HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(K) Approval and Authorization for $14,380.00 from Contingency for Change Order No. 2 to Wharton-Smith Agenda 02-17-2004 Item V K Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift City Manager Jim Gleason TO: FROM: DATE: RE: STAFF REPORT The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Ron Strosnider, Fire Chief February 17,2004 New Fire Station, Change Order No.2 ISSUE During the construction ofthe new building items have been added or deleted due to various reasons of construction. BACKGROUNDIDISCUSSION The entire Request for Change Orders (RCO Attached) has been carefully examined by Architects Design Group, Wharton-Smith, and myself for accuracy. The Percentage Over the original Construction Value with this Change Order is 1.21 The contract will be changed as follows: RCO#Q06 RCO #009 RCO #017 RCO #029 RCO #042 RCO #043 RCO #046 RCO #033 RCO #041 RCO #044 $ 1,562.00 $ 8,006.00 $ 372.00 $ 3,617.00 $ 195.00 $ 479.00 $ 6,534.00 ($ 1,125.00) PR # 6 Install Floor Drain/Electrical Outlets/Water Line for Ice Machine---------------------- Relocate Gas Main! Extend Piping / Add Air Piping--------------------------- PR #13 Add 3 Sprinkler Heads below in Apparatus Bay------------------------------------- CCD #6 Increase in size of Apparatus Doors --------------------------------------- PR # 15 Revise Power Requirements for Kitchen Range-------------------------------------- PR#16 Add TV Outlet, Quad Outlet! Increase Duplex to Quad in Kitchen/Day Room Area- PR # 20 Add Secondary Roof Drains to Apparatus Bay___n____nm___________________________ Delete Roof Hatches ( Credit )------------------------------------- PR# 17R Delete Exhaust Duct and Ef-l, Change Light Fixtures, Change Plaster Ceilings to wall in Apparatus Bay Area (Credit)--------------------------------------------------------- ($ 3,374.00) Delete the paper backed metal lath over the CMU on the Apparatus Bay Walls Only (Credit) ($ 1.885.00) RECOMMENDATION Total $14,383.00 The Staff Respectfully requests Commission approve Change Order No.2 to Wharton-Smith for the sum of$ 14,383.00 from Contingency. CHANGE ORDER Contractor's Job Number - 03-007 OVv'NER . ARCHITECT . CONTRACTOR . OTHER 0 PROJECT: Ocoee Main Fire Station 125 N. Lakeshore Dr. Ocoee, Florida 34761 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 2 DATE: January 26,2004 ARCIDTECT'S PROJECT NO: 618-99/2.21 TO CONTRACTOR: Wharton-Smith, Inc. 750 County Rd. 15 Lake Monroe, Florida 32747 CONTRACT DATE: May 19, 2003 CONTRACT FOR: New Construction The Contract is changed as follows: RCO #006 RCO #009 RCO #017 RCO #029 RCO #042 RCO #043 RCO #046 RCO #033 RCO #041 PR #6 Install Floor DrainlElectrical Outlets/Water Line for Ice machine.................................... Relocate Gas Main/Extend Piping! Add Air Piping ...................................................................... PR #13 Add 3 Sprinkler Heads below duct in Apparatus Bay..................................................... CCD #6 Increase in size of Apparatus Bay Doors ....................................................................... PR # 15 Revise Power Requirements for Kitchen Range.............................................................. PR #16 Add TV Outlet, Quad Outlet, Increase Duplex to Quad in Kitchen/Day Room Area ..... PR #20 Add Secondary Roof Drains to Apparatus Bay............................................................... Delete Roof Hatches (Credit) ....................................................................................................... PR # 17R Delete Exhaust duct and EF -I, Change Light Fixtures, Change Plaster Ceilings to Dry wall in Apparatus Bay Area. (Credit) .......................................................................................... Delete the paper backed metal lath over the CMU on the Apparatus Bay Walls only. (Credit).. RCO #044 Total.................................................................................................................................. ........... Not valid until signed by the Owner, Architect and Contractor. $ 1,562.00 $ 8,006.00 $ 372.00 $ 3,617.00 $ 195.00 $ 479.00 $ 6,536.00 ($ 1,125.00) ($ 3,374.00} ($ 1,885.00) $ 14,383.00 Original Contract Sum was............................................_.......................................... $ 2,422,400.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders............................................... $ 69,012.10 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was ................................................... $ 2,491,412.10 The Contract Sum will be changed by this Change Order in the amount of............. $ 14,383.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be.................................... $ 2,505,795.10 The contract time will be (increased) (decreased) (UNCHANGED) by....................... Date of Substantial Completion (is dumged to), (remains the same)........................................... (0) days April 15, 2004 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time, or Guaranteed Maximum Price, which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive. Architects Design Group, Inc. ARCHITECT 333 N. Knowles Avenue Address Winter Park, Florida 32789 Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONTRACTOR 750 County Rd. 15 Address ~~'MO~~ City of Ocoee OWNER 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Address Ocoee, Florida 34761 By (-- J- f,~ [;'/ Date Date AlA Document G70 I . Change Order' 1987 EDITION · A1A~ '0 1987 EDITION' . Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP January 2, 2004 Mr. James Hughes Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Architects Design Group, Inc. Received Phone: 407-647-1706 Fax: 407-645-5525 J A N q 7 laD~ Re: Ocoee New Main Fire Station Proposal Request No. 6 Request fotChange Order (ReO) No. 006 .. I" . t Dear Jim: We have reviewed your Proposal Request NO.6 dated September 9, 2003, which adds a floor drain, power and water for future Ice MaChine and Vending Machine. Attached please find our Summary of Costs and associated backup information. All equipment is specifically excluded. We are pleased to offer this added extra work for the lump sum addition to our contract amount of One Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Two Dollars and Nine Cents, ($1,562.~. This cost is for the work described above subject to all qualifications listed herein. 00 Qualifications: 1. This quote only includes the work as listed on the attached summary sheet dated 12/31/03. No other work has been included. 2. The work was. completed at the Owners request to avoid affecting the schedule. There should be no impact to the overall project schedule. Please issue a Change Order, as this work is now complete. any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerel Whart J~ S tt A. Varga~ Project Manager cc: David Lewis, WSI Paul Cooksey, WSI Chief Ron Strosnider 03-007 I C-8A-3 I RCO File #6 750 County Road 15 . P.O. Box 471028 . Lake Monroe, Florida 32747-1028 . Phone: 407/321-8410 . Fax 407/323-1236 CG C032669 PC C048385 CU C056506 Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 006 SUMMARY Date: 12/31/03 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-Smith Labor II. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden III Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Builts I Blue Printing VIII. Misc. Other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 IX. Subcontractor Costs A. Modern Plumbing B. Morton Electric $1,098.00 $324.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 C. D. E. F. G. H. Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H.-J $1,422.00 x. Labor, Materials, & Equipment Subtotals ( I. Thru IX.) $25.00 XI/. Builders Risk $10.85 XIII Permit Costs $0.00 XV. Bond $26.87 XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $71.10 XI/. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X, XII, XIII, XV.) $6.27 TOTAL PRICE OF RCO #006 $1,562.09 *Permit Costs or any other impact fees are specifically excluded. i =* MODERN PLUMBING INDUSTRIES, INC. 2SSB OLD SANFORD OVIEDO ltD. WINTER SPRINGS. FL 31701 r&pllOM 4tJ7-J27-6tJfJtJ Fu .f07-J27-2672 January 2, 2004 . Wharton-Smith 750 County Road 15 Lake Monroe, F1 32747 Attn: Scott Varga . JtJ+." , 'Q~'M ~ . Re: MPI Job # 6603 - Ocoee Main Fire Station Subj: MPI Change Order Request #4 - Pr #6 per drawings PSK-4.01 & PSK-5.0 1-3 Scott, Enclosed is the breakdown for adding floor ~ upgrade 24-hour trap primer, ice ti1aker box and assoclalfd vent piping... i I The total co~t for this change ADD will be S1.091.00. . JI II Please contact me should ~ have any questions or if I can be offurther assistan .' I ' I I ! . IU I cmb Enclosures (2) I i "basT BREAKDOWN" Odoee Main Fire Station Change Order Request #4 I PR #6 per drawings PSK-2.01-6 & PSK-S.01.3 . _______--_____L____------------------~-J---- ----~-----------------------~---------~--~- i MATERlAIL LABOR I $ 376.52 I $ 42.00 I x 1.06% % s~les tax x 13.02 I $ 400.99 I $546.84 ~ 546.84 $ 947.83 . x 1.100/0 $1.042.61 x 1.050/0 $1,094.74 . . . fi~~~~~~ ;=:: ~>.i;:~E: Oooce FII1l S'*IItJn ~ Old (...-1) ~~.x':-x..~<<-.......: W'~2\_m 12131/2003 (~~ ~~.~~~ (~~ >a;;.:"'~: (~" \ ~~.:...~.!!!: DlIcounlBd PIIOIng i (H1Ii) , ~~~. ~~;b<< - I ~~~E~~~=~~ 7 ... .''<'' I .. ~...~. . ....." IUpplll~-..., .........1.00 75.00-[ 1.001 75.00 ~I 1.001 0.00 8 -\ ... .., ~"IEhineBooc 1.001 28.15 1.001 ~.1c; _ 1.001 0.00 ~;;:~~~~~y~t::~~~~~~,~~~~ 1010a05. D1~77SA '112 ~KL~:ree L-HaldTUbe .20.00 0.74 1.00 ~4.74 0.04 1.00 0.80 1060006 111xxoooe 112 Qlpplll'KL~Free SIO~()C 2.00 0.30 1.00 10-611 0.40 1.00 0,1lO 1120005 111)Q(D830 1/2 COpp&f~Fn16 Tee 1.00 - 0.51 1.00 0.51 0.60 1.00 0.80 ,~ Nb001'$ll5-70 112 Cllppt!rl([~ Free BaIMV 8wl150 2pc 1.00 U1 1.00", 8.51 0.<<1 1.00 0.40 ~2!1OOO!5 01~ 112 CllpplrKl..M~~ ~ 1.00 0.30 1.00 I 0.30 0.40 1.00 0.40 ~ B-l..n9:no... 1/2 COpp&fKlM-tMd~ ClIMlIHiItIO"-Qlpper... 5.00 ..70 1.00 23." 0.50 1.00 2.50 ~ 129(1001 ~12 I.JnIiftd OoppBrKl~Fnle ~ LbMMdFrw 0.03 8.4 1.00 0.19 0.30 1.00 0.01 13OQOO1 lJnIll.eCI CapplIl' KLM~ Fiee IF'l.atliolAle rl Otl 0.01 11.03 1.110 0.10 0.60 1.00 0.00 .... 131000s 010xxaa51A 1/2 COppef .a.M-t8IId Frte l,&Jll T.- 2O.llO 0.8& 1.00 17.55 0.004 1.00 0.80 158ClOO1 OM.'l(.'<0055 UlWlbCI OlppIrKL~ FII!I! FIUlC-2 CZ CIIn 0.D3 0.'1$ 1.00 0.02 6IUp 1.00 0.00 1G09Q01 111,lOCS'60 lJn&iE4ld CclppeI'K1.M~IclFree Abl'MlIItClolh-25vd 0.00 8.'iS' 1.00 0.01 6IIip 1.00 0.00 3401001a :wo2OO22 So4O!iOO22 34OUOO111 3412001& 34299001 :M309OO1 3440(24) 34400242 3-4li8OO18 O1lOOCDl108 118XX7175 11l1XX142l5 118lOCD2tr.i 11exx1~ 0e4Xx1D93 oo.xx125IJ 1111XX4135 11exx.s7 <to 118XXOO1li ~ 3 3 2 2 lblZed ~ 4X2 4X3 :I PYC SCI-l <<>-qNV PVCSCH4J-~ PVC 6CH Itl)..QNV PVCSCH~ PVC 6CH IttJ-r)NV PVC 6CH 'R-f1NV PYC &Q41/D..tJNV PYC 6CH ~'fN'I PYO GCH 4J- 'rf(I/ PYCSCH 40-1 ~ PIPE~ 41 PYC r:NN p-~ 118 9F.ND - HIH \fA BEND - HlIH SNI Yee - HlIHId-I CEMeNf--P\IC-CTS. (:l.eANI;R-PIIC--OTS. ~ Combo - HIcHIlH RId COI1lIlO - Hld-bIH ~-HIH 0.55 13027 3.1' 1.17 2.10 4,1)6 3.50' 11.00 12.01 OliO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 (10.12 13.27 I I 3.111 i 1.17 2.10 I 0.113 0.82 11.00 12.01 0.50 0,05 0:&3 0.53 0.3tS 0.53 6llip SIdP 0.98 0.98 0.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1./10 1.00 1.00 0.53 0.51 0.35 0.53 .0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.110 0.00 0.911 0.98 0.35 ~:!:gI~I$l;~;?i~:~gn:i~;t~\~:~~~Zh:~~;s;+:~::;~~;;~t?~~2:r ..':fJ:~~~~0%~?0.!:7:r7.~f.?~~~f}fJ~:~;~~~;~;'fffi:~ffijr:~~~~~~6: 99 . ;~~~~2~i;;Ei~S. 5.21 ~~~J;.~l!~;!:!!,:~~m?..;i:;1-:l:G~~~S;f~~#~::i~"i;~!t:.?;.{;,~,S~~:~~~;x'iigi'2ii~:).~;'f.::';~~'6:.'(i:::;'2i/:';;;.~~:'0;~'f;1!::?~'i;/~ .~#~i~~~'?!:as.s'::~:::;;;.~:fE:~~,. ~'y..!~35~.'.'3 -iPL.U~~NG'S~~'FLOORoMN. ... I 1~;;' 138.3S( ""..:OliT ~311.3I '^"~'1:till 1:00'"'-"'1.00 ;E;~~~t~i-:;~:;~;;~:-~1Ti~7Iifrr:;.:~'{#~~g?:;~ig2:;;~~Jf:~:?;0.:~:~?1:2~tf.~2;~0i~~:~~s\E..~::s:&~~~i!~t;~t:S~2:2~~131.3S \[42>;S!r~~~Fi~i.i1.oo ~~1S!!~!~io.\K""".A....~..~~i:::;::~1:~~~\~~:;;r~::::.:::~:~.~:;:~~i:::::r':'i:~;;;~;;,,::-~-::;;:~:~:t:::;:~::~:::;;:i;::;:;E'!.::"~::;:;;;;j.:s;:~?~:::::~2f:1E.':"'~"~:~!::t.::. '1:~;:.::-:~2.~#~;~;.;,~~1":!f.::~~i; "1~7.eQQOO1. '~.'..". \~y PLUUAiNLi~~' I~B' .. . ...". 1.00' '12:00 1.00. 1200 0.50.1. .......;.00 0.50 ~l~~~~=~=:~~::' ~~:, tm.~ili~ti~j~:.~it:~;~~:@s:n::~~:~i~~ti;lI~;T;:;;~~:~~~0:i:~::~t;i;:p;1~;~20~~tTI~~i'i;~~gE~iil;~10~K#~%i~f~~ti~~]?~v.?#~ 3~.52 ~~i?!~i~~~ji~~:&.~~;; 13.02 . i:w.~jffl~~~!.~~~~~!~~~;i~i;iSf~f.)~~;~;If~s:.!~:?ff2.~~~~t~i?~:;~;.~;;;~~~;~~~~1~~~~;~~~~€g;:~~~~~~;~;;~:f.~ff!~~~~F.4~lliili~~~:f.~~~mi;4~~~t~:. MORTON aECTRfCt INC. 1607 CH~RY WOOD LANE lONGWOOD, FLORIDA 32750-9633 PH. (401) 830-1000 MORTON ELECTRIC ~ CO*(p PAGE 01 CHANGE ORDER E.- 12/1B/2003 15:04 4078300935 DATE 08114/03 TERMS 30 JOB NAME OCoeE FIRE STATIO PAGE NUMBER page 1 of 2 BRYAN PICKENS To: WHARTON-SMITH, INC. P. O. BOX 471028 LAKE MONROE, FL 32747-1028 _ _ ...-. ~ - - . ~ ~ - - - -.. " ~ - ., - . ---- MATERIAL AND lABOR COST FOR REVISIONS AS SHOWN ON P R. .. SEE ATTATCHED BREAKDOWN. ._ _.,__0'_. . , ~ ..__ CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY MATERIAL: Total: Sales Tax~: 7 $190.00 $13.30 TOTAL MAiERlAL; $203.30 HOlJRS= Total Houts: 2.00 Charge Per Hour: 25.00 Labor BuRIed %: Supervision %: 40 15 $20.00 $7.50 TOTAL LABOR: $77.50 OVERHEAD % MARK-UP% BOND .. 10 5 $28.08 $15.44 TOTAL LOT PRICE: $324 DEC-10-2003 WED 02:07 PM 4078300935 p, 01 12/10/2003 15:04 4078300935 MORTON ELECTRIC PAGE 02 MORTON ELECTRIC, INC. 1607 CHERRY WOOD LANE lONGWOOD. FLORIDA 32750-9633 PH. (407) 830-1000 CHANGE ORDER E-OS DATE 08114/03 TERMs ao JOB NAME OCOEe FIRE STATIO PAGE NUMBER P"ge Z of Z BRYAN PICKENS To: WHARTON-SMITH, INC. P. O. BOX 471028 LAKE MONROE, FL 32747.1028 II>> SCRIPTION MATERIALIlABOR PRICE !A. 1 $190.00 CE $190.00 EXT HOURS 2.00 DEC-IO-2003 WED 02:07 PM 4078300935 P. 02 12/1B/2BB3 15;B4 4B783BB935 MORTON ELECTRIC PAGE B3 / PROPOSAL REQUEST AlA DOCUMENT G709 OWNER 00 ARCHITECT iii CONTRACTOR 1RI FIELD lit CONSULTANi5 [J PROJECT: (name, add~s) Ocoee New Mai., Fire Station wIn Blufford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 PROPOSAL REQUEST NO: 6 DATE: September 9, 2003 OWNER: City of Ocoee 150 N. lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 618-99/2.22 TO: (COnl~or) . Wharton..smith, Inc 750 County Road 15 Ocoee. Florida 32747 CONTRACT FOR: New Bu~dlng CONTRACT DATED: May 19, 2003 Please submit an Item~ed quotatlon for charlges In thf: COhlro.cl Sum and/or Time incidental to propoa::~ modifications to the Contract DOCUments described "'rein. nus IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR ^ DIRECTION TO I'ROCUED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HERElN. Description: 1. Inst." a floor drain as described In the attached sketches. PSK 201-6, P$K 4.01-4, and PSK 5.01-3. 2. In$tall an efectrical outlets for the Ice machln. and soda machine as d8$clibed In sketches ESK1 2.02 .nd ESK1 4.02A. . Attachments: See above. ARCHITECt: Architects Design Group, Inc. ~_."-' ..-.~ ~ BY: Sergio Baca Associate AlA OOCUMEN'r G70' · ~ROPOSAL REQUEST · APR.IL 1970 EDIl10N . AIM. 1970.. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE., N.W., WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 ONE PAGE DEC-10-2003 WED 02:07 PM 4078300935 p, 03 .~ ' vc.--:t=-- Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP November 6, 2003 DBSi~c~~t:,~~~--1 ~.:?Ge:\ie:: Re: Ocoee New Main Fire Station Proposal Request No. (Not Assigned) Request for Change Order (ReO) No. 009 i i ~ ! i I Ii f.":. i.]. - G 11 2003 ! . f,$K"T '" '-"iT Ie~ ! ~4M CA M};.t. _ !n~ i . -0---'" · . t-::~{(t~.lg/Q;~O: Mr. James Hughes Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407-647-1706 Fax: 407-645-5525 Dear Jim: We have reviewed the 'Conformed Set' of Drawings and the Plumber has found several modifications that were not issued as a Proposal Request. The Gas Piping has been increased and Compressed Air Piping has been added to the Project. Attached please find our Summary of Costs and associated backup information. We are pleased to offer this added extra work for the lump sum addition to our contract amount of Eight Thousand - Six Dollars and No Cents, ($8,006.00). This cost is for the work described above subject to all qualifications listed herein. Qualifications: 1. This quote only includes the work as listed on the attached summary sheet dated 11/06/03. No other work has been included. 2. Wharton-Smith cannot at this time determine the cumulative effect, if any, of this change with other changes to the project schedule. We reserve our right to request a time extension and associated costs should the cumulative effect of this change with other changes impact the overall project schedule. Please issue a Change Order, once fully executed, this will allow us to proceed with the added extra work. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Wharton-Smith, Inc. Scott A. Varga Project Manager cc: David Lewis, WSI Paul Cooksey, WSI Chief Ron Strosnider 03-007 I C-8A-3 I RCO 9 File 750 County Road 15 . P.O. Box 471028 . Lake Monroe, Florida 32747-1028 . Phone: 407/321-8410 . Fax 407323-1236 roo", r'IYl"'lLLIl n,-. rfl1V1.Q';: rl; ry).::;r;.,r.{;. Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 009 SUMMARY Date: 11/06/03 Shete 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-Smith Labor II. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden III Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Builts I Blue Printing VIII. Misc. Other Items $0.00 IX. Subcontractor Costs $7,422.00 Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H-.J $7,422.00 X. Labor, Materials, & Equipment Subtotals ( I. Thru IX.) $0.00 XI/. Builders Risk $55.67 XI/I Permit Costs $0.00 XV. Bond $137.69 XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $371.10 XI/. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X, XII, XIII, XV.) $19.34 TOTAL PRICE OF RCO #009 $8,006 Oct 13 2003 15:33 P.02 =*= MODERN PLUMBING INDUSTRIES, INC. 155B OLD SANFORD OVIEDO BJ). WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32108 Ttlephone 407-317-6000 Fax 407-327-2672 october 13, 2003 Wharton-Smith 750 county Road 15 LaKe Monroe, FI 32747 Attn: Scott Varga Re: MPI Job # 6603 - Ocoee Main Fire Station Subj: MPI Change Order Request #2 - Conformed Plans Changes Scott. Please see the enclosed breakdown for the changes on the conformed planS. This includes ctlanges in gas and the add for air piping on the above referenced project The cost for this change will be l142Z.00 If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance, please contact me. J:p Frank BraCCO President FB I kqs Enclosures ( 6 ) OCT-13-2003 MON 03:34 PM G3 P. 02 Oct 13 2003 15:33 P.03 "COST BREAKDOWN" Ocoee Main Fire Station Change Order Request #2 Conformed Plans -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- MATERIAL $1248.00 Gas neW layout size x 688.00 Gas Ongina\ Deduct $560.00 $933.00 compressed Air Material ~400.00 Lift for 4 Days $1893.00 2L 1.065 Sates Tax $2016.00 Total Material wlTax OCT-13-2003 MON 03:34 PM G3 LABOR 31 Hrs Gas Labor New uro Original 13 Hrs 92 Hrs Air Piping 105 Hrs 42.00 $4410.00 Tota' Labor ~016.00 Matenals $6426.00 642.60 10% Off $7068.60 353.43 5% ProfIt $7422.03 P. 03 Oct 13 2003 15:33 P.04 Summary ~eport (companv name) (address 1) (addre5C ;l) (addre$S 3) (phone #) (e-roam AbD ~~mi\'E;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCT-13-2003 MON 03:34 PM G3 p, 04 - ~: .. :31 :::....~>l. ':31 .: OCEE FIRE 5T A.f1 DECUCT 10/10/2003 .,.:.11 :58:30 AM ": DIscoW\ted Pricing .'~: Primary labor .""" '. .~.. " ~ ... 901 SCH.o BMI TA" 1/2. PipE - T&C 9010001 SCtl40 8MI T... 314 piPE - T&C 901001 SCH 40 BM\ T... 1 PipE. T&C i06000 SCH 40 8MI T_. 1/2 90 !.LBOW 9060008 SCH 40 BMI T... 3/4 9Q ELBOW Q0&001 SCH 40 BMI TA-- 1 90 ELBOW 912000 SCH 40 BMI T _' 1/2 TEE 912000 SCH 40 BMI T__. 3/4 TEE i12001 SCH 40 BMI T... 1 TEE 9130171 SCH 40 BMI TAU 3/4_.. CONCENTRIC... ~130181 SCtt 40 8MI TA.. 1)(3JA CONCENTRIC ... i28OClO SCH 40 8MI TA" 1/2 HANGERS 9260<10' SCH 40 BMI T_. 314 HANGERS 928001 SCH 40 BMIT... 1. 'HANGERS e28QOOj 9CH 40 8MI T... 112 JotNTS 928000: SCH 40 BMI T _' 3/4 JOINTS 928001 SCH 40 BMI T... l' JOINTS ~1 SCH 40 BMI T... Una... JOINT COMPO... .=~ ,'X . 33580... Valvf:S ClAS sol- VAL ... 1 ~.. ,.; .... '" Oct 13 2003 15:34 P 05 Summary Report lcomoany name) (address 1) (address 2) (address 3) (phone It) (e-rna,i1) 1:> t'fJu e t- ..... :~ ',>>:. . ... ,-~. ~~..... ~ ~. . :~i;;~ i"~~ ",",:i~.L, ':..:..:~.~";;-" , . .'.~~~..~:. 19.00 11.00 10.00 ~.OO 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00' 2.00 17.90 15.10 13.00 0.74 0.28 1.00 0.36 1,00 0.51 1,00 0.62 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.31 1.00 O.B4 1_00 1.20 1.00 2.05 1.00 1.14 1.00 1.76 . 1.00 O.SS 1.00 0.66 1_00 0.70 1.00 Skip 1.00 Skip 1.00 Skip 1.00 8.36 1.00 .~ - .,.' ,~' <<<.45,56 ." , ..... ~:- ,,;;:~ 0 5.23 0.28 3.99 0.36 5.06 0.51 2.49 0.82 1.51 O.Te 2.62 1.31 1.67 0.B4 2.40 1.20 4.09 2.05 2.27 1.14 3.53 1.76 1,75 0.68 1.31 0.66 1.41 0.70 0.00 Skip 0.00 SkIp 0.00 Skip 8.22 8.36 ...~. . ~~ ., ~.:. " .~~~ ., 1.00642.00 1.001 642-00 .' 642.00 687.56 842.00 ~~~ 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.75 0.80 0.90 0.52 0.57 0.50 0.60 0.50 Skip SkIp Skip Ski ..... ...-...... 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ~;::.:~ - 0.05 0.9S. 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.60 0.50\ 2.00 0.55 1.10 0.&0 1.20 0.75 1.50 0.&0 1.&0 0.90 1.80 0.52 1.04 .0,57 1.14, 0.50 1.50 1 0.50i 1.00 0.50 1.00 Skip 0.001 Skip 0.00 i Skip 0.00 i Skip 0.001 . .- 16.9&'1 ." - ~.'" ..,...... 1.00 1.00 1.00: 1.00 . . ~.~.17,98 ...-' )CO'" ..'fi:f. . .:;..:~\.~.. ~o.i;. ~ 681.56 ..~ ..-. - :.- . M" : "'>;..f,~,~~",,~,.~';l17 .98 ~~~i~~~~~)B~~;;1~~JZ*~~~~~~!~fi$~~~~ffu1~m~t~il~!Eiili)0~~W;(;~$~~t;~fJ~jE~~~[~@W*;,~~VJ~EP'~1~;~~I~~*:C:~ OCT-13-2003 MON 03:34 PM G3 P. 05 Oct 13 2003 15:34 P.05 SPECiALTIES ESTiMATE SHEET foe NAME: DATE: PAGE: 1 OF: OC66 r: l RE. '5\A l:tl CO. OCATlON: ESTIMATOJ. BID DATE JOBD~: tJ,fJ. -RpJ"-'~ rotlW AlU> ~ -1111 I I I I I I I I IDESQUl'tlOl.'l IQtI A:'lTITY UfoIIT MAl'ElUAL J.4,JlOR LABOR l'IUO roTAL urrIT TOTAL ~ u t d<:: .OtC:Cbll\ I4S~4 IfJ 65 ~330 -tJ.. -J 5~t 7',o-A f}" .~ As'!:ec. r~'f~ ow' !\.o.v ~ /(\i'S~ B ~ -~ .. J -ror.. ."^. t~s e R.Q e\ ~ o~ (.p ~2~ 150~ '" ~-'-I :": '?:., ~;; i~'.';:'::!':';.':"?:;./:; ~ ',: :.; ~';",' .~._,.1~:'~~~./ ,~-: ~.:~: :;~;,:'",:.:~~.:; :;~i TOTAL-> TOTAL: ~CJ - f OCT-13-2003 MON 03:35 PM G3 "- .".. P. 06 Oct 13 2003 15:34 P.O] ... ~..~: DiscOunted PriclnQ """ Primary Labor Summary Report (companv name) (addrus 11 (address 2) (address 31 (phone #) (e-mail) ;{;~r;:-:!~32 ~.ft~~: i~1~. . ~2 ...,." ()tEE FIRE STA.#1 CHANGE ~:'" ....~ 10/10/2003 ~. ~....._~~<.;:(. twt~ 7:27:29 AM WH~""I"'" . .~~. ;<:.- ~ . . ,. oM.; ,~... .. . ~: ,. '" .. .t.'::.t ~. "' "~~. 1~'>f.;.1ei!~' - ._ ..'"'' ,";:'.~~d'~ .': '. ,_... '. ~. . '. ~ .', ,,;. ~: ~O'lOOOE SCh.o BMi T&.. 1/2 Pipe _ T&C 100.00 0.28 1.00 27.50 0.28 O.O! 1.00 0.05 5.00 ~1000 Sch ~ BMI TL, 3/4 Pi~. T&C 14.00 0.36 1.00 5.08 0.36 0.05 1.00 0.05 0.70 801001 Soh 40 BMI T&.. 1 Ploe _ T&C 14.00 0.51 1.00 7,08 0.51 O.De 1.00 0.08 0.84 901001 Soh 40 BMI T&...1-1/4 Pipe _ T&C 40.00 0.75 1.00 29.92 0.75 0.07 1.00 0.07 2.80 906000 Sch 40 8MI T&.. 1/2 90 Elbow 6.00 1.17 1.00 1.03 1.17 0.50 1.00 0.50 3.00 llC)6001 SCh 40 8MI T&...1-1/4 90 Elbow 26.00 4.06 1.00 105.50 4.06 0.70 1.00 0.70 18.20 D07~ Sch 40 BMI T&...1/2 UnIon 6.00 9.18 1.00 55.10 V.18 0.75 1.00 0.75 4.50 D07001~ Soh 40 BMI T&...1-1/4 Union 2.00 18.59 1.00 31.18 18.591 1.10 1.00 1.1Q 2.20 9120008 Sch 40 BMI T&.. 3/4 Tee 2.00 2.2& 1.00 4.52 2.26 0.80 1.00 0.80 1.60 9120010Sch 40 BMI T&.. 1 Tee 2.00! 3.85 1.00 7.71 3.85 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.80 11120012Sch4O BMIT&...1-114 Tee 2.00 6.25 1.00 12.4a 6.25 1.10 1.00 1.10 2.20 9130171 Sch 40 BfJll T&... 314... Concentric Re... 2,00 2.14 1.00 4.28 2.14 0.52 1.00 0.52 1.04 9130179 Seh 40 8MI T&...1X112 Concentric Rem 2.00 3.40 1.00 6.80 3.40 0.55 1,00 0_55 1.10 9130181 Soh 40 8MI T&.. 1)(3/4 Conoentnc Re... 1.00 3.32 1.00 3.32 3.32' 0.57 1.00 0.57 0.57 9130186 Set! 40 aMI T&.. 1-1/... Concentric Re... 2_00 5.02 1.00 10_04 6.02 0.61 1.00 0.61 1-22 a130189 Sch 40 BMI T&.. 1-1/... Concentric Re... 1.00 4.27 1.00 4.27 4.27 0.66 1.00 0.66, 0.66 i2800~ Sch 40 BMI T&...1/2 Hangers 13.00 1.30 1.00 16.85 1.30 0.50 1.00 0.50 6.50. 926000 $ch 40 8MI T&...314 Hangers 2.00 1.46 1.00 2.92 1.46 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 i26001 SCh 40 BMI T&.. 1 Hangers 2,00 1.67 1.00 3.13 1.57 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 926001 Seh 40 BMI T&...1-1/4 Hangers 4.00 1.61 1.00 6.70 1.87 0.50 1.00 0.50 2.00 9~! Sch 40 BMI T&.. 1/2 Joints 40.00 Skip 1.00 0.00 sldD SkiD 1.00 Skip 0.00 928000e Seh 40 BMI T&...314 Joints 10.40 Skip 1.00 0.00 Skip Sklp 1.00 Skip 0.00 :928001 Soh 40 8MI T&.. 1 Joints 11.40 Skip 1.00 0.00 SkIp Skip 1.00 Skip 0.00 1928001:. Set'l40 BMI T&...1-1/4 Jolnb; 6i.OO Skip 1.00 0,00 Skip Skip 1.00 SkIp 0.(1) . 1 Seh 40 BMI T&... U~~:.. Joint ~r,npou.~. ._ ~.4! 8.36 _.._.~:oo~ . 20.81 ...!.,..36.. Skip 1.0~ _~~~p . .0.00 .. " ' ')' ,_~.) "". "'~~. _~!;-;:~~~. 378 22 ,~~ . . .,."......: ':::'-!f~ 57 "3 . . .-' ~.~ ,. '... -~. - '" ~ .' ." .. ... .~ ~~":,,,,"*'.ti:. '.. . " "'.' . :" ~~_.,..._,.,~~'::#'~- 378.22 ,~..., .,.,...... 57.93 >>:<<.'CP. i<< ~<'Q;'~':" )(Jo.4c;~~~~~ I'l.... X')I; ""-" < )Ito.~ ~ ~ """"'.. _. ,..." '" ., ; , .;, .. ,~. ". ~~!$~~"~' ~'1'" . . .. 'x ~'" _ ." ..... "=.~ ':7t,..J,~~~p'';1~!;~lli~ 378.22 ,..~. "', ...:-:..~ 57.93 .'... <" <<,.. .f ...' :;.i ,l#~,. .. ~~:.-~i:. : .,' ~I:."';:-t.o: i;~1~4i*~~Eg~?#.gf!wg~ili\~~~1$1.t~~1@g~E~~~m~~1~r~~~\Tht~\mf~tTI@rr;~1~~t~5kYl%T{T~t~~*~~~0f:~~~:;g!~i$~{f OCT-13-2003 MON 03:35 PM G3 P. 07 . A~.' OC/~ " . January 6, 2004 I". , . 1 ." . . , ,-i\ () '.', . i .1 .1. ' i . I I . r . I ! Whartori..Smith~ Inc. .. CONSTRUCJ;'lON GROUP: . ... ! . i i. '1 . . Mr~ JameS Hughes. . : I . ArchitectS Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Avenue .. Winter P~rl<, FL 3278~ . Architects Design Group.lnc. Received . ! Phone: 407.{).47-.1706 .Fax: 407-845-5525'. ,: . , . JAN 0 6 2.004 Re: ~NewMain Fire ~on '.. Proposal Request No. ~3 (ReviSed) '. . Request 'for Change Qroor (ReO) Nq. '017~' . :r~: rev~ yoor ~ L~ 14 2003 ~~ng Proposal Requw No 13 ro reflect adding. only two additio~ sprinkler headS: in the Apparatus Bay area. Attached please find our Revi~ed Summary of Costs ~ assOciated' 't)ackup. int~. . . , . . . . i ....... .... . .. .. . . . We are pI~sed to offer this ad<fd extra .wort<, for the lulTlP sum addition ~ our con.tract amou~ of Thr~ Hundred Seventy Tw~ DQlIars and No Cent$. ($372.00)_ This cost IS for the workdescribe<;i ,above subject to all Qualificati<:>ns listed herein: . . . '. I... ' Qualifications: ,. \. 1. Ihis__qll~teonty 'iI1~u~~~~-_W()d<~as~ Ii~'o~ .the attacheq summary sheet dated 01/06104. No otherlwork. has been included. . There is no impact ~ the overall project schedule-. . . i . . : '. . Please issue a Change O~er; ck thiS woik is was compieted to avoid Clffecting the schedule. .' . r .. . Should you have any questions! please don't. hesitate to contact me. . . Sincerely, ./ Wh.rto~. . ,~ . ttVarga .. Project Manager. . ~ 2. t !. . cc: David Lewis, WSI i" PaulCool<sey, WSI '1 Chief:Roo Strosnider '. , 03-007/ c:aA-31 RCO:.11R'File . .. . I I I I '! . .1 I I Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 017R SUMMARY Date: 01/06/04 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-Smith labor II. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden /II Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Builts I Blue Printing VJJf. Misc. Other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 IX Subcontractor Costs $345.00 Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H-.J $345.00 X. Labor. Materials, & Equipment Subtotals (I. Thru IX.) $0.00 XI/. Builders Risk $2.59 XIIl Permit Costs $0.00 XV. Bond $6.40 XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $17.25 Xl/. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X. XII, XIII, XV.) $0.90 TOTAL PRICE OF ReO # 017R $372.14 "'Permit Costs or any other impact fees are specifically excluded. #/1 PROPOSAL REQUEST A/A DOCUMENT G709 OWNER [Rj ARCHl1ECT 0 CONTRACTOR rE1 FIELD (BJ CONSULTANTS 0 RECEIVED OCT 2 9 2003 PROJECT: (name. address) Oeoee New Main Fire Station wIn Blufford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 PROPOSAL . DATE: October 29.2003 OWNER: City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee. Rorida 34761 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 618--9912.22 TO: (Contrac:tOf) Wharton-Smith, lne 750 County Road 15 Ocoee, Florida 32747 CONTRACT FOR: New BuUding CONTRACT DATED: May 19,2003 Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or T rrne incidental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECfION TO PROCEED WITH TIIE WORK. DESCRlBED HEREIN. 1- Request GC developa price to add'Aea Fire Sprinkler Heads in Apparatus Bay. See attached sketch. ~t~t{ r Description: ..,..11 _ /_ ~.r".... ~~-t.. P.M. _ _I/" supt. A.sst. Supt. File v'" /40\f:ri . /~p:r Attachments: FSK-201G ARCHITE.CT: Architects Design GrouP7 Inc. Jim Hughes Project Architect AlA DOCUMENT G709 - PROPOSAL REQUEST · APRIL 1970 EDITION - AlA@. 1970 @ . THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 Nf2N YORK AVENUE., N.W.. WASHING1"ON, D.C. 20006 ONE PAGE J..L';~..:'<.J.~L,,--;ll ,~ ~ UU,,; UU. (]) . N II N / . ~ ~ @ . <' . . . ~ c--< 4:'1 "'" .C' 0 . N '" N 10 16 .000'MtlG NO, N . ~ . ( FSK 201G PRO.J::CT TITLE: OCOEE FlRE STATtON SHttr lIRE: PARllAL PLAN SHEET F-20l CONSfLTNG ~~ GfI..AH)O. Fr..1t:td:. -It: PAUl BCH. DRAWN ~ eM) DATE: 1O/2:S/0'J CHEO<EO BT: ENe .& AS! 114 CZ1 a.ooo.c DOQt. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lllOl [~~ -.u: (to/) m-no. IJII( 30 g:,. 1Illlt ~ "' IIOa:. "-- ~ (GJ~ .U:[~_ )lU ~""U -.ICI.. $UIIt ~ ~ ""tjIlIQOl., JUlII)I. ~ ~ ~ H.l: c-..:r oQII-~ o w > - LU <.) LU c::r: ('r') = = c--..s to -L 1- - ~ Cf::J I :z C> J-. a: <:C: ~ ....... u w a ('1) o o C'l C'l .- s- a.> ,:;:J .... t:: ([) o a.> o o:l g ....... I t--- -.q- t'-- 01 ('1) U <:e ....t.n-O H'---< 'h d "'-0..3 blJ o:E C'J r.:t.. ~ .;:: 3 ~ t1=:J-L..<([) ~~ ~~ o5S.g c.>.....O,.,::; rn;u ([) :.:~O~ ~~~j i ..... ~ ti> ~ ro 0- :ft ~'O- ~,.. ~% ~~ bt.l ~ :.a "'0 ~ ;... t8 0\ ,lr) \0 - .~ ~ ~ o .Cl,) o 'h ~ 'd ([) <;I.l o 0.. o I-< 0., .... ~ ~ -. o u E5, ... ~ "tj ... 00 N ~ . OJ) ~= 0\ o:s = <1'~ oS coU ..... '1"'"'(... .5 \0 Q ~" . ~ ".I. 0 ..... Q,) Z ~ ;::~.....:; ~~gO" .3 oc.> 0' ~ eo:: ... ~~~..... ~ Q c.> ~ .e-0 ~ ~u~cE ..... C'J ..t:: -' "'0 ~ l..l:: ll.) ~ ^ ('1) - ~ ..... - o u co ~ a.> o ~ & t"- I-< . 0"2 O~ Z~ 0...... o ;3 ~ 5 u:I ~ - <n ~] c...;..c o l-< ~~ .~~ ;>'1:: e ;;; ~ ~ <1::1: -<- '" "C ro ([) ..c: ;..., ([) :Q c- 'c 0.. tf.l ([) >- a ...0 ~ ([) -B ~ o tl) ~ o -0 ~ ro bt.l .S ..... o ::s "C ..... u:I ~ ,.,t;;; ~ ~ o 0.0 s::: '.;::I ([) "0 "C ([) - -::: bt.l s::: .- <;I.l o. 0.. o l-< 0.. ([) $-< Qj ([) ~ >- t--- ro .-...D . '" 0.2 Z d ~ ~ ~Q.. ;..., ~ ;::s ([) O,.,t;;; l-< ..... ll.) C ~..... <:i) .- <:i) "C ro ([) ..c ..... d s::: .3 ~ -0 d ~..,-\~- <.> o "0 <-i o -0 N c <I} t: ., ~ '" '" L:: Et '\"'- --'" ~ o v :;; t2 2 3 g .~ -6 < I::: -2 u E ~ 00 o ~ -- d)i~....:..: -:S~~!:: -<( l-< t8 -- <;I.l a <.> tl) :g to , ... -- '" ::s '-' ([) 8 E ci ..... ci -:S cr.i -0 s::: ([) E S o <.> ([) .... l-< ([) (I) ;:: . ._0 0.0'0 .... . ~~ ce~ .8 ~ ~~ ...!:l ro g S :;:s .x' a l-< .... ::: 0.. Og. ~ IV .- >- ([) .... l-< ;::s o l-< tS -- 's ~ </) e '3 (Xl o ~ :::s Ci ~ ::i:: a) 0--< ~ o 0.0 t-t.--< o _ ~ d :-. 0 Q) ro :9CLl ~ a <n._ a OJ) .tt [) C'/.}CZl s::: _ a s::: c::::~ c:..:-.d ([) ro :a~ () ~ (I)';;: .... Q) ii:~ "'0 ~ ro IV <:) 'C 0.. -- = 'E .- - ""' ~ =: <'-> 0 ~ .... .d- bJ)~ - -' - :.. t:Qt;; roC = s::: 0 -U c) c) ... ;::; o :>>. ~ <l,) .;; ([) t-. Il,) ~ <I.> E:: 0. \ ~. (\) tt ~ %~ \~ a.... :t~ '$~ ~'&~--s, ",i-'Q r-'9>~D ~ ~'" '--;,b'6 Cl> ~->-i '<<l:@l~ ~-'.:o -Q.~0>3:6 ~~c- 1(30"'6 '6 \~t ~.~~ \ ~~~ ~~1> 7 <fl "6 <t 9- 4 ~ 0-- "2.. 4. '=& t ';; 6..~~i):c $ ?~ t: '$ 'tbC1l ~"Z 0 't ~ ~c ~$ ~ %~ g,~ ~~ \ ;\ \\ \\ 0'\\ \\ \\ s ~ o '{;. '% ce.oCi:- -o~~ "i"'-o ~~O-~ \~\ ....., ........... -- - -..... &o#/~ . (~ ~ cee{) Southern Fire Protection of Orlando, I~. CHANGE ORDER # 2' :180J. E- SJl467 Sq,n,ford, PL 32711-9155 Pho1tez (4lJ7) 3234200 FaJC: (407) 328-8931 E~. (4()7) S28-2912 DATE: 11-Oec-03 TO: Wharton - Smlth Construction Group 1.50 County Rpad 15 Lake Monroe, Aorida 32747-1028 RE Ocoee New Main FU"e Station PR~17R SFP # 23026 ATT; 4n7~~1236fi:CEIVtD lIVJ EC 1 1 1001 NARTON-SMITH $ $ Scott varga FAX # As requested, listed below is a detailed breakdown of labo( and materi<lls to: Redesign the fire sprinkler system in the area shown on Sht. A.102 reflected ceiling plan. The drywall ceiling was change<! to acoustical by the apparatus bay and the grid ceiling layout shifted in the apparatus bay. 109$& charti3QS are pgr ~.1'TR MATERW-S: Pipe, fittings. hangers and sprinklers ea.@ ea.@ $ 100.00 $ 30.00 ,...- TOTALPR~OUSCHANGEORDERS ORIGINAL. CONTRACT REVlSEO TOTAl. TO DATE 1 thru $ $ $ 5O.QO hr. S $ 30.00 hr. $ $ 44.50 hr. $ $ 1.00 per mile .$ $ $ $ 12/11/03 $ TOTAL 7% tax 7% warehouse expense & freight Engineering laborfredesign Fabrication labor Installation labor Mileage Total 300.00 6 hrs. @ h~.@ hrs.@ @ TOTAL 15% overhead & profit TOTAl FOR CHANGE ORDER # 2 300.00 45.00 345.00 345.00 If ttte{'l~ are any Questions. please do not hesitate to calL Since(ely. Jim Lucas SALES REPRRESENTA TlVE E-MAIL: Jim@southemfirem Credibility · ImegriLy DEC-11-2003 THU 02:49 PM 4073288931 P. 02 of' Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP December 29, 2003 Architects Design Group, klc. Received Mr~ James Hughes Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407-647-1706 Fax: 407-645-5525 o H 3 0 2003 ISK RMM Cow Re: Ocoee New Main Fire Station Proposal Request No. (None Issued) Request for Change Order (RCO) No. 029R Dear Jim: We have reviewed the returned submittals on the Sectional Doors for the Apparatus Bays and found there will be additional costs to Increase the Size of all the doors. A tld row of windows will not be added per Chief Strosnider's request on 1/20/03. Attached please find our Summary of Costs and associated backup information. We are pleased to offer this added extra work for the lump sum addition to our contract amount of Three Thousand Six Hundred and Sixteen Dollars and Seventy Seven Cents, ($ . This cost is for the work described above subject to all qualifications listed herein. <2 J _ f) ) -J (l.J/II.c-t'~ Qualifications: 1. This quote only includes the work as listed on the attached summary sheet dated 11/18/03. No other work has been included. 2. Wharton-Smith cannot at this time determine the cumulative effect, if any, of this change with other changes to the project schedule. We reserve our right to request a time extension and associated costs should the cumulative effect of this change with other changes impact the overall project schedule. Please issue a Change Order, once fully executed, this will allow us to proceed with the added extra work. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerety/! ::~Z. /Scott Varga~ Project Manager cc: David Lewis, WSI Paul Cooksey, WSI Chief Ron Strosnider 03-007 / C-8A-3/ RCO 29R File 750 County Road 15 . P.O. Box 471028 . Lake Monroe, Florida 32747-1028 . Phone: 407/321-8410 . Fax 407/323-1236 CG C032669 PC C048385 CU C056506 Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 029R SUMMARY Date: 12/04103 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-Smith Labor II. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden III Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Builts I Blue Printing VIII. Misc. Other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 IX. Subcontractor Costs A. JB Mathews - Increase in Door Size $3,353.03 B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H--1 $3,353.03 X. Labor, Materials, & Equipment Subtotals ( I. Thru IX.) $0.00 XI/. Builders Risk $25.15 XII1 Permit Costs $0.00 xv. Bond $62.20 XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $167.65 XI/. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X, XII, XIII, XV.) $8.74 TOTAL PRICE OF RCO # 029R $3,616.77 *Permit Costs or any other impact fees are specifically excluded. Any of these Costs will be forwarded to the City if required. ~t.Ct.Nt.\) C OM PAN V ~C~ \ ~ L\}\}3 OVERHEAD DOORS- DOCK EQUIPMENT - SPECIALTIES ~\ ~\~\-r\.. =.:;wJl.M AI H E),Y S. \; 0 M 1\?-.\a\'",.V\~\\ \ \ 2.36 APEX COURT APOPKA, FL '27.\N~ 407-656-128& 407-880-1253 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET COMPANY: FROM: Scott Varga Kent Horsley DAT!!: Nov. 19,2003 Wharton-5mlth TO: FAX Hu..ae~: 407-330~1092 Mc;E.~ 1 PHONE NUMBER: cc: RE: Ocoee Fire Station o UMEI'lT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 pL.EASe COMMENT 0 PLEASE REflL. Y 0 pL.EASe RECYCLE NOTES/COMMENTS; Scott, In ordet to 9.dd 4" of height to ill doors and :l second row of vision lites, here is :l br~ down of costs as you requested 1 ha.ve been successful. at getting our manumcturer to slightly reduce the.it costs, 50 hete is the way the numbe!'5 break down. Otigirud Co:otblct Atnount $21,375.00 Cost to add 4" ofheigbt to each do<< ::;; $3,353.03 01: $419.13 pet door. The.reason for this amount of increase is that the doors a.te priced fot an opening height of 14'0". When we ixtctea.se the height by 4", it changes the way the door is made and balanced. By adding the 4" it moves the price point to i 14'.6" door which is tn01:e difficult to tmJ:)ufa.ctui:l: and tequites different mec~ms jn the sp~. pet doot. TIlls cost seems J:I\1mbe:: of mon l:Q11\I'S indica.tcd in the sigrWs as to the need for 1 Ot 2 sections, the doots .~ $0 low. ~ ate: notin II p05ition to :a L p>>~ ~ Jl~~ '(; 'fo /0 3, P, 01 NOV-19-2003 WED 03:11 PM G3 7' ~~~-~c-~~ L~'~O r~uM,wHA~~UN-~MITH ACTGl 10.4073201776 PAGE 1/6 /x' V o Whorton -Smith,.lnc. CONSTRUC'(ION GROUP AO : \. January 6,2004 Mr. JameS Hughes , . Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North .KnoWles Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 . ArchiteCts . Design Group. Inc. Received JAN 0 6 200~ , .. .Phone: 407-647-1706 Fax: 407-645-$525. " ISK RMM Re:. 9coee New Main Fire Station Proposal Request No. 15 . Request for Chan9.e Order (ReO) No. 042 ' Code Dear Jim: We have reviewed your Proposal Request No. 15 dated. November 24, 2003 which adds some electrical work to the Kitchen area. We specifically exdude a.1I equipment.easewoo< .changes and the Guardian System indicated on the sketch. attached to the PRo Attached please find our Summary of Costs and associated backup infQrTnation.. .. . We are pleased to offer this added extra wor!< for the lump sum addition to our contract amount of . One Hundred Ninety Five Dollars and 'No Cents, ~($195.00).. This cost is for the worl< desCribed above subject to all.qualifications listed herein. . Qualifications: 1. Ihis quote only includes the work as listed on the attached summary sheet dated 01/06/04. No other work has been included. ' 2. Wharton-Smith cannot at this time detennine the cU,mulative effect, if any, of this change with other changes to. the project schedule. We reserve our right to request a time extension and "associated costs should the cumulatiVe effect Of this change with other changes ,impact the overall.project schedule. . Please issue a Change Order, once fuUy'executed.. this will allow us to proceed With the added extra work ' . .. Should you have any questions; please don't hesitate to contact me. cc: David Lewis, WSI Paul Cooksey, WSl Chief Ron Strosnider 03--007 f C-8A-3/RCO 42 File . !HN-~b-~q ~~,q6 FROM,WHARTON-SM1TH ACTG1 10,41217321211776 PAGE 2/6 Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 042 SUMMARY Date: 01/06/04 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. O~07 I. Wharton-Smith Labor 1/. Wharton-Srnith Labor Burden III Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Builts I Blue Printing Vllt. Misc. Other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $181.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Subcontractors cosl.s (Items A through _H~ $181.00 X. Labor 1 Materials, & Equipment Subtotals ( I. Thm IX.) $0.00 Xl/. Builders Risk $1.36 X(l/ Permit Costs $0.00 XV. Bond $3.36 X/. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $9.05 XU. Wharton-Srnith 10% Fee on Direct COsts (X, XII, XIII, XV.) $0.47 TOTAL PRICE OF ReO '042 $195.24 "Permit Costs or any other impact fees are specificany excluded. -_:.--- --- --,-- --"- 1D,41217321211776 ARCHITECT DESIGN GROllE- ... WHARTON SM.-OFF PAGE 3/6 [ft] 005/006 ~tPt-i6 y~N-~b-~q ~~,46 FROM,WHARTON-SMITH ACTG1 11124/0~ 16:54 FAX PROPOSAL REQUEST AlA DOCUMENT G70g OWNER 0 ARCHITECT ~ CONTRACTOR 1?I1 FIElD l'EJ CONSUL rANTS P PROJECT: (name. ad~l Oeo- N.eW Main Fil1l station wIn 6\ufford A\lenue Oco~, Florida. 34761 PfWpoSAl ~QUEST NO; 15 DATE: November 24.2003 OWNER: City of QeOe& 150 N. Lakeshore DriVe oeoee, Ronda 34761 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 618-99JZ.22 TO: (C<l~), Wharton-Smith,lnc 750 COunty Road 15 Qcoee, Florida 3V47 CONTRACT FOR: New 6uUding coNTRACT DATED: May 19. 2003 Please submit. an itemized quotation for chan9~ in the ContIad Sum andIOI' TIme tncidenta~ to proposed modlficat1ol>S to the ContrDCt Oocum~ d.escrt~d herein. -qnS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DmECTION TO PRC>Clm) WITH: THE WORK PSSCRro'ED HEREIN. Description: AttaChments: PR-15/1 1} Request the GC revise the electrical oul1et ano circtJit in tne Kitchen room '\11 to support the Kitchen range (electrtclgas) as requested by trle owner. a. provide Z08v circuit in place of the 110V circuit specified. 2) seea=ods-RECt{\JEl ~ ^'Ssl. Y.~' -7 supt. .-:--- ~sst.. Su.p\. -/ Fi\e I t~ (::- /~~,..~" . ~ ~ NOV 2 5 2n03 WHARTON-SMITH ARCHITEcT: Architects Design Group, loe. --r~\~{U"$ BY: Jil'l'l Hughes Project AtCf\iteCl: 10JA OOCUMaIT a'7tl9 .. f'ROPOSAl. REQ~ .. APRIL 1970 EDITION · AlA@" 1970 (:I. 1l'iS AMERtcM I~ OF AACHlTE-CTS, 1135 NEW 'tORKAVENUE., N.W.. WASHINGTON. D.C. ~ oNEPAC3E D ('It:: JAN-~c-~4 20,46 FROM,WHARTON-SMITH ACTGl ID,4073201776 PAGE 4/E .-- -. --- --- ARCHITECT DESIGN GROUP ~ WHABIQN SM-OFF . -------- ------ ~006/006 11/24/03 16:54 FAX ~ ~ _\. ~ ""- .~~ - ( \l~ ~~ ~. ~.: 0 ill ~ (f) - * (U .t.,~ a: l 0 Z , 0 { ~ ~ - oil '\ ~ ~/ / E3 \ . l > ci ~ ~ U1 \ W - . 4:- .....J "- LU 11 Z ill (j :r: ILl IIii'l ",'f . - .:':-: U b ~ " ~ .~ I .. . ," \-- :;- tn iT. .:" ~ ~ -, . . . - ~ <Q ~ - - ~ .q.,~ .""hl " ^", ~~n-~D-~~ L~,q( ~~UM'WHARTON-SMITH ACTGl 10,4073201776 PAGE 5/6 12/18/2BB3 17:35 4e7838B935 MORTON ELECTRIC fi:.o ~ ~ PAGE 01 CHANGE ORDER EA1 MORTON ELECTRIC. 1Ne. 1&r:n CHERRY WOOD LANE lONGWOOO, FLORIDA 32'7SG.9633 PH. (407) 830--1000 DAle 08I141fl3 1CRMS 3C JOB NAME OCOEE ARE STATIO PAGE NUMBER Page 1 of 2 BRYAN PfCKENs TO: WHAlttON-SMITH, INC. P. O. BOX 471028 LAKE MONROE. Pl 32747.1028 .M........_ -.M ...._,w ... .~ .. --.. . . . . ~ .. . .. '. . .. ... M,. ___ _w. MATeRlA,l AND LABOR COST FOR REVlstONS AS SHOWN ON P.R. 115. SEE ATTATCHED BREAKDOWN. - ',' .- . - . . . . . . ... .... n. .... ........ . . CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY MATeUAL.: TCItaI: SaleS lax ~~ 1 $99.48 $6.9$ TotAl. MATERIAL: $106A4 HOURS: T~~ 1.50 Cft3rge per HOUr. 25.00 l.aboc Bun:Jen %: ~%; 40 15 $1$.00 $5.63 . TOTAL LABOR: $58.13 0VERtEAD % MARK..uP~ 8ON) ~ 10 $16.4& f J.. ~ w.ur..at- PeM?At' t . TOTAL lOT PRICE: ft; [f?>1 ~ fuJ ~sec1 ~ DEC-IO-2003 WED 04:38 PM 4078300935 P. 01 ~AN-e6-0~ 20,~7 FROM,WHARTON-SMITH ACTGl ID,~073201776 PAGE PAGE 02 6/6 12/10/2003 17;3S 4tl783BB'335 MORTON ELECTRIC MORTON ELECTRtC. 1He. 1607 ~WOOD lANE LONGWOOO~ RORlOA 3Z75O-9633 PH.. (~7) 830-1000 CHANGE oRDER E-11 OAlE 08/14/0S TERMS 30 JOB NAME OCOCE. FIR!; srA TlO PAGE NUWER Page 2 of 2 BRYAN PICKENS To: VVHARTON-sMITH, INC. P. O. BOX 471028 LAKE MOf'ROE, fl 32747-1028 . , _.' ., ..... . . '00'. ._ .. . . ..., ..---..-----~-. .---- --... .' . lot 0EscRIPTt0N 334 15A-60A OP.ITE ca 783 3Wire-SOA 250v.Range Re<;pt PRICE ~ . $(33.75 $35.73 EX1" PRiCE $63.15 $35.73 exr O_SO 1.00 TOTALS: _AS ~EC-l0-2003 WED 04:38 PM 4078300935 p, 02 "'J.J~-zvr~...c1UJ. r ro .t-'~Lr.c. u wharton.Smith, Inc. CONSTRUC"J."I9N GROUP January 6. 20'04 Mr. James Hughes Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407-647:'1706 Fax: 407-645-5525 . . Architects Design Group. Inc. . Received, JAN I) fi ZuU4 ISK RMM Re: . Ocoee New Main Fire Station proposal Request No~ 16 . Request for Change Order (ReO) No. 043 . Code Dear Jim: We have reviewed your proposaf Request No. 16 dated. November 24.2003 which adds some . electrical work to the Entertainment Center in the Day Room. We specifically exdud~ all revisions to Casework in the Day Room ;and the Kitchen area as these are being priced under.PR #19 as issued by ADG on 11/25/03. Attached please find our Summary of Costs and associated backup informatiOn... .. . We are pleased to offer this added eXtra work for the lump sum addition to our contract amount of Four Hundrect Seventy Nine oOUa(S and No Cents, ($479.06). Thisc6st is for the work described above subject to all qualifications listed herein. Qualifications: 1. This quote only includes the work. as listed on the attached summary sheet dated 01106f04. No other worl< has been included. , 2. There should be m) impact to the overall project schedule. Please issue a Change Order, once fully executed, this will alloW us to proceed with the added . extra work. .. , Should you have any questionS, please don't hesi~te toCo~~ct me. . cc: David Lewis. WSI Paul Cooksey, WSI Chief Ron Strosnider Q3.-007 I C-8A-3 / RCO 43 File .^~,...,,' OA11\ . J;'~'i 407/323"1236 ____.. ~.......&_...._.... ~".""".L11 r-\'-..LU.1 1 u' 4,1D1;,j:.!1D1'('(b PAGE 2/6 Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 043 SUMMARY Date: 01/06/04 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-5mith Labor If. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden III Materials lV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Bunts I Blue Printing VIIl. Misc. Other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $444.24 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total SubCOntractors costs (Items A through _H..-J $444.24 X. Labor, Materials, & Equipment Subtotals (I. Thru IX.) $0.00 XI/. Builders Risk $3.33 XIII Permit Costs $0.00 XV. Bond $824 XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on subcOntractor Costs (IX) $22.21 XU. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X, XU, XIII, XV.) $1.16 TOTAL PRICE OF ReO #043 $479_18 *Pennit Costs or any other impact fees are specifically excluded. .....& &.& ~... 1""""\'-.1. \..:r .1 lU''i\of.:l:.<:\ol(fb PAGE 3/6 EO 'd 9E60OS8LOV ~V 6Z:90 fiHl tOO~-11-03a ARCRI'IBCT DESl~ gQ.Vi' . 1HARTO~ Sli-OFF ~OO%/006 ~"/O~.~~~FAl. --- pROPOSAL 'REQlmST AlA DOCuMENT G709 OWNER t5l ARCH\"'I'ECi m ~OR Il!J Fle..n \AI CONSUliANt'S c ocoea Mew' Main f'n ~1Io PROPQSItl. ~\JE$T NO; 16 win sturrord ~ Owee. ~ 34761 OATE.: ~24. 2003 eIt1 of Ocoee AACH\T6CT'5 PROJECT ~ e18-&9IUL 160 N. ~e Drive o~. F1ork;Ia s.4761 ~l\oSmIih.1rte COOTRAGT ~ NIBw 6UUding 750 CoU"tv Road 16 ocoee. FlOrida 52147 coN'fRAC'T DATED: May 19, ~ PROJECT~ ~.~l o~ 1'0: \~ PleaSe Qbni1. an Rlaml::ed ~~ fOr ~ in the ~$UJt\endl<<~ ~ t& ~ ~ 10 1M CQntnl(:l~ ~ htMl- nns 1$ NOT ACRANQEOlIDa~A Dt1lECrlONTO ~wrntnm Woroc:.~ED~' ~eJr;CJ. 'l) Requat 1h& ~ ~ In~, ~ ac\tJ U\e oayroom. ~ 118 tQ :!lI.lf>PO(t1he ~ tiQC)(1 \ aM.... 'IV. ill \l1c ~ CotI\OO".. I -,L " - J I. , ~ fl, a) Add 00 TV gutot (for a total of.l.t'Itee). ) fr~ ce- Ql\\.!1- I't:.~ :iPM:> of\. fTI/5 0 D) Add one ~t9d outlot (outWt boJa&). U. c) ~ on dupm to a ~uadouuet (for h 19r1Je TV). 2) s.._- "t.Ct\\1t.\) f; ~~'il~ ~()~ ~ \-\ ~~~()~.~~\\ Description; Al.t3ChrneI'I'S: PR~'\611 ~eHfrECT: Areh~ DeSig~ Group. kle. ~\:v- ~h eY'. JIm ~ Prolad~ / rJcS. -- A$$l. p.M. -./ - S.pt. - - ~~- - ~-~~ ~ ./ ~I\(D ~ ! Mo()~ ~ - - - --- AU.DQC'UIIfiNT6109 . p~~ · APRJUmiiU'l'lCltt · ~. ,mCl. ~ ,.~~oF ~ 17M NE'NyOQK~, ttW..Y'-WllIML,0t4.t>.e.Z0008 ON~PAGE NOV-24-2003 mN 04:52 Pt1 G3 P. 02 EO "d - - - ----. .........................., ~..t.... .J..I-l M'-'J.L:r.l lU'''iIO''':::l:..!101776 PAGE 4/6 SD Wd ES:PO NOW EOOc-PZ-^ON .: ~ t- ~ Il-l <J) ~ ~UJ i _dd > 3 ~ \\ ~~ ~ (.) U:<.D~ .-Ioc-,. ~ 0... ~wo. I w =~ . nC>&U ~n: CJ) ~...IlO N~ -<iO ~t: - IJ.. ~ > It\ w 0: I ~..... a: ~ t' w III t- ~ -t) . ~ z. w ~ 0 . "q" ~ ~ t f- :::. Z . ~ ;0 ~ ~~ W . ~ ~. "i \ z - ~ ~ g a:: ti ill U1 I- 9 Z ... I W ~ - ..- ~~ -JIO u:~~ ....~~ ww~ :I.:z:: <f>.... cOlli ~~g -- -....-. ............,.....Y"f....ru.....I,Ul'lt-ul.l.1J.M HL..1.L21 lU,Qf<)732lZl1776 PAGE 5/6 10 'd MORTON ELECTRIC, INC. 1607 CHERRY \NOOD LANE LONGWOOO. FLORiDA 32750-9633 PH. {401} S30-1COO ~w F~i -; SE600EBLOP ~ 6,:90 fiRl E002-tl-Q3G CHANGE ORDER E-12 DAlE 08114/03 l"EJUIS 30 JOB.NAME OCOEE FIRE STATIO PAGE MJMBER Page 1 of 2 BRYAN PICKENS To.: WHART~MlTHT ING. P. O. BOX~71028 lAKE. MONROE, fL 32747-1028 . . . ,. ... .....-.-...........- ---..-....-. .. ---. . .._. . -....... ... . . . UA'TERW..ANO lABOR COST FOR RfMSIONS AS SHOWN ON P..R.. ;116. seATTATCHED~ . . . . '. . :. ........_..___..'--.&_....., .... . ......_..._.._.. ..___........ . __......_.._. _-_._...-1>___...... .. . .-. CHANGE ORDeR SUMMARY 1lATERW..: Tala!: SaleS Tax '%: $305.00 7 $21.35 TOTAL. MAlERIAJ..; $326.35 HOURS: Tatat Hours: 2.00 cn.ge Per~ 2S.00 l..abg(" 8uIden %: SUpervision %; 40 1S $20.00 $7.50 TOTAL LABOR: $17_50 oVERHEAD~ UARK-UP ~ BOND ~ 10 ~.38. A'.! ~-===-~~e TOTAL LOT PRICE: rl- ~ 111 r {<eul:;C'cJ ~ .1u='""t:\U r~LlOl ((0 r'I-IG.t. b/b MORTON ELECTRlC, INC.. 1607 aERRY WOOO lANE LONGWOOD. FlORIDA 3215O-S1633 PH_ (A07) 830-1000 SS600SBLOv ~ 6Z:SQ OHl EOOG-lt-03Q CHANGE ORDER 1;.12 20 'd DAn: 08114103 TERYS 30 JOB NAME OCOE5 ARE STATI PAGE NlUBER Page 2 of 2 BRYAN PICKENS To: WHARTON--SMITH.INC. P. O. BOX 471028 lAKE MONROE, FL 321"'7-1028 . . .. . . ... _ _". .._ .A...,....' . -... .,- . . ...-. IDif PTlON ADD 1V OUTlET ADO 2O-12OV QUAD RECPT CkANGE DUPLEX TO QUAD EXT~ 0.50 1.00 O.SO TOTALS: - ___~a _~"'a' ....... ............. -.....410 .Lll t""'\\....LU ~ J u' qlO'/;:!~1O 1 '/76 PAGE 1/8 Wharton-Smith,. Inc. CONSTRucnON GROUP January 6, 2004 Mr. James Hughes , Architects Design Group, h1C. 333 North Knowle:;i Avenue Winter Paii<, FL 32789 Phone: 407-647-1706 Fax: 407~525 . Architects Design Group. Iric. Received JAN 0 6 2004 Re: Ocoee New Main Fire station Proposal RequeSt No. 20 Request for Change Otder (RCO) No. 046 eo.. Dear Jim: We have reviewed your Proposal Request No. 20 dated December 17, ?003 which adds three secondary roof drains to the Apparatus Bay Roof area. We ,specifically exclude any notations or changes to the existing primacy roof drain design. At the requestof the Fire Chief, the ,pipe will not drain out of the soffit but rather down .the wall in Room #144 and out the west watt face. Attached please find our Summary of Costs and associated backup infomiation. ' , We are pleased to offer this added extra work for the lump sum addition 'to our contract amount of Six Thousand Five Hundred Thirty SiX oOilars and No CentS, ($6,536.00). This cost is for the work described above subject to all qualifications listed here.in. . Qualifications: 1. This quote only includes the work ClS listed on the attached summary sheet dated 01/06/04. No other wort< has been included. 2. There shol.lldbe no impact to'the overall prOject schedule, . , . Please issue a Change Order, as this wort< has started to avoid any delay in the current schedule. ceD #6 was issued on 12130/03 to release this work for construction_ Should you have any questions,' please ,don't hesitate to contact me. cc: David Lewis. WSI Paul Cooksey, WSI Chief Ron Strosnider . 03-007 I C-8A--3/ ReO 46 File lU''-t\O(.;l;'::\O!((O PAGE 2/8 Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Deaee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 046 SUMMARY Date: 01/06/04- Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-Smith Labor II. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden III Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Taxon Materials VI. Clean Up VIl. As-Builts I Blue Printing V/II. Misc. Other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,059.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H-.-J $6,059.00 X. Labor , Materials, & Equipment Subtotals ( 1. Thru IX.) $0.00 Xl/. Builders Risk $45.44- Xiii Permit Costs $0.00 XV. Bond $112.41 Xf. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $302.95 Xl/. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X, XII, XIII, XV.) $15.78 TOTAL PRICE OF ReO #043 $6,535.58 *Permit Costs or any other impact fees are specifically excluded. 12/23103 -- -- _._~..... 08:29 FAX ....".~~~" ~..,....n M\...J.u' lU,Qlll-/32lZl1776 ,lli<':lilTh<':'1' Vt;::i!<.iN <.iK~ - --- - -.------- PAGE ~VV..1/ \.Iv.:.. 3/:'::' PROPOSAL REQUEST AlA DOCUMENT G709 OWNER ~ ARCHrrEGT I!l CON1RACTOR 00 RaD I?il CONSUl-TAmS 0 ~w4'q~ t:: ':- 'i PROJECT: (n00'lll. ~te$$) Ocoee Now Main Fire Station wIn Blufford A.venue ocoee, Florida $4761 PROPoSAL. REQUEST NO: 20 OA TE: Oecembet 17, 2003 TO: (CQntrad:ot) City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34101 Wharton-Smittl. 10c 750 County Road 15 Ocoee, Aorid~ 32747 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 616-9912.22 OWNER: CONTRACT FOR: New Buiklin9 CONTRACT DATED: May 19,2003 P1ease submit an itam~ quotation for changes In the ContraCt $urn at"ldlor Time incidental to proposed modific;ation$w 1he Contnd OOCI.Iments d~ herein. THIS IS 'NOT A CHANG~ OlIDER. NOR A DIKECUON TO PROCEED WITH 1'HE WOF$. DESCRIBED}{EREIN. Descrtption; Add secondary roof drain piping per mtached drawmg$ PSK 301-1: ./' p~ Asst. r.M.- - / - RECE\VEO Supt.. ASSt. Supt. - - File i>~~ / ~rlt~ ~ OEe B. 1\ 'OO~ WHARiON-SM\TH Atf.achments~ PSK S01-1 ! ARCHITECT: Architects De&ign Group. lne. Jim Hughes Proje~ Ardl~ NA DOCUM~ G709 . PROPO$AL. ~ · APRIL 1910 EDTTlON . AIA~. 1970 It:J. ~ AMERICAN 1NS'1TlVTE. OF ARCHITECTS.. f735 ~E\N YORK AVENUE.. N.W" WASHINGTOrf. !:l.C. 2000s ONE PAGE DEC-23-2003 TUE 08:29 AM G3 P. 01 .lU:--:tllJE~LI(J.1EEO t'.4L.;J::: "!/I:::! i4l002l002 .. --.-'. ",. -lii.l'ou1iOOJ -- --- -.-,.- - --. ARCHITECT DESIGN GROUP ---.-- 12/iJ/03 08;30 FAX ._....., ".._y..... .L~. .&."'" ......,.. .~.AA..' .. ~ ~ .". .".~ "~""".' ..'r: 't ,-' .. r. 9..Cr'E ,- .~ 1Il x!\ ",:::>~9~ ~~P.M 'i'\?JI" ~ tt.....I~J>'f'c.- e ~"'~ ''''' PSK 301-1 ~ 1l11..E: ocw:c fR: OEPAR1J.ENT SHEE1 ~ PARltAl PlAN 9-f.p' p-301 DPA1!lN. &1:- ~ a:EOS> BY: ac OAm 12/IGftJ3 fA f'RRJ. tQ~ m. P. 02 -...... -- -... .........-.c..'-..J ...r;.;.\Jl'l;wnM~~Ul""-::Jl"'llJ.H AC:'J:lil 10,4073201776 PAGE 5/8 @OO2l00Z .12130/03 16: 52 FAX ARCHITECT DESIGN GROUP -I WHARTON SM-Sl1'E CONSTRUCTION . CHANGE DIRECTIVE · AJA DOCUMENT 6714 OWNER . ARCHITECT . CONTRACTOR . FIElD 0 OTHER (l1Us~~AfADocumafttG713. ~ ChiinQfl~ PROJECT: City ofOcoee Fitt StUion City of 0C:0ee 125 N. 'Blllfoc\i A.ve. Ococc.. Florida 34761 DIRECTIVE NO: DATE; 6 December 30, 2003 TO CONTRACTOR: ~Inc. 750 Comrty Rd. 1S Lake Mout"O':, Florida32747 ARCHITECrS PROJECT NO:: 618-99/222 CONTRACT DATE: May 19,2003 . CONTRACT FOR: New Coostt'11etian YOU ate bt:rr.by dim:tl:d to ~ die ~ c:faae!: (~) irt ~ Cwrracr: 1. Revisions to roof drains at the apparatus bays; imtan three (3) additiotla1 roof drains with appropriate piping to provide code required overflQW capability fOC" Ule apparatus bay roof area see Oetail, PSK 3.01-1. 2. Revise and ~ Overhead Track Doors' as included in RCC>>2S for Drive-throl..l9h Apparatus Bays with : single WMof glaZing in each door. Door Height is 14'-4.. Refer to ShoJ> Drawings. ~hTTWnts~ (See aUached drawings for roof drain details and overbead door ttotes in shop dl'aWings). PRQPOSED ADJUSTMENTS: 1. The .e.ropgsed bas~ of adjustment to the COntract Sum Of Guarimteed ~um Pri[;e is: . Lump ~um (I~e) {d0Gre3se) of $ To Be DetermiOoo, o Unit Prp of S Nth per NlA . o as provided in Subparagraph 7.3.6 of AJA DocumentA2.01,1987 edition. Cl as foll~: The Maximum price shaU not be greater than $_ (based on Contractor SUbm~ documented material cost. ; 2. The Omtract li~e is proposed to (be adjU6teQ) (remain unchangerl). the proposed adjustment, if any, is (aR ifl{;fe3$~ Qf day{s} t-'l1ccrcasa ef Elay(.s). 3. Tame and Mate~1 shall be reviewed daily and documented by the Con1Jac:tgr's Jobsite Superintendent, PaUl Cooksey. Docum~ntation shall be proVided to the Architect and Owner at time of completion. I - When signed by ~ OWner and Architect and ~d t'If the Controctor. this document bej:omes effective IMMEDIA TEl.. Y as a Construction Change Directive i(CCD), and the Contractor shall proceed with the ohange(s) descn1 above. Arc:hltecls Design GroUl? Architect I 1 ue Signan.sre by tbe Contrador indicates tt1e Con1ractor's agreement 'Mth 1tIC proposed ~uWnents itl Contrad: Sum 15tld Conttact lime set forth in this Construdion Change ~ . ()cQee City HaD 0Wnec VVhartntl-Snitt, Inc. Contrac1or Oa:lee. r-lOrtda 34761-2258 750 County Rd. 15 lake t.btroe, R... 32747 150 N. Lakesh~ Drive By By . Date Date ~DOCUIl&HfGln . ~ CIolANGE ~.1W7EDmCN -AJN/J- C1'JIiT. THE~ INSlilVTEQF~. nas NEWYOAA^VE.. M. W, ~~o.c.~ I -~ ~~-~~ cK~rl:WnM~~UN-~rl!~H A~~.~l 10,4073201776 PAGE 6/.~ ; ~ MODERN PLUMBING INDUSTRIES, C. 255B OLD SANTOBD OWIJO lfl). WJNTE1l SPRINGS. FL 3170S \ Teleplw&e 407-327-6800 FIlX 4fJ7-l;Z7-2672 Decembef 29, 2003 R .CE1VED Wha:rtDn-Snrith 750 County Road 15 Lake Monroe, Fl 32747 DEe ! 9 2003 Ahn: Scott Varga WHARTON-SMll \ . \ . Re: MPI Job # 6603 - ()coee Main Fire Station Subj: WI Change Order R.cqnest #3 - Addition of Overflow DnUns Scott, Enclosed is the breakdown for a.dding three (3) ovcrilow drains and associated p~ipg on the Apparatus Bay roof, perdrawingPSK-301-1 dated 12/1612003- \ 1 The total cost fi:>r this change ADD will be $6,059.00. 'i I If you have any questions or if 1 can be of further assistance; please contact me. Smcercl.y, . KJ I cmb Enclosures (2 -...... ---- ........ .........-.L.-...I rKun:wn......K~ul......-~MlTH ACTGl ID,4073201776 "COST BREAKDOWN" Ocoee Main Fire Station Change Order Request #3 Addition of Overflow Drains \ I -------..-.......----.-.----....-----.....----------_...-....----~ .-.-____-.-.-....-...~~-___.......-__________._..A.-...----....... i MATE~ $2,284.59 x 1.06% % sales tax $2,433.09 $2,813.16 $5,246.25 x 1.050/0 $5.508.56 x 1. 1 00/0 $6.059.42 lABOR $ 42.00 x 66.98 ......... 1- $2,813.16 ! ~ PAGE 7/8 ~ ---.... --- . . "'.I,"1.J.I.I."I"-..~r;;:,"'\.J.l'l.-~I"'I.1~M 1-\L..~G.l 11)'''1073201776 PAGE 8/8 -:.:::::::::.::....'"~Wl~ _._~~ ....flro'-....),..o......A,o..J~ ~1l!JS 00 ~.)t$.""l? ~; ;~~FA~Ct1cInQe~ ~~ 12Q5Jl2OO3 --< _~~: lS:OlJ~ ~ ~ 0ir.ccIJnIed f>l'a>g =~~ PnrnelyUbo!" ~~~:~~01'Es: ~~~~.::~.:~;~~~:-- ~:~j~~~...~.~~.~~~ ~,~.~.-::~~....~~.~.::~;:.:~;:;;.lC~:::~T~~~~;:~.~; 1~.:'~:WQ;~l~:w......"":~::l.;:.._y_ ~....~ _y__...:..~~~:::~:x)oy..~~~...JIt1>l~~~..~~.,..+-.. .. :==-.:...... ."'..:=~_.,~~:=-~ t:._.I'I....~,.~_ ''''''''''''''''.~..:~~~-'_....._...._.,_..._...~_...+''''----:::...~... ....~"!!t~!:: ,--...."..............~f'N,.,.........~.- .;......_..;;."';."Zt....__~;.:-.._...._............ ,. ,.... 2 " . . 3Ilr8Mm~ 25.00 1.78 1..DO 44.50 _ 1.ClQ 0.00 3 3frtul-*WMhcft. 11Xl..OO 0..12 1..00 12.00 -=--- 1.00 OM , <W" Al1l\mllt RId 100.00 1..50 'LOO 150.00 1.llO O.IJJ 5 ~~ 1.00 21t.OO 1.00 Z7S..00 . i 1.CO C.OO G lit NJNiI ~tJO :2l:lO.OD 1..00 MlQ,OO _ ! 1 00 QJXl 6tamwy'Repolt (compsny rmna) ~1) ~2) (~3) ~., {-.mal} E.:;,5i:0.;.t~0;~=~~~ii~ffi~~~~~~~.~:;:=5~;E.~~~~~~~~:r~;i.i~:~~:~~:2:~;:~.;:;;~~~. ea4.5G ~E:~~~~~ OW ~~~~~~~~~5~~;;~:;:.7~-;.,7~li.':~=--~~~:?T~~=-=?~~~ftWIY:;:::;::1~~:S~~f..,~N::=~+-;}v_-r=~~2 ~O 016Xlt5016 1 sm<<lPYC PlpI! 120.00 ozr 1.00 ~1$ 0.05 1.00 &.00 52:50010 (l1'1XX.11a1 1 Sd1<40 P\IC s..oo C>.38 ',110 2.:U 0.46 1.0<> 2.75 S2llW2Il ~- 6 sm..oP'VC ac.~~ 25.~ 24.10 1.DO $17..13 '1.00 ,. 1.0> :!5.00 ~10 1 Sl::h 40 pyc JgPt 12.DO _ .t.OO Q~ Slap 1.00 0.00 5200001 0I$000C'l093 \.kKlZI!Id Sd'l40 PvC" ~--P\C-OIlL (UllI z.~ 1.00 0.15 - Slap i 1.00 0.00 ..~- S3(lllOO1 06<<'(12S8- ~ :Sch 4Q we ~ 0.0& ~ 1.00 0.12 _ 1..00 ~~ ...~::~~"~~g~~f~~.F:~~::;~,~~i~ ~ 11BXX0:295 4 PvC~,&.ONV" 1/49D-1-Wi ... 7.otJ 5.64 1.00 3&.51 0." 1.00 ".46 3410X125 118XX(7'QS'" P\lCSQl~ ~'1'ION-Hd-IlIH .4.00 14.80 1,00 ~.3!I Q.8G 'I.CK) 3.M ~- 34280025 4 PllCSCW4D.-OWV.JOINTS 26.00 _ 1-00 0.00 SlOp 1.00 D.gO :l429llQC1 ~10l1l3 Uneimd P'YC$OI'U~-OiIIN ca!ENT--P\IC...aT& - 0.52 4,0$ 1.OG ,.to SIUp I '1..00 0:00 ~1 ! 060X.12511 Urm0:cI PVCSOUJJ...aNij' ~ ~ ~54 '1,ll6 1.&4 _ 1.W 0.00 ~~;:~~::~~~:::.tr-~~i~;~~::~~:r?~~~::.2.:::~i~~:;~~~;:~~=:~~==~>~ 101.~:.~~~~ :~~i;~ 1l.l1HllPlPE COlIER imOO 3117 1.00 3cl7 .12 0.17 1b:1 20.40 5:3J6OO:l5 1126X)CM1l2 4 ~ SPECW.n:a lROOFORAIN I 3JXl 86JlO1 1.00 :zeo. <4ll 1.50 1.00 ,..~=-:.;==~z.~:.~~%~~;:~;~~~;;;~~;;~~;~~;:~~~;~:~:;:~~~:;;::~.~-= 51'O<lOO2S \ 4 IA.lJM8DolCea.JlPMENT Pl1JGSKXl.-l 2.001 ~I 1.00 17.00 _I '1.00 u,oo ;;:.;,~=-::...~~. 0,00 ..-...."".y ...............-.,. ~~~lr{;,~~~~~~'2?~~~:;:" ES:~:~~;~~~g~~:;Z;~~;~~~~~il';i;;;iT.-.i~2:~:2;;-:::$~-:--=-:..E?-~~~~~...~~.;;..::~~284P1 ,:~'!,:;;:;;::-~:E~ 66.98 ~~_.._._.._.... ... ..._.....II...IjI'.... ~""""'i........~......~1t hn=.~~ Ga98 ~_._~....u.. . . ';Bf:',=:::;;==:.::;:z,m _~..."......___._...........I.:._ , I(' :'" --~=-~ _-==-- . n_"~: ., ..~~::'~~~ ~~"'j~_-.-.......c'U__'''''''._-''''e~It~-oqr.,'<l<;:;:'4(;..)..~;..i...~''I''~ ~"c~ . ~~""~~I~~..~~,27.if"';~it~~;~~~~~~!~~: ~': I':;.t~ {1' .. ~.__........ ':'::::::::::::::::~~~~f.!!~~~:=::.;~~:~~:::::::::-':':::::-..::::-:-m::~)):<<X":-~_-.M.....":''!.~~._..':~..u...ft..._~~~~~:t:::-_~":'::'::"ro"":.::o"'.'.:t:::~~'-""\""":'~,..-,-_.....,.,....... Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROUP November 18, 2003 Mr. James Hughes Architects Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789 Phone: 407-647-1706 Fax: 407-645-5525 Re: Ocoee New Main Fire Station Proposal Request No. (None Issued) Request for Change Order (RCO) No. 033 Dear Jim: We have reviewed your request in last weeks Pre-Roofing Conference to delete the Roof Hatches. Attached please find our Summary of Costs and associated backup information. We are pleased to offer this added extra work for the lump sum deduction to our contract amount of One Thousand One Hundred Twenty Five Dollars and No Cents, (-$1.125.00). This cost is for the work described above subject to all qualifications listed herein. Qualifications: 1. This quote only includes the work as listed on the attached summary sheet dated 11/18/03. No other work has been included. 2. Wharton-Smith cannot at this time determine the cumulative effect, if any, of this change with other changes to the project schedule. We reserve our right to request a time extension and associated costs should the cumulative effect of this change with other changes impact the overall project schedule. Please issue a Change Order, once fully executed, this will allow us to proceed with the added extra work. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Wharlon ~ d::!~ Project Manager cc: David Lewis, WSI Paul Cooksey, WSI Chief Ron Strosnider 03-007 I C-8A-3 1 RCO 33 File 750 County Road 15 . P.O. Box 471028 . Lake Monroe, Florida 32747-1028 . Phone: 407/321-8410 . Fax 407/323-1236 Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 033 SUMMARY Date: 11/18/03 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-Smith Labor II. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden 11/ Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Builts I Blue Printing VIII. Misc. Other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$1,125.00 H. Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H-.J -$1,125.00 X. Labor, Materials, & Equipment Subtotals ( I. Thru IX.) $0.00 XI/. Builders Risk $0.00 XI/I Permit Costs $0.00 XV. Bond $0.00 XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $0.00 XI/. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X, XII, XIII, XV.) $0.00 TOTAL PRICE OF RCO #033 -$1,125.00 P_l31 NOV-14-2l3l33 11:47 PM DELPHINI CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Professional Roof Installers RECENEO ~ NO" 1 4 20Q3 WHf:\Rl0N.SM\iH REQUEST FOR CHANGE ORDER To: Wharton-Smith Construction Attn: Mr. Scott Varga Date: Friday. November 14,2003 Re: Oooee Fire Station We propose to furnish all materials, labor, and any other incidentals needed to perform the following scope of work: Excluding: Scope: 1. Credit to delete three hatches, CREDIT .. ............ ....... .......... ........... ...<$ 1,125.00> (fkD~;i) 2. Credit to delete 30tb dry in. CREDIT ........... ................................. .<$ 1,750.00> 3. Provide & Insta1148 mill modified bitumen peel & stick underlayment. ADD....................................................$ 13,120.00 ~ (~cO 3~) · Please review, sign, & return via. fax. We will order / schedule upon receipt. Approved By Date Print Name From: Aaron O'Connell-- Fax # (407) 830-7429. Phone #(407) 830-7447 Please call if you have any questions, want value engineering ideas, or require any other estimates. 845 SUDshine Ln. Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Liunees ## CGC 017860 & CCC 056380 NOV-14-2003 FRI 11:52 AM P. 01 UM~-~U-U~ .r'~~ rKuM,wHMH~UN-~MIIH ACTGl ID,4073201776 PAGE 1/6 Wharton-Smith, Inc. CONSTRUC~lON GROUP . January 20, 2004 . Architects De;;ign'Group, Inc. Received Mr. James Hughes Archit~ Design Group, Inc. 333 North Knowles Avenue Wmter Pari<. FL 32789 JAN 20 2u04 Phone:407~7-1706 Fax:407~525 c- Re: Ocoee New Maln Fire station . Proposal Request No. 1'7R' . Request for Change OTder (ReO) No" 041 - Partial Pricing Dear Jim: We have reviewed your Proposal Requ~t No. 17R. dated December 1,' 2003. The following proposal only prices Items #1 (Delete EF-1 and i;issociated d~) and Item #2 (Revising light fixtures in the Apparatus Bay area ceiling. Attach~ please find our Partial Summary of Credit and associated backup information. We are pleased to offer this savings for the lump sum dWuction to our pontract amount of Three Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Four Dollars and No' Cents, (-$3,374.00). This cost is for the work described above subject to all qualifications listed herein. Qualifications: 1. .. This quote only includes the work as listed on the a~ched summary .sheet dated . 01/20/04. No other work has.ooen included. This is a partial Credit only. The credit for items #3 and 4 are forthcoming and will"besubmitted as a separate Reo. . 2. This should not impaCt the overall project schedule. " Please issue a Change Order, once fully executed, this will . allow us to proceed with this modification. . ShOUld you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contactme; Sincerely, . Wharton . ~.. 61:. . . Project Manager cc: David Lewis. WSI Paul Cooksey. WSI Chief Ron Strosnider OS:007 I C-8A-31 ReO 41 (Partial) Rle PROPOSAL REQUEST AlA DOCUMENT G709 OWNER [8J ARCHITECT IRl CONTRACTOR ~ FIELD ~ CONSULTANTS 0 RECEIVED PAGE .f\U-/ 2/6 ~MN-~~-~~ ",~~ ~~UM'WHA~ION-5MITH ACTGl 10,4073201776 , , DEe 0 -2 2003 OWNER: City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 PROPOS~7~ DATE: Nov~r 25, 2003 ~i)~ ARCHITECTS PROJECT NO: 618-9912.22 PROJECT: (name. address) Ocoee New Main Fire Station wIn Blufford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 TO: (Contractor) Wharton-Smith, Inc 750 County Road 15 Ocoee, Florida 32747 CONTRACT FOR: New Building CONTRACT DATED: May 19, 2003 Please submit an itemized Quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time inddental to proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRJBED HEREIN. Description: 1) Delete and provide credit to the OWner for the General Exhaust duct and exhaust fan EF-1 as indicated on sheet M-2.01. 2) Revise light fixture type and count as indicated on attached partial Reflected Ceiling Plan dated November 21. 2003 and per attached manufacturer's data sheets for 2X4 fixture. 3) Provide credit to change plaster ceilings for Rooms #'s 139a, door # 141 alcove, Room # 140. 142, 143, door #141 alcove and room # 144 to vinyl coated 2x4 acoustical ceiling tHe. Provide proper trim work for light fixtures accordingly. 4) Provide anchor clips to ceiling tiles for r<;>om # 141. p~ ~..,-...,. .. .tiit""1 , '.~i;:'n". -:;-... ,'. '-~"~" .-~~~'_. ~ ""~ '.~ '-,' ,.", fit:; ~;:,~ ..~~ if' . :0I(':'":'! ~~rff~}ft~~2,t.,: Asst. P.M. /;::1 Supt. Asst. Supt. ~ ~ '7 ~"~'''''.''''''M:';7Xi1:.' ~? -~,~~:)<~i1~~~d~J.-~:'; V t~ ((t~ ;/J1drr;; crA-'l', ~'f~' ~ v~ ",/ fl 0' re viY\oJerllf>{~ /acwJ:' fff' ONE PAG_ v' ~. -~,. ~/-Zl ~z-~ ~z-s-; r Atta~hments: Manufacturer's data sheets for 2x4 fIXture, Partial Reflected Ceiling Plan ARCHITECT: Architects Design Group, Inc. AlA DOCUMENT G70S · PROPOSAL REQUEST · APRIL 1970 EDITION . AW~. 1970 @. THE AMERICAN INSllTVrE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE., NW.. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 0KN-~~-~~ 1/'b~ r~UM,WHARTON-SMITH ACTG1 ID,4073201776 PAGE 3/6 Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 041 SUMMARY Date: 01/20/04 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 r. II. 1/1 IV. V. VI. Wharton-Smith Labor Wharton-Smith Labor Burden Materials Equipment Sales Tax on Materials $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Clean Up VII. As.-Builts I Blue Printing Misc. Other Items V/II. -$1,374.00 .$2.000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H--1 --$3,374.00 X. Labor. Materials, & Equipment Subtotals ( I. Thru IX.) xu. Builders Risk XIII Permit Costs XV. Bond XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) Xli. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X, XII, XlIl, ~.) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 t~;:'~~~ftE;~6B;~~~'~i.r:04f:.~E\;~: :.;;.:.d~:t~~~ . I . .. .... ~~4~1~~'C'.~~.,~" . . 'r&i:.'!_~j~~':'r,,~.~i':::~::i::~ -$3,374.00 "'Pennit Costs or any other impact fees are specifically excluded. .... "'__6- .._ _""... __~~ h^...~ ""...A A",I..h:> nl~c::tpr /"'~i1inos. in item #3 is excluded. JAN-20-04 17,58 FROM,WHARTON-SM1TH ACTG1 10,4073201776 PAGE 4/6 Apple Air Conditioning and Heating Ine. CHANGE ORDER # 3 , i I ' &0, ofWoIk Changes; DeletionrfEF. 1 and Associated ~ I . I . D . Date .!12-o]1-03 I Job ~ 9coce M_tq Ji1re Sfatios 1 Job ~oa: BblfQ1d Aw. 1.~ for Deletion ofEF.l ( Pa,n Credit) -($900.00) 2.Dc::r: uct for Deldion of the Aaociared j DuctwOrk .(S6QO.OO) 3. ~ forLabot -{$500.00} , , Total Deduct - : -($2,OOO.OO) ! Original Contt3et Amount : $120,000.00 ; Change Order(s) + $1.650.00 : Change Order(s) - ($~OOO.OO) \ Revised Contract Amount $119.650.00 I . OUR PRICE INCLUDES ALL APPUCABLE TAXES. . WE PRqrosp; hc:ldJy to tumish matctial.lI1d labor. compktc in ~=c:e With above spedfi(:aticms for the sum of : ( -$z,OOO.OO ) ra.~ as follows: Terms UI:t Omtnct (JJpon w~ Atmro~ &om. ~1II1On Smith) All ~ is ~ 10 be lIS sprritie4. All 'NO(k 111 ~ campldc4 in.. ~l wor);m.n~ ~ ~ding tn ~c:aDOQS submi&d. per ~ prd.CC$. A:ay aJtcm1ion 0< deviltioa from above speci.fiCllliccs im-olving cxtta. ~ will be ~cemed OPJY upon ~ 0l'dI!rs. and ~1 ~ flI1 cxtIa cbst&e ovcc 0114 above U1e estimlstc. All lIe'J~~ upc>o ~ ~ lX~ bcyoa4 Ooat ~ O..werto ~1i~ tonlJIdo aud otha ~ insuaIoce. Our ~1II"C!ully covacd. by W~ CwJpcmatiau ~ Ifeithet party ~Cd . = to o;;;nfurcc its ricbt to this ~ ~ prevailing party in _lr:pl.aiol:l. sbal1 be entilJed. to recover 11$ . 1ttQrJJe)''s kes =d costs OfIiUg)ltiOl1IdatUlg 10 said ~ adinn" JI$ ~ by a tQUl't of romperent ~0Il. i Autborizpd s~ 1 ; Note: ibis ~ l!lIi)' be wU:M:aWD. by U$lf DOt.cccpted ~ 10 dayL ACCEP1ANCE O,PROI'OSAL 1k lI1xm: prices, speci.ficipoes and ~ m: ~..fiu.Moy ami an: ~~. You ate alS2horim1 to do tbework as . Specifict ~ will be tNI4e t$ QUt1inM above. , ~ Signatlne Dateof~ . .JAN-20-04 17,58 FROM,WHARTON-SMITH ACTG1 10,4073201776 PAGE 5/6 81/28/2864 15:18 40783118935 MORTD'-l ELECTRIC . PAGE 113 MORTON ELECTRIC. INC~ 1601 CHERRY WOOD LANE LONGWOoO. FLORIDA. 327SO-9633 PH. (407) 830-1000 CHANGE ORDE REV &13 DATE 08114103 iERNS 30 JOB NAt.E OCOEE FIRE: STATIO PAGE NUUBER Page 1 of 2 SCOTT VAAGA To: VYHARTON-SMlTH,INC, P. O. BOX 471028 lAKE MONROE, fL 32747-1028 ~.~..._-.,~ .....--..-. ..--.: _..-. .. ......._.... .... _..._~ .... ._n ... . .__.-' .,.. ..... ....~___._.._.:. _......~_._.:;:-._.. :..~ ..__'-_.-:'.~ ~.....~~~. MA~AKJ lABOR COST FOR RE.VIS(()NS N3 SHOVlIN ON P.R. '1-17. SEE ATTATCtED BREAJCDOWN. ~. . - p' .: ..... ...... ...... . .0' ...... _ .... ...._ ...., '.. _ -:" ... '_.~-''''' .': '", "_'~';"'_'_ ." '_. . ..:-:.:.....~~.,~. CHANGE ORDER SUIlIIIAR.Y MA1'ERIAL: Total: ($1.020.00) Safes Tax 11.: 7 ($71.40) TOTAL MAlERJAl; ($1.091..40) HOURS; Total Hota5: --t.OO Ch3tge Pee I-kQ-: 2S.00 . L.abor Bumen %: 40 ($40.00) Supe.rnsion %: 15. ($15.00) . TOTAL LABOR; \ ($155.00) o\lERt-EA[) '" 5 ($62.32) MARK-lJP % 5 ($65.44) BOND%. TOTAL LOT PRICE: ~1.374) !AN-2~-04 17.58 FROM.WHARTON-SMITH ACTGl 10.4073201776 PAGE 6/6 PCoCE. (J(l ~1/20/20B4 15:1B 4078300935 MORTON ELECTRIC MORTON ELECTRIC. INC. 1001 CHERRY WOOD lANE LONGYtIOOO, F1..ORIDA 32750-9633 PH.. (.wi) 830-1000 CHANGE ORDER REV E-1J DA 1'E 0811.(.103 TERMS 30 JOB NAME OCOEE FIRE STAllO PAGE NUMBER Page 2 of 2 To: BRYAN PICKENS \MiARTON-SMlTH, INC. P. o. BOX 4(71028 LAKE MONROE, Fl.. 32747-1028 . ---. .,~ .. ...> .... ... --. ~ . ~ . --~-, . .---- ...-......... I" - "'" ,__........ " _n - . ~. -7--~ I :", ' -...-... ...... .. -_..._.~ ..':: SOl DESCRIPTION CREDIT FIXT OUTlET 'wtRING CREDIT FIXTURE REVISION CREDIT EXHAUST FAN WIRING ~CE EA. ($50J)O) {$72O,OO} ($10Q.OO) sxr PRICE ($200.00) ($12O.00) ($100.00) EXT HOURS -2..00 -1.00 -1.00 . . . . _" .-- f-- - - --.... I ... ''-\...1'"1'' ""1.'r"\~""~l"'t.-;:Jl~lJ..1.M f-\\"".ll:i-l 10,"1073201776 PAGE 1/4 Wharton"Smith, Inc. CONSTRUCTION GROl.JI> Janua.ry 20,2004 Architects Design Group, tne. Received Mr. James Hughes Architects Design Group,lnc.. 333 North Knowles Avenue. Winter Parl<, FL 32789 . JAN Z 0 2004 Phone: 407.s47 -1706 Fax: 407-645-5525 ISK RMM COO< Re: Ocoee New MaIn Fire Station PropOsal Request No. 18 Request for Change Ofder (ReO) No. 044 . Dear Jim: We have reviewed your Proposal Request No. 18 dated. November 25,2003 to delete the paper backed metal lath over the eMU on the Appar$Js Bay Walls only. Attached ptease find our Summa.ry of Credit and associated backup information. . . . . We are pleased to offer this savings for the lump sum dedUction to our contract amount of One Thousand EightHundred Eighty Five Dollars and No Cents, (.$1, t as,go). ~ cost is for the wofk described above subject to aU qualifications listed herein.. (4 \ /o~ 1.!'5:.2) .. .. Qualifications: . 1. This quote only includes the work as listed on the attached summary sheet dated , 01/19/04. No other wo~ has been included. 2. ' This should not impact the overall.pr<>lecl sChedule. Please issue a Change Order,. once fully executed, this will allow: us. to prcx;eed With this modification. Should you have any questions, p1ecrse don't hesitate.to eootactme. ~Si~IY . ~rt Zinc, . ttvar;r-- Project Manager /. 0;: David Lewis, WSI Paul Cooksey; WSI Chief Ron Strosnider 03-007 / C-8A-3/ ReOM FIle , .. ~ ~~ '~Z;; Ch76,z ama--himz /N ~~ fi1~"~:' //,:Z2/t>~. ' .1'h-4-~?- At. ~/r V'o ~: ~: ~. ~?U/'&G. c?U:t-. 750 County Road is. P.O. Bo=" 471028 . Lake Monroe, Florida 32147-'1028 . Phone: 407/321-8410' Fax 407f32.3c1236 C9 C032.669 FC <::043335 CU C056506 <"J' ..... ,"'-'-" ......'" ......<-1-..., r~~1";WnMKAUN-~Ml.1.H AG~Gl ID'4073201776 PAGE 2/"; Wharton-Smith Inc. Construction Group Ocoee New Main Fire Station Request For Change Order # 044 SUMMARY Date: 01/19/04 Sheet 1 of 1 Job No. 03-007 I. Wharton-Smith Labor II. Wharton-Smith Labor Burden 111 Materials IV. Equipment V. Sales Tax on Materials VI. Clean Up VII. As-Builts / Blue Printing VIU. Misc. other Items $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$1,885.00 Total Subcontractors costs (Items A through _H~ -$1.885.00 X. Labor, Materials, & Equipment SUbtotals ( l. Thru IX.) $0.00 XU. Builders Risk $0.00 XlI1 Permit costs $0.00 XV. Bond $0.00 XI. Wharton-Smith 5 % Fee on Subcontractor Costs (IX) $0.00 Xl/. Wharton-Smith 10% Fee on Direct Costs (X. XII, XIII, XY.) $0.00 TOTAL PRICE OF ReO #044 -$1,885.00 "Permit COsts or any other fees are specifically excluded. ~u-~~ ~O: Lr rKUM~WHA~'~UN-~MlIH .1.J../..ViVo.J J..V...L"'t Cl"\....:,. ACTGl 1D'4073201776 ~vnl~~v~ V~~l~~ u~uur ~ nnA~lU~ ~~-ur~ PAGE 3/4 ~VV.../VV':' PROPOSAL REQUEST AlA DOCUMENT G709 fv;e:;#11 OWNER l&I ARCHITECT IEl CONTRACTOR ~ FIELD lX1 CONSULTANTS 0 PROJECT: (n.-. gdd~) ~ New Main Fire Station wIn Bluffofd Avenue Oooee. Florida 34761 PROPOSAL. REQUEST NO: 1lS DA 18 November 25. 2003 TO: (Conttadof) ctty of 0c0e8 150 N.. Lak~ Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Whilrtgn-Smtth.InC 750 coun.ty Road 15 Ocoee. Florida 32747 ARCHITECTS PROJeCT NO: 618-9912..22 OWNER: CONTRACT FOR: New 6uildi09 CONTAACT DATED: May 19,"2003 Pfease ~ zn itemized qUOtatloo (o(' changes In me CorttnIct Sum and/or Time incidontm to proposed ~ to the Corrtrad: Doc:lJt"nent$ desaibed herein. 1HlS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO MtOCEro WITfI THE WORK DESCfUBED HEREIN. Description: 1) Recommend the GC develop a price (overaB cndit to OWner) 10 del~ the 3 coat system with paper bade: metalla1n over eM on the Apparatus Bays only and ins1al1 a tINO - coat system direcUy on the CMU_ 2) WI! caMot recommend tM ddetion or substitution for this syst8m on the Crew QtJ3rt~ and Administrative Area. In ~ conditioned area the paper - back metall:ath serves as the "Vapor Barrie(" in the wan system. REct~~'be~~m~- ~Q 'J " ~ 1~U3 \N\\~~\O~.SW\\\\-\ AtiBchments: None , '/' ~ J,s1L tt-.)L. --r ~ ----- Ad- supt. --r- _ }.: ::l,,f~-:;; o!!l(s]Ac' ----- ----- --- - ~ ---- ~A. oocuu~ G709 · PROPOSAl. REaoesr . APfUl1910 EOIT1ON . AlA3'" 19'10 C . THE AMERiCAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHTTECiS. 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE.. l'tw.. YVI\$HtNGTON. D,C. 20006 ONEPA.GE NQV-25-2003 TUE 10:14 AM G3 P. 02 ,JI-\I"-,~IO-lOq lQCl 18 , FROM,WHARTON-SMITH ACTGl FROM : EXTER I OR WALLS FAX NU. : 407 854 l\e:l(b 1D'4073201776 Jdn. .1.0 ~~-.. ).0:..>- -J'-J,... PAGE 4/4 fD? 'ff+4" . Exterior Walls, tne.. Drywall " stucco " EJFS JanuafY 16, 2004 Mr. Scott Varga Wharton Smith. (nc. 750 County Une Road I..ake Monroe, Aorida 32747 Reference; Ocoee FIJ'e Station Subject: Delete urth at Apparatus Bay! EWlPl-#1 Dear Scott . Exterior WaDst 100. has reviewed the change to dekJta 1he installation of lath on the Apparatus Bay. EWI wi! use a bonding agent and direct apply after trim is inStalled approximate square footage is 2.900. Amount of 1t1is credit is $1,885.00. Please send us a deductive Change Order for $1.885.00. Thank you. If you have any que&1ioos regatding the above axrespondence please do not heSitate to call this writer tmmediately. . Respectfully SUbmitted, Exterior Walls Incorporated cc: EWlPllog file . : i I . I exterior Walle Corporatu Office 1 5558 Force Four Prkwy . Orlando. FL 32839 . Ph:(407) 854-7726". Fax:(407) (154.7076