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III (E) Approval and Authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Change Order No. 6 with Ryan Inc, Eastern for Maguire Road Widening Project in the Amountt of $28, 658.93
Agenda 12-04-2001 Item III E "CG:NTEROI 000D LIE 7.VG-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE' .MAYOR•tmthmsio,vrx Ocoee S_SCOI-r VANDERGRIP7 O� 'O '� CITY OF OCOEE e0,,,,1FSIONERS '� DANNY IIOW WELL a 150 N. LARGSIIORE DRIVE o OCOEG FLORIDA 34761 2258 SCO IT NNY 110 SO N �` b ItUtil v JOHNSON �ii ? (407)905-3100 NANCY I. PARKER Fq OP GOOD N. Cn V MANAGER JIM GLEASON MEMORANDUM DATE: November 27, 2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Board of City Commissioners FROM: James W. Shiro, P.E., City Engineer/Utilities Director SUBJECT: Change Order No. 6 — Maguire Road Attached for your review and action is Change Order #6 for the Maguire Road widening project. On the second through fifth pages of the Change Order packet you will find a detailed description of each of the eighteen items that comprise this Change Order, describing what work was involved and why it was done. Item numbers 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, and 6-16 are all related to various conflicts with other existing utilities that were discovered during construction. Item numbers 6-4 through 6-15 are all related to quantity changes due to reconfiguration of Pond # 6 which is in front of the mini-warehouses on north Maguire. The pond was reconfigured in order to save the large oak tree on site. Item number 6-17 is related to a quantity increase in concrete caused by a field adjustment of a storm sewer manhole structure. Item number 6-18 is a credit to the city to cover overtime costs for our inspector. All of these items combined represent a change order cost of $28,658.93. We are now more than halfway through the project, and the total of Change Orders 1-6 is onl . e original contract bid. We will continue to work hard to keep change ord: costs down. I recommend that the City Commission authorize the Mayor and City lerk to ex:\1e Change Order #6 in the amount of$28,658.93. JWS/jbw Attachment Pow \ 1 k,,��RI� L,R m, ocoeN CITY OF OCOEE %,k rr;J� Engineering/Utilities L``��f.J 150 North Lakeshore Drive am/ Ocoee, Florida 34761-2258 CHANGE ORDER NO. 06 CITY OF OCOEE PROJECT NO.: OF-153-3 0 DATE: October31 7001 CONTRACTOR: RYAN INC EASTERN AGREEMENT DATE: June 6 2000 The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Original CON I12ACT PRICE $9 52 8 208 66 Current CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED by previous CHANGE ORDER $9 885553 33 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER*U $ 28 658 93 The current CONTRACT PRICE including this CHANGE ORDER $9?14,212 76 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 730 Consecutive Calendar Days from Notice to Proceed Date:August 7 2002 Current CONTRACT TIME adjusted by previous CHANGE ORDERS Date:A gust 7 7002 Net Increase Resulting from this CHANGE ORDER Days: 9 Current CONTRACT TIME Including this CHANGE ORDER Date:August 16 2002 k:\const\oc\oe-353\co\"006C0-Z."Pd Page 1 of6 CHANGES ORDERED: GENERAL • This change order is necessary to cover changes in the work to be performed under this Contract. The GENERAL CONDITION,SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS, SPECIFICATIONS and all parts of the Project Manual listed in Article 1,Definitions,of the GENERAL CONDITIONS apply to and govern all work under this change order. II. REQUIRED CHANGES 6-1 U.69-Install 30-inch outfall with zero slope from S-36 to S-37 and provide for 3-inch separation between bottom of 30-inch outfall pipe and top of 12-inch Sanitary Sewer. 6-2 U.70-Furnish and install 6-inch DIP Storm Bleeder Conflict Transition. Relocate Storm Bleeder Clean out from Station 434+80,right to Station 434+00,±,right. Furnish and install Manhole Type P-7(>10'). 6-3 U.71-Furnish and install 6-inch PVC WM Conflict Transition Station 438+3O+,right. Potable water service must be maintained or construction must occur during time when same can be taken out of service(i.e. night work,weekend work). 6-4 120-IA-Excavation regular,Pond No. 6-Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No.6. • 6-5 120-6A-Embankment,Pond No. 6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No. 6. 6-6 I 60-4A-Type B Stabilization,Pond No.6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No. 6. 6-7 162-3-10IA-Finish Soil Layer(Grass)(6"),Pond No. 6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No.6. 6-8 425-1-351A- Inlets(Curb Type P-5)(<10'),Pond No. 6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No.6. • 6-9 425-2-41C-Manholes(P-7)(<10'),Pond No. 6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No.6. 6-10 430-11-225A-Concrete Pipe Culvert(I8"),Pond No. 6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No. 6. 6-11 430-11-229A-Concrete Pipe Culvert(24"),Pond No.6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No.6. 6-12 430-985-225A-Mitered End Section(18")(RCP)(CD),Pond No.6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No. 6. 6-13 520-1-10A-Concrete Curb&Gutter(Type F),Pond No.6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No. 6. 6-14 575-IA-Sodding,Pond No. 6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No. 6. 6-15 700-46-I 1 -Sign Existing(Remove)(Single Post),Pond No.6- Quantity adjustment due to reconfiguration of Pond No.6. 6-16 425-2-42A-Manhole(P-7)(>10') -Quantity adjustment due to conflict between Pond No.2,6" DI Bleeder Pipe and Consery II 54"Reclaimed Water Main. k\cons0ee\oe-3534o\e006C0$.wpd Page 2 of 6 6-17 400-I-ISA-Class I Concrete(Miscellaneous)-Quantity adjustment due to field adjustment of Storm Drainage Structure(5-57). 6-I8 U.72 -RPR City of Ocoee Overtime(81 hours) III. JUSTIFICATION 6-1 Additional work required as a result of conflict between storm system and existing gravity sanitary sewer. Costs reflect lost time and time to modify structures. 6-2 Additional work required as a result of conflict between 6" DI Bleeder pipe and Consery I[54" Reclaimed Watermain. 6-3 U.71 -Furnish and install 6-inch PVC WM Conflict Transition Station 438+30+,right. Potable water service must be maintained or construction must occur during time when same can be taken out of service(i.e.night work,weekend work). 6-4 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-5 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-6 Decrease in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-7 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-8 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No. 6. 6-9 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No. 6. 6-10 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-11 Decrease in quantity due to redesign,Pond No. 6. 6-12 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-13 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-14 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No. 6. 6-15 Increase in quantity due to redesign,Pond No.6. 6-16 Increase in quantity due to conflict between 6"DI Bleeder and Consery II 54"Reclaimed Watermain. 6-17 Increase in quantity due to actual field measurement of materials placed. 6-18 RPR City of Ocoee Overtime. Reimbursement of RPR Overtime pursuant to the Contract Supplementary Conditions,Article 6.H. k\const\oe\oe-353\co\%006C0-i apd Page 3 of 6 IV. NARRATIVE OF NEGOTIATIONS 6-1 On September 27,2001,RFP#28 was issued to the Contractor. On October 01,2001 the Contractor detailed cost proposal for the 30-inch outfall conflict with 12-inch Sanitary Sewer Station 442+20, 54.25,right. Modify structure as to allow 30-inch to be installed over 12-inch Sanitary Sewer. Install 30-inch with zero slope from S-36 to S-37 and provide for 3-inch separation between bottom of 30-inch outfall pipe and top of 12-inch Sanitary Sewer. PEC made recommendation on October 01, 2001 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance of 30-inch outfall conflict with 12-inch Sanitary Sewer from Station 442+20,54.25,at 81,497.28 and h day additional time extension(round up to one(1)full work day). A Work Directive(WD#11)was also issued at the Contractor's proposed price so no delay to this work will be experienced. On ts,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to City Council. 6-2 On October 03,2001,RFP#30 was issued to the Contractor. On October 08,2001,the Contractor detailed cost proposal to furnish and install 6"DI Storm Bleeder Conflict Transition. Relocate Storm Bleeder Clean-out from Station 434+80,right to Station 434+00+,right and furnish and install one(1)additional Manhole Type P-7(>10') (Additional manhole addressed in this Change Order by 6-16). PEC made recommendation on October 09,2001 to the Owner's Engineering Staff of acceptance for a total cost of$16,083.74 with a total extension of Contract Time by four(4)days. On October 12,2001 ,the Owner's Engineering Staff accepted Contractor's proposal for recommendation to the City Council. 6-3 On October 03, 2001,RFP#31 was issued to the Contractor. During Progress Meeting, Contractor informed that pricing provided pursuant to RFP#27(reference Change Order No. 5, Item No.5-10)would be acceptable with respect to cost and time information for work required. Note the following information with respect to time and cost information as noted by RFP#27. Total cost of$3,945.63 and one(1)day increase in Contract Time. As this item has been previously negotiated,work performed would relate to an increase in Contract Quantity. 6-4- 6-15 Increase/Decrease quantities reflect design adjustments at Pond No.6. 6-16 Increase in quantity reflects design adjustment at 6"DI Bleeder and Consery II 54" Reclaimed Watennain. 6-17 Increase in quantity reflects field measured amount. 6-18 RPR City of Ocoee Overtime. Weekly RPR Overtime is detailed by attached table. Ickonsnoe oe-353\co\4006C0-z xyd Page 4 of 6 V. PAYDIEN't Change Description Net Increase/ Unit Unit Price Net Increase/ Order Item (Decrease) (Decrease)Price No. Quantity 6-I U.69-Storm System Conflict with 12" ALL I S S1,497.28 $1,499.28 Sanitary Se"er Modificaiton Station 442+20,right between 5-36 Sr S-37. 6-2 U70-Storm System Conflict between 6" ALL LS 516,083.74 S16,08374 DI Bleeder Pipe and Consery II 54" Reclaimed Watenmain Station 433+80, right. 6-3 U.71 -Storm System Conflict between 6" ALL LS 53,945.63 53,945.63 DI Bleeder Pipe and 6"Watemrain at Station 438+30,right. 6-4 I20-IA-Excavation,Regular 1,459 CY SI.95 $2,845.05 6-5 I20.6A-Embankment 164 CY 51.00 5164.00 6-6 1604A-Type B Stabilization (1,127) SY 52.25 ($2,535.75) 6-7 162-3_101A-Finish Soil Layer(Grass) 560 SY $1.50 $840.00 (6..) 6-8 425-1-351A-Inlets(Curb Type P-5)(<10') I PA $1.940.00 $1,940.00 6-9 425-2-41C-Manholes(P-7)(<10') I EA $1,090.00 $1,090.00 6-10 430-11-225A-Concrete Pipe Culvert(18") 54 LF 52600 51,404.00 6-11 430-11-229A-Concrete Pipe Culvert(24") (6) LF 53400 ($204.00) 6-12 430-985-225A-Mitered End Section(18") 1 EA $565.00 $565.00 (CRP) 6-13 520-I-10A-Concrete Curb&Gutter(Type 84 LF $9.40 $621.60 F) 6-14 575-IA-Sodding 560 SY 51.20 5672.00 6-15 70046-11A-Sign Existing(Remove) 1 AS 51.05 $1.05 (Single Post) 6-16 425-2-42A-Manhole(P-I)(>10') 1 EA S1,535.00 S1,535.00 6-17 400-1-I5A-Class!Concrete 32 CY 5450.00 $1,440.00 (Miscellaneous) 6-I8 RPR City of Ocoee Overtime 81 IIRS 54007 (53,245 67) Total Net Increase Change Order No.06 628,658.93 VI. APPROVAL AND CHANGE AUTHORIZATION This proposed change to the Contract is to be approved by the Ocoee City Commission. k.\const\oe\ocd53lco\4006C0-z,Wpd Page 5 of 6 Acknowledgments: The aforementioned change,and work affected thereby,is subject to all provisions of the original contract not specifically changed by this Change Order; and, It is expressly understood and agreed that the approval of the Change Order shall have no effect on the original contract other than matters expressly provided herein. CONTRACTOR acknowledges,by its execution and acceptance of this Change Order,that the adjustments in Contract Price and Time shown hereon constitute full and complete compensation and satisfaction for all costs and modifications of performance time incurred by the CONTRACTOR as a result of this Change Order. No other claim for increased costs of performance or modifications of time will be granted by the OWNER for the Work covered by this Change Order. The CONTRACTOR hereby waives and releases any further claims for cost or time against the OWNER,it Agents or the Engineer arising from or relating to the matters or Work set forth or contemplated by this Change Order. RECOMMENDED BY: ACCEPTED BY: ,�^1/�V sc C . L G3 r n By: By: D,IY ) lI/h G W 'v.CJ)- Signature 1 Signature Date: ///- /2 - 0/ Date: I 1 3 O 1 Title: I un& /Q'dM)n. Mtn Title: -J1 cojec 1 (3 �c r — APPROVED BY: o v CITY OF OCOEE FI ORIDA Owner By. S. Scott Vandergritt,Mayor Date • Attest: Jean Grafton,City Clerk FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY CITY OF OCOEE,APPROVED AS TO FORM COMMISSION IN A MEETING HELD ON AND LEGALITY THIS. DAY OF ,2001 UNDER ,2001. AGENDA ITEM NO. FOLEY&LARDNER By: City Attorney k:\constbe\oe-353\coW006CO-z.wpd Page 6 of 6 EQUEST FOR POSAL �L^/OLA PARK CENOTRE, 200E ROB?, .N RING SUITOE 1560,ORLANDO, FLOORIDA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Firm: PEC/W.K. Daugherty Consulting Engineers (RFP) engineers planners NO. 31 surveyors PROJECT DATA: PROJECT NO.: 0E-353-3.0 NAME: Maguire Road Improvements-Segment 1 &2 DATE: T NO.: OE- 53-3 LOCATION: City of Ocoee DRAWING NO.: OWNER: City of Ocoee SPEC. SECTION: OTHER: T O°O N T R A C T O R): Ryan,Inc. Deborah West Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of this request.The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees. Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change:. Furnish and Install 6" PVC WM Conflict Transition Station 438+30±,right. For additional information see attached detail Sheet No. 1. Potable water service must be maintained or construction must occur during time when same can be taken cut of service (i.e. night work, weekend work). • Change Order Type: 0 Deletion •Addition ORevision o Other: 1 ) Constraints of Change: Initiated by: ❑Changes in Owner Requirements •Unforeseen Conditions DOther: Proposal must be received by: 10/24101 (22 days from date below). ATTACHMENTS (Listing of attached documents that support description): .� 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Detail No. 1 5. 3. 6. PROJECT NO.: 0E-353-3.0/3-6.2• EOWNER:Jim Shim, P.E.-City- PofE Ocoee IT CONTRACTOR:LD: RodWi Deborah West- Ry Inc. DATE: 0 ENGINEER: Geoff Monied, - PEC IT FICAL:: Winfrey, City OcoeeP.E.f 10/03/01 f]ENGINEER: Fursan Monied, P.E.- PEC _ �CAM: Robert P. Rudd, .-PEC — k:\cn nst\oe\oe353\rfp\4314 p-z.wpd FENCE TO BE 6V WI REPLACED IOMI _DRAINAGE •34.77 @a BE •59.96 pFN]0' RIPE OMB EASEAENT 150. 1 IOW I (50.0.1 I I I 841 •09.04 09.04 55.'7 I. 15 .84 •29.16 I I5.•0'115 •�.0•� (SSLO-'1 (55.0'1 i C 150.0'1 (50.0'1 1 C.:• •T1.89 0- 4 I. _y . I5..0'1 I _..J. ® IL - �E_' {'i1GF� -_ 139 7 '1 0 — 5-30 CONST. 196 LF — — — —- 'tOftB B GUTTER I PE F ' CONST. 16 IF 138 OF J6_PI PE -.ewoa 137 @SURVEY OF 24-PIPE — =� / 439 n n.o.• Li/ • — • �� CPS- ��— I.N 0'8. 44 "N E CONST. •.31.i6 y i O. 5•RJ .2T.4 - (6.00' Lil 90.16'25" CON ' (B000o LT • / 16.0E eP MAGUIRE RD. •2 .60 rvA / — �0— .• 1 s o0'-Ril �3=--=---/a -cam (y 1.00�RTI --_ �'+- Ize.To-P /� ___c----------CURB @ LOTTER TYPE F __ __ ___ 129.31_ 139.51 I]9.06 / .0— ashy.I --. P SW CONST. CLEAN WT CONST. 225 LF (60 gw I)� j !I1`=�( --II---� 0 PM LINE FL 123.02 OF 6- DIP S-C.E. ' p9 -1139 � / BI l ENO u1LLING a O --------I7 /17337-3 NOTES RESURFACING I. FOR DRIVEWAY CONNECTIONS SEE DRIVEWAYCROSS STA. 30.13.60 P. L@ SORVEYI SECTIONS 2. ALL AND DRAINAGE EYSEAENT @ SURVEY CALLOUTS OUTS ARE ARE OFF THE a SURVEY SOUTH gi t:.m i ■■ 1 rin' Ni�. ■111111_ Dip = cr�cc- • on% 1 111111MING GRCPC PS IIII I al CINST. 24 PIPE ' I. 36' 'IPE - tiamonms �� 122.6D --- m.11.m PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 RECEIVED Project Name: MaIuire Road Im•rovements Se•ment 1 & 2 I it Project Number: 0E-353-3.0 .,fiCOPY ill© Date: October 09 2001 ORIGINATOR rem ..- ✓ra & ROUTE TO Subject: CPS for RFP #30 1Z.I�3d/i v'Tlang 7:�alG z 11.1.111rni'/a FILE 6 ' -- ..ye - ORIG T. 6. Recommendation by Engineer: (Forward to Owner for Review) 3-4,0:1-, Contractor's proposal appears reasonable and is hereby recommended for acceptance at the Lump Sum Cost of$16.083.74 plus the unit cost of$1,535.00 for one additional Type P-7 manhole (>10'). Total proposed cost at$17,618.74. As the Contractor's current work schedule shows the protect with zero (0) total float days at this time, the requested extension of Contract Time by four (41 work days also appears reasonable and is hereby recommended. Justification: 6" Storm water bleeder line from Pond #2 is in conflict with the Consery II 54" RWM at Station 433+77, right. Recent soft digs at this location resulted in the discovery that the plan top elevation of the 54" RWM were in error. Plan calls for top elevation for the 54" RWM to be around 119.20'(calculated)while the actual top elevation uncovered was found to be around 126.20. It is this 71± discrepancy in top elevation of the 54" RWM that has resulted in this conflict. Signature of Engineer: Date: 10/09/01 Acceptance Ili Own r: (Return to Engineer For Processing) Signature of Owners Authorized Representative: � Date: /0/ a/c / %dEngineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order ❑Engineer to Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above ❑Other as Above k:\const\oe\oe-353\CPS\CPS#30-z.wpd 10/86/2001 11:12 487-905-6123 RYAN INC MAUUikL nu I RVAILNI A 5 T E R N October 8, 2001 Correspondence Na 0067-076 Mr.Robert Rudd Professional Engineering Consultants 200 East Robinson Sneer 1560 Eola Park Centre Orlando,Florida 32801 RE: Maguire Road Improvements—Segment 1 &2 Ocoee,Florida Subject: Request for Proposal# 30 Dear Mr. Rudd: • Ryan Incorporated Eastern e'Ryan")as requested by REP 30 to Furnish and Install 6-inch DIP Storm Bleeder Conflict Transidon. Relocate Storm Bleeder Clean out from Station 434+80,right to Station 434+00 +/-tight Furnish and install Manhole Type P-7 (4 101. Ryan requests and additional 4—days be added to the contract time. Should you have any questions please call me at(407)-905-6117. Sincerely, • Ryan Incorporated Eastern Central Florida Division Dc2kooh 0 weill Deborah A.West Project Engineer Cc: Project File# 0067 ___ mini ramie anTF/ma OCOEE.FLORIDA 34761 (407)521.2887 FAX(407)5' 1DR08/2881 11: 12 487-965-6123 RYAN INC MAGU1RE RD """- YAN • COST REPORT MAGUIRE ROAD . JOB k0067 e' DIP STORM SEWED ftFP N30 CONFLICT TRANSITION LA WE OT PATE REG.HOURS OVERTIME TOTAL NSA 2000 MA $650.00 Pi ework SO eriateedem $25.00 NU 40.00 NU SI 000.00 F $16$25.0 W$2400 4000 N 40.00 teemet B de 0 t $1350 $20.25 4000 N"A $ 00 Loader eLa ator $14.00 $21.00 40.00 OA $560.00 weacn Pi a La er 40.00 N W eeenn Pi a Hill Man 51050 $1 . 40.00 MA $103.00 eon,otem Pi eLaborer $1000 $15.00 4000 N\1 $400.00 Pi eLaborer $10.00 $15.00 SUBTOTAL $4 650.00 LABOR 0.3 $1,355.00 15.00% 3906.75 101ALLA00R 6; 95175 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION I RATE I HOURS I TOTAL - Pipe Super Truck -- • $11.36 20.00 $227,20 Pipe Foreman Truck $11.36 40.00 1454.40 Pipe Crew Equipment $11.82 40.00 $472.80 Komatsu 250 Loader $36.45 40.00 $i 453.00 Komatsu 900 BackNoe 4104.25 4000 $4,179.00 • SUBTOTAL $6,762.40 12.00% $1,017.36 , TOTAL EQUIPMENT 37.799.76 welimamis MATE IR ALS stl t TRAOTORS IDESCP.IPTION I TOTAL I DESCRIPTION TOTAL 6'DIP MATERIALS.FITTINGS $27I.721 Trench Boxes $50.00Surve 5200'00 $294.38 SUBTOTAL S720.00 • 15.00%1V00 W/TP% 344.16 5.00% 336.00 TOTAL MATERIAL 533854 TOTAL SU@ $756.00 SUM RY LABOR $6,953_75 EQUIPMENT $7,799.76 ADDITIONAL. . . 4 DAYS MATERIALS $33854 • SUBCONTRACTORS 5756.00 SUBTOTAL 515.84S-05 15 BOND 5237.69 TOTAL COST 160&i.7a 5Oct-04 10/0B/2001 11:12 407-905-6123 RYAN lie:, I^.;ouinc. na "•-'- — @1002i00J 10/03/01 08:48 231 407 840 9402 •FEC 2 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL a� p L1 fAa NqR 2CO (J GINEER/NG OONS UL TA NnO fLOWbA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE .. PGC1EOIA PARK 6ENTRE, 20o a ROfiIANtua$e firm UDC/W.K.Daugherty Consulting Engineer; SRFPS engineers NO. 30 planners SVNEYM • • ..fit I .P f;: P DJECT p A- Man/ 2 PROJECT NOa OE-3E3-3.0 NAME: a I of O 1m rovomm e-Se DATE:Oc abar 03 1„L�__001 OWNER:LOCATION:C. f coca DRAWING NO.: OWNER:city tat Ocoee SPEC.SECTION; DTHER: ...c ' TO°0 NINA C T O RI:R sn lee- veborahW t ,one l211 calendar days after receipt of this Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change In the work within tw the workenty an request d all material and labor bey trade},subcontradelct end:e overhead costs the andPfees.Any sed amount claimed forlsubconvectsamustsbe similarly a time supported Clean nut from StationD ES C R I P T I O N of change:. Furnish and Install 6'DIP Storm Bleeder Conflict Transition. Relocate Storm Bleeder' 434+50,rw,ht In Station 434+0Ot.COT. Furnish end instal:Manhole Type P-T 1>10'6 Provide tort information for 6' DIP Storm Bleeder Conflict Transition. As clean out has yet to be Installed no cost for relocation. Reimburse Manhole Type P-7 (>10.)at established Contract Unit Pdpe. Address time Issues by your proposal Change Order Type: C Deletion NAddition °Revision • 0 Other: I 1 Constraints of Chaney: • Initiated by: OChangas in Owner Requirements • Unforeseen Conditions COtner: l Proposal must be received by: 10/24/01 (22 days from date below). .... ...; ... .....•r.• - A T T A C H M E N T S )Listing of anached documents that support descr:ptionl: 1. Convector Request for lnfarmodan No. - 4. 2. Sketch No. 1 6• 6. 3. tar;: .•.. . . PROJECT NO.: Oh hWe,t R O OWNEA:Jim Shire,P.E.-City of Ocoee ©CONTRACTOR: I .. DATE: FIELD:Rod Wnfmv City of Occee DATE: [•3 ENGINEER:Geoff Mauled,.. .• CAM:Robert P,Rudd±P.E. PEG O ENGINEER:Fuses Mauled,P.E.•��� 4 .8 u /l✓11.M rn . Yin 0 ca..,...nn eats sas1o\a30dp-z.wpd .�0 Y.YnpYYY•Ynw••=wale\••• mpY Yp1Y.m 6 munana.mnuium.mM� Rir.mp\L' Rini o El upmMMMM n mun'YppmuamnnpMMMnaomm�u\ \ m • Wall" I in near, \rse 1 . Yiupn\pnui I c0 .:� •m� MYu•ummnunnY\um (;wa I•YMYMC•CCMCMInMunapnu o �\ \uL wi.nuun. Ya✓Yriuu.uRmnvYopwovunmmvC --gg N u in�p.roMMYM\MnuMmim CC;' yp a mmapaYu I Q o -...CMA MYYY nlnnlil/f YYI _ L/I4•IN�INC I i �n Y \nnn\a\M.M\p1Y\IYIY.aunimn�� �n�nirnma...CNCCCC ' n Q A Y m 129 W.I.CYYM�M�iinnYln MMmYpa\n YYYYV IIUnCCIY\YMa l ' Y •.naw.nM YYMMIYY\ N Ian..nCp ee-- OIfO Cif o`pRim:7 alnynM"a'C'.9 •MMt,i rliM\maI'41uCiMCa 11We li eiiiGuithr , 'f . • private L. "r o, p fkmut allnaulrPCp Yn lM/ ustri1IMa e.•MMM\a Fp iY MMMMMnI_ is •L a- _ 'Y iYYnnMaYM MYi_= ull m •OFIMI"��Ilnnl�ml YY" .y HMO _ p H .aasuannuMOMC .' YiMCnVM tall \ alMual•l..)IMp a III . 1mu _ ... �' 7: P Ir. u. Mnn �yy I Mc w^M �imnY j M umM mnnCmiau M uMnumm�.�Rtu MUMpilpi�i iOiltl {mini TEl . • On t�Capi PERK, OMa�ICpCMC pMMNYnIIMM�bApa11 nMMuml a \MpP'F`OA +umpM ro C.m.N.CI....,• MCuaannman YllingligitI LTA. lu.u�MM ^m m ITaC�u ggirag M®um•p�MYa Y ll•••r !p��awmu i 'mi F•M !.. . Y u ISSA .mY mI: Maine: n "TJw'"-"- n� w . l•M Mn �Mipu{i � yi��'��-'.P+. :iii\RiriilG' Y Gi'M�v�o��'�nnii�MMin�mm •_ E- Inl• •6•111CMYCC••::9mC ��.M?..tila L:aanx" 0 I: OC ..1": 7.11 1 .. \ N D, im •••••• n• m•• ia gg Mn n "`Mu eu ." iiunp�glsnl�iywi fines Q My�•Y MMmiipnogmnu \ -.: IIS.an". M..MM.ne Ewan (!'iiuC'�G.'Y... .MOUSri.WIFI:rt^'.' '.:75:'attn( �� -UGCCATV)- i .11 o LED _ G" DTP 54sr.. C.54:.4 Tram;ptn O E%IST. 16" •� LY • �• ALUM :Teel cosily �� steel using Y, • al.o .I _ - - _—__ _.._._. . . - . . . r .I m %///���/ ///�/r C���/!//A..fvETJ/� �/-[/�,j�%/� I e/ "" HE55 DRNFVIAr / �y y 1 • ��14rOn �W+� p 1 � JQib�S M +�lii►' aan vava-vara— �� '`� oilo _ � a. Tfr. riv1..�nro'a{ ' V4_� PIT AVIP � / B. r —J� •. E%IST. 12" 34' x 24' 12' 194 TOP t YIM TAPPING SLEEVE A ELE 129.81 1_' WIDE PERMANENT el p',ukt, Tip.Pic>1r) 54' ROM PIPE Se"RwAI✓r.. UNLEY EASEMENT S,A 411..t,5•.A. JGINT TOP -5- 5.st 9.4.«,S L V1 ID A' ELEV: 124.2I [4.«:•+ lat,tlN AN F1:119,11 • ELE 129.07 dx.II1 t 60' Y/CDE.UTILITY .4F 0•4H I ,_EASEMENT L 6-ra'nT,0.1 ? GIFT 0f OCOCE, FLORIDA y 'l�iI.ad' )AAGUIRE ROAD (P" DJP 5torn. Bkceer R4 t2 SKETCH 1 PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. 200 East Robinson Street, Suite 1560, Orlando, Florida 32801 Project Name: Maguire Road Improvements Segment 1 & 2 Project Number: 0E-353-3.0 Date: October 01, 2001 Subject: - CPS for RFP #28 • Recommendation ply Engineer: (Forward to Owner for Review) Contractor proposal at a total cost of$1,497.28 and IA day additional time extension (round up to one (1) full work day) appears reasonable and is hereby recommended for acceptance. We recommend a Work Directive(WD)be issued at the Contractor's proposed price so no delay to this work will be experienced. i Signature of Engine- /'�� / Date: 10/01/01 Acceptance Own: : (Return to Engineer For Processing) .6/2 cc Cp . . Signature of Owner's Authorized Representative: (/ �� Date: /z/1 //oc ❑Engineer to Prepare Necessary Change Order CI Engineerto Re-negotiate Change Proposal as Noted Above ❑Other as Above k:\const\oe\oe-353\CPS\CPS#28-z.wpd - • PEd/PROFESSIONAL ENGII 'RING CONSUL TANTS,INC. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL EOLA PARK CENTRE. 200 E. ROBS. ..JN ST., SUITE 1560, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 FOR PROPOSED CHANGE Affiliate Finn: PEC/Y.K. Daugherty Consulting Engineers (RFP) engineers p/annen surveyors NO. 28 PROJECT DATA: NAME: Maguire Road Improvements- Segment 1 & 2 PROJECT NO.: 0E-353-3.0 LOCATION: City of Ocoee DATE: September 27, 2001 OWNER: City of Ocoee DRAWING NO.: OTHER: SPEC. SECTION: T O c O N T R A G T O RI: Ryan,Inc. Deborah West Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within twenty-one 121) calendar days after receipt of this and all The writtend o (by must e)clearly ubcoontrlact acn the scope over ead of and proposed fees.Any amount clT ge in the mekd for(subcontracts mu an itemized t be similatimate rly the time sup ail material and labor @y trade), su c andcostsmust supported. DESCRIPTION of change:. 30-inch outfall conflict with 12-inch Sanitary Sewer Station 442+20, 54.25 right. Modify structure as to allow 30 inch outfall to be installed over 12-inch Sanitary Sewer. Install 30 inch outfall with zero slope from S-36 to S37 and provide for 3- inch separation between bottom of 30-inch outfall pipe and tap of 12-inch Sanitary Sewer. Install S-37 (MES) to match into Pond #2 slope jshorteninq of outfall pipe between 536 and 5-37 as required). Provide Lump Sum Cost to modify structure 5-36. Address time issues by your proposal. Change Order Type: 0 Deletion "Addition ❑Revision o Other: 1 1 Constraints of Change: Initiated hy: ❑Changes in Owner Requirements ■ Unforeseen Conditions DOther: Proposal must be received by: 10/18/01 122 days from date below). ATTACHMENTS 1Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. 2. Detail No. 1 3. 6. • PROJECT NO.: p OWNER: Jim Shiro, P.E.-City of Ocoee O CONTRACTOR: Deborah West- Ryan, Inc. OE-353-3.0/3.6.2 O ENGINEER: Geoff Hennessy, - PEC -. ne FIELD: Rod Winfrey, City of Ocoee DATE: ❑- ENGINEER: Fursan Munied, P.E.-PEC E CAM: Robert P. Rudd, P.E. -PEC 09/27/01 r o-n,..a„m„o.atvd,anonan-7 wed 10/01/2z- 1 10: e9 4or-. roam111:niniM _. . A 5 T E R N October 1,2001 Correspondence Tie 0067-074 Mr.Robert Rudd Professional Engineering Consultants 200 East Robinson Street 1560 Eola Park Centre Orlando,Florida 32801 RE: Maguire Road Improvements—Segment 1 &2 Ocoee,Florida Subject: Request for Proposal#23 Dear Mr.Rudd: Ryan Incorporated Eastern ("Ryan") as requested by RFP #28 submits attached costs for the 30-inch outfall conflict with 12-inch Sanitary Sewer Station 442+20,54.25 right.Modify structure as to allow 30-inch to be installed over 12-inch Sanitary Sewer. Install 30-inch outfallwith zero slope from 5-36 to 5-37 and provide for 3-inch separation between.bottom of 30-inch outfall pipe and top of 12-ionch Sanitary Sewer. Install 5-37 (MES) to match into Pond#2 slope (shortening of outfall pipe between S36 and S37 as required). Ryan request one half(1/2) additional day be added to the contract time.Should you have any questions please contact me at(407).905.6117. Sincerely, Ryan Incorporated Eastern CentralFlorida Divion Bch & . Deborah A.West Project Engineer Cc: Project File #0067 • . . • _.._____. .....% r rennin. ,..�. ,.fl-„c•'.1cuv Levier iE/a!/z�oi _.,. .,r 41.1 _. RYAN - COST REPORT MAGUIRE ROAD JOB to 0067 REP #28 30'OVTFALL CONFLICT MODIFY S-36 LABOR [CLASS I RATE J OT RATE J KEG.HOURS I OVERTIME I TOTAL ,.,.,.a Pipework Superintendent $32.50 NW 2.00 • NV, $65.00 Pipework Foreman 325.00 NW 400 NV $100.00 Backboe Operator $16.03 $24.00 4.00 NV $64.00 o..aTti loader Operator 313.50 $20.25 4.00 NW $54.00 Pipe layer 31400 $21.00 4.00 NVA $58.00 cbsuesi Pipe Hill Man $11.50 $17.25 4.00 NV. $46.00 ocean Pipe Laborer $10.00 515.00 4.00 NW $40.00 n Pipe Laborer 51000 $15.00 4.00 NAA $40.00 SUBTOTAL $465,00 LABOR 0.3 $139.50 15.00% $90.58 • TOTAL LABOR $695.18 EQUIPMENT • • • DESCRIPTION RATE HOURS TOTAL Pipe Super Truck . $11.$6 2.0D $22.72 Pipe Foreman Truck $11.36 4.00 545.44 pipeCrewEquipment $1192 _ 4.00 $47.28 Komatsu 250 Loader 536.45 ' 4.00 $145.80 Komatsu 300 Backhoe . $104.25 4,D0 $417.00 . . . SUBTOTAL $578.24 • 15.00y, . 5101.74 TOTAL EQUIPMENT 5779.98 • MATERIALS •SUDCONTRACTORS DESCRIPTION . TOTAL J I DESCRIPTION I TOTAL I SUBTOTAL Tv/TAX $0.00 SUBTOTAL $0.00 15.00% - ' so,W- 5.007 5000 • TOTAL MATERIAL $0.00 TOTAL SUB 50.00 SUMMARY LABOR 5695.18 EQUIPMENT . - ' S779.98 ADDITIONAL... 1/2 DAY , MATERIALS SMOG • SUBCONTRACTORS - $0.00 SUBTOTAL $1,475.15 L5%BOND $22.13 TOTAL COST $1.497.28 2ZSep-01 10/03/2081 10:19 4079057E76 ROD WIIffREY AT OCOcc -- WORK g5S avp f. ENGt S0N ! NC CO/�S�LTANTS ING DIRECTIVE PEC�SUBfRKGE�ftE 2a0E.FOBIANSatteFirm:PECW.KK.Daugh rtyConsulingEgineers �/ NO. engineers ... ..:.... .. .,:. CT DATA' A. ' L,,,.Q (t.ad t`^o rTf PROJECT NO.:Oi 373'3' O pRDA§ (.A ( R DATE: rn NAME: ..b DRAWING NO.: OTHER:LOCATION: C. • 06o SPEC.SECTION----:______-- , OWNER' OTHER: . ..:,... ..:.: ,., .... .. .-.: .. °� �.S'-E N' ._ 28 Ce.J �0. of TO (CONTRACTOR): OQ o(!- romPtM Mtn a following atange(sl: . c r a 3 G ?s You are --- to Ptcceedp C O 1 Pe..ac J_ eitI-P' Or Ll. nfereseen Conditions , ExplPurpanation: io : Directive Change: C Emergency . O Avoidance of Delay d I l e 6P'0 St- Expl:nedon: W I. L4 a C ------------- If a datm Is made that the above changers)have effected Contract Price er Contract T rte,any da4n fer a Chango Order based thereon will Invoke one of the follov^ng methods of determining the effect of the ebange(s).Memod et Determining Change in Contract Time: Method of Determining Change in Contract Pri¢: ]eter Determining hangrecorer o Unit end materials D Ergincees records O Unit prices C Cost Proposal-Submit within 22 days from data above ❑Cost plus Reedthe E Cost ed increase eudmlwisein Contzactom dale shwa decease m Contract Time: Estimated increase(decease)Estimated inUeaz.,e,Iydacreasa)In Contradif thethane invoNea days. If the change involves an increase, f se9e� Nees atzd time is net to bo exceeded whhaut autnortadan. an lneaase,the estimated amount is not to be exceeded without further authorization. AUTHORIZED: RECOMMENDED! - 2 Q {II-- f 10• L--D( B . Da e nor By: L)\ �t r eta C ors anon m�nrstmvon ana•er .,...,..... .. . -.. ::.,..:_.:....... . ATTACHMENTS (tieing of attached documents that support description): I. Connector PGuest for irIfotmose MC. 4' 2. Request for Proposal for Proposed d Change(REP)No. Z $ 5.6 �tyWL1i PROJECT NO.: C a( DeotiCONTi ACTOR . OIVNFR' n a3~. R•a) ❑FlElO: 0 pRf:cHlrecr:ACHITE a OTHER: DATE: FiacEeVII ® OCT 3. 2001 — — ¢E.e. fly:-'J `W1� Post-it'Fax�Note(�- 7671 o'!f/b2-a r Iwot . },...�-�.—.,p-.-->•..q.-y..N To �. Yt-o l) From�o� t„J • 40i+ CGP. /e CoJOc t Y -(-L co. oc.o°,ac., �p,!)- �Ff:']o7 ' •17:JT TO: - -FOSS .! Fax* 717: oPW., - ✓ F00846 Pt tD£OFdRM • • rEC/EEOLA PARK CENTRE,200 E.ROE,..30N.ERING 156o ORLANDO FLORIDA 3280t RORUPROPO PROPOSED CHANGE PROPOSAL Affiliate Firm: PEC/W.K. Daugherty Consulting Engineers (REP) • engineers • planners NO. 05 _ surveyors PROJECT DATA: PROJECT NO.: OE353-3.0 • NAME: Maguire Road Improvements-Segment 1 & 2 DATE: FebruaryNO. E- 2001 LOCATION: City of Ocoee DRAWINGu OWNER: City of Ocoee SPEC. SECTION: • OTHER: TO °O N T R A CT 0 R):Ryan, Inc.-Eastern Please provide the undersigned a proposal for the following change in the work within seven(7) calendar days after receipt of this request. The written proposal must clearly delineate the scope of the proposed change in the work providing an itemized estimate of the time and all material and labor(by trade), subcontract and overhead costs and fees.Any amount claimed for subcontracts must be similarly supported. DESCRIPTION of change in See attached PEC memorandum dated February 14, 2001. Change Order Type: D Deletion •Addition ■Revision u Other: I Constraints of Change: Initiated by: •Changes in Owner Requirements DUnforeseen Conditions 0 Other: Proposal must be received by: March 0R, 2001 (22 days from date below). ATTACHMENTS (Listing of attached documents that support description): 1. Contractor Request for Information No. 4. Revised Shop Drawing S-230A 2. PEC memorandum of 2/14/01 5. 3. Revised Plan Sheets 6. PROJECT NO.: 0E-353-3.0/3-6.: 0 OWNER: Jim hl P.E. City of Ocoee 1C CONTRACTOR:LD:Rod Rill CityeY- Ryan,a Inc. DATE: O ENGINEER: Kathleen uN.n e ,Gierok,R P.E. -PEC O FICAM: Winfrey, of Ocoee 02/14/01 O ENGINEER: Fursan Munied, P.E.-PEC 0 CAM: Robert P. Rudd, P.E.-PEC PEC/PROFESSION r ENGINEERING CONSULT. , dTS, INC. Suite 1560, Eola Park Centre JOB No. OF-3 1-3 0 200 East Robinson Street Time -- Orlando, Florida 32801 Date February 14 2001 (407)422-8062 Sheet _L of 1 Project Memorandum To: Bill Bentley, Ryan, Inc. -Eastern Project: Maguire Road Improvement - Segment 1 &2 Record of: 0 Telephone Conversation(s) ❑ Meeting ❑ Instructions ❑ Construction Inspection El Pond 6 Modifications Bill Bentley; Complete and return the following unit cost,estimated total cost and additional Contract Time information with resp to the following new Contract Work items. Attached you will find table of quantity adjustments and cost adjustments required due to Pond 6 modifications. Al attached you will find a set of revised plans resulting from Pond 6 modifications. Please replace old plan sheets v these revised plan sheets. Hem No. Description Unit Unit Estimated Total Additior Price Quantity Estimated Days (Additional) Cost 430-982-225 Mitered End Section(I8")(RCP)(CD) EA 1 U.47 ' 8"Water Main Conflict Transition EA I U.48 Relocate Existing Fire Hydrant EA I End of Memo Copies to: From: R.pert P 'udd, '.E. O Bill Bentley-Ryan, Inc. -Eastern PEC/• •�i SI I • • EN s,•SULTANTS,INC. O Rod Winfrey- City of Ocoee 0 Fursan J. Munjcd, P.E. -PEC By: �, ,"I O Robert Rudd,P.E. -PEC E File: 0E-353-3.0/3-6.2 Title Construction a. s se p s U , tav-.r Enclosures - Quantity/Cost Table Revised Plan Sheets, Segment 2 Revised Shop Drawing S-230A k^coast\oe\oe-353\memos kontracmrWl7mmj ssgd Page I PEC/PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS INC. LETTER OF TRANSMITT/ Suite 1560, Eola Park Centre 200 E. Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 DATE: Feb. 7, 2001 JOB NO. 0E-368/2-1.0 (407) 422-8062 Ph. (407) 849-9402 Fs ATTENTION: Robert Rudd TO Robert Rudd BE: Maguire Road - Pond 6 Revisions WE ARE SENDING YOU ■ Attached ❑ Under separate cover 0 Hand delivered the following item, ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Prints 0 Plans 0 Specifications ❑ Reports ❑ Copy of letter 0 Change Order ❑ No.Copies No.sets Description 2 Revised Construction Plans 1 Table of Revised Quantities (including prices) 1 Revised Shop Drawing for Structure S-230A THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below ❑ For approval ❑ As requested ❑ Approved as noted ■ For your use 0 For review ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ For distribution 0 Approved as submitted ❑ REMARKS. cc: Rod Winfrey(w/enclosures) Jim Shira (w/enclosures) SIGNED: Fursan Munjed, P.E. G:clenfaMIGH W AY W EG\GEJ[Sbo2G bl if enclosuresant not as Mad.please advises POND 6 REVISIONS BASE BID DESCRIPTION UNIT ORIGINAL REVISED CHANGE UNIT TOTAL ITEM# BID QUANTITY PRICE PRICE QUANTITY CHANGE 120-1 EXCAVATION, REGULAR CY 113,028 114,487 1,459 $1.95 $2,845.05 , 120-6 EMBANKMENT CY 49,021 49,185 164 $1.00 5164.00 160-4 TYPE B STABILIZATION SY 93,948 92,821 (1,127) $2.25 ($2,535.75) 162-3-101 FINISH SOIL LAYER (GRASS) (6") SY 44,694 45,254 560 $1.50 $840.00 425-1-351 INLETS (CURB TYPE P-5) (<10') EA 64 65 1 $1,940.00 $1,940.00 • 425-2-41 MANHOLES (P-7) (<10') EA 13 14 1 $1,090.00 $1,090.00 430-11-225 CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT (18") LF 7,905 7,9595�j4� $26.00 $1,404.00 430-11-229 CONCRETE PIPE CULVERT (24") LF 3,011 3,004 (.I) $34.00 ($238.00) 430-982-225` MITERED END SECTION (ift")(RCP) (CD) EA 0 1 1 'IPSJSoa ?Aral 520-1-10 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER (TYPE F) LF 30,661 30,745 84 $7.40 $621.60 , 575-1 SODDING SY 44,694 45,254 560 $1.20 $672.00 700-46-11 SIGN EXISTING (REMOVE) (SINGLE POST) AS 25 26 1 $1.05 $1.05 580-301-1 STAKING AND GUYING, TREES EA 143 129 (14) $13.50 ($189.00) . 581-2 MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS/ MUHLY GRASS PL 5,158 5,162 4 $7.05 $28.20 582-2 ELAEAGNUS PUNGENS/ SILVERTHORN PL 1,406 • 1,034 (372) $14.50 ($5,394.00) - 583-4 PINUS ELLIOTTII /SLASH PINE PL 65 51 (14) $155.00 ($2,170.00) U.47* 8"WATER MAIN CONFLICT TRANSITION EA 0 1 • 1 U.48* RELOCATE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT EA 0 1 1 ASSEMBLY • TOTAL 'New Item K:\CONSIlOE\OGJ i3\RFP\pond6rfp05-z.wpd 02/06/2001 v Job Name: Maguire Rd.Sec 2—Hyan Eastern JOH#(It -1U20 Quote ID: 99121851 \ Structure ID: S230A Spec: Florida m:--117'--) Rim to Invert: 4.47' Type: Storm In 1 / Overall Height: 4.91' Size: 48" Catch: k 1)24"—X R/C USF 170 1) 24"- 2" Adjustment 1)48" - 8" 5" Topslab-Key-24"Offset 1) 48" - 43" 5"Wall Base-Flat ' 2) - Hole 36" NOTES: DRAWN BY STEVE WATERS ,� C 1/�S L 07-28-00 (/ 1)65 K.S.I. 2)GRADE 60 REBAR . 3)TYPE I/II CEMENT 4)4000 PSI @ 28 DAYS ,(� ( V '1 5)DOT INDEX 200,201, U\ 1 \ 6)MADE PER ASTM C-478 TO COVER TO READ "STORM" twewrooa rem so moo• Gae tuolleaepede 'e8e'Me Wf P,RaerrsTber YRIM ID tlev le (,ratle EA.(c )O rL Jn+ iit*noN dE Pipe Pan Her fftl I I fin! a Wp ABPMYN RIM • ('D 44 Wi =4 Aalle47 Wf SAMN bog W el Reducer +eey8u3 W fig Now ep.VIIIPallOPtiliNfeal eta raw wquoNaa R ISOM w Ouuet_7 A 112.53 0 ° 0 24" RCP P7 Inlet_2 B 112. 9P'0 55 y4 % / 24" RCP Pt o 'Q9AOHddYlON$T i 7 /.SS -Law.uuvensaW0310N Stl03AOS&WEI 1I , ' - .fnvens3Wa31oN we3A0edavO 11W8f15311.LNOdQ31ON SVO3A03d01O . . �t2 o31 mgnSsv a3AOHde u 10838 13 loP APO 1S uosyg B ° '3 00t- )f 7. 0 Ik^IS;°0 Y J�:07 086I '04' nsJO BuuaUIBU?isuols d ' (a '" TASK MAfvY vldgfl+artfiutr e 48"-5'Topslab-Key-24-Offset-8' (P2) zi2) COP SET ' ' I - /i -3 ' POST I I POUR I ,. 13 I 48'-5'Wall Base-Ffa -43'(P1) PULL ' I I r// FINAL L7 L _ _- _ _ _ _ _-1. /1Z • MACK CUNUHE 1 E INUUS I HIES, INC RPR OVERTIME HOURS WEEK ENDING OVERTIME HOURS 05/25/01 5 06/01/01 7 ---_ 06/08/01 7 06/15/01 I 06/22/01 4 06/29/01 3 07/06/01 1 07/13/01 I 'A 07/20/01 4 07/29/01 2 'A 08/03/01 1 08/10/01 5 08/17/01 10 ''A 08/24/01 3 '' 09/16/01 5 'A 09/21/01 10 09/28/01 3 10/05/01 3 'G 10/12/01 2 'A Total Overtime 8l hours @ 540.07/hr._ Hours/Dollars (S3,245.67) klconst\judy\rodovcrtimecok5-z.wpd