Level at Operator=s Station: In accordance with OSHA requirement 29 CFR Ch. XVII Para. 1910.95, the noise level shall not exceed 95 decibels, AA@ scale, slow response, for a 4 hour exposure per work day. 95 DECIBELS Noise level? 2.0 CARRIER: Unless option for vendor supply of the canier is exercised, the carrier will be supplied by the Florida Department of Transportation. The successful bidder shall specify to the Department the minimum chassis requirements including HP, GVWR, GAWRs, RBM, CA, PTO provisions and any other feature necessary for the proper operation of the sewer cleaner. This shall be done with the bid oadcaoe. Bidder shall supply information such that the resulting vehicle will be capable of 65 mph on level pavement. The combined cost of the carrier and the sewer cleaner unit will be considered for bid award. The Department will notify the successful bidder when the chassis is available for pick up. Pick up and delivery of the unit shall be at the Purchase Order destination unless specified otherwise. See applicable option. YES Understand and Acknowledge?(Yes/No) 3.0 SEWER CLEANER MECHANISM: QUOTATIONS ARE SOLICITED ON EACH TYPE DESCRIBED. PLEASE QUOTE THE TYPES THAT ARE STANDARD MODELS FOR YOUR COMPANY. 3.1 Auxiliary Engine/Centrifugal Vacuum Unit type: (Type 3.1) 3.1.1 General: This type unit will have an engine in addition to and independent of the canier engine, which will drive either the water pump or vacuum unit. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 3.1.2 Auxiliary Engine: The auxiliary engine shall be a well known brand diesel of at least 110 horsepower. CUMMINS 4813.9 110 HP Brand, Model, Horsepower 12 Bid No.: DE1699G2 3.1.3 The auxiliary engine shall have a control panel with key ignition switch, throttle, ammeter or voltmeter, tachometer, engine oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gauge, and hour meter. The controls panel shall have a locking cover. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.1.4 The auxiliary engine shall have automatic shutdown in case of low oil pressure or high coolant temperature. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.1.5 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 9.0"Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 110 Hp input The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 8.5'Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 70 Hp input. 9.0' HG/3000 CFM Vacuum and flow with 110hp input? 8.5° HG/1000 CFM Vaanm and flow with 70hp input? 3.1.6 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 60 gallons per minute at a pressure of 2,000 psi, minimum. FMC 118 SC 60/2000 Brand, model, flaw, pressure YES Model bid to this specification? 3.1.7 Total horsepower-What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model, including the power used from the cornier engine? 199 9.0' HG/3000 CFM/60/2000 Total horsepower available? 13 Bid No.: DE1699G2 3.2 Auxiliary Engine/Centrifugal Vacuum Unit(High Suction)type: (Type 3.2) 3.2.1 Generat This type unit will have an engine in addition to and independent of the carrier engine, which will drive either the water pump or vacuum unit. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 3.2.2 Auxiliary Engine: The auxiliary engine shall be a well known brand diesel of at least 160 horsepower. CUMMINS 68T5.9 160 HP Brand, model, horsepower 3.2.3 The auxiliary engine shall have a control panel with key ignition switch, throttle, ammeter or voltmeter, tachometer, engine oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gauge, and hour meter. The controls panel shall have a locking cover. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.2.4 The auxiliary engine shall have automatic shutdown in case of low oil pressure or high coolant temperature. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 3.2.5 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 14.5"Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 160 Hp input. The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least I3.0"Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 100 Hp input. 14.5" HG/3000 CFM 160 HP Vacuum and flowwith 160hp input? 13.0" HG/3000 CFM 100HP Vacuum and flow with 100hp input? 19 Bid No.: DE1699G2 3.2.6 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 80 gallons per minute at a pressure of 2,000 psi, minimum. FMC 1618SC 80/2000 Brand, model,flow, pressure YES Model bid to this specification? 3.2.7 Total horsepower-What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model, including the power used from the carrier engine? 270 14.5' HG/3000 CFM/BOGAL2000PSI Total horsepower available? 3.3 Auxiliary Engine/Positive Displacement Blower type: (Type 3.3) 3.3.1 General: This type unit will have an engine in addition to and independent of the carrier engine,which will drive either the water pump or vacuum unit. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 3.3.2 Auxiliary Engine: The auxiliary engine shall be a well known brand diesel of at least 160 horsepower. CUMMINS 68T5.9 160HP Brand, model, horsepower 3.3.3 The auxiliary engine shall have a control panel with key ignition switch, throttle, ammeter or voltmeter, tachometer, engine oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gauge, and hour meter. The controls panel shall have a locking cover. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 3.3.4 The auxiliary engine shall have automatic shutdown in case of low oil pressure or high coolant temperature. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 15 Bid No.: DE1699G2 3.3.5 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 14.5"Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 160 Hp input. The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 13.0"Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 100 Hp input. 16"HG/3400 CFM Vacuum and flow with 160hp input? 12°HG/2700 CFM Vacuum and flow with 100hp input? 3.3.6 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 80 gallons per minute at a pressure of 2, 000 psi, minimum. FMC 1618 SC 80GAU2000PSI Brand, model,flow, pressure YES Model bid to this specification? 3.3.6 Total horsepower-What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model, including the power used from the carrier engine? 270 16°HG/34000 CFM& 80GAU2000PSI Total horsepower available? 3.4 Single Engine/Positive Displacement Blower type: (Type 3.4) 3.4.1 General: This type unit will utilize the carrier engine to drive the sewer cleaner and provide power for all functions. There will be no auxiliary engine. A minimum of 160 hp shall be available to drive the vacuum unit YES Comply?(Yes/No) 16 Bid No.: DE1699G2 3.4.2 Drive: Describe below the type drive proposed. State the horsepower and rpm at which each component is driven and the resulting vacuum or pressures and flow rate at said horsepower and gams. Describe provisions for variable speed. Provide a complete description. Your bid may be rejected if information is incomplete. Use extra pages if necessary. See also 1.t. *SINGLE ENGINE DESIGN 'CHASSIS POWERS BLOWER SYSTEM VIA HYDROSTATIC DRIVE 'HYDROSTATIC VIA THE FRONT PTO PROVISIONS OF THE CHASSIS *THE HYDROSTATIC PUMP HAS VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL FOR VACUUM *HORSEPOWER REQUIRED AT FULL VACUUM 160HP 16-HG 3400 CFM VACUUM SYSTEM ONLY ll$2,200RPM `CHASSIS ENGINE POWERS THE WATER PUMP VIA HOT SHIFT PTOITRANMISSION MOUNTED 'WATER PUMP HAS VARIABLE SPEED CONTROL FOR FLOW& PRESSURE 'HORSEPOWER REQUIRED AT 2000PSI 89HP WATER PUMP SYSTEM ONLY (5t 2,200 RPM TOTAL HORSEPOWER REQUIRED 249HP AT FULL VACUUM PRESSURE @ 2,200RPM CHASSIS ENGINE (Description of drive as requested above) 3.4.3 Vacuum Unit: The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 14.5Hg vacuum and 3,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 160 Hp input. The vacuum unit shall be capable of at least 13.0'Hg vacuum and 1,000 cubic feet per minute flow at 100 Hp input. 16-HG/3400 CFM Vacuum and flow with 160hp input? 12'HG/2700 CFM Vacuum and flow with 100hp input? 17 Bid No.: DE1699G2 POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT/ROOTS DRESSER MODEL 824 Type, make, and model of vacuum unit? 3.4.4 Water Pump: The high pressure water pump shall be a well known brand and shall deliver 60 gallons per minute at a pressure of 2,000 psi, minimum. FMC 118 SC 60GAL/2000PSI Brand, model, flow, pressure YES Model bid to this specification? 3.4.5 Total horsepower-What is the total horsepower available for the combined vacuum unit and water pump for this model? 249HP 16-HG/3400 CFM/6OGALU2000PSI Total horsepower available? 4.0 BODY: 4.1 The debris body shall have a minimum useable capacity of 9.0 cubic yards. 9 CUBIC YARDS USEABLE Capacity? 4.2 A debris body high pressure wash out system shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 4.3 A trash pump off system with a minimum capacity of 450 G.P.M. shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 450 Capacity?(G.P.M.) 18 • Bid No.: DE1699G2 4.4 The rear door on the body shall latch hydraulically with a watertight seal. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 4.5. Satisfactory means shall be provided for removal of excess water from the debris body. Describe below. REAR DOOR DRAIN WITH BUTTERFLY VALVE AND 6° DRAIN HOSE 4.6 There shall be filter screens in the debris body, made of stainless steel YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.7 At least one body vacuum hose connection, 8 in. minimum diameter shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 4.8 The body may use either tilt or ejection dumping. Tilt dumps shall have a National Truck Equipment Association Class 70 double acting hoist with a minimum dump angle of 45 degrees. A tilt dump must be equipped with safety props. YES Comply? (Ye&No) 4.9 A liquid level shut off device shall be provided to prevent over fiHing of the debris body. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 4.10 The unit shall have a debris body vacuum relief system with audio and visual alarms. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 19 Bid No.: DE1699G2 5.0 WATER TANKS: 5.1 Water tanks for the jet rodding system shall have a minimum useable volume of 1000 gal. and shall be made from a corrosion resistant material. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 1000 Useable volume? /.CROSS LINKED POLYETHLENE Material?Thickness? 5.2 The water tanks shall include overfill protection and a sight level gauge. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 5.3 A mnimum 25 ft hose, 2 in. diameter, water meter, and necessary fittings and adapters to fill the water tanks from a fire hydrant shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 5.4 Water tanks shall be capable of being filled from either side of truck YES Comply?(Yes/No) 6.0 HIGH PRESSURE HOSE AND REEL: 6.1 A pivoting hose reel for the high-pressure jet rodding system shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 6.2 The hose reel shall be filled with a minimum of 500 ft. of 1 in. diameter high pressure, abrasion resistant hose rated for 2500 PSI working psi and 6250 burst psi. Reel total capacity shall be a minimum of 600 ft. of 1 in. diameter hose. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 20 Bid No.: DE1699G2 6.3 A level wind guide device shall be provided to control the winding and unwinding of the rodder hose from the hose reel. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 6.4 A length counter shall be provided on the hose reel. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 6.4 Complete operating controls shall be provided on the side of the hose reel. An engine emergency shutdown switch shall be included. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 6.6 A guide tube shall be provided to prevent abrasion of the high-pressure hose. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 6.7 A low water alarm and light shall be mounted on the hose reel. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 7.0 VACUUM HOSE BOOM: 7.1 The vacuum hose shall be supported by a hydraulically operated boom located above the debris tank with a minimum lift rating of 700 lb. 700LBS YES Lift rating lb.? Comply?(Yes/No) 7.2 The boom shall telescope to allow positioning of the vacuum hose up to 21'ft. from the truck centerline. 21' YES Length ft? Comply? (Yes/No) 21 Bid No.: DE1699G2 7.3 The boom shall rotate a minimum of 180o degrees. 240 DEGREES YES Rotation? Comply?(Yes/No) 7.4 Boom motion shall be controlled by a pendant control, easily accessible to operator when using vacuum hose. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 8.0 TOOLS &ACCESSORIES: The following shall be provided, at a minimum. 8.1 High pressure flushing nozzles: 15 degree, 35 degree and a 1 in. diameter finned nozzle extension shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 8.2 A hand sprayer with 25 ft of hose mounted center of the body, street side with spring loaded take up reel shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 8.3 Two(2)aluminum catch basin tube extensions, 8 in. diameter and 7 ft. long, minimum shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 8.4 Two(2)aluminum catch basin tube extensions, 8 in. diameter, 2 ft. and 4 ft long, respectively, shall be provided. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 8.5 A grated lifting hook for storm drains shall be provided on the boom. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 22 Bid No.: DE1699G2 8.5 Pull or fold down racks or racks easily accessible from ground level to accommodate a minimum of 40 feet of extensions shall be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.6 Lockable tool boxes all keyed alike shall be provided to carry tools and accessories. Toot boxes shall be constructed of steel or aluminum with water seal. An additional Tool box with minimum dimensions of 18 in.x 18 M. x 48 in. for FDOT use shall be provided on the right side of the truck. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 8.7 An FDOT approved flashing arrow board shall be provided mounted on the rear of the vehicle. A list of FDOT approved flashing arrow boards will be furnished on request. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 8.9 Hand light with bumper plug must be provided. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 9.0 OPTIONS:(May or may not be purchased at discretion of the FDOT. Option price will be considered as basis of award.) List all prices and deliveries that apply on cost sheet 9.1 Carrier supplied by vendor. If vendor can provide better delivery times than can be had if the DOT provides the carrier,this option should be bid. Provide complete information on carrier proposed, delivery time and price. Carrier must be a heavy duty, air conditioned, diesel powered truck Color must be number 13538 of FED-STD595. State whether truck bid is one time bid or for the life of the contract. All trucks bid will be subject to Department of Management Services approval. Attach complete information. 9.2 Provide"Block Buster" type valve to conned to jet rodding hose. 9.2 Bidders must supply a list of other available options, priced individually, as an attachment to the bid. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 23 Bid No.: DE1699G2 10.0 PAINTING AND MARKING: 10.1 PAINTING:All exterior mounted components furnished by the supplier shall be painted to match the carrier. The paint system should include the following steps, as a minimum: 1. All surfaces shall be ground smooth with welding slag, burrs and sharp edges removed. 2. All surfaces shall be sandblasted and then immediately receive one(1) coat of rust inhibitive primer. 3. All primed surfaces shall receive two(2)coats of premium grade automotive enamel to match Yellow# 13538 of Federal Standard 595. (DUPONT L9069A) NOTE: If requested, a paint chip will be furnished to the successful bidder by the FOOT. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 10.2 CONSPICUITY MARKING:A single 2 in. wide, red/white strip of reflective tape shall be applied so as to cause the limits of the truck from any angle to be visible at night when illuminated by oncoming traffic. The tape should be applied at a minimum height of 4 ft, but may vary according truck or body configuration. On the rear of the vehicle the tape will be applied to the upper portion of the bumper. Gaps in the tape where members protrude or the configuration does not lend itself to tape application will be normal. Reflexite North America, PH. (800)654-7570, is an approved source far this type of reflective tape. Their type V82.5542-020 Red/Vttite DOT-C2 is axreMly being used by the Department Other brands of reflective tape will require prior approval by the Department YES Comply? (Yes/No) 24 Bid No.: DE1699G2 11.0 CONDITIONS: Terris and conditions set forth in the bid documents will overrule this specification when there is disagreement between the specification and bid documents. 11.1 DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE: 11.1.1 Prior to delivery, a first article inspection may be performed at the vendor's facility to ensure that the first machine procured on this contract meets all specification requirements. Preferably, the inspection will take place prior to painting with the unit fully operational. The vendor will advise the contact person(s)named at the end of this specification a minimum of two weeks before the machine will be ready for inspection. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 11.1.2 Travel costs incurred by FDOT personnel performing the first article inspection shall be paid for by the vendor. Estimates for the travel costs should include transportation, meals and lodging for two(2)persons from Tallahassee, FL to the vendor's facility and back to Tallahassee with at least one full day allotted for the inspection. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 11.1.3 Items found to not be in compliance will be corrected and brought into compliance before final acceptance. Travel expenses for additional visits required by FDOT personnel to the vendor's facility to verify correction of deficiencies discovered in the first inspection shall also be paid for by the vendor. After all items on the machine are determined to be in compliance,the unit may then be taken by the supplier to the Purchase Order destination. All subsequent units purchased from this contract will be inspected at their Purchase Order destinations for compliance with the specifications. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 11.1.4 At the discretion of FDOT, the first artide inspection at the vendor's facility may be waived or relocated to a more convenient site, if it is determined that it would be in the best interest of the State. In any case, the machine is still required to fully comply with the specification requirements. YES Understand and Acknowledge?(Yes/No) 25 Bid No.: DE1699G2 11.1.5 Failure of FDOT personnel to discover defects during an inspection does not relieve the vendor from responsibility for correcting areas of non-compliance found after delivery. YES Understand and Acknowledge?(Yes/No) 11.2 STANDARDS: 11.2.1 The unit shall comply with all Motor Vehicle Safety Standards as established by the U. S. Department of Transportation, all requirements of the latest issues of ANSI Standards and OSHA Standards, and all other required Federal and State of Florida legal requirements and standards. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 11.3 DOCUMENTATION: Bidders must submit two (2)copies of current manufacturers data to substantiate compliance a with the specifications, and a list of dealers in or near Florida. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 11.4 MANUALS: 11,4,1 Two(2)manufacturer's operator manuals and two(2)each lubrication instructions and maintenance instructions in hard copy, and if available on a CD ROM for use with a computer, to be delivered with each unit YES Comply?(Yes/No) 11.4.2 The supplier shall ensure that all service bulletins, recall notices, andlor other service or maintenance information for the reasonable life of the machines supplied are sent to the FDOT shop to which the machines are assigned. YES Comply?(Yes/No) 26 Bid No.: DE1699G2 11.5 PERSONNEL TRAINING: 11.5.1 The services of a factory technician or technicians, thoroughly trained in the use and operation of the unit, shall be furnished for a period of not less than two(2)days, to instruct personnel in the use, operation and maintenance of the unit after delivery. This is to be done at the delivery location. YES Comply? (Yes/No) 12.0 WARRANTY: The supplier shall warrant all components of its manufacture and design for a minimum of two(2)years following the date of acceptance and will replace to the FDOT any part found to be faulty in manufacture or workmanship. The warranty shall include parts and labor at the delivery location or at the suppliers service location, at the option of FDOT. Parts and service must be available within 2 working days. YES Comply? (Yes/No) Components not of the supplier's design and manufacture, such as the carrier,water pumps, valves, etc., are subject to the OEM warranty. In any case all warranties must be for at least two(2)years. Dates of warranties are to be the date of acceptance by FDOT. The successful bidder shall ad as FDOTs agent regarding any warranty claim on OEM warranted components. YES Comply?(Yes/No) NOTE: Specification problems, questions, or comment: Problems, questions, or comments regarding this specification must be directed to The State Maintenance Office(850)488-4562, FAX(850)488-4418 a minimum of 10 days prior to bid opening, and must be immediately confirmed in writing to: Kenneth kimsey, P.E., Mechanical Equipment Engineer, or Angel M. Birriel, Equipment Coordinator Florida Department of Transportation 605 Suwannee Street, MS 52 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0450 YES Understand and Acknowledge?(Yes/No) 27 Bid No: DE1699G2 4 VENDOR NAME: FEID4: PRICE SHEET FOB: LOCATION BID#: DE1999G2 Bid Title:TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER BID AS SPECIFIED IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OFFERERS: IF ASKED FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION, YOU MUST GIVE THE INFORMATION REQUESTED. THE COMPLETED SPECIFICATION/COMPLIANCE SHEET(S), VNTH ALL BLANKS FILLED IN AND PROPER RESPONSES SHALL BE RETURNED VNTH YOUR BID. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE OFFERERS: BIDDERS MUST SUBMIT ONE(1)ORIGINAL AND TWO(2) COPIES OF THE COMPLETE BID PACKAGE (SIGNED INVITATION TO BID, ENTIRE BID AND TWO(2) COPIES OF MANUFACTURER'S DATA). Firm Name (manual signature) The Is this product available with recycled content?_Yes X No If yes, please send information separate from this invitation to bid (See Recycled Material paragraph for more info). 28 Bid No.: DE1699G2 ITEM 1 PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Type 3.1 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carder $ 97 000.00 Manufacturer and Model VAC-CON V211 SA/1000 Delivery 90 days after receipt of carrier. OPTIONS:MAYOR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FOOT. OPTION PRICE WILL BE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OF AWARD.) Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by vendor): Manufacturer and model of tinier, complete information enclosed STERLING LT7501 OR INTERNATIONAL 2554 6X4 Price of complete unit installed on carder. $ 157,000.00 Delivery, 90 days after receipt of order. Option 9.2 A Block Buster@ type valve, price: $300.00 CYCLONE (ITEM 4) NO BID STROBE UGHTS(2) $ 846.00 GUARDS NO BID BOOM LIGHTS $ 437.00 SEALED TOOL BOXES $ STANDARD HOSE REEL FOOT $ STANDARD REAR DOOR VALVE $ STANDARD 29 Bid No.: DE1699G2 ITEM 2 PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Type 3.2 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carrier: $ 111,000.00 Manufacturer and Model VAC-CON V311 SN1000 Delivery 90 days after receipt of carrier. OPTIONS:MAY OR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FOOT. OPTION PRICE WILL BE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OF AWARD.) Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by vendor): Manufacturer and model of caner, complete information enclosed: STERLING LT7501 OR INTERNATIONAL 2554 6X4 Price of complete unit installed on carrier. $ 171,000.00 Delivery, 90 days after receipt of order. Option 9.2"Block Buster type valve, price: $300.00 Option(s)9.3 other available options, attached separatey: YES (Yes/No) HYDROSTATIC BLOWER DRIVE $5.708.00 3"GRAVITY DRAIN FOR HYDRAULIC PUMP $ 1.163.00 OFF/PLUMBED TO FRONT BUMPER 10'TELESCOPIC BOOM IN LIEU OF 6' TELESCOPIC $2.666.00 BOOM STROBES—EACH $ 423.00 BOOM LIGHTS $ 347.00 30 Bid No.: DE1699G2 ITEM#2 CONTINUED REAR WOORK LIGHTS $ 347.00 50' HANDGUN HOSE REEL $ 50.00 ELECTRONIC BACKUP ALARM $ 161.00 5" CULVERT NOZZLE $ 947.00 GRENADE NOZZLE $ 345.00 ALUMINUM STORM NOZZLE 8 ASSEMBLY $ 258.00 ITEM 3 PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Type 3.3 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carrier. $ 128.000.00 Manufacturer and Model:VAC-CON VPD3611 SHA/1000 Delivery, 90 days after receipt of carrier. OPTIONS: MAY OR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FDOT. OPTION PRICE WILL BE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OFAWARD.i Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by vendor): Manufacturer and model of carrier, complete information enclosed: STERLING LT7501 OR INTERNATIONAL 2554 6X4 Price of complete unit installed on carrier $ 208.000.00 Delivery 90 days after receipt of order. 31 Bid No.: DE1699G2 ITEM#3 CONTINUED Option 9.2 "Block Buster" type valve, price: $ 300.00 Option(s)9.3 other available options, attached separatey: YES (Yes/No) HYDROSTATIC BLOWER DRIVE INCLUDED 3" GRAVITY DRAIN FOR HYDRAULIC PUMP $ 1.163.00 OFF/PLUMBED TO FRONT BUMPER 10'TELESCOPIC BOOM IN LIEU OF 6' TELESCOPIC $2.666.00 BOOM STROBES—EACH $ 423.00 BOOM LIGHTS $ 347.00 REAR WOORK LIGHTS $ 347.00 50"HANDGUN HOSE REEL $ 50.00 ELECTRONIC BACK UP ALARM $ 161.00 5" CULVERT NOZZLE $ 947.00 GRENADE NOZZLE $ 34.5.00 ALUMINUM STORM NOZZLE &ASSEMBLY • $ 258.00 ITEM 4 PRICE PER UNIT DELIVERED TO ANY FDOT LOCATION IN FLORIDA. TRUCK MOUNTED SEWER CLEANER, PER SPECIFICATIONS FC 1420, Type 34 Sewer cleaner: Base price installed on FDOT carrier. $ 110 000.00 Manufacturer and Model: VAC-CON VPD 3611 SHA/1000SE Delivery, 90 days after receipt of carrier. 32 Bid No.: DE1699G2 ITEM#4 CONTINUED OPTIONS:MAYOR MAY NOT BE PURCHASED AT DISCRETION OF THE FOOT. OPTION PRICE WILL BE CONSIDERED AS BASIS OF AWARD.) Option 9.1 (Carrier supplied by vendor): Manufacturer and model of carrier, complete information enclosed: STERLING LT7501 OR INTERNATIONAL 2554 6X4 Price of complete unit installed on carrier with manual transmission. $ 165,000.00 Price of complete unit installed on carrier with automatic transmission: $ 170,000.00 Delivery. 90 days after receipt of order. Option 9.2"Block Buster type valve, price: $ 300.00 Option(s)9.3 other available options, attached separately. YES (Yes/No) CYCLONE (ITEM 4) STANDARD STROBE LIGHTS(2) $846.00 GUARDS INCLUDED BOOM LIGHTS $ 437.00 SEALED TOOL BOXES $ STANDARD HOSE REEL FOOT $ STANDARD REAR DOOR VALVE $ STANDARD 33 Bid No.: DE1699G2 DOT CONTRACT NO.: P0285 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO: FEDERAL EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER(FEED): F650267110-001 VENDOR SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES ADDRESS: 3409 INDUSTRIAL 27T" STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP: FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 TELEPHONE: 561-595-6940 TOLL FREE NO.: (800) 782-4134 FAX NO: 561-595-9171 DELIVERY: DELIVERY WILL BE MADE WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF PURCHASE ORDER. PRODUCT INFORMATION: DIRECT INQUIRY TO: NAME &TITLE: SHERRY DENMON, PRESIDENT ADDRESS: 3409 INDUSTRIAL 27T"STREET CITY, STATE, ZIP: FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34946 TELEPHONE: 561-595-6904 TOLL FREE NO.: 800/782-4134 INTERNET E-MAIL ADDRESS: southemsewer(aworldnet.att.net Will you accept the State of Florida Purchasing Card(VISA)? roc YES or _NO 34 • SOUTHERN SEWER EQUIPMENT SALES % o ` 3409 Industrial 27th St. • Ft. Pierce, FL 34946 To Whom It May Concern January 31,2000 Re:State of Florida Department of Transportation DOT CONTRACT NO. P0285 This letter is to certify Southern Sewer Equipment Saks will honor a purchase order from any City,County or State entity for equipment covered by this contract. The following types of equipment am offered: ITEM I 2 Stage vacuum compressor-PTO drive 60 GPM Q 2000 PSI Water pump ITEM 2 3 Stage vacuum compressor-PTO drive 80 GPM @ 2000 PSI Water pump ITEM 3 Positive displacement vacuum compressor-dual engine-Hydrostatic drive 80 GPM @ 2000 PSI Water pump ITEM 4 Positive displacement vacuum compressor-single engine-Hydrostatic drive 60 GPM @ 2000 PSI Water pump Items common to all units: I I Cubic Yard Corten Steel Debris tank 1000 Gallon Cross-linked Polyethylene Water tanks 450 GPM Hydraulic pump off system Hydraulic Rear Door locks Tilt Dump Debris Tank Flashing system 180 Degree Articulating Sewer Hose reel 500'x I"Sewer hose 6'Telescopic Boom with 240 Degree hydraulic rotation 20'x 8"Aluminum Vacuum Tubes w/clamps Ground Level pipe storage racks 25'x Y:"Handgun hose and handgun 1 - IS Degree& I -30 Degree I"Nozzle w/skid DOT Arrow board Please contact Southern Sewer Equipment Sales or our area sales representative for further information or to purchase from this contract. t J.L eo,..„„en___.) • S erry Den ..... President (561) 595-9171 FAX 1-800-782-4134 (561) 595-6940 "A Certified MBE Woman Owned Business" CLEAN EARTH 1.This equipment will clean under water . 2.This vacuum truck would cost$233,500.00 3.See attached options . CLEAN EARTH 1.School -The salesman will train the operators for two days at the city garage ,no mechanic school . 2.Clean earth has 70 employees that builds app. 15 trucks per month . 3.Testing of equipment very little at best . 4.Good engineering department . 5.0k stock room with ? hr. delivery 6.0k paint booth 7.0ut of date equipment in the factory . 8.Clean earth has been in business for app. 7 years . 9.Clean earth fabricates some of its parts in the factory . 10.The overall cleanliness was good . 11. I would rate this factor a 4 on a 1 to 10 scale FROM t GFT FRY. ND. B50-269-0927 Dec. 00 POOP IP:13PM PI CLEAN EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP, LLC 300 FLEMING ROAD, BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA 35217 PH. 205-841-7718 FX. 205-841-7765 TOLL FREE 800-382-8302 TO: C/T/ Of DCOFIZ DATE: 7,4/gj/(90 /}�: t!IDD)/ n ()Pc SUBJ: SA(ec/S )c/N/, FROM: GENE TURNEY TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES // beDY .-- e R,AJ9TicuJ /Er/vncuvy 'wnr 9s bxcrusrfD. 77T c/ST ICE foR_7i/E A'ay uiJ ue!!I /.00tuDni6 Dkt/uLR/ ,wb F4-eTo4 7/24/N/-t/14 /S 4133,Soo. e22 . JF yew A99E Soy Ov£sl/als 7[E�,SE 4AGL Mofy oR FLORIDA OFFICE. PH. 850-269-2327 PAGER: 800-680-8235 FX 850-269-0927 CELL: 850-217-0501 VOICE MAIL: 800-382-8302 EXT. 388 FROM : GFT FAX AO. : 050-269-0927 Dec. 00 2000 12:1ePPi Pll 5T efc eN95515 Sterling Model LT 7601, 2000 Year Model, 60,000 lb GVW (CM 3126B, 300 HP)w/Alr l Radio Engine. Cat 31268 eectronic 300 HP Engine Equipment Integral Shutdown Protection System Air Restriction Indicator Alternator' 100 Amp Delco Batteries. Two(2)65 Amp(855 CCA) Compressor Bendix 13.2 CFM Exhaust System. Horizontal Muffler wNertical Exhaust Transmission Allison MD3068CR-P 6-Speed Electronic Front Axle 20,000# Front Suspension. 20.000#Multi-Leer Rear Axle. RT-40-145 40,000# 4 88 Ratio Dryer Controlled Interaxle Lock for Both Axles Rear Suspension: 40,000#Hendrickson RT2.400 Main Driveline Spicer 1710 MD Brakes: Air Brake Package w/ABS Anti-Lock Brake System Air Dryer Bendix AD-0 w/Heater Tow Hooks: Front Fuel Tank. Dual 50 gallon Front Tires Goodyear Unistes! G286 Tubeless Radial 425/65R22.5 - 18 Ply Front Wheels. Disc 22.5 x 8.25 10 Hole Rear Tires. Goodyear Unlsteel G159A 11R22.5 14 Ply Roar Wheels Diu 22.5 x 8.25 ISO 10 Hole Cab Exterior Steel Cab Fiberglass Tilting Hood/Painted Grille Solar Tinted Glass Windshield and Side Glass Electric W/S Wipers w/Interval Grab Handles-Left and Right Nand Auxiliary Spot Mirrors Cab Interior Value Interior Medium Graphite Driver National Mid-Back Air Ride Suspension with Lumbar Passenger National Mld-Back Non-Suspension • LH iG RH Interior Sun Visors Air ConditionIng Radio Electronic AM/FM Stereo Dome and door mounted courtesy lights Instrument Pant Full Gauges, Electronic Cluster Hobbs Engine Hour Meter Oil Pressure Activated Warning Light 8 Buzzer-Air Brakes Frame 27.0 SM, 120 000 psi, 3,240,000 RBM FROM : GFT FPX NO. : Bse-269-0927 Dec. FIB ?Finn 1?:IRPM Pin pro ;ur'G^GNpte w rra -1(71412Z+Ira L:.Gnrcner 'U. r.o5 :Os:93 Pop 'CO '07 un{ 07.1]00'17 VM 9 WARRANT The unit will have a minimum of one•year warranty against defects in material and workmanship. The warranty well cover ooth parts and labor, All other warranties that oxceed one year shall apply. FROM : GFT FOX No. : B59-269-0927 Dec. OB 2000 12:17PM P9 Fr Fs-on 0 Mies ru -V-pi9$:E)28 q.3e'u L.`oY n E5i'2 co2r Ps . 1 of ',0'mncay Daoombat C7 BOB .. W Strobe beacon on cab Strobe beacon on body ACCESSORIES-continued COMPLIANCE/REMARKS Safelight system: Unit must Come equipped with minimum 4 lights to Illuminate bottom and sides of unit.With cab controls, All wing and lights must conform to NEMA 4 standard, Location to be determined after award. SafeScan system: Unit must come equipped with scan system to measure distance around perimeter of vehicle and give driver a Red L.E.D.footage count from objects. Readout mounted in cab. All wires and sensors must conform to NEMA 4 standard. Location to be determined after award. Hydro Excavation Package to include: Hydraulic Tool Circuit Digging Lance Digging Head 8"Wet Ring 8"x 3'Alr Induction Tube Boom Speed Adjustment MOUNTING The unit will be Factory mounted on the specified chassis and MI not exceed a neight of eleven(11)feet ten (10) inches. TRAINING We will provide a factory authorized training person for two (2)days. The purpose shall be to train operating and maintenance personnel on the proper 0 8 M procedures PAINT The unit will be painted. Dupont Imron singular color enamel to match the city's color specification. FROM : GFT FAX. NO. : 850-269-0927 Dec. EIS 200D 12:17PM PR rmv. La—m Gveru fa. .¢+.4)16aeua o Galt eby .. .1m5e2e8-ee27 Pam . f.r ior,u,.ea, o...-o.,:- ewe•27 am Electric back alarm. Vacuum relief Boom work lights HYDRAULIC SYSTEM COMPLIANCE/REMARKS Will produce 12 GPM at 2000 PSI, 1800 RPM Pump shall be transmission-mounted piston Mth test ports for troubleshooting Tne hydraulic reservoir shall be a minimum of 35 gallons with a level sight eye. Ten(10)microns filters and valves shall be installed at both the suction and return lines. ACCESSORIES Three (3)toolboxes 18"x 16' x 36'each shall be installed in a location not requiring personnel to climb, crawl or jump to use thorn. A tube rack capable of holding tour(4)each 8"x 8' tubes shall be instated, allowing personnel to place and remove tubes from ground level. 15 and 30-degree sower nozzles. One (1) Storm nozzle One (1)Sand nozzle Manhole bottom hose gwde A 25'x 2-V2"fill hose A self-winding handgun roes with 50' of 1f2" hose. One adjustable handgun with quick disconnects fittings. Two (2) sets of Operation 8 Maintenance manuals Non-skid steps with hendgnps allowing safe passage from ground level to a work platform at top of unit Hand held spotlight with retractable real mounted on bumper Rear arrow board split type FPOM OFT FAX NC. : 850-269-0927 Dec. OB ?MO 12:10PM PT rv.n PaTan GNcaey CI. -li 0112d1i1 in Game Ly"ry ea .u1p0;2E9CBY Page i nP PDIDur“ie, ceeunw-C7 2:04' ASP The control panel shall be constructed and sealed to NEMA o standard. The modular control panel shall be designed to be replaced in 15 minutes. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM-continued COMPLIANCE/REMARKS Front control panel shall come equipped with a permanently attached electrical wlrmg schematic inside. on the back of box. REEL AND OPERATOR STATION The front mounted reel shall have the ability to articulate 230 degrees across the front of the unit,with a capacity of 800 feet of I" hose. The operator will easily be able to rotate and lock the Reel at any angle desired within the 18'Jdegree rotation. A hydraulic motor will control reel rotation coupled to a planetary gearbox, chain and sprockets are unacceptable due to excessive wear and maintenance. The hose real shall tilt forward for access t0 the truck engine via hydraulic cylinder powered by an electric:power pack. Electric power pack shall run independently from main system. Level wind and footage counter will be Installed. 600 feet of l"x 2500-PSI sewer hose will be installed on the reel. CONTROLS and GAUGES will include the following Tachometer with hour meter. Vacuum Gauge. Oil Dampened Water Pressure Gauge with quick disconnects. Hydraulic Pressure Gauge. Truck Engine Throttle-electrically controlled Water pump engage/hydraulic flow control Electric throttle safety switch/kill switch Reel tilt Or OR Water Pressure Valve Hose Reel Direction and Speed Control. Single Boom Control Joystick to control all boom functions. Remote Pendant Push Button Control Hose Reel Articulation Brake. Cab Air Shifts for Power Systems. FPOH : GFT Fax NO. : 850-269-0827 Dec. 08 2000 12: 16PM P6 ;too. gr--mc U.i e Jr cv rl•meneue n.cnv;,'raw -a. "I:eeotma-aBV Para a n i0 r v.oay oq..r'a C: nx,I or co- s Transfer case shall come equipped with dipstick to monitor oil levels. VACUUM SYSTEM-continued COMPLIANCE/REMARKS A cyclone separator capable of separating material from air stream shalt protect blower. Separator shall remove 50 micron panicles or coarser. The cyclone shall be 24"wide x 65"high With a drop box 18'x 18'x 18"including a clean out hatch, Drop box shall have a two(2) inch drain with ball valve. A stainless steel removable micro strainer shall be installed in the centrifugal separator. BOOM Hydraulically powered up/down, left/right, and n/out. Pick-up Hose: 8" ID,front end operation and stored at front of the unit Unit shall be equipped with cab protector that will span the width of can. Will be equipped with a"squirt'boom telescoping section with a travel distance of eight(8)feet six(6) inches. Boom shall have a total extended length of 24 feet 11 inches from centerline of the unit. Boom coverage area 552 sq. ft , submit diagram Extra heavy duty elbow: Boom elbow shar: have a 6"formed channel to outer radius of elbow I, 000 lb boom rafting capacity with dual hydraulic lift cylinders. Max. lift capacity shall apply even when boom is fully extended. Boom shall swing 90 degrees to each side of the truck via a hydraulic cylinder. Gear or chain drives are unacceptable due to excessive wear and maintenance. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Sealed electrical system' All wiring shell be contained in a NEMA 4 flexible conduit. Wires will be coded, numbers and descriptions to be engraved on wires. Leaf-proof military-grade connectors shall be used. FROM : GFT FAX NO. : 85O-269-11927 Der_ O8 2000 12:15PM PS Fora Re an G aena> fa'-In 01832-6321Ti Gel*I ray u -I B'.C2t)to!? Pea 3 c•I01huncaf Oeumw.07 :)00 P PM a be used up to hose reel, including water control valve and swivels WATER PUMP -continued COMPLIANCE/REMARKS Swvel must be designed to tighten as it wears and can be rebuilt. Po moored by chassis engine via transfer case. Water pump will run independently from vacuum pump. Water pump speed shall be fully adjustable without changing the engine RPM and shall provide a variable flow system with the change of the nozzle. Controls for starting and stopping the water pump and varying the flow and pressure shall be at the control panel. The water pump hydrostatic system shall have a capacity of 6,000 PSI and 84 GPM. An integral oil to water heat exchanger with a 143,000 BTU per hour rating shall be included. Will be equipped with Myers full flow adjustable pressure regulator. Myers pump shall be equipped with drain valves on end caps and at the low-pressure Ode at the bottom center of tho pump. Pressure and flow controls shall bo located at the operator's station. A water strainer and shutoff valve will be installed In the supply line to the water pump. A"Y'strainer shall be installed in fill One to tanks. VACUUM SYSTEM Positive displacement. rotary lobe, blower Capacity Shall produce 4848 CFM at free air and 4000 CFM at 16 inches Hg. Include a performance chart from blower manufacturer. Dual vacuum relief vaves set at 15" Ng An air actuated 4"vacuum relief valve shall be included Vacuum shall be conlroited at control panel and pendant. Powered by chassis engine via transfer case and final cog drive. Transfer case shall include a high range hold with an anti slam start feature. Poly kevlar cog chain shall carry a ten (10)year non-pro rated warranty. [PON : OFT FAX NO. : F5O—?F4O927 Dec. 08 2000 12: 15Pr1 P4 Frpn iron 0MrWa -u -1O'.6/2:b9:6 1) oafl JrlUy o .1(95%20)C927 qoa - cr10lr. r u/ Oaay.4i67 n00 127>M NOTE. No hydraulic components shall be located inside Debris body. MOIST COMPLIANCE/REMARKS NTEA performance range, double acting cylinder powered up and down. Cylinder pins. Removable with retaining bolts. Capacity. 56,000 lb. minimum. Dump Angle 50 degrees minimum. Pivot points to have greaseless composite bearings or grease fittings. Cylinder shall have check valves to prevent collapse from hydraulic failure. WATER TANKS Capacity. 1500 U. S. Gallons. Two (2) 750-gallon tanks will be used. Constructed of aluminum or stainless steel. Warranty: A ten (101 years non-prorated warranty will be supplied Each tank will be equipped with ban valve low point drams. Internal baffles And six(6)inch connecting tubing between tanks for quick and level filling The tanks will not rise with tho debris body while dumping Water tanks will bo easily removed for replacement or repair. Tanks will be located above chassis frame rails to provide a flooded Inlet to the water pump and protection from road damage and off-road uses Water tank fill system shall come equipped with continuous hydrant till system. So operator can work at one location where more than 1,500 gallons is required System will supply tanks as needed. WATER PUMP Will produce 2000 PSI at 80 GPM and be a Myers Model DP80-20, Will be a triplex. plunger style, smooth,flow design. Staring from high pressure side of water pump 1"t.D. plumbing will FROM : GFT FAX NO. : 850-269-0927 Dec. OB 2000 12:14PM P3 Frr., taw.0 Mfiea A Fin ap'EIB^-6):! L^ Gino Lmh M .r Ie501Iaa0t17 Gepa 5 cf i0`Mary Nam par 07.:000I DFM 2 DEBRIS BODY.continued COMPLIANCEIREMARKS Door. Hydraulically lock/unlock, raise and lower using one hydraulic cylinder to perform the function. Cylinder shall be equipped with check valves for safety. Dual locking wedges shall have a reverse bevel to maintain a mechanical lock if hydraulic pressure should be lost for any reason Also a replaceable, reversible neoprene seal shall be supplied. Dumping and door controls will be located forward of the debris bogy on drivers side for safety,so operator does not have to cross In front or behind of vehicle at dump sight. External float typo debris level indicator shall be supplied. Float type automatic vacuum shutdown system with a stainless steel ball. housed in a Stainless steel cage. Body door hinge pins: Bolted to enable shim adjustment with grease fittings. Lock receivers shall also be shimmed for adjustment as seal wears. Decant: 6"butterfly valve mounted at lowest point of rear door, Internal screen, hinged to swing away for easy cleaning and 15'x 6' lay flat hose with rack. Debris tank shell also be equipped with 3'sludge system capable of pumping 500 GPM 0 20' need while vacuuming if needed or independently. 3"plumbing to the front of the unit with ball valve at front bumper shall be supplied. Bell valve shall be equippod with male cam lock. A female cam lock with I0'of lay flat hose to ft ball vaNe shall be supplied. Safety body prop shall be supplied to secure body during repairs. External rear door safety prop shall be Included Debris tank shall coma equipped with splash shield around sides and lower radius of tank to assist in containing load wnen dumping. Internal tank flusher system,full flow and pressure (60 GPM 0 2,000 PSI). FROM : GFT Fix NO. : B5D-269-0927 Dec. 08 2000 12:14PM P2 .,o i, . mcv.naJ. Fax 1L'•e1822432e o Gnr L'".y -W .vetoZ Den Pao0 a ci !jieww=y. De:x"u,:7 2X0 nor SPECIFICATIONS TRUCK MOUNTED COMBINATION JETNACUUM MACHINE Intent - The intent o1 this specification is to define the minimum requirements of the City of Ocoee, FL, for a vacuum air conveying catch basin, Sewer caner. General: This unit is designed for and capable of simultaneous high pressure Jetting and vacuuming for the removal of sand, grit, grease, sludge, stones and other materials from sanitary sewers, storm sewers. Caton basins, pumping stations. and other facilities. The unit will have a self-contained water supply tor use with a high pressure cleaner for breaking of blockages and removal of material contained therein. The unit wall include an air conveying system capable of simultaneous removal of debris flushed to the manhole by the sewer cleaner system or debts removal from catch basins, sumps, digesters, wet wells. etc using the single chassis engine as the power source. the vacuum system will include a sealed body for storage and removal of the collected debris. The unit will be designed for ease of maintenance and be fully operational by one man and all controls will be located at an operators station in front of the truck far convenience and safety. 'Tie combination machine mall comply with all federal, state and local laws binding upon this type of equipment Note: Bidders must note their compliance to the specifications in the space provided using the words "YES"o "NO". Deviations or changes must be noted and explained in detail on a separate sheet at the end of each section The use of words such as"exceeds,equal to or not required"will not be acceptable in lieu of a detailed explanation. DEBRIS BODY COMPLIANCE/REMARKS Construction: A dual radius designed vessel using I/4"high strength steel for the upper radius section. 3/B'high strength steel for the sidewalls, 1/4 " lower floor area and 1/2"high strength steel for the rear door. Capacity Ten(10) cubic yards, useable. The vessel shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 standards, including a three (3)step preparatory wash or be constructed of 304 stainless steel. A 10-year warranty shall be included. A pro rated warranty is unacceptable. A lifetime warranty in lieu of staled materials is unacceptable.