HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(A2) Poer Property Authorization of Funds to Amend Ocoee Crown Point PUD Plans
S. Scott Vandergrift
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Agenda 01/20/2004
Item VII A2
Danny Howell, District 1
Scott Anderson, District 2
Rusty Johnson, District 3
Nancy J. Parker, District 4
City Manager
Jim Gleason
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Jennifer Willman, Senior Planner ezt0
Russ Wagner, AICP, Community Development Director
DATE: January 13, 2004
SUBJECT: Poer Property - Authorization of Funds to Amend Ocoee Crown Point PUD Plans
Should the Mayor and City Commissioner approve an addendum to the Professional Services
Contract with Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) to amend the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land
Use Plan and Preliminary Subdivision Plan to incorporate the Poer Property?
The City entered into a contract with VHB on June 19, 2001, to provide a full range of
professional services to master plan the Coke Property. On May 6, 2003, the City Commission
approved the VHB contract amendment to include due diligence of the +/-29.25 acre Poer
Property. This investigation found that the Poer Property offers an excellent opportunity to
expand the City's land holdings as part of the Ocoee Crown Point PUD. Given the very
reasonable purchase price of the property compared to its potential sales price, the City
acquired the site in expectation of realizing a significant return which will help pay down the
original acquisition price of the Coke Property and help with infrastructure costs.
The closing date for the Poer Property was October 30, 2003. The property is now owned by
the City and needs to be added to the Ocoee Crown Point PUD. VHB is prepared to revise the
plans and conceptually design a single-family residential subdivision on the +/-29.25 acre
property, and incorporate it into the other single-family residential area of the PUD. VHB's
proposed scope of work to amend the PUD Land Use Plan (LUP) and Preliminary Subdivision
Plan (PSP) entails a final geotechnical and wetlands evaluation of the Poer Property, and
modifying the preliminary grading and stormwater management plan, master utility plan,
transportation report, and affected plan sheets of the LUP and PSP. The cost proposal for this
work is not to exceed $54,120, as shown in VHB's proposed Addendum to Master Planning and
Engineering Services for Coke Property attached. This amount would be paid out of the Coke
Property bond money.
The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
January 13, 2004
Page 2 of 2
Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve an addendum
to the Professional Services Contract with VHB, as specified in the attached proposal, to amend
the Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land Use Plan/Preliminary Subdivision Plan by incorporating the
Poer Property.
Attachment: VHB's Proposed Addendum to Master Planning and Engineering Services for
Coke Property
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Task 1 -Geotechnical Evaluation
The Consultant will subcontract for and provide preliminary geotechnical services for the
Poer Property. Four auger borings will be performed in the proposed pond(s) location,
and up to 8 additional auger borings will be performed throughout the property. A report
will be prepared showing the results of the borings, including an estimate of the
seasonal high water elevation at the boring locations.
Task 2 - EcoloQical Features Information
The estimated limits of wetlands within the project boundary has previously been
delineated in the field with numbered flagging tape or stakes following methodologies
outlined in the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Wetlands Delineation Manual
(1987) and the Florida Unified Wetland Delineation Methodology (Ch. 62-340 F.A.C.).
As part of this task, VHB will mark the approximate seasonal high water (SHW) and
normal pool (NP) elevations within the wetland habitat based on biological and/or
hydrological indicators. The limits of ACOE (federal) wetlands will be estimated and
digitized over DOaa aerial photography (or other base mapping aerial). The wetland
will be assigned a numerical designation and data will be recorded to characterize
dominant vegetation and other indicators of current function and value. Representatives
of the ACOE (or NRCS) and the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD)
will be contacted to field review flagged wetland limits, SHW and NP markings.
Upon completion of the agency field review, the Consultant will locate the agreed upon
wetland line by field survey referenced to State Plane coordinates.
A records search will be made regarding the documented occurrence of protected
wildlife and plants. Protected species will be those listed under F.A.C. 39-27.003-005,
F .S. 581.185 and 50 CFR 117.11 and 17.12. This search will minimally include; 1) a
written request to the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI) for records of occurrence
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on and within one (1) mile of the project; 2) a written request or an on-line review of
occurrence records of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC)
and 3) review of the Florida Atlas of Breeding Sites for Herons and Their Allies
(FGFWFC Technical Report No.1 0). An evaluation of upland communities supporting
potentially protected species will include refinement of the preliminary Vegetation and
Land Use Map (FLUCFCS) of the Feasibility Study and field inspection of the
communities. Each distinctive upland community will be identified by number on the
refined FLUCFCS map and data will be obtained in the field to characterize dominant
vegetation, level of disturbance and wildlife food, cover and breeding resources. Each
observation of a protected species will be recorded as to number of individuals and
location. The coordinates of each gopher tortoise burrow will be recorded by use of a
hand held GPS unit and status of each burrow (active, inactive, abandoned) will be
The location of environmental hazard areas as determined by previous Level I analysis
will be mapped.
The refined Vegetation and Land Use Map (FLUCFCS) will serve as the base for an
overlay mapping of the approximate on-site location of protected flora and fauna as
documented by the records search and field surveys. The location and status of each
gopher tortoise burrow will also be identified on the overlay mapping.
Task 3 - PUD Land Use/Preliminarv Subdivision Plan Modifications
Consultant will modify the approved Ocoee Crown Point PUD Land. Use/Preliminary
Subdivision Plan incorporating the Poer Property. All plan sheets which show the limits
of the PUD/PSP will be modified including:
. Cover Sheet
. Boundary & Topographic Survey
. Soil & Vegetation Plan
. Proposed Ownership Map
. PUD Land Use Plan
. Conceptual Site Plan
. Overall Preliminary Subdivision Plan
. Partial Preliminary Subdivision Plan
. Typical Roadway Sections
. Pond Sections
. Construction Phasing Plan
. Franchise Utility Plan
. Aerial Overlay
· Conceptual Landscape Site Plan
. Conceptual Site Sections/ Elevations
. Conceptual Open Space & Signage Plan
VHB will prepare a submittal to the City for review and approval by DRC, Planning and
Zoning Commission and City Commission.
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Task 4 - Preliminarv Gradina and Stormwater ManaQement Plan
The Consultant will prepare a Preliminary Grading and Stormwater Management Plan
for the Poer Property. High point and low point grades will be estimated for the
proposed road centerline, and the retention/detention system will be sized preliminarily
for site planning purposes. A preliminary analysis of the additional Lake Apopka Basin
criteria as established by St. John's River Water Management District will be conducted.
Task 5 - Master Utilitv Plan Modifications
The Consultant will modify the approved master utility plan to include the Poer Property.
Modifications to the sanitary sewer, potable water and reuse system model will be made
to consider the additional demand/generation from the proposed Poer Property
development. The modified plans will be submitted to Orange County Utilities for review
and approval.
Task 6 - Master Transportation Report Addendum
Based on the development plan proposed for the site, the Consultant will identify the
trips that will be generated by Poer Property development program, based on
information contained within the most recent version of ITE's Trip Generation Manual.
An addendum to the existing master transportation report will be prepared including the
traffic generated for the proposed Poer Property development.
Task 7 - Master Site Development Standards Packaae Modification
The Consultant will modify the Master Site Development Standards Package
incorporating the Poer Property. The graphics which show the PUD will be replaced.
Task 8 - MeetinQs
Consultant will coordinate and attend all meetings necessary with the City of Ocoee and
their respective staff to execute the Modifications to Ocoee Crown Point PUD/PSP
(Addition of Poer Property) project. The fee shown in Attachment A is an estimate only.
Prior to exceeding the estimated fee, the Consultant will notify the City and the City will
authorize such expenditure upon justification by the Consultant. Both the City and
Consultant will monitor the estimated budget with the intent to minimize the required fee.
Task 9 - Additional Services
Consultant will provide Additional Services upon written request from the Client. The
scope and fee required for these services will be identified, negotiated and supplement
agreement executed prior to initiation of the professional service. Additional services for
Phase I may include but not be limited to the following:
. Presentation auality Graphics
. Visioning/Consensus Building Process
· Detailed PSP with lotting layout and other details beyond Infrastructure
Layout and Tract Designation
. Final Construction Plans
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. Modification to the Conceptual St. John's River Water Management
District Permit
. Other studies, designs, etc., not specifically included herein
Task 10 - Reimbursable Expenses
In accordance with the original contract for Crown Point PUD, the Consultant shall be
reimbursed for expenditures made specifically for the project such as: printing and
reprographics; traffic counts; application/filing fees; out of County travel and
subsistence; backhoe services for percolation testing; long distance telephones
charges; shipping, postage, and courier service charges; purchase of maps and similar
documents. These direct expenses will be billed at cost. If subconsultants and
subcontractors are engaged by the Consultant for this project and are under contract to
the Consultant, their services will be invoiced at one (1) times their actual cost.
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During and following Phase I of the Modifications to Ocoee Crown Point PUD (Addition
of Poer Property) project as described herein, it shall be at the option of the City of
Ocoee to seek additional proposals that may include final planning, engineering,
landscape architecture and surveying services to implement the Development Program
and Preliminary Subdivision Plan. The fees to accomplish these additional work efforts
will be determined, negotiated and supplemental agreement executed prior to initiation
of the assignment. It is understood that re-advertisement for professional services
pursuant to Florida Statutes is not necessary prior to this action.
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Exhibit "B"
Modifications to Ocoee Crown Point PUD (Addition of Poer Property)
Task No. Task Description Fee Est. Reimbursables Fee Total Fee
1 Geotechnical Evaluation $6,300 $630 $6,930
2 Ecological Features $6,100 $610 $6,710
3 PUD Land Use Plan/PSP $14,300 $1430 $15,730
4 Preliminary Grading and $5,300 $530 $5,830
Stormwater Management
5 Master Utility Plan $6,600 $660 $7,260
6 Master Transportation Report $2,500 $250 $2,750
7 Master Site Development $1,100 $110 $1,210
Standards Package
11 Meetings $7,000 $700 $7,700
$49,200 $4920 $54,120
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