HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(C) Authorize Payment to Sprint for the Replacement of UPS Unit for Fleet Section Telephone System and Approve Transfer of Funds Agenda 02-03-2004 Item V C City Manager Jim Gleason - Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert B. Zaitooni, P.E., Deputy Director Public Works DATE: February 3, 2004 RE: Replacement of UPS Unit for Fleet Services ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and the Board of City Commissioners approve payment of $2,347.00 for the replacement of the UPS unit for Fleet Services; and approve transfer of funds ($2,347.00) from Solid Waste Contingency Funds (Account 402-534-10-4900) to Capital Funds (Account 402-534-40-6400)? BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: On October 10, 2003, the telephone extensions 6007 and 6008 at Fleet Services, on Enterprise Street were out due to a malfunctioning UPS. Sprint replaced the malfunctioning UPS unit and invoiced the City for the work on November 10,2003 (Invoice # 0111005463). Since the amount of the invoice exceeds $1,500.00, City Commission approval is required to transfer funds from Solid Waste Contingency (Account 402-534-10-4900) to Capital Funds (Account 402-534-40-6400) for the payment of the invoice. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve payment of $2,347.00 to Sprint for the replacement of the UPS unit; and approve transfer of the required funds ($2347.00) from Solid Waste Contingency (Account 402-534-10-4900) to Capital Funds (Account 402-534-40-6400). City Manag!lI Jim Gleason Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift Requisition Form (Internal) EMPLOYEE: Robin S. Harris L1 Copy PURCHASE DATE: Januarv 2, 2004 (Purchase Order) STORE: Sprint #228873 REASON: Public Works -<<,Fleet:DiVis1on-(Enterpris--e-St)"+-Phone extensions 6007/6008 are down. Sprint looked into it and discovered the'power-sUP1>"1Y:h1i"d~to-;be:.rephrced:(Not covered under contract)..Ser:vice:Repair-#WDI0l52243~~IrtvoiW#Dl"1=I005463 (Judv H called Jerry S. 10/15/2003 at 2:35 D11l spoke to Jerry, "BatteIV backup is dying out at enterprise". ) Line Description Qnty Price Extended G1LAcc~ ~roval 1 UPS Unit 60Hz (#984878) 1 $ 2,122.00 $ 2,122.00 402-534-4 . ~ . 2 Labor Charge 1 $ 175.00 $ 175.00 /. 'l. Il] - "rJV 3 Service Charge 1 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 /" ,.. . ,;.JI 4 TOTAL: $ 2,347.00 / 5 If 1_, t.~ 6 WIlV 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Fill in all pertinent information in the white cells. Ifthe totals do not calculate automatically, press F9. Please provide a physical signature in the approval box. Enter any notes or background information in the notes box. lJ COpy Updated: OS/22/2003 The City ofOcoee' ISO N Lakeshore Drive' Ocoee, Florida 34761 phone: (407) 905-3100' fax: (407) 656-8504' www.ci.ocoee.fl.us ....... '.. . ... Sprint@ Invoice Date: NOVEMBER 10,2003 Page 1 of 2 Customer Service 1-800-786-6272 Master Invoice D111005463 Customer Code 26069000 Billing Address: CITY OF OCOEE ATTN:MONTYEBEAMER 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE FL 34761-2223 ".....':1 COPy ./<.ZQQa, HHH ]U[ TRANSACT ONLINE AT WWW.SPRINT.COM/LOCALBUSINESS Total Charges Summary Materials Labor Service Charge 2,122.00 175.00 50.00 Invoice Summary 0111005463 2,347.00 APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT PO II or Aeel i_ AulhwedBy_ .l~~ \ \ l L Cl I!7C; ltJ - , ,J~ () COPy Oata ..... ... Sprint~ Please return this portion with payment Customer Service 1-800-786-6272 Master Invoice D111005463 Customer Code 26069000 D Check for Change of Address Date Due: Total Amount Due Amount Enclosed $2.347.00 if received 12/11/03 or after DEC. 10, 2003 2,347.00 111111.11.1111.1.11"1111111111'11111111111111.1.1.11111.1.111 Make checks payable to: iiiiiOi - B CITY OF OCOEE A TTN: MONTYE BEAMER 150 N LAKESHORE DR OCOEE FL 34761-2223 SPRINT PO BOX 96031 CHARLOTTE, NC 28296-0031 11.1,11..1'111.1111'1.11'11111.1111111111111111.11.1 iiiiiOi - iiiiiOi == !!!!!!!!!!! 39 50540690001 06849110054631 3 0000234700 0000234700 4 ..... ...... Sprint@ Invoice Date: NOVEMBER 10,2003 Page 2 of 2 Customer Service 1.800-786.6272 Master Invoice 0111005463 Customer Code 26069000 Invoice Detail Document Site: 2606900E . . ., - . ~ , Address: \ . CllY OF OCOEE PUBLIC WORKS 370 ENTERPRISE ST OCOEE FL 34761-3002 Invoice Number: D 111005463 Service Repair :WD10152243 Statement of Work: TROUBLE REPORTED: EXTENSIONS 6007 AND 6008 DOWN FOR POWER BACKUP REPORTED BY: JERRY SAUERWEIN BILLABLE: BATTERY BACKUP NOT COVERED UNDER THIS CONTRACT. Line Part Number Description Qty Per Unit Extended Price Price 1 984878 UPS UNIT 60HZ 1 EA 2,122.00 2,122.00 2 Labor Charge 2.30 HRS 175.00 3 Service Charge 1 EA 50.00 50.00 Invoice Total Due By DEC. 10, 2003 2,347.00 ~ \ \ '\ ...... Payments will be made to Sprint and the invoice number will be noted on the payment. Charges which are not paid when due will be subject to interest at 1.5% monthly or at the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is greater, from the first day after the date due. . \~\'JW\'~ \)v KK023007 000881 01