HomeMy WebLinkAboutVI (B) Wellington Place, Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Project LS-00-005 Agenda 12-04-2001 Item VI B "CENTER OF GOOD LIVING-PRIDE OF WEST ORANGE" MAYOR•COMMISSIONER Ocoee S.SCOFF VANDERGRIFF O� CITY OF OCOEE C„��.,Is/ONERR t IV DANNY HOR'ELL _ ISO N. LAKESHORE DRE SCOTT ANDF.k$ON OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761-2258 RUSTY JOHNSON �'".�. �?O (407)905-3100 NANCY J. PARKER ff*Or G000�`, CI ry MANAGER JIM GLEASON STAFF REPORT DATE: November 21, 2001 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert Lewis, AICP, Principal Planner pj__, THROUGH: Russ Wagner, AICP, Director of Planning It SUBJECT: Wellington Place Subdivision Preliminary Subdivision Plan Project# LS-2000-015 ISSUE: Should the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Wellington Place? BACKGROUND: The Wellington Place subdivision will include a total of 38 single family residential lots, located at the southeast corner of the intersection of AD Mims Road and Johio Shores Road. The subject property is currently undeveloped and is covered with a large number of trees, consisting of mostly oak trees of all sizes. The southern edge of the subject property abuts an existing single family residential subdivision and there are large lot single family homes to the east and west. The property surrounding the proposed subdivision has Orange County R-CE zoning (west— single family homes), Orange County A-1 zoning (north and east— church and single family homes), and City R-1-A zoning (south—single family homes). DISCUSSION: As shown in the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, the Wellington Place subdivision will have two points of access, one from AD Mims Road and a future connection to the east, anticipating that someday that property would be redeveloped as another single family subdivision. As with other subdivisions, there will be a 6 foot brick wall with appropriate landscaping along the northern and western boundaries of the subdivision adjacent to AD Mims Road and Johio Shores Road. Th property has R-1-AA zoning, dictating a minimum lot width of 75 feet (minimum 9,000 sf). Additional right-of-way for AD Mims Road will be dedicated to the City, in order to accommodate potential future widening for that road. ‘\‘ POWWWWWWWWI November 21, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Page 2 The Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Wellington Place was reviewed by the Development Review Committee (DRC) on October 5, 2001. There was significant discussion during the DRC meeting about some outstanding issues which were identified in a DRC staff report. The most significant issues involved how construction activities will be coordinated to protect as many existing trees on the site as possible, given recent tree protection problems on another site. The concerns of Staff were explained and the Applicant agreed to comply with Staff recommendations. The Committee voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan, subject to making the revisions to the plans as discussed in the meeting. All of the DRC requirements have now been satisfactorily addressed in the plans received October 23, 2001. PLANNING &ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: On November 13, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission considered the proposed Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Wellington Place. The Staff and the Developer provided a detailed presentation describing the project and the most important issues. During the discussion, the Commission asked questions regarding tree protection, which were addressed by Staff and the applicant. When the discussion was finished, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposed Preliminary Subdivision Plan in accordance with the Staff recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based upon the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission and DRC, Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plan for Wellington Place, as date stamped received by the City on October 23, 2001. Attachments: Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Wellington Place Preliminary Subdivision Plan,date stamped October 23,2001 VA Police fire lA planning ACAI.EXAN DER VALL_DATAACAPDFILF\SlalRcpurt ASR200 IASROI 162CCdoc Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published THURSDAY, NOVEMBER I, 2001 Advertisement CITY OP EE NOTICE OF PIIBUCHEARINGS ON TLUNGTON PRELIM XARY SUBDIVISION:E MAN PROJECT NO.LS{0-005 IS HEREBYthat the OCOE• EE PLANNING AEND ZONING COMMISSION will hold 0 PUBLIC HARING on Tuesday,November )E 1N1 at their regular Session,at 7.00 p.m.or as soon thereafter as • u no l ale, WA OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday,December 4,2001 at their regular session,at T e ible,i tr hesCommtssiona fCham- bers, Ocoee City Hall. 150 North Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee, Florida to▪ Suivisionaoi e nary SubdivisionPlan for WELLING, N PLACE The site is located on the southeast corner of Johlo Shores Rood and A.D.Mims Road. The complete proiect file,including • legal r lty,description may beoin of subject property, Oc ee Planning Deportment. ISO North Lakeshore Drive, between the hours of 13:0 and 5:011 Monday through Friday,el• cepl legal holidays. ComOcoee ss`on Planningr o CitydCommis. sion may continue the public hear. ings to other dates and times,a they Y.Any Interests eymshali`be advised that the Interest- ed and places of any coo tin herieoiibebtndhbora.ea continued o ing the heormg and that no further regardingnotices these platters will be Published. Interested parties mayappear la- the public hearings heard with respect o the application.Any deciswho desires to appeal ony ion made during the Public hearing may need a record of the Proceeding and for this purpose need to ensure that a verbatim recordmay of the proceedings Is made hich includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is ndn- assiitnebeg assistance oport disabilitiese oar of the proceedings should Con- tact the City Clerk's office I9 hours 9advance of the meeting at(an 0s 3105. JEAN GRAFTON.CITY CLERK. CITY OF OCOEE November 1.2001 OLS115a83? NOV.I,'OOl WINTER GARDEN; EL. 34787 GE-OTECHNICAL '` YOVAISH ENGINEERING SCIENCES, INC. (407) •774*-9383 ENGINEER: , ' 953 SUNSHINE LANE ALTAMONTE'SPRINGS, .FL. 32714 UTILITIES Water City Of Ocoee Sewer City Of Ocoee Telephone Sprint United Telephone Electric- Florida Power Corporation R/A Une 10'-0' LandscTe'Eos&rwt 5' Min. Brick Cap .�: 16 Tree r 1 i 24'x24" Master, w/ 2 #5 Rebor 20' any Opposite Comers, a.c• I " C► o -I Columns 20' O.C. max Vertical Exp. at Columns O ��e Brick w/ Raked Joint 10 Rebor Vert 6' to 8' Wall - 4' o.c to 5' Wall - 6' o.c O - Under 3' Wall - 8' o.c• o l O O. I 2 /5 Rebor Conk `N 2 =0" 4 -O''0 Columns 13 oN v (Landscaping per City of Ocoee) BRICK WALL DETAIL N.TS. RA r� ON LOCATION MAP ' 10' Centerline 25' Rl ht-of-Wa 25' Right -of -Way Utility Easement 24" 12' 11' Max 11 Mox 24" 12 fosem nt sem Motch Exist. Varies See Plan Varies See Plan '. 1' lhiek Type S-3 �4 1/4"r1'O- Asphaltic Conc. Const 4' Wide Conc Sidewalk SlobxzeTop 6' - (T)p., Both Skies) Curb 4' to 50 psi FBV Min. IMkmti 6" So# Cement Bose Course Compacted 12' Subgrode Compacted to 95X Max. to MY Max. Density (AASNTO T 180), Density (AASNTO T--180) Top 6' Asphaltic Prime Coat Applied of O.15gal./sf Stab&ed to 50 psi FBV, Min. T YPICAL ROAD SECTION N. T.S. a �a . r x Y. 1' of Freeboard Maintenance 9trm Design High Woter (100 . 24hi) ilewtion 123.E Sodded Bean 1 5 Sodded Skleslope T of Bonk & 8erm E/ewtlon 124.00 NWL' E!. 11T.00-- 5 —Devotion 110.00 �.., • ,.; -' , T YPICAL POND SECTION 1 10' Sidewalk & Utility famnant 35' Mof-of-hby Centerline 1 35' Rfqht-of-Way to' Match rP 16' 12' 12' 4- 13 Sidewalk & Exist 01611101 Low Leff Rim Qd R10f Tin ad Utility Easementr IN* TjP& S-3 114-11-0, AWhoft Cana 12' =zzz Const 4' WAde-j N Cona Sidewalk Stabilize Top - 6- to 50 psi FBV, Min. MArn! Cub 4 6' Sol r1ee.0 Rowse Course Compacted 12' Subgwde Compacted to 95X Max to =Max Density (A ASH 70 r- IM), Density (AASH70 T-T80) Asphoft Prime Coat ApprIed at a 154ollsf (Through Exit & Entrance Lanes) 'ENTRANCE ROAD SECTION MTS POINT OF COMMENCEMENT • NW CORNER OF THE SW 1/4 SECTION 10-22-28 /2% FND 4"x4' CM - NO ID T VADC' A L ®T/2D A n /A 1 New RIIV Centerline 50' to, 12- 41 5' Dlst. 2' Vffles EXISOV Pamrmt 5, ±,31 Sawmi Exft Pawment & Edge Sfr¢e 5 wall Exist. & Use MrOhVg on Proposed Edge ofSod $We Pmma7t EA*t S1*10091 Swale & 8* W CWWWWtiffase Comm �b. to qff Max Density P &#W1 cannot, Existing Pavement L PrWowd &ado at i Existing Sidewalk 12- _154� rompoctiod to garMm DaisIty (AA-W70 r-IW) of AW 9m# be ear at or Abow AD. k2m Rood centilffhe &0* TYPICAL SECTION "A T YPICA L PA VEMEN T WIDENING SECTION M TS Note: All S Shall Conform to FDOT Index No. 17M 13, Note: Proposed Pavement Design Shall Match Exist. Pavement Design ' Connect into Exist. 12" Water Main Proposed 6Brick Wall 10' Landscape, Pedestrian, Wall & Sign Easement (See Detail) Const. 5' Conc. Sidewalk Const. 5' Conc. Sidewalk Zoning a- 1 Nyy WLJTCCI A 11. Exist. 16" Water Main VM-vHVAJPP -.HW 6H ATV -OH 6TR IN & V�OF-WAY N) T #- MIMS ROAD RI T -WAY N.T.R - -- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - 0 VK)P .1 0 10' Landscape, Pedestrian, Wall ;-, (0 FND I3*X6* CM '64 `111" 4- Tl V, 4. U T1% . 4� N) SET 1/2" & CAP & Sign Easement GN N89*39'02'E 30.00' a. ch 2 U Ld :z O 00 !L, 0 (D I Cq 0 to Ld 0 P 0 0 MB 0 :0 cr_ COA ul- II E U) 0 !0 (0 '0 3 ol TR 0 VVIJP VATH_-�� ANCHOR '00 R/W 24' Proposed 4" PVC Force Main Extend to Gravity Manhole w/in Spring Lake Subdivision "tin M/" 9A%l %J V V e ca Red W City of Ocoee Q TH RI HT- r -WAY E LS#4334 R-3- N. 0.7' E I 1 ...1.1 __ - - - CA FNC WO s. 1.1, W Exist. 5' Conc. Sidewalk - - - - --- - - - - - - --- N R 0 1161) P 11 - I I (to Remain) - - - - - - - - - - - - F2eF8 775_- 0 - -75. 0' 75. 0' 75.0' 8z 5' 10J.6, PO L g-�,65' = -j- = =:-" Tract IF" Tract "G" - - - - - - - - -- DE V - sE A\ +1 A Mod A Mod A Mod A Mod A Mod CD A Mod (N� I 1 10 Z A Mod I- -AMod r L A Mod A Mod O� I 9t Ir -(� i 31 1 i p �� 25.5 I I 125.5 (T -FI-2-67.5 I-, i 12s.o / I �� �\ / I I I I ' - .I, I I ( I I I I I I I \ ' ' - •_ ._.. _ L - - - - L - - - - - - J L - - - - - _J L - - - - - L - - - - - - J I - - - - 406.-4-L - V 2s -126- _foe. _j Aj 59.3 5b, 4*1- L? Z.- y - - - - - - - - -MA- HA 1A Mod 111bX .0- Aj 0010-0- "B" St I re t A Mod F1_24. 0-0 NN F1�245 123 5 MH MH MH MH MU M, MH MH U-ma- N1 N1:11 •L Open sacL f22.-2-, _J Tract MJP r- --i r - - - - - -- 7 r - - - - - - - IF- CHOR ;V -,A Mod\ A Mod CN71 A Mod -A Mod 1 0 CD < ol A Mod \A Mod 126.0 `)13 (!F2) 171-2-6-31 L Rol R4 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - L __j Ld F -4- A\Mod q) < -A Mod Retention P nd 75.0 75.0 75.0 92.5' Zoning "A-1" n Tract r 0 IL -f2g.&! 4- 2.3 - - - - - - -- J 0 Walking A Mod A M'o\d A Yod A� Mod V t Path Mod 0 co A Mod CD M Park 'Area ' F125,0 6.5 r26 5 Tract bEz "Y" *> L Lift Station- L - - - - - - - L-\,- _j L_ 0 Picnic Picnic Tract "C', 0 0 Utility Efosement Table Table CD Cn -T- 7; A Mop\ I RW- -RI W RW RW V/ RW RW RW RW RW RW - RW RW RW RW RW r- 194 I 5creel. N) (A .0 Existing Chain Link Fence T- - - -td- (to be relocated/removed from irel) LEGEND NV j ; I \ _ N1, Existing Contours LL - - - - 7- Lot Number 12 '� 9 �----A- - . .... -X. 330.00'__� Direction of Flow -1 F F /F - - - - - - - 1 F --I F F F - - - - - - Existing Grade -,c 79.3 Propose d A Mod!�� A A�oo�, A Mod A Mod A Mod A Mod 1A Mod A Mod A Mod A Mod '07 A Mod ol Orcole Q>_ <a Proposed Pcvement Storm Structure F125. 0 T- I 'If Se wer L a teral D rE SL, T ra L L J L - - - \_ _J L L L - - - - - -- � L - - - - L - - - - - L - - - - - tET 1/2' IR & CAP Double Sewer Lat. FND NAIL & DISK VITRISP337� WITH LB#3225 FND I' IP - NO ID 1 0 3' N. 0.6- E KSIUTH LINE OF NORTH 1 OF N W 1/4 O'D, N. 2.2- W Water Service _17 ICH O.pk E OF SW 1/4 dA FNC 0.4' N. 1.7' W D FNC 0.2* N, 2-4 f�7 �.50# FNC 79. 1 WOOD W.065' S ICK WALL 0.5' N, Roo S:6 79.6' 79.6' 60 79.6 -796' 79. do 79 . OD FNC 79.6 Double Water Sera ... . ........... . . . ............. ...... . -7S89'41'25"W 967.44' Wcoter Main -8" WM- 6• WOOD FNC 2 3 4 5 6 9 HIDDEN GLEN PLAT BOOK 19, PAGES 107 & 108 Zoning "R-1A" DATE REVISION NAME CHECKED 3/1/01 City Comments JAS RAJ Pr6 5/29/01 City Comments JAS RAJ 8/9/01 City Comments JAS RAJ nitar y Se wer Storm pipe 10 12 13 14 15 f -ire Hydrcn t Storm Inlet Concrete 4 4 G) Plan & Pro file Sheet # Soil Type Gate VdIve Note: Soils Boring AB-1 See Sheet 4 for all Tract Boundarie:§. Water Blowoff 0 Conservation Line F100 Year Flood Subdivision Plan JEC°B NO.liminary 97-OJOO June Engineering Consultants, Inc. 71 E. Church Street Orlando, Florida 32801 SHEET !�/el%nPlaCe (407) 839-6000 DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKEDBY: DATE SCALE CLK 9122199 RAJ 9122199 1 50, OF 97—OJOO C8 Z' OAK 8 SIGN) 4 XOAK --SIDEWALK 4.2• SE XOAK\6, '—X6_A_ — K 10 • OAK 10 F_ XOAK A 7 V 9 JIXOAK LZ IhAW 6 X7 OAK ^0 vmm"VL'i�C v0p. 167 SL.' 1.1' W - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X VdWU OAKS :. 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Direction of Flow 23 The Road May be Shifted Within the Right -of -Way to Save Existing Trees. Existin•g Grade Fire Hydrcn t Storm Inlet 19L Areas to be cut by > 2 ft Con cre to 4 X1 2, OAK Trees to Remain Trees to be Removed X10 OAX JEC JOB NO. June Engineering Consultants, Inc. — ,Q 7OJOO 71 E. Church Street Orlando, Florida 32801 SHEET (407) 839-6000 DRAWN BY: DATE CHECKED BY: DATE SCALE CLK 99 RAd .50' �OF 4 i °F r Tract ° • Tract 1 L_ _J