HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(D) Approval and Authorization to Waive the Formal Bid Process and Accept the Lowest Quote for the Purchase of a New Tractor City Manager Jim Gleason Agenda 01/06/2004 Item V D Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: Robert B. Zaitooni, P. E., Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer DATE: January 6, 2003 RE: Waiving of Formal Bid Process- Purchase of a Tractor with Side-arm Mower, Stromwater Section ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve waiving of the formal bid process for the purchase of a budgeted tractor with side-arm mower in order to meet the City's financing deadline? BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The Public Works Department, Stormwater Section budget for FY 2003-2004 includes funds ($18,750/year, 4-year lease) for purchase of a replacement tractor with a side-arm mower for ditch mowing. Staff initially pursued use of state contracts for this purchase. However, further investigation revealed that substantial savings in purchase price of a tractors and side-arm mower with similar specification, and obtained three (3) written quotes for the purchase as follows: 1. Fields Equipment Company- John Deer 6615 Cab Tractor with 23' Boom, $70,916.00. 2. Cobb Tractor Company- New Holland TS 115A Cab Tractor with 23' Boom, $67,300.00. 3. Robinson Equipment Company- Massey Ferguson 5270 Cab Tractor with 23' Boom, $85,000.00. The State Contract price for a John Deer 6615 Cab Tractor with 23' Boom is $81,917.00. In order to meet the City's financing deadline and avoid substantial delays for a formal bid, staff is recommending waiver of the formal bid process and acceptance of the lowest quote for a New Holland TS115A Cab Tractor with 23' Boom at $67.300.00 from Cobb Tractor Company. Copies of the quotes are attached to this staff report. City of Ocoee Public Works. 301 Maguire Road. Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3170. fax: (407) 905-3176. www.ci.ocoee.fl.us RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners approve waiver of the formal bid process and accept the lowest quote for the purchase of a New Holland TS115A Cab Tractor with a 23' Boom at $67,000.00. Attachment: Three (3) Quotes 11/21/2003 22:48 FAX ~01 FACSIMILE COBBtS TRIANGLE TRACTOR IUS C.R. 44 EAST EUSTIS. FL. )1736 PHONE: 3S2.3S7.79l0 FAX: J~2.3~7.7IJO ..} tlln )(/U') . 2 {I- 1- 11 ()() - f.,,(( I' ! .7 (, (/ A; (., (' _J_ ..~.N) __ ~v~\ - ~\ h,t; NO\ Fax LJp? - jlJ~~- 3)7 /, 08: /1- t/-DJ p..: f- o Please Comment ~o PIeau R8cycte /J, 1/. J -- L -Ii If -IS '1.6/J /JIetIJ /isj,!,(ll/ 1)'1/ --l.(Jc, I j/?AcfO 4~ sIll .-'" / - l-MT ;'3 A -,tWit tffw~1L 0'TR,'I1)./l/p}f~,~>/DIt IIJ-S'rfd.-6J hud /1-VA-,,/~J!L - lik/ Wf,'rkt Jpl !1~ - ~J\rl /;DD t1 f1IJo ~(;e )/.flf-tI lve iJrA'JJ 4/At1/J PI. n;,4 Ho"d, ,fJ!f 11{(Ll,d#~ - (fill )l.f., Tl1A-P/(> J~ . . . t . . . ;.I\~. t , . . . . . . . · · · · 'y? \1)').1 ',)J I 1t 1JljV ~) . ~ PI I .! J 11/21/2003 22:48 FAX -- RHCILf.AN) 1lJ02 TSl15A Model TS115A Deluxe All Purpose Tractor (with cab) EJIlGJ1I/T- 95 PTO hI' (p.l 11t.Xl rpm h Cylind.:r5. Turbocharg.:<I:lnd Inl~rcooled ~IOcu. in. (6,7L) l)j~I'I:lcement Ro~dl FlI~1 h*clion Pump (mechanical) Grid 11~:l11'1 St:Jlting Aid Dunl Element Air Filter A-PiII3r ~Xh3USl with inll:l..'T1d mllfn~( Viscous EU\ (5-Na\1~) 58, I (i;\lllln (:!20LI Fuel Tank hX>l and H:md Throult 1'RANSMISS'ON :!411:!4UuaJ Cornlll;lndn.l SI~'Crirl~ column mounted Idl-h:1I1d rower 5huIllc Two-speed rl)w~r5hjft Fully ~ynchronizcd gcan (4) and ranges m Multi-plale wet c1ulch de5ign 16x 16 "AUlllShift" SI~111: column mounltd kh-hand power shunle four powershifb po!r l'aJ\pe with autolceonl1my ~hi rl fc!3lUres CIUIChkss rOO111: \:h",,~~ Mulli-pI11c! wel clutch design STEE'UNGIDRAKf.S Hydruslatic Power Steering Hydraulic Wet Disc Br.lk~~ (~elr-equnlizing and 5elf-:IIJjusling) ParLin!; Rrake (automolive slyl.:) A.UES rroot1WD ~5" Turning an~l.: Sin~l.: Sleering Cylinder Heavy-duly :t(ljus~h1~ d~jtm 11 0 ^"I~ oscillation Adju5mblc lrc:.d widlh from 56 in. 10 84 in. l "ancs hy lirf size I "~~v)'-dUly spi,,\lI~ with H-boll hub Front FWD 55~Ttlmlnganglc Dual sleering cylinders 12" A "Ie oscillation Adjustable tread width from 55.4 in. 1(1 83 ill. (vaPes hy lire size) Tetr:ll..ockr.-< Autt) FWD/l)iffereminl Locll Eng~mtnt DIi VC~h3fL shield '. I..utd O:'i.lll-O~ STANDARDEQUlPMENT DIFfERENn.u Ulel{ Wel Pl:ill: Rc:ar DiHc:relllial Eltcttohydraulically Engaged Re:1J Di ffLod. no lndcpl:ndent5401l 000 1'p1l1 wi Ih reversible shal't Multi-plate Wet Outch IXsign Eleclrohydr.lulic E"tr.'~etl\enl with soft ~HlrtJ:lUto feathcring Hydraulic Piston PTO Br:l"e with m:llmal override Rip-up PTO Sh:afl Gu;mJ IIl'DRAUUC SYSTEM CCLS: CloSC:lJ-t;cnter.loDd-sensin~ Systcm Variable di~laumenl piston pump MlIlIimum flow 1t rolll::d en~l~ ~peed 265IWrn (1()l) 11m) iml'lement pump T w(I C1osed-center Deluxe Remole Valve$ with quick eoupkrs and anti-leak down DUllI itldividuallevel control Oil co11cctiun bunks Hy(t\1lUlic Topping poo (powcr bcyon<l) 10.5 gpm (40 11m) Pump ft>r steering and operating circuits ~f'OINT uN SYSTEM Electronic J)rnft. Control (EDC) lower link sensing Fast roi!'OeIlower conllol (in cab) Rear fender-mounl.l:d 3-pOint raisellower switchc~ Dyn:lrt\.ic Ride COOb"ol''' 9620Ib~.lirtc:lpaciIY (SAE)withdunl8Omm cl(temalrnm C:llcgory wmN AeJt Lin1c Ends Tele~oping SllIbilizc:rs INSTAllMENT A liON Arntlo1!fDig-iL3llnsuument CIUSler wilb LCD display ELECIlUC"'_ (I) 12-volL 1300 CC3 8:11I':1)1 I:!O-amp Allem:llOl' Geared Sl.lltler MOlor (3.0 kW) 7-pin Outkl for IrniletlimpIemenr lighting 4-pin (40 l1Illp) tmplcftlClll Sl,c\o;et lSO/ID (30 :1MI') Socket I S amp Screw.type posiliveINe~:ttive Tcnnin.1s Singlc Pin (8 limp) Accessory Outlet Two Roof-mounttd Sill~lt-pin Oullcu for beaCon CigarLighler 8Dne~ Boost TtI1Tlinlll~ 1191 LIGHTING Two H:lIogen Fronl H~3dlit!hIS Ten H;!I\\gell Work lights (2) hood mounted forw;lrd facin1l en cab roof mounttd forward facing (2) ",~h r.Iil mounted forward f;J\;in~ (:!) ob roof mounl.:d re3r facin(! (2) rear "C" J'lMI mounled re-.u fal;ill~ Two T:1IlIl{!hls Time Dd:\yed Turn Indic:ltors with OIU\.tible warning Front ""CJ R~ar Cab Roof Ml'untcu A:1shin~ Safety Lighls DEUIXF.. CAB A:tt Deck Platform Deluxe Full COV(,ToII!:C: floor Mat Air Condilioner :1M H~ler with 4-spcc:d prc:~~uri7.er Opening RocfHi-visibililY Panel with sunshatk Two-door Enlry with locks Two-spcaJ InlcmUUCIlI Front Wipcr/Washc::r Rear Intermittent Wiper w;th ..1.~hel' Hinged Rear Windnw Tinltd Glass wIth sunsh:Jde Inierior Slon"l: 90" with cup holder TiltlTelescoping Slecriflj! W1lee1 Deluxe Air SIL~~nsion Seal wilh swivel. operator presence swill'" llJ\d lap belt Radio Ready wilh ~~akers. antenna and wirin~ ham.:ss Dil,ritill Clock Intcgr31 ROPS Interior Dome Ughl Two EXll:mill COtl11Cs)' Lights Two Extemal MilTon ~om MISCELLANEOUS Pivoting En,inc: Hood Swin~n~Dr:lwb3J SMV Embkm Tooloox W ARIlA!\ITY New HoJl:md Sl3ndatd Wananly Applies SIUprlNG POINT Poo of Enlry u.s. 11!21/~UUJ ~L:48 rAA ~IU4 SUPER SAFETY ROTARY CUTTER FOR MOTRIM BOOM MACHINES , MODEL 5BH /'" . , , '-...... .. l..,-' Super Safety Rotary Cutter with Hydraulic Operated Guard That is Positioned at an Angle to Allow the Cutting of 511 Trees and Brush. BYM T- o rim INC.~ ~ THE LEADER IN BOOM MOWERS MoTrlm Has Been Manufacturing Boom Mowers For Over 35 Years. .j FIELDS EQUIPMENT CO., INC. JOHN DEERE.....A WAY OF LIFE I FROM: I ]\chJ ~UIS 1~w9~ (1 mo~ I ~lol D3 I /DATE: \ ITO: I vo 7 -qoS- 3171.0 I FAX #: ICOMMENTs:ln1Su~&jJ ~mC;s+:r;r ~+~Ch,( {mowry.... dehv~J h ~('j.A :/' LO) q I to · tx) . A Cr8?f'" @ecif' qy.~'; -~ I \ Lb~ ij,q(Q ;00 tl!I)l1" o:;houl ~ ~IA. We. rJ It' .....l.:. -"",., I NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET: I . ~ 17215 US HWY 27 NORTH P.O. BOX 121179 CLERMONT, FL 34712-1179 352-394-7181 " 352-394-7372 OFFICE PHONE FAX.PHONE FIELDS EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. a II WHOLE GOODS SALES QUOTATION SALES & SERVICE 17215 U.S. Hwy. 27 North. P.O. Box 121179 . Clermont, Florida 34712-1179 . (352) 394-7181 TO: ~ CITY. MODEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT qo lf '1 \ S~ 1(P. i2. () TRADE.IN (TITLE CLE...R?) MODEL AND YEAR MAI<E .EIUAL NO. AND DE.CIU"TIDN TR"'DE-IN ALLOWANCE- MISC. CHAROEII BUB.TOTAL LESS TRADE.IN TOTAL CAaH DELIVERED ..AICE TAXEII CUBE-BALE) TOTAL SIGNATURES - BLACK INK. "u"eN....Il" "'DD"Il.. TOWN I.. ,. NLDS IQUUlMeNT COMPANY. INC. .ELLE.... "'UTHO"'ZIlD .'ON"'TU"E AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS JOHN DEERE TRACTORS 6615 ComfortVantage Cab Tractor Equipment for Base Machine ENGINE: 95 PTO Horsepower at 2300 RPM 6 Cylinder Turbocharged John Deere Diesel Engine 414 C.I.D. (6.8 Liters) Dual Temp Cooling System Dry Type Air Cleaner with Safety Element and PreCleaner Underhood Muffler with Vertical Exhaust Engine Service Side Shields Thermostart Starting Aid Anti-Freeze ROCKSHAFT AND DRAWBAR: One Fender Mounted 3-Pt. Hitch Cont. Rear Dual Cylinder Rockshaft Cat. 2 Hitch LH Telescopic Draft Link Electronic Hitch and Control Swinging Drawbar Left Hand Stabilizer Bar TRANSMISSION: 12 Forward/4 Reverse SyncroPlus Transmission Park Lock Hydraulic "Wet" Clutch LIGHTS: Two Front Grill Single Rear Working Light Flashing Warning Lights Combination Tail and Implement STEERING AND BRAKES: Hydrostatic Steering Hydraulic, Self-Equalizing Disk Brakes REAR AXLE WHEELS AND TIRES: Flanged Axle Eight position Steel Wheels 18.4-38 In. Rear Tires HYDRAULICS: Load Sensing Constant Flow System 17.5 GPM Pump Capacity at 2300 Engine RPM Single Selective Control Valve with ISO Couplers FRONT AXLE WHEELS AND TIRES: 2WD - 10.00-16 In. Tires, - 59.1-74 In. Adjustable Axle MFWD - 13.6-28 In. Tires - Caster Action Mechanical Front Wheel Drive Axle - Anti-Wrapping Shaft Guards POWER TAKE-OFF SHAFT: Independent 540/1000 RPM Rear with Shields Hydraulic Clutch Neutral Start Seat Activated PTO warning MISCELLANEOUS: Hydraulic Differential Lock SMV Emblem Full Length Structural Frame 54 Gallon Fuel Tank Capacity Tiltable Engine Enclosure ELECTRICAL: 12-Volt Electrical System Battery (1230 CCA, 110 Ah) 7 Terminal ASAE Outlet Socket Key Engine Shutoff 90 Amp Alternator One Remote 3-point Hitch Switch COMFORTVANTAGE CAB: Two Doors Two Front Roof Working Lights Air Conditioning Tilt Steering Wheel Console Mounted Shift Levers Mechanical Suspension Seat with Armrests and Seat Belt Radio Prep Package - Antenna, Antenna Cable, Two Speakers and Wiring Harness for Speakers and Radio Hand and Foot Throttle Power Outlet Socket viscous Drive Fan INSTRUMENTATION: Tachometer Speedometer Hour Meter Electronic Fuel Gauge Oil Pressure Indicator Light Air Cleaner Restriction Indicator Coolant Temperature Gauge CODE ATTACHMENT DESCRIPTION IDENTIFIER REF. LIST PRICE US $ 1 November 2003 US & Canada 2- Tractors-02200- 1 6215, 6415, 6615, and 6715 Tractors Page 1 of 1 6615 Tractor (95 hp) if Or f} '=3 ) /fJ(J f I t/'- Higb-torquePowerTech™ engine delivers up to 51percenttorque rise EJfi!:ient coo1in~sysiem meetsemissionregQlations while mailltllininghigb-qualityperformance Coolant__~ooled~_har~llir c~QJe.rimlm)\,esfuelefrlcien cy SYI1~roPIQSTM transmission with 12 Jorward/4 reverse speeds with shift-on-the-go capabilities Optional SyncroPlus™ 16/16transmission with mechanical left-hand power reverser (6215, 6415, 6615, and 6715) M()dulatec:l dllaL5AOI1000 nunrearJ)TQ_deHverssmo~th, shock-free engagements Jolin Deereload sensing!:ollsJanUlowhydrlluHc sy~tem Category 2, 3-point hitch with hitch dampening stand delivershigh hitch lifting capacity E lectronichitch control jm proves opera to r prod u ctivi ty Ql!tj(malMFWDwith_S2::c:legr~e_turnangle delivers tight turns and upfront power Optional ComfortYantage™cab 6015. Series TractorsJndcx II Previous Item II Next Item Copyright lD Deere & Company. All rights reserved. Last updated November 03, 2003 '('JI)"tIJ ROBINSON EQUIPMENT CO.., INC.. POST OFFICE BOX 156 MIMS. FLORIDA, 32754 TELEPHONE 321-267-2023 FAX NO. (321) 267-5824 EQUIPMENT QUOTATION MASSEY -FERGUSON TO: City of Ocoee bATE 11-21-03 Dave HaRRIS Tne IOIlOWI~ll is submitted for your con,lder3Uo~ anclaCceplance wllnln 30 day,. sUbJ!ld to applicable III~e!l and ~r1ees:lM terms de9crlbeCl bolow. Quantity DGlcrlptlon Unit Price 1 Massey Ferguson 6270 Tractor 4 WID Cab 23' I Alamo A-Boom mower with 60 II Rotary Head I.exan Door r . Wheel Weights $85 000.00 . Customer Order No. Robinson Equipmc::nt Co., Int:. Signature By CASH CHARGE C.O. D. CREDIT Form , 90 Rev 1'19/00 MF 6200 Series tractors @ Kay~ . = ,tandard. 0 = opllonal. - = nol availabla. C = cab. P = plalform MODEL MF 6245-4 MF 6255.2(4 MF 6265"2/4 MF 6270-2/4 MF 6280,2/4 MF 6290-2/4 Class Row crop Row crop Row crop Row crop or Row crop or Row crop or Chassis wid NOW crop wide-row crop wide-row crop C C C C/P C/P C/P High-Visibility hood line . 0 PERFORMANCE HP PTD @ 2.200 erpm 75 B5 95 100 110 120 Torque, max.; ft Ibs (Nml @ 1,400 erpm 2561347) 2841385) 307(4171 341 (4631 371 (503) 403 (5471 ENGINE Perkins engine model 1004.4TW 1004.4TW 10D4.4rvv 1006.6T 1006.61 1006.6T Aspiration . Wastegeteturbo Wastegate turbo Wastegate turbo, Turbo Turbo Turbo intercooled Cylinders 4 4 4 6 6 6 Bore: in (mml 3.9 (100) 3.9 (100) 3.9 [1001 3.9 (100) 3.9 (100) 3.90001 Stroke: in Imml 5.0 (127) 5.0 (127) 5,011271 S,0{1271 5.0 (1 Z7l 5.0 (127) Displacement jnl (LI 244 (4,01- 244 (40) 244(4.01 365(6.0) 365 (6.0) 365 (6,0) Air cleaner: dua I, dry with exhaust aspiration On standard hoods . . . . . . ELECTRICAL Batteries: two, 12,volt. 420 CCA . . . . . . Alternator amps (C/P) 120 120 170 120/70 120/70 120/70 Lighting Standard cab. 10 warklights- front and rear, 2 headlights, warning flashers. and taillights VisiRoof cab - 8 worklighlS' front and rear, 2 l1eadlight~, warning flashers, and taillights Platform - 8 workligl1tS' front and rear, 2 headligl1ls, warning flashGrs, and t8illigl1tS CLUTCH Multi-plate, oil cooled . . . . . . TRANSMISSION'.21 32Fx32R Dynashift r~ with synchro gearbox. manual synchro shuttle and 4.speed powershift . . . . . . 32Fx32R DynaShuulg'M with synchro gearbox and left-hand "power control" of shuttle and 4.speed pow€rsh'lft 0 0 0 0 0 0 Forward speed: min. mpl1 (kph) 13 (21) 13 (21) 13121) 13 (2 1l 13 (21) 14 (2 31 ForWard speed: max. mph (kphl 23.2 (374) 23.2 (37.41 23.2 i37.~) 23.9 1385) 23.8 138.31 2J8 (383) 48Fll48R DynBshift'" with creeper 0 0 D 0 0 0 48Fx48R DynllShuttle™ with creeper 0 0 0 0 0 0 Speeds: min. mph (kpllJ 0,3 (051 0310,5) 03 (05) 03 (05) 03 (05) 0.4 (OGI POWER TAKE.OFF (PTO) Type: 540/1000/economy . . . . . . Engine speed @ 540 rpm 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1000 rpm 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 economy 540 or 1000 rpm 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 1550 3-POINT HITCH Electronic control of draft. position intermix, helght/depth, rate of e1rop, quick drop and Active Transport Control . . . . . . Category II . . . . . . Lower links: twin external lift arms. turnbuckles on both drms. twin telescopic stabilizers . . . . . . Externallinkaqe control~ . . . . . . Lift. max. at link ends Ibs (kg) 12,897 (5,850) 12,897 (5,850) 12,897 (5,8501 17.,897 (5,8501 15.653 (7.100) 15.653 (7,l()OI Lift max. 24" behind link ends: Ibs (kg) 7.000 (3.175) 7.00013.1751 7,000 (3,1751 7.000 (3,175) 9,250 (4.196) 9.250 (4.196) 111 Speeds with 16,9R-34lires at rated erpm for MF 6245 model. Reverse speeds are matched to related forward speed (2) Speeds with 169R-3B tires at rated erpm for MF 6255 and 6265 models Reverse spe~ds are matc]led to related forward speed. (3) Speeds with 18.4R.38 tires at rated erpm for MF 6270. 6280 end 6290 models Reverse speeds are matched to related forward speed FIELDS EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. a <'-~._.-,--,,~ II WHOLE GOODS SALES QUOTATION SALES & SERVICE 17215 U.S. Hwy. 27 North. P.O. Box 121179 . Clermont, Florida 34712-1179 . (352) 394-7181 DESCRIPTION AMaUNT hUr)~ reUfrgo( TRADE.IN (TITLE CLEAR?) MODEL AND YEAR MAICE BEfltlAL NO. AND DE.C_...TION TRADE-IN ALLDWANCE- MIBC. CHARDEB BUS.TOTAL LESS TRADE.IN TOTAL CABH DELIVERED ~RICE TAXES IUBE.BALE) --r- <;'jlf\S C~C- ""[1l.tr'-""O(e.. ( fl .,) '(Y\ ~; p'" TOTAL ~U"CH..I:" 8 11..-- l,... 1 ~ I S 51 -z,?ll~ ~1 PlILDI 1000000NT COlI....... ,..... ] TOWN ~.T.TE ....... I .'QN.TU"E 0; \t) \ . ..U:....N \ '\. I: tI I \ .OO"E.. I ----- - FLORIDA Orange County Schools Contract # Contract Period 02-02-01 VH 30 Jul 2002 - 27 July 2004 This is a cooperative purchase contract. State law allows any government agency and any accredited school in the state to buy off of this contract. Item No. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Category *** The L 1 OO's, G 100 and the 110 TLB are not included on this contract. *** If you have questions concerning this contract please call: 1/800-535-2967, option 4, then 2. % off MSRP 10% 0% 24% 0% 25% 0% 26% 0% 25% 0% 20% 0% 26% 0% 25% 10%* 0% 28% 0% FIELDS EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. a _OLE G:::ES & SE::::;TAnON a 17215 U.S. Hwy. 27 North. P.O. Box 121179 . Clermont, Florida 34712-1179 . (352) 394-7181 I C~ fA o(OC~ Sin{ (h LJa-k{ Tlj,N \8ri I. DA":j7// TO: - ) I nt;?e_ i17Ju') J .J I I QTY. CODE. MODEL DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1--- \ D \td,",u()D ;;)3' {)1DlA.;-f(' w J Cu.bl.e c, h -t ID J - '-I {~a~ l t\ 50" ro-\ur"\ c\{. tk. ~(,.D /IL/oolb (ouh-kr L.fi~h,t Iv;) ) I ei 6 \j -:;-h ;~ \ t,r , I" nS~ltll~J i 'ik/-6 r -, / ~3.lqS tIC ch - / ./ '0'\ ()I.A; ec --6 t>e. -:::>ettlel-~ \0 ,- IJQc{'\ JQ\ I Uf'( '\ ~ c~~ v. or Ocoee- . ~ -' TRADE.IN (TITLE CLEAR?) MODEL AND YEAR MAKE 8EJllilAL NO. AND DI['WC_."TION TRADE-IN MISC. CHARI3EB ALLOWANCE- BU..TOTAL LESS TRADE.IN TOTAL CA.H DELIVERED "RICE TAXlt. IU.E-.ALE) TOTAL SIGNATURES - BLACK INK. ~UIlICHA.EIlI 'IILOI IQUI~NT CO..'ANY. INC. .ELLE,.,. "UTHO"'ZED .,DN"TUIlIE .'DN"TUIlIE 0" \ \ .T"TE "DOllie.. TOWN