HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (A) First Spanish Assembly of God Church Special Exception (Case No. 1-1SE-2001) Agenda 10-02-2001 Item VI A -CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WISJORA,NGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOFF VANIWR(iRIV I' tQ CITY OF OCOEE fy COMMISSIONERS R� .• DANNY HOWELL I'F, c V CO E, R347DRIVE. S UST ANDERSON o OCOFR,FLORIDALID 34761-2258 RUSTY JOI INSON Of G00� (407)905-3100 NANCY J.PARKER 0 1Y MANAUER 11M GI.IASON STAFF REPORT DATE: September 21, 2001 TO: The Planning and Zoning Commission nn FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning 07 SUBJECT: First Spanish Assembly of God Church Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception (Case No. 1-1SE-2001) ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Special Exception request for the First Spanish Assembly of God Church to be located in a C-2 zoning district? BACKGROUND: The subject property is 2.35 acres in size and is located on the east side of Ocoee Apopka Road (CR 437) just north of Palm Drive. The property surrounding the subject property has C-2 zoning (north, south and west—commercial uses and undeveloped land) and R-T-1 zoning (east —mobile home park). The Land Development Code allows churches as a Special Exception in a C-2 zoning district. DISCUSSION: The Applicant proposes to build a new church on this site in multiple phases. The first phase will include a 3,120 square foot building as well as paved and unpaved parking. One waiver is being requested from the normal Code requirements, a request to allow the church steeple to be up to 55 feet tall (a 20' steeple on top of the building). This proposed waiver is supported by Staff, since similar waivers have been granted for other churches. The Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception includes many Conditions of Approval, most of which are typical Conditions placed on all Special Exception requests. An unusual aspect of this Special Exception request is the need to consider locational requirements for establishments serving alcoholic beverages (Chapter 38-5 of the Ocoee Code of Ordinances), since there is an establishment already operating within 1,000 feet of the subject property. When this situation was faced in 1997, the City Attorney determined that a proposed new church would not affect existing establishments. However, the proposed use could be considered an "established church" and provide a basis for denying any future alcoholic beverage permits for nearby properties. Since the First Spanish Assembly of God Applicatl n faces similar circumstances, based on the previous determination of the City Attorney, Chapt 38-5 of the Ocoee Code would not prevent the proposed new church from locating near an existing alcoholic beverage establishment POW \\7 September 21, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 2 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE: On August 17, 2001, the Development Review Committee (DRC) met to consider the First Spanish Assembly of God Church application for a Special Exception (Case Number 1-1SE- 2001). Most of the discussion centered around the location of the entrance driveway— the Planning Department asked that it be located directly adjacent to the north property line to better facilitate cross access with the adjacent property. By the end of the discussion, the Applicant agreed to that request. The DRC voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Special Exception with the condition that the entrance driveway be located directly adjacent to the north property line. That condition of approval by the DRC has been satisfied on the plans date stamped received by the City September 7, 2001 (attached). PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on September 19, 2001 to consider the First Spanish Assembly of God Church Special Exception request. The issue of the proposed church location less than 1,000 feet from a place of business which sells alcoholic beverages received the most discussion. The Commission's concern was that a church at this location (commercial area near an important intersection) would prohibit nicer restaurants, most of which sell alcoholic beverages, from locating at that intersection. After much discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of this Special Exception request, including the proposed waiver for the height of the church steeple. The Commission also voted unanimously to provide a second recommendation. The Commission recommended that in the future, if nicer restaurants propose to locate within 1,000 feet of an established church located within a commercial area, the City Commission consider granting a waiver from the Code provision which prohibits those restaurants from locating within 1,000 feet of an established church. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the recommendations of the DRC and the Planning and Zoning Commission, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve this Special Exception request for the First Spanish Assembly of God Church to be located in a C-2 zoning district, including the proposed waiver. Attachments. Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception \\Police_fire1\planning\CALEXANDER\ALL_DATA\CAPDF ILE\Staff Reports\S R2001\SR01155 CC.doc Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published L K4 Orlando Sentinel THURSDAY, AUGUST 30,2001 Advertisement 11 NEGOT SHEARING S CRT OF OCOEE - NOTICE OF PUeuE HEUm0$TO CONSID- ER APPuunex FOR SPECIAL pOErnoN (CASE NO. bI SF]W1.FIRST SPANISH ASSEMBLY OF ODD CREW( NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- suant de{Al(v,Ocoee I Land to Coda that the OCOEE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC : HEAPING an September II.2001 al begin at ands the OCOEE CITY i CO regular HEARI\3 won.none de, 0 at their �on sesIeaRo Ib,2001 at 7Neir regularto begin at held ata ern°seeciibed rime d oir on tr ,eoner aspossible, in n Chars,Ocoee as • Hall ISO Drive a Ocoee. n da o oemder thee.0lioIiPanda m FIRST filed RST the ow sari vSPEMALv OF GOD,N o,ymrpeal OALt locatedc emN it[ea°I-,Sola Rood m s ocoS:-:.papKa R� Tee cemn etc case n:e,including legal dnonridion o Sua property.n Fed oath. • e Planning Depportment, Igo North Lakeshore Drive. between the hours of SN oar and 5:00 cm.,Monday through Endo.,ex. eptlegal l,ondme. The Ocoee Planningand Zoning Colo or Ocoee Commis, the public hear- ings• to continueoe tes and times as they deem necessary.Any in ere ed party shall be advised Mat the dales loges. lmuaHen atthese or continued pap is hearings shall be announced dur. notices hearing that no mattersrs will be published. Interested partiesat the''public hear-gas an appeare ard with respect lone°p°Ikmfon.Any person no desires to appeal any mode during e public 'hearingsm willneed a record at the • eedirgad for this purpose • need to ensure arm a verbatimmode record includes the testimony a evidence upon which the appear�° based. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of the procgsCan- tan the Caw C eeks off cea S uld eo hours vn advance of the meeting al(4 7) usoms JEAN GRAFTON.CITY CLERK, CITY CF OCOEE OLSL47e14.7e Aug n,�oo1 V IA U101I T00Z_Z0_0T UPON JO 1.01 :03NO311­113 T(TA :(13NE)IS3(1 '0'3 '1 :NMVUCI 00_6Z_6 6 :31v0 te 000Z :t:eamNl BOr 31V9 AS AOUddV >10019 SIHI NI CIAIV3S GNV 03NDIS SSMm=1 (1 NnNoiioiSNO0 �10111VA iON A AC A21VC]Nn08 Ins ------------- O=11OZ ossvevm :GN3931 110S I I N I WHO L z ni z Ul .D1 0 > 6 C2 -�4 "0, ISVB 9Z 3E)NVN 'Hinbs a dlH9W01 'n NOU338 2 -is NrDF M3ATS a avls 6 22 0 E11S133MW DID tlNdOdtl alvos 01 ION clVVY N 0 11V00-1 D F TNITI Hcj,2if1H0 QOJ -40 J.l8W3SSt/ HSINt/dS 1S2i1J 'C1VM:lokiNn00 �IOJAVM do 1l-1911:1 SS31 �10 3�1011Y S3210V Z/1,-Z ONINIV1N00'E)NINN1938 JO 1N10d Oi.,U?GdMlcl a3s?�ne ON071V 1S3AA 30N9H1A1�13dMAd (13sun8 3H1 =10 UE!N2100 I SV3H I nos oi 133J 9L 1, AiUE!dOtld N0711380NOW H I 210N 30N3H1,ki'd3d0Ud NO1138 3H 1 01 S3HONI 9 (INV 133:1 9Z9 iSV3'1 33d 9L1, HinOS 30N3H1 ONINNmi `1N10d EAUUViS V 210=1 S3HON1 9 (INV 133-4 CEL H I nos 30N3H1 E)NINNnN'"3 8Z 30NV�J'S ZZ dlHSNM01'8l, N01103S JO tr/l, A"N _A0 17/1, M"S JO �13NUOO ISMAHiUON 3Hi iV ONINN1038 :N01 I dNOS30 lb'J3l &9-W-Z9C:3N0Hd SLZK lJ'NEICIM �KNM KKK X08 'O'd INIRO OUVONAM 'ONIINOM310 3a VNVdSIH VIS3191 nElMcl 213NAAO 068* WZ'LWx?d-9Lb* WIWOUNd LOW eppoij,opuepo AEMAH AgugqD P10 W9 6u4l!wJ8d 181MU011AU3 • 418POIN 0160100H • U61580 ASMAH- jumdolma puel • 00 ONIE133NION3 h?f1D „it dGild V a D 139'Z IT= AN I TA Alfil I T! li­Yk I= AH I 7d Z f. 1, A tj I I �Ci , , -Ialu, 0 00 U, Gr T. 0 1 J Ig _4pli Iti: e� -1 R 2MVMJE) CIO N3d111V0..8 NV HilM i✓I:9 9 113 CORI 0 -- �O I lJ,!Ji0lS' I jW19 x S33U �10=1 AE!MnS 3MJi S/\AOHS NVId Z-0 glqlNOZ- I H �-O ONINOZ 1 El M m m z 0 z 0 z 00'9 'ANI :31ON J­ --Ya!zF ±::-­� - - - c 11, MAI Di; �_j S?'16r, 3 k 33N3:_AJ i I :41r a .09*9Z9 9Z*W9 El ..MM69 N 7� 7, 'Y' -• V 'Q J .......... . . t� pJJ j_l C A 1 R "j" z CD ju 7C O k 1 v Z-0 ONINOZ - ------------ 0 15CHIPT--JI - C) 2 NIISIXB SWOU 'A�113 OZ17U mu SSVIO 100HOS ,, 1. 1 1 31818 / 301=1=10 HounHO -IS 00*0WE: l9z N0111(30V 0 N011VNISINIVY(N A�jvnlONVS 3Nnin=i (13SOdONd d0d 0 mjnln=i 0 Dialoav 'Cmtl� M NOWICIGYc, I. 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