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VI(F) Proposed Adoption Of A Schedule For Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments And Joint Planning Area Amendments
, Agenda 7-17-2001 Item VI F "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" , MAYOR•COMMISSIONER S.SCOTT VANDERGRIFT - OcO0e COMMISSIONERS Q` CITY OF OCOEE DANNY HOWELL 4to ,,i .) ' - 4. ' Q SCOTT ANDERSON 1 , 150 N.LAKESHORE DRIVE RUSTY JOHNSON i, . �, t Q OCOEE,FLORIDA 34761-2258 NANCY J.PARKER CITY MANAGER �F �" �� JIM GLEASON R OF; GOOD MEMORANDUM - DATE: July 6, 2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Corn ' sioners FROM: Kirsten McGinnis, Senior Planner THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning / SUBJECT: Proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Joint Planning Area Amendment Schedule ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan and Joint Planning Area (JPA) Amendment Schedule, thus establishing an amendment cycle? BACKGROUND: Upon completion of the Western Expressway and the extension of urban utilities along Clarcona-Ocoee Road, the City has received numerous inquiries regarding Large Scale Comprehensive Plan and JPA amendments. State law permits local governments to adopt Large Scale Comprehensive Plan amendments and/or Future Land Use Map amendments twice a year; however, Small Scale amendments may be adopted throughout the year. Local communities typically establish one or two amendment cycles per year. Staff is recommending the establishment of one cycle per year. To date Ocoee has not offered a Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle; rather, the City has accepted and evaluated Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment applications on an as-needed basis. The only two Large Scale Land Use Plan amendments in recent memory have been those associated with the Lake Lotta Center and the West Oaks Mall DRI's. The decision to submit Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments prior to the adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Based Amendments is a policy decision—it is discretionary versus mandatory. State law does not prohibit the submission of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan amendments prior to the update of the Comprehensive Plan (a.k.a. EAR Based Amendments). However, based on conversations with DCA staff, this practice is not recommended. DCA recommends that proposed Large Scale amendments be based on the most up-to-date information available. Processing Large Scale amendments prior to the adoption of the EAR Based.Amendments will only serve to delay the completion of the update to the Comprehensive Plan and delay the review and/or approval of the proposed Large Scale amendment. The City is required to adopt its EAR Based Amendments by May 19, 2002. PoW . Prated Oeuee's Water Resources 0 Page 2 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners July 6,2001 Applications for Large Scale amendments are typically processed with other change of use applications such as Annexations, Joint Planning Area Amendments, and Rezonings. Orange County has requested that the City submit requests for Joint Planning Area amendments to the County only once a year. DISCUSSION: The EAR measures the City's success in accomplishing the Goals and Objectives contained within the adopted Comprehensive Plan. In addition, the EAR recommended changes to the Comprehensive Plan, which serve as the foundation for the EAR Based Amendments. The State requires thatlocal governments not only update their Comprehensive Plans based on the recommendations of the EAR, but also bring the data and analysis requirements into compliance with State law. The data and analysis portions of the Comprehensive Plan have not been updated for the past 10 years. Many changes have occurred within the City since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1991. The City has annexed over 2000 acres, and the population has practically doubled. Updating the data and analysis portions of the Comprehensive Plan is a significant undertaking. The Ocoee Comprehensive Plan contains the following eight elements: Future Land Use; Traffic Circulation;_ Housing; Infrastructure—Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, Natural Groundwater and Aquifer Recharge; Conservation; Recreation and Open Space; Intergovernmental Coordination; and:Capital.Improvements. Revisions have been made to a few of the Elements over the past ten years, but these have mainly constituted changes to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPs), not-changes to the data and analysis. Most of the Elements remain unchanged and are based on outdated data from the 1980 Census. Many technological advances have occurredin the past 10 years. These advances offer the City the opportunity to provide more up-to-date and accurate information than with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Advances in technology include, but are not limited to the following: easy access to the Internet; variety of resources available on the Internet; the speed at which information is collected, processed and released; and the evolution and integration of Graphic Information Systems (GIS) in the planning process. For example, basic population and housing data from the 2000 Census became available at the place level in just a little more than a year after the 2000 Census was conducted, as opposed to two to three years after the 1990 Census was conducted. The recent availability of 2000 Census data enables the City to evaluate the accuracy of past population, housing, and land use projections for 2000 against the 2000 Census data. This in turn provides the City opportunity to adjust the population, housing, and land use projection methodologies accordingly, thus enabling the City to provide superior data in the updated Comprehensive Plan. As part of the Comprehensive Plan update, the City has spent the past year integrating the existing and future land use data into the City's GIS system in an effort to create "smart maps". These smart maps will ultimately enable the Planning Department to inventory all the land within the City as well as the Joint Planning Area. Once completed, the smart maps will provide an accurate base for the land use and housing projections through the planning period (2000-2020). The task of integrating the existing data into City's GIS system has taken much longer than originally expected. PoWF Protect Qcoee's Water Resources Page 3 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners July 6,2001 The process of data gathering and drafting of the EAR Based Amendments has been a much larger task than originally expected; however, the time and effort expended in gathering and producing the best available data is critical to the update of the Comprehensive Plan, especially as the City reaches build out. The updated Comprehensive Plan will prove to be an invaluable tool for Staff as well as the City Commission in assessing the future impacts of proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments.on the City. DCA requires that the EAR BasedAmendments be processed as. Large Scale_amendments - which requires three public hearings; one before the Local Planning Agency (LPA a.k.a. Planning and.Zoning Commission) for transmittal and two before the City Commission, once for transmittal and once for adoption. After the City Commission transmittal public hearing, the proposed;EAR Based Amendments aresent to DCA for review.and comment. Upon.receipt of DCA comments, the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report (ORC.Report), Staff amends the proposed amendments accordingly and brings the revised proposed EAR Based Amendments before the City Commission-for the final adoption public hearing. The adopted EAR Based Amendments are then sent to DCA for Compliance Review. Once DCA has determined that the adopted EAR Based Amendments are found in compliance and the appeal period has expired, the EAR Based Amendments become effective. The proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan and JPA Amendment Schedule (attached) anticipates the adoption of the EAR Based Amendments. Large Scale amendments will follow the same process as the.EAR Based Amendments with one exception; four (4) additional Public Hearings (PH) are required for Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments with associated JPA Amendments. JPA amendments must be adopted prior to transmittal of the Large Scale - amendments. The-Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area Agreement and Orange County .require--that JPA amendments be adopted by the Ocoee City Commission (the Initiating Party) prior to County adoption of the JPA amendments, resulting in an approximate four (4) month extension of a typical Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Schedule. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan and JPA Amendment Schedule, establishing an initial amendment cycle. Attachments: Proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan and JPA Amendment Schedule - Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement O:\CALEXANDERWLL_DATA\CAPDFILE\Staff Reports\SR2001\SR01034 CC.doc Pale Protect Ocoae's Water Resoto cas City of Ocoee Proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan and Joint Planning Area Amendment Schedule *Annual CP&JPA JPA and CP Amendment Cycle —► Amendment to kilo. ©Staff Review —IP' •LPA JPA PH Open Orange County 60-90 days 8/02 4/01/02-4/30/01 5/02 5/02-7/02 *City *Orange ♦Orange LPA Transmittal PH Commission County LPA County —110. 12/02 JPA PH JPA PH ? BCC JPA PH 9/02 10/02 11/02 DCA and State Agency / Review(60 days)ORC Respond to ORC City Commission Report Report (60 days) Transmittal PH —� 2/03-3/03 —� 3/03-5/03 1/03 DCA Compliance Appeal Period CP Amendment City Commission Adoption Review and Notice pp PH f_oo. of Intent(45 days) (21 days) _� Effective 6/03 7/03-9/03 9/03 9/03 *Pre-applications meetings are required. 0 Does not include proposed amendments which will require a Small Area Study. *Property requiring a Joint Planning Area Land Use amendment. o:\kmcginnis\all_data\amendmnt\city of ocoee large scale comprehensive plan amendment cyclel.doc Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published THURSDAY, JULY 5,2001 Advertisement NOTICE OF PROPOSED ADOPTION OF A SCHEDULE FOR LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS AND JOINT PLANNING AREA AMENDMENTS • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday,July 17,2001,at 7:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as practical, the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING at the City Commission Chambers,150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida,to consider adoption of a proposed annual submittal schedule for receipt and processing of Large . Scale Comprehensive Amendments and Joint Planning Area Amend- ments: . If adopted,ari annual submittal cy- cle for Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Joint Plan- ning Area Amendments will be es- tablished and the City will not ac- cept orpracess applications for any such amendments except for those ' submitted in accordance with the adopted annual submittal cycle. The City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dates and times it deems necessary.Any interested party shall be advised that the dates,times,and places of any continuation of this or contin- ued public hearings shall be an- nounced during the hearing and that no further notices regarding these matters will be published. A copy of the proposed schedule may be inspected at the Ocoee Planning Department, 150 North Lakeshore Drive, between the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday,except le- gal holidays. Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard regarding the proposed schedule.Any person who desires to appeal any decision made during the public hearing will need a re- cord of the proceedings and for this purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimo- ny and evidence upon which the ap- peal is based.Persons with disabili- ties needing assistance to participate in any of the proceed- ings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting of(407)905.3105. JEAN GRAFTON. CITY CLERK, CITY OF OCOEE \OL5397O701 7/5i030