HomeMy WebLinkAboutV(D) Approval and Authorization for Temporary Closing of a Portion of North Lakeshore Drive for the Purpose of a Fishing Tournament and Fish Fry Agenda 04-20-2004
Item V D
MayorAbe center of Good Ll` Commissioners
S. Scott Vandergrift Danny Howell, District 1
Scott Anderson, District 2
City Manager Rusty Johnson, District 3
Nancy J. Parker, District 4
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
FROM: James A. Phelps, Building Official'
DATE: April 13,2004
RE: Special Event Application—Request for Road Closing
Rotary Club of Ocoee Fishing Tournament/Fish Fry
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the temporary closing of a public
street for the purpose of a fishing tournament/fish fry?
In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City
Commission is required. Commissioner Nancy Parker has made application to the City for a
Special Events Permit for a fishing tournament/fish fry that would require the temporary closing
of a City owned street. The event will be held on April 24, 2004, from 6am—4pm. The street to
be closed is part of N. Lakeshore Drive. See attached location map.
Staff respectfully recommends approval with the following requirements: 1) All residents that
will be affected by the road blockage must be notified in advance; 2) Health Central Ambulance
must be notified of the road closure in advance; 3) An emergency lane must be maintained at all
times;and,4)Roads must be blocked with proper barricades.
Jan 16 04 04: 47p p• 1
CQ11ter of Good
Mayor �1'e ��vl2g Commissioners
S. Scott Vandergrift ,/.." ,1"" 14. 1t.".. __ Danny Howell, District 1
ER5Scott Anderson, District 2Citt Mangy er C0Og Rusty Johnson,District 3
Jim Gleason Nancy J. Parker,District 4
Organization Head Quarters 7.- 7-7-1.,-7-;� Y'.r?t: j=i
Name: Rotary Club of Ocoee _..._� , i. _1 1ii
Address: P. 0. Box 931 i`
City: Ocoee State: FL Zip Code: 34761 APR 2
' , 7
c/o 407-353-0643 Al
Phone�: ` _ _"_`_` ^"'� '' M
Representative 1 M--i
Name: Nancy Parker, 03-04 President
Address: 6748 Sawmill Blvd.
City: Ocoee State: FL Zip Code: 34761
Phone#: (407) 353-0643
Applicant(if different):
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone r:
Type of Event: Parade Ceremony Exhibition Show
Concert Demonstration Other Fishing Tournament/Fish Fry
Date(s)and time(s)scheduled: April 24 , 2004 , 6 AM to 4 PM (some set up night
before on grassy area by gazebo if possible)
Nature and types of activities: Bass Tournament - 20 Boats & Shoreline,
Fish Fry, kiddie games, demos, vendors
Approximate number of spectators and participants: Hard to say - hoping for 200-300
throughout the day. Fun on Lake for community, fundraisin for
Purposeeof Special event: g
Exact location of event: Starke LaSiearYi6e rassClu ark area at City Complex, parking ,b
lake, city fhaJ J lot .& bSam Scott Building
Designation o public acs sties or equipmentto a usea:
Rec Dept setting up tents, lake restrooms, need green trash cans
Number of temporary directional signs: er sign=
NOTE: Need Road Closure by Lake 6 : 30 to 1 : 00 PM approximate
City of Ocoee• 150 N Lakeshore Drive•Ocoee,Florida 34761
Phone:(407)905-3104 •fax: (407)656-5398•www.ci.ocoee.fl.us
Jan 16 04 04: 47p p.2
Copy of State Permit if State roadway is used: ❑ Yes ❑ No
For Para.
Exact location : marshaling and staging area:
Time at which units of par.: - will b- • to arrive:
Time at which units of parade w;- •e dispersed:
Exact route to be traveled -own on at . ed map: ❑ Yes ❑ No
Please attach approxi •: e#of persons, arm- ..1s,&vehicles participating with description of
types of animals • • • vehicles.
Parade will • cupy all of the width of the street,roads,< ,or sidewalk: ❑ Yes ❑ No
For Fires,: s:
The following s be attached to this application:
I) A detailed listing . •e type&quantity of fireworks to be used.
2) A detailed written statem- - outlining all appropriate safety pro =•ures which will be used at
fireworks display in order to pr. : the safety of the publi d all surrounding property.
3) A detailed written statement describing •at facilities • containers will be used to store
4) If applicable,applicants federal license#f• anspo • • fireworks across state line; and
5) A detailed list of names,addresses,o • •pations,and backgro• •s of all individuals who will
be responsible for the actual di : :y,use or explosion of any firew. s. The backgrounds
statement should include . omplete history of the experience of the individuals involved
with respect to the' •se to fireworks, including a detailed list and explanation of each and
every accide• esulting from the use of fireworks which the individual has been responsible
for,or'• 'olved in.
6) A • •p showing exactlaOnch point and-are of fallout.
Applicant Signat e:/e4 ` Com- Uate:
mer � L EJB -0(
Approved / Disapproved ❑ Conditions foDate: /r rm3/6
it tta ed
Police Chief ���` j
L'7 Approved ❑ Disapprov ❑ Conditions for permit attached
Fire Chief ,/s' . Date: 40.276 ey
ClApproved ❑ D •pproved % Conditions o`permit att ched
• pp Date: 45'01
Building and Zoning Official sa. �-��
f. Rrishin
ry of Ocoe1e's t Annual
'An+exclusive fisin eventthewhorestwith the help of
9 � P
the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission.
April 24, 2004 Starke Lake
$100 registration fee per boat Space Limited to 20 Boats
14-inch minimum length for largemouth bass 5-fish limit per boat
6:30 a.m. Check-In 7:00 a.m. Shotgun Start 12:00p.m. Weigh-In
$1,000 First Place $300 Second Place $100 Third Place
based on 20 boats)
Must have working live well and a valid fishing license
Must pre-register at Ocoee Tire 8805 Good Homes Rd 407-290-0073
Please Be Aware Of The Following Fblicies:
Dead Fish Penalty is 0.25Ib per pound Late Weigh-in Fenalty is one lb. per min. late
$5.00 per adult $1.00 per child under 12
14-inch minimum length for largemouth bass
9::00 a.m. Registration/Fishing Begins 11:00a.m. Shoreline Fishing Ends
Must have valid fishing license
Trophies award for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place based on weight of biggest fish of any species
Bait and Loaner Ries will be provided by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Commission with Drivers License as deposit.
Awards following tournament weigh-in, approx 1:00p.m.
11:OOa.m $10 per person, free with boat entry
For more information, call Rotarian Jessica Denmark at 407-296-1493.
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