HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(B) Approval Of Coke Property Master Planning And Engineering Contract Agenda 6-19-2001 Item VII B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR!COMMISSIONER ()Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITY OF O C O E E COMMISSIONERS DANNY HOWELL 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE SCOTT ANDERSON OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON (407)905-3100 NANCY J.PARKER STAFF REPORT CITY MANAGER JIM GLEASON DATE: June 12, 2001 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning SUBJECT: Master Planning and Engineering Services Contract for Development of the Coke Property ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve a Master Planning and Engineering Services Contract with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. for development of the Coke property? BACKGROUND: On April 17, 2001, the Mayor and City Commissioners, after reviewing a recommendation from the joint City of Ocoee / Orange County Public Schools selection committee, unanimously chose the Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. design team to undertake Master Planning and Engineering Services for the Coke property. This firm was chosen based upon their ability to perform the entire range of tasks outlined in a proposed Scope of Services previously approved by the Mayor and City Commissioners. DISCUSSION: Over the past several weeks, representatives of the Orange County Public Schools, City staff and the consultants have met on a number of occasions to refine the Scope of Services and determine the level of work effort necessary to accomplish the Master Plan design. These professional services provide for a complete range of tasks necessary to permit the School Board to initiate design of the proposed high school by September of this year and begin construction in the Spring of 2002. (See attached proposal). It will also position the land to enable the City to market various parcels to pay back the land acquisition loan and pay for infrastructure costs associated with the high school project. In accordance with the Interlocal Agreement with the School Board, they are to share in the costs for the overall master planning effort for the entire 360-acre property, less any tasks that are deemed outside that work effort. This would include the Market Study (Ph. I / Task 2), Community Park Concept Plan (Ph. II / Task 9), and Site Development Standards Package (Ph. II /Task 10)to be paid solely by the City totaling $61,300.00. \‘‘ Protect Onee's.Water Resources;t 1 Page 2 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners June 12, 2001 Based upon the Scope of Services as outlined, the total professional fees for the entire project are proposed not to exceed $429,850.00. Of this total, Orange County Public Schools will pay $184,275.00 with the City picking up the remainder estimated at $245,575.00. Both the School Board and City staff believe that these fees are reasonable based upon the level of work effort to be accomplished and the speed in which the tasks are to be completed to meet the expedited schedule. Funding for these services will be paid from the bank loan secured for acquisition and development of the Coke property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the proposed Scope of Services and Fee Schedule for Master Planning and Engineering Services associated with development of the Coke Property, subject to approval of Orange County Public Schools for their portion of the fees, and further authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract prepared by the City Attorney to effectuate an agreement between the City and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. to accomplish same. RBW/csa Attachment-VHB Professional Services Proposal O:\CALEXANDER\ALL_DATA\CAPDFILE\Staff Reports\SR2001\SR01031 CC.doc I. Transportation ;; : - ---�. v i #� Land Development I I • • . 'LL i J U N - 6 2001 j Environmental • Services • • MRimagination innovation energy Creating results for our clients and benefits for our'communities- - ••- • • June 6,2001 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Tnc. Ref: 80296.01 Mr.Russ Wagner City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive .. Ocoee,FL 34761 • Re: Master Planning and Engineering Services for the Development of the Coke Property— Final Draft Professional Services Proposal • Dear Mr.Wagner: • Canin Associates and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc.are pleased to present this final draft proposal for the Master Planning and Engineering Services for the development of the Coke Property. This final proposal is based upon our meeting in your office on May 24,2001. As negotiated at that meeting,the professional fee required to accomplish the Scope of.Services attached hereto is$429,850.00. The fee basis for the labor portion for both Canin Associates and Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.will be the upset fee as shown in the proposal. Upset fee is defined as a Not-to-Exceed fee,provided that the scope is not modified. As stated within the Scope of Services,the allowance for meetings is estimated only,however,the amount will not be exceeded without prior authorization from the City of Ocoee. The reimbursable expenses are included as estimates only. The fees for subcontracts are proposed as Lump Sum fees. As agreed to in our meeting,we have prepared a tentative schedule for the execution of the attached Scope of Services. This schedule is attached hereto and forwarded to you for your review. Please note,Line 18 and 19 which indicate that the high school site will be identified and the stormwater management plan associated with the high school site will be conceptually configured by August 1,2001. Additionally,the enclosed schedule indicates that the high school project itself could be under construction by April 12,2002,provided that the construction that is initiated prior to August 16,2002 is outside of the jurisdiction of the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. Please forward this schedule to the Orange County School Board for their review and comment. With reference to the tentative schedule,please note that the notice to proceed date has been identified as June 19,2001. Any delay beyond that with issuing the notice to proceed, will result in a corresponding delay to the completed project. 135 West Central Boulevard Suite 800 Orlando,Florida 32801-2476 407.839.4006 • FAX 407.839.4008 email: info@vhb.com www.vhb.com \\\8029601\data\Wagner6-6-01 • Project No.: 80296.01 June 6, 2001 Page 2 We trust that you will find this final draft proposal acceptable. Upon execution of the final project and issuance of a notice to proceed,our team is prepared to immediately initiate this project in a timely manner. Should you have any questions,please advise. Very truly yours, VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN,INC. Reginald L. isdale,P.E. Director of Engineering RLT:dlg Enclosures: as stated cc: Mr.Brian Canin,Canin Associates I I I I ,.a B 1 \8029601\dataWagner6-6-01. 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES MASTER PLANNING AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR COKE PROPERTY PHASE I-INVENTORY AND BASE MAPPING Task 1—Assemble and Review Existing Base Data and Visit Site The Consultant will collect and assemble the following basic project data for use in the planning and engineering effort: • Boundary Survey in digital format from client • Limits of City owned and prospective City acquisition lands • Surrounding property ownership and boundaries • Existing utility and stormwater management facilities on or adjacent to site • 100-year flood prone areas • Utility easements, future power lines, road @ trail rights-of-way, walkways, access points, etc. • Future road alignments or widening plans that may affect the site plan • Existing Traffic Control devices for both Trail and Roadways • Other site-specific information that would relate directly to developing the conceptual plans. Consultant will visit the site to become familiar with its physical opportunities and constraints, and photodocument features and surrounding land uses. Task 2—Preliminary Marketing Program and Strategic Plan The Consultant will subcontract out to Charles Wayne Consulting,Inc. (CWC) the preparation of a market study that will identify long-term opportunities for single family development, retail development, office development and multi-family apartment development on the Coke Property site. As the initial effort,CWC will review and update the market study produced in the previous feasibility study dated October 25, 2000. A presentation on the updated feasibility analysis will be made to the City Commission on August 21,2001. Task 3 — Aerial Surveys, Aerial Field Control Surveys, Geotechnical Evaluation and Market Study The Consultant will subcontract for and provide the following project base data for use in the planning and engineering functions: • Aerial Photogrammetric Surveys—See Exhibit "A" • Aerial Control Surveys—See Exhibit"B" • Preliminary Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation — See Exhibit"C" • Wetlands Boundary Survey—See Exhibit"D" M:\8029601\data\CokcPropScopco!Svcs.doc - 1 - I Task 4—Ecological Features Information The estimated limits of wetlands within the project boundary will be delineated in the field with numbered flagging tape or stakes following methodologies outlined in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987) and the Florida Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology (Ch. 62-340 F.A.C.). Approximate seasonal high water (SHW) and normal pool (NP) elevations will be marked in each wetland based on biological and/or hydrological indicators. The limits of ACOE (federal) wetlands will be estimated and digitized over DOQQ aerial photography (or other base mapping aerial). Each wetland will be assigned a numerical designation and data will be recorded to characterize dominant vegetation and other indicators of current function and value. Representatives of the ACOE (or NRCS) and the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) will be contacted to field review flagged wetland limits, SHW and NP markings. Upon completion of the agency field review, the Consultant will locate the agreed upon wetland line by field survey referenced to State Plane coordinates. For the purposes of this proposal, it is assumed 8,000 feet of wetland will be located. A records search will be made regarding the documented occurrence of protected wildlife and plants. Protected species will be those listed under F.A.C. 39-27.003-005, F.S. 581.185 and 50 CFR 117.11 and 17.12. This search will minimally include; 1) a written request to the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) for records of occurrence on and within one (1) mile of the project; 2) a written request or an on-line review of occurrence records of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and 3) review of the Florida Atlas of Breeding Sites for Herons and Their Allies (FGFWFC Technical Report No. 10). An evaluation of upland communities supporting potentially protected species will include refinement of the preliminary 1 Vegetation and Land Use Map (FLUCFCS) of the Feasibility Study and field inspection of the communities. Each distinctive upland community will be identified by number on the refined FLUCFCS map and data will be obtained in the field to characterize dominant vegetation, level of disturbance and wildlife food, cover and breeding resources. Each observation of a protected species will be recorded. as to number of individuals and location. The coordinates of each gopher tortoise burrow will be recorded by use of a hand held GPS unit and status of each burrow(active,inactive, abandoned) will be noted. The location of environmental hazard areas as determined by previous Level I and Level II analysis will be mapped. The refined Vegetation and Land Use Map (FLUCFCS) will serve as the base for an overlay mapping of the approximate on-site location of protected flora and fauna as documented by the records search and field surveys. The location and status of each gopher tortoise burrow will also be identified on the overlay mapping. Task 5—Existing Traffic and Pedestrian Count Data The Consultant will collect the necessary traffic data to determine the base conditions related to the project site and determine the background traffic conditions. This will include the collection of link volumes in the vicinity of the project, as well as turning movement volumes at selected intersections adjacent to the proposed site. I bl:\8029601\data\CukePropScupcolSvcs.duc -2- I • 24-hour two-way(directional) traffic volumes (summarized in 15-minute increments) will be collected for the following roadway segments: • West Road east of Ocoee Apopka Road • Ocoee Apopka Road north of West Road • Ocoee Apopka Road between West Road and Fuller Cross Road • Ocoee Apopka Road south of Fuller Cross Road • Fuller Cross Road west of Apopka Road • East Crown Point Road east of the Western Beltway • Clarcona Ocoee Road south of West Road • All on and off ramps at the Western Beltway(4 ramps) interchange with West Road Six-hour turning movement counts will be conducted during the morning,noon and evening peak hours at the following intersections: • West Road at Ocoee Apopka Road • Ocoee Apopka Road at Fuller Cross Road • Intersections at West Road and the Western Beltway(2 intersections) In addition to the above-identified traffic counts, pedestrian count information will be collected at the intersection of Ocoee Apopka Road and the West Orange Trail. These pedestrian and bicycle counts will be conducted during both the morning and evening peak hours, and during the weekend peak periods. Task 6—Base Map Upon completion of the base data collection above, the applicable Subcontract tasks as described herein, the preliminary delineation of agency wetland jurisdictions on aerial photography and the preliminary location of all threatened and endangered species as specified in Task 3, the Consultant will prepare a comprehensive digital base map in AutoCad format Version 14 or higher. This base map will serve as the basis of all studies,qualifications, etc. Task 7—Meetings Consultant will coordinate and attend all meetings necessary with the City of Ocoee, the Orange County School Board, and their respective staff's to execute Phase I of the Coke Property project. The fee shown in Attachment A is an estimate only. Prior to exceeding the estimated fee, the Consultant will notify the City and the City will authorize such additional expenditure upon justification by the Consultant. Both the City and Consultant will monitor the estimated budget with the intent to minimize the required meeting fees. Task 8—Additional Services Consultant will provide Additional Services upon written request from the Client. The scope and fee required for these services will be identified, negotiated and supplemental agreement executed prior to initiation of the professional service. Additional services for Phase I may include but not be limited to the following: • More than 8,000 feet of wetland location • Meetings in excess of three (3) M.1802960I\data\CokcPropScopcotSvcs.duc -3- I • Other research, surveys, studies, etc., not specifically included herein Task 9—Reimbursable Expenses In addition to the labor compensation the Consultant shall be reimbursed for expenditures made specifically for the project such as: printing and reprographics; traffic counts; application/filing fees; out of County travel and subsistence; backhoe services for percolation testing; long distance telephones charges; shipping, postage, and courier service charges; purchase of maps and similar documents. These direct expenses will be billed at cost. If subconsultants and subcontractors are engaged by the Consultant for this project and are under contract to the Consultant, their services will be invoiced at one(1) times their actual cost. • M:\8029601\data\CukcprupScupcutSvcs.duc —4- I PHASE II—PUD LAND USE PLAN/PRELIiVIINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN Task 1—Detailed Development Program and PUD Land Use Plan(Master Plan) Consultant will work with the Owner's representative and School Board staff to clearly understand the School Board requirements and their development program, including building square footage and configuration, acreage, required parking and Average Daily Trips and peak hour characteristics resulting from the operations of the High School, the Elementary School, the Bus Parking/Maintenance Facility and the Technical Training School. In addition, an understanding of the timing of OCSB funding and their corresponding construction schedule will be required. Consultant will meet with key City staff to clearly understand the City's requirements for the park, the fire station, and police training facility and corresponding funding and timing for construction. This will also include square footage of buildings, parking requirements, acreage requirements and ADTs from the operation of these facilities. Consultant will refine the residential and commercial development program, and will analyze road and infrastructure improvements, including timing, cost and funding sources. Also, a critical issue associated with the analysis of this site will be to determine the optimal orientation and reservation of land for the future school board bus maintenance and parking facility. The Consultant will prepare a conceptual layout for the parking, maintenance building and administrative facilities for this site. This conceptual layout will be utilized to maximize the size of the Mixed Residential Parcel, and to optimize its shape and orientations to the West Orange Trail. Based on the information concerning the physical attributes of the site and initial development program information, Consultant will produce several Vision Sketch Plans to illustrate various concepts for the site and present to the Owner for review and input. Based on this input, Consultant will produce a preferred Vision Sketch from which to begin the master plan. Consultant will also develop an overall community theme that complements the preferred Vision. As an option, Consultant will work with key decision-makers at the City and School Board, in charrette format, to administer our Community Values Survey program to develop a broad consensus on the Vision Plan. The fee required for this Vision/Consensus Building Process would be an additional service. Consultant will then prepare a detailed development program and PUD Land Use Plan incorporating the selected land uses, densities and intensities, their relationships to each other and the proposed road infrastructure, retention/detention ponds, neighborhood buffers, parks, trails and open space. Deliverables will be as follows: • School Layout Plan illustrating preliminary layout of employee and bus parking, maintenance building, administrative facilities, and entrance locations. • Preliminary Plan illustrating berming and conceptual planting plans. • Analysis of site lighting and suggestions on minimizing light pollution. • Two to three optional Vision Sketch Plans illustrating concepts for the site including land use locations, transportation routing, park, and retention areas. I M:\802960I\data\CukcPropScopeuiSvcs.duc -5 - I • Preferred Vision Sketch, which will incorporate input and suggestions from the City of Ocoee and the School Board staff. • A community-theme statement that complements preferred vision with several representative pictures illustrating an acceptable land-use theme. • Workshop with City staff, commissioners, and school board representatives to present vision and preferred sketch. • Detailed development program. • PUD Land Use Plan incorporating the selected land uses, densities, intensities, their relationship to each other, proposed road infrastructure, retention / detention ponds, neighborhood buffers, parks, trails, open space, and all other Land Use Plan requirements of the City of Ocoee. • As an interim deliverable and by August 1, 2001, the Consultant will identify the preferred location of the sixty (60) acre high school and recommend a stormwater management plan to serve such preferred site. Task 2—Master Stormwater Management Plan iThe Consultant will prepare a Master Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) for the entire parcel of property that is presently in the ownership of the City of Ocoee plus the additional parcels that are presently designated by the City for acquisition. This Stormwater Master Plan will be based upon the PUD Land Use Plan developed in Task 1 above and will consider all external and internal factors that will influence the Stormwater Master Plan. Specifically, the SWMP will be developed from an optimum cost perspective considering such issues as joint use by the City and School Board, seasonal high groundwater table, site earthwork costs, wetland limits,permittable wetland impacts, wetland mitigation costs, etc. Upon completion of the Master Stormwater Plan, the Consultant will prepare a Conceptual Environmental Resource Permit application to be submitted to the St. Johns River Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This application will include the entire site and will be prepared and submitted on the Standard Joint Application form that is • acceptable to both agencies. This application will be based upon the Master Plan developed in Task 1 and will include the following: • Precipitation data from the FDOT Drainage Manual ■ Hydrologic input derived from the Land Use Map • Hydrologic analysis utilizing AdICPR version 2.20 • Wetland data from Task 4 • Mitigation concepts from Task 4 • ACOE practical alternatives • ■ Wildlife(T&E)resources • ACOE WRAP In conjunction with the Conceptual ERP Application, the Consultant will submit an application for Phase I construction. It is anticipated that this Phase I construction will include all of the wetland areas anticipated to be impacted by the Master Plan and PSP. These areas generally include the lake access complex, the wetlands along the west and south side of the high school site, the proposed southern access corridor, the southern offsite stormwater retention area, and the northern on-site retention facility. The preparation of the construction plans for this Phase I M:180296011data\CokePrupScopcoISvcs.doc -6- Construction Program is not included within the fee for this task. This fee will be determined upon completion of Task 1 above and will be submitted and negotiated as an additional service. Task 3—Master Grading Plan The Consultant will prepare a Master Grading Plan for the entire Coke Property parcel. This Master Grading Plan will be developed in conjunction with the Master Stormwater Management Plan and will achieve an on-site balance from the earthwork perspective. Factors to be considered will include but not be limited to topography, unsuitable materials, seasonal high groundwater table, soil drainage characteristics, 100-year floodplain requirements, parcel and lot grading concepts, landscaping and aesthetics. Task 4—Master Ecological and Environmental Mitigation Program An internal Ecological Constraints and Opportunities memo will be prepared that identifies, describes and locates upland communities that offer the fewest constraints to development e.g. absence of protected species, no unique or unusual characteristics. Each wetland will be ranked according to relative value and "permittability" for removal. The scale will be: high value (low permittability); moderate value (moderate permittability) and low value (high permittability). The ranking will also consider potential cost to mitigate, i.e., likely high mitigation cost- increased wetland value. Upland areas recommended for Conservation designations, if any, will be identified and rationale presented. Probable wetland impacts will be determined based on the preferred development option i.e. after consideration of ecological constraints and wetland status. A preliminary WRAP analysis will then be performed to estimate wetland mitigation debits and to outline options to achieve off setting wetland mitigation credits, i.e., enhancement, restoration, preservation, creation. Upon selection of the most technologically feasible and cost effective mitigation measures and consideration of upland Conservation areas, if any, a Master Conservation and Mitigation Plan will be prepared. This Plan will include the following components as appropriate. f ' • Summary description of the Project • Description of existing site conditions (soils, topography drainage and vegetation communities) • Proposed impacts • • Proposed mitigation (with illustrative maps and drawings) • Wetland Enhancement • Wetland Restoration • Wetland Preservation • • Upland Enhancement • Upland Preservation (Conservation area) • Methods to protect mitigation areas • Proposed success criteria and monitoring • Maintenance and management procedures • Preliminary Cost Estimate M:\8029601\data\CokcPropScopeotSvcs.duc -7- • Task 5—Master Utility Plan The Consultant will identify all existing on-site and near site wastewater, domestic water, re-use, electrical power, cablevision, telephone, natural gas, other existing utilities and graphically depict their type, size and location on the Master Utility Plan. During the research of the existing utilities, the Consultant will meet with all utility providers to determine the availability of service, to request capacity, to determine the point of connection and to determine the cost of connection and/or impact fee requirements. Subsequent to completion of the existing utility function, the consultant will analyze the utility requirements of the proposed Coke Property development as identified in the Task 1 Master Plan and prepare a preliminary design for the on-site and off-site wastewater, domestic water and re- use systems. Upon completion of the preliminary utility design, the Consultant will coordinate the preliminary design of the wastewater, domestic water and re-use system with the applicable agencies and coordinate other utility system requirements, i.e., electrical power, cablevision, telephone,natural gas, etc., with the respective providers so that the consultant may incorporate the providers' preliminary design into the Master Utility Plan. The Consultant will then prepare a Comprehensive Master Utility Plan depicting all on-site utilities and the required off-site facilities to the point of connection. Task 6—Master Open Space Program The Consultant will prepare a Master Open Space Plan and Master Amenities Program that integrates and links the high school,residential areas,parks, marina and potential village center. The Consultant will provide design sketches for community icons and signage, which will convey the overall vision for the community amenities. As part of the overall open space plan, the Consultant will produce and identify key buffer areas, pedestrian and bike trails, recreational areas and parks, and provide prototypical cross-sections of the trail and buffer elements. The Consultant will coordinate with the City of Ocoee and the School Board on the location of the pedestrian trails and walkways and their connection to the park system. Task 7—Master Transportation Improvement Program 4 Based on the development plan proposed for the site, the Consultant will identify the trips that will be generated by this development program, based on information contained within the most recent version of 11t's Trip Generation Manual. These calculations will include determinations related to internal capture of project trips as well as pass by trip volumes. These trip generation values will be calculated for daily, morning and afternoon peak periods. Based on the trip generation above, the Consultant will assign project trips onto the adjacent roadway network. Client will furnish the applicable portion of the urban area model to be utilized by this project. From the trip assignments from the above task, and information collected on background traffic, phased traffic demand on the adjacent roadway network will be calculated. From this analysis, level of service analysis will be performed at intersections within the influence area of the project,as well as the roadway links. M:\8029601\data\CokcPropscopcotSvcs.doc -8- I 1 Based on the results of this analysis, the impacts caused by project traffic will be determined. The Consultants will use this analysis to assist in refining the development program. Site access needs will also be identified for use in site planning. This mitigation plan will also identify those needed offsite improvements to maximize the potential of this development project. Based on the traffic projections for the project site and the land use patterns proposed, the Consultant will work, in a multi-disciplined fashion, to identify the most effective internal traffic circulation patterns to serve this site. This circulation plan will consider all elements of the site plan, ensuring the compatibility of uses, including educational, recreational, commercial/retail and residential uses. This plan will examine circulation patterns for all hours of the day and days of the week, including student-loading needs for the schools, and the recreational interactions from the trail and the site. As a part of this task, the Consultant will identify the needed internal roadways to support the development program proposed for the proposed site. This task will include the identification of the needed typical sections to support the needs of the project and adjacent land uses. These concept plans will include provisions for on-street parking, turning movements and other operational parameters. These conceptual plans will be prepared for initial site plan approval and marketing of the site. These plans will be prepared in AutoCADD, and displayed at a scale of 1"=100' for use during project review and coordination. The Consultant will also prepare the external roadway concept plans to support development of this site. These plans will include detailing of site access intersections, as well as other critical locations external from the site. These plans will include needed improvements in the vicinity of West Road, Ocoee Apopka Road and the ramps at the Western Beltway interchange. These concept plans will include plan view information only. Plans will be prepared in AutoCADD, and displayed at a scale of 1"=100'. Task 8—Preliminary Subdivision Plan Upon completion of Tasks 1 through 7 above, the Consultant will prepare, submit and coordinate the approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP). This PSP will be prepared in accordance with and meet the Code requirements of the City of Ocoee. The following plan sheets are anticipated to be included subject to additions and deletions during the preliminary design and master plan function: • Cover Sheet • Boundary and Topography Survey • Development Master Plan • Infrastructure Construction Phasing Plan • Land Use Plan • Tract Boundaries and Infrastructure Plans (no detailed lotting plans) • Stormwater Management System Sections • Aerial Overlay • Conceptual Site Plan—Landscaping • Conceptual Site Plan—Community Park • Conceptual Site Plan—Entry Elevation and Plan • Conceptual Site Plan—Sections/Elevations M:\8029601\data\CukcPropScupcotSvcs.doc -9- IIn addition and concurrent with the preparation of the PSP plans as described herein, the Consultant will prepare for each construction phase and the total project, an Opinion of Construction Cost for all infrastructure identified by the PSP documents. Task 9 - Preliminary Conceptual Plans for the Community Park The Consultant will prepare preliminary plans for the development of the community park and integrate the park to provide shared use of facilities and parking with the school facilities. The Consultant will prepare plans that illustrate access to the park from school facilities, the location of ball fields, tot lots, shade structures, pathways, and parking and circulation elements. The Consultant will coordinate with the City of Ocoee and the School Board on programming the park to serve both accordingly. Task 10- Master Site Development Standards Package The Consultant will prepare general design guidelines for the project which address community entrances, street hierarchy, community open spaces, pedestrian trails and walkways, building orientation and massing, site features, streetscape landscaping and signage elements. The Consultant will review and utilize the City of Ocoee's existing commercial guidelines, where possible. The guidelines will be general enough to allow future flexibility in architectural design and will not provide detailed architectural guidelines for the village. Task 11—Meetings Consultant will coordinate and attend all meetings necessary with the City of Ocoee, the Orange County School Board, and their respective staff's to execute Phase II of the Coke Property project. The fee shown in Attachment A is an estimate only. Prior to exceeding the estimated fee, the Consultant will notify the City and the City will authorize such expenditure upon justification by the Consultant. Both the City and Consultant will monitor the estimated budget with the intent to minimize the required fee. Task 12—Additional Services Consultant will provide Additional Services upon written request from the Client..The scope and fee required for these services will be identified, negotiated and supplement agreement executed prior to initiation of the professional service. Additional services for Phase II may include but not be limited to the following: • Presentation Quality Graphics . • Visioning/Consensus Building Process • Detailed PSP with lotting layout and other details beyond Infrastructure Layout and Tract Designation • • Phase I Final Construction Plans • Other studies, designs,etc., not specifically included herein I I M:\8029601\data\CukcPrupScupcu!Svcs.duc — 10 I Task 13—Reimbursable Expenses In addition to the labor compensation the Consultant shall be reimbursed for expenditures made specifically for_.the project such as: printing and reprographics; traffic counts; application/filing fees; out of County travel and subsistence;backhoe services for percolation testing; long distance telephones charges; shipping, postage, and courier service charges; purchase of maps and similar documents. These direct expenses will be billed at cost. If subconsultants and subcontractors are engaged by the Consultant for this project and are under contract to the Consultant, their • services will be invoiced at one (1) times their actual cost. i i i . • • • I I M:\8029601\data\CokcPropScopcotSvcs.duc — 11 — PHASE III-FINAL DESIGN, PERMITTING AND CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES • During and following Phases I and II of the Coke Property Evaluation,Planning and Preliminary Design as described herein, it shall be at the option of the City of Ocoee to seek additional proposals that may include final planning, engineering, landscape architecture and surveying services to implement the Development Program and Preliminary Subdivision Plan. The fees to accomplish these additional work efforts will be determined, negotiated and supplemental agreement executed prior to initiation of the assignment. It is understood that re-advertisement for professional services pursuant to Florida Statutes is not necessary prior to this action. • M:18029601\data\CokcPropScupcolSvcs.duc — 12— ATTACHMENT A CITY OF OCOEE COKE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT FEE DISTRIBUTION Task Description CA(D) VHB(D) IFR. LE CTE NAI CWC TOTAL Phase I—Inventory&Base Mapping 1 Assemble&Review Existing (A) $4,300.00 $4,300.00 Base Data and Visit Site 2 Preliminary Marketing Program and Strategic Plan • $33,800.00 $33,800.00 3 Aerial Surveys,Aerial Field Control Surveys,Geotechnical $800.00 $2,400.00 $17,830.00 $37,040.00 $9,780.00 $67,850.00 Evaluation&Market Study 4 Ecological Features Information --- $16,700.00 $10,500.00 $27,200.00 5 Existing Traffic&Pedestrian $1,000.00 Count Data -- $],000.00 6 Base Map $4,500.00 $400.00 $4,900.00 7 Meetings(E) $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 8 Additional Services --- --- 9 Reimbursable Expenses(c) $700.00 $3,000.00 $3,700.00 Subtotal—Phase I $7,500.00 $29,300.00 $17,830.00 $37,040.00 $10,500.00 $9,780.00 $33,800.00 $145,750.00 Phase II—PUD Land Use Plan/Preliminary Subdivision Plan • I Detailed Development Program& $42,500.00 $14,800.00 PUD Land Use Plan $57,300.00 2 Master Stormwater Management $40,500.00 Plan $40,500.00 3 Master Grading Plan --- $10,000.00 $10,000.00 4 Master Ecological& Environmental Mitigation --- $9,600.00 $9,600.00 Program • 5 Master Utility Plan --- $20,400.00 $20,400.00 6 Master Open Space Program $10,000.00 --- $10,000.00 7 Master Transportation - $19,200.00 Improvement Program $19,200.00 M:\R029601\data\Coke Pro pFccD istTahlc.doc . 0111.111. UMW • Task Description CA(D) VIIB(D) IFR LE I CTE NAI CWC TOTAL 8 Preliminary Subdivision Plan $22,500.00 $15,000.00 $37,500.00 9 Preliminary Conceptual Plans for $12,500.00 Community Park '_ $12,500.00 10 Master Site Development $15,000.00 Standards Package $15,000.00 11 Meetings(E) $12,100.00 $12,000.00 $24,100.00 12 Additional Services 13 Reimbursable Expenses(o) $16,000.00 $12,000.00 $28,000.00 Subtotal—Phase II $130,600.00 $153,500.00 $284,100.00 TOTALS $138,100.00(c) $182,800.00(a) $17,830.00(F) $37,040.00(F) $10,500.00" $9,780.00(F) $33,800.00(F) $429,850.00 • CA—Canin Associates VHB—Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc. LE—Leading Edge CTE—Consul-Tech Engineering,Inc. NAI—Nodarse Associates,Inc. CWC-Charles Wayne Consulting,Inc. IFR—I.F.Rooks&Associates,Inc. NOTES: A) Included in Phase I—Task 5 B) VHB services include Transportation,Civil Engineering, &Environmental Sciences C) CA services include Programming,Planning and Landscape Architecture D) Fees identified as CA and VHB above are upset fees with the exception of meetings, i.e.,Phase I,Task 7 and Phase II, Task 11. E) Meetings, i.e.,Phase I,Task 7 and Phase II,Task 11 are estimated budget amounts with a provision for approval by City prior to exceeding the estimated budget amount. F) Fees shown for subconsultants above are lump sum fees. G) Reimbursable fees are estimated amounts only without an upset provision. 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