HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI(B) The Vintage At Lake Lotta Apartments, Preliminary/Final Site Plans Amendment Agenda 7-17-2001
Item VI B
(407)905-3100 NANCY J.PARKER
DATE: July 6, 2001
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner
THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning
SUBJECT: The Vintage at Lake Lotta (Lake Lotta Apartments)
Preliminary/ Final Site Plan
Project# LS-99-006
Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve an amendment to the Preliminary / Final
Site Plan for The Vintage at Lake Lotta which makes changes to the approved landscape plan?
The Vintage at Lake Lotta apartment complex includes a total of 199 multifamily residential units,
located on the north side of Lake Lotta and SR 50, just east of the main entrance road to the
West Oaks Mall. The Preliminary / Final Site Plan was approved by the City Commission in
May 2000 and construction is now nearing completion.
As site work got underway, but before construction began on the buildings, the owner and
contractor met with Planning Department staff to discuss proposed changes to the landscaping
plan for the apartment complex. They proposed changing some of the trees and adding more
trees near the entrance. They also proposed switching some of the sabal palm trees around the
buildings to hardwood trees (hollies and magnolias). The owner felt that these changes would
result in a better-looking project. Planning staff indicated that where the proposed changes
resulted in adding more landscaping (near the entrance) the changes would not be'a problem.
Regarding the proposed changes around the buildings, staff indicated that it likely would not be
a problem to change some of the palms to hardwood trees; however, they were told to submit a
letter detailing the proposed changes for review and approval.
During the Final CO inspection on the first apartment building, it was noted that the plan that was
being used to construct the landscaping was different than the approved landscape plan. They
were asked to submit a plan showing all the landscaping changes for review. They were told
that they could continue work on the other buildings, subject to review of the landscaping
changes. They were told that all outstanding issues would need to be resolved prior to issuing a
Final CO for the last buildings.
Protect Occee's;Water Resources;t;
July 6, 2001
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Page 2
Letters from the owner and contractor regarding some of the landscaping changes have been
received (attached) and a revised landscape plan was submitted showing some of the proposed
changes.- Planning Department staff has responded to two letters about landscaping, one
regarding added landscaping near the entrance (indicating that additional landscaping would not
be a problem) and one regarding mitigation for removing an existing 15" oak tree (indicating their
concept was acceptable, but more information was needed for approval). When the revised
landscape plan was reviewed it did not include all the proposed changes that were being
implemented during construction — particularly the changes to landscaping around the buildings.
The revised landscape plan also changed the some of the landscaping adjacent to the Mall
retention pond and deleted numerous trees and ground covers that were originally going to be
provided behind the mail kiosk and along the lake side of the retaining wall as well as around the
retention pond. Planning staff never agreed to any of these changes.
On several occasions since that time, Planning staff has verbally expressed concerns about the
trees around the buildings, indicating that more palm trees were needed to be consistent with
the approved landscape plan. When a Final CO was issued for each building, Planning staff
included comments about review and approval of changes to the landscaping prior to issuing a
Final CO for the last buildings.
The owner has indicated that he does not want to add back the tall palm trees around the
buildings as requested by the Planning Department. Staff believes that the tall palm trees
adjacent to the buildings as shown on the approved site plan are appropriate because they
soften the appearance of the multistory buildings. The owner is seeking approval of this revised
landscape plan, allowing him to continue with his current landscaping program, which he
believes will provide a better project, even though numerous plant materials have been
eliminated. It is difficult to describe all the proposed changes requested by the owner with this
revised landscape plan, since all the proposed changes have not been highlighted on the
revised plan as requested by staff.
In addition to the landscape plan issues, there are still a few site plan issues that are currently
outstanding —the enclosure around the lift station and the parking lot light fixtures have not been
-done according to the approved plan. The contractor was told, in writing, that these issues will
need to be addressed according to the approved site plan prior to issuing a Final CO for the last
Based on the plan approved by the City Commission, compared to the revised plan
incorporating proposed reductions in plant materials,Staff respectfully recommends that the
Mayor and City Commission deny the proposed amendment to the Preliminary / Final Site
Plan for The Vintage at Lake Lotta which makes changes to the approved landscape plan.
Attachments: Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Copies of two letters from Summit Contractors describing discussions regarding landscaping
Copy of an E-Mail message regarding status of inspections,dated June 12,2001
Original approved landscape plan from the Preliminary/Final Site Plan,stamped Approved for Construction
Revised landscape plan showing landscaping as it is currently being constructed,date stamped June 29,2001
Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement
Date Published
EN,that the OCOEE CITY
COMMISSION will hold a
day,July 17,2001 at their reg-
ular session,at 7:15 p.m.,or
as soon thereafter as possi-
ble, in the Commission
Chambers,Ocoee City Hall, •
150 North Lakeshore Drive,
Ocoee, Florida to consider
approval of an Amendment
to the Landscape Plan In the
Preliminary / Final Site
MENTS.The site is locafitd
on the north side of SR 50
- north of Lake Lotto and east"
of the West Oaks Mall en-
trance road off of SR 50.
The complete project file,
Including a legal description
of the subject property,may
be inspected at the Ocoee
Planning Department, 150
North Lakeshore Drive,be-
tween the hours of 8:00 a.m.
!and 5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday,except le-
gal holidays.
The Ocoee City Commission
may continue the public
hearing to other dates and
times as they deem neces-
sary.Any interested party
shall be advised that the
dates,times,and places of •
any continuation of this or
continued public hearings
shall be announced during•
the hearing and that no fur-
ther notices regarding these
matters will be published.
Interested parties may ap-
pear at the public hearings
and be heard with respect to
the application.Any person
who desires to appeal any
decision made during the
public hearing may need a
record of the proceeding
and for this purpose may
need to ensure that a verba-
tim record of the proceed-
ings is made which includes
the testimony and evidence
upon which the appeal is
based.Persons with disabil-
ities needing assistance to
participate in any of the
proceedings should contact
the City Clerk's office 48
hours In advance of the
meeting at(407)905-3105,
COR3978871 7/701
April 17,2001 J
Robert Lewis ------.-•
City of Ocoee
150 N.Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee,FL 34761
Subj: Landscape Review
Dear Mr.Lewis:
Tarragon Development,Concepts in Greenery and Summit Contractors would like to thank you for taking
your time out of your busy schedule for a landscape review on Friday,April 13,2001. During this review,
Concepts in Greenery presented a set of As-Built Drawings specifically describing the changes that have
been discussed with you and/or Russ Wagner with the City of Ocoee. These new drawings described the
changes from Sable Palms to hardwoods at a 3 to 1 swap and also changes to the Clubhouse center island
and entrance road area.
After briefly reviewing this site and the drawings presented,you recommended that Summit Contractors
and Concepts in Greenery proceed with the planting scheme as previously installed on typical buildings.
You also said,upon receipt of these As-Built Drawings you would review them with Russ Wagner and
forward any and all comments to Summit Contractors for further review.
Once again,Summit Contractors would like to thank you for your assistance with this matter.
Don Voorhees
Project Manager
cc: City of Ocoee File
Steve Brownley,Concepts In Greenery
Tim Burns,Tarragon
Burl Smith
Steve Gammon
Paul Sowders
6877 Phillips Industrial Boulevard • Jacksonville, Florida 32256 • (904) 268-5500 • Fax (904) 268-5889
No. 00511
6877 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Phone: (904)268-5500
Jacksonville,Florida 32256 Fax: (904)268-5889
::q r;
TO: City of Ocoee — -- i fl 1 F: LANDSCAPE REVIEW
150 N. Lakeshore Drive . . 1 i i
Ocoee, FL 34761 A,P R 2 5 2001 i HONE #: 407-656-2322
ATTN: Robert Lewis
❑ Shop Drawings g Approval ❑ Approved as Submitted
g Letter I f Your Use ❑ Approved as Noted
❑ Prints [r As Requested 0 Returned After Loan
❑ Change Order gr Review and Comment ❑ Resubmit
Er Plans ❑ Submit
❑ Samples SENT VIA:.: `.r. 2 ❑ Returned
❑ Specifications [i Attached ❑ Returned for Corrections
❑ Other: ❑ Separate Cover Via: ❑ Due Date:
1 1 4/17/01 Letter regarding Landscape Review
2 1 4/4/00 REDLINE- Landscape As-Builts
CC:City of Ocoee File Signed:
Don Voorhees
May 22,2001
Robert Lewis
City of Ocoee
150 N.Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee,FL 34761
Subj: Follow-up Meeting
. Dear Mr.Lewis:
This letter is to follow up our meeting of last week where you,Mr.Tim Burns,and I discussed landscaping
at the Lake Lotta Project. Mr.Tim Bums and myself expressed our concerns about your discussion with
me saying that your boss,Russ Wagner had requested additional palm trees to be planted around all
buildings. Other areas were discussed where you had requested more planting material be added to the
entrance road mall fencing area that had not been originally discussed.
Summit Contractors has discussed the removal and replacement of all of the pine trees on the north
property line by no later than June 15,2001. The meeting concluded that you would take all of Summit's
and Tarragon's concerns back to the city to discuss further.
Summit Contractors and Tarragon is in hopes that the City of Ocoee will abide by previous landscape
design changes and verbal approvals for this project discussed on several previous occasions.
Thanking you in advance for your immediate attention in this matter.
Vc;:6-t-1,7: -.z44,---
Don Voorhees , r
Project I- ld ct Manager ` b h c n r I v-
Encl. a 6` Ce w.r-e-'S0�''''
cc: City of Ocoee File
Burl Smith .2_01, 1' -54-
Steve Ga fihion .µsS 1 F'\5 ""•tr`Cc1 a"-
ygi Bums ,
10,45 cApi"5 b\x-A--s i
6877 Phillips Industrial Boulevard • Jacksonville, Florida 32256 • (904) 268-5500 • Fax (904.) 268-5889
Lewis, Robby
From: Lewis, Robby
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 5:03 PM
To: Wagner, Russ
Cc: Velie, Martin; King, Ellen; Gleason, James; Shira, Jim
Subject: Current Status of inspections at Vintage Apts
As you are aware, there are still a few outstanding issues at the Vintage Apartments site currently under construction
(f.k.a. - Lake Lotta Apartments). The biggest issue is landscaping around the buildings, but there is also an issue related
to the fencing around the lift station. They are proceding with construction in spite of these issues, with the intent of
resolving them before the project is completed. They currently have inspection requests in for Final CO's on Buildings 6 &
(Total of 12 buildings, only four remaining after we sign off on Buildings 6 &7.)
To summarize the landscaping issue, they have made several changes to the landscaping as they are building the project,
some minor changes and some more significant changes from the plan that was approved by the City Commission. The
most significant problem seems to be related to their plan to switch many of the trees adjacent to the buildings from sable
palms (in groups of 2 or 3) to holly trees for the most part at a ratio of 3 to 1 (3 palm trees replaced with 1 holly tree). In
verbal discussions with me early in the construction of the project, I suggested that in general, we probably would not be
concerned about changing some of the palm trees to holly trees. However, I don't recall ever indicating that we would
allow them to switch out the palm trees at a rate of 3 to 1. We have a letter from them suggesting that we agreed to the 3
to 1 switch, but we never sent them a letter indicating that we would agree to that switch.
While I was inspecting the first building, I.discovered that they were constructing the landscaping on the site according to a
landscape plan that was very different in many ways from the landscape plan that was approved by the City Commission.
We signed off on the first building with the understanding that we would work with them to resolve the differences in the
landscape plans. Since that time, as we have been discussing the landscaping, they have been constructing the
landscaping with the 3 to 1 switch of palm trees to holly trees, and we have signed off on four additional buildings, subject
to working out our differences on the landscape plans.
I have told them (Tim Burns-owner, and Don Voorhees-contractor) that we would not object to some of the palm trees
being replaced with holly trees, but for the most part, we want to see the landscaping constructed according to the
approved landscape plan. We want to see a lot of palm trees around the buildings because they soften up the appearance
of these two and three story buildings. So far, they have been resistent to adding back the palm trees, citing what they
believe was our"verbal agreement"to allow.a 3 to 1 switch and the fact that they are already way over budget on
landscaping for this project.
During our discussions in early May, we told them that we would ask the City Manager to visit the site with us to compare
the approved landscape plan with the landscaping they are constructing and get his opinion on whether they will need
approval from the City Commission for the changes they are implementing. You indicated that when you presented this
issue to the City Manager, he indicated,without seeing the site, that he thought they might need City Commission
approval. My understanding is that the City Manager still intends to visit the site with us and to see the landscaping in
order to finalize the conclusion that they need,City Commission approval.
Regarding the lift station fence issue, I sent a series of E-mail messages to Jim Shira at the end of April to clarify his
position on this. He wants the chain link-fence around the lift station, as currently constructed, but he does not care if we
require them to construct a decorative fence outside the chain link fence, as long as it is not located on property that the
City would be responsible to maintain if the;City..ever takes responsibility for that lift station. We decided that we would ask
them to construct the decorative fence around the chain link fence, because the approved plans indicated that the lift
station would have a decorative fence. I believe I relayed this information to the contractor(Don Voorhees) in May, but I
haven't found a record of that conversation.
I visited the Vintage Apartments site this morning to inspect Buildings 6 and 7. The landscaping around those two
buildings has been constructed like it was on all the previous buildings with the 3 to 1 switch (3 palm trees replaced with 1
holly tree, for the most part). However, none of the landscaping in the recreation area or along the eastern buffer wall has
been constructed yet. I spoke with the superintendent(Charles Clark) this afternoon and told him that we would not be
signing off on Buildings 6 and 7 at this time, partly because the landscaping at the eastern end of the site is not yet done,
but mostly because we have not yet resolved the landscaping issues. He said he would relay this information to Don
Please let me know if there is anything else you want me to do at this time to help us move forward on this project.