HomeMy WebLinkAboutVII (B) AT&T Cellular Tower, Mitigation Plan, Project SS-2001-005 Agenda 12-04-2001
Item VII B
TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee
FROM: Paul E. Rosenthal, Esq., City Attorney
DATE: November 26, 2001
RE: AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc.
Should the City Commission issue a permit to AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc.
("AT&T Wireless") to fill wetlands in order to construct a monopole cellular antenna?
The City has previously issued to AT&T Wireless a special exception to construct a
monopole cellular antenna on a site located at 835 Marshall Farms Road. AT&T Wireless has
submitted to the City staff an application for approval of a small scale site plan in connection
therewith. During the course of preparation of the site plan, AT&T Wireless discovered that
approximately 0.08 acres of wetlands were located on the antenna site and that it was necessary
to fill these wetlands.
Section 7-4B(1) of the Ocoee Land Development Code provides that "no excavation or
filling shall be undertaken within a wetland unless the City Commission finds, on the basis of
reasonable evidence, that there are no practical alternatives to filling". In the absence of such
finding, AT&T Wireless could not construct the monopole. As a result, AT&T Wireless has
applied to the City and St. Johns River Water Management District("SJRWMD") for permission
to fill the wetlands. Attached hereto is a copy of the letter application dated October 29, 2001 by
Lee Chotas on behalf of AT&T Wireless (the "Application").
City staff has reviewed the Application and concurs that there is no practical alternative
to the filling. Section 7-4(B)(2) of the Ocoee Land Development Code requires new replacement
wetlands at a minimum of 2 times the area of the destroyed wetlands, or where replacement
wetlands are impractical, alternative mitigation requirements. City staff believ; that the
payment of$5,000 to the City for use by the City in connection with the acquisition ii etlands
in the Crown Point area is an acceptable mitigation alternative which accom. es the
objectives of the Code and further an important City of Ocoee environmental project"
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Foley & Lardner
SJRWMD is also requiring mitigation by AT&T Wireless for the destroyed wetlands. It
is anticipated that SJRWMD will allow the mitigation payment to be made to the City on the
condition that it be used to acquire wetlands in the Crown Point area which have previously been
approved for acquisition in the agreement between SJRWMD and the City. AT&T Wireless has
indicated a willingness to pay sums due to SJRWMD to the City of Ocoee, if permitted by
SJRWMD, provided that the total of such sums and sums due pursuant to the Ocoee Land
Development Code do not exceed $10,000 in the aggregate period.
There are no outstanding site plan issues and approval of the Application is the only
remaining requirement in order for AT&T Wireless to proceed.
It respectfully is recommended that the City Commission APPROVE the Application of
AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc. to fill approximately 0.08 acres of wetlands at 835
Marshall Farms Road in order to construct a monopole cellular antenna, subject to the payment
to the City of the sum of $5,000 as mitigation to be utilized to acquire wetlands in the Crown
Point area, provided, however, that if the total cash mitigation required by the City and St. Johns
River Water Management District ("SJRWMD") equal or exceed $10,000, then the City will
accept a total payment equal to the greater of$10,000 or the amount required by SJRWMD (or if
SJRWMD does not impose a cash amount then the average cost of replacing the mitigated
wetlands in a wetlands bank as agreed to by the City Manager).
(1) Application dated October 29, 2001
(2) Copy of Section 7-4(B) of Ocoee Land Development Code
cc: Russell B. Wagner, AICP
Lee Chotas, Esq.
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(GO]I 428-5192
October 29, 2001 -
; y
VIA FACSIMILE -(407)656-6885 IJ
Jim Gleason — —
City Manager
City of Ocoee, Florida
150 N. Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
RE: AT&T Wireless Monopole - OR-77 Parkridge
835 Marshall Farms Road, Ocoee, Florida 34761
File No.: 14835-30564
Dear Mr. Gleason:
As you know, this firm represents AT&T Wireless Services of Florida, Inc.
("AT&T Wireless") in connection with the establishment of the above referenced cellular
antennae site on a leased parcel 0.13 acres in size, which is designed to improve wireless
telephone service within the City of Ocoee. Also as you know, AT&T Wireless has obtained
from the City of Ocoee approval of a special exception regarding the referenced monopole.
Subsequent to approval of that special exception, it was discovered that, contrary to the
understanding of both AT&T Wireless and the City of Ocoee, wetlands (0.08 acre)within the
jurisdiction of the St. Johns River Water Management District are located within the proposed
site such that a permit to disturb or eliminate such wetlands is required from the St. Johns River
Water Management District ("SJRWMD"). We previously met with you, your planning director,
your legal counsel, and others to discuss how we might best deal with this situation. Subsequent
to our meeting, AT&T Wireless attempted diligently to relocate the monopole site on the parent
parcel to an area which did not contain wetlands. The landlord was not responsive to these
attempts. There are no practical alternatives to the filling of these wetlands, if the cellular
network of AT&T Wireless is to be implemented without a capacity or service deficiency in this
area. Accordingly, AT&T Wireless retained an environmental engineering firm which has filed
an application for the necessary permit from the St. Johns River Water Management District.
Enclosed is a copy of that permit application which we arc advised may be administratively
approved by St. Johns River Water Management staff in a few weeks.
Jim Gleason
City Manager
October 29, 2001
Page 2
We would appreciate your confirmation that the Final Site Plan as submitted by
AT&T Wireless to the City of Ocoee, last amended on August 28, 2001 to accommodate
comments received from the City, is acceptable, and that construction may proceed under the
previously approved Special Exception, notwithstanding the fact that wetlands were included
within the proposed site. We request this assurance contingent upon our receipt of a final permit
from the St. Johns River Water Management District to authorize wetlands removal.
Pursuant to Article VII, § 7-4.8.1, of the Ocoee City Code, wetlands may be filled
if there is no practical alternative, the area is minimized and either alternative mitigation areas
are provided or other alternative mitigation requirements are satisfied. Please consider this letter
as our application to disturb or eliminate+ 0.08 acres of wetlands pursuant to said Code
provision. We respectfully request that in view of the mitigation requirements already imposed
by the SJRWMD, that the City of Ocoee accept the sum of$5,000.00 as a contribution to other
wetlands mitigation projects of the City of Ocoee, in lieu of the creation of new wetlands areas.
Authorization for this request is found in the City Code at § 7-4.B.(2). In view of the stricture
upon AT&T Wireless to have its cell site operational,this offer is contingent upon approval prior
to December 1, 2001. Your earliest attention is greatly appreciated.
Elias N. Chotas
cc: Walter D. Tanner(via fax)
Russ Wagner, Director of Planning/Zoning (via fax)
William (Bill) Bailey (via fax)
C:\windows\TEMP\30564.misc0l a.leason.wpd.
(4) Where the City Commission determines that one or more restrictions would have
the effect of depriving the property owner of the reasonable, beneficial use of his
land, the Commission may consider alternative restrictions, provided that any
variation from the standards herein constitute the minimum variation necessary to
prevent confiscation of the property.
shall periodically
ew, fees
essary to
(5) The City cover the cost olf the administratonssion shall set, dof the permit issuancel procedures cunder tit this
A. Generally
(1) The purpose of these standards is to protect and properly manage the use of
certain important natural resources for the overall benefit of the public. Toward that
end, these standards shall be considered the minimum standards necessary to
provide for adequate protection and management of natural resources. Where the
specific facts indicate the need for greater protection, and the type of action being
considered is legislative,the City Commission shall consider the need for additional
conditions and/or may require a higher standard.
(2) Development proposed on or near resource management areas shall be designed
so as to maximize the ability of the resource management area to function in
an to
undisturbed natural condition. The following general standards shall be app
ledall resource management areas:
(a) Uses and activities within resource management areas shall be limited to
those uses and activities which by their nature must be located within
these areas, or which are compatible with the need for resource
• management and protection. Uses and activities on other lands which
might create an adverse impact on resource management areas shall be
designed so as to reduce or eliminate such impacts. The City Commission
may require the rearrangement of uses or activities, including density, on
a site plan or the rearrangement of lots within a subdivision in order to
minimize the impact of such uses on resource management areas.
(b) Use of Planned Unit Development design and permitting procedures is
encouraged for development located within or near resource management
areas. The City Commission may require use of this technique if it finds
such use necessary to ensure adequate protection of these areas.
(3) Where a site is affected by more than one resource (such as a wellfield located in
a wetland), the appropriate standards shall apply collectively, with the more
restrictive standard applying in the case of a conflict. Where meeting one standard
would have the effect of violating another, the City Commission shall determine
how the standards shall apply.
B. Wetlands
(1) No excavation or filling shall be undertaken within a wetland unless the City
Commission finds, on the basis of reasonable evidence,that there are no practical
alternatives to the filling. Examples of situations where such activities may be
permitted include the need to provide access to property, to provide utilities, and
to create a building site on an approved lot. Where any such disturbance of a
wetland is permitted, it shall be the minimum disturbance necessary to meet the
Adopted July 21, 1992
needs of the use. No excavation or other disturbance shall be permitted in a
floodway. Except where specifically permitted by the City Commission, no native
wetland vegetation shall be disturbed.
(2) Where disturbance is permitted, new wetland areas shall be created at a minimum
rate of two (2) times the area of wetlands destroyed. New wetland areas shall be
in the vicinity of the areas destroyed and, at maturity, shall be functionally related
(in terms of elevation, hydrology, and vegetation) to the remaining wetlands In the
area. Where the City Commission finds that it is impractical to create such
replacement wetlands, it may make alternative mitigation requirements.
(3) A buffer area shall be retained in Its natural state surrounding connected (i.e., FDER
jurisdictional) wetlands. Such buffer shall be a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet
in width except where the City Commission finds that it is impractical to maintain
that width. Buffer areas shall not be disturbed except to provide for surface water
management areas.
(4) Modifications to wetlands shall ensure that predevelopment water flow (rate and
quantity) is maintained to preserve wetland viability.
(5) Wetlands management shall conform to standards Included in the Comprehensive
Plan (specifically including Conservation Element Policies 2.3 and 4.2).
C. Critical Habitats
(1) Habitats for threatened or endangered species shall be protected to ensure the
viability of the habitat to support the continued functioning of the species. This
shall be done by preserving the habitat itself from change, including reduction In
size, destruction of major features or vegetation within the habitat, changes in
surface water flow patterns, and/or introduction of pollutants. In addition, land
development and land uses in areas near the habitat shall be restricted as needed
to prevent adverse impacts. Where development in or near a critical habitat will
substantially reduce its viability, the City Commission may require mitigation.
Mitigation may Include such actions as restoration of contiguous or disturbed areas
(either on-site or off-site) to a condition which provides satisfactory habitat, or
relocation of the species to appropriate non-contiguous areas dedicated for
permanent use as habitat areas. Mitigation shall be subject to the approval by the
Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. The following specific standards
shall be applied to protect habitat areas:
(a) Where specific management and recovery strategies for key listed species
have been developed by the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish
Commission and/or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service,any activity
within an environmentally sensitive area shall conform to the strategy.
(b) Exotic nuisance vegetation within environmentally sensitive areas and
within nearby areas which may affect environmentally sensitive areas shall
be removed and replaced with native plant species. Native vegetation shall
be preserved and/or provided along river banks.
(c) Examples of upland native plant communities, both within and near the
habitat area, shall be preserved.
(d) Where new planting or landscaping areas are provided in or near habitats,
xeriscape landscaping utilizing native plant species shall be used.
Adopted July 21, 1992 18182