HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII(C) Public Works Request: 1.Reallocation of FY 2003-2004 Budgeted Funds in the Amount of $59,000 for Paving & Misc Intersection Improvements 2.Authorization of Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. to Perform Work City Manager Jim Gleason CePter of Good LJ~" .. Agenda 03-02-2004 Item VII C 1 &2 Commissioners Danny Howell, District 1 Scott Anderson, District 2 Rusty Johnson, District 3 Nancy J. Parker, District 4 Mayor S. Scott Vandergrift STAFF REPORT TO: FROM: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Robert B. Zaitooni, P.E., Deputy Director Public Works/City Engineer DATE: March 2, 2004 RE: Paving of Lyle Street, Lee Street/Kissimmee Avenue, California Avenue, and Intersection Improvements at A.D. Mims at Beech Center ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and the Board of City Commissioners approve reallocation of budgeted capital funds to pave Lyle Street, Lee Street/Kissimmee Avenue, California Avenue, and minor intersection improvements at A.D. Mims Road and Beech Center; and authorize Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. to perform the required work? BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: In order to address citizen concerns and minimize reoccurring street maintenance requirements, the Public Works Department is requesting reallocation of $59,000 of budgeted FY 2003-04 capital funds from projects or capital purchases as described below: . $30,000 budgeted funds for construction of sidewalks along south side of Story Road. . $3,500 budgeted capital purchase of a motorized auger/sandbagger. . $18,000 savings from the completed paving projects authorized at $159,496.64 for Kimball Drive, Flewelling Avenue, Sleepy Harbour subdivision, and Story Road. The savings were due to lower quantity of milled areas. . $7,500 savings from the original FY 2003-04 budgeted capital funds at $167,000 versus bid of $159,496.64 by Ranger Construction Industries for paving of Kimball Drive, Flewelling Avenue, Sleepy Harbour subdivision, and Story Road. The above mentioned funds will be used to improve the following streets: L vie Street The limits of this project are from West Franklin Street to just past the last residential driveway (101 Lyle Street), approximately 800 feet. This roadway is one-way and is currently surfaced with milled asphalt material. The new pavement section will be 14' wide Type S Asphalt. The cost of this project is estimated at $12,200. Lee Street & Kissimmee A venue The limits of this project are from end of existing pavement on Lee Street east to Kissimmee Avenue; and on Kissimmee Avenue, from Lee Street south to Franklin Street. 4" Open Graded Hot Mix will be used for the 20' wide pavement section. The project length is approximately 520 feet and the cost of this project is estimated at $17,200. California Avenue The limits of this project are from end of existing pavement to Orlando A venue, approximately 680 feet. The pavement section will be 20' wide using 4" Open Graded Hot Mix. The cost of this project is estimated at $19,400. AD. Mims Road at Beech Center Miscellaneous intersection improvement including milling and resurfacing of a portion of the intersection to improve the surface condition, not to exceed $6,000.00 City Commission through use (piggyback) of Orange County's contract previously authorized Ranger Construction Industries, Inc., to pave Kimball Drive, Flewelling Avenue, Sleepy Harbour subdivision, and Story Road. This contract will be used once again for paving of Lyle Street and miscellaneous intersection improvements at AD. Mims and Beech Center. However, since Orange County's contract does not contain an item for Open Graded Hot Mix Asphalt, staff sought competitive quotes for paving of Lee Street/Kissimmee Avenue and California A venue projects. Due to the type of material used, there are a limited number of contractors available to perform the work. The only other quote received from the Orlando Paving Company (OPC) was higher than Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. The remaining estimated at $4,200 will be held and used for unforeseen contingencies related to the projects. RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully requests the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve reallocation of FY 2003-04 budgeted funds for paving of Lyle Street, Lee Street/Kissimmee Avenue, California Avenue, and miscellaneous intersection improvements at A.D. Mims Road and Beech Center; and authorize Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. to perform the required work. FILE No.1?? 02/19 '04 13:23 10: FAX: PAGE 1/ 1 02/19/2004 13:30 To: ~vO P,1 iL/'1J (2f DK31208 California & Lyle Ave, Oeoee fA-x ~ io1-'~S. ~\'l" .... BID TOTALS Bidirem Description Quantity Units Unit Pnce Bid Total 10 uvel dirt On California 1,390.000 SY 0.55 764,50 15 MOT Calfomia Ave 1. 000 LS 730.00 730,00 20 Place 4" OG Hot Mix 278.000 TN 64.20 17,847.60 Total California Ave. (._~.~.~,3~~.1~ ) / 30 Level grade on Lyle Ave 1,081.000 SY 0.75 810.75 35 MOT LyJe Ave 1.000 LS 730.00 730.00 40 Place 4" OG Hot Mix 216.000 TN 65.60 J4,I6960 Total Lyle Ave narrOW I $15,710,35 V .' i 50 Lyle Ave. Wide area at intersection ve 795.000 Sy ~--m:;o 5S MOT Lale Wide area 730.00 730,00 60 Place OG Hot Mix 159,000 TN 9,460.50 TOlal Lyle Ave wide area ~ 70 u or to Mckey Mill 1.5" 4,928.000 2.40 75 MOT Bluford Ave 1.000 4,000,00 80 8-3 asphalt J.5" 407.000 J8,567,34 90 Patch area at Cwb Inlets 1.200.00 100 Remove dispose Curb .000 2,400,00 110 Replace CUlb 100.000 3.540.00 AooE 0 ~ Total Bluford 5S to Mckey S~74 120 MOT Lee Street 1. 000 LS 730.00 730.00 130 Level with 00 Hot Mix to fill holes 78.000 TN 56,90 4,438.20 140 Place OG Hot Mix 210.000 TN 56.90 11,94900 TofAl Lee 8t .,' $17.11720 ) ~ ( Bid TotaJ =====> $102,567.39 ."Notes: Items in italics ar~ Non-Addilive. --rJfr/'Cj .- / d /1' ) 2. b fib} FILE No.235 02/24 '04 08:11 ID:Ranger Construction FAX:4076563188 PAGE 1/ 1 0212412004 8:20 040223 Pave Lyle St. City ofOcoee ... BID TOTALS Biditem Description Quantity Units Unit Price Bid Total 10 Grade existing toad bed 1,290.000 SY 0.83 1,070.70 20 MOT 1.000 LS 625.00 625.00 30 Pave with 2" S-1 asphalt 1,290.000 SY 8.10 10,449.00 Bid ToW ===---=> $12,144.70 1;: i()~ ZA/1(,()p/ elf! dl P(J)lt PI\)< J IIl-fd.? fls6 f/tHf f ~ f1JJ~ (p.ff ORLANDO PAVING 1i' 4075785251 02/23/04 16:5815l :01/01 NO:308 ~ Paving Company A 0IvM10II Of r/utJbMl COI'IIIfUCfiotI Camp..,., PO. 80. 1>47186 ontnclO, Fl. 3211S4,11tN1 (407) 571-97711 Contatt: Phone: Fall: Qlt!.l.Uilll; CITY OF OCOEE 301 MAGUIRE RD OCOfE. Pi. 34761 407-905-3170 407-905-3176 Job NlI1ue: Date of Plarlf OPEN GRADED HOT MIX ROADS t.t.w~ Doc Rt'1Yision Dille: - ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10 CALIFORNIA AVE 278,00 TN 81.50 22.657.00 - 20 LYLE AVE 216.00 TN 81.50 17,604.00 30 l YLE AVE INTERSECTION 159.00 TN 81.50 12,958,50 SO LEE STREET 210,00 TN 8150 17,115,00 G.RAND "OTAL S70,334.!O NorE~; Page I