HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (D) Discussion of City Logo Agenda 02-05-2002 Item VII D "(ENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMIS1G>eR Ocoee S. SCOTT VANDERGRIFT CITYOF OCOEE (G.IMISSIONERS DANNY HOWELL ISO N. LAKGSIIDRL DRIVE SCOTr ANDERSON OcoEF.FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON �•qf � (407)905-3100 NANCYJ PARKER fr Of GOO CITY MANAGER JIM GLEASON Staff Report Date: January 28, 2002 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Janet G. Shira, Community Relations/Projects Director Subject: New City Logo Issue The issue is twofold: (1) Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve a new logo to represent the City of Ocoee? and (2) Should the logo be one of the seven choices, or a combination of different elements contained within those seven proposed logos? Background Metropolis, a graphic design firm, was hired by the City last summer to assist in the development of a new City logo. Staff also recommended that a corporate identity policy be put in place together with the new logo. The goal was to develop a logo which captured the essence of Ocoee, and then to create a corporate identity policy to ensure that the logo was used consistently in order to promote a recognizable symbol for the City. The process began by having staff talk individually with the Mayor and Commissioners about what they felt was important to include in a logo. In August, Brent Myrold, Chief Executive Officer of Metropolis, presented the City Commission with several logos to consider. At the conclusion of that first meeting, the direction was to incorporate a lake scene in an oval design with a banner running across it. Direction was also given to keep "The Center of Good Living" in all logos for consideration. In October, staff brought several new or revised logos back before the City Commission. The design that the Commission seemed to prefer was discussed at length because there was some concern about its ability to be easily adapted to shirts, business cards, and smaller items. Several attempts were made to simplify that design. At the conclusion of this second meeting, the consensus of the Commission was to provide one more set of revisions, specifically incorporating three items: a lake, a family, and a butterfly. It was felt that limiting the logo to three items would keep it simple enough to be reproduced in many different ways. POWT Page 2 - Logo Staff Report January 28, 2002 At that same meeting it was decided that a survey should be conducted to gather input from the community. One resident, Michael Miller, presented the Commission with a logo for consideration and the Commission directed that it be included in the survey with the other logos from Metropolis. Discussion In January, a survey on the logo designs was included with the water bills (see attached). This survey reached approximately 7,700 customers which includes both residents and businesses. This same survey was placed on OGTV and on the City's web site. People could respond to the survey by either mailing it back with their water bill, or e-mailing the City using the form that was put on the web site. The logos were not shown in color on the mailer included with the water bills because of the expense of color copies; however, people were informed that they could see the logos in color on either OGTV or the web site. The City received a phenomenal response to the survey. A total of 1,921 people voted. About half of these came through the web site and the other half were mailed back with water bills. Of the total respondents, about 96% are Ocoee residents, 3% are business owners, and 1% are people who either currently work in Ocoee, used to live in Ocoee, or live close to Ocoee. There are about 8,400 households in Ocoee. The vast majority of households cast one vote. Some households voted more than once because the people had different opinions. There were a few instances where people in the household voted the same. In those few cases, both votes were counted. It is estimated that approximately 1,500 households responded to the survey. This represents about 18 percent of the households in Ocoee. This is a very good response rate for a survey. The majority of the total respondents (residents, businesses, and other) voted overwhelmingly for Logo Number 5. Below please find a breakdown of the total vote: Logo Number Total Responses Percentage of Total Vote 1 24 1.2% 2 26 1.3% 3 329 17.2% 4 78 4.1% 5 988 51.5% 6 52 2.8% 7 378 19.7% None-Keep Existing Logo 42 2.2% TOTALS 1,921 100% POW ri Page 3 - Logo Staff Report January 28, 2002 The survey form provided a section for comments. For discussion purposes, the following statements are provided as a summary of comments received: • Many people who provided comments questioned why a butterfly was included in all logos. • Many people who provided comments asked to remove the butterfly from whichever logo is selected. • Many people who selected Logo Number 7 said they did so because it was the only one with a family in it. • Some people who responded with comments said a sailboat is not the type of boat generally seen in Ocoee on our lakes. • Some people who commented expressed concern about how Logo Number 5 would look when reduced for applications on business cards, stationery, and other smaller items. Recommendation Based on the survey responses, staff respectfully recommends that the City Commission choose Logo Number 5 to work from. Again based on the survey, staff recommends that the butterfly be removed as well as the sailboat. In order to address the issue of reproduction of the logo to smaller applications, staff also recommends that the cityscape on Logo Number 5 be simplified just a bit. Logos Number 4 and 6 were an attempt to simplify the concept in Number 5; however, they were simplified too much. If the City Commission agrees with staff recommendation, then staff will bring back a few versions of a revised Logo Number 5 for the City Commission to review. cc: Jim Gleason, City Manager Brent Myrold, Metropolis POW Enlarged copy of Logo 1 Page 1 of 1 Ocoee, Florida Home I Calendar I Links I Search I Downloads Enlarged copy of Logo 1 UP Special Notice �44 S ‘,41,,, �� City Logo •• g'%qt. 4/4.? utg You are visitor... 80 Site powered by Hot Turf http://www.hotturf.com http://www.ci.ocoee.fl.us/PE4039.asp 1/23/02 Enlarged copy of Logo 2 Page 1 of 1 Ocoee, Florida Home I Calendar I Links I Search I Downloads Enlarged copy of Logo 2 UP Special Notice City Logo tNit% 0 I Goo, Nib 40/0,04#00 Pt _ __ 4' [OCOEE You are visitor... 71 Site powered by Hot Turf http://www.hotturf.com http://www.ci.ocoee.fl.us/PE4040.asp 1/23/02 Enlarged copy of Logo 3 Page 1 of 1 Ocoee, Florida Home I Calendar I Links I Search I Downloads Enlarged copy of Logo 3 UP er of Good 3 Speciaotice ens- CityLogo �I • S,*%C\' - ' i� 1'l , . • s, rr li�f ;.,,0:0•00..--. r, 1i ,y 101 0 4,., ...0 , „ /...._____,___ You are visitor... 135 Site powered by Hot Turf http://www.hotturf.com http://www.ci.ocoee.fl.us/PE4041.asp 1/23/02 Enlarged copy of Logo 4 Page 1 of 1 Ocoee, Florida Home ( Calendar I Links I Search I Downloads Enlarged copy of Logo 4 UPe1 of GO Special NoticCeP Od City Logo �,p. • is# mum Y ■ ill Elm ism juL 0 C ° EE 16..) (-66 You are visitor... 88 Site powered by Hot Turf http://www.hotturf.com http://www.ci.ocoee.fl.us/PE4042.asp 1/23/02 Enlarged copy of Logo 5 Page 1 of 1 Ocoee, Florida Home I Calendar I Links I Search I Downloads Enlarged copy of Logo 5 UP 5 Special Notice Center of Goo. L City Logo fSN' e 1 fs e 1Ni ' .. _...=imearimi)....w.0,4 •7 i ....‘n"."." You are visitor... 250 Site powered by Hot Turf http://www.hotturf.com http://www.ci.ocoee.fl.us/PE4043.asp 1/23/02 Enlarged copy of Logo 6 Page 1 of 1 Ocoee, Florida Home I Calendar I Links I Search I Downloads Enlarged copy of Logo 6 UP �tet Of GOOQ7 6 Special Notice l City Logoe., `I "e 0 C ° E E You are visitor... 72 Site powered by Hot Turf http://www.hotturf.com http://www.ci.ocoee.fl.us/PE4044.asp 1/23/02 Enlarged copy of Logo 7 Page 1 of 1 Ocoee, Florida Home I Calendar I Links I Search I Downloads Enlarged copy of Logo 7 UP 7 Special Notice City Logo (1 \ri MS1111[4: OCOEE Center of Good Living You are visitor... 123 Site powered by Hot Turf http://www.hotturf.com http://www.ci.ocoee.fl.us/PE4045.asp 1/23/02